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Principles of Business
4 Form Options B & D: 401-406
Review In-Class Activity

Section 2: Internal Organizational Environment

Topic: Conflicts within an Organization
Sub-topics:1). Establish guidelines for the conduct of good management and staff relations in the
2). Identify strategies for motivating employees in a business
Week 20 – (May 17-21, 2021)

Engagement Activity

Part A
A 45 minutes YouTube video was uploaded to google classroom last week on conflict in the workplace
watch the section on strategies used for the resolution of conflict within an organization make notes on key
points discussed. See link for the video below: (

Exploration Activity - Establish guidelines for the conduct of good management and staff
relations in the workplace.
Answer the following questions in your notebook on the topic
1. What additional factors could be included as ways of improving relationships between employers and
ANSWER:1.Set the tone from their first day. First impressions matter
2.Provide positive feedback. More often than not, the focus of evaluations are on an employee can improve and what they need to do better
4.Improve communication
5.Offer career development
6.Help them be happy.

2. What practical solutions can you make for improving ways in which employees can be allowed and
encouraged to communicate with managers and employers, in order to have their views better
represented in the workplace?
ANSWER Share Passions and Corporate Objectives Openly
: Encourage Honest Feedback
Always Stay Positive
Break Down Barriers
3. Business in Action: Create a leaflet for managers (just four pages) setting out some good practice
suggestions for effective relations with employees in the workplace. (Upload your leaflet to google
classroom no later than Tuesday, May 25, 2021 for review and feedback.
Elaboration Activity – Identify strategies for motivating employees in a business
Answer the following questions in your notebook. You will share your answers in upcoming zoom sessions
1. What type of financial reward schemes would be suitable in the following situations? Briefly justify your
a) Firefighters
b) Professional cricketers playing in a knockout cup, where it is hoped that they will reach the
c) Homeworkers who are producing textile garments for a supplier, who provides them with
equipment and materials to produce high quality textiles.
d) Shop workers whose job is to put new goods onto the shelves
2. A call centre sells insurance over the phone. The employees have been making several mistakes, and
there is a high turnover of staff. The current payment system s flat rate. Suggested alternative payment
systems that might encourage higher levels of employee performance, Explain the reasons for your
3. A large, international confectionery company is seeking to develop reward schemes that encourage
high performance. What types of fringe benefits could it create that would act as an incentive for high-
performing employees?

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