Quiz 3 2dos

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Liceo Bicentenario Isaura Dinator

Departamento: inglés
Docente: Betzabe Elissalde
Curso: 2dos medios


Name Class: 2dos Date:

Asignatura Inglés R.S C.S O.S
Habilidades Comprende textos escritos en el segundo idioma en el tiempo pasado simple
identificando los verbos regulares e irregulares.
Objetivo Comprender textos en el 2do idioma identificando el pasado simple de los
verbos regulares e irregulares.

I. Complete the chart with the simple past Regular or irregular verbs.

Infinitive Past Meaning

1. Be

2. Take

3. Play

4. Teach

5. Have

6. Visit

II. Read the text. Complete with the simple past and answer the questions.

Ben’s day.

When I (1) _______________ (wake up) this morning, I (2) _______________ (Find) my dog, Fox, waiting for me.
He (3) _________________ (Want) me to take him for a walk. I (4) _____________________ (Be) too hungry, so first
I (5) ___________________ (Have) breakfast. Then I (6) _____________________ (Wash) my teeth and put on a
track-suit and a heavy coat, because it (7) _____________________ (be) really cold outside. We both (8)
_________________________ (go) out, and (9) ________________________ (Walk) to the park near home. He (10)
_____________________(Run) and (11) _______________________ (Jum).

Short answer questions

a. What did Fox want to do? _________________________

b. What did Ben eat in the morning? _________________________
c. What did he wear? _________________________
d. What was the weather like? _________________________
e. Where did they go? _________________________

III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1. She __________________________ (not study) for the test.

a) Studied b) Didn’t study c) Didn’t studied

2. They __________________________ (wear) uniform at school.

a) Wore b) Wear c) Worn

Liceo Bicentenario Isaura Dinator
Departamento: inglés
Docente: Betzabe Elissalde
Curso: 2dos medios

3. What _____________ Julia _______________ (do) yesterday?

a) Did – do b) Did – did c) Did – Done

4. He ________________________ (Brush) his hair every day.

a) Brushes b) Brush c) Brushed

5. My sister ________________________ (not be) in her bedroom.

a) Was b) wasn’t c) Weren’t

6. _____________ the boys _____________ (come) to the meeting?

a) Did – come c) Did – came d) Did - comes

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