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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
SY 2022-2023


Reading is a tool a person gets information from written letters and words. A person can read using sight
or sight or touch, such as when a vision-impaired read Braille- method. Reading is actually a complex, multi-
part process. Reading in the classroom takes many forms, but it is often used as a way of introducing grammar
or vocabulary items. At the most, basic level reading is the recognition of words from simple recognition of the
individual letters and how these letters form a particular word to what each word means not just on an
individual, but as part of a text. We can say that reading is one of the very important elements of education.
Understanding what we are reading is key and is certainly the main point of teaching reading in a class.
According to the authors of the English Expressway Book; "Reading is fundamental to function in
today’s society, it is a vital skill in finding a good job and is important because it develops one's mind. It is
magical thinking to believe Janet Emig’s (1983) Viewpoint of teaching that, " The students learned because we
teach" and one of the important skills that need to be developed in children is Reading. It can open up new
worlds and enrich life. In most cases, there will be no special regulations involved on earth if it is generic,
practical, or theoretical. Perhaps, reading is important because words - spoken and written are the building
blocks of life. You are now the result of words that you learned as read.
The teachers of San Jacinto National High School English Department conducted a series of activities
for the 2022 Pambansang Buwan at Araw ng Pagbasa some of the suggested activities are the following: Share
a Book Drive, Reading Pantry, Book Talk, Araw ng Pagbasa Challenge, Story Retelling, Oral Reading
Interpretation, Choric Speech, Reading Buddies, Assisted Learning, Audio Learning, Spelling and Reading
Ambassadors. I was tasked to make a narrative report on the activity, “Book Talk”. This is a 10-minute each
day of English or Filipino time shall be devoted to the learners sharing a book/ story they have read from the
Reading Pantry showcasing their Reading Challenge log. Based on what I have observed from my 4 sections
(Sapphire, Peridot, Zircon, and Amber) they really enjoyed sharing their insights about the stories that they have
read and listed on their index cards during our Reading Pantry activity. Though the stories that they have read
are more on fables, they also give the moral/ lesson based on their readings.
This narrative report tells our experiences at the same time our students’ experiences in the Reading
Activities. The knowledge, learning or insights, experiences, and learning we got is truly remarkable. From
these gestures, we the Reading Teachers experience how to handle and adjust different personalities, characters,
the comprehension level of our students, we could say that in dealing with learners we should be fair enough
and have more patience for the slow learners/struggling learners. Through these experiences, we have
developed interest, loyalty, and perseverance to teach our students to read to eradicate non-readers in our class.
From all the experiences derived through teaching reading, we can conclude that these
experiences played a great help to us reading teachers’ both personal and social development in teaching. To
have fair treatment with students, one can develop a wholesome personality and strength the good relationship
being established with them. By using visual aid or audiovisuals and also using the reading corners with the
Reading Instructional devices, the presentation of the lessons and the student’s attention can be easily caught
and deliver the lesson very well.
Teach with a smile, develop a good rapport with students, and don't let them feel resistant to
approach us, the teacher. Encourage them to feel free to participate in reading activities.

Prepared by: Noted:


T-I,English HT-III, English
The students from grades 7-10 had
their book talk sharing based on the
story that they have read during
their English classes.

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