The Lion Makers

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The Lion Makers

In a certain town there lived four good friends. Three of them were great scholars but lacked common
sense. The fourth found scholarship unappealing but was blessed with good sense.
One day they met for consultation."What is the use of our attainments," said they, "if we do not
travel, win the favor of kings and acquire money? Let us all travel."
The eldest of them said, "The three of us are fit to travel and seek our fortune. But the fourth is a
dullard who possesses no scholarship but only sense. Nobody gains the favor of kings through simple
sense devoid of scholarship. Let us therefore not share our earnings with him. Let him return home.”
And the second said, "My intelligent friend, you lack scholarship. Please go home.” But the third
said, "No, no. This is no way to behave. We have all played together since we were little boys. Come
along, dear friend. You shall have a share of the money we earn.”
The other two finally agreed and the four friends continued their journey. Presently in a forest, they
found the bones of a dead lion. One of them said, “Here's a good opportunity to test the ripeness of
our scholarship. Here lies the dead body of some kind of a creature. Let us bring it to life by means of
all the scholarship that we have acquired over the years.”
The first said, "I know how to assemble all the bones and form the skeleton,” The second said, "I can
supply skin, flesh and blood.” The third said, "I can give it life.”
So the first assembled the skeleton, the second provided skin, flesh and blood. The third was ready to
give the breath of life to the creature when the man of sense called out, "This is a lion. If you bring
him to life, he will kill every one of us."
"You simpleton! " said the other, "stay away. You know nothing of these matters.” " In that case,”
came the reply, "wait a moment, while I climb this tree.”
When this was done, the lion was brought to life. He rose and killed all three in an instant. After he
left, the man of sense climbed down the tree and went home, bemoaning the fate of his friends.

Mere scholarship without sense and wisdom is worthless.

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