The Bhagavad Gita Part Seven

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1. Hear now, Arjuna, how thou shalt have the full

vision of me, if thy heart is set on me and if,
striving for yoga, I am thy refuge supreme.
2. And I will speak to thee of that wisdom and
vision which, when known, there is nothing
else for thee to know.
3. Among thousands of men perhaps one strives
for perfection; and among thousands of those
who strive perhaps one knows me in truth.
4. The visible forms of my nature are eight;
earth, water, fire, air, ether; the mind, reason,
and the sense of ‘I’.
5. But beyond my visible nature is my invisible
Spirit. This is the fountain of life whereby this
universe has its being.
6. All things have their life in this Life, and I am
their beginning
and end.
7. In this whole vast universe there is nothing
higher than I. All the worlds have their rest in
me, as many pearls upon a string.
8. I am the taste of living waters and the light of
the sun and the moon: I am OM, the sacred
word of the Vedas, sound in silence, heroism
in men.
9. I am the pure fragrance that comes from the
earth and brightness of fire I am. I am life of
all living beings, and the austere life of those
who train their souls.
10. And I am from everlasting the seed of the
eternal life. I am the intelligence of the
intelligent. I am the beauty of the beautiful.
11. I am the power of those who are strong, when
this power is free from passions and selfish
desires. I am desire when this is pure, when
this desire is not against righteousness.
12. And know that the three Gunas, the three
state of the soul, come from me; peaceful
light, restless life, and lifeless darkness. But I
am not in them: they are in me.
13. How the whole world is under the delusion of
these shadows of the soul, and knows not me
though for ever I am!
14. My mysterious cloud of appearance is hard to
pass beyond; but those who in truth come to
me go beyond the world of shadows.
15. But men who do evil seek not me: their soul is
darkened by delusion. Their vision is veiled by
cloud of appearance; their heart has chosen
the path of evil.
16. There are four kinds of men who are good,
and the four love me, Arjuna: the man of
sorrows, the seeker of knowledge, the seeker
of something he treasures, and the man of
17. The greatest of these is the man of vision,
who is ever one, who loves the One. For I love
the man of vision, and the man of vision loves
18. These four kinds of men are good; but the
man of vision and I are one. His whole soul is
one in me, and I am his path Supreme.
19. At the end of many lives the man of vision
comes to me. ‘God is all’ this great man says.
Such a spirit sublime how rarely is he found.
20. Men whose desires have clouded their vision,
give their love to other gods, and led by their
selfish nature, follow many other paths.
21. For if a man desires with faith to adore this or
that god, I give faith unto that man, a faith
that is firm and moves not.
22. And when this man, full of faith, goes and
adores that god, from him he attains his
desires; but whatever is good comes from me.
23. But these are men of little wisdom, and the
good they want has an end. Those who love
the gods go to the gods; but those who love
me come unto me.
24. The unwise think that I am that from of my
lower nature which is seen by mortal eyes:
they know not my higher nature, imperishable
and Supreme.
25. For my glory is not seen by all: I am hidden
by my veil of mystery; and in its delusion the
world knows me not, who was never born and
for ever I am.
26. I know all that was and is and is to come,
Arjuna; but no one in truth knows me.
27. All beings are born in delusion, the delusion of
division which comes from desire and hate.
28. But there are men who do what is good, and
whose sins have come to an end. They are
free from the delusion of division, and they
worship me with all this soul.
29. For those who take refuge in me and strive to
be free from age and death, they know
Brahman, they know Atman, and they know
what karma is.
30. They know me in earth and in heaven, and in
the fire of sacrifice. Their souls are pure, in
harmony, and even when their time to go
comes they see me.

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