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An election for President of the United States happens every four years on the first Tuesday after
the first Monday in November. The next presidential election will be November 5, 2024.

The President is both the head of state and the head of government, as well as the Commander-
in-Chief of the armed forces.

The term length for a President is four years, with a two-term lifetime limit.

The President is both the head of state and the head of government, as well as the Commander-
in-Chief of the armed forces.

The President is both the head of state and the head of government,
as well as the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

Primaries are elections that allow political parties to determine the candidate who will go on to
represent them in later elections.

These can happen at any level, but get the most attention in the year ahead of a Presidential
election when voters determine which candidates will represent the Democratic and Republican
parties in the general election in November.

Once all the Primary Elections have occurred, each political party hosts a Convention where the party’s
Presidential Nominee is decided. From then on, the party will support that candidate and that will be the
name on your ballot in the upcoming November.


The Vice President is elected alongside the President in the General Election. When you vote for
a President, you are also casting a vote for that candidate’s chosen Vice President.

A Vice President’s primary responsibility is to be ready at any time to assume the President’s
duties if the President is unable to perform their role. This could include death, resignation,
temporary incapacitation, or because the Cabinet and Vice President agree in a majority that the
President is no longer able to assume Presidential duties.
After both major political parties have determined their candidate through Primary Elections, the
country holds the General Election to determine who will become the next President and Vice

Candidates from parties other than the Democrats and Republicans may run as a “third party,”
like the Green Party, alongside the others on your ballot.


The next President isn’t chosen by who receives the most total votes of Americans — also called
“the popular vote” — but instead by who receives the most votes from Electoral College
electors, who are influenced by votes in their states.

Each state gets as many electors as it has members of Congress. Including Washington, D.C.’s
three electors, there are currently 538 electors in all. Each state chooses their own electors, but
the process for doing so varies between states.

Electors cast their votes based on their constituents’ votes, and a candidate needs the vote of at
least 270 electors to win the presidential election — at least half of all votes.

You may have heard the term “battleground states” or “swing states” in connection with the
Electoral College. These are states that historically do not overwhelmingly lean towards one
political party or the other.

Although many political pundits and candidates focus on these battleground states to win
“undecided” voters, your vote — no matter where you live — matters for all candidates on your

2024 Indonesian general election

General elections are scheduled to be held in Indonesia on 14 February 2024 to elect the President, Vice
President, People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) which consists of the DPR and the DPD, and members
of local legislative bodies. The newly elected members of the MPR will be sworn in on 1 October 2024,
while the elected President and Vice President will be sworn in on 20 October 2024. Incumbent
President Joko Widodo is ineligible to run for a third term due to the term limits established by the
Indonesian constitution.[4

Electoral system
The previous election was regulated by Law No. 7 of 2017. The General Elections Commission
(KPU), a legally independent government body was responsible for organizing the election. In
addition, the vote is monitored by the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), which
also has the authority to rule on violations of election rules (e.g. administrative errors, vote-
buying, etc.). Any ethical violations committed by either Bawaslu or the KPU were to be handled
by the Elections Organizer Honor Council (Dewan Kehormatan Penyelenggara Pemilu DKPP),
which consists of one member from each body and five others recommended by the government.
The same system and regulations are expected to be applied in 2024.

Depending on the voting location and voters' domicile, voters will be given four or five ballot
papers: one for the presidential candidates and their running mate, one for Regional
Representative Council (DPD), one for People's Representative Council (DPR), one for
provincial council, and for the regions outside of Jakarta Special Capital Region, there is one
additional ballot paper reserved for regency/city council (DPRD Provinsi and DPRD
Kabupaten/Kota) members election. Voters use a nail to poke a hole in the ballot paper
indicating which party or candidate they wish to vote for, and then dip their fingers in ink as a
precaution against voter fraud.

In order to run as a presidential candidate, a candidate must be formally endorsed by a political
party or a coalition thereof which compose either 20 percent of seats in the DPR or 25 percent of
popular votes in the prior election, i.e. in the 2019 election. Political parties are allowed to
remain neutral if they are unable to propose their own candidate. However, if a neutral party(s) is
able to endorse their own candidate, they are required to do so, or face being barred from
participating in the next election.

The voting procedure followed a two-round system, with voters simply choosing one of the
candidate pairs. A candidate will be required to win a majority and at least 20% of the votes in
over half of Indonesia's provinces to be declared the winner. If no candidate pairs had fulfilled
the criterion (50%+1 of total popular votes), the election will be repeated or progressed to a
second round with only the two candidates receiving the most popular votes.

According to the Constitution, presidential candidates must:

 Be at least 40 years old (the requirement has not changed);

 Be resident in Indonesia for at least 5 years;
 Not have foreign citizenship, either at the time of the election or at any time before.

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