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When you have a desire there's a lot of energy moving and when you have a strong desire, there's

especially a lot of energy moving and if you have a desire, if you sort of want something and you
have no resistance, you do light up. If you sort of want something and you have a lot of resistance,
you don't light up so much. If you really really want something and you have no resistance, you fill
the room with your lights. If you really want something and you really have a lot of resistance, then
you light up in an interesting way.

Your desire is the dominant factor and when your desire is strong, the energy is moving really
strong around you and the fact that you're resisting it, is not really very important because you can
stop resisting it more easily than you know. You don’t have to try to be positive because trying to be
positive by offering positive vocabulary makes no difference, really it just makes it confusing for
you or for someone listening in because the universe isn't responding to your words, the universe is
responding to your vibration, the universe is responding to how you feel.

You just have to be settle down a little bit here and also, you just have to feel glad about the power
of your desire because strong emotion either positive or negative means strong desire and strong
desire means a lot of non-physical energy involved and that's always a good thing.

So it feels to you that some aspects of your life are being allowed by you and some aspects of your
life are not being allowed by you and the not allowing is uncomfortable. It's terribly painful because
there's obvious beauty, obvious good stuff and I feel really happy and then for some aspects, I feel
very painful, like money doesn’t come like the way I want it to be. Do you think the money things
are in your vortex too? The things that you're feeling uncomfortable, without not being able to
experience fully right now? I feel like I'm doing it to myself. Do you feel like it so much?

You could have three powerful desires and one of them could be going really well for you and the
other two not well at all and as you focus on the one that's going well you would reduce or release
all of the resistance on the other two and then they would begin flowing to because it's not a time
factor, it's an engine on the track factor. So, when you say, my work is going really well, engine
there and I love it so much, another engine on the track factor and I just got a wonderful increase in
salary, another engine on the track factor and an appreciation from my students, another engine on
the track factor.

But then you say, but I don’t have enough money to buy that and I'm therefore deprived of other
things that feel important to me, another engine on the track factor and so on. So you don't let the
energy really flow to all the aspects of your life. Just by your observation of the one factor that is
going well you can usually keep that one open because you are like most people, you are trained to
observe and therefore respond. So you're observing that's going well, you keep it more open but you
don't let the other things open because you are in a place of resistance about them. So it seems
logical that if you could feel good about the other two things in our examples that aren't going well,
then they would all begin going well but that is not true, the Law of the Universe doesn’t work that
way. If you focus on the thing that doesn’t go well, more of the same will come. Don't think about
those two that you are feeling stress about because the very fact that you feel stress and actually you
said it's painful when you think about the money issue means that the way you're thinking about it,
is hindering you, it's not just hindering all three aspects, it's hindering your alignment to source, it's
hindering you being in the receptive mode, it's hindering you get into the sweet spot, it's hindering
you experiencing the thrill of everything opening up.

You know how good it feels when somebody recognized you and they give you a raise and they
give you a compliment and you say yes yes yes. Well, those things could be and should be
happening in every aspect of your life and would be if you weren't calling those other aspects out
and calling them blocked or time crunched.
If we could convince all of you to think about the things that feel good and give the things that don't
feel good a rest for a little while those things that don't feel good would open up for you. They just
would because this is true. It can't be in your vortex without it being in the process of expanding
and it's only your self conversation or your self approach to it that's not letting it expand. There is
no reason that this dynamic non-physical energy that is unfolding for you and giving you everything
that you want, there's no reason for it to bless you in one regard and to not bless you in another,
there's no reason for it.

Your resistance is not just about those things you're feeling pain over, your resistance is across the
board because whatever you're giving your attention to is causing resistance and so it is sort of
putting the damper on everything. Your job issue could have been so much more if you weren't
doing that.

You've got the lid on everything, you've got the lid on everything because you're using what is
working as your excuse for what isn't working and what isn't working opposes what's in your vortex
and that's what the tug-of-war is about. You have to just find a way to be happy anyway. That really
is our message for you and that's hard for people who believe that it is through their effort and focus
that things are unfolding. But if we could just convince you that it is not true, you unfolded it, it's in
the vortex, your inner being unfolded it further, law of attraction unfolded it further, it's ready to pop
for you but for some reason you're not letting it pop. Why? Because you're choosing to use your
mind too much to think about how it needs to unfold. It's a little more trust in the vortex. It’s a little
more acceptance of your own worthiness. It’s a little less justifying of the good stuff that comes.

You say, I don't know why the universe doesn’t bring me more money in my life. I don’t understand
why for other people, even they don’t know how the law of the Universe, they seem to have
everything they want. Is it through my effort and hard work and focus that I'm being blessed? Not
true, it's not through your hard work and the time you're putting in, on your job that is the reason
you're being blessed and employers all over the world are not wanting us to say this to you because
they like your nose to the grindstone, they like you thinking that is through your effort and
dedication to the service of what they need, that you're being blessed and they want the rewards that
they're giving you to be commensurate with the money that they're giving. That's the way they
wanted to stack up much of the economy of the world wants you to believe that you do this we'll
give you this and you do this and we'll give you this and if you don't do enough, we won't give you
enough but that is not how it works.

How it works is like this: life caused you to make a massive vortex and that massive vortex has
become more massive and the energy that creates worlds are swirling around and queuing you up
for things and it's time for you to stop fiddling around with these thoughts that pinch it off and
accept your greatness, accept the greatness of the vortex and just say, bring it on, bring it on in this
way, displaying it in this way and show me it in all regards, show me it in every way the power of
who I am, the power of what I put there the, blessedness of who I am and for my part, what am I
gonna do to deserve it? I'm gonna chill, I'm gonna love me more and I'm gonna love you more and
I'm gonna be easier about things and I'm gonna find less stress and I'm gonna look for more reasons
to feel good and I'm gonna be nicer to myself and I'm gonna be nicer to you and I'm gonna be nicer
about that thought and feel better, feel better and be nicer but feel better is what we mean, feel better
is the thing to do. I'm gonna feel better and I'm gonna get into that receptive mode and then ideas
gonna come to me and I'm gonna follow it as long as it feels good and I'm gonna witness the
universal forces as this expense to this and this and this and this and this. I'm gonna love what I do
when I focus upon the subject of luxury things and luxury cars that are my passion they're gonna
thrill me when I look at them, not pain me because I can't turn enough attention to them. I'm gonna
take it where it comes.
Let your desires be about the thrill of it flowing through you, not about what happens afterward and
when you are really exhilarated about the thrill of it flowing through you, your desires will come to
you easily, without any effort.

This is the subject of turning thoughts to things and it's the subject of it's the turning process that life
is about not the things that result. It's the turning the thoughts things. It's the experience of the
energy flowing that is the stuff that life is made of, not the manifestation that results but we're not
discounting the manifestation the results because, without that goal, then you would not be able to
feel yourself turning it but it's the sweet spot of the thoughts occurring and the universal forces and
the rendezvous is happening and the things clicking clicking clicking clicking and your conscious
recognition that you held a desire in a place that you allowed it and now you're watching it unfold
right before your eyes. It's that feeling of the energy flowing through you that is your recognition of
your true talent. Your true talent is the energy of alignment, that's what that is.

So it's the process and of course it will result in something that others can see, hear, touch, smell,
taste, the manifestation but if you turn your attention toward the manifestation primarily instead of
toward the process of the energy flowing, then you miss the point. And that's hard for seers and
smellers and tasters and touchers and hearers to understand that. That's a feeling process. You have
to feel the feeling of excitement, as compared to looking at something that excites you. If you need
the thing to excite you rather than the excitement that produces the thing, we know it's a cycle but
alignment produces the manifestation and then the manifestation can continue the excitement but
after a while that peters out.

You have to keep going to the headwaters of the inspiration. You have to keep returning to the
alignment that is interpreting the details of the vortex to you. That's the only way that you'll
continuously feel fed and fueled.

This is the part that we really want you to hear and now we're certain that you're ready to hear it. So
you tap into this inspiration and you know what we mean because you felt it flow often and while
it's flowing, you are orgasmically experiencing the thrill of that alignment. You're firing on all
cylinders. It just feels so wonderful and it produces something good but then when you turn your
attention toward what has been produced in a comparative way, you're nowhere near the inspiration
that created it. This is what happens to so many people, they get into the creative mode and they
turn thoughts to things and they love the creative process of that and then they get caught up in the
what comes after that and what we want to say is nothing comes after that. If you stay in that
process, the universe will take care of everything that comes after that. So it's like using the true
energy that creates worlds as your inspiration, letting that inspiration flow through you but then
forgetting about the inspiration and now getting back into the action orientation, which is what's
causing you to have negative emotion. You just had major success and you will continue to have
major success, just don't get too action-oriented in it, stay in the creative process.

People say to us, Abraham, I've written a wonderful book, it was a wonderful book, it felt so good
when I wrote it, it felt so good and I know the world's gonna love reading that. I love love love love
love this book, how do I get it published? How do we get it published? The publishing world is so
hard, nobody will and then they tell us all the things and we stay and answers your question about
how to get your existing book published, write another book, write another book, write another
book, stay in the writing of another book mode and everything you want will come. Stay in the
living happily ever after mode and everything in your vortex will show you how to bring it self full
manifestation into your experience.
Have you noticed when you are calm and joyful, have you noticed that your inspiration comes in
fits and starts? Have you noticed that it comes and it flows for a while and then it doesn't and does it
flow 24 hours a day ever?

We're talking about those moments when you've got the hook and you're sitting there and you know
it's going and nothing can keep you from getting it out there, you know that feeling. You are not
going to live like that eight hours every day or even six hours every day. You got plenty of time to
do your work and plenty of time to find a moment where that can flow and it flows in the most
interesting times. It can flow when you're on a bus or when you're on an airplane. You don't even
have to clear space for it, you'd have to clear your calendar for it, you just have to clear your
vibrational field for it, which just means, no matter what you're doing, if you're in a state of
appreciation then right in the middle of that work environment, where you're accomplishing one
task, that other stuff can start flowing. Images are right into your mind and you know why because
you're distracted from that task that you think you don't have time for and when you're not beating
the drum of not having time for it, there it is, negative emotions.

Our encouragement, our advice, we don't ever give advice, our advice is stop arguing for your
limitations and notice how even with the resistance that you have, how the wonderment of your life
is seeping through the cracks of resistance and as you feel better those cracks will get wider and
wider until people will look at you and say how in the world are you able to juggle all of these
plates, all of this? And you say because I've turned my schedule. I've turned all of that over to
Universal Forces and I am completely in the receptive mode. I'm just letting it flow not trying to
manage it I'm not trying to motivate myself I'm not trying to control it I'm just in this receptive,
appreciative mode and my talent is expressing through me in multiple ways.

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