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There was once a lion named Fierce-Mane, who lived in a part of a forest. He had a jackal for a
servant, a faithful drudge named Dusty.
One day the lion fought with an elephant, and got so wounded that he was unable to move. Since
the master could not stir, Dusty grew feeble for he depended on the lion for his sustenance. He
said to the lion: "O King, this hunger is killing me. When I’m so weak, how can I serve you?"
"My good Dusty," said the lion, "hunt out some animal that I can kill even in my present
debilitated state."
So the jackal went hunting Dragging himself slowly to a nearby village, he spotted a donkey
named Flop-Ear who was cating thin, prickly grass that grew near the village temple. He drew
near and said: "Uncle, please accept my respects. It has been a while since we met. You have
grown so weak!"
Flop-Ear replied, "What shall I do, dear nephew? My owner, the laundryman is merciless and
tortures me by placing burdensome loads on my back. He hardly gives me fodder to eat. All I
survive on, is this prickly grass."
"Well, uncle," said the jackal, "I know a wonderful spot by the river. It is covered with rich
grass. Come there and live with me. I shall grant you the company of my witty conversation."
"That’s very gracious of you, dear nephew," answered Flop-Ear, "But village beasts are easily
killed by forest animals. So I have no attraction for your charming spot."
"No, no," said the jackal. "I rule over that spot, and no stranger dares to enter there. Besides,
there are three unmarried she-donkeys who were tormented by laundrymen, just like you. They
are healthy, young and frisky. They said to me, 'Uncle dear, please bring us a proper husband
from some village.' That is why I came to fetch you."
When he heard the jackal's words, Flop-Ear felt his limbs quiver with love, and he said,"In that
case, my dear sir, please lead the way. Let’s hurry there." The poet is obviously right when he

You are our only nectar; you,

O woman, ate our poison, too.
For union with you is the breath
Of life; and absence from you, death.

So the poor creature accompanied the jackal into the lion's presence. But the lion was dreadfully
foolish. When he saw the donkey within range of his spring, he was so overjoyed that he jumped
over him and landed on the other side. The donkey wondered: "What, oh, what can this be?" He
thought a thunderbolt had struck him. Yet, for fate was kind to him—he escaped unhurt. When
he looked back, he saw the cruel creature with bloodshot eyes and beat a hasty, terrified retreat to
his own residence.
Then the jackal said to the lion: "Well, what does this mean? I witnessed your act of heroism."
The lion was dumbfounded and said, "But I didn’t have time to prepare for the spring. What
could I do? I am weak and have lost my spring."
The jackal said: " Practice better next time. I am going to bring him to you again." "My dear
fellow," said the lion, "he saw me face to face and escaped. How can he be enticed to come here
again? Bring me some other animal."
The jackal said, "Why should you worry about that? I know exactly how to bring him back
here." The jackal followed the donkey's tracks, and found him grazing in the old place.
When he saw the jackal, the donkey said, "Well, nephew, what a place to take me to. I was
lucky to escape alive. What was that horrible creature?

Then the jackal laughed and said: "Uncle, that was a she-donkey. She was unspeakably lovesick,
and seeing you, she rose passionately to embrace you. But you were shy and ran away. As you
disappeared, she stretched out her hand to keep you there. That is all that transpired. So come
back. She has resolved to starve to death for your sake, and says, 'If Flop-Ear does not marry me,
I will plunge into fire or water, or will eat poison. I cannot bear to be separated from him.' So
have mercy on her, and please return. If not, you shall anger the god of love by breaking her
Persuaded by this reasoning, the foolish donkey started off with him again. The proverb is
indeed right:

Men, knowing better, oft commit

A shabby deed-so strong is fate.

Thereupon the donkey came again into the presence of the lion and was killed immediately,for
the lion had practiced his spring well. Then the lion set the jackal on guard and went to the river
to bathe. The greedy jackal, unable to wait, ate the donkey's ears and heart. When the lion
returned from his bath, he found the donkey minus ears and heart. He was filled with wrath and
said to the jackal, "You scoundrel! What unseemly deed you have committed?"
"O King," said the jackal respectfully, " please do not speak so. This creature was born without
ears and heart. Otherwise, how could he have returned to this spot,having once been attacked?
Why,this merits poetry:

He came, he saw, he fled

From your appearance dread,
Returned, forgot his fears-
The fool lacked heart and ears.”
The lion was convinced by the jackal's argument, divided with him, and ate his own share
quietly, without suspicion.

The foolish fall into traps even when they are in full sight of lurking danger. No one can
save the hardened fool. On the other hand sharp wit and presence of mind can save one in the
toughest moments.

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