Written Mediation. New Education Models

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Dear parents ,

It is a pleasure to be discussing with you about the new education models in today’s
Open Day meeting. According to the two pieces of writing that the school has provided
me, it is stated that education produces good students but not necessarily talented
individuals like Steve Jobs. Studying hard to get the best qualifications to get into
college hasn’t always helped students to get a job. Although nowadays, the school
curriculum has required subjects, the goal is to pass standard exams to certify that
knowledge is acquired. However, passing an exam is not enough as we are currently in
the postindustrial period, which means that robots are substituting manpower, and that
education should be focused on the creation of entrepreneurs rather than employees.

Moreover, it is said that technology works hand in hand to education. Technology not
only permits the use of interactive tools but also helps students to keep attention easily.
What social media does is to cheer up students to interact and relate with other
schoolmates. In addition, you can take advantage of the net to share arguments,
opinions, and ideas, which help children to develop critical thinking. Technologies are
not only beneficial to students, but also to teachers, that can make their work more
attractive and efficient.

In regards to Spain, technology is a useful tool to adapt the school curriculum to the
student. Children with special needs might need support on their studies, and
technology is an incredible tool to support them with additional exercises. Finally, the
last years, technology has offered a better-quality of education promoting more
flexibility, efficiency and use of educational resources.

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