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Modal Verb

Adam, Lisa, Don and Melanie are students. They were on their way to visit some friends last week in
Adam’s car when it broke down. Complete the conversation by putting in one of the following: can,
can’t, could, must, mustn’t, needn’t, ought to, should, might, ‘ll, will, won’t, shall, would.
(Sometimes more than one answer is correct)

Lisa: What’s the matter? Why have you stopped?

Adam: There’s something wrong. It isn’t going properly.
Don: Let’s have a look.
Lisa: We …………… be out of petrol, I suppose.
Adam: We …………… be out of petrol. We only got some half an hour ago.
Lisa: Well, if there is something wrong, …………… you put it right, do you think?
Adam: Give me a chance. I don’t know what the trouble is yet.
Melanie: Look at this steam. The engine …………… be too hot.
Don: Don’t take the cap off the radiator. You …………… do that. You …………… get boiling water all
over you.
Adam: If it’s too hot, we …………… have to wait until it cools down.
Lisa: And how long …………… take that?
Don: We …………… wait about half an hour before we go on.
Melanie: I suppose there …………… be something else wrong with it.
Lisa: We passed a garage about a mile back. I suppose they …………… come and have a look at it if we
ask them.
Adam: The car …………… be all right. Our local garage has just serviced it. I paid $30 for a full service.
Don: You …………… worry. I’m sure it’s just got too hot. Let’s wait a bit.
Lisa: We …………… be late now, I expect.
Melanie: There’s some coffee in the back of the car. …………… we have some while we’re waiting?
There are some sandwiches, too.
Don: I’m starving. I …………… have something to eat.
Melanie: …………… you like a sandwich, Lisa?
Lisa: No, thanks. I …………… eat bread. I’m on a diet.
Adam: We …………… phone Matthew if we’re going to be late.
Don: We …………… be very late, I don’t think.
Melanie: You …………… buy a new car, Adam.
Adam: Well, it …………… be nice if I had the money. But I’m afraid we …………… have to put up
with this old thing for a little longer.

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