Questionnaire Case Study

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Profile of the Respondents

Name: Year Level:

Age: Length of hour using smartphones:


1. Can you describe your personal experiences with smartphone usage during face-to-face
communication? How do you perceive the presence of smartphones affecting the quality of

2. In your opinion, what are the main challenges or negative effects of smartphones on face-to-face
communication? How have you observed these effects in your own interactions or in others?

3. Have you noticed any changes in non-verbal communication cues, such as eye contact, facial
expressions, or body language, when smartphones are present during face-to-face interactions? How do
you think these changes impact the overall communication dynamics?

4.How do you think smartphone distractions affect active listening during face-to-face conversations?
Can you provide examples or instances where you or others have experienced challenges in staying fully
engaged due to smartphone usage?

5. In what ways do you believe smartphone usage during face-to-face communication contributes to
social disconnection or a sense of disengagement? Have you noticed any specific consequences for
interpersonal relationships or the depth of conversations?
6.What strategies or approaches have you personally used or observed to mitigate the negative effects
of smartphones on face-to-face communication? How effective do you find these strategies in fostering
more meaningful interactions?

7. Do you think there are any positive aspects or benefits of smartphone usage during face-to-face
communication? Can you provide examples of how smartphones have enhanced or enriched
interactions in certain situations?

8. How do you believe cultural or contextual factors influence the impact of smartphones on face-to-
face communication? Do you think attitudes towards smartphone usage during interactions differ across
different societies or age groups?

9.Are there any specific interventions or guidelines that you think could be implemented to address the
negative effects of smartphone distractions on face-to-face communication? How do you envision these
interventions promoting more mindful smartphone use?

10.Based on your experiences and observations, what advice would you give to individuals who want to
strike a balance between leveraging the benefits of smartphones and fostering meaningful face-to-face

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