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TSA Score Analyses for PPE Applicants 2012-15

Applications for Undergraduate study of Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford from:
UCAS Cycle 2015 - for entry in 2015 or deferred entry in 2016
UCAS Cycle 2014 - for entry in 2014 or deferred entry in 2015
UCAS Cycle 2013 - for entry in 2013 or deferred entry in 2014
UCAS Cycle 2012 - for entry in 2012 or deferred entry in 2013

TSA scores have been provided by UCAS cycle that the test was taken in.

TSA Section 1 is the Critical Thinking part of the test

TSA Section 2 is the Essay part of the test

It should be noted that while these tests form an important part of the application process,
they do not form the sole basis on which an applicant may be invited to interview or not.
Deciles and Quartiles of TSA Scores for PPE Applicants
UCAS Decile / Quartile
Test Section Domicile Offer?
Cycle 0 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
All 36.1 53.6 57.4 57.4 59.4 61.5 63.7 66
All Applicants
Offer 57.4 66 68.6 68.6 68.6 71.6 71.6 75.2
All 38.8 55.5 59.4 61.5 61.5 63.7 66 68.6
Offer 57.4 66 68.6 68.6 68.6 71.6 71.6 75.2
Section 1
All 36.1 51.3 53.6 55.5 57.4 59.4 61.5 63.7
Offer 66 66 68.6 68.6 68.6 71.6 71.6 71.6
All 36.1 51.7 55.5 57.4 59.4 61.5 63.7 66
Offer 59.4 66 68.08 68.6 70.7 71.6 71.6 73.04
All 20 53 57 59 60 62 63 64
All Applicants
Offer 41 61 63 64 64 66 67 68
All 20 57 60 61 62 63 64 66
Offer 41 61 63 64 64 66 67 68
Section 2
All 20 50 53.8 55 56 59 60 61.4
Offer 60 61.6 64 64 64 64 65 67.6
All 28 50 57 58 59 60 62 64
Offer 54 60.8 64 64.5 65 66 69 70
All 29.4 51.63 55.44 57.37 59.35 61.41 63.58 65.92
All Applicants
Offer 55.44 65.92 68.51 71.48 71.48 72.196 75.06 79.8
All 33.11 55.44 59.35 61.41 63.58 64.984 68.51 71.48
Offer 57.37 65.92 68.51 71.48 71.48 75.06 75.06 79.8
Section 1
All 33.11 49.71 53.54 53.54 55.44 57.37 59.35 63.58
Offer 55.44 64.21 67.474 68.51 68.51 69.104 71.48 71.48
All 29.4 51.63 55.44 55.44 57.37 59.35 61.41 65.92
Offer 61.41 65.92 69.104 71.48 71.48 75.06 75.06 75.06
All 30 53.6 58 59 60 61 63 64
All Applicants
Offer 51 61 63 64 64 66 67 68
All 35 57 59.6 60 62 63 64 65
Offer 52 61.9 63 64 64 66 67 68
Section 2
All 30 50 54 55 57 58 60 62
Offer 54 62 63.2 64 65.6 66.4 67 67.6
All 34 52 56.8 58 59 60 62 64
Offer 51 59.6 63 63.5 64 65 68 68.6
All 34.16 53.31 56.9 58.7 58.7 60.53 62.42 64.39
All Applicants
Offer 58.7 62.42 66.49 66.49 66.49 68.77 68.77 71.31
All 40.66 55.11 56.9 58.7 60.53 62.42 64.39 64.39
Offer 58.7 62.42 64.39 66.49 66.49 68.77 71.31 71.31
Section 1
All 34.16 51.47 55.468 56.9 56.9 58.7 60.53 62.42
Offer 60.53 64.39 66.49 66.49 68.77 68.77 70.04 71.31
All 40.66 51.47 56.9 58.7 58.7 60.53 62.42 64.39
Offer 60.53 64.39 66.49 66.49 66.49 66.49 68.77 68.77
All 1 55 58 59 60 62 63 64
All Applicants

Section 2
All Applicants
Offer 1 60 62 63 63 65 66 67
All 1 58 60 61 62 63 64 65
Offer 1 60 63 63 64 65 67 68
Section 2
All 30 52 56 56 58 59 61 62
Offer 53 58 61 62 62 62 64 64.2
All 20 54 57 58 59 61 62 64
Offer 50 59 61 62 62.5 64 65.5 66
All 33.7 54.1 57.9 59.8 61.6 63.5 65.3 67.3
All Applicants
Offer 54.1 65.3 67.3 69.3 69.3 71.5 71.5 73.8
All 33.7 57.9 61.6 61.6 63.5 65.3 65.3 69.3
Offer 54.1 65.3 69.3 69.3 69.3 71.5 71.5 73.8
Section 1
All 42.1 52.1 55.62 56.95 57.9 59.8 61.6 63.5
Offer 63.5 65.3 68.5 69.3 69.3 71.5 73.8 73.8
All 33.7 54.1 57.9 57.9 59.8 61.6 63.5 65.3
Offer 57.9 63.5 67.3 67.3 67.3 69.3 69.3 71.5
All 30 55 58 59 60 62 63 64
All Applicants
Offer 54 60 62 63 64 65 65 67
All 45 57 60 60 62 63 64 65
Offer 55 60 63 64 64 65 66 67
Section 2
All 30 50 55 56 57 59 60 62
Offer 55 57.9 60 60.75 61 63.2 64.5 67
All 30 54 57 58 59 60 62 63
Offer 54 58 60 61.25 62 64 64.5 65.6
0.7 0.75 0.8 0.9 1
68.6 68.6 71.6 75.2 98.1
75.2 79.9 79.9 79.9 98.1
68.6 71.6 71.6 75.2 98.1
75.2 79.9 79.9 87.5 98.1
66 66 68.6 71.6 87.5
75.2 75.2 75.2 79.9 87.5
68.6 68.6 71.6 75.2 87.5
75.2 75.2 75.2 79.9 87.5
66 66 67 70 80
70 70 71 73.8 80
67 68 69 70 80
69.2 70 71 73 80
63 64 64 66 75
68 68.5 69 70.4 75
65 66 67 70 80
71 72 72.4 75.4 80
68.51 71.48 75.06 79.8 94.64
79.8 79.8 87.39 87.39 94.64
71.48 75.06 75.06 79.8 94.64
79.8 79.8 87.39 87.39 94.64
65.92 65.92 68.51 71.48 94.64
75.06 75.06 76.956 79.8 94.64
68.51 68.51 71.48 75.06 94.64
79.8 79.8 85.872 87.39 94.64
65 66 67 70 85
69 69 70 72 85
66 67 68 70 80
69 69 70 71.1 80
64 64 65 67 75
69.2 70 70.8 72 73
65 66 67 70 85
70 70.5 71.8 75 85
66.49 66.49 68.77 71.31 90.14
71.603 74.24 74.24 77.8 90.14
66.49 68.77 68.77 74.24 90.14
74.24 74.24 74.24 77.8 90.14
64.39 66.49 68.314 71.31 82.53
71.31 74.24 74.24 74.24 82.53
66.49 66.49 66.49 71.31 90.14
71.31 73.5075 74.24 74.24 90.14
65 66 67 70 82
68.1 69 70 72 82
67 67 68 70 80
69 69 70 72 80
64 64 65 67 82
66 66.75 68 70.6 82
65 66 67 70 78
68 69 70 72 75
69.3 69.3 71.5 73.8 95.4
75.36 76.4 76.4 79.4 95.4
71.5 71.5 71.5 76.4 95.4
76.4 76.4 78.2 79.4 95.4
67.3 67.3 69.3 71.5 87.8
73.8 74.45 76.4 76.4 83
67.3 68.3 69.3 71.5 83
73.8 73.8 76.4 76.4 83
65 66 67 68 80
68 68 69 71 80
66 67 68 69 80
68 68 69 70 80
64 65 65 67.1 75
68 68 68.4 71.4 75
65 65 66 68 79
67 67.75 68.8 72 79
All Applicants

Average of TSA Section 1 Average of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 73.63 64.05 2012
2013 76.36 64.90 2013
2014 70.26 62.53 2014
2015 72.41 64.59 2015
All Applicants 73.16 64.03 All Applicants

Min of TSA Section 1 Min of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 57.40 36.10 2012
2013 55.44 29.40 2013
2014 58.70 34.16 2014
2015 54.10 33.70 2015
All Applicants 54.10 29.40 All Applicants

Max of TSA Section 1 Max of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 98.10 98.10 2012
2013 94.64 94.64 2013
2014 90.14 90.14 2014
2015 95.40 95.40 2015
All Applicants 98.10 98.10 All Applicants
Offer Holders All Applicants
66.96 61.95
66.54 62.02
65.60 62.43
65.50 62.06
66.13 62.11

Offer Holders All Applicants

41.00 20.00
51.00 30.00
1.00 1.00
54.00 30.00
1.00 1.00

Offer Holders All Applicants

80.00 80.00
85.00 85.00
82.00 82.00
80.00 80.00
85.00 85.00
By Domicile: UK

Average of TSA Section 1 Average of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 74.09 66.26 2012
2013 76.74 68.00 2013
2014 70.44 63.61 2014
2015 73.05 66.62 2015
All Applicants 73.66 66.16 All Applicants

Min of TSA Section 1 Min of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 57.40 38.80 2012
2013 57.37 33.11 2013
2014 58.70 40.66 2014
2015 54.10 33.70 2015
All Applicants 54.10 33.11 All Applicants

Max of TSA Section 1 Max of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 98.10 98.10 2012
2013 94.64 94.64 2013
2014 90.14 90.14 2014
2015 95.40 95.40 2015
All Applicants 98.10 98.10 All Applicants
Offer Holders All Applicants
66.81 63.92
66.42 63.43
65.98 63.84
65.87 63.55
66.28 63.68

Offer Holders All Applicants

41.00 20.00
52.00 35.00
1.00 1.00
55.00 45.00
1.00 1.00

Offer Holders All Applicants

80.00 80.00
80.00 80.00
80.00 80.00
80.00 80.00
80.00 80.00
By Domicile: EU

Average of TSA Section 1 Average of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 72.33 60.98 2012
2013 71.78 60.46 2013
2014 70.11 61.26 2014
2015 72.16 62.27 2015
All Applicants 71.43 61.22 All Applicants

Min of TSA Section 1 Min of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 66.00 36.10 2012
2013 55.44 33.11 2013
2014 60.53 34.16 2014
2015 63.50 42.10 2015
All Applicants 55.44 33.11 All Applicants

Max of TSA Section 1 Max of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 87.50 87.50 2012
2013 94.64 94.64 2013
2014 82.53 82.53 2014
2015 83.00 87.80 2015
All Applicants 94.64 94.64 All Applicants
Offer Holders All Applicants
66.15 58.73
66.65 59.53
64.24 60.20
64.83 59.86
65.25 59.55

Offer Holders All Applicants

60.00 20.00
54.00 30.00
53.00 30.00
55.00 30.00
53.00 20.00

Offer Holders All Applicants

75.00 75.00
73.00 75.00
82.00 82.00
75.00 75.00
82.00 82.00
By Domicile: Non-EU

Average of TSA Section 1 Average of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 72.35 62.95 2012
2013 76.58 63.25 2013
2014 69.68 61.90 2014
2015 70.63 63.40 2015
All Applicants 72.19 62.89 All Applicants

Min of TSA Section 1 Min of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 59.40 36.10 2012
2013 61.41 29.40 2013
2014 60.53 40.66 2014
2015 57.90 33.70 2015
All Applicants 57.90 29.40 All Applicants

Max of TSA Section 1 Max of TSA Section 2 (Essay)

Row Labels Offer Holders All Applicants Row Labels
2012 87.50 87.50 2012
2013 94.64 94.64 2013
2014 90.14 90.14 2014
2015 83.00 83.00 2015
All Applicants 94.64 94.64 All Applicants
Offer Holders All Applicants
68.23 61.34
66.96 61.68
65.24 61.96
64.66 61.36
66.07 61.58

Offer Holders All Applicants

54.00 28.00
51.00 34.00
50.00 20.00
54.00 30.00
50.00 20.00

Offer Holders All Applicants

80.00 80.00
85.00 85.00
75.00 78.00
79.00 79.00
85.00 85.00

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