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1. The video defines Epistemology as the theory of knowledge or the study of knowledge. It
explains that Epistemology attempts to answer fundamental questions about knowledge
and how it is obtained.

2. Some questions that one may ask in the study of Epistemology, as mentioned in the
video, include:

What is the nature of knowledge?

What are the obstacles to the attainment of knowledge?
What can be known?
How does knowledge differ from opinion or belief?

3. Empiricism: This is a method of knowledge acquisition that relies on the senses or one's
experiences. Empiricists believe that knowledge is primarily obtained through sensory
perception and direct experience.

Rationalism: This is another method of knowledge acquisition that emphasizes the role of
reasoning and intellect. Rationalists believe that knowledge can be obtained through
logical reasoning and intellectual processes.

4. Propositional knowledge or knowledge of facts: This type of knowledge deals with

statements or propositions about the world. It includes beliefs that are justified and true.
For example, "I know that a giraffe has four legs."

Practical knowledge or know-how: This type of knowledge involves knowing how to do

something. It is often implicit and related to practical skills, like knowing how to ride a
bike, cook, or drive a car.

5. According to the video, justified true belief is the definition often used for propositional
knowledge. It means that in order to claim knowledge of a fact, one must have good
reasons (justification) for believing it to be true, and the belief must indeed be true. In
other words, knowledge is justified true belief.

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