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Jamiya Shane Yumul


ERA Advantage Disadvantage

1. Oral 1. Another great 1. Things such as

advantage of the background noise
oral media is the could interfere
fact that it is very during the
good when it transmission of
comes to the information and
transmission of render the
very private and information
confidential ineffective.
information. One
can rely on oral 2. The last but not
communication least problem with
safely transfer oral media is the
certain confidential fact that the
information. receiver might
2. Oral media is misunderstand the
particularly good information being
when one wants to transmitted.
persuade or
motivate people
into doing

2. Script 1. Not as much 1. Message through

description is script may be
needed as it’s a unclear to
visual text – or, if it comprehend.
is, then it doesn’t
have to be written
about in a flowery
way, it can just be

3. Print
1. Print media is an 1. If you are
easy medium to targeting the
spread global audience,
awareness or then this is not the
advertise to any medium you
particular should go for.
geographical Instead, the
area. Like, a local internet has a
newspaper is the much wider reach
best way to than print media
spread the news in this.
about any local 2. Placing an
event of the advertisement in
place. print media
2. Print media allows requires a lot of
you to choose planning and
your own space time. In this case,
for advertisement, you are faced with
thus, you can flexibility problem,
manage your particularly when
budget and you work in tight
expenses while deadlines.
planning for the 3.

4. Electronic 1. Electronic media is

dependent on
1. Since electronic
technology, and
media does not when there are
technical problems,
use paper, it is accessing the
media may be
environmentally challenging or

2. Electronic media
2. Privacy invasion,
make it far
because personal
simpler and less
information may
expensive to
be gathered and
tracked, electronic
information or
media may
knowledge than
infringe on a
print media.
person's privacy.
5. Digital 1. Addiction
1. Increased 2. Fake News
3. Privacy Issues
2. Greater Access to
3. Greater
Opportunities for

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