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Activity 1: Source Evaluation Scavenger Hunt (50 points)

Suppose you want to understand what mercury in retrograde is so you conduct a

scholarly investigation into the topic. You have the list of references below to begin your

1. On the basis of credibility, which source will you turn to to learn about mercury in
2. Use the CRAAP method to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the online
sources. Break down and specify your findings for every step.
3. Rank the sources from most credible to least credible. Then explain your
reason/s for coming up with this ranking.

Title URL

Apparent retrograde motion


Mercury Retrograde 2023: What Is It And

Dates mercury-retrograde

The Best Way to Get Through Mercury

Retrograde Is to Do Nothing at All entertainment/a36593904/what-is-

We’re in Mercury retrograde. Here’s what

that really means. history/article/mercury-retrograde-

Mercury retrograde, explained without

astrology 2018/11/16/18098729/what-is-mercury-


1. On the basis of credibility, which source will you turn to learn about mercury in
When seeking information about Mercury in retrograde from a credible
perspective, I will utilize the scholarly paper titled "Mercury Retrograde Effect in Capital
Markets: Truth or Illusion?" by Aurora Murgea, which has a DOI. Scholarly papers like
this one are generally trusted sources in academic research due to their rigorous peer-
review process. However, if I will delve into a more comprehensive view of Mercury
retrograde, including its historical and astronomical aspects, the National Geographic
article can also serve as a reliable and informative source.

2. Use the CRAAP method to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the online
sources. Break down and specify your findings for every step.

1. Evaluating the credibility and reliability of Apparent Retrograde Motion

CURRENCY The information published on Wikipedia was not directly indicated;
although, the website included the date of revision on September 4,
2023. According to its own claims, Wikipedia is generally considered
unsuitable as a primary source for research papers. However, it can
serve as a valuable supplementary resource and, when utilized, should
be properly cited, recognizing its core mission of keeping articles current
and relevant in our rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Aside from that, the information is accessible and updated, since that
was the primary goal that aligns with the inherent dynamic nature of
Wikipedia, which is to furnish the most up-to-date information available.
The article also incorporates information from various sources, including
historical records, astronomical data, and scientific literature. However,
it doesn't provide raw data but summarizes and interprets existing
knowledge about apparent retrograde motion. The Wikipedia article on
apparent retrograde motion is a valuable starting point for
understanding the topic of mercury retrograde as it specifically refers to
the apparent retrograde motion of the planet Mercury as observed from
Earth. It appears to be based on credible sources and provides an
overview of the subject, including its historical development and
scientific explanations.

RELEVANCE The Wikipedia article on "Apparent retrograde motion" is a valuable

resource for individuals seeking to understand the concept of apparent
retrograde motion in celestial bodies. It provides an explanation of what
apparent retrograde motion is, its historical context, and how it affects
various celestial bodies.

Moreover, it is well-suited for a general audience with an interest in

astronomy, including us students, amateur astronomers, and us who
are curious about the motion of celestial bodies, providing clear
explanations and assuming a basic level of familiarity with astronomical
concepts and terminology, making it suitable for us readers who want to
learn more about this topic.

Unfortunately, a more detailed exploration about mercury retrograde is a

benefit and a strong recommendation to further elaborate the research
and to effectively communicate to a wide range of readers ensuring the
accessibility and engaging content while not delving into overly technical
or advanced details that makes it hard to acknowledge. While the
reading level is moderate, it still offers scientific terminology,
explanations and examples to aid understanding and designed to be
informative for a wide range of readers.

AUTHORITY The publisher of this information is widely recognized as a free-content

online encyclopedia known as Wikipedia, which is created and
continually updated by a dedicated community of volunteers (Wikipedia,
n.d). While the website does not provide specific author credentials, it
does highlight its affiliation with the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation,
which serves as the vital infrastructure supporting the dissemination of
free knowledge. Thus, it distinguishes itself from traditional scholarly
sources by not disclosing contact information for its individual editors.
Nevertheless, it places a strong emphasis on substantiating its claims
by providing sources and references.

ACCURACY The reliability of the information presented on this Wikipedia page is

well-supported by a range of citations from diverse sources. These
citations add-up to the credibility and accuracy of the knowledge being
disseminated about the phenomenon of apparent retrograde motion.
For example, the article includes a statement such as, "Apparent
retrograde motion is the apparent motion of a planet in a direction
opposite to that of other bodies within its system, as observed from a
particular vantage point. The earliest recorded use of prograde was in
the early 18th century, although the term is now less common," and it
substantiates this assertion with a reference from Oxford University
(OED Online version, Oxford University Press, 2012).

Oxford University, known for its commitment to publishing pioneering

authors and authoritative content, is widely regarded as a reputable and
scholarly source (CDN and EIFL, n.d). The inclusion of this reference
from Oxford adds an extra layer of reliability to the information contained
in the article. It is important to recognize that Wikipedia articles are
typically authored and reviewed by a community of dedicated
volunteers, who adhere to rigorous standards of neutrality and factual
accuracy. This collaborative effort ensures that the information provided
remains reliable and trustworthy for those seeking to expand their
understanding of this celestial phenomenon.
PURPOSE The website article serves the purpose of providing informative content
and serving as a foundational source of knowledge. Its intentions are
thoughtfully crafted, with the goal of offering a comprehensive
understanding of Apparent Retrograde Motion, particularly in the context
of Mercury's retrograde motion.

The text from Wikipedia maintains an objective and informative tone

throughout. Its primary focus lies in elucidating the concept of "apparent
retrograde motion" within the field of astronomy. It accomplishes this by
providing historical context, explaining the origin of the term, illustrating
its application to various celestial bodies, and detailing the synodic
periods of different planets.

Importantly, the text maintains its neutrality, devoid of any discernible

political, cultural, institutional, or personal biases. It stands as a factual
and educational article dedicated to the explanation of a significant
scientific phenomenon.

2. Evaluating the credibility and reliability of Mercury Retrograde 2023: What Is It

And Dates
CURRENCY Upon careful analysis, it is apparent that the primary objective of this
page is to serve as a reliable and unbiased source of informative
content. Yet, the information provided on Mercury Retrograde 2023
appears to lack a clear publication date, which is crucial for assessing
its currency. While it offers specific dates for Mercury retrograde
occurrences in 2023, such as December 29, 2022—January 17, 2023,
and others, it does not indicate if the page has been revised or updated
to include more recent information or developments related to Mercury

Therefore, it's challenging to determine the current relevance of this

data for the topic. Fortunately, the links on the page seem to be
functional, allowing users to access additional information or related
resources. The moment I clicked the "About Us" portion, it was revealed
that the publishing process happens every year since 1818, which is a
valuable part in understanding when this content was originally
generated. Consequently, while the information on Mercury retrograde
dates is beneficial, the lack of a publication date somewhat hinders its
overall currency assessment.

RELEVANCE The provided information is related to the topic of "Mercury Retrograde"

and aims to provide insights into what Mercury retrograde is and its
significance, including the dates for Mercury retrograde in 2023. The
intended audience for this content appears to be individuals who have
heard about Mercury retrograde but may not fully understand its
meaning or implications. It aims to provide a basic and introductory
explanation, making it suitable for those seeking a fundamental
understanding of the topic.

The information is presented at an appropriate level for the intended

audience, offering clear explanations of the concept of retrograde
motion in astronomy and its connection to Mercury and Venus. It does
not assume previous knowledge of the topic and uses simple language
to convey complex astronomical phenomena, making it accessible to a
general audience. In terms of design, the page features some graphics,
such as a yellow road sign with Mercury retrograde symbols, but it does
not have flashy graphics. Nevertheless, I noticed that there are banner
ads lingering at the end of the site but delivered information in a
straightforward manner.

In conclusion, the source is a beginner-friendly introduction to the topic

of Mercury retrograde, explaining its astronomical basis and the
astrological beliefs associated with it. It targets a general audience
seeking basic information on the subject without assuming prior

AUTHORITY Alongside, it is evident that the trustworthiness of the page in question

poses a significant challenge. The absence of identifiable authors, and
qualifications raises concerns regarding the reliability of the information
presented. Determining the author's identity and qualifications is a
crucial factor in assessing source credibility (Hofstra University, 2023).
In the absence of identifiable credentials or affiliations, it is challenging
to determine the author's qualifications to write on the topic of Mercury

This gap in authorship and qualifications can impact the credibility of the
information, especially when discussing complex astronomical and
astrological concepts. It is important for readers to have confidence in
the expertise of the author when exploring such topics. In conclusion, I
as a researcher should consider seeking additional, verified sources to
gain a more comprehensive and authoritative understanding of the topic
of Mercury retrograde.

ACCURACY The information presented in the provided text about Mercury retrograde
appears to be introductory and primarily explanatory in nature. It was
published by a blog site called “Farmer’s Almanac” and was humbly
edited by Peter Geiger and Sandi Duncan. It briefly outlines the dates of
Mercury retrograde in 2023 and provides a basic understanding of what
Mercury retrograde means in astronomy and astrology.

The accuracy of the information can be evaluated based on established

scientific and astrological principles. The text significantly explains that
Mercury retrograde is an “optical illusion where the planet appears to
move backward in its orbit, a phenomenon associated with its position
relative to Earth.” It also mentions that this phenomenon affects the
inner planets, Mercury and Venus, as they "lap" Earth in their orbits.
These explanations align with well-accepted astronomical principles.
Fortunately, the information has been reviewed and was supported by a
YouTube video explaining how Mercury Retrograde works.

However, when it comes to the astrological interpretations and beliefs

associated with Mercury retrograde, the text presents them neutrally
without making claims about their scientific validity. Astrology is a belief
system, and the text acknowledges that some people believe Mercury
retrograde can influence various aspects of life, such as communication
and transportation. While these beliefs are not scientifically supported,
the text does not promote them as facts but rather presents them as
part of the broader discussion on the topic.

PURPOSE The purpose of the sources to understand Mercury Retrograde 2023

appears to be primarily informative and educational. It aims to clarify the
concept of Mercury retrograde and provide readers with specific dates
for when it will occur in 2023. The introductory statement suggests that
it intends to address common questions or misconceptions about
Mercury retrograde that people may have heard.

The intentions of the authors or sponsors are not explicitly stated, as

there is no clear attribution to a specific author or organization.
However, the overall tone of the content is neutral and informational. It
seeks to educate readers about the astronomical and astrological
aspects of Mercury retrograde without advocating for a particular
perspective. The point of view in the content generally appears to be
objective, presenting scientific explanations alongside astrological
interpretations. It acknowledges that astronomers prefer the term
"prograde motion" while astrologers use "direct motion," demonstrating
a balanced approach to both perspectives.

The absence of any political, cultural, institutional, or personal bias is

worth noting since it remains focused on providing a straightforward
explanation of Mercury retrograde and its significance without delving
into broader cultural or political contexts.
3. Evaluating the credibility and reliability of The Best Way to Get Through
Mercury Retrograde Is to Do Nothing at All
CURRENCY The article, titled "The Best Way to Get Through Mercury Retrograde Is
to Do Nothing at All" and authored by Lisa Stardust, provides insights
into the phenomenon of Mercury retrograde and was published on
September 28, 2021. The introductory sentence introduces the author's
personal perspective, which may be viewed as subjective. However, as
the article progresses, it delves into more comprehensive and updated
information on the subject. Given that my knowledge is limited to
information available up to September 2021, it's important to note that
the article's details concerning the specific dates and effects of Mercury
retrograde in 2021 are now outdated. Additionally, the article does not
extend its discussion to Mercury retrograde occurrences beyond that
year. For current and up-to-date information on Mercury retrograde, it is
advisable for me to consider more recent sources or to gain the latest
insights and predictions.

RELEVANCE The information provided is related to the topic of astrology and

specifically discusses the concept of Mercury retrograde, its
astrological effects, and how to thrive during this period. The intended
audience appears to be individuals interested in astrology and those
who believe in its principles. The information is written in a manner that
assumes some basic knowledge of astrology concepts, making it
suitable for readers with at least a moderate understanding of the topic
which is a benefit for me to have a good understanding.

The design of the page does not contain flashy graphics or banner ads,
but it does include a few illustrations relevant to the content. Aside from
that, the reading level is moderately challenging due to the astrological
terminology used, but it provides explanations to help readers
understand the concepts but still provides a confusion but stir up
curiosity and build interest.

Overall, the information is selective, focusing on Mercury retrograde

and its effects on communication and travel, and it provides tips for
coping with it. The article also briefly mentions the concept of Mercury
"retro shade" and mentions the timing of Mercury retrogrades in 2021,
offering insights into their potential effects on matters of money and

AUTHORITY Lisa Stardust is a NYC-based astrologer, tarot card reader, energy

healer, and manifestation guide known for her pop culture horoscopes.
She is the author of several books related to astrology and has been
practicing astrology professionally for over 15 years. Therefore, her
knowledge is significant and considered reliable in having interest to
further improve knowledge about the mercury retrograde. Her work
does not only give you a direct meaning but a purpose and wisdom into
it. Thus, her work and writing have been featured in various
publications, including The Today Show, Oprah Daily, Vogue, Teen
Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29, and InStyle. It's important to note
that the website is a commercial platform that may generate revenue
through advertising and affiliate links, as indicated by the ".com"

ACCURACY The information in the article comes from the author, Lisa Stardust, who
is an experienced astrologer and author known for her expertise in
astrology and pop culture horoscopes. The article provides information
about Mercury retrograde, its astrological effects, and tips on how to
navigate it. While the article is based on astrological beliefs, it does not
provide scientific evidence to support these claims. The language and
tone of the article do not appear to be biased or overly emotional; but
maintains a factual and informative style throughout.

There are no glaring errors in spelling or grammar in the article.

However, it's essential to note that the information in the article is
based on astrological beliefs, which is not supported by empirical
scientific evidence. So as a responsible researcher, I should exercise
the right to verify information, and consider any additional sources,
particularly those from scientific or skeptical perspectives, to get a more
comprehensive understanding of the topic.

PURPOSE The purpose of the information in this article is primarily to inform and
provide guidance on how to navigate the astrological phenomenon
known as Mercury retrograde. The author, Lisa Stardust, shares her
insights as an astrologer and offers advice on how individuals can
thrive during this transit. The article aims to inform readers about the
concept of Mercury retrograde, its astrological effects, and practical tips
for dealing with its potential challenges. While the author's personal
perspective as an astrologer is evident, the content remains focused on
providing information rather than persuading or selling any specific
products or services. Therefore the author's intention to inform and
educate readers about astrology is clear, and the point of view appears
objective within the context of astrological beliefs. The content is not
overtly infused with political, cultural, institutional, or personal
undertones; it primarily revolves around astrology and wellness-related

4. Evaluating the credibility and reliability of We’re in Mercury retrograde. Here’s

what that really means.
CURRENCY The article titled "We're in Mercury Retrograde. Here's What That Really
Means" offers a fascinating journey through history, blending science,
astrology, and human beliefs. This informative piece, published on
August 24, 2023, delves into the phenomenon of Mercury retrograde,
explaining its astronomical origins and how it has evolved into a modern
cultural phenomenon.

The presence of a prominently displayed publication date is crucial for

evaluating the timeliness and trustworthiness of an article. The article
does not mention any revisions or updates, so it is assumed to be the
original publication since then. However, the absence of broken links in
the text indicates that they are likely functional. Unfortunately, the article
does not specify when the page itself was created. But the article is well
written and allows us reader to gain knowledge

RELEVANCE The information provided in this article is highly relevant to the topic of
"Mercury Retrograde." It explains the phenomenon of Mercury
appearing to move backward in its orbit, clarifying its scientific basis and
historical significance. It also touches on the astrological interpretations
associated with Mercury retrograde, making it a comprehensive
resource for anyone seeking to understand this phenomenon.

The intended audience for this article appears to be the general public,
particularly those interested in astrology, astronomy, or cultural history.
The information is presented in a way that is accessible and
understandable for a broad audience. The reading level of the article is
generally easy to moderate, as it does not assume extensive prior
knowledge of the topic. It provides explanations and historical context
that can be comprehended by a wide range of readers.

The design of the page is text-heavy with some images, but it does not
contain distracting banner ads or flashy graphics. It primarily focuses on
delivering the content in a straightforward manner. As for target
demographics, the information seems to cater to individuals interested
in history, culture, and the science behind astronomical phenomena. It
is not limited to a specific group and can be beneficial to anyone
seeking knowledge about Mercury retrograde.

AUTHORITY The article is authored by Eva Botkin-Kowacki and was published on

August 24, 2023. The author's credentials are not explicitly mentioned in
the article. However, it is published by National Geographic, a well-
respected source known for its scientific and educational content.
National Geographic is an authoritative publication with a strong
reputation for accuracy and reliability. The absence of specific author
credentials is compensated for by the credibility of the publisher.

Eva Botkin-Kowacki demonstrates her authority on the topic through her

well-researched and informative article. Although her specific
qualifications are not mentioned in the article, her competence is
reflected in her ability to present complex astronomical concepts in an
accessible manner. Due to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, readers
gain a deeper understanding of this phenomenon's roots and its cultural
significance (Zaw, 2018).

ACCURACY "We’re in Mercury retrograde. Here’s what that really means," authored
by Eva Botkin-Kowacki and published on August 24, 2023, delves into
the popular phenomenon of Mercury retrograde. The article starts by
addressing the common practice of blaming life's mishaps on Mercury
retrograde, a period during which the planet appears to move in reverse
in its orbit around the Sun. While this phenomenon is an established
astronomical fact, the article emphasizes that its connection to Earthly
events through astrology is widely discredited within the scientific

National Geographic is known for its expertise in science and

exploration. The entity's reliability and trustworthiness as an information
source are being investigated. The article lacks explicit citations.
National Geographic's reputation is based on its commitment to high
editorial standards and rigorous fact-checking procedures. The
emphasis on meticulous research and verification underscores the
reliability of the information provided. Moreover, the article cites experts
such as Carolyn Ernst, a planetary scientist at the Johns Hopkins
University Applied Physics Laboratory, and Mathieu Ossendrijver, a
historian of ancient science and astrophysicist at the Freie Universität
Berlin, which enhances its credibility. The absence of grammatical
errors and the neutral tone employed throughout the article contribute to
its reliability and readability.

PURPOSE The article's primary goal is to inform and educate readers about
Mercury retrograde, explaining its astronomical origins and how it has
evolved into a cultural phenomenon. It aims to provide readers with a
clear understanding of what Mercury retrograde is and its significance.

The article blends elements of science and culture, presenting both the
scientific basis for Mercury retrograde and its astrological
interpretations. It acknowledges that while the astronomical
phenomenon is a scientific fact, its astrological connections are not
scientifically supported.

The article blends elements of science and culture, presenting both the
scientific basis for Mercury retrograde and its astrological
interpretations. It acknowledges that while the astronomical
phenomenon is a scientific fact, its astrological connections are not
scientifically supported.

5. Evaluating the credibility and reliability of Mercury retrograde, explained

without astrology
CURRENCY The video's description includes the publication date, November 16,
2018, which is significant. The inclusion of this important contextual
information in the video adds to its relevance and reliability, making it
necessary to conduct a thorough investigation. The provided date may
not be the most current, but it remains important for assessing the
video's relevance and timeliness. In an era characterized by rapid
information growth, the value of a date slightly behind the present
remains significant. Despite its lag, it offers a valuable historical

RELEVANCE The information presented in this article on Vox is related to the topic of
Mercury retrograde but approaches it from a scientific perspective
rather than an astrological one. The intended audience for this article
appears to be individuals with a science-minded or skeptical

It aims to explain the phenomenon of Mercury retrograde in terms of

scientific facts and principles, emphasizing the illusion created by the
combined movements of Earth and the observed planet (Mercury, in
this case). The article discusses why astrologers associate Mercury
retrograde with communication problems and suggests that the concept
may be rooted in Roman mythology.

Overall, the information is at an appropriate level for those seeking a

scientific explanation of Mercury retrograde and its historical context.
The Vox website is known for providing in-depth and well-researched
content on various topics, making it a reliable source for
comprehensive information.

AUTHORITY Vox, a well-respected media organization, is recognized for its

dedication to upholding rigorous journalistic standards and consistently
delivering high-quality informative content. Vox has gained a reputation
for being a reliable and trustworthy source in the field of news and
explanatory journalism.

In investigating the authorship of the video, it is important to

acknowledge that Vox possesses significant influence and expertise in
this field, which goes beyond individual attributions. The author's
identity may not be evident on Vox's webpage, but it is crucial to
investigate the overall credibility and expertise of the platform. The
organization's commitment to accuracy and professionalism is evident,
reflecting the trustworthiness of its content.

Furthermore, the inclusion of contact information for the author or

publisher directly on the video page raises concerns regarding the
platform's transparency and accountability. This aspect is of significant
importance in my investigation. The addition of this feature allows
viewers, including myself, to directly communicate and ask questions
without any intermediaries. The addition enhances the source's
trustworthiness by promoting transparency and accessibility.

ACCURACY The information presented in the article is supported by evidence from

the field of astronomy. It explains that Mercury's apparent retrograde
motion is an optical illusion caused by the combined movements of
Earth and Mercury in their orbits. The article also mentions the clear
scientific understanding of this phenomenon by astronomers for

The article has a neutral and informative tone, devoid of bias or

emotional language. It provides a clear and concise explanation of the
scientific principles behind retrograde motion and does not make any
unfounded claims. There are no glaring errors in spelling, grammar, or
formatting in the article. Overall, the article provides a clear and well-
supported explanation of Mercury retrograde from a scientific
perspective, considering its well cited sources and references.

PURPOSE The website and the content itself aims to explain the concept of
Mercury retrograde in a detailed and informative manner, according to
my interpretation. The educational resource seems to target individuals
with a keen interest in understanding the intricate aspects of this
celestial phenomenon.

The Vox video aligns with the publication's ethos of objectivity. Vox is
committed to delivering impartial education and information to its
readers in its quest for enlightenment. The platform is committed to
protecting its content from various biases, including political, cultural,
institutional, and personal influences. The video's unwavering
commitment to impartiality enhances its credibility as a reliable and
trustworthy source of information.

6. Evaluating the credibility and reliability of MERCURY RETROGRADE EFFECT

CURRENCY The information you provided is from an academic article titled
"Mercury retrograde effect in capital markets: truth or illusion?" by A.
Murgea, published in the Timisoara Journal of Economics and
Business in the year 2016, Volume 9, Issue 1, pages 49–61. This
information is based on a specific research paper published in 2016. It
does not appear to have been revised or updated since then, as the
publication date remains the same.

RELEVANCE The reading level of this paper can be considered moderate to

challenging, assuming some background knowledge in economics,
finance, and astrology. It delves into complex topics related to financial
astrology, behavioral finance, and their potential influence on capital

The design of the page is not described in the provided text, so I cannot
provide specific details about banner ads, flashy graphics, or plain text.
The formatting and layout would typically depend on the journal's style
and the specific issue in which the paper was published.

As for the possible target demographics, the information in the paper

seems to be aimed at an academic audience, particularly researchers
and scholars in the fields of economics, finance, and possibly
psychology. It discusses complex theories and methodologies related
to financial astrology, which may not be of interest to a general
audience. Additionally, it assumes some prior knowledge of financial
markets and astrological concepts.

In summary, this research paper is likely intended for an academic

audience with a background in economics and finance, and it explores
the potentially controversial topic of financial astrology's influence on
capital markets.

AUTHORITY After a thorough investigation, it has been revealed that the document
in question bears the unmistakable signature of its author, Aurora
Murgea. The significance of this revelation lies in its impact on the
assessment of the document's reliability and authority. When delving
into intricate topics like finance and capital markets, it is imperative to
diligently scrutinize the qualifications and expertise of the author.

To thoroughly assess the document's reliability, it is imperative to

investigate the author's background and credentials. Through a
comprehensive analysis of these factors, we can acquire a more
profound insight into the author's knowledge and possible prejudices,
thereby illuminating the document's reliability. The focus of inquiry is
Aurora Murgea's aptitude and expertise in contributing meaningfully to
discussions pertaining to the "Mercury Retrograde Effect in Capital
Markets." The investigation of author qualifications is crucial for
responsible information consumption.
In addition, the inclusion of a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) linked to the
document enhances its credibility. DOIs are widely acknowledged and
commonly used in scholarly publishing. The presence of DOIs is
commonly regarded as a sign of a rigorous peer review process and
formal publication in academic communities. The thorough examination
and quality control measures employed in this process greatly
contribute to the document's credibility and reliability

ACCURACY The information is supported by evidence from various sources,

including behavioral finance studies, historical examples, and
astrological beliefs. The author cites studies and theories related to
mood, celestial bodies, and their potential impact on decision-making
and financial markets.

The paper has likely been reviewed before publication, as it was

published in an academic journal. Academic papers typically undergo a
peer-review process in which experts in the field evaluate the quality
and validity of the research.

To verify the information from another source or from personal

knowledge, you can consult other academic papers or articles related
to behavioral finance, astrology, and their potential impact on financial
markets. Additionally, you can look for more recent research in the
field, as the paper's publication date is in 2016, and there may have
been further developments or studies since then.

Regarding the language and tone, the text appears to maintain a

neutral and academic tone. It presents various theories and evidence
without significant emotional or biased language. However, it is
important to critically evaluate any claims made in academic papers
and consider different perspectives.

There don't seem to be glaring errors in spelling or grammar in the text.

It appears to be well-written and structured according to academic

PURPOSE The text's purpose appears to be to explore the potential relationship

between Mercury retrograde periods and financial market behavior.
However, it does so from a perspective rooted in astrology, which is not
a legitimate or accepted approach in the field of economics or finance.
The purpose seems more aligned with exploring a belief or hypothesis
rather than conducting rigorous academic research.

3. Rank the sources from the most credible to least credible. Then, explain your
reason/s for coming up with this ranking.
RANKING (1 is the highest & 5 is the lowest)

1. Paper with DOI: Mercury Retrograde Effect in Capital Markets: Truth or Illusion"
by Aurora Murgea

At the pinnacle of this ranking stands the scholarly paper authored by Aurora
Murgea. This academic work exhibits the highest level of credibility due to its rigorous
research methodology, focused relevance to the topic of Mercury retrograde in capital
markets, and the author's demonstrated expertise in the field. As a scholarly paper, it
adheres to stringent academic standards, encompassing thorough citation practices and
meticulous research, making it an authoritative resource for in-depth academic

2. National Geographic Article: Mercury Retrograde: From Astronomy to History"

National Geographic follows closely as a reputable source, particularly regarding

historical and astronomical aspects. While not exclusively focused on Mercury
retrograde, National Geographic's long-standing credibility in scientific and historical
reporting lends credence to its information. It serves as a supplementary source for
contextual information, providing a well-researched foundation on astronomical topics.

3. Vox Video: What Is Mercury Retrograde?

The Vox video, like the Oprah Daily article, revolves around astrology and lacks
scientific depth. It is also geared towards a general audience and popular interpretations
of Mercury retrograde. Its suitability lies within various research contexts, such as
general interest or introductory exploration, rather than academic rigor.

3. Oprah Daily Article: What Is Mercury Retrograde, Meaning Astrology?

The Oprah Daily article, while informative, is less credible for academic research.
It caters to a broader, non-academic audience and focuses on astrology rather than
scientific analysis. It serves better as a resource for general interest or introductory
exploration of the topic.

5. Wikipedia Page: Apparent Retrograde Motion

Wikipedia, although a widely accessible platform, occupies a lower rank in terms

of credibility for academic research. Its content is subject to community editing, resulting
in potential variations in quality and reliability. While Wikipedia can offer a general
understanding of Mercury retrograde, it should be approached cautiously in scholarly
research due to its collaborative and evolving nature.

In summary, the credibility of these sources varies based on their depth of

research, focus, and intended audience. Scholarly papers and reputable publications
like National Geographic are highly credible for academic purposes, while Wikipedia,
articles from popular magazines like Oprah Daily, and videos from media outlets like
Vox are better suited for general understanding and introductory research.


CDN (n.d)

TODAY Author Lisa Stardust. (2023, September 1).

Vox. (2016, September 10). Mercury retrograde, explained without astrology [Video].

How can I determine if an author is credible? - LibAnswers. (n.d.).

Wikipedia contributors. (n.d.). Wikipedia:Citing Wikipedia - Wikipedia.

Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, August 9). Home – Wikimedia Foundation.

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