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Questions Raised Response

1. Can we include an abbreviation list as a separate 1. No. If bidders wish to use abbreviations in their responses, then
attachment? these should be provided in full on first usage and abbreviated

2. Can you please confirm the expected activity, overall and by 2. Targets for activity are contained in ITT Document 2 Part 1 –
individual year? Service Specification. Where activity targets have not been set,
these will be agreed during contract mobilisation.

3. Can you please confirm the assets that are being transferred 3. See Appendix 1 at the end of this document.
to the new provider?
4. The total contract value and breakdown for the individual
4. Where other providers are responsible for the delivery of wellbeing services are contained in ITT Document 2 Part 1 –
certain service elements under an SLA, is this included in the Service Specification. As stated in ITT Document 1 –
budget? Instructions, the Council is seeking a single bidding entity
(including partnership or consortium) to deliver these five
separate services under one contract. If the contracting model
involves subcontractors, these are to be paid from the overall

5. This is a block contract.

5. Can you please confirm if this is a block contract or PBR? If a
combination please advise of the split.
6. Within County Durham, GP practices use SystmOne or EMIS.
6. Which information systems do GP use?
7. The council has not provided historic activity data as targets for
7. Can you please confirm the incumbent’s activity over the last activity are contained in Targets for activity are contained in ITT
three years? Where appropriate can this be broken down by Document 2 Part 1 – Service Specification. Where activity
core service and any subcontractors/service level agreement targets have not been set, these will be agreed during contract
providers? mobilisation.

8. Can you please confirm the Information System being used to 8. Wellbeing for Life Service: see ITT Document 2 Part 1 – Service
capture performance and produce reports? Is this the same Specification.
for the core service and subcontractors/service level Macmillan Joining the Dots Service: the system used by the
agreement providers where applicable? Is it the responsibility Wellbeing for Life Service is also used by Joining the Dots.
of the provider to provide a database as part of the contract? Cancer Awareness and Health Promotion: the provider supplies
the information system.
Health Squad Service: see ITT Document 2 Part 1 – Service
NHS Health Checks Programme – Wellbeing Advisors: see ITT
Document 2 Part 1 – Service Specification, the Wellbeing
Advisors will use GP practice systems.

9. Can you please provide details of who will be on the scoring

panel 9. The panel will comprise officers of Durham County Council, with
representation from the Adult and Health Services Public Health
and Commissioning teams.
10. Can you please confirm details (names and monthly/yearly
rents) of all premises currently being used to deliver this 10. The council does not hold this information. The provider is
service; are leases available to the new provider? responsible for arranging premises to deliver wellbeing services.

11. Can you please confirm the previous budget and

target/activity 11. The council will not be providing information on previous
12. Can you please confirm which service level agreements are
in place to support the delivery of this contract? Where 12. This is a new contract and the implementation of service level
possible can you please confirm tariffs; Would agreements will be the responsibility of the successful bidder if
Commissioners please source and share the names and the contracting model involves subcontractors. Current providers
locations of subcontracted General Practitioners and do not have subcontract arrangements with General Practitioners
Community Pharmacies providing subcontract services to the and Community Pharmacies for the delivery of these services.
current provider.

13. Can we include pictures, diagrams and or tables in our 13. Pictures, diagrams and/or tables can be included in the
response. Where any of these appear, are they included in responses to questions, if relevant. Please note, documents with
the word count? additional graphics can be difficult to open so bidders should bear
this in mind for their submissions. All words included in
responses to technical (scored) questions, no matter of format,
will be included in the word count.
14. Can you please confirm if the service uses any Bank Staff 14. Provider 1 and 2 do not utilise Bank Staff.
which may be eligible for TUPE?
15. Please see termination clauses in ITT Document 2 Part 2 –
15. Can you please clarify the redundancy arrangements for Terms and Conditions and take your own independent legal
TUPE staff if the service is terminated within contract or is not advice if required.
16. Provider 1 an updated TUPE list will be shared shortly and this
16. Does the TUPE list include the vacancies the service includes vacancies, they have advised they are actively recruiting
currently has? Where vacancies exist, how is the service into all vacancies.
currently filling those? Please provide which vacancies exist
by role, FTE, Salary and base. Provider 2's list includes vacancies and this was updated on the
19/10/23 so the information provided is up-to-date. All posts are
17. Will the Council provide an indemnity for any missing, advertised on Provider's website where full details are available.
misleading or incorrect TUPE information provided to the
Provider prior to the start of the Agreement for the transferring 17. No
18. Provider 1 will provide this information when a new provider is
18. Please identify if anyone on the TUPE spreadsheet is retire appointed.
and return and the dates which this applies from
Provider 2 is not aware of the precise personal circumstances of
19. Are any roles in the process of being rebanded, if so can you each individual or if anyone is considering retirement prior to the
please clearly state these, from and to. 31st March 2024.

19. Provider 1 advises the roles are not currently being rebanded.

Provider 2 has no current plans to re-grade staff, however the

service is operational and to meet the needs of the communities it
serves, there may be occasions where structures need to change
or develop, or individuals could submit a request to review their
role. Employers must provide comprehensive TUPE information
28 days prior to transfer therefore this information will be shared
at the appropriate time.

In ITT Document 1 – Instructions on page 3 it says 5. NHS Health

Programme - Check Wellbeing Advisors, this should read NHS
Health Checks Programme - Wellbeing Advisors.
Can we ask why the contract value for WFL service is £21,000 less The contract value for the Wellbeing for Life Service is £21,000 less
in year 1 than subsequent years? in year 1 than subsequent years as the provider is required to supply
a case management system from 1 April 2025 onwards and the
increase reflects the additional budget for this requirement.

1. Please can you provide job title for all roles? 1. Further information with regard to job titles will not be
2. Please can you confirm the percentage of time dedicated to provided. Such a level of detail will be between the
the service for all roles? incumbent and a potential successful provider following
3. Please can the age column be completed for all staff in post? award and during the TUPE mobilisation period if required.
2. Please see column C within Employment History for the hours
attributable to this contract
3. At the time of TUPE list completion this person’s age was not
known. Updated information shared with those who have
completed the confidentiality agreement.

Please could the Commissioner confirm if they believe if any of the The Commissioner does not believe that any of the adult wellbeing
services within the ITT are subject to CQC registration? services within the ITT are subject to CQC registration.

How is the Commissioner accounting for inflationary pressures from The Commissioner expects bidders to consider potential inflationary
the cost of living crisis? There does not appear to any mention about pressures that may arise during the life of the contract when
how inflation will be accounted for nor what marker will be used to submitting their financial model in Appendix 3 – Pricing Schedule of
ensure that the contract is uplifted to a reasonable level? the Invitation to Tender documents.

Regarding Q8.1, please can you clarify if bidders are expected to The council confirms it is not required that separate contracts be
give details of four separate contracts, or if three will suffice? used to answer the key elements to Q8.1, only that the 4 key
elements are provided for in your response.

1. The first three digits of the home postcode of each employee 1. Any incoming provider would be given further details of the
(to inform social value proposals for non-incumbent bidders) personnel involved in the service, including home
2. Regarding Column C for hours attributable to this contract - address/location. Employers must provide comprehensive
please could you state what this is as a percentage of the TUPE information 28 days prior to transfer therefore this
employee's total working hours? Ie. for employees working information will be shared at the appropriate time.
part-time hours, whether they work part of their time on 2. Provider 1 has advised all of the staff on the list work 100%
another contract. on the contract with the exception of the Service Manager
who works 60% on the contract.

Provider 2 has advised the TUPE list provides full details of

the hours worked. Any changes to hours would be provided
to an incoming provider as part of the mobilisation stage.
Employers must provide comprehensive TUPE information 28
days prior to transfer therefore this information will be shared
at the appropriate time.

Regarding the requirement to make microgrants, please could you 1. The microgrant scheme will be funded from the financial
clarify: envelope for the Wellbeing for Life Service, so bidders should
make provision for microgrants in their Pricing Schedule.
1. If bidders should make provision for this in their budgets
within the total financial envelope, or if these will be funded 2. A maximum of £10,000 per annum for microgrants refers to
separately to the contract value? the total cost of all grants provided in one year.
2. Whether the maximum £10,000 per annum refers to total
grants provided in one year, or to each individual grant given?

It is noted in the pricing schedule that costs must include any pay The Commissioner expects bidders to consider future pay uplifts
uplifts for staff, including the forecasted impact of any national pay when developing their financial model and to incorporate these within
increases and there will be no consideration for additional payment. Appendix 3 – Pricing Schedule of the Invitation to Tender documents.

Can commissioners clarify that future year pay uplifts need to be Whilst the uplifts in pay may have the consequence of reducing non-
factored into the prescribed financial envelopes, which in the main do pay costs, it is expected that bidders will seek to achieve efficiencies
not increase across the ten year period, and therefore suggest that across the life of the contract that will help to offset some of the
other non pay costs for service provision need to be reduced in future impact of future pay uplifts and minimise impact on non-pay costs.
years to offset the cost of pay uplift?

I was just hoping you could just clarify if you would create the Suppliers need to form a consortium themselves and bid as such.
consortium through multiple awards or if you would expect suppliers
themselves to create the consortium.

Good morning TUPE information is provided as accurate on the date that it is

collected. The current contract will continue until 31/3/2024, so it is
Many thanks for sharing this. expected that there will be potential changes and staffing movement
during that time. The TUPE information is provided in good faith by
Please can the Commissioner confirm that bidders will not be the Council; however, each bidder must undertake their own due
penalised or marked down for any incorrect assumptions made about diligence in this regard, and ensure that TUPE has been considered
the TUPE workforce, given that the TUPE information provided is within their completed tender submission. All bidders have been
incomplete and has omissions? For example, in the Health Squad provided with the same information.
data roles 4 & 5 are blank, and in the Wellbeing for Life data some
roles are shown as being in recruitment with no information given
about salary etc.

Kind regards

Appendix 1 - Asset List

Scales BP Monitors

Type Serial Numbers Asset Number Type Serial Numbers Asset Number
SECA Mars 117687 29/03/2020 OMRON Digital
Automatic blood 2010070056VF 266523
Pressure Monitor
MPMS - 250 Omron - arm
8DC015973 258005 20100800866VF 266525
(large) monitor
MPMS - 250 Omron M3 blood
9DC034688 258047
(large) pressure monitor 20150300736LF 274207
Omron M7 Blood
Marsden 9DC032213 261425 20150300739LF 274669
Pressure Monitor
Omron M7 Blood
MarsdenMS4202L 8FC015255 266542 20150300890LF 274695
Pressure Monitor
SECA Vogel & Omron M3 Blood
Halke model 761 2761033052154 267183 ?? 266526
Pressure Monitor
Omron M7 BP
SECA (manual) 268781 20150300707 LF 274667
Omron M3 Blood
SECA (manual) 268871 20150300455LF 274668
Pressure Monitor
Omron M7 BP
SECA (manual) 268877 20150300740 274697
Omron M7 Blood
SECA (manual) 271068 20150300737LF 274705
Pressure Monitor

SECA (manual) 273943 Omron M7 20150600392LF 274829

Omron M7 Blood
Marsden m-420 SN-21406845 274208 20150300709LF 274699
Pressure Monitor
A&D Medical UA-
Marsden M-420 SN-21402391 274396 SN51304 00309 276720
787 Plus
A&D Medical UA-
Marsden M-420 SN-21402457 274397 SN51302 00277 268225
767 Plus
Omron M3 Blood
Marsden M-420 21406829 274627 20100800868 VF 266520
Pressure Monitor

Marsden m-420 SN-21406844 274670

AND UA-767 Plus SN-5130200277 268225
Omron M3 Blood
Marsden M-420 274692 20100700505 VF 216475
SN-21402774 Pressure Monitor
Omron M7 Blood
Marsden M-420 SN-21402637 274694 20150300708 LF 274693
Pressure Monitor
Annual licenses

BT 0800 tel number

Wellbeing for Life website

Joining the Dots website

Ricoh Photocopier Healthworks

Ricoh Photocopier Willington

Staff Uniform

Looka Software - For Wellbeing Hub logo

Survey Monkey Annual Subscription renewal - March 23

MHFA Resources - 100x new style refresher manuals

Health Squad Dell Latitude 5320 ST:8H93HL3

Health Squad Dell Latitude 5320 ST:HSH2GL3

Health Squad Dell Latitude 5320 ST:BH93HL3

Health Squad Dell Latitude 5320 ST:2J73HL3

Health Squad Dell Latitude 5320 ST:GV4HGL3
Health Squad Dell Latitude 5320 ST:2J73HL3
Health Squad Dell Latitude 5320 ST:GXKZJL3
Health Squad Dell Latitude 5320 ST: 1N6BGL3
Health Squad Dell Latitude 5320 ST: FXYZFL3

Health Squad Samsung Galaxy Smart Phone x6

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