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NAMA : Mochamad Muslim Nurdin

NIM : 051688147




1. Anda baru saja lulus dan melihat iklan lowongan pekerjaan di kedutaan Inggris sebagai
Buatlah surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berisi penjelasan:
 tentang diri Anda,
 jabatan yang dilamar,
 dari mana Anda mengetahui lowongan tersebut,
 ketertarikan Anda terhadap jabatan tersebut,
 alasan mengapa Anda cocok untuk jabatan tersebut, dan
 ucapan terima kasih atas waktu yang telah diberikan untuk mempertimbangkan Anda.
(50 pts)

You are a fresh graduate and saw a job vacancy/opening in the UK embassy for a translator.

Write a cover letter in English stating:

 who you are,
 the position you are applying to,
 where you found the opening/vacancy,
 your interest in the position,
 reasons why you are a good fit to the position, and
 thanking them for taking the time to consider you.

Mochamad Muslim Nurdin

Jl.Raden Fatah no.61F Ciledug Tangerang

15151 Tangerang Banten


Monday 20 November 2023

Human Resources Department

British Embassy

Jl.Tengku Umar no.12 Jakarta Pusat

(1012) Jakarta pusat

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Translator position at the British Embassy, as

advertised on As a recent graduate with a degree in English Literature from
Universitas Terbuka Jakarta, I am eager to bring my language skills and cultural understanding
to your esteemed embassy.My academic background and internships have provided me with a
solid foundation in English and Bahasa Indonesia, translation theory, and cross- cultural
communication. During my studies, I excelled in courses related to translation and linguistics,
which honed my ability to convey messages accurately and effectively between languages.I am
particularly drawn to this role due to my keen interest in fostering understanding and
collaboration between the United Kingdom and Indonesia. My passion for languages, coupled
with my knowledge of British culture, motivates me to contribute to the embassy's mission.I
believe that my linguistic skills, cultural knowledge, and dedication make me a suitable
candidate for this role. I am committed to professional growth and look forward to the
opportunity to learn and contribute to the embassy's objectives.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the possibility of joining your
team and contributing to your work. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience
and can be reached at

081319307949 or via email at .


Mochamad MuslimNurdin


2. Bacalah percakapan di bawah ini. / Please read the conversation below.

Trudy: Hey, so I’m having a party at my place next weekend. Do you want to come?

Ruth: Sure! That sounds like fun. (a) So, who's on the guest list? Who is coming ?

Trudy: Let’s see. I think it’s going to be Jerome, Talia, Anna, Juan, Celeste, Michelle and
possibly Jamie. It’s not really going to be a party, more like a small get-together. I’m
cooking dinner, and we can just hang out.

Ruth: What time should I be there?

Trudy: Oh, anytime between 6 and 7 would be fine.

Ruth: (b) Should I bring something?

Trudy: Oh, don’t worry about it. I have everything covered.

Ruth: Can I at least bring a bottle of wine?

Trudy: Well, I’m not going to say no to wine. I’m sure that would be appreciated.

Ruth: I’ll do that, then. Thanks for inviting me.

Pertanyaan / Questions
Isilah percakapan yang kosong di atas dengan kalimat/ekspresi yang tepat. / Please fill in the
blanks with the proper expression that is suitable with the conversation. (@10 pts)


Ubahlah kalimat kesimpulan berikut menjadi frasa sederhana. / Simplify the conclusions below
into simple phrases. (@15 pts)

Original Conclusion Revised Conclusion

1. This is no doubt an exciting proposition to

see machine replace human intelligence,
but to replace human competence in
bilingual skills, even with the advent of Neural networks and learning may
neural networks and deep learning, appears lead to the distribution of translation
quite far. At best, with the use of neural work between machines and
machine networks, which are evolving by humans.
the day, translation work is likely to
get distributed between machines and
humans, based on task-specifics.

2. Thus, if asked what we think is the essence The essence of digital

of digital transformation, we would answer transformation is corporate culture
that it is the corporate culture and the and the transformation of employee
transformation of employee mindset. mindset.

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