Collective Nouns

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Collective Nouns - Creatures


Noun Collective Noun Noun Collective Noun

cloud/ plague/ swarm ‫ہجوم جیسے‬
animals (wild) ‫ جانور‬Beast,
menagerie/zoo ‫ِچ ڑیا گھر‬ Insects ‫کیڑا‬ ‫پرندوں کا‬
Creature) ‫ُج‬
‫َو‬ ‫َبَّچ‬ ‫ّل‬ ‫َت‬
antelopes Herd ‫جانوروں کا ری ڑ‬ Kittens ‫ِب ی کا ہ‬ kindle/litter ‫کوڑا کرکٹ بے رتیبی سے پڑا‬
army/colony/nest/swarm ‫ہجوم‬
Ants ‫چیونٹی‬ ‫جیسے پرندوں کا‬ Lions pride/troop ‫شیروں کا گروہ‬
‫َم ّک‬ ‫َہ‬ hive/ swarm ‫چھ ہ‬
Bees ‫ش د کی ھی‬ ‫ّھ‬ litter Cubs
‫شہد کی مک یوں کا چھتہ‬
‫ُھ‬ cloud/flight/plague/ swarm ‫ٹڈی دل کا‬
Birds ‫پرندہ‬ flight/flock ‫پرندوں کا ج نڈ‬ Locusts ‫ٹڈی‬
Nest ‫گ ونسال‬

‫َو‬ ‫ُچ‬
Buffaloes ‫بھینس‬ Herd ‫جانوروں کا ری ڑ‬ Mice ‫وہا‬

‫َد َت‬
Camels ‫اونٹ‬ caravan/train ‫کارواں‬ Monkeys ‫بندر‬
Cattle ‫مویشی‬ drove/herd /‫جانوروں کا ری ڑ‬ Oxen ‫مویشی‬ /‫بیل‬ Team ‫ٹیم‬
‫ُھ‬ ‫ُج‬
Chickens ‫مرغی‬ brood/flock ‫ پرندوں کا ج نڈ‬/ ‫انڈے پر بیٹھنا‬ Partridges ‫ایک قسم کا پِر ندہ‬ Covey ‫ھنڈ‬ /‫گروہ‬
Muster ‫فوجی دستوں کا ایک جگہ جمع‬
Chicks ‫پرندے کا بچہ‬ Brood ‫انڈے پر بیٹھنا‬ Peacocks ‫ مور‬/‫ایک قسم کا پرندہ‬
Deer ‫ہرن جانور‬
Herd ‫جانوروں کا ری ڑ‬ Penguins ‫پینگوئن‬ Rookery (a breeding ground for
gregarious birds)
‫ُج‬ ‫َت‬
Dolphins ‫ڈولِف ن‬ School ‫مچھلیوں کا ھنڈ‬ Piglets ‫خنزیر کا بچہ‬ Litter ‫کوڑا کرکٹ بے رتیبی سے پڑا ہونا‬
‫ُک‬ ‫َم‬ ‫َن‬ ‫ُج‬
Dogs ‫تا‬ Pack ‫شکاری جانورں کا گروہ‬ Porpoises ‫بو س چھلی‬ School ‫مچھلیوں کا ھنڈ‬
Doves ‫فاختہ‬ Flight ‫اڑتے ہوئے پرندوں کا گروہ‬ Puppies ‫کتے کا بچہ‬ Litter
‫ُج َم‬
elephants Herd quail/s ‫کوئیل‬ Bevy ‫ھر ٹ‬
‫ُج‬ ‫َھ‬
Fish ‫مچھلی‬ catch/haul/shoal ‫ھنڈ‬ ‫ مچھلیوں کا‬Rabbits ‫خرگوش‬ Nest ‫گ ونسال‬
‫َم ّھ‬ cloud/swarm ‫ہجوم جیسے پرندوں کا‬
Flies ‫ک ی‬ ‫ُج‬ seals pod/rookery
‫َو ُل‬
Foxes ‫چاالک جان ر ومڑی‬ Skulk ‫گھات لگاکر بیٹھنا‬ Sheep ‫بھیڑ‬ drove/flock
‫َپ‬ ‫َگ َد‬ ‫َل‬
Geese ‫ مبی ر ن واال ایک قسم کا ِر ندہ‬flock/gaggle a flock of geese Sparrows ‫عام چڑیا‬ Host
geese in flight Skein ‫ل ھا‬ Swallows ‫ایک قسم کا پرندہ‬ Flight
Goats flock/ herd Swine ‫خنزیر‬ Herd
‫َب‬ ‫َبَح‬ Termites ‫لکڑی کا کیڑا‬
Gulls ‫گال‬ ‫ری‬ Colony colony
‫َم‬ ‫َک‬
Herrings ‫چھلی‬ ‫ہیرنگ‬ School Turtles ‫چہوا‬ Rookery a breeding ground for gregarious birds
Horses drove/string/stud/ team ‫ نسل افزا گہوڑا‬whales pod/school
Hounds ‫ِش کاری ا‬ Pack ‫شکاری جانورں کا گروہ‬ Wolves ‫بھیڑیا‬ pack/rout ‫بھیڑ کا مجمع‬

Noun Collective Noun Noun Collective Noun

flight, squadron an air force unit larger than hair ‫َل‬
airplanes mass/tuft ‫بالوں کی ٹ‬
a flight and smaller than a group
‫َک‬ ‫َس‬ ‫َب‬ Round ‫گونج دار‬
Applause ‫تالی جا کر تائش رنا‬ Hay ‫سوکھی گھاس‬ bundle/stack
‫صاف آواز سے متعلق‬
Apples Crop ‫فصل‬ Hills ‫ہاڑی‬ Range ‫ سلسلہ‬a series of hills or mountains
Arms ‫ختِل ف ِق سم کے ہتھیاروں کا‬
‫ُم‬ Stack ‫ڈھیر‬ houses Row
‫مج وعہ‬
Arrows ‫ِت یر‬ quiver/sheaf ‫تیروں بھرا رکش‬ ice Block
autographs Album islands archipelago/ group
bananas bunch/cluster/ comb/ hand joy Bundle
Beads String keys Bunch
Bells Peal lamb Shoulder
Blows shower letters Packet
Books library/set lies Pack
Bottles Crate cars Fleet
Bread Batch mountains chain/range
Bullets Hail mutton Shoulder
Bushes clump/ hedge names List
Cakes Batch notes Book
Cards deck/pack paper ream/sheaf
Cars fleet/line pearls necklace/rope/ string
China Set photographs album
cigarettes packet phrases glossary
Cloth Roll pictures collection
Clothes outfit/ suit poems anthology
Clubs Set pork shoulder
coconuts cluster prices catalogue
Coins collection rags/old clothes bundle
Corn sheaf/stack/ harvest rain fall/shower
Cotton Bale rays pencil
curiosities collection relics collection
currency/notes Wad rice Bowl
diamonds cluster rooms Suite
difficult words glossary rubbish Heap
Dirt Layer ruins heap/mass
Drawers Chest sails Suit
Dust Cloud ships fleet/flotilla
Eggs Clutch shoes Pair
Events chain/series smoke column
exercises Book snow Fall
fans (persons) cluster soil Layer
Film reel/roll stamps album/collection
Firewood bundle stars cluster /constellation/ galaxy
Flats Block steps flight
Flowers bouquet/ bunch/ garland sticks bundle
Flowers posy/wreath stones Heap
Fruit basket/ crate taxis Fleet
fruit trees orchard technical terms glossary
Furniture Suite thread Reel
Galaxies cluster timber Stack
Games compendium tobacco leaves handful
golf clubs Set tools Set
Goods catalogue/stock trees clump/ forest/ grove
Grain Sheaf twins Pair
Grapes bunch/cluster wheat harvest/sheaf
Grass Tuft wood stack/ stock
Guns Battery wool Bale

Noun Collective Noun Noun Collective Noun

Actors cast/company/troupe performers troupe
Angels Host players Team
Artistes Troupe policemen patrol/ posse
Beauties Bevy prisoners Gang
beautiful women Galaxy pupils Class
Climbers Team rascals Pack
Crooks bunch/ gang rioters Mob
customers Trickle robbers band/ gang
Dancers ‫ واال‬،‫ناچنے والی‬ group/ troupe ‫ناچنے والوں کا طائفہ یا ٹولی‬ rulers Line
Directors ‫ہدایت کار‬ Board ‫نگراں کمیٹی‬ sailors Crew
Employees ‫مالزم‬ Staff ‫عملہ‬ savages horde
Entertainers ‫تفریح کرانے واال‬ Troupe ‫ناچنے والوں کا طائفہ یا ٹولی‬ servants Staff
Experts ‫ماہِر‬ Panel ‫فیصلہ ساز کمیٹی‬ sightseers gaggle
film stars galaxy singers choir/group/troupe
Friends party soldiers army/ company/ regiment
Girls bevy spectators crowd
Gypsies caravan students Class
journalists gaggle supporters Army
Kings dynasty/ line teachers Staff
labourers gang team players
magistrates bench thieves gang/ pack
Men body tribe natives
musicians band/orchestra troop scouts
People crowd worshippers congregation

We can recognize most adjectives by their endings. Not all adjectives however have any kind of special
al accidental, central, musical, national, personal

-ous cautious, dangerous, famous, mountainous, poisonous

-y brainy, guilty, skinny, stormy, wavy

-ry angry, hungry, watery, weary, wintry

-ful forgetful, harmful, hopeful, joyful, lawful

-ish boyish, childish, girlish, selfish, yellowish

-sy choosy, lousy, messy, noisy, posy, nosy,

-ar circular, monocular, jugular, polar, vulgar,

-ive active, addictive, radioactive, successive, talkative

-able acceptable, accountable, agreeable, comfortable, lovable

-ly cowardly, fatherly, manly, sickly, smoothly,

-ant distant, intolerant, observant, pleasant, vigilant,

-en golden, modern, molten, wooden, woolen,

-ic academic, horrific, optimistic, organic, realistic,

-ent consistent, non-existent, potent, silent, violent,

-some handsome, loathsome, lonesome, meddlesome, quarrelsome

-ible accessible, discernible, responsible, reversible, sensible

-ky lucky, risky, silky, smoky, tricky

-less endless, meaningless, powerless, shameless, toothless,

-ing alarming, amazing, outstanding, satisfying, worrying

-ed amused, annoyed, old-fashioned, one-sided, shattered

-hy fishy, patchy, pushy, wealthy, worthy

-ory compulsory, laudatory, dilatory, mandatory, statutory,

-ary imaginary, necessary, ordinary, reactionary, voluntary,

Abstract noun refers to a thing that has no physical form. This means we cannot see or touch it. It
denotes an idea (education, discipline), quality (ability, beauty) or state (belief, hope). Abstract nouns are
derived particularly from nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

Noun Abstract Noun Noun Abstract Noun

brother brotherhood man Manhood
Child childhood member Membership
friend friendship mother Motherhood
King kingship neighbor Neighborhood
leader leadership scholar Scholarship

Verb Abstract Noun Verb Abstract Noun

Act action know knowledge
appear appearance laugh laughter
behave behavior lose loss
believe belief marry marriage
Die death permit Permission
Do deed please Pleasure
employ employment refuse Refusal
Free freedom sell Sale
Grow growth speak Speech
invite invitation think Thought
judge judgement treat Treatment

Adjective Abstract Noun Adjective Abstract Noun

Able ability kind Kindness
angry anger long Length
beautiful beauty honest Honesty
brave bravery new Newness
different difference strong Strength
difficult difficulty thirsty Thirst
envious envy unique Uniqueness
Great greatness weak Weakness
happy happiness wide Width
hungry hunger wise Wisdom

List 7 - Comparison of Adjectives

Comparatives and superlatives that are formed irregularly
Some adjectives form their comparatives and superlatives irregularly.
Positive Comparative Superlative
as bad as worse than the worst
as far as farther than the farthest
as far as further than the furthest
as good as better than the best
as little as less than the least
as many as more than the most
as much as more than the most
Comparatives and superlatives using 'more' and 'most'
The comparatives and superlatives of these adjectives usually have three or more syllables and are
formed by adding more and most.
Positive Comparative Superlative
ancient more ancient most ancient
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
brilliant more brilliant most brilliant
careful more careful most careful
careless more careless most careless
cheerful more cheerful most cheerful
comfortable more comfortable most comfortable
dangerous more dangerous most dangerous
delightful more delightful most delightful
difficult more difficult most difficult
enjoyable more enjoyable most enjoyable
expensive more expensive most expensive
foolish more foolish most foolish
forgetful more forgetful most forgetful
frightening more frightening most frightening
generous more generous most generous
handsome more handsome most handsome
helpful more helpful most helpful
ignorant more ignorant most ignorant
important more important most important
intelligent more intelligent most intelligent
interesting more interesting most interesting
pleasant more pleasant most pleasant
powerful more powerful most powerful
prosperous more prosperous most prosperous
sensible more sensible most sensible
terrible more terrible most terrible
thoughtful more thoughtful most thoughtful
unusual more unusual most unusual
useful more useful most useful
valuable more valuable most valuable
wonderful more wonderful most wonderful

Synonym refers to a word that means the same or nearly the same as another word.
Abduct kidnap leery Cautious
Abhor ‫گِھ ن آنا‬ Legacy ‫میراث‬ Bequest ‫میراث‬
‫نفرت‬ Detest ‫شدید نفرت کرنا‬ ‫وصیت‬ ‫وصیت‬
‫َث‬ ‫َث‬
‫ناپسند کرنا‬ ‫ِو ر ہ‬ ‫ِو ر ہ‬
Above over Legible ‫ڑھنے کے قابل لکھائی‬ Readable
‫َک‬ ‫ُخ‬
Abridge ‫رنا‬ ‫الصہ‬ shorten licentious Lewd
Abroad overseas listen Hear
abrogate cancel lithe Supple
Abstain refrain little Small
Accord agreement livid Enraged
Admit confess loathe Abhor
adversary opponent lofty High
Affable friendly logo Symbol
aggravate worsen look See
Agree consent loquacious Talkative
Air discuss lost Misplaced
Akin related loving Fond
Alive lively loyal TRUE
allocate distribute lucrative Profitable
Allow permit ludicrous Absurd
Also too luminous Bright
ameliorate improve lure Entice
amount quantity luster Gloss
Annul cancel luxuriant Lush
answer response macabre Gruesome
appease pacify mad Insane
Arraign indict maelstrom Whirlpool
Ask Inquire, request magnitude Size
assembly gathering malice Spite
Assent agree margin Edge
Attire dress meager Scanty
Avarice greed mean Cruel
Baby infant messy Untidy
Bad evil middle Center
Badger pester misshapen Deformed
Beg implore moral Ethical
Begin commence morsel Piece
behaviour conduct mundane Ordinary
Belief opinion name Title
benevolent kind narrate Tell
Berate scold near Close
Big large nefarious Evil
Bilk swindle negate Cancel
blamed accused negligible Insignificant
Blank empty nepotism Favouritism
Bliss happiness new unused, modern
Bottom foot noisy Rowdy
Brave daring, bold noted well-known
Brawn strength obey Submit
Bright shinning obstinate Stubborn
Broad wide odyssey Journey
Brook tolerate often Frequently
bucolic rustic old Ancient
Build construct omen Sign
Busy active omnipotent all-powerful
Buy purchase omniscient all-knowing
calamity disaster oppress Persecute
Canon rule opulence Wealth
capitulate surrender oral Verbal
careen swerve orator Speaker
careful cautious outset Beginning
careful cautious outside Exterior
castigate criticize ovation Applause
catastrophic disastrous pacify Appease
Catch capture paltry Scarce
caucus meeting pandemic Widespread
Cavort frolic paranormal Supernatural
Cede Relinquish parcel Package
celestial heavenly part Portion
Centre middle patent Obvious
champion winner paucity Scarcity
change alter peddle Sell
Cheat deceive pen Write
Chide scold perhaps Maybe
choose select perilous Dangerous
chubby plump perish Die
circumspect cautious persevere Persist
clemency forgiveness pertinent Relevant
clergyman minister pick Choose
Close near pious Devout
clothes dress placate Appease
Clout influence plentiful Abundant
coagulate thicken policeman Constable
coddle pamper polite Courteous
coercion force poor Destitute
collusion conspiracy port Harbor
commend praise portion Piece
commodity product praise Compliment
compulsory obligatory prank Joke
concise brief pretty beautiful, attractive
concur agree protect Guard
confer bestow pull Drag
conversant familiar purloin Steal
converse opposite push Thrust
Copy imitate putrefy Decay
cordial friendly quack Charlatan
correct accurate qualms Misgivings
courtesan prostitute quay Wharf
Covert secret queen Empress
Crave desire queue Line
culvert drain quick Rapid
cunning sly quiet Peaceful
Cure remedy quill Feather
Curtail shorten quip Joke
Damp moist rare Scarce
dangerous risky rarely Seldom
deadly fatal rash Hasty
Dear expensive read Peruse
Dearth scarcity ready Alert
debilitate weaken real Genuine
deceive trick reap Harvest
decimate destroy rebuke Reprimand
decipher decode receptacle Container
decrease reduce reckless Rash
deduce conclude recollect Remember
deleterious harmful rectify Correct
delude deceive recur Repeat
demeanour behaviour red Ruddy
demise death reek Smell
demobilize disband regal Royal
demoralize dishearten rein Curb
denigrate defame rejoice Celebrate
denounce condemn relic Antique
Depart leave remain Stay
deplete exhaust remedial Corrective
Deride ridicule remember Recollect
desecrate profane remnant Residue
desiccate dehydrate remorse Guilt
despot tyrant renown Fame
destitute poor replenish Refill
Detain confine retain Keep
detrimental harmful revenue Income
Devise plan rich Wealthy
devout pious rift Split
diabolical devilish riot Revolt
diffident shy roam Wander
discernible visible robust Vigorous
discreet prudent rostrum Podium
disease sickness rough Coarse
disfigure mar round Circular
dismal gloomy rude Impolite
disorder chaos rue Regret
dispatch send rule Govern
disperse scatter ruse Trick
disseminate distribute rustic Rural
distend swell sack Pillage
distract divert sad Unhappy
diversity variety safe Secure
divulge disclose saga Story
dodder tremble sanction Approval
Dull gloomy saturate Soak
Dumb mute savour Relish
duress coercion scant Inadequate
eatable edible scared Frightened
Ebb recede scatter Disperse
eccentric odd, weird schism Rift
edifice building scion Offspring
efficacious effective scorn Disdain
egocentric self-centered sear Burn
electorate voters secede Withdraw
elucidate explain seclusion Solitude
Elude evade seduce Lure
Empty vacant seldom Rarely
End conclusion semblance Likeness
enemy foe separate Sever
enough sufficient serene Peaceful
ensnare trap, lure sham Pretense
enterprise undertaking sheen Luster
Entice lure short Brief
entreat plead shorten Abbreviate
Envoy messenger show Exhibit
ephemeral short-lived shun Avoid
Epoch era sibling brother/sister
equitable fair sick Ill
Error mistake siege Blockage
escape elude silent Quiet
exorbitant expensive silly Foolish
exorcise expel simple Easy
Fable myth sinister Evil
Fall drop site Location
FALSE untrue, wrong skeptical Doubtful
fantasy daydream slay Kill
Far distant sleepy Drowsy
feather plume slim Slender
Feign pretend sloth Laziness
Fertile fruitful smart Intelligent
Fidelity loyalty smell Scent
Fierce ferocious smite Strike
Fight battle snare Trap
Filch steal snub Ignore
Find discover sovereign Monarch
First initial specimen Sample
Fiscal monetary squalid Filthy
flagellate whip squander Waste
Float drift static Inactive
Force compel steed Horse
foretell predict stern Strict
free release stick Adhere
Friend companion, ally stifle Suppress
Friend ally stimulate Excite
Funny amusing stingy Miserly
Furtive stealthy stop Halt
Gain profit strange Odd
Game recreation strife Conflict
gargantuan large strive Endeavour
garrulous talkative strong Powerful
gather collect student Pupil
Gay cheerful studious Diligent
general common style Fashion
genesis beginning subdue Conquer
ghastly horrible submit Yield
Give donate subside Diminish
Glad happy succulent Juicy
glaring dazzling superb Excellent
Gnarl deform surmount Overcome
Gory bloody surprise Astonishment
Guest visitor surrender Yield
guffaw laughter surround Encircle
Habit custom susceptible Vulnerable
habituate accustom sustenance Food
Hale healthy swamp Marsh
hallucination delusion taint Pollute
hamper obstruct talk Conversation
hapless unlucky talon Claw
harangue tirade tangible Touchable
Hard difficult tarnish Taint
Hate detest taut Tight
Haven refuge teach Educate
height altitude teacher Instructor
Help assist tedious Boring
Herald harbinger tempest Storm
Hew cut tempo Speed
Hide conceal tempt Entice
hideous horrible tenet Doctrine
High tall tepid Lukewarm
Home residence terse Concise
Hone sharpen tested Tried
Horde group thief Burglar
Hue colour thin Lean
Hug embrace thrive Prosper
Huge enormous throng Crowd
humane compassionate titillate Arouse
hygienic sanitary titular Figurehead
hyperbole exaggeration toil Drudgery
idiosyncrasy peculiarity top Summit
Illicit unlawful trail Path
illimitable limitless tranquilize calm, anesthetize
illustrious famous transient Temporary
imbibe drink transitory Fleeting
Imitate copy traverse Cross
immaterial irrelevant trek Journey
immense huge trick Hoax
impale pierce trite Commonplace
impasse deadlock trust Believe
impassive calm try Attempt
impeccable faultless twain Two
impede hinder tyrannical Dictatorial
impending imminent ubiquitous Omnipresent
imperil endanger ulterior hidden, covert
implicate incriminate unassuming Modest
implore entreat uncanny Mysterious
inculcate instill under Beneath
incursion raid undermine Weaken
indelible permanent underscore Emphasize
indigent poor understand Comprehend
indiscriminate random unduly Excessive
indolent lazy unison Together
industrious hardworking usually Generally
inexorable relentless utter Complete
infamous notorious vacant Empty
infamy shame vacillate Waver
Infer conclude vain Unsuccessful
infirmity ailment valiant Brave
Influx inflow value Worth
infraction violation vanish Disappear
infuriate enrage vanquish Conquer
Inhibit restrain vehement Adamant
iniquitous unjust vendetta Feud
initiate begin venom Poison
inkling hint venue Location
Innate inborn verbose Wordy
innocuous harmless verdict Decision
innuendo insinuation veto Reject
inordinate excessive vex Annoy
inquisitive curious vicious evil, cruel
inscribe engrave victory Triumph
Inside interior vie Compete
insignia emblems vilify Defame
insolvent bankrupt virile manly, strong
instigate incite vital Necessary
Inter bury vocation Occupation
interesting fascinating vogue Fashion
intrepid fearless volatile Unstable
intricate complex vulgarity Obscenity
intrigue plot vulnerable Susceptible
intrinsic inherent wager Bet
inundate flood wages Salary
involve implicate waive Forgo
Irate angry wallow Indulge
irrational illogical want Need
Jeer mock watch Look
Jest joke weak Feeble
jocular humorous wet Damp
Join connect whet Stimulate
Jostle push whole Entire
judicious prudent wither Shrivel
Jump leap wonder Amazement
Just fair woo Court
Kudos acclaim wrath anger, fury
Last final wrest Snatch
Lazy indolent writ Summons
Least minimum yearly Annually
leave abandon young Youthful

Antonym refers to a word that means the opposite of another word.

Above below hill valley

abroad home humble proud
absent present husband wife
absent present in out
accept refuse include exclude
Active passive increase decrease
Add subtract increase decrease
Admit deny indifferent interested
Adult child inner outer
Alive dead inside outside
all none insult praise
Allow refuse interested bored
always never interesting dull
Arrive depart joy sorrow
asleep awake junior senior
Back front kind cruel
backwards forward kind cruel
bad good knowledge ignorance
Barren fertile lazy industrious
beautiful ugly lead follow
Before after least greatest
Begin end leave arrive
Bent straight lend borrow
Best worst level steep
Better worse life death
Big small liquid solid
Black white long short
blameless guilty loss gain
Bless curse loud soft
Blunt sharp love hate
Bold timid majority minority
Bold timid many few
Boss employee masculine feminine
bravery cowardice master servant
Break repair mean kind
Bridge tunnel miser spendthrift
Bright dull modern ancient
Broad narrow most least
Busy idle motorist pedestrian
Buy sell mountain valley
capture release natural artificial
Catch throw near far
Cheap dear never always
City country niece nephew
Clean dirty noise silence
clever foolish noisy quiet
cloudy clear normal abnormal
clumsy graceful north south
coarse fine notice ignore
Cold hot obey command
Come go obtain give
comedy tragedy often seldom
comfort disturb old new
common rare omit include
common unusual open shut/close
contract expand order chaos
Cool warm overlook notice
coward hero pardon punish
cowardly bold part whole
Create destroy past future
Cry laugh peace war
Daily nightly plural singular
danger safety polite rude
Dark bright polite rude
Dawn dusk poor rich
Day night powerful weak
Deep shallow praise blame
Depth height public private
Die live public private
difficult easy punish reward
Dim bright pupil teacher
discourteous polite purchase sell
Divide multiply push pull
Doctor patient question answer
Drunk sober quick slow
Dry wet raw cooked
Dwarf giant raw cooked
Early late real imaginary
East west right left
Easy difficult rise fall
Ebb flow rough smooth
Empty full sad cheerful
enemy friend safe dangerous
Enjoy dislike safe dangerous
entrance exit same different
evening morning separate join
Ever never several few
everybody nobody silly serious
everywhere nowhere similar different
Exit entrance slim fat
Fact fiction smile frown
Failure success smile frown
Fair dark straight crooked
famous unknown straight crooked
Fancy plain strange familiar
Far near strong weak
Fat thin summer winter
Fat skinny sweet sour
Few many sweet sour
Find lose talk listen
Finish start tall short
First last tame wild
Flatter insult teach learn
Foe friend teacher student
foolish wise these those
foreign local thick thin
Forget remember this that
Found lost tight loose
Freeze thaw tiny huge
Fresh stale top bottom
Fresh stale trainer trainee
Friend enemy trust doubt
Full vacant truth lie
Future past under over
generous selfish unusual ordinary
Give receive up down
Give take upset comfort
graceful awkward vacant occupied
Guilty innocent vacant occupied
Guilty innocent valuable worthless
Happy sad victory defeat
Happy sad villain hero
Hard easy war peace
Hard soft wide narrow
Head tail win lose
Heavy light wise foolish
Hell heaven within without
Help hinder work rest
Here there wrong right
Hide show yes no
High low young old

Antonyms (un-)

attractive unattractive justifiable unjustifiable

Able unable known unknown
acceptable unacceptable lawful unlawful
accompanied unaccompanied licensed unlicensed
Arm unarm like unlike
certain uncertain lock unlock
comfortable uncomfortable necessary unnecessary
common uncommon patriotic unpatriotic
conscious unconscious popular unpopular
Dress undress prepared unprepared
Equal Unequal safe unsafe
ethical unethical screw unscrew
Even Uneven seen unseen
Fair Unfair selfish unselfish
Fold Unfold steady unsteady
friendly Unfriendly suitable unsuitable
Happy Unhappy tidy untidy
healthy Unhealthy tie untie
Just Unjust used unused
Kind Unkind willing unwilling
known Unknown wise unwise

Antonyms (dis-)

advantage disadvantage enfranchise disenfranchise

agree disagree honest dishonest
Allow disallow incentive disincentive
appear disappear indispensable dispensable
Arm disarm like dislike
arrange disarrange loyal disloyal
associate disassociate obey disobey
believe disbelieve proportionate disproportionate
connect disconnect order disorder
continue discontinue own disown
embark disembark satisfied dissatisfied
encourage discourage trust distrust

Antonyms (in-)

accurate inaccurate
active inactive
adequate inadequate
admissible inadmissible
attentive inattentive
correct incorrect

Antonyms (im-)

mature immature
mobile immobile
moral immoral
mortal immortal
movable immovable
patient impatient
perfect imperfect
polite impolite
possible impossible
probable improbable
proper improper
pure impure

Antonyms (mis-)

handle Mishandle
judge Misjudge
spell Misspell
understand misunderstand
use Misuse

Antonyms (-less)
careful Careless
harmful Harmless
helpful Helpless
hopeful Hopeless
painful Painless
pitiful Pitiless
powerful Powerless
shameful Shameless
useful Useless

Homonym is a word that is spelt the same or sounds the same

as another word but is different in meaning.

‫َہ‬ Lone/ Lone (Alone, Lonely, Solitary

Air ‫ نشر ہونا‬/‫وا‬/air heir ‫میراث پانے واال‬ Loan‫قرض‬
‫ُا‬ ‫اکیال‬
‫احساس‬ ‫واِر ث‬/ ‫دھار‬ ‫تنہا‬
Ail ‫ بیمار ہونا‬/‫ لہسن‬ale ‫راب‬ made maid
allowed aloud mail male
arc ark main mane
ate eight meat meet
bad bade medal meddle
bail bale missed mist
bald bawled muscle mussel
ball bawl none nun
bare bear oar ore
beach beech one won
bean been pail pale
bear bare pain pane
beat beet pair pear
Bee be patience patients
beet beat peace piece
Bell belle peal peel
berry bury plain plane
Birth berth plane plain
blue blew pore pour
boar bore practice practise
board bored praise prays
bough bow pray prey
Bow bough principal principle
Boy buoy profit prophet
brake break rain reign
Buy by/bye rap wrap
ceiling sealing read reed
Cell sell read red
cent sent right write
cheap cheep ring wring
check cheque road rode
coarse course role roll
Cord chord root route
dear deer rose rows
Die dye sale sail
Dun done scene seen
Dye die sea see
Ewe you seam seem
Eye I sew sow
Fair fare sight site
Feat feet soar sore
Find fined sole soul
Flea flee son sun
Flew flu soot suit
flour flower stair stare
flower flour stake steak
Fool full steal steel
Fore four stile style
forth fourth suite sweet
Foul fowl tail tale
Fur fir tear tier
Gait gate their there
grate great threw through
groan grown throne thrown
Hair hare tide tied
Hall haul to two
heal heel told tolled
hear here too to, two
heard herd towed toad
here hear urn earn
higher hire vain vein
Him hymn vale veil
hole whole vein vane, vain
hour our waist waste
Idle idol wait weight
Key quay way weigh
knew new weak week
knight night wear where
Knot ‫گانٹھ پیچیدہ‬/ Not whole hole
know no witch which
Lain lane wood would
lead led write right
leak leek yoke yolk
lessen lesson yore your

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