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Two Beacons Illuminating the West

Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow, and among them is he who awaits. And they did not alter by any alteration. And they did not change in the least indeed this is how we can describe the two martyrs of America, the two martyrs of Yemen, the Sheikh, the Da'i, the speaker of truth, the one true to his word, the Muhajir, the Mujahid, Anwar al-Awlaqi, and the bold and the daring, the fearless, the creative, resolute and ambitious Muhajir and Mujahid Sameer Khan. Both in their own way were thorns in the side of America. One, a famous preacher who moved peoples hearts and brought them to tears, who brought to life the lives of the Prophets, the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Sahabah, inculcating into the Muslim diaspora the values lost due to negligence, revitalizing the spirit of fraternity and Jihad. In his gradual transition into the Mujahid Da'i he longed to be, he took his audience with him as well. As a result, there are hundreds of Nidal Hasans waiting to strike when it is deemed suitable. Another, a lost Muslim youth who was guided back to the truth, not partially, but wholly, discovering the lost and neglected dimension of Jihad waiting for him to uncover. He did not turn back, but with his ingenuity and resoluteness, creativity and braveness, he brought that dimension to those who never had seen it, and in ways appreciated by all,

and the realities of the new Crusades have now become almost common knowledge. Little had they known that they would cross paths in the Land of Faith and Wisdom, the Land of Aid and Jihad, the land of Yemen, the Felix of Arabia. From there they expanded their dreams, speaking out to the world in ways never imagined. When they spoke, people listened, and when they wrote, people read. When they warned, people feared, and when they mocked, people were devastated. After their companionship, they parted, not from each other, but from those left behind, from those who long to follow their path, and from those who refrain, and from those who blame. enter the everlasting abode, of the righteous and the Prophets, and those others of this time who proved true to their words. Indeed they proved victorious, for despite all odds, they went forth and were firm, accomplishing what others only dream about. They proved victorious, for indeed victory is not in the battlefield, but in the hearts which remain firm upon the Truth, And indeed that is the greatest success.

No words dare describe what Muslims feel for their martyrdom, and our hope remains in the Wise, the Knowledgeable.

Indeed, my Lord is Subtle in what He wills. Indeed, it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise. Indeed there was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. their life and after their death, for those who seek, for those who fear, for those who oppose, and for those have deserted. Indeed Sheikh Anwar and Brother Sameer gave their lives in the cause of the Muslim Diaspora, to illuminate for them the clear and proper path, enduring the toils of Hijrah and Jihad, fear and insecurity, to ensure that there remains a voice of Truth. They served as beacons for the Muslims of the West, preaching to them their true role and goal. Indeed they have shown to them their obligation, which still awaits its fulfillment. The time has come to heed their warnings and fulfill their call, for the best form of gratitude is

that shown by one's actions. Know that there is much blood waiting to be avenged, and indeed only you in the West can fulfill its due right. Find your proper place in the pages of history, and seek help in secrecy, as our blessed Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam taught. Prepare and muster what you can of strength, make proper plans, and implement them, for indeed it is easy for those who Allah wishes. Live up to your obligation, and soothe the souls of the believers worldwide. Seek help in Allah, make a firm resolve, and place your trust in Him, and indeed the final victory is written for the Believers.

Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people. And remove the fury in the believers' hearts. We ask Allah to accept the Hijrah, Jihad, and all other works of these two leaders of Islam, and to accept them amongst the Prophets and martyrs. And may peace and blessings be upon His Final Prophet, and all praise be to Allah, the Lord of all that exists.

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