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Analyzing The Impact of Financial Management Practices on

Educational Outcomes in School

Financial decisions including budgeting , resources allocation and expenditure control,

can significantly affect the educational experience. Mismanagement of funds can lead to
inadequate learning resources, under paid educators, and reduced access to extracurricular
activities; On the contrary, efficient financial practices can enhance educational outcomes by
ensuring a conducive learning environment, qualified stuff, and a wide range of education
opportunities, According to Walter (2019),there is a poor quality of supervising education system
when financial recording which is a vital financial management practice is missing.
Effective financial management is essential for the smooth operation of education
institutions, as it directly influences resource allocation instrastructions development, and the
overall learning environment. Schools rely on funding for various purpose, including hiring
qualities, and implementing extracurricular programs, School financial management is a global
critical issue and may affect the school academic performance in one way or another (world
band,2019). Management of school funds include controlling school finances, organizing school
finances, leading school finances and budgeting which is a part and parcel of existence of the
school (Motsamai,Lynette & Corence,2011). Schools that carefully manage their financial
resources have better academic performance. It is in the best interest of the school and it's
students that it's school leader has a clear understand of his/her role in the management of
finances and the implementation of financial policy (Elizaveta,2018),UNESCO(2010)pointed out
that there is mismanagement of school funds in Rwanda. If school finance are poorly managed, it
causes the lack of necessary materials in school (kuria,2012;Mercy et al,2014).
Therefore, in Monico Rarama National High School financial management is good, they
meet the needs of the school they make sure the money they spend is for the school and they
budget it properly. If they do it right, it can make a big difference in Education. There are things
that are lacking in materials, they manage the money well but even so it is not enough to buy
materials that the students can use but even so they do not spend the money of the school for

Objective of the study understand if good financial management in schools leads to better teachers, which
helps student learn more. check it schools with sound financial practices have more books, computers, and
supplies for students, making learning easier. see if well-managed finances lead to smaller class sizes, allowing teachers to give
students more attention. find out it proper financial management supports fun activities like sports and clubs,
which can help students grow in different ways.

Scope and delimitation

This research will be conducted on October 2023.the respondent of this research senior school at
Monico Rarama National High School. Which the total number of 30 students.

Significance of the study

This research conduct to know the impact of financial management practices on educational
outcomes in school. This research aims to give significance to the following.
This study can help students get a better education by ensuring schools use their money
wisely,leading to improved teaching and learning.
Parents can understand how good financial management in schools benefits their children's
education,giving them confidence in the school system .
Future researchers.
Can build upon this study to explore more about how money impacts education, contributing to
better policies and practices.
Teachers can benefit from improved financial management, potentially leading to better working
conditions and more resources for teaching.

Research question.
Do schools with better money management have more qualified teachers,and does this improve
student learning ?
Does attetive financial management in school result in more and better learning resources for
Does proper budgeting result in smaller class sizes?
Definition of terms
Class size.
This simply means how many students are in a class. Smaller class sizes mean fewer students in
a room, which can be good for learning.
Educational outcomes.
This is just a fancy way of saying what you learn and how well you do in school. It’s the result of
your education.
Financial management.
This means handling money wisely. In school it's about how they use their fund for better
Resource availability.
It’s all the stuff schools have for learning Iike books ,computers, and science equipment. This
term talks about how much of this stuff schools have.
Teacher Quality.
This is about how good or effective teachers are in helping students learn. It’s like having a great
coach for a sports team.

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