6-Literature Rizal

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Briefly discuss what is literature and what is Rizal’s

Literature all about.

Identify some of Rizal’s Early works and their


Discuss his education in the University

of Sto. Thomas
• Written works that are considered as
an art, examples are poetry, novels,
essays, and more.
• Some of his literary styles are
novels, essays, poetry, and plays.

• Skilled in various art forms -

painting, carving, and sculpting.

• His works are somewhat

melodramatic and satire.
ex. Noli Me Tangere
• Rizal allegedly started writing at the
age of 8 according to a study
conducted by Ateneo De Manila
University. this work is entitled,
“sa aking mga kababata”

• Rizal’s first poem was entitled,

“Mi Primera Inspiracion” or
My First Inspiration.
(My First Inspiration)
Why do the scented flowers in fragrant fray
Rival each other’s flower this festive day?
Why is the sweet melody bruited in the sylvan dale,
Harmony sweet and fluted like the nightingale?
Why do the birds sing so in the tender grass,
Flitting from bough to bough with winds that pass?
And why does the crystal spring run among the flowers
While lullaby zephyrs sing like its crystal showers?

I see the dawn in the East with the beauty endowed

Why goes she to a feast in a carmine cloud?
Sweet mother, they celebrate your natal day
The rose with her scent innate, the bird with his lay.
The murmurous spring this day without alloy.
Murmuring bids you always to live in joy.
• Mi Primera Inspiracion was • The poem was said to be
dedicated by Jose Rizal to written to honor his mother.
his mother, Teodora • Though some may say that this
Alonzo Realonda. was the work of his cousin
• It was the first poem he • This poem shows us how Jose
wrote during his 3rd year Rizal showed his eternal love
at ADMU on 1874. and appreciation to all the
efforts of his mother.
When I recall the days, that my boyhood saw
By the green banks of a murmuring lagoon;
When I recall the murmur of the wind
That sweetly amused by brow with delicious freshness;
I recall, sadly recall your countenance, infancy precious
That a loving mother Oh! Succeeded in embellishing
I recall a simple town, my contentment, happiness
and cradle, by the fresh lagoon, seat my love.
The Creator I saw in the grandeur of your secular forests;
Sorrows on your bosom, never did I come to know;
While at your blue sky I gazed, neither love nor tenderness
Did I lack, for in Nature my pleasure depended.
Tender childhood, beautiful town, rich fountain of happiness
Of harmonious melodies that banish sorrows!

Return to my heart, return my gentle hours

Return as the birds return when flowers are in bloom!
But alas! Adieu! Eternally keep vigil over your peace, joy and
Repose, Genie of goodness who kindly his gifts presents with love;
For you my fervent wishes, for you my constant yearning
To learn and to heaven I pray that you your candor keep!
• Written in 1876 when Jose • He wishes to go back in time,
Rizal was 15 years old. hoping that he could spend
more time doing what he used
• The poem was about his to do, be with people he used
childhood days, recalling the to be with, and to feel the
happiest and most beautiful sensations he felt as a boy.
memories he had in his
• Those memories had a great
town, Calamba, Laguna
influence in shaping his
character and values.
Al Niño Jesus
(To the Child Jesus)

La Alianza Intima Entre

Religion y La Buena
Educacion (The Intimate
Alliance Between Religion
and Good Education)

Por La Educacion Recibe

Lustre la Patria (Through
Education The Country
Receives Light
Rizal likened EDUCATION to a
LIGHTHOUSE — that it can guide
people in their behaviors and actions.

An excellent and wise education in the country

could bear a group of educated people who can
guide them towards progress and learning.
After completion Doña Teodora was Don Francisco sent
of Bachiller en against Rizal’s decision Rizal to UST - the
Artes at Ateneo, for higher education Dominican University
Rizal was admitted due to the martyrdom of the Philippines.
to higher studies of Gomburza.
at a university. Rizal considered
taking up literature,
law or medicine.
Paciano - his brother Rizal - 16 years old when He took up
discouraged him to he began his freshman surveying course
take law due to year at UST in April 1877. at Ateneo and
political conditions in Enrolled under the Faculty excelled in the
the country that time. of Philosophy and Letters, said course while
Major in Philosophy, a underaged.
course his father wanted
for him.
He could not practice After his first year, Rizal Rizal believed that
the surveyor’s changed his course from he should finish
profession yet due to Philosophy and Letters medicine to cure
being underage. to Medicine. his sick mother
who had an
November 25, 1881 - eyesight failure.
Rizal was presented the
title of “SURVEYOR” for
his excellency.

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