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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY Reference No. 23CRS02-01-7783 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2023-06 TO : ALL REGIONAL DIRECTORS, CHIEF STATISTICAL SPECIALISTS, CRASD CHIEFS, CITY/MUNICIPAL CIVIL REGISTRARS, AND CONCERNED EMPLOYEES SUBJECT : Minimum Requirements for Late Registration of Birth Pursuant to_the Implementation of the PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project DATE 06 February 2023 In February 2022, the PhilSys Birth Registration Project (PBRAP) was implemented by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) to ensure that all births of Filipinos are registered in the Local Civil Registry Offices and that they will be enrolled with the Philippine Identification System. Under this Project, the requirements for late registration of birth were relaxed pursuant to the Operational Guidelines issued by the PSA through Memorandum Circular No. 2022-15 dated 22 July 2022. In the said Operational Guidelines, the applicants are only required to submit the following documents as minimum requirements for late registration process: a. Negative Omnibus Certification issued by PSA; b. Accomplished Affidavit for Delayed Registration of Birth at the back of the Certificate of Live Birth; c. Affidavit of two (2) Disinterested Persons; d. Certificate of Indigency issued by the Punong Barangay; and e. Any proof of identity like Barangay Certification, Driver's License, among others, if applicable. However, it has come to our attention that some local civil registrars are insistent in imposing the requirements for delayed registration of birth PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1101 ‘Telephone: (632) 8938-5267 wow. ™ Reference No, 29¢R802-01-7789 Subject: Minimum Requirements for Late Registration of Birth Pursuant o the Implementation of the PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project Date: 06 February 2023 under Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2021-01 (Revised Guidelines for Delayed Registration of Birth) dated 18 October 2021 between PSA and DILG. In this connection, the PSA reiterates that in the implementation of PBRAP, the above-mentioned relaxed requirements should be imposed pursuant to the Operational Guidelines issued by the PSA through Memorandum Circular No. 2022-15 dated 22 July 2022. The requirements under Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2021-01 should only be complied in the ordinary process for delayed registration of birth. For your information and strict compliance. DEI S. MAPA, Ph.D. Undersecretary National Statistician and Civil Registrar General ame Attachment: 1, Memorandum Circular No, 2022-15 dated 22 July 2022 Page 2 of 2 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES = PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY Reference No. 220RS02-07-183 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO, 2022-15 TO : ALL REGIONAL DIRECTORS, CHIEF STATISTICAL SPECIALISTS, CRASD CHIEFS, CITY/MUNICIPAL CIVIL REGISTRARS, OFFICERS-IN-CHARGE, AND CONCERNED STAFF SUBJECT : Dissemination of the Operational Guidelines for_the Implementation of the PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project Date 22 July 2022 For the year 2022, one of the major programs of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is the implementation of the PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project (PBRAP) in the country to ensure that all births of Filipinas are registered in the Local Civil Registry Offices and that they will be enrolled with the Philippine Identification System, In this regard, the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the PBRAP is hereby disseminated to guide the concemed PSA officials and personnel, and local civil registrars and staff, For your information and guidance. cl DENNIS S. MAPA, Ph.D. Undersecretary National Statistician and Civil Registrar General § a f crear Attachments: ‘Operational Guidelines forthe Implementation ofthe PhiSys Birth Registration Assistance Project Annex A~ Omnibus Negative Certification of Birth Records ‘Annex B ~ individual Negative Certification of Bith Record Annex C— Negative Result Template of Birth Records Annex D ~ MOA Template between PSA Region/Province end the ProvincialLocal Government Unit (HUCIComponent City) Annex & List of Registrants for Verification under PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project Annex F Inventory of Fees Imposed by Local Govemment Units for Delayed Registration of Birth Sree" BBSE Psa Complex, Eas! Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1101 Sei ‘Telephone: (632) 8938-5267 NO sons * REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES *¢)" PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY vr Ea OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PHILSYS BIRTH REGISTRATION ASSISTANCE PROJECT 4.0 INTRODUCTION The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), as the agency mandated by Republic Act No. 10628 to carry out, enforce and administer civil registration functions in the country, shall lead all relevant activities that seek to: uphold the continuous and compulsory recording of births, death, marriages and other acts and events conceming the status of persons; enhance awareness on the importance of civil registry documents; and, produce accurate, complete and updated vital statistics. As the Philippines also agreed to adopt the Ministerial Declaration to "Get everyone in the picture” in Asia and the Pacific and Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Decade 2015-2024, the PSA initiates programs for the attainment and implementation of the major outcomes of the Ministerial Conference and CRVS Decade. For the year 2022, one of the major programs of the PSA is the implementation of the PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project (PBRAP) in the country to ensure that all_births of Filipinos are registered in the Local Civil Registry Offices (CROs) and that they will be enrolled with the Philippine Identification System. This project aims to increase the level of civil registration especially in marginalized communities such as those belonging to the Indigenous Peoples, Muslim Filipinos, and the poorest sector in the country and ensuring that they have their Philippine Identification (PhillD) issued which is a gateway for them to claim their social benefits and legal identity. 2.0 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2.1. To enhance for a more intensified campaign in improving civil registration aligned with the three (3) goals of the CRVS for 2015-2024 which are: 2.1.1 Universal civil registration of births, deaths, marriages, and other vital events; 2.1.2 Allindividuals with legal documentation to claim identity, civil status, and ensuring rights, and 2.1.3 Accurate, complete, and timely vital statistics are produced and disseminated. ia PSA Complex, East Avenue, Dliman, Quezon Ciy Ay | Seioy BEBE Telechone: (32) 8908-5267 ca BB vn poa.g0v ph 3.0 oa 23 24 25 26 To register those unregistered births and other civil registry documents, especially Indigenous Peoples (IPs), Muslim Filipinos, and the poorest sector covering ll the cties/municipalites in the province; Assist in the processing of out-of-town registrations of births and other civil_j registry documents for unregistered residents in the province; Verify from the PSA Civil Registry System database the existence of birth or other civil registry records to avoid double or multiple registration through ‘Omnia Certification; Implement Philippine Civil Registry Information System (PhilCRIS) in the mobile registrations; and Register the PhillD of the birth registrants. LEGAL BASES 3.1 3.2 3.3 Republic Act;No. 10625, also known as the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013 3.1.1 Section, 6 (e): Carry out, enforce and administer civil registration functions in thie country as provided for in Act No. 3753, otherwise known as the Law on Registry of Civil Status Republic Act! No. 11085, also known as the Philippine Identification ‘System Act 3.2.1 Section10: The registration centers shall require the presentation ofthe applicants birt certficate as a basic documentary requirement for identification of citizens seeking to register with the PhilSys: Provided, ‘That for resident aliens, proof of his her residence in the Philppines shall be required: Provided, further, That in order to ensure easier verification citizens and resident aliens may be allowed to submit an alternative or additional documents to provide his her identity. Notwithstanding the | foregoing, appropriate guidelines shall be issued to ensure that the registration ig not prohibitive and restrictive as to unduly defeat the purpose of this Act. Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 1993 (Implementing Rules and Regulations of Act No. 3753 and Other Laws on Civil Registration) 3.3.1 Rule 1: The Civil Registrar General shall: (a) enforce the provisions of Act No. 3753; (b) prepare and issue regulations for carrying out the Purpose of Agt 3753 and other laws relative to civil registration, and to prepare and arder printed the necessary forms for its proper compliance; (©) give orders and instructions to the city/municipal civil registrars with reference to the performance of their duties as such; and (d) To report any violation of the provisions of Act No. 3753 and other laws on civil registration, and all irregularities, negligence or incompetency of city/municipal civil registrar to the concemed mayor who shall take the Proper disciplinary action against the offender. Page 20f6 40 3.4 3.5 Proclamation; No. 1106 issued by President Benigno S. Aquino Ill (Declaring the years 2015 to 2024 as Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Decade) All agencies and instrumentalities of the National Government and local govemment | units, including —_ govemment-owned-or-controlled partners andthe citizenry, are hereby enjoined to actively support all activities and programs relevant to the "Get every Pinoy and Pinay in the Picture!” initiative. Local Government Code of 1991 (Book Ill, Title V, Article IX) 3.4.1 Section 479 (b): The civil registrar shall be responsible for the civil registration program in the local government unit concerned, pursuant to the Civil Registry Law, the Civil Code, and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations issued to implement them. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE National Statistician and Civil Registrar General (NSCRG) T Project Director Central Office Supervisor (Registration Officer i) ‘Supervising Statistical Specialists! Officers I! of the Provincial Statistical Offices. 5.0 ROLES AND RESPDNSIBILITIES OF RESPECTIVE AGENCIES 5.1 5.2 The Local Civil Registry Offices- The’ LCROs of the different ctties/municipalities, through their Local Civil Registrars, shall facilitate the registration of birth within thelr territorial jurisdiction, In case the entries are found incomplete or incorrect, the Local Civil Registrars shall require the person concerned to fill out the document completely or to correct the entries, as the case may be. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)- The PSA shall see to it that the prescribed standards, criteria and procedures provided under the Page 3.0f6 6.0 different laws, rules, and regulations are properly implemented. It shall likewise provide training for the use of PhilCRIS, basic concepts on filing out the Certificate of| Live Birth (COLB), and out-of-town processing, be responsible for the overall and general management of the PBRAP, and register the PhillD of the identified target beneficiaries. 5.3 The Department of the Interior and Local Government. The Department ‘shall closely work/coordinate with the concemed PSA office and the Local ‘Government Units (LGUs) for the smooth implementation of the Project. PROCEDURES A Mobile Registration will be conducted in coordination with the PSA Regional Statistical Services Office (RSSO), PSA Provincial Statistical Office (PSO), and LCROs which includes the verification of civil registry document prior to registration through an Omnibus Certification from Civil Registry System database to determine whether the applicant has birth record, Results of the verification can either. be positive or negative. The verification process and issuance of Omnibus Certification will be the responsibility of the Civil Registration Service (CRS). 6.1 PSA Verification resulting to Positive 6.1.1 The client or.applicant shall be advised to file a request for a copy of the COLB at theinearest PSA CRS Outlet, PSA authorized channel, or LGU Batch Request System (BREQS) subject for payment on the account of the requesting party or by the LGU. The PSA shail not shoulder any fee for any request of COLB in Security Paper (SECPA) due to verification resulting to positive. 6.1.2 Identification document and authorization letter are required in the release of the said certificates in case the requester is not the owner of ‘the document in compliance with PSA Memorandum Circular No. 2019-15 dated 11 June 2019, PSA's Memorandum Circular No. 2019-16 dated 11 June 2019, and the Data Privacy Act of 2012. 6.2 PSA Verification resulting to Negative 6.2.1 The applicant shall be required to submit the following supporting documents gs minimum requirements for late registration process either at the concémed LCRO on-site, or through the assistance of the PSA RSSO/PSO] if the application is for out-of-town registration or if the place of vital event is outside the region/province: a. Negative Omnibus Certification issued by PSA; b. lished Affidavit for Delayed Registration of Birth at the backlof the COLB; c. Affidavit of two (2) Disinterested Persons; . Certificate of Indigency issued by the Punong Barangay; and e. Any proof of! identity tic Barangay ‘Certification, Driver's License, le. Page 4 0f6 6.22 623 6.24 625 626 6.27 6.28 6.29 Applicants for late registration shall be assisted by LCRO/PSA in accomplishing the registration form (Municipal Form 102); The LCRO/PSA shall review the accomplished registration form and screen the requirements for delayed registration; For those undergoing delayed registration with the concerned LCRO on- site, the ns will be accepted for registration upon compliance of the 10-day notice of posting; For applications filed for delayed registration thru out-of-town registration facilitated by PSA RSSO/PSO within the region/province, the set of documents shall be sent by the respective RSSO/PSO for submission to the concemed LCRO for the processing of late registration. For those outside the region, the set of documents shall be sent by the CRS-Central Office (CO) for submission to the concemed LCRO; PSA RSSO/PSO to submit the listing of out-of-town late registrants to PSA CO for monitoring of registrations under this project; If the required documents are complete, the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) shall process the application for late registration, otherwise, the same ll be sent back to the PSA thru PSO and the applicant shall be informed thereof, ‘The COLB jprepared and registered by LCROs on-site shall be forwarded to PSA (CRS outlets) for loading in the PSA Civil Registry System database; and PSA shall advise the LCR that the COLB is already available for request by the document owner. The LCR shall likewise advise the document ‘owner/applicant. | | | Page 5 of6 7.0 PROCESS FLOW ‘PSA CO wil issue Indvidual Negative Cortication of Birth Record or Omnibus Nogatve Certfcation of Bith Records to PSARSSOPSO | PSA CO wil isaue the result of verfcation ‘config the existenca ofthe uth rocord ‘Applicant wl bo advised ofthe eau ond may fa ‘equest fra copy of hia COLE at tho toneat PGA “ORS Ou, PEA athariznd channel or LOU [BREQS (on th account ofa roquostng party or tray bo showered by the LGU) Release of the copy ofthe COLB in SECPA to tho ‘appears L___==—__ END Page 6of 6 ANNEX A Omnibus Negative Certification of Birth Records 22 July 2022 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES = PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY We certify that we do not have any record of birth of the following: Name Date of Birth | Place of Birth Mother Father sf o] e] a] oe) sy a] This certification is._—_being for Birth issued upon the _~—request_— of, Registration Assistance Project, ENGR. MARIZZA B. GRANDE Project Director * PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project ead Leal ‘Telephone: (632) 8938-5267 aie www ‘Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City ANNEX B Individual Negative Certification of Birth Record REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY Reference No. 220RS02- 22 July 2022 ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We certify that we do not have any record of birth of: Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Mother Father This certification is being issued upon the request of for the PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project. ENGR. MARIZZA B. GRANDE Project Director * PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project, BAM PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City EEE! Telephone: (632) 8938-6267 Bs ves. ANNEX C Positive Result Template of Birth Records Reference No, 220RS02-02-. 22 July 2022 SUBJECT: Result of the Verification Re: PhilSys Birth Reaistration Assistance Project Dear C/MCR Upon verification of the provided information of the registrants underPhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project, the following have birth record in the Civil Registry System database: Name Date of Birth | Place of Mother Father Birth a =] a) 8) Please be informed that we do not issue a copy of the birth records in security paper. However, we can facilitate the copy issuance of their Certificates of Live Birth with corresponding payment for processing. ‘Thank you ‘Truly yours, ENGR. MARIZZA B, GRANDE Project Director 5 PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project PSA Complex, East Avenue, Dilan, Quezon Cily Telephone: (632) 8938-5267 ft www ANNEX D MOA Template between PSA Region/Province and the Provincial/Local Government Unit [HUC/Component City) MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 1 The PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY, a national government agency created by virtue of Republic Act No. oes with office address at PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman, _ Quezon Metro Manila, headed by Undersecretary CLAIRE DENNIS S. mata, Ph.D., - duly represented by Regional Director hereinafter referred as “PSA’; and ‘The PROVINCE/CITYIMUNICIPALITY OF __, a duly created government entity, with principal address at _[___—_herein referred to as “Provincial {HUCIComponent City) Government of ” and duly represented by the Governor, Provincial ‘The PSA and Provincial Goverment are, hereinafter referred to as PARTIES, and individually referred to. as PARTY or by thi The acr acronym of their agency names. | WITNESSETH THAT: ! WHEREAS, the PSA created under Republic Act (RA) No. 10626 or the Philippine Statistical Act which took last 12 September 2013 is mandated to collect, compile, analyze, abstract and publish statistical information relating to the country’s economic, ‘social, demographic, political and general activities and condition of the people; WHEREAS, the PSA|is headed by the National Statistician and Civil Registrar General as provided under RA 10625 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations; WHEREAS, the PSA under Rule 11 Article (c) of the IRR of RA 10625 states that the National Statistician who is also the Civil Registrar General shall provide overall circton nthe ty of the Civil Registry Law related issuances and exercise cal supervision over the civil registrars; WHEREAS, the National Statistician who Is also the Civil Registrar General represents the PSA as signatory to all contracts, researches and other awards as provided under Rule 11 Art. 16 (g) of IRR of RA10625; WHEREAS, the pro project ented “PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project for the FrovincerCityiMunictpalty of, * aims to increase vil kn marginiized communes, pertoulery those belonging to the Filipinos, and the poorest sector; WHEREAS, the have manifested their cooperation by allowing the conduct of Mobile Regh in the Province (HUC/Component City) of, to provide services to its constituents; Page 1 of 8 WHEREAS, the PSA in collaboration with the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and lhe Local Goverment Units through the Provincial (HUC/independent Component City) Government of principally aim to register those unregistered births aligned with the creation of a single identity card for all Filipinos pursuant to the Philippine Identification System Act (Republic Act No. 11055) ‘WHEREAS, the SanggunianPanlalawigan/Pambayan Resolution No. authorizing the =e Govemor/Mayor on behalf of the Provincial/City/Municipal Government of____ and sign a Memorandum of Agreement with the PSA in relation to fi oonductof Mod lle Registration n the Provines of, (HUC/Independent Component City). PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 4. To enhance for a more intensified campaign in improving civil registration aligned with the three (3) goals of the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Decade (CRVS) for 2015-2024 which are: a. Universal civil registration of births, deaths, marriages, and other vital events; b. All individuals with legal documentation to claim identity, civil status, and ensuring rights, and ©. Accurate, complete, and timely vital registration are produced and disseminated. 2. To register those, unregistered births and other civil registry documents, especially Indigenous Peoples (IPs), Muslim Filipinos, and the poorest sector covering all the cities/municipalities in the province; 3. Assist in the processing of out-of-town registrations of births and other civil registry documents for unregistered residents in the province; 4. Verify from the PSA Civil Registry System database the existence of birth or other civil registry records to avold double or multiple registration through Omnibus Certification; 5. Implement Philippine Civil Registry Information System (PhiICRIS) in thé mobile registrations; and 6. Register the Philippine Identification of the birth registrants. NOW, THEREFORE, for andjin consideration of the: foregoing premises, the PSA and the Provincial (HUC/Independent Component City) Government hereby agree €on the following terms and egndtions; | ARTICLE | TERMS OF RESPONSIBILITIES ae 1. ProvinclaliCaytifunictpal Government (HUC/Independent Component 1. Provide secuty and fnaue safety forthe entre dkrafon of the PhiSys Birth Registration Assistance Project (PBRAP) in the province (HUC/Independent Component City); | | Page 2 0f8 2. Assist in the registration of applicants for delayed registration; 3. Provide the necessaly support resources for the conduct of the PBRAP of —_(HUCrIndependent Component City); 4. Provide a list of Identified applicants and the required information for the late registration subject for the verification from PSA of the existence of record in the latter’s Civil Registry System database; For purposes of verification, the following information are necessary: . Full Name (first name, middle name, and last name) Date of Birth | Place of Birth | Mother's Maiden Name . Father's Name| 5. the maintenance of peace and order situation during and after the conduct of the project; 6. Observe the implementation of PSA issued policies, rules and regulations and guidelines; 7. Provide additional personnel to assist PSA during the PBRAP; 8. Coordinate with the League of Municipaiities/Association of Barangay Captains (ABCs) of the province (HUC/Independent Component City) to waive the penalties on the delayed registration and relaxation of documentary requirements; 9. Provide assistance to: individuals in excess of the quota for the issuance of civil registry documents; and 10. Implement the Philippine Civil Registry Information System (PhilCRIS). Section 2. PSA shall: ‘ pes 1. Conduct a Mobile Registration in coordination with the PSA Regional Statistical ‘Services Office (RSSO), PSA Provincial Statistical Office (PSO), and Local Civil Registry Offices (LCROs) which includes the following: @. Verification of civil registry documents prior to registration through an Omnibus Certification; b. Registration process; ©. Out-of-town registration; d. Lega! consultation 1 or Face-to-face, if applicable); e. Information and f. Copy issuance of vlregistry ‘document, 2. Verify from PSA Civil Registry Service database whether the applicant mentioned in Section 1.4 has birth record. Results can elther be positive or negative. 3. Provide the results of the verification of the list of applicants who have a record and no record in PSA Civil Registry System database. 4. Issue Certificate of Live Births in Security Paper to the registrants free of charge limited to (target number.of registrants). In excess of the target number of registrants, Page sof the Local Government Unit (LGU) may provide assistance to the clients. However, in terms of verification and subsequent issuance of Omnibus Certification, the PSA can cater beyond the target number of registrants. 5, Provide training for the uge of PhilCRIS, basic concepts on filling out the Certificate of ve Birth, and out-oFtowh processing. }. Be responsible forthe ovbra and general management of the PBRAP. x . Register the PhillD of the identified target beneficiaries. i Section 3, Procedures i 1. PSA Verification resiilting to Positive a. The alient or applicant shall be advised to fle a request for a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) at the nearest PSA Civil Registry System Outlet, PSA authorized nel, or LGU Batch Request Query System (BREQS) subject for payment on the account of the requesting party or by the LGU. The PSA shall not shoulder any fee for any request of COLB in Security Paper due te vert eutng poste b. Identification document and authorization letter are required in the release of ‘the said certificates in case requester is not the owner of the document in compliance with PSA Memorandum Circular No. 2019-16 dated 11 June 2019, PSA Memorandum Circular No. 2019-16 dated 11 June 2019, and the Data Privacy Act of 2012. 2. PSA Verification resulting to Negative a. The applicant shail be required to submit the following supporting documents as minimum requirements for late registration process either at the concemed LCRO on-site, of through the assistance of the PSA RSSO/PSO, if the application is for out-of-town registration or if the place of vital event is outside the region/province); i. Negative Omnibus Certification issued by PSA; i. ‘Acsomptshed Affidavit for Delayed Registration of Birth atthe back of the COLB; Affidavit of two (2) Disinterested Persons; Certificate ¢f Indigency issued by the Punong Barangay; and Any proof of identity ike Barangay Certification, Driver's License, among others, if ay licable. b. Applicant/s for late registration shall be assisted by LCRO/PSA in accomplishing the registration form. (Municipal Form 102); . The LCROIPSA shall review the accomplished registration form and screen the requirements for delayed registration; d. For those ut 19 delayed registration with the concemed LCRO on-site, the applications willbe acoapted for registration upon compliance ofthe 10-day notice of posting <2B | Page 4ot8 e. For applications filed for delayed registration thru out-of-town registration facilitated by PSA , the set of documents shall be sent by the PSO for submission to the concemed Local Civil Registrar Office for the processing of late registration; f. PSA RSSOIPSO to submit the listing of out-of-town late registrants to PSA Central Office for Monitoring of registrations under this project; g. If the required documents are complete, the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) shall process the application for late registration, otherwise, the same shail be sent back to the Pal thru PSO and the applicant shall be informed thereof; h. The COLB prepare and registered by LCROs on-site PSA for loading in|the PSA Civil Registry System database; |. PSA shall advise the LCR that the COLB is already available for request by the document owner. The LCR shall likewise advise the document owner/applicant. be forwarded to | ARTICLE I! MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Both parties shall adhere to data privacy and confidentiality of information pursuant to the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and other relevant rules and regulations. the operation of the PSA Mobile Registration. The Implementation of this MOA shall be under the direct supervision and control of the National Statistician and Civil Registrar General, through the Deputy National Statistician ofthe Chl Registration and Cental Support Ofc, forthe PSA, and by the Ofc of the Govemor and for the Provinclal/City/Municipal Govemment of i ARTICLE Ill (catered CLAUSE All information, data, and ri acquired by virtue of this Agreement shall keep confidential and shall not be ised, sold, shared, disclosed, or divulged to any person or entity, unless otherwise allowed by law, rules, and regulations. Nothing in this agreement ose limit the PSA to implement or impose additional rules in The confidentially and data pivacy shal be eticty observed even after the termination of this Agreement. ' ' ARTICLE IV i OWNERSHIP Ownership of the fe. materials, and forms are not transferred to the Provir ! ment of . Absolute right or ownership to the same remains with’ PSA. Any lending, renting, public access, licensing, reproduction, Presentation, publication or translation of the software shall be prohibited. ARTICLE V TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Voluntary Termination- this Agreement si be terminated by mutual written consent of both parties or written notice given by either party to the other, in which event, the termination shall be effective thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice. | Page 5 of 8 Involuntary Termination- takes effect immediately upon serving of the written notice of termination to the other party|based on any of the following grounds: i. Violation of any termsjand conditions of this Agreement; il, Commission of any act, lawful or unlawful, which is prejudice to the interest of either party containedin this Agreement; and ili, Other analogous grounds. Hfthe Memorandum of Agreement is terminated, steps must be undertaken to ensure that the termination does not affect any activity already in progress or on-going campaign. : ARTICLE Vi AMENDMENT AND EXTENSIONS This Memorandum of Agreement shall not be amended or modified except by written agreement by both parties. ARTICLE Vil DATE OF EFFECTIVITY AND PERIOD, AMENDMENT, REVISION, MODIFICATION OF THE MOA ‘This MOA shall take effect upion the date of signing of both parties and shall be valid for a Period of one (1) year from the signing of this MOA and shall remain in force unless otherwise sooner terminated by both or either party. ‘This MOA may be extended for another three (3) years from its termination and/or such period as both parties may!determine, subject to the performance evaluation result, valablyofresources and funds deemed necessary for the operations of the PSA Mobile No supplemental, amendment, or modification of this MOA shall be binding unless itis in writing and signed by all parties. : ARTICLE Vill SEPARABILITY CLAUSE ‘Any part, provision, representation or warranty of this Agreement which Is prohibited or which fs held to be vold or unenforceable shall be inefecive to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof. ARTICLE IX , PROBLEM RESOLUTION ‘The parties shall endeavor tojresolve any disagreement arising from or in connection with this Agreement, in an ami manner by direct informal negotiation. Should the parties fail to resolve the dispute after thirty (30) days from commencement of the informal negotiations, the dispute be settied in accordance with the Rules on Altemative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for the Dispute between National Govemment Agencies. i Page 6 0f8 ARTICLE X VENUE Itis hereby expressly agreed by the Parties that the venue of any court actionilitigation by virtue of any breach/violation of the terms and condition of this Agreement shall be at Quezon City, to the exclusion of all other courts. ARTICLE Xi APPLICABLE LAW ‘The terms of this Agreement shalll be interpreted according to the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby affix their signatures below this _ day of 2022 in . PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY: PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF (HUCIINDEPENDENT COMPONENT ery): By: By: Regional Director GovernoriMayor PSA RSSO ProvincelCity/Municipality of SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: Page 7 of 8 ACKNOWLEDGMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES S.S. Before ma appeared » Notary Publ this ay of, , 2021 at__ personally appeared with identification (it won No. valid until Tesues on nd with valid Government ienioation (ID) No. valid until issued on at known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free act and deed, Tis Instrument consisting of nino (9) pages Including this page, wherein the acknowledge Is written, has been signed by the parties their instrumental witnesses on each page thoroof and relatos t a Memorandum of Agreement WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place above written. NOTARY PUBLIC Page 8 of8 ANNEX E REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY List of Registrants for Verification under PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project Name | Birthday | Birthplace | Mother's Full] Father's | Resultof | Date | Name | Full Name | Verification | Received i & g ANNEX F REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY Inventory of Fees Imposed by Local Government Units for Delayed Registration of Birth REGION: FEES ‘Service Fao | Miscellaneous Fes Province: Cities/Municipalitios under | 7 2 3. 4. 5. 8 z. Province: Cities/Municipalities under Province: Cities/Municipalities under Province: | Cities/Municipalities under ‘) tkczr BIBBIA PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Ly) Bam BS Foc: an ses sat am Fe

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