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1. The Presentation of the Materials A The Text Any philosophical subject to be introduced for public consumption, the BASICS
of philosophy have to serve as its Introduction to refresh the minds of the learners delving into a higher level of philosophizing.
The basics are provided by its definitions that are derived from its Derivative meaning/source and its Scientific one. The first
category, which is also known as its classical definition, was derived from two Greek words PHYLUS which meant LOVE OF
and SOPHIA which meant WISDOM, thus PHILOSOPHIA meant THE LOVE OF WISDOM. When Thales. initiated the trend
of deviating from the usual literary works of the Greek intellectuals writing on goods and goddesses, he was ignorant of the term
PHILOSOPHIA because the term was coined by Pythagoras many years later. The second category is the scientific treatment of
philosophizing defining philosophy as the SCIENCE OR STUDY OF ALL THINGS AS TO THEIR FIRST CAUSES BY THE
AID OF HUMAN REASON ALONE. This definition is not contrary to the classical or the derivative one; but treating
philosophy in the light of the evolution of the mind adapting to the signs of the time. Today, one can have as many definitions as
there are writers treating the subject. *

B. Title: On philosophy.
C. Topic: On the definitions of philosophy.
D. Goal Demonstrate the ability to present, analyze, and give importance to the essons learned from the Text.
E Task The participant should be able to present, analyze, and give importance to the lessons learned from the Text.

II. Observation process A Empirically at least 5 such as this example: I saw the term, " philosophy B Interpretively- at least 5
such as this as an example: think, were it not for the initiation of Thales, there could not nave been PHILOSOPHY. 5

III. Objective making procedure by the end of this activity, we should be able to:

A. On the cognitive domain- present the concept of the Text,

B. On the psycho motor domain: analyze the concept presented on the Text, and

C. On the affective domain- give importance to the lessons learned from the Text

IV. Critical Analysis ( at least, 100 words ). Your personal understanding about the Text.

V. Show of Relevance
at least. 50 words about YOUr idea regarding the relevance or applicability of the main concept from the Text

VI. Valuation. The integration of values A The Augustinian Values at least 5 B. The typical cultural Filipino values In Filipino
terms at least, 5


Jan 28, Section/Lesson

Realizing the complexities of teaching Symbolic Logic in doing it on the Online manner, the Administration has given the
privilege this subject to conduct in the Face-to-Face basis. From the start of the pandemic up to today, we did it Online and the
experience was not favorable to students while it was awkward for me as the Teacher. Remember, that here we will be dealing
with SYMBOLS, so the technicalities are difficult to communicate to students. It is good that the management realized that this
course really needs board work presentations.

Module 2 starts here:

The presentation of the materials

A. The Text The study of Logic is divided into two types. The first, being taught to all courses, is the Classical Logic, also known
as the Aristotelian Logic. Tnis is a general kind
of treating Logic as the ART AND SCIENCE OF CORRECT THINKING AND RIGHT REASONING. The second type, which
is 1 Special Logic is called the TRUTH-FUNCTIONAL LOGIC, also known as the SYMBOLIC LOGIC. The latter term is used
as the Descriptive Title of the subject in Philosophy Course Curriculum. This is not offered in non-philosophy courses. Here are
the mechanics in teaching this subject: First is the Structure= every Truth-Functional proposition has two major components. The
first structure which is a proposition is the first COMPONENT symbolized by P: while the second structure is the second
COMPONENT symbolized by I between these two components is a connective Q. making them as just one but compound
proposition. These connectives are: the CONJUNCTIVES symbolized by a dot (.); the DISJUNCTIVES symbolized by a wedge
or small v (v): the CONDITIONALS, symbolized by a colon (:): and the BICONDITIONALS symbolized by a double colon (=).
Why TRUTH-FUNCTIONAL? The answer is: In the analysis of every compound proposition, we verify whether it is True or
False and this is also true to the second component. The Truth Value of these two components will determine the Truth Value of
the newly build compound proposition. The truth value of the compound proposition varies depending on what connectives are
used. These are judged using the TRUTH TABLE

B. Title:
C. Topic:
D. Goat:
E. Task:

Il. The Observation Process A. Empirically - at least, 5, B. Interpretively- At least 5.

IlL. Objective-making procedure- by the end of this activity, we are expected to: A. On the cognitive domain- B. On the psycho-
motor domain- C. On the affective domain

IV. Critical Analysis - at least, 100 words,

V. Show of relevance - at least, 50 words.

VI. Valuation: the integration of values A. The Augustinian values- at least, 5, B. The typical cultural Filipino values in Filipino


FED- 5, Saction/Lesson

The Presentation of the materials are also utilized in Symbolic Logic, although the difference in Symbolic Logic, these materials
are is

A. The Text. We had known that the materials of the Classical Logic converted into Symbols. For instance, the propositions in
Classical Logic are also utilized in symbolic Logic, although there are added new features to make this subject different.
Propositions of the classical Logic are made into compound and each component and their connectives are symbolized. There are
three areas or levels of knowing, learning, and solving/applying Symbolic Logic also known as the Truth-functional Logic. The
First is: LANGUAGE IS GIVEN SYMBOLIC EQUIVELENTS. In the compound propositions, Key Words Terms are identified
assigning their first letters as symbolizing the entire components, then in between the connectives are symbolized. There are
Rules to follow in symbolizing them. Rule 1: if there are only 2 Givens, avoid enclosing them in parenthesis. Example: Manila is
in Luzon, while Panay is in the Visayas. The Key Terms are= Manila for the first component symbolized by M and Panay for the
second component symbolized by P and the connective WHILE is symbolized by a Period (-). the new set up in symbolic
equivalent would be: M. P. Rule 2: if there three/3 Givens, enclose in parenthesis the First 2 write the connective and write the
3rd term, or enclose the last 2 making the first term outside. For example: a. Mario and Laura then John are friends ( M,L.J) -
( M.L); J. b. Either or Mario and John are friends )M.L.J) - Mv(L.J). RULE 3: If there are 4 Givens, Pair them in parentheses
having three connectives involved. Example: If Mario and Laura are friends then neither Roland nor John are friends( M.L.R.J) =
(M.L)- (RvJ). -A MEDELIAN TEXT. B. Title: C. Topic: D. Goat
E Task
IL Observation process A. Empirically at least, 5. B. Interpretively- at least, 5.
IL. Observation process A. On the cognitive domain- B. On the affective domain-
IV Critical Analysis: at least, 100 words...
V Snow of relevance -at least 50 words.
V Valuation: tre Integration values A Augustinian values or least 3. B Top cal cultural Filipino values in Filipino terms


Feb 18, Section/Lesson
The presentation of the materials A. The Text: On how to process the First Level: LANGUAGE GIVEN SYMBOLIC
EQUIVALENTS. The first TO read and understand the given IS
problems. The second is to identify the the Key Terms given initial letters in the problems. The 3rd is identifying the
CONNECTIVES used in the problems. The 4th is: Know, understand and memorize by heart the Three Rules on when to
ENCLOSE in parenthesis, or bracket, or enclosing marks the givens in Letters. 5th: Other than these, there are SPECIAL CASES
that need to be treated with carefully since they are deviation from the normal structures. Here are the usual ones: 1. Both Not
and But Not Both. Analyses: Not both= A or B, but not both: AvB.-(A.B); AvB v-(AvB). 2. Not.. if and If.. Not. 3. It is not the
case that= -(P.?v/:/: ); 4. It is
A or Bor It is false that = -(P./v/:/::). Analyses: both not.
not true or
Lou will not go if Roland will (L, R) = -L.R; Lou will stay if Roland will not (L, R)= L-R. 3. The use of both not and not both:
when use the TO
parenthesis: When the P and Q can not be used at the same time- meaning, completely independent from each other, the use of
but Not Both is proper. Example: You either swim or play Tennis (ST)- SvT.-(S.T). Swimming and playing Tennis are
completely independent from each other. An Example of. Both Not. She either sings or dances, but both not (S,D) - SvD.-(SVD).
It is not the case that or it is false that or it is not true that If Mario will go, then Laura will not (M,L) = -(M: -L), A Medelian
Text. B. Title: C Topic: D. Goal: E Task
IL Observation process A Empirically at least, 5, B. Interpretively at least, 5.
IlL. Objective-making procedure- by the ens of this activity, we are expected to A On the cognitive domain B. On the psycho-
motor domain: C On the affective domain:
IV. Critical analysis- at least, 100 words.
V Show of relevance at least, 50 words.
Vi Valuation The integration of values A Augustan values at least, 5. E Typical autura Filipino values in Filipino terms- at least,


Mar 27, Section/Lesson
1. The presentation of the materials A The Text. The second Level is on LANGUAGE GIVEN TRUTH VALUES based on
RUTH TABLE. The basic structure of the Truth Functional Logic
or Symbolic Logic is still utilized; but not as to their symbolic equivalent, rather, each component is now symbolized by P for the
first and O for the second. In between the P and the Q is a connective either that of a conjunction, or that of the disjunction, or
that of the conditional or that of the bi- conditional. The first component is assessed as either True or False. If it is True, then it
will be P1- as 1 represents TRUE or if it is False, then it will The next step will be finding the Truth Value
be PO- as O represents FALSE. The same assessment will be done to the between second component. P and Q involving the
connective that joins them to become compound proposition. The basis will be the Truth Table. Therefore, as learners, it is a
a must for us to know, understand, and memorize by heart the matrix of the Truth Table. The basis to just whether the first and
the second component is true or false is our given and accepted realities in life. It is P1 to say that Aristotle is a philosopher and it
is No to say that the Earth is flat. So P1. 00- 0. Of the 3 Levels, this second Level IS the easiest since the bases are just the stored
knowledge that almost any intellectual like us knows. A MEDELIAN TEXT. B Title: C. Topic: D. Goal: E Task
IL. The Observation process A. Empirically at least, 5, B. Interpretively at least, 5.
I. The objective making procedure- by the end of this activity, we are expected to: A. On the cognitive domain B. On the psycho
motor domain- C. On the affective domain-
IV. Critical analysis at least, 100 words.
V. Show of relevance at least, 50 words
VI. Valuation: the Integration of values A. The Augustinian values- at least, 5, B. The typical cultural Filipino values in Filipino
terms at least 5.

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