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1-3 Strength Constraints

The design of a shaft involves the study of

1. Stress and strength analyses: Static and Fatigue
2. Deflection and rigidity
3. Critical Speed
•List the type of stresses that are developed in
the shaft
•If the component is subjected to a number of loads in different
direction, some of which is tensile/compressive and some of which
are shear, how can we determine its failure?
Static or Quasi-Static Loading on Shaft

The stress at an element located

on the surface of a solid round
shaft of diameter d subjected to
bending, axial loading, and
twisting is

32 M 4 F
Normal stress = +
πd 3
Shear stress τ xy = 3

 σ x +σ y   σ x −σ y 

Non-zero principal σ A ,σ B =  ±   + τ xy 

stresses  2   2  

Static or Quasi-Static Loading on Shaft

2 1/2 2 1/2
σ ' =σ A − σ Aσ B + σ B  =σ x + 3τ xy 
2 2
Von Mises
stress 4  1/2

3 (
σ= 8M + Fd ) + 48T 2
' (1-2)
πd 

σ A −σB
Maximum τ max
= =
2 2
1 2
σ x + 4τ xy )
2 12

Shear Stress
2  1/2

3 (
τ= 8M + Fd ) + 64T 2
Theory max
πd 
Static or Quasi-Static Loading on Shaft

Under many conditions, the axial force F in the above Eqs. is either
zero or so small that its effect may be neglected. With F = 0, Eqs. 1-2
and 1-3 Become:

Von Mises 16 2 1/2

=σ'  4 M + 3T 
3 
2 (1-4)
stress πd
Shear Stress 16 2 1/2
τ max
=  M + T 
3 
2 (1-5)
Theory πd
Static or Quasi-Static Loading on Shaft

Substitution of the allowable stresses from Eqs. 1-4 and 1-5 we find
 16n 
= d  ( 4 M + 3T ) 
2 2 1/2
Von Mises  π S y 
π d Sy
3 ( 4 M + 3T )
2 2 1/2

 32n 
=d  ( M +T ) 
2 2 1/2
Maximum  π S y 
Shear Stress
Theory =
1 32
n π d Sy
3 ( M +T )
2 2 1/2
Characterizing Fluctuating Stresses

Fluctuating stresses in machinery often take the form of a sinusoidal

pattern because of the nature of some rotating machinery.
It has been found that in periodic patterns exhibiting a single maximum
and a single minimum of force(the wave is not important)
If the largest force is Fmax and the smallest force is Fmin, then a steady
component and an alternating component can be constructed as
Fm =(Fmax + Fmin)/2 = the midrange steady component of force

Fa = (Fmax – Fmin)/2 = the amplitude of the alternating component of

Characterizing Fluctuating Stresses

σmin = minimum stress

σm = midrange component
σmax = maximum stress
σr = range of stress
σa = amplitude component
σs = static or steady stress


Amplitude Ratio

Fig.Some stress-time relations:

(a) fluctuating stress with high frequency ripple;
(b and c) nonsinusoidal fluctuating stress;
(d) sinusoidal fluctuating stress;
(e) repeated stress;
(f ) completely reversed sinusoidal stress.
Characterizing Fluctuating Stresses

In the absence of a notch

σa and σm are equal to the nominal stresses σao and σmo induced by
loads Fa and Fm, respectively;
In the presence of a notch
σa = Kf σao and σm = Kf σmo, respectively, as long as the material
remains without plastic strain.

the method of Dowling for ductile materials, expresses the

steady stress component stress-concentration factor Kf m as
Fatigue Strength

 Bending, torsion, and axial stresses may be present in both

midrange and alternating components.

 For analysis, it is simple enough to combine the different types of

stresses into alternating and midrange von Mises stresses.

 It is sometimes convenient to customize the equations specifically

for shaft applications.

 Axial loads are usually comparatively very small at critical locations

where bending and torsion dominate, so they will be left out of the
following equations.

The fluctuating stresses due to bending and torsion are given by:
Fatigue Strength

 The fluctuating stresses due to bending and torsion are given by

where Mm and Ma are the midrange and alternating bending moments, Tm

and Ta are the midrange and alternating torques, and Kf and Kfs are the
fatigue stress concentration factors for bending and torsion, respectively.
Assuming a solid shaft with round cross section, appropriate geometry
terms can be introduced for c, I, and J resulting in
Assuming a solid shaft with round cross section, appropriate geometry terms
can be introduced for c, I, and J resulting in
Combining these stresses in accordance with the distortion energy failure
theory, the von Mises stresses for rotating round, solid shafts, neglecting axial
loads, are given by

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