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Nama : Malika Nuri Ar Rifky

Kelas : X.B
The power Of Kindness
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Hello everyone
I begin in the name of Allah SWt, the most gracius and the most merciful. Peace
and blessing be upon our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW.
Today I want to speech about the power of kindness.
It is an honor to stand before you today and share my thoughts about the power of
kindness as a virtue of akhlaq. Kindness is a simple act that can have a tremendous
impact on ourselves and the world around us.
When we are kind to others, it makes them feel valued and appreciated. It creates
positive energy thet can spread and influence others. Kindness can help to reduse
stress, anxiety, and depression leading to better mental and emotional health.
Moreover, kindness can create a ripple effect that can transform society. When we
are kind to others, it inspires them to be kind to others as well.
In short, the power of kindess is a undineable. It is a fundamental aspect of akhlaq
that can have a profound impact on ourselves and others. Let us all strive to

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