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no Experiment Procedure Observation

1. Adulteration Heat small Appearance
n of paraffin amount of of oil floating
wax and vegetable on the
hydrocarbon ghee with surface.
in vegetable acetic
ghee. anhydride.
Droplets of
oil floating on
the surface of
unused acetic
indicate the
presence of
wax or

Adulteration Heat 1mL of Appearance

2. of dyes in fat fat with a of pink
mixture of colour.
1mL of conc.
H2SO4 and
4mL of acetic
Adulteration To small No red colour
3. of argemone amount of oil observed
oil in edible in a test tube,
oils add few
drops of
conc. HNO3
& shake.
Adulteration Take small Pure sugar
4. of various amount of dissolves in
insoluble sugar in a test water but
substances in tube and insoluble
sugar shake it with impurities do
little water. not dissolve.
Adulteration To small No brisk
5. of chalk amount of effervescence
powder, sugar in a test observed.
washing soda tube, add a
in sugar few drops of
dil HCL
Adulteration To sample of Appearance
6. of yellow lead turmeric of magenta
salts to powder, add colour
turmeric conc. HCl.
Adulteration To a sample No yellow
7. of red lead of chilli precipitate.
salts in chilli powder, add
powder. dil. HNO3.
Filter the
solution and
add 2 drops
of KI solution
to the filtrate.
Adulteration Add small Brick powder
8. of brick amount of settles at the
powder in given red bottom while
chilli powder chilli powder pure chilli
in a beaker powder loads
containing over water.
Adulteration Add small Dried papaya
9. of dried amount of seeds being
papaya seeds sample of lighter load
in pepper pepper to over water
beaker while pure
containing pepper
water and stir settles at the
with a glass bottom.

The required analyses for adulterants in food
stuffs has been made.
By taking a few precautions, we can escape
from consuming adulterated products.
1. Take only packed items of well-known
2.Buy items from reliable retail shops and
recognized outlets.
3. Check the ISI mark or Agmark.
4. Buy products of only airtight popular
5. Avoid craziness for artificially coloured
sweets and buy only from reputed shops.
6. Do not buys sweets or snacks kept in open.
7. Avoid buying things from street side

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