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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Darren B. Taichman, M.D., Ph.D., Editor

Prevention of Central Line–Associated

Bloodstream Infections
Naomi P. O’Grady, M.D.​​

he management of many medical and surgical conditions of- From the National Institutes of Health
ten involves long-term infusion of intravenous fluids, broad-spectrum anti- Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD. Dr. O’Grady
can be contacted at ­nogrady@​­cc​.­nih​.­gov
biotics, chemotherapeutic agents for cancer, critical care therapies, antibiot- or at the National Institutes of Health
ics administered at home, total parenteral nutrition, or hemodialysis. For these Clinical Center, 10 Center Dr., Bldg. 10,
interventions, central venous catheters (referred to as central lines by the National Rm. 2-2731, Bethesda, MD 20892.

Healthcare Safety Network [NHSN]) provide safe and reliable vascular access. N Engl J Med 2023;389:1121-31.
Although these devices are vital to care, they are associated with a risk of infec- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra2213296
Copyright © 2023 Massachusetts Medical Society.
tion. Central line–associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) may increase antibi-
otic exposure, the hospital stay, health care costs, and the risk of death. CME
A study conducted at a large, suburban, tertiary care hospital involving 1132 pa- at
tients in an intensive care unit (ICU) who had undergone central venous catheter-
ization showed the magnitude of this problem. CLABSI was associated with sig-
nificant increases in the unadjusted ICU length of stay (median, 24 days, vs. 5 days
for patients without a CLABSI; P<0.001), hospital length of stay (median, 45 vs. 11
days; P<0.001), mortality (51% vs. 28%, P = 0.001), and total hospital costs ($83,544
vs. $23,803, P<0.001). After adjustment for other factors that may affect costs and
length of stay, CLABSI resulted in an attributable cost of $11,971 (95% confidence
interval [CI], $6,732 to $18,352), an additional ICU length of stay of 2.41 days (95%
CI, 0.08 to 3.09), and an additional hospital length of stay of 7.54 days (95% CI,
3.99 to 11.09).1 Although there is little debate about the excess cost of these infec-
tions, reported excess mortality has varied. However, an updated meta-analysis
that included 18 studies showed an increased risk of death among patients with
CLABSI as compared with those who did not have this infection (odds ratio, 2.75;
95% CI, 1.86 to 4.07),2 findings that reaffirmed those in a smaller meta-analysis.3
The enormous morbidity and mortality burden associated with CLABSI and the
literature showing that these infections are often preventable have made CLABSI
an easy target for performance improvement. In fact, CLABSI rates have become
proxies for hospital quality and patient safety and are used by the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to deny hospitals reimbursement for the
care of patients who acquired these infections after admission. It is therefore not
surprising that over the past 20 years, substantial efforts have been made by sev-
eral governmental, public health, and professional organizations to sponsor and
promote evidence-based guidelines for strategies to prevent CLABSI.4-9 These ef-
forts have been credited for successfully reducing the incidence of CLABSI in ICUs,
acute care units, burn units, neonatal ICUs, and oncology units nationwide. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a 58% reduction in
CLABSI across all ICU types from 2001 through 2009.10 Another analysis showed
more than a 50% reduction in CLABSI rates, from 2.5 infections per 1000 catheter
days in 2004 to 0.76 infections per 1000 catheter days in 2013.11 Reductions in
CLABSI rates were sustained during the Michigan Keystone ICU Project,11 a study
that included 103 ICUs in Michigan.

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Several other factors may have contributed to Figure 1 (facing page). Four Routes for Catheter
these reported reductions in CLABSI rates, in- ­Contamination.
cluding changes in the definition of CLABSI and In the first route of contamination, skin pathogens can
changes in public policy. CLABSI rates remained enter the cutaneous catheter tract at the insertion site
low nationwide until the middle of 2020, when and migrate down the external surface of the catheter
the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pan- toward the catheter tip. Insertion-site contamination
can also happen when the skin microorganism density
demic brought with it a substantial increase in increases underneath the catheter dressing over time if
infection rates, with one study showing a 51% the area is not decontaminated frequently. In the sec-
increase in CLABSI rates during the first few ond route, intraluminal contamination can occur when
months of the pandemic in 78 hospitals across the catheter hub is manipulated, and pathogens gain
12 states in a single health care system.12 access to the intraluminal surface of the device, where
they adhere and become incorporated into biofilm that
This review focuses on the specific strategies allows sustained infection and hematogenous dissemi-
for which there is high-quality evidence of re- nation. In the third route, less commonly, catheters can
duced CLABSI rates and considers how changes become contaminated hematogenously from a second-
in both definitions of CLABSI and public policy ary bloodstream infection that develops from another
may have indirectly contributed to the reduction focus of infection (e.g., pneumonia or a urinary tract
­infection). Bacteria then stick to the biofilm that is
in these rates, without having improved clinical formed and adhere to the internal lumen of the cathe-
outcomes. In addition, since the increase in the ter. In the fourth route, rarely, contaminated infusate
incidence of CLABSI during the Covid-19 pan- can taint the catheter (e.g., in outbreaks with contami-
demic revealed vulnerabilities in some infection- nated injectable flushes).
prevention strategies, strategies that are more
resilient in the face of changing conditions in
health care are highlighted. that accurately identifies the catheter as the
source of the bloodstream infection. In addition
to meeting the criteria for the surveillance defi-
Defini t ion of CL A BSI
nition (i.e., CLABSI), the CRBSI definition in-
The NHSN, the widely used health care–associ- cludes signs and symptoms of infection (e.g.,
ated infection tracking system of the CDC, de- fever, elevated white-cell count, and erythema at
fines CLABSI as a laboratory-confirmed blood- the catheter exit site) when blood was drawn for
stream infection in a patient who has had a culture, and it can be influenced by various
central venous catheter in place for more than other factors such as catheter removal, labora-
48 hours before the date on which blood was tory resources such as quantitative blood cul-
drawn for culture, if no other source of bactere- tures or time to positivity, and submission of the
mia or fungemia is identified.13 This definition catheter tip for culture.14,15 CRBSI rates are not
is based on surveillance rather than on a clinical used for surveillance because the complex pro-
presentation, with no requirement for signs or cess of establishing the catheter as the source of
symptoms of infection. Since it is often difficult the bloodstream infection would make broad ap-
to determine whether a bloodstream infection is plication for epidemiologic purposes challenging.
related to the central catheter itself or whether it Although there are nuanced but distinct dif-
has a secondary source (e.g., an abdominal ab- ferences between CLABSI and CRBSI, the terms
scess or pneumonia), the NHSN definition of are often used interchangeably, which can com-
CLABSI may overestimate the true incidence of plicate data interpretation. In this review, I dis-
central catheter–associated infection. This sur- cuss studies that used either CLABSI or CRBSI as
veillance definition is used by the NHSN net- an outcome measure, recognizing that the
work because it is easy to apply to areas in the CLABSI definition is less accurate and may af-
hospital where tracking the rates of CLABSI is fect the validity of the evidence.
deemed important. If this definition is applied
consistently, it will provide useful information Patho gene sis
on institutional CLABSI trends.
Catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) Understanding the pathogenesis of CRBSI is
is a clinical definition used for diagnosis and pivotal for developing preventive strategies that
treatment. It requires specific laboratory testing target the entry routes of pathogens. There are

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Centr al Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections

Separate focus
of infection (e.g.,


Pathogens migrate down the external surface

of the catheter toward the catheter tip

Catheter contaminated at
insertion site (by hospital staff) 1
Extraluminal spread


Bacteria Bacteria stick to

Increased skin microorganism biofilm and adhere
density under dressing without Biofilm to internal lumen
frequent decontamination of catheter
(by hospital staff)

Catheter contaminated
3 by secondary infection
Catheter hub manipulation Intraluminal spread
(by hospital staff) 2
Intraluminal spread Contaminated infusate
4 Intraluminal

four routes for catheter contamination (Fig. 1). down the external surface of the catheter toward
First, skin pathogens at the insertion site can the tip. This most commonly happens within the
enter the cutaneous catheter tract and migrate first 7 days after catheter placement and is

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

thought to occur at the time of insertion. Inser- Table 1. Risk Factors for Central Line–Associated
tion-site contamination can also happen when Bloodstream Infection.
the skin microorganism density increases un-
Patient factors
derneath the catheter dressing over time, if the
area is not decontaminated frequently. Immunocompromise
Second, intraluminal contamination can hap- Neutropenia
pen when the catheter hub is manipulated. Burns
Pathogens gain access to the intraluminal sur- Malnutrition
face of the device, where they adhere and be- BMI >40*
come incorporated into biofilm (an aggregate of
Prolonged hospitalization before catheter insertion
microorganisms in a matrix of extracellular poly-
Prematurity in infants
meric substances), which allows for sustained
infection and hematogenous dissemination. Limited venous access
This contamination typically happens more than Provider factors
7 days after catheter insertion and is related to Emergency catheter insertion
the care and maintenance of the catheter, as well Incomplete adherence to aseptic technique
as the number of times the catheter is manipu- Multiple manipulations of the catheter
lated or accessed.
Low nurse-to-patient ratio
Third, and less commonly, catheters become
contaminated hematogenously from a secondary Failure to remove unnecessary catheter
bloodstream infection that develops from an- Device factors
other focus of infection (e.g., pneumonia or a Catheter material
urinary tract infection). Bacteria stick to the Catheter insertion site
biofilm that is formed and adhere to the internal Indications for use (e.g., for hemodialysis)
lumen of the catheter. Finally, in rare cases, con-
taminated infusate taints the catheter (i.e., in * The body-mass index (BMI) is the weight in kilograms
outbreaks with contaminated injectable flushes).7 divided by the square of the height in meters.
Knowledge of the pathogenesis of CRBSI has
informed the development of strategies for pre- Provider characteristics that increase the risk
vention. include insertion of the catheter under emer-
gency conditions, incomplete adherence to sterile
insertion technique, multiple manipulations of the
R isk Fac t or s for CR BSI
catheter, low nurse-to-patient ratios, and failure
Although most efforts to reduce CRBSIs over the to remove unnecessary catheters.22,23 Finally,
past 20 years have focused on the ICU, which is device characteristics that are associated with
perceived to be a high-risk setting, most CRBSIs risk include the material used to make the cath-
now occur in non-ICU inpatient units and in the eter, the site of insertion, the number of lumens,
outpatient setting.16,17 Rather than focusing on and the indication for use (e.g., hemodialysis or
the areas of the hospital such as the ICU where pulmonary-artery catheters).24-26 Most strategies
the risk of acquiring CLABSI is high, some in- to prevent CLABSI have targeted provider and
fection-prevention strategies aim to mitigate device characteristics, which are more amenable
specific CRBSI risk factors that are related to to modification than patient characteristics.
characteristics of the patient, provider, or device
(Table 1). Patient characteristics that increase Prov en Pr e v en t i v e S t r ategie s
the risk of infection include immunocompro- a nd De v ice s
mise related to hematologic cancer, neutropenia,
malnutrition, a prolonged hospital stay before Checklists
device insertion, severe burns, a body-mass in- Table 2 lists preventive strategies and devices
dex (the weight in kilograms divided by the that have been shown to reduce the incidence of
square of the height in meters) of more than 40, CLABSI. For example, checklists consist of spe-
and prematurity in infants.18-21 cific step-by-step instructions on how to insert a

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Table 2. Strategies and Devices for Preventing Central needles, trocars, catheter, and sutures needed
Line–Associated Bloodstream Infection. for catheter insertion and securement.
Hand Hygiene
Catheter-insertion cart or kit Hand hygiene before insertion of a central cath-
Hand hygiene eter is an essential part of an infection-prevention
Maximal sterile barrier precautions program.30-32 Hand hygiene can involve washing
Alcoholic chlorhexidine skin antisepsis with conventional soap and water or with an
Selection of subclavian catheter-insertion site alcohol-based, waterless hand rub. An alcohol-
(in patients in the intensive care unit) based sanitizer is preferred for hands that are
Chlorhexidine dressings not visibly soiled. Alcohol-based products should
Chlorhexidine bathing
be applied according to the manufacturer’s guide-
lines on dispensing the product. Typically, 3 to 5 ml
Antibiotic- or antiseptic-impregnated catheters
is applied to the palm, and the hands are rubbed
Manual decontamination of catheter hubs and caps vigorously and thoroughly so that all surfaces on
before catheter insertion
both hands are covered. All surfaces usually dry
Antiseptic-containing hubs and caps
completely in 20 seconds.33 Hand hygiene is es-
sential before and after inserting, replacing, ac-
catheter with the use of standard infection-pre- cessing, repairing, or dressing an intravascular
vention practices and aseptic technique. The list catheter. Using gloves when manipulating cen-
usually begins with hand hygiene and works tral catheters does not preclude the need for hand
through all steps related to infection control, hygiene. If hands are not cleaned before gloves
including gowning, gloving, masking, draping are donned, any organisms on the hands may be
the patient, and applying antiseptic agents to the transferred to the outside surface of the gloves.
patient’s skin. Checklists have been shown to
improve adherence to infection-control practices Maximal Sterile Barrier Precautions
at the time of catheter insertion and to reduce Maximal sterile barrier precautions are defined
the incidence of infection.27,28 The checklist is as wearing a mask, cap, sterile gown, and sterile
usually completed by someone who is directly gloves and placing a large sterile drape that
observing the procedure. This approach helps fully covers the patient’s entire body. The use of
the members of the procedure team focus their maximal sterile barrier precautions during cathe-
attention on the details in the list and makes ter placement has been associated with a reduced
them less prone to skipping any of the small but incidence of CLABSI, as compared with the use
important steps. of sterile gloves and a small drape alone.34

Catheter-Insertion Kits or Carts Alcoholic Chlorhexidine Skin Antisepsis

The use of all-inclusive catheter-insertion kits or Skin antisepsis with an alcoholic chlorhexidine
carts has been shown to reduce the risk of preparation containing at least 2% chlorhexidine
CRBSI by ensuring that everything needed for gluconate at the time of catheter insertion has
successful catheter insertion is in one place, thus become the standard of care, based on multiple
making it easy to do the right thing and more randomized studies showing a reduced inci-
difficult to make a mistake.29 For example, dence of CLABSI with alcoholic chlorhexidine
choosing the correct antiseptic agent (chlorhexi- than with povidone iodine.35-38 Although both anti-
dine instead of povidone iodine) for the skin is septic preparations have broad-spectrum antimi-
no longer a decision the proceduralist needs to crobial activity, the superior clinical protection
make if the agent comes bundled in a kit or on provided by chlorhexidine is probably related to
a catheter-insertion cart. Catheter-insertion kits more rapid action, a shorter drying time owing
should contain all the necessary components for to the combination with alcohol, persistent activ-
completion of this sterile procedure, including ity despite exposure to blood and body fluids, and
gowns, gloves, masks, sterile drapes, and the a longer residual effect at the site of catheter in-
antiseptic agent, as well as the local anesthetic, sertion. The available evidence provides support

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for the use of an alcoholic preparation of chlorhex- nal pathway, providing antimicrobial activity at
idine rather than its aqueous competitors.39 the site for up to 7 days. Once secured in place,
the dressings require less frequent changes than
Site Selection standard dressings. In patients who have well-
The subclavian site is the preferred catheter- healed access sites, it is not clear whether
insertion site for reducing the risk of CRBSI in chlorhexidine dressings provide any additional
the ICU.20,25,26,40,41 In the non-ICU setting, the benefit.47,48
difference in infection risk among insertion sites
is less clear. The influence of the site on the risk Chlorhexidine Bathing
of CRBSI is related in part to the density of skin Several randomized trials involving adults and
flora at the site. Femoral catheters have higher children have established the role of daily
colonization rates and, in some studies, are as- chlorhexidine bathing to prevent CLABSI in
sociated with a higher incidence of CRBSI than critically ill patients.49-51 However, the role of
catheters inserted at subclavian or internal jugu- daily chlorhexidine baths is less clear in other
lar sites in adults.20,26,40 In a randomized, con- patient populations. One study, which involved
trolled trial that compared all three sites, cath- patients on general medical and surgical wards,
eterization of the subclavian vein was associated showed that daily chlorhexidine bathing was as-
with a lower risk of the combined end-point sociated with a significant decrease in the inci-
event of CRBSI and symptomatic deep venous dence of CLABSI.52 However, some of the patients
thrombosis than catheterization of the femoral in that study received mupirocin decolonization
vein or the internal jugular vein.20 However, if they were known to be carriers of methicillin-
subclavian-vein catheterization was associated resistant Staphylococcus aureus, so that it was dif-
with an increased risk of mechanical complica- ficult to discern the role of chlorhexidine bath-
tions such as pneumothorax and subclavian- ing alone. Chlorhexidine bathing has also been
artery cannulization. This potential for me- studied in patients with cancer. Some studies
chanical complications should be considered in in this patient population showed that daily
weighing the risks and benefits of infectious chlorhexidine bathing decreased the incidence
and noninfectious complications of catheter in- of CLABSI among adults53; however, in children,
sertion. similar benefits were not observed.54
Site selection should be guided by patient
comfort, the ability to secure the catheter, and Antibiotic- and Antiseptic-Impregnated
maintenance of aseptic technique, as well as by Catheters
patient-specific factors such as coagulopathies, Catheters impregnated with chlorhexidine–silver
anatomical complexity, and preexisting catheters. sulfadiazine or minocycline–rifampin have been
In patients for whom hemodialysis will probably studied for more than two decades and have
be warranted, the subclavian site should be been shown to be very effective in reducing the
avoided because of the risk of subclavian steno- risk of CLABSI.24,55-59 When these catheters were
sis.42 The availability of bedside ultrasonography first introduced, they were more expensive than
and the experience of the proceduralist should standard catheters, and the higher cost prevented
be factored into the choice of insertion site, widespread adoption, since the cost–benefit ratio
along with a consideration of infection risk. was not perceived to be favorable. Over the
years, the costs have decreased, and these cath-
Chlorhexidine Dressings eters have been recommended for use in hospital
Dressings containing chlorhexidine have been units or special patient populations that have a
shown to reduce the risk of CLABSI and should high incidence of CLABSI despite compliance
be routinely used in patients older than 2 months with essential preventive practices.4,5,7,8 Many of
of age.43-46 These dressings are available in two the studies investigating the effectiveness of
forms: a gel-based chlorhexidine coating on a antibiotic- and antiseptic-impregnated catheters
transparent dressing and a chlorhexidine-impreg- were performed before chlorhexidine-based skin
nated sponge dressing. Chlorhexidine dressings antisepsis became the standard of care. Some
cover the top of the catheter exit site and reduce data suggest that for patient care units with a
the risk of infection by targeting the extralumi- very low incidence of CLABSI, the use of an anti-

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microbial-impregnated catheter may not provide or nursing or rehabilitation facility. Several stud-
an additional benefit.60 ies have reviewed the effects of these financial
Data are lacking from studies assessing the penalties on hospital CLABSI rates. One study
combined effect of chlorhexidine skin antisepsis, showed no effect, another showed a decline in
antimicrobial-impregnated catheters, and chlor­ infection rates, and a third showed no change in
hexidine-impregnated catheter dressings in or- infection rates but rather a change in providers’
der to determine whether all these interventions coding patterns, with an increase in codes that
are necessary or what contribution each inter- categorized these infections as present on ad-
vention makes individually. This lack of data has mission.69-71 These findings suggest that finan-
contributed to the reluctance to recommend cial penalties may change practice patterns. One
antimicrobial-impregnated catheters for routine concern is that these policies may provide an
use in all patients. incentive to stop ordering blood cultures for
patients with catheters. Less testing would lower
Antiseptic-Containing Hubs and Caps detection rates and improve hospital perfor-
Contamination of catheter hubs and caps has mance without changing clinical outcomes.
long been recognized as a source of CLABSI. In addition to the financial penalties put for-
Manual decontamination of these hubs and caps ward in 2008, several states passed laws requir-
has been the subject of “scrub the hub” cam- ing public reporting of hospital-acquired infec-
paigns, which advocate scrubbing the catheter tion rates. In 2004, only 4 states had such
hub or cap with an antiseptic (i.e., alcohol or reporting requirements, but by 2022, a total of
chlorhexidine) for 10 to 15 seconds and then al- 38 states and territories mandated public report-
lowing it to dry before insertion.61 Since 15 sec- ing. It is difficult to determine how these poli-
onds plus drying time may not be achievable if cies affect clinical care, but they do put pressure
rapid insertion is required, antiseptic-containing (by design) on hospital administrators to reduce
connector or cap protectors have been devel- CLABSI rates within their institutions. This
oped. These protectors passively bathe the ac- pressure can lead to unintended consequences
cess hub or cap continuously in an antiseptic, such as changes in how CLABSI is defined or
usually alcohol, providing both a physical barrier detected.
to contamination and chemical antisepsis at the
access site. Tracking Methods
Several studies have shown that antiseptic- CLABSI rates depend not only on the definition
containing hubs and caps reduce the risk of used but also on the methods of tracking.
CLABSI.62-68 However, although the use of these Changes to either of these will alter data inter-
devices is supported by high-quality evidence, pretation over time. One component of the
they have not been recommended for routine use NHSN definition of CLABSI is that there are no
because they are not viewed as superior to identifiable alternative sources of bacteremia;
manual disinfection, which is considered to be this component can be especially subjective.
an essential practice.4 Whether manual disinfec- Current policies linking public reporting and
tion of the hub in accessing the catheter has any financial penalties to CLABSI rates could pro-
additional benefit when an antiseptic-containing vide an incentive for hospitals to engage in a
protective cap has been used is unknown. very granular search for an alternative source of
bacteremia, a practice that did not exist before
the adoption of these policies. Whereas the
Noncl inic a l Fac t or s a nd CL A BSI
CLABSI definition may have overestimated the
Public Policy true incidence of infection in years past, current
In 2008, as part of an effort to encourage hospi- tracking strategies may underestimate the inci-
tals to strengthen infection-prevention mea- dence of CLABSI if bacteremia is attributed to
sures, the CMS ceased reimbursement for the alternative sources of infection. Even with rigor-
treatment of hospital-acquired infections that ous application of the NHSN definition, data
were not present on admission. This change in suggest that interrater reliability is low.72-76
policy, in essence, shifted the cost of CLABSI In 2013, the CDC added another category of
acquired in a health care system to the hospital laboratory-confirmed bacteremia — mucosal

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

barrier injury. This change was intended to pre- changes in practices after the beginning of the
vent bacteremia caused by gastrointestinal or- Covid-19 pandemic included less chlorhexidine
ganisms in patients with neutropenia or graft- bathing, fewer bedside checks on catheters and
versus-host disease from being classified as a tubing owing to long-extension tubing and in-
CLABSI. The new category was introduced to travenous pumps placed in hallways, distur-
improve the comparability of CLABSI rates bance of catheter dressings because of prone
among institutions that care for large numbers positioning of patients, and fewer catheter ac-
of patients with cancer. Studies showed a reduc- cesses that complied with antiseptic protocol
tion in CLABSI rates when bacteremia due to (manual scrubbing of the hub with antiseptic for
mucosal barrier injury was considered separate- 15 seconds).12 Another factor affecting CLABSI
ly.77-79 Thus, although a lower incidence of CLABSI rates was the increased number of traveling
after 2013 may reflect actual improvement in nurses and physicians in response to increased
clinical outcomes, it is also possible that chang- patient volumes; these clinicians may not have
es in the CLABSI classification contributed to been familiar with standard preventive practices
the reported reduction. It is therefore challeng- within the units they were staffing.12
ing to determine the actual degree of improve- The Covid-19 pandemic revealed other vulner-
ment in clinical outcomes or the effect of abilities in the CLABSI-prevention system when
changes in the CLABSI classification. the NHSN stopped collecting data from January
through June 2020 because of the strains of the
pandemic and the limited number of infection-
C ov id -19 Pa ndemic a nd CL A BSI
prevention professionals who were available. The
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a disruptive ef- NHSN has served for decades as the foundation
fect on the U.S. health care system, straining of CLABSI surveillance, with more than 25,000
hospital resources and exhausting hospital staff. participating hospitals. This interruption in data
The pandemic resulted in an abrupt decrease in collection has impeded comparisons among in-
hospital admissions for patients with common stitutions and prevented individual institutions
conditions and led to a disproportionate in- from assessing the effect of the Covid-19 pan-
crease in the severity of illness among hospital- demic on their own institutional CLABSI rates.
ized patients.80 In addition, the health care pro- Application of the complicated CLABSI defini-
vider component of the health care system was tions used by the NHSN requires a substantial
and continues to be stressed. Since patient and amount of education and training. Thus, substi-
provider risk factors for the development of tuting new persons for the infection-prevention
CLABSI were substantially altered during the professionals who had been assigned to other
height of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is not sur- priorities was nearly impossible.
prising to see an increase in the incidence of This problem highlights the need for a new
CLABSI.12,81-83 What is surprising, however, is and simpler definition that allows for computer-
how quickly and how high the incidence of ized capture of CLABSI rates with the use of
CLABSI rose during the pandemic, with one artificial intelligence and the electronic health
study reporting an increase by 325%.81 record. This simpler definition could encompass
Much of the increase in the incidence of all cases of hospital-acquired bacteremia in pa-
CLABSI has been attributed to changes in the tients with all types of vascular catheters, in-
care and maintenance of central catheters and is cluding peripheral intravenous catheters, mid-
related to provider-related risk factors. Some line catheters, and arterial catheters. The benefit
changes in care were a result of a shortage of of capturing all hospital-acquired cases of bac­
resources such as chlorhexidine wipes used for teremia is that bloodstream infections associated
chlorhexidine baths, whereas other changes with these other catheters are not infequent.84,85
were a result of a decrease in the amount of time The full extent of the problem is unknown be-
that providers spent with patients in order to cause reporting is currently required only for
reduce exposure and the risk of infection. In one CLABSI. Combining a simpler definition with an
large health care system, qualitative feedback electronic solution could achieve high reliability
from infection-prevention teams regarding during all conditions of health care delivery.

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C onclusions available CLABSI preventive strategies that do not

depend on providers in order to be effective. Rely-
The remarkable success in reducing the inci- ing more firmly on the use of forms of technol-
dence of CLABSI over the past two decades has ogy that have been shown to be effective when
been achieved with new forms of technology, used in CLABSI-prevention programs — such as
new strategies, and consistent reinforcement of antiseptic-impregnated catheters, chlorhexidine-
proven infection-prevention practices, with the impregnated dressings, and alcohol-bathed pro-
recognition that part of the reduction may have tective caps for every central catheter that is
been artifactual, as a result of changes in public placed — may be a reasonable approach, even if
policies and tracking methods. Despite this suc- it is not known whether each intervention is
cess, we should be circumspect, given that both necessary. Building redundancy into the infec-
20 years of reductions in the incidence of CLABSI tion-prevention system increases reliability and
and our ability to collect surveillance data van- resilience in a system that currently relies on
ished during the first 3 months of the Covid-19 backward-looking data to identify a problem and
pandemic. The system we have in place for the that cannot adapt to meet the needs imposed by
prevention of CLABSI is clearly fragile and vul- new conditions in real time. Although we do not
nerable to stress in the health care environment, know the individual contribution of each strat-
particularly stress on the provider component of egy, combining them adds little cost, increases
clinical care. redundancy in the CLABSI-prevention program,
We need to engineer resilient infection-pre- and reduces the risk that another unexpected
vention processes that can withstand changing health care event will derail gains in CLABSI
environmental conditions and uncertain events. prevention that were achieved over decades.
Although consistent reinforcement of preventive The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author
practices such as checklists is effective, it relies and do not represent any position or policy of the National Insti-
on limited staff who may have competing priori- tutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services,
or the federal government.
ties when the health care system is strained. It is Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
time to consider combining routine use of all full text of this article at

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