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CSA W48:23

Filler metals and allied materials for metal

arc welding
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Standar ds Update Ser vice

Febr uar y 2023

T i t l e: F i l l er metal s and a l l ied materials for metal a rc weldi ng

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Filler metals and a IIied mater ia Is
for metal ar c welding

Alllraderra rk!lbfllhea[anadi a nBta nda rds�so::i ati cn,ribperati nglasOCSA!l&"oop"

Published in February 2023 by CSA Groop

A not-for-profit pr ivate sector organization
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ISBN 978-1-4883-4437-4
© 2023 Canadian Standards Association
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withOut the prior permssion of the publisher.
CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Technical Corrmittee on Welding Filler Metals 4

Preface 6

0 Introduction 8

1 Scope 10
1. 1 Specifications 10
1.2 Exceptions 11
1.3 Corrpliance 12
1.4 Safety 12
1. 5 Terninologj 12
1.6 S! units 13
1. 7 Metric consurrable classification 13

2 Reference publications 13

3 Definitions and abbreviations 15

3. 1 Definitions 15
3.2 Abbreviations 16

4 Q.Jality system 16
4. 1 Q.Jality control 16
4.2 Repackagng control 16
4.3 Regstered quality system 16
4.4 Approval ag=ncy 17
4. 5 Unregstered quality system 17

5 Diameter tolerances 17

6 Test requirements 18
6. 1 Required tests 18
6.2 Retests 18

7 Test procedures 19
7. 1 Electrodes 19
7.1. 1 General 19
7. 1.2 SMAW electrodes 19
7. 1. 3 Gt#..W electrodes 19
7.1.4 Sizes for testing 19
7. 1. 5 Q.Jalification sizes 20
7.2 Material for test assemblies 20
7. 3 Shielding g:�ses 20
7.3. 1 Gt#..W filler metals for fine-gain and non-alloy steel 21
7.3.2 Carbon and !em-alloy steel electrodes for FCAW and MCAW 21
7. 3. 3 Chronium and chronium-nickel steel electrodes for FCAW and MCAW 22
7.3.4 Carbon and !em-alloy steel rods for GTAW and PAW 22

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

7.3. 5 Alumnum electrcx:les and rods for Grv1AW, GrAW, and PAW 22
7.4 Weld metal test asserrblies 22
7.4. 1 All-weld-metal test asserrbly 22
7.4.2 Transverse tensile and longtudinal g..� ided bend test asserrbly 23
7.4. 3 l-leat treatment condition 23
7. 5 Radicgaphic test 23
7.5. 1 Test preparation 23
7. 5.2 Pass/fail criteria 24
7.6 All-weld-rretal tensile test 24
7.6. 1 Test preparation 24
7.6.2 Machining 24
7.6. 3 fogng 24
7.6.4 Test method 24
7.6. 5 Pass/fail criteria 24
7. 7 Irrpact test 25
7.7. 1 Test preparation 25
7.7.2 Machining 25
7.7. 3 Test method 25
7. 7.4 Test terllJerature 25
7.7. 5 Pass/fail criteria 25
7.8 Transverse tensile test 25
7.8. 1 Conditions 25
7.8.2 Pass/fail criteria 25
7.9 Longtudinal g..� i ded bend test 25
7. 9. 1 Conditions 25
7.9.2 fogng 25
7. 10 Fillet weld test 26
7.10.1 General conditions 26
7. 10.2 FCAW carbon and lavv-alloy steel 26
7.10.3 rvlCAW carbon and lavv-alloy steel 26
7. 10.4 Measurement of maxirrum fillet weld dimensions 26
7.10.5 Pass/fail criteria 26
7. 11 Chemcal analysis - D=posit 26
7. 11. 1 General conditions 26
7.11.2 SatllJies of the deposited weld metal 26
7. 11.3 Weld pad 27
7.11.4 Chemcal analysis 27
7. 11. 5 Pass/fail criteria 27
7. 12 Chemcal analysis -Solid electrcx:le 27
7. 12. 1 SatllJies 27
7.12.2 Method 27
7.12.3 Pass/fail criteria 27
7.13 Dffusible hydrc:>g:n test 27
7. 13. 1 General 27
7.13.2 Applicable desig-,ator 27
7. 13.3 Pass/fail criteria 28

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C5A W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

8 Marking 28

9 Packag ng 28

10 Certification 28
10. 1 Test witnessing 28
10.2 Technical data sheets 29

Annex A (normative) - Equivalency of classifications for GMAW electrodes 30

Annex B (informative) - Packagng storage, and conditioning of welding filler metals and allied
materials 32
Annex C (informative) - Method of classification 36
Annex D (informative) -D:!scription and intended use of electrodes for carbon steel GMAW and
GrAW 42
Annex E (informative) -D:!scription and intended use of fluxes and electrodes for carbon steel, lavv-
alloy steel, stainless steel, and nickel-alloy SA.W 49
Annex F (informative) - Dffusible hydrogen 54
Annex G (informative) -Certification 56
Annex H (informative) -SI (metric) and non-SI equivalents 59
Annex I (normative) - Electrode classifications with fixed requirements within
AWS AS. 36/AS. 36M 63
Annex J (informative) - Bibliography 65

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Technical Committee on Welding Filler

T. Van Loon SELEG-SAI Inc., Chair
Green Valley, Oltario, Canada
Category: Producer Interest

N. LaCarte f\.brth Arrerican NDT Services, Vice-Chair

Charlton, Oltario, Canada
Category: User Interest

V. Andrisani ONB Group,

Milton, Oltario, Canada
Category: Genera I Interest

R Begn Sodel Unite€,

St-Laurent, Q..Jebec, Canada
Category: Prooucer Interest

C Bl ackrnore HJsky Ener91 Inc.,

Carstairs, Alberta, Canada
Category: Genera I Interest

A Boulianne ONB Group, f\.bn-voti ng

Milton, Oltario, Canada

J. G. Galloway Conestoga College,

Carrbridg2, Oltario, Canada
Category: Genera I Interest

J. Girard METEX Consulting Inc.,

Q..Jebec, Q..Jebec, Canada
Category: User Interest

R Gupta Arrerican Welding Society, f\.bn-voti ng

Miani, Florida, USA

N. Lemieux-Baril SI\.C-Lavalin Inc., f\.bn-voti ng

Montreal, Q..Jebec, Canada

0. Masnyk Nexal Aluninuminc.,

Mississauga, Oltario, Canada
Category: Producer Interest

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

T. Melfi Lincoln Electric Company, f\bn-voting

Fort Myers, Florida, USA

K Mui Lincoln Electric Company, f\bn-voting

Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

J. L Smith Services en Soudag= Joseph Lester Snith Welding

L'Epiphanie, QJebec, Canada
Category. Genera I Interest

J. Fernando C5AGroup, Prqect Manager

Toronto, Oltario, Canada

T. Siraj C5AGrou p, Prqect Manager

Toronto, Oltario, Canada

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Pr eface
This is the fifth edition of CSA. W48, Filler rretals and allied materials for metal arc welding. It
supersedes the previous editions published in 2018, 2014, 2006, and 2001.
Fil ler metals standards are intended to provide a generic method of classification and evaluation that
al lows the end user to select appropriate welding consumables for a gven welding process and product
or application. The procedures and tests set out in this Standard, when correctly followed, are designed
to produce a consistent product with test results that are as reproducible as possible.
The following are the major changes to this edition:
a) the reference to AVI/S AS. 10/AS. 10M has been added for the classification of alumnum GrAW and
GMAW electrodes;
b) all specifications and classifications related to carbon and low-alloy steel SMAW electrodes have
been replaced by references to AVI/S AS. l/AS. 1M and AS. 5/AS. SM;
c) all specifications and classifications related to SA.W carbon and low-alloy electrodes/fl uxes have
been replaced by references to AVI/S AS. 17IAS. 17M and AVI/S AS. 23/AS. 23M;
d) updates to Oauses reg:�rding packagng and marking have been made and two new Oauses added,
one for technical data sheets (TDS) and the second for decertified products; and
e) Annexes have been updated and consolidated, providing information on packagng storage, and
conditioning of electrodes (Annex�); general information and an explanation of the classification
system (Annex Q; descriptions and intended uses of the welding filler metals and allied materials
(Annexes Q and f); information on diffusible hydrogen (Annex f); and information on certification
(Annex §).
The Standard has also been rewritten in such a manner to facilitate ease of use and future revisions
with respect to adoption of other regonal and international standards. DJring preparation of this
revision, close liaison was maintained between AVI/S and ISO to create a robust Canadian Standard
supporting gobal efforts towards standard harmonization while satisfying the specific and unique
technical requirements of Canadian industry.
This Standard was prepared by the Technical Corrnittee on Welding Filler Metals, under the jurisdiction
of the Strategc Steering Comnittee on Construction and Infrastructure, and has been formally
approved by the Technical Comnittee.
1) Use of the singular does not exclude the pural (and vice versa) when the sense allONs.
2) .L'IIt hough the intended prirmry apf)ication of this Standard is stated in its Scope, it is irflXllia nt to note that it
rermins the resp.::lsll iality of the users of the Standard to judge its suitaality for their particular PJrJX)Se.
3) This Standard was developed tty consensus, which is defined tty c::A Policy gJVerning standardization -Code
of gxxJ practice for standardization as substantial agreerrent. Consensus irnpies much more than a sirnpe
rmjority, but not necessarily unanirrity". It is consistent with this definition that a rrerrber rmy � included in
the Technical Comrittee list and yet not � in full agreerrent with all clauses of this Standard
4) To subrrit a request for interpretation of this Standard, pease send the foiiONing inforrmtion to and include Request for interpretation" in the suqect line:
a) define the problem rmking reference to the specific clause, and, where appropriate, include an
illustrative sketch;
b) prOJide an expanation of circumstances surrounding the actual field condition; and

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

c) where !XJSSible, phrase the request in such a way that a specific �es" cr l'lo" answer will ad:Jress the
Cormittee inteq:retatims are processed in acccrdance with the CSA Drectives and gJidelines g:>Verning
standardization and are available on the Current Standards kt:ivities f:Xlge at
5) This Standard is suqect to review within five years from the date of publication. Suggesti ons fcr its
irrp'"CNerrent will be referred to the appropriate cmnittee. To subrrit a prO!XJSal fcr change, please send the
follcwing infcrmation to inquiries@csagroop.crg and include PrO!XJSal fcr change" in the suqect line:
a) Standard designation (nu�r);
b) relevant clause, table, and,lcr figure nu�r;
c) wcrding of the prO!XJSed change; and
d) rationale fcr the change.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Filler metals and allied mater ials for metal
ar c welding

0 I ntroducti on
The first edition of a Canadian standard for welding consumables was published in 1938 as Canadian
Engneering Standards Association (CESA) Tentative Standard S48T (CESA became the Canadian
Standards Association in 1944). It covered shielded metal arc welding (SMA.W) electrodes for mid and
low-alloy steels. Tog=ther with two other standards, CESA W47 (Welding QJalification Code for the
Application to Fabricating and Contracting Finns, Their Welding Personnel and Equiprrent) and
CESA W59 (Welding of Bridges, Buildings and Machinery), it was desig1ed to cover all aspects of the
welding of structural steels. f-bwever, the advent of the Second World War prevented the adoption of
these standards.
Weld quality depends to a very larg= degree on the skill and training of the personnel directly involved
in welding operations, and usually cannot be deternined by visual inspection methods. For this reason,
many m.micipal authorities and desig1 engneers had reservations alx>ut using welding in the many
prqects that were necessary for growth after the end of the war. The Canadian Institute of Steel
Construction (OSC) was aware of the advantag=s of welding over other forms of joining as a result, it
prorroted a program that would provide third-party verification of a companys competency to
undertake welding of steel structures. This developrrent culninated in the revision and adoption
(through CSA. S16) of new versions of CSA. W47, CSA. W48, and CSA. W59. In January 1947, the Canadian
Welding Bureau (ONB) was inaugurated for the purpose of qualifying Canadian org:mizations and
operators eng:�ged in welding operations in structural steel and mechanical fields, and the consumables
used by them This innovation proved so popular that the application of these standards has expanded
to many areas outside the orignally intended field.
Fol lowing publication in 1947, further revisions of the CSA. W48 series of standards were published to
acknowledg= the many strides made in the manufacture and application of welding consumables. In the
early 1950s, it was decided that one standard was insufficient to cover the many types of electrodes
available, and CSA. W48. 1 and CSA. W48.2 were published in 1952 and 1953, respectively. Further
revisions were made: CSA. W48. 1 was revised in 1962, 1969, 1976, 1980, and 1991; CSA. W48.2 was
revised in 1977, 1980, and 1992; CSA. W48.3 was first published in 1968 and revised in 1976, 1982, and
1993; CSA. W48.4 was first published in 1970 and revised in 1978 and 1995; CSA. W48. 5 was first
published in 1970 and revised in 1982 and 1990; and CSA. W48. 6 was first published in 1970 and revised
in 1980 and 1996.
The first edition of W48-Q1 consolidated and superseded the previous CSA. W48 series of standards
(CSA. W48. 1 to CSA. W48.6) and contained several technical chang=s, including chang=s intended to
harmonize with other regonal and international standards. D..lring preparation, close liaison was
maintained between the American Welding Society (AW'S), International Institute of Welding (IIW), and
International Qg:�nization for Standardization (ISO). The Technical Corrnittee was also in contact with
other org:�nizations, such as the European Corrnittee for Standardization (CEN) and the Japan Welding
Engneering Society (JWES).

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

In W48-D6, classification requirerrents for solid wire g:�s rretal arc consumables were replaced by
references to CSA. ISO 14341.
In W48-14, all specifications and classifications related to carbon steel electrcx:Jes for flux-cored arc
welding and rretal-cored arc welding were replaced by the addition of references to
AWS PS. 36/PS. 36M.
In W48-18, all specifications and classifications related to chronium and chronium-nickel steel
electrcx:Jes for shielded rretal arc welding (SMA\IV) were replaced by references to AWS P5.4/P5.4M.
Specifications and classifications related to chronium and chronium-nickel steel electrcx:Jes for g:�s­
shielded rretal arc welding (GMA\N), g:�s tungsten arc welding (GrA\N), and submerged arc welding
(SA.\N)were added by including references to AWS P5.9/P5.9M. Specifications and classifications related
to chronium and chronium-nickel steel electrcx:Jes for FCAW and MCAW were added by including
references to AWS P5.22/P5.22M and P5.9/P5.9M as appropriate. Specifications and classifications
related to carbon steel rcx:ls and deposits specifically for GrAW and plasma arc welding (PAW) were
added by including references to AWS P5. 18/P5. 18M. Specifications and classifications related to low­
alloy steel rcx:ls and deposits specifically for GrAW and PAW were added by including references to
AWS P5.28/P5.28M. Specifications related to low-alloy steel FCAW and MCAW electrcx:Jes were added
as specified in AWS P5. 36/P5.36M.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

1 Scope

1.1 Speci fi cati ons

This Standard includes specifications (see Table.!) for the classification and certification of
a) carbon steel-covered electrodes for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW);
b) chromum and chromum-nickel steel-covered electrodes for SMAW, including electrodes
designated for welding heat-resistant steels containing more than 11% chromum and less than
50% nickel;
c) low-alloy steel covered electrodes for SMAW,
d) wire electrodes and deposits for g:�s-shielded metal arc welding (GMAW) of non-alloy and fine­
gain steels;
e) wire electrodes, rods, and deposits for GMAW, g:�s tungsten arc welding (GrAW), and submerged
arc welding (SA.W) of chromum and chromum-nickel steel;
f) wire rcx::ls and deposits for GrAW and plasma arc welding (PAW) of carbon and low-alloy steels;
g) carbon and low-al loy steel electrodes for flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) and metal-cored arc
welding (MCAW);
h) chromum and chromum-nickel steel electrodes for FCAW and MCAW,
i) fluxes and solid carbon/low-alloy steel electrodes for SA.W,
j) fluxes and composite carbon steel/low-alloy electrodes for SA.W, and
k) bare alumnum and alumnum alloy electrodes and rods, as specified in Oause 1.2.

Tabl e 1
Appl i cable s peci fi cati ons to be uti l i zed for el ectrode testi ng and certifi cati on
(See Clause 1.1.)

Mater i a l type Wel d i ng pr ocess Speci fi cati on

Shielded metal arc welding AWS AS. l/AS. 1M
CSA. ISO 14341 ( B" side of specification),
Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) Oause 5.2B
Submerged arc welding (SA.W) AWS AS. 17/AS. 17M
Carbon steel
Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) AWS AS.36/AS. 36M
Metal-cored arc welding (MCAW) AWS AS.36/AS. 36M
Gas tungsten arc weldin (GrAW)
and plasma arc welding PAW)
AWS AS. 18/AS. 18M

Shielded metal arc welding AWS AS. 5/AS. SM

CSA. ISO 14341 ( B" side of specification)
Low-alloy steels Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) AWS AS.28/AS.28M [when consumable
tensile strength > 550 MPa (80 Ksi)]
Submerged arc (SA.W) AWS AS.23/AS. 23M
Flux-cored electrode (FCAW) AWS AS.36/AS. 36M


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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Table 1 ( Concluded)

fv1ater i a l type Wel di ng pr ocess Speci fi cati on

Metal-cored electrode (MCAW) AWS AS.36/AS. 36M
Gas tungsten arc weldin (GrAW) AWS AS.28/AS. 28M
and plasm:� arc welding PAW)

Shielded rretal arc welding AWS AS.4/AS.4M

Gas rretal arc welding (GMAW) AWS AS. 9/AS. 9M

Stai nless steels Subrrerged arc welding (SAW) AWS AS. 9/AS. 9M
Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) AWS AS.22/AS. 22M
Metal-cored arc welding (MCAW) AWS AS.22/AS. 22M
Gas tungsten arc welding (GrAW) AWS AS. 9/AS. 9M

Gas rretal arc welding'Gas AWS AS. 10/AS. 10M

Aluminum tu �en arc welding
(G W/GrAW)

1.2 Excepti ons

This Standard does not allovv an electrode certified under one classification to be certified under
another classification for the sarre welding process, with the follovvi ng exceptions:
a) For SAW,
i) a corrposite electrode m:�y be certified under different classifications in corrbination with
different fluxes; and
ii) fluxes m:�y be classified under any number of classifications, for weld rretal in either or both
the as-welded and post-weld heat-treated conditions, or using different electrode
b) For FCAW and MCAW AS. 36/AS.36M fixed and open classification equivalents (see Gause 11),
E49C-6M m:�y also be listed as E49C-3M.
c) For chromium and chromium-nickel steel covered el ectrodes, m:�terials classified under one
classification m:�y be classified under any other classification of AWS AS.4/AS.4M provided they
rreet all the requirerrents for those classifications, except a m:�terial shall not be classified under
more than one of the follovvi ng EXXX-15, EXXX-16, EXXX-17, or EXXX-26 designations.
d) For wire electrodes and deposits for GMAW of carbon and lovv-alloy steel, m:�terials classified
under one classification m:�y be classified under another classification of CSA ISO 14341 or
AWS AS. 36/AS. 36M with a different shielding g:�s provided they meet all requirerrents for those
classifications (see Annex�).
e) Electrodes and wire flux corrbinations where the only differences are in the hydrc::q;n designators
m:�y be excepted.
f) For wire electrodes, rods, and deposits for GMAW, GrAW, and SAW of chromium and chromium­
nickel steel, m:�terials classified under one classification m:�y be classified under any other
classification of AWS AS.9/AS.9M, provided they rreet all requirerrents for those classifications.
g) For wire electrodes and deposits for FCAW and MCAW of chromium and chrorrium-nickel steel,
m:�terials classified under one classification m:�y be classified under another classification of

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

AVVS P5.22/P5.22M based on carbon content and shielding g:�s, provided they meet all
requirements for those classifications.
h) For MCAW carbon and low-alloy steel electrodes uti lizing the open-ended classification system in
AVVS P5. 36/P5.36M, a positional designator should be assigned by the manufacturer to the
classification. !" indicates all positions and 0" indicates flat and horizontal.
i) For wire electrodes and deposits for FCAW and MCAW of carbon and low-alloy steel, materials
classified under one classification may be classified under another classification of C5,1\ISO 14341
or AVVS P5.36/P5.36M with a different shielding g:�s provided they meet all requirements for those
classifications (see Annex!).

1.3 Com pi i a nee

For the purpose of determning compliance with the requirements of this Standard, the actual test
values obtained are suqected to the rounding off rules of ISO 80CXXH, Gause 8.3, Rule A
If the measured values are obtained by equipment calibrated in units other than those of this Standard,
then the measured values are converted to the units of this Standard before rounding
If an arithmetic averag:! value is to be COrl1JCired to the requirements of this Standard, then rounding is
to be done only after calculating the arithmetic averag:!.
If a test method used in this Standard contains instructions for rounding that conflict with the
instructions of this Standard, then the rounding requirements of the test method will apply.
An observed or calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest 10 MPa for tensile and yield strength,
and to the nearest unit in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting values for
other quantities. The rounded results will satisfy the requirements of the appropriate table for the
classification under test.

1.4 Safety
This Standard does not address safety associated with welding and welding practices.
t\bte: CAN/c:A-W117.2 addresses safety in welding and should be foiiONed in addition to applicable workplace
health and safety legislation. It is the respcnsibility of the users of this Standard to establish app-opriate safety and
health practices, and to deterrrine the applicability of regulatory I irritations prior to use.

1 . 5 Termi nol ogy

In this Standard, Shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is oblig:!d to
satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; Should" is used to express a recommendation or that
which is advised but not required; and rh:ly" is used to express an option or that which is permssible
within the limts of the Standard.
1\btes accorl1JC�nying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a
note accorl1JC�nying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material.
1\btes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as
Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or i nformative (non-mandatory) to define their

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

1.6 SI u n i ts
The values gven in SI units are the units of record for the purposes of this Standard. The values gven in
Annex tJ are for inform:ltion and corrparison only.

1.7 tv1etr i c con s u ma bl e classifi cati on

The metric versions of AWS standards are used to certify consum:lbles (e.g, A5.4M) except for wire
diameter tolerances (see Cause�).

2 Reference pu bl i cati ons

This Standard refers to the following publications, and where such reference is m:lde, it shall be to the
edition listed below, including all amendments published thereto.
1\bte: See 1\nnex 1 fcr additimal p..�l:)ications.

C5A. Group
CAf\.VC5A.-ISO 9001: 16 (R2020)
QJality rTEnagement systems - Requirements

C5A. ISO 14341: 21

Welding consum:lbles -Wire electrodes and weld deposits for gas shielded metal arc welding of non
alloy and fine grain steels -Oassification

G40.20-13/G40.21-13 (R2018)
General requirements for rolled or welded structural qual ity steel/Structural quality steel

W47. 1-19
Certification of corrpa nies for fusion welding of steel

Welded steel construction

W117.2: 19
Safety in welding, cutting, and allied processes

Z234. 1..00 (withdrawn)

Metric practice guide

ASTM International
Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel

Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low- and Intermediate-Tensile Strength

Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Intermediate- and Higher­
Terr-perature Service

February 2023 © 2023 canadia n Standa rds Asscx:i atioo 13

CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate and Lcmer-Terrperature

Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Termndogy for Olemcal Analysis of Steel Products

A830/A830M: 18
Standard Specification for Plates, Carbon Steel, Structural QJality, Furnished to Olemcal Corrp:>s ition
Requi rernents

Standard Test Methods for 1\bt:ched Bar Irrpact Testing of Metallic Materials

Standard Test Method for Radiographic Exam nation of Weldrnents

Standard Practice for �ed Radidogy (Photostirn..dable Lumnescence Method)

Standard Practice for Radiographic Exam nation Using Dgital Detector Arrays

AWS (American Welding Society)

Standard Methods for D=termnation of the Dffusible �drogen Content of Martensitic, Bainitic, and
Ferritic Steel Weld Metal Produced bj Arc Welding

AA. srvvAA. s: 2020

Standard Methods for Oassification Testing of Positional Capacity and Root Penetration of Welding
Consumables in a Fillet Weld

AS. 02/AS. 02M: 2007

Specification for Filler Metal Standard Sizes, Packaging and Physical Attrib...rt:es

AS.l/AS. 1M: 2012

Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Specification for Stainless Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding

AS. S/AS. SM:2014

Specification for Lcm-AI Icy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Specification for Bare Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes and Rods

AS. 10/AS. 10M: 2021

Specification for Bare Alumnum and Alumnurn-AIIcy Welding Electrodes and Rods

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

M. 17IM. 17M: 2019

Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Subrerged kc Welding

/l5. 18//l5. 18M: 2021

Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded kc Welding

Specification for Stainless Steel Flux Cored and Metal Cored Welding Electrodes and Rods

Specification for Lo..v-AI Icy Steel and High Manganese Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Subrerged kc

/l5.28//l5.28M: 2020
Specification for Lo..v-AI Icy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded kc Welding

M. 32/f:>S. 32M: 2021

Welding Consurrnbles - Gases and gas nixtures for fusion welding and allied processes

M. 36/M. 36M: 2016

Specification for Carbon and Lo..v-AIIcy Steel Flux Cored Electrcdes for Flux Cored kc Welding and Metal
Cored Electrcdes for Gas Metal kc Welding

B4.0M: 2016
Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of Welds (Metric custorn:try units)

ISO (International Qg:mization for Standardization)

Welding and allied processes - D=ternination of hydrogen content in arc weld rretal

Welding consurrnbles - Deposition of a weld rretal pad for chenical analysis

Welding consurrnbles - Gases and gas nixtures for fusion welding and allied processes

Q.Jantities and units - Part 1: General

Other publications
Ols0ien, M.I., S. Uu, and D. L dson. 1995. LJse of active shielding g:�ses to optimize the weld rretal
nicrostructure." Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and kctic
Engineering Vol. 3: Materials Engineering pp. 503-507.

3 Defi n i ti ons and a bbrevi ati ons

3.1 Defi n i ti ons

The ng definitions shall apply in this Standard:

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Comp:>site electrode -a flux- or metal-cored wire used for SA..W.

Consumables -electrodes, rods, and fluxes used for welding
Note: Shielding gases are not included

Covered electrode -an electrode in rod form that has a flux coating for use in Sr-..MW.
Electrode -a metal rod or wire that carries the electric current and is melted by the arc to form the
weld dep:>Sit.
Note: Fcr gas-shielded arc welding. the term is used fcr cmtinuous wire fcr the G�W, FCAW, and M:AW

Rod -a metal rod or wire in strai9"lt lengths of continuous form that does not carry electric current
but is melted by the arc to form the weld dep:>Sit as used for GrAW, PAW, and sirrilar processes.

3.2 Abbrevi ations

The following abbreviations shall apply in this Standard:
0/1/B - Canadian Welding Bureau, a division of 0/1/B Group -Industry Services
FCAW - flux-cored arc welding
Gr-..MW - g:�s metal arc welding
GrAW - g:�s tungsten arc welding
rvlCAW - metal-cored arc welding
PAW - plasma arc welding
SA..W - submerged arc welding
Sr-..MW - shielded metal arc welding

4 Qua l i ty system

4.1 QJal i ty contr ol

The manufacturer shall use a quality system during the manufacture of electrodes that meet the
requirements of this Standard. The system for manufacture of solid wire filler materials shall place
particular emphasis on quality control reg:�rding analysis of the as-received g-een rod or of the finished
filler material, as distinct from the heat analysis.

4.2 Repackagi ng contr ol

In addition to the requirements of aauses .§, �� and 10, wholesalers or corrpanies that receive
consumables (i.e., fluxes and electrodes) that corrply with this Standard in bulk and repackage them for
distribution, or repackage them under their own label, shall use a quality system with strict document
control to ensure package contents are traceable to the orignal manufacturer's records, and that the
integ-ity of the product remains the same as when orignally manufactured.

4.3 Regi ster ed qual i ty system

A quality system that has been audited and regstered to CANfc:s,A.-ISO 9001 or another quality system
by a nationally accredited org:�nization shall be deemed to meet the requirements of aauses 4.1
and 4.2.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

4.4 Appr oval agency

The Canadian Welding Bureau (ONB) shall verify the use of the quality system at the specified intervals.
For manufacturers regstered as specified in Gause 4.3, and provided that no nonconformances are
found on the first visit, ONB may waive one visit by acceptance of evidence that regstration remains in
effect and that an external maintenance audit has been conducted by a nationally accredited regstrar
within 12 months of the date of expiry of the electrode certification(s).
t\Jote: ONB verifies the use of the qual ity system at specified intervals of up to two years.

4.5 Unr egi stered qua l i ty system

Manufacturers who are not regstered as specified in Gause 4. 3 shall be suqect to a full quality system
review when first applying for approval. Upon initial application, a maintenance�evel review shall be
conducted within a specified period.
If there are no nonconformances, or if ONB is satisfied that the quality system in place is effective in
maintaining traceability and consistency of product, then the next quality system review shall not need
to be conducted for a specified period provided the manufacturer supplies satisfactory evidence that
the quality system continues to operate.
At the end of the full quality system review period, the manufacturer shall be suqect to a full quality
system review similar to that conducted upon first application for approval.
Manufacturers who are not regstered as specified in Gause 4. 3 shall be suqect to a maintenance-level
review to be conducted within two years of the first application for approval. If there are no
nonconformances, or if ONB is satisfied with the effectiveness of the quality system then the next
quality system review shall not need to be conducted for four years.
t\Jote: The full quality review perioo is six years.

5 Di a meter tol erances

The diameter tolerances shall be as shown in Table 2.

Tabl e 2
Di a meter tol erances
(See Clause�.)

Diameter of wire I GMA.W/GrAW GrAW SAW FCAW/�W

mm 1n Di ameter, mm Length, mm Di ameter, mm Diameter, mm
0. 5 0.020 I -

0.6 0.024
0.76 0.030 I
0.8 :±0.03
0.9 0.035 900 +15/--Q -

1.0 0.040
1. 1 0.045
1.2 3/64 I :±0.05


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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Table 2 ( Concluded)

Diameter of wire Gtv'IAW/Gf AW GrAW SAW FCAW/tv'CAW

mm in Di ameter, mm Length, mm Di ameter, mm Diameter, mm
1. 3 0.052
1.6 1/16
1.7 0.068
1.8 0.072
2.0 5/64
2.4 3/32
2. 5
2.8 7/64
3.0 0.120 :±0.08 :±0.08
3. 2 1/8
4.0 5/32
4.8 3/16
5.6 7/32 :±0.10 :±0.10 :±0.10
6.4 114
8.0 5/16
1) This TaiJe is adapted fr001A\iVSA5.02/A5.02M.
2) For SMAW carbon steel, A\iVSAS.l/A5.1M is applicaiJe.
3) For SMAW I ON-a II Of steel, A\iVSA5.5/A5.5M is applicaiJe.
4) for SMAW stainless steel, A\iVSA5.4/A5.4M is applicaiJe.

6 T est requirements

6.1 Requi r ed tests

The tests required for certification under each classification shall be as specified in the applicable AWS
or CAf\.VISO specification used for product testing (see Gause 11) .

6.2 Retests
If an electrode or flux/electrode cotrbination fails to meet the requirements of the applicable test, then
the test shall be repeated twice and the electrode or flux/electrode cotrbination shall meet the
requirements on each retest. Specimens for the retests may be taken from the orignal test assembly or
from a new test assembly. For chemical analysis, retests need only be performed for those specific
elements that failed to meet their applicable requirement.
If during test preparation or after corrpletion of a test it is determined the proper procedures were not
foiiQI..Ved in preparing the weld assembly or test specimen, or in conducting the test (which includes

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

itl'lJI"oper welding techniques), then the test shall be considered invalid reg:�rdless of whether the test
was actually corrpleted or whether the test results met the applicable requirements. The test shall be
repeated in accordance with prescribed procedures. In this case, the requirement for doubling the
number of retest specimens shall not apply.

7 T est procedures

7 . 1 E l ectr odes

7 . 1 . 1 General
Testing shall be as per the applicable specifications listed in Gause 1. 1, except as specified in Gause Z.

7.1.2 Sr-MW el ectrodes

SMAW electrodes of 620 MPa tensile strength or lower shall be tested in the as-rn:mufactured condition
without reconditioning SMA.W electrodes of 690 MPa tensile strength or greater m:ty be reconditioned
in accordance with the m:tnufacturer's recomnendations. SMA.W electrodes m:ty be stored in a holding
oven at a terrperature between 120 oc and 150 oc during the testing period.
Note: N:Jditimal infamatim m storage and corx:fitiming of welding filler rretals and allied rrnterials is prCNided
in llnnex B.

7.1.3 Gr-MW el ectr odes

GMA.W electrodes for fine-grain and non-alloy steel shall be certified using the test methods and
conditions specified in Oauses 7. 1.4, 7. 1. 5, 7.2, 7.3. 1, 7.4, 7.6, 7.7, and 7.12. The radiographic test
requirements of Gause 7. 5 shall apply.
Note: The test rreth<x:ls for rrechanical properties and chenical analysis specified in this Standard and
C5A ISO 14341 prCNide the sarre results, except the tensile specirren has a 5: 1 ratio of gauge length to diarreter,
whereas this Standard uses a 4: 1 ratio. Because the ratio affects elmgatim results, when a 4: 1 ratio specirren is
used the ninirrum requirerrents in CSA. ISO 14341 should be rrultiplied Oj a factor of 1. 1 (see Gause 7.6. 5) .

7.1.4 Si zes for testi ng

Electrodes and rods to be tested for initial ONB approval shall be of the diameters specified in the
following table and shal l be chosen by the ONB at random at the m:tnufacturer's location. If the
required size is not m:tnufactured, then the size tested shall be that which is closest to the size

E l ectrode type Dia meter Additi onal requi rements

Carbon steel and low-alloy 3.2, 4.0, 6.0 mm At least two electrode diameters shall be
steel SMAW tested. If a 6.0 mm electrode is not
m:tnufactured, the 5.0 mm electrode shall
be tested.
Note: 3.2 mm requires the sarre tests as the
4.0 mm in Table 1 of AWS /l5.l//l5.1M.
Chromium and chromium­ Sm:tllest diameter, 3.2, If the m:tximum diameter m:tnufactured is
nickel steel for SMAW 4.0, 6.0 mm less than or equal to 4.0 I'TIY\ at least two
electrode diameters shall be tested.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

E l ectrode type Dia meter Additi ona l requi rements

GMAW for fine-gain and As specified in A sample of the smallest diameter
non-alloy steel CSA. ISO 14341 manufactured shall be taken for the
See aause 1. 1 chemcal analysis test.
Chromum and chromum­ See aause 1. 1
nickel steel GMAW, GrAW,
and SA.W
Carbon and lOIN-alloy steel 3.2 mm A sample of the smallest diameter
for GrAW and PAW manufactured shall be taken for the
chemcal analysis test.
Carbon and lOIN-alloy steel See Oause 1. 1 For FCAW, perform fillet weld test as per
g:�s-shielded FCAW, self­ aause 7.10.2.
shielded FCAW, and tv'CAW Fillet weld test for self-shielded FCAW
classifications, EXXXT3S and EXXXT10S is
not required.
Chromum and chromum­ 1.6 mm A sarrple of the smallest and larg=st
nickel steel FCAW and diameters manufactured shall be used for
tv'CAW the chemcal analysis test.
Alumnum and alumnum See Table _!, Oause 1. 1
alloy GMAW and GrAW
Carbon and lOIN-alloy steel See Table .!, aause 1. 1
for SA.W
Solid and composite carbon See Table _!, Oause 1. 1
and lOIN-alloy steel for SA.W

7 . 1 . 5 QJa l i fi cati on si zes

The tested electrode diameter shall serve to qualify all diameters of electrodes manufactured.

7 .2 tv1ater i a l for test assembl i es

Steels used for all GMAW carbon steel electrode test assemblies shall corrply with the foiiOINing
specifications or their equivalents:
a) For the radiographic, all-weld-metal tensile, impact, fillet weld, and chemistry tests:
i) Grades 260W, 300W, and 300Wf of CSA. G40.21;
ii) ASTM A36/A36M;
iii) Grade C of ASTM A285/A285M;
iv) Grade 70 of ASTM A515/AS 15M;
v) Grade 70 of ASTM A516/AS 16M;
vi) Grade 1018 of ASTM A.830/A.830M; or
vii) Grade 1020 of ASTM A.830/A.830M.
b) For all other electrode types, material test assemblies used shall be as per the applicable standard
in aause 1. 1.

7.3 Sh i el di ng gases
r'-bte: Shielding gases should cffilJiy with iS0 14175 cr AWS P5.32/P5.32M.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

7 . 3 . 1 GMAW fi l l er meta l s for fi ne-grai n and non-a l l oy steel

7 . 3 . 1 . 1 OE equ i val ent for m u l a

The use of a Q shielding g:�s for classification purposes shall not preclude the use of shielding g:�s
mxtures. For argon-based shielding g:�ses with lavv amounts of 02 and/or C02, an oxygen equivalent,
CE, shall be defined as
OE (%) = (% 02) + 0.5 (% C02)
CE = oxygen equivalent
% 02 and % C02 = nomnal values of the shielding g:�s mxture

7 . 3 . 1 . 2 CAN/ CSA-I SO 14341 -B -G 49A X C1 52, B -G 49A X C1 53, and B -G 49A X C1 S4

CSA IS0 14341-B-G 49A X Q 52, B-G 49A X Q 53, and B-G 49A X Q 54 electrodes meeting the
requirements of this Standard shall also be considered acceptable for use with argon-02-C02
corrbinations, suqject to the follavvi ng restrictions:
a) 02 shall be to a rrnxim.Jm of 5% and
b) CE (see Gause 7.3. 1. 1) shall not be less than 2%
l-lelium rrny replace argon to a rrnxim.Jm of 300/o of the total g:�s mxture (see Gause 0. 1.6).

7 . 3 . 1 . 3 CAN/ CSA-I SO 14341 -B -G 49A X C1 56, B -G 49A X C1 57, and B -G 49A X C1 58

CSA ISO 14341-B-G 49A X Q 56, B-G 49A X Q '57, and B-G 49A X Q S8 electrodes meeting the
requirements of this Standard shall also be considered acceptable for use with argon-02-C02
corrbinations, suqject to the follavvi ng restrictions:
a) 02 shall be to a rrnxim.Jm of 5% and
b) CE (see Gause 7.3. 1. 1) shall not be less than 4%
l-lelium rrny replace argon to a rrnxim.Jm of 300/o of the total g:�s mxture (see Gause 0. 1.6).

7 . 3 . 1.4 CSA I SO 14341-B-G 5 5A X M13 SN2

CSA ISO 14341-B-G 55A X M13 Sl\.12 electrodes meeting the requirements of this Standard shall also be
considered acceptable for use with argon-02-C02 corrbinations, suqject to the follavvi ng restrictions:
a) 02 shall be to a rrnxim.Jm of 5% and
b) CE (see Gause 7.3. 1. 1) shall be between 1% and 5%
l-lelium rrny replace argon to a rrnxim.Jm of 300/o of the total g:�s mxture (see Gause 0. 1.6).

7 . 3 . 1 . 5 GMAW el ectrodes with tensi l e strength a bove 550 MPa

For GMAW electrodes with strength levels aOO\Ie 550 MPa, shielding g:�ses used for testing shall be in
accordance with AWS A5.28/A5.28M. The provisions of Gause 7.3. 1. 1 shall not apply.

7 . 3 .2 Car bon and l ow -a l l oy steel el ectr odes for F CAW and MCAW
1) For other shielding gas blends (e.g., tri-gas blends Al/CQ/Q) used for testing, the shielding gas designator
G" in Tabl e 4 of AWS P5.36/P5.36M may be used for classification of the wire/gas coni:Jination or shielding
gas designators srecified in AWS P5.32M/P5.32.
2) The use of a r:Brticular gas for classification p.Jrposes should not be construed to restrict the use of other gas
rrixtures p-CNided the requirements of this srecification are met.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

7 . 3 . 2 . 1 Car bon steel F CAW and rvr::AW

For all FCAW and MCAW, electrode classifications that have met the requirements of this Standard
using Q to aqpn + X1% CQz or arg:m + X1% CQz to another shielding 93s with an argon + X2% CQz
mxture shall be certified for all other shielding 93ses between those compositions. For carbon steel
electrodes, helium may replace arg:m to a maximum of 300/o of the total 93s mxture without additional
For all MCAW, electrode classifications that have met the requirements of this Standard using
argon + X1% Qz and arg:m +X2% 0z shall be certified for all other shielding 93ses between those
compositions. Low-a l l oy steel FCAW and rvr::AW

For all FCAW, electrode classifications that have met the requirements of this Standard using
Q to argon + X1% CQz or arg:m + X1% CQz to another shielding 93s with an argon + X2% CQz mixture
shall be certified for all other shielding 93ses between those compositions.
For all MCAW, electrode classifications that have met the requirements of this Standard using
argon + X1% CQz and arg:m +X2% CQz shall be certified for all other shielding 93ses between those

7 . 3 . 3 Ch r omi u m and chromi u m-n i ckel steel el ectr odes for F CAW and rvr::AW
The shielding 93ses used shall be those specified in AWS A5.22/A5.22M.

7 . 3 .4 Car bon and l ow -a l l oy steel r ods for GT AW and PAW

The shielding 93ses used shall be those specified in AWS A5. 18/A5.18M or AWS A5.28/A5.28M, as

7 . 3 . 5 Al umi n u m el ectrodes a n d r ods for Gr.MW, GT AW, and PAW

The shielding 93ses used shall be those specified in AWS A5. 10/A5. 10M.

7.4 Wel d metal test assembl i es

7.4.1 Al l -wel d-meta l test assembly General
All-weld-metal test assemblies shall be prepared in accordance with aauses 7.4. 1.2 to 7.4. 1. 5. T est assembl y pa rti cu l a r s

The test assembly shall be welded in the applicable specifications detailed in Gause 1. 1. Pass and l ayer sequences

The pass and layer sequences shall be as shown as per Gause 1. 1. The direction of welding for each
pass shall not vary; however, the direction of welding for different passes may be alternated. In the case
of GMAW, FCAW, and MCAW, welding may be performed by sem-automatic or automatic welding The
method used to perform the welding for GMAW, FCAW, and MCAW shall be at the discretion of the
electrode manufacturer.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng I nter r u pti on of wel di ng - Shiel ded meta l a r c

If it is necessary to interrupt the welding procedure specified in Cause 7.4. 1.2, then the asserrbly shall
be rrnintained at the interpass te111Jerature or allowed to cool in still air. When welding is to resume,
the asserrbly shall be within the specified preheat and i nterpass terrperatures before weld passes are
deposited. The procedure for corrpleting the weld shall be as specified in Cause 7.4. 1.2. I nter r u pti on of wel di ng - Gas metal a r c and su bmer ged a r c

Welding shall not be interrupted during the deposition of the earlier passes when the terrperature is
increasing from room temperature to the interpass terrperature specified in Cause 7.4. 1.2. Thereafter,
if it is necessary to interrupt the welding procedure specified in Cause 7.4. 1.2, the asserrbly shall be
rrnintained at the interpass telllJerature or allowed to cool in still air. When welding is to resume, the
asserrbly shall be within the specified interpass telllJerature range before weld passes are deposited.
The procedure for corrpleting the weld shall be as specified in Cause 7.4. 1.2.

7.4.2 T ra n sverse tensi l e and l ongitudi nal gu i ded bend test assembl y

7.4.2 . 1
When transverse tensile and longtudinal guided bend tests are required, a test asserrbly shall be
prepared as per the applicable specification detailed in Cause 1. 1.
The test asserrbly shall be welded in the flat position under the conditions specified in Cause 1. 1 using
the electrode size specified in Cause 7.1.4 and the base metal specified in Cause 7.2. The test asserrbly
rrny be restrained during welding or preset at approximately so to prevent warpage. A welded test
asserrbly that has warped rrore than so from plane shall be discarded. Welded test asserrblies shall not
be straightened.
The test asserrbly shall be tacked at room te111Jerature and welding shall beg n at a ni ni m..J m plate
terrperature of 20 oc Welding shall continue until both sides of the asserrbly have been corrpleted.
Back gougng rrny be pernitted before the second side is welded.
After welding has been corrpleted and the asserrbly has cooled, the test specimen shall be prepared
and tested as specified in Causes 7.8 and 7.9.

7.4.3 Heat tr eatment condition

The heat treatment condition of all-weld-metal test asserrblies and transverse tensile and longtudinal
guided bend test assemblies shall be as per the applicable specification detai led in Cause 1. 1.

7 . 5 Radi ogr a ph i c test

7 . 5 . 1 T est pr epa ration

The asserrbly shall be prepared for radiographic testing and inspection as per the applicable
specifications detailed in Cause 1. 1, with the exception of electrodes tested to C:StdSO 14341, in which
case a radiographic test shall be performed for initial product classification. The radiographic test
requirements applicable shall be per AWS S. 18/S. 18M and AWS A5.28/S.28M for tensile strengths

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Weld ripples shall be rerroved on both sides of the welded joint and the weld faces shall blend
srroot hly into the plate surfaces. The finished surfaces of the reinforcements may be flush with the
orignal surfaces or shall be reasonably uniform but shall not exceed ±1. 5 mm

7 . 5 .2 Pass/fai I cr i ter i a
The completed radiogaphs shall meet the requirements of the applicable specifications in Gause 1. 1,
with the exception of electrodes tested to CSA ISO 14341, in which case the radiogaphic test
requirements applicable shall be per AW5 5. 18/5. 18M and AW5 A5.28/5.28M for tensile strengths
above 550 MPa.

7.6 Al l -wel d-metal tensi l e test

7.6.1 T est pr epa rati on

Specimens shall be prepared for tensile testing as per the applicable specification in Gause 1. 1 with the
exception of electrodes tested to CSA ISO 14341, in which case the specimens shall be prepared per
AW5 5. 18/5. 18M and tested per Gause 7.6. 5.

7.6.2 Machi n i ng
Ole all-weld-metal tensile test specimen shall be machined from the test assembly in such a way that
the reduced section is entirely within the weld deposit. \t\lhen smaller plate thicknesses preclude the
use of the standard size specimen, subsize specimens may be used.
Subsize specimens shall
a) maintai n a ratio of g:�uge length to specimen diameter of 4: 1;
b) maxinize the amount of weld deposit sampled by the reduced section; and
c) ensure the reduced section is entirely within the weld deposit.
f\bte: Refer to Gause 1. 1 for suggested dirrensions of subsize s�irrens.

7.6.3 Agi ng
For all carbon and low-alloy steel electrodes, specimens may be aged between 95 oc and 105 oc for a
maxirrum period of 48 h, or at 250 oc for a maxirrum period of 16 h. The specimens shall be cooled to
room temperature before testing
f\bte: For cartm and lew-alloy steel FCAW, GMAW, GrAW, PAW, and rv'O.W electrodes, aging of the tensile
s�irren is pemitted.

7 .6.4 T est method

Tensile tests shall be conducted in accordance with AW5 B4.0.

7.6.5 Pass/fai I cr i ter i a

The all-weld-metal tensile test specimen i n the as-welded condition shall yield results conforning to
mechanical property requirements as per the applicable specification in Gause 1. 1.
For GMAW classifications, the test specimen shall meet the requirements of CSA ISO 14341, except the
values specified for ninirrum elong:�tion shall be rrultiplied by a factor of 1. 1 when a specimen with a
g:�uge length to specimen diameter ratio of 4: 1 is used.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

7.7 I m pact test

7.7.1 T est pr epa ration

VVhen irllJCict testing is required, specimens shall be prepared and tested as per the applicable
specification in Oause 1.1.

7.7.2 rvlach i n i ng
Five Charpy V-notch irllJCict test specimens shal l be rrnchined from the same test asserrbly.

7.7.3 T est method

The specimens shall be tested in accordance with AWS B4.0 or ASTM E23, if applicable.

7.7.4 T est temperatu r e

The test terrperature applicable for each specific electrode classification shall be a s pe r the specification
detailed in Oause 1. 1.

7.7.5 Pass/fai I cr i ter i a

The pass/fail criteria applicable for each specific electrode classification shall be as per the specification
detailed in Oause 1. 1.
For non-alloy and fine-gain steel, GMAW classifications with irllJCict energes of 27 J shall meet the
requirements of CSA ISO 14341.

7.8 T r a n sverse tensi l e test

7.8.1 Conditi ons

Test preparation, test method, and pass/fail criteria shall be as per the specification detai led in
Oause 1. 1.

7.8.2 Pass/fai I cr i ter i a

The transverse tensile test specimen shall corrpy with the requirements specified in Oause 7.8. 1. A
specimen that breaks i n the base metal shall be considered satisfactory if the tensile strength obtained
in the test is equal to or greater than the tensile strength required for the electrode being tested.

7.9 Longi tudi nal gui ded bend test

7.9.1 Conditi ons

VVhen applicable, test preparation, test method, and pass/fai l criteria shall be as specified for electrodes
detailed in Oause 1. 1.

7 .9.2 Agi ng
For all carbon and low-alloy steel electrodes, specimens may be aged between 95 oc and 105 oc for a
rrnxirrum period of 48 h, or at 250 oc for a maxirrum period of 16 h. The specimens shall be cooled to
room terrperature before testing

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

7.10 F i l l et wel d test

7.10.1 General conditi on s

Preparation, materials, and exam nation shall be as per AV\IS AA. 5M/AA. 5 and the applicable
specifications detailed in aause 1. 1.

7 . 10.2 FCAW ca r bon and l ow-a l l oy steel

Fil let weld testing is required for initial product certification. The referenced test standard to be used
shall be AV\IS AS.29/AS. 29M. The diameters used for testing shall be the smallest and largest size
manufactured in the case of flat and horizontal positions. For all position fillet weld tests, the diameters
used shall be the smallest and largest recorrrnended l::1y the manufacturer.

7.10.3 �W ca r bon and l ow-a l l oy steel

Fil let weld testing is required for initial product certification. The referenced test standard to be used
shall be AV\IS AS. 36/AS. 36M. The diameters used for testing shall be the smallest and largest size
manufactured in the case of flat and horizontal positions. For all position fillet weld tests, the diameters
used shall be the smallest and largest recorrrnended l::1y the manufacturer. For electrodes certified
utilizing the open classification system as defined in AV\IS AS.36/AS.36M, a positional designator 0" or
I" shall be assigned (e.g, E491TX-XXX-X-HX and E49QTX-XXX-X-HX).

Fil let weld testing is not required for these electrode types. For electrodes certified utilizing the open
classification system as defined in AV\IS AS. 36/AS. 36M, the electrode manufacturer shall choose the
positional designator 0" or I" (e.g, E491TX-XXX-X-HX and E49QTX-XXX-X-HX).
r'-bte: 0" is for flat and horizontal and I" is for all rn;itions.

7. 10.4 Measurement of maxi mum fi l l et wel d d i mensions

Dmensional tolerances for fillet welds shall be as per the applicable specifications in Gause 1. 1. For
carbon and low-alloy steel FCAW electrodes, the dimensions shall be those deternined to the nearest
1 mm l::1y measurement of the polished and etched nicrosection as defined in AV\IS AS.29/AS. 29M.

7.10.5 Pass/fa i l cr i ter i a

The pass/fail criteria applicable for each specific electrode classification shall be as per the specification
detailed in Gause 1. 1. For carbon and low-alloy steel FCAW electrodes, the pass/fail criteria shall be
those as defined in AV\IS AS.29/AS. 29M.

7 . 1 1 Chemi ca l a n a l ysi s - Deposi t

7 . 1 1 . 1 General conditi on s
Sarrpes of the weld metal, if applicable, shall be tested to meet the requirements.

7 . 1 1.2 Sa mpl es of the deposi ted wel d metal

Sarrpes of the deposited weld metal for chenical analysis shall be obtained from test pads (see
Oauses 7.11.4 and 7. 11. 5), from the reduced section of the all-weld-metal tensile test specimen, or
from sinilarly undiluted grCXNe weld metal. All welding shall be done per the applicable specifications
detailed in Gause 1. 1. All results shall comply with the requirements of said specification.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

7 . 1 1 . 3 Wel d pad
The weld pad shall be defX>Sited in the flat fX>Sition with rrultiple layers to obtain undiluted weld metal,
in accordance with the applicable specification in Oause 1. 1 or ISO 6847.

7 . 1 1.4 Chemi ca l a n a l ysi s

Chemcal analysis shall be done per the applicable specifications detailed in Oause 1. 1.

7 . 1 1 . 5 Pass/fa i l cr i ter i a
The chemical comfX>Sition of the defX>Sited metal shall meet the requirements i n the applicable
specifications detailed in Oause 1. 1.

7.12 Chemi ca l a n a l ys i s - Sol i d el ectrode

7 . 1 2 . 1 Sa mpl es
Samples for chemcal analysis shall be taken for those electrodes as per the specifications in Oause 11,
including non-alloy and fine-gain steel GMAW classifications in est>. ISO 14341. Ole sample shall be
taken from the electrode spool selected for mechanical testing as specified in Oause 7. 1.4. For GMAW,
an additional sample shall be taken at random from electrodes of the smallest diameter to be certified
(see Oause 7.1.4).

7.12.2 Meth od
Chemcal analysis shall be done per the applicable specifications detailed in Oause 1. 1.

7.12.3 Pass/fa i l cr i ter i a

The chemical COmfX>Sition of the filler metal shall meet the requirements i n the applicable specifications
detailed in Oause 1. 1.

7 . 1 3 Di ffusi bl e hydr ogen test

Note: See Annex F.

7 . 1 3 . 1 General
Fil ler metal classifications requiring diffusible hydrogen testing shall be per the specifications detailed in
Oause 1. 1. The diffusible hydrogen test shall be conducted on the defX>Sited weld metal in accordance
with AVI/S AA. 3 or ISO 3690 (Test Assembly � with four sped mens.
The hot carrier 93s extraction method shall be accepted as per AVI/S AA. 3 or ISO 3690.

7 . 1 3 .2 Appl i cable desi gnator

An electrode meet ing the diffusible hydrogen requirements for designator 1-12 shall also be considered
to meet the requirements for designators H4, 1-18, and H16. Simlarly, designator H4 shall imply
automatic compliance with designators 1-18 and H16, and designator 1-18 shall imply automatic
compliance with designator H16.
\!\then any of these designators are included with the classification, the manufacturer shal l provide
guidance on the storage conditions and on any restrictions on welding parameters (including but not

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

restricted to current, voltag=, polarity, shielding g:�s, and electrode extension) so that the hydrog=n
content requirerrents of this Standard are rret.
1) The use of these designatcrs in practice and sorre of the factcrs that affect the diffusible 1"-o/drogen content in
weld rretals are discussed in Annex F.
2) Serre contrdled hydrogen electrodes do not rreet 1-12, H4, and H8 designatcr requirerrents. See Annex f.

7 . 1 3 . 3 Pass/fa i l cr i ter i a
For carbon and low-alloy steel, the diffusible hydrog=n test results, if applicable to the electrode or
electrode/flux corrbination, shall rreet the requirerrents in the applicable specifications detailed in
Gause 1. 1.
For all other electrodes for which the diffusible hydrog=n test is optional, the averag= arrount of
diffusible hydrog=n shall not exceed the value specified i n Gause 7. 13.2 for the applicable designator.

8 rvlark i ng
The following product information shall be legbly marked and visible on the outside of each
unit/packag= of electrode or flux:
a) the standard and classification designation;
b) the manufacturer's or supplier's identification and/or trade designation;
c) the manufacturer's batch nurrber or wire heat nurrber, or both;
d) the electrode size;
e) the point of orign or the specific country of manufacture (e.g, Made in USA'', Made in
Germany'', etc.);
t\bte: The Sj:ffific country of rmnufacture is accepted by the ONB as indication of p::li nt of crigin.
f) a staterrent or marking that the electrodes or fluxes, or both, have been certified by the ONB as
rreeting the requirerrents of this Standard (e.g, Certified by ONB to CSA. W48." Wording such as
Conforms to CSA. W48" shall not be acceptable);
g) a ninim.�m staterrent on safety (see, e.g, CAN'CSA.-W117.2); and
h) for consumables where a reconditioning treatrrent is required, temperature and tirre shal l be
t\bte: The prod.Jct infcrrmtion rmy � printed on single cr rrultipe la�ls securely attached to the electrode or
flux package. In the case of rrultipe prod.Jct la�ls, the apPicable prod.Jct trade narre should appear on each
additional la�l.

9 Packagi ng
Products shall be packaged as per the applicable specifications in Gause 1. 1, conforning to
AWS AS.02/5.02M (see Gause M.

10 Certi fi cati on

10.1 T est wi tnessi ng

When certification of an electrode or electrode/flux corrbination is required, appropriate testing shall
be witnessed by the ONB, including check testing required in accordance with Annex §.
t\bte: ONB uses the certification requirerrents descri� in Annex §.

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10.2 T ech n i cal data sheets

The manufacturer; distributor; wholesaler; or re-packager shall prepare and maintai n up-to-date product
technical data sheets (TDS).
A TDS shall include but is not linited to the following
a) product description;
b) comron applications;
c) CSf:... W48 product classification(s);
d) typical chenistry and mechanical properties;
e) typical welding parameters including operating range and optirn.�m parameter settings;
f) general storage and handling
g) product reconditioning requirements (if applicable);
h) comron packagng options; and
i) a general product liability and safety disclaimer.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Annex A ( na-mative)
Equ i va l ency of cl a ss i fi cati ons for G�W el ectr odes
1) This Mnex is a mandatory part of this Standard.
2) Because it is recognized that the acbption of CSA ISO 14341 as the rrethcx:l for classifying G�W electrcx::les
for non-allcy and fi�rain steels rright cause prol:)erns vis-a-vis acceptance of existing procedure
qualification records (�), weld procedure data sheets {WP[))), and weld procedure specifications 0/VP'SJ,
this Mnex identifies equivalents between the new system in CSA ISO 14341 and the old system in previoos
editions of this Standard.
3) CSA ISO 14341 pro.tides a wider strength range and a larger nurrrer of classifications than previoos editions
of this Standard. Sare of these classifications are equivalent to some of the AVI/S A5.28/AS. 28M
classifications specified in CSA W59. These are also specified in Table A l.

A. l
The CSA ISO 14341 classifications specified in Cdurm 1 of Table A 1 shall be considered equivalent to
the corresponding classifications in Colurms 2, 3, and 4 for the purpose of using existing procedure
qualification records (PQR.), weld procedure data sheets (WPDS), and weld procedure specifications
The AWS ER70S-XIER49S-X classifications specified in Col urm 4 of Table A 1 are for information only
and shall not be considered equivalent to the corresponding CSA ISO 14341 classifications in Colurm 1
for the purpose specified in Oause Al. Equivalency in this reg3rd shall be determined on a case-by-case
basis by referring to the orignal product certification test results.

T a bl e A.l
Equiva l ency of classifi cati ons for GMA.W wel di ng el ectrodes
(See Cl auses A1 and A2.)

A5.18/ A5.18M and
CSA ISO 14341:21 CSA I SO 14341:06 CSA W48-Q1 A5.28/ A5.28M
B-G 49A Z O SO* B-G 49A Z C GO* ER49S-G* ER70S-G/ER49S-Gt
B-G 49A Z M SO* B-G 49A Z M GO*
B-G 49A ZA SO* B-G 49A Z A GO*
B-G 49A 3 0 S2 B-G 49A 3 C G2 ER49S-2 ER70S-2/ER49S-2t
B-G 49A 2 0 S3 B-G 49A 2 C G3 ER49S-3 ER70S-3/ER49S-3t
B-G 49A 3 0 S4 B-G 49A 3 C G4 ER49S-4 ER70S-4/ER49S-4t
B-G 49A 3 0 S6 B-G 49A 3 C G6 ER49S-U ER70S-U/ER46S-Ut


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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Tabl e A.l ( Concl uded)


AS.18/ AS. 18M and 0


CSA ISO 14341:21 CSA I SO 14341:06 CSA W48-Q1 AS.28/ AS.28M
B-G 49A 3 G S8

ER70S-8/ER49S-8t a.

B-G 49A 3 0 9 B-G 49A 3 C G7 ER49S-7 ER70S-7/ER49S-7t

B-G 49A 3 G S8 ER70S-8/ER49S-8t
B-G SSP 7 M13 SN71 B-G SSP 7 A GN71 ER80S-N 3/ERSSS-N 3t
B-G SSP 7 M22 SN71 B-G SSP 7 A GN71 ER80S-N 3/ERSSS-N 3t
B-G SSA 3 0 S4M31 B-G SSA 3 C G4M31 ER80S-D2/ERSS-S-D2t
* Corrpositioo and shielding 901ses used shall be the sarre.
t 1\bt to be coosidered fcr equivalency. See Gause A2.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Annex B ( i nfa- rnative)

Pa cka gi ng, stor a ge, a nd condi ti on i ng of wel di ng fi l l er
meta l s a nd a l l i ed mater i a l s
f\bte: This inforrmtive Annex has been written in rmndatory language to facilitate adoption where users of the
Standard or regulatory authorities wish to adopt it forrmlly as additional require�nts to this Standard

B . l Genera l
Users of this Standard should read this Annex in full since it contains useful and relevant backg-ound

B.2 Packagi ng
Electrodes and fluxes shall be suitably packa� to protect them from damag= during shipment and
storag= under normal conditions. Electrodes or fluxes that are, or have been, damp or wet cannot be
restored by baking and should be discarded.

8 . 3 . 1 Ca r bon steel el ectrodes
Electrodes are manufactured to be within acceptable moisture levels consistent with the type of coating
used. Some electrodes require specific levels of moisture to ensure good operating characteristics.
These types g=nerally fall into the cellulosic g-oup. Other electrodes fall into a md-rang= for moisture
or into a lavv rroisture level (e.g, as a lavv-hydrog=n-type electrode). Reg:trdless of the type of
consumable, storag= conditions are important if the welding characteristics and weld deposit properties
are to be met.
Some electrodes (e.g, E4Xl0 and E4Xll) will have rroisture levels in the 3-7% rang=. These moisture
levels are required for good arc operation. Storag= in terrperatures much above arrbient can cause the
rroisture levels to drop, resulting in loss of good operating characteristics. 1\bn-cellulosic electrodes,
primarily those designed to produce lavv-hydrog=n weld rretal deposits, require storag= conditions well
above arrbient temperature. In the carbon steel g-oup, these include the E4Xl5, E4Xl6, E4Xl8, E4X28,
and E4X48 types.
Electrodes exposed to atmosphere for periods beyond the manufacturer's recomrrended exposure
times need reconditioning Guidelines are provided in Table � havvever, the manufacturer should be

8 . 3 .2 Low-a l l oy steel el ectr odes

Moisture levels i n EXXJ.O-X and EXXll-X electrodes g=nerally have moisture in the 3--7% rang=.
Electrodes removed from opened containers should not be stored in such a manner that these moisture
levels are lavvered.
1\bn-cellulosic electrodes removed from their orignal packagng should be stored in holding ovens at a
terrperature that will ensure the moisture levels match those in the as-manufactured conditions.
Reconditioning is necessary if the electrode has been exposed to the atmosphere beyond the
manufacturer's suggested exposure time. EXX18-X-type electrodes can have an allavvable exposure tirre

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

as lavv as 2 h or as hig, as 8 h depending upon the strength level of the deposit and the design of the
D:lmaged containers that expose the electrode to atrrospheric conditions necessitate reconditioning
Because of the required lavver diffusible hydrogen levels in the weld deposits of some of the electrodes
in this Standard, reconditioning at a hig, temperature is necessary (see Table 8. 1).
1) With higher-strength-alloy electrodes such as E7618-M, hydrogen cracking is a real possibility. Electrodes
sha.Jid be baked before use, even if they are delivered in sealed cmtainers that are apparently undarmged.
The electrcx:le rmnufadurer shruld be cmsulted for p-�r b3king tirres and terrp=ratures.
2) If b3sic lo..v hydrogen electrodes have been exposed to hurrid conditims, whether from darmged cmtainers
or irrpr�r storage conditions, they can be restored Oj baking as indicated in 1\nnex f. For best results, the
rmnufadurer of the electrodes should be consulted
3) t\bn-basic electrodes do not generally absorb too much rroisture in norrmlly hurrid atmospheres, and shruld
be reconditimed with care. In pa rticular, the cellulosic types (EXXlO and EXXll) are designed to have
rroisture levels of 3-7% and their drying could adversely affect perforrmnce. The rmnufadurer should be
cmsulted in these cases.

8 . 3 . 3 Ch r omi u m and c h r omi um-n i ckel steel covered el ectr odes for Srv1AW
Moisture out of range of the manufacturer's design for the coating can prcx:luce starting porosity or
general weld porosity. The -15 series of electrodes in general are the least sensitive to rroisture; the
-17 and -26 series are the rrost sensitive. The -16 series electrodes fall in the mddle, with some being
very sensitive and some i nsensitive.
All electrcx:les should be stored in sealed containers or in holding ovens at 150 oc
Redrying will depend upon the classification. The manufacturer should be consulted.

8 . 3 .4 -a l l oy and fi ne-gr a i n steel el ectr odes for gas meta l a r c wel d i n g
Solid electrodes in this Standard do not require special storage conditions. These types of electrodes are
lavv hydrogen by nature. Althoug, conditions such as excessive lubricants on the wire surface, imperfect
g:lS shielding contamnation in the shielding g:lS, and rust on wire surface can prcx:luce diffusible
hydrogen in the deposit, these levels would normally be belavv 8 ml/100 g of weld metal.
The electrode shall be kept in a dry location. The manufacturer's packagng is usually sufficient to keep
the prcx:luct in gocx:l condition. D:lmaged packagng or poor storage conditions can cause rusting on the
electrode surface. Rusty electrodes should be discarded.

8 . 3 . 5 Ca r bon steel el ectrodes for FCAW and tviCAW

Reconditioning of flux-cored electrodes, such as baking should be performed only after consultation
with the manufacturer.
Flux-cored electrodes usually do not absorb moisture when kept in dry storage. Factors that can
increase the hydrogen levels include rust and moisture from arrbient temperature differentials (clew
point) on the electrode surface. Imperfect g:lS shielding as well as contamnated shielding g:lS, can also
increase these levels.
Porosity can also result from the conditions described in this Gause.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

8 . 3 . 6 Ca r bon steel wi r e and fl uxes for SAW

The subrrerg=d arc process procluces low hydrog:n weld deposits when the electrode and fluxes are
from newly opened packag ng
When not in use, opened packag=s of electrodes should be covered and stored in a warm dry location.
qJened containers of flux should also be kept in a dry location, preferably a few degees above arrbient
temperature and covered.
Unopened containers of flux should be capable of at least six months of storag= life without picking up
Some fluxes are hygoscopic and can pick up rroisture from the atmosphere. All fluxes can have surface
rroisture if left open in humd conditions. Surface moisture as well as absorbed moisture will increase
hydrog:n levels in the deposited weld metal.
Moisture contamnation can usually be remedied by baki ng The manufacturer, however, should be
consulted for advice on the methocl and acceptable temperature.

T a bl e B . l
Storage a n d condi ti on i ng of wel d i n g fi l l er meta l s a n d a l l i ed mater i a l s*
(See Clauses B.3.1 and B.3.2.)

E l ectrode
classifi cation Ambi ent a i r Hoi d i ng ovens Dryi ng conditi onst
Carbon steel SMAW
E4X10, E4X11 2G-700/o relative f\bt required Consult manufacturer
E4X12, E4X13, E4X22, 30 ± 10 °� 500/o 1G-25 oc above 135 ± 15 oc for 1 h
E4X24, E4X27 maximum relative arrbient
humdity temperature
E4X15, E4X16, E4X18, f\bt recomrended 12G-150 oc 230 oc for 2 h or
E4X28, E4X48 430 oc for 1 h
Chromium and chromium-nickel steel SMAW
EXXX-15 f\bt recomrended 12G-150 oc 225-300 oc for 1 h
EXXX-16 f\bt recomrended 12G-150 oc 30G-400 oc for 1 h
EXXX-17 f\bt recomrended 12G-150 oc 340--440 oc for 1 h
EXXX-26 f\bt recomrended 12G-150 oC 30G-400 oc for 1 h
Low-alloy SMAW
EXXlO-X EXX11-X Arrbient temperature 4G-50 oc maximurnt Consult manufacturer
EXX15-X EXX16-X f\bt recomrended 12G-150 oc Consult manufacturer
Flux- and metal-core Manufacturer should be
electrode consulted; rusted
electrode should be


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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Tabl e B . l ( Concl uded)

El ectrode
classifi cation Ambi ent a i r Hol d i ng ovens Dryi ng conditionst
Fluxes for submerged Manufacturer should be
arc consulted
* After rem:Nal fran the manufacturer's packaging.
t Manufacturers shoold � cmsulted for exact drying conditims �a use of a difference in coating materials.
Generally, if the electr<Xle coating flakes after drying, it was dried at too high a te�rature. If pxosity is evident,
then rroisture can still � too high, necessitating higher or lmger �:Eking te�ratures.
:j: Unusually high arrbient rroisture conditims can req_.Jire electr<Xle storage in holding o.tens.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Annex C ( i nfa- rrntive)

rvlethod of cl a ssi fi cati on
r'\bte: This llnnex is not a rmndatay part of this Standard

C. l Ca r bon steel el ectr odes for St-.MW

C. l . l

Carbon steel electrodes for SNIAW have been termed earbon steel"; havvever, their chemcal
corrposition requirement does not fall strictly within those norm:�lly termed carbon steel. The alloy
additions to the chemcal corrpositions of these electrodes are m:�de to achieve deoxidation and
irrr>rove usability. Use of the term earbon steel" indicates the chemcal corrposition requirements of
this Standard do not allavv alloy additions for mechanical property irrr>rovement.

C. 1.2

The classification system used in this Standard fol lavvs the pattern used in filler metal specifications by
CSA and AWS standards:
a) The letter E" desig1ates an electrode.
b) In, e.g, E49XX", the first two digts desig1ate the m nimum tensile strength of the deposited weld
metal in the as-welded condition in meg:�pascals (MPa) divided by 10. The third digt indicates the
position in which the electrode is capable of m:�king satisfactory welds.
c) The number !," as in 1:4910," indicates the electrode is suitable for depositing satisfactory welds
in all positions.
d) The number 2," as in 1:4924," indicates the electrode is suitable for depositing satisfactory welds
in the flat position and for m:�king horizontal fillet welds.
e) The number 4," as in 1:4948," indicates the electrode is suitable for m:�king welds in the vertical
position with the welding progression vertical davvn . The last digt of the classification indicates
both the current to be used with the electrode and the type of covering on the electrode.

C. 1.3

Reg:�rdless of their trade name, electrodes that meet all requirements of a classification can be
expected to have m:�jor characteristics that are simlar if not identical. Certain mnor variations exist
among brands due to differences in production facilities and differences of opinion on specific operating

C. 1.4

Since the electrodes within a classification have similar operating characteristics and mechanical
properties, consumers can, after determining the classification best fulfilling their application, limt their
study of available electrodes to those within the classification.

C. l . S

For the method of classification, refer to AWS PS. l/5. 1M Table 10.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

C.2 Low-a l l oy steel el ectrodes for S�W

C.2 . 1

Low-alloy steel electrodes for SWIA.W are termed IbN-alloy steel." Users of these electrodes often
desire specific properties, such as creep resistance, that depend on the chenical composition of the
weld metal tn:)l'"e than the mechanical properties measured in this Standard

C.2 . 2

The classification system used in this Standard fol lows the pattern used in filler metal specifications bj
CSP.. and AWS standards:
a) The letter E" desig-,ates an electrode.
b) In, e.g, E49XX," the first two digts desig-,ate the minimum tensile strength of the deposited weld
metal in meg:Jpascals divided bj 10. The third digt i ndicates the position in which the electrode is
capable of making satisfactory welds.
c) The number !," as in 1:4910," indicates the electrode is suitable for depositing welds in all
positions. The fourth digt of the classification indicates the current to be used with the electrode
and the type of covering on the electrode.

C.2 . 3

A letter/number suffix is also used to desig-,ate the chenical composition of the deposited weld metal,
and is necessary for the classification to be meaningful. Thus, a corflJ!ete classification of a low-alloy
electrode under this Standard would be, e.g, 1:4918-Al" or 1:7618-M."

C.2 .4

Reg:Jrdless of their trade name, electrodes that meet all requirements of a classification can be
expected to have major characteristics that are very sinilar if not identical. Certain ninor variations
exist among brands due to differences in production facilities and differences of opinion on specific
operating characteristics.

(.2 . 5

Since the electrodes within a classification have similar operating characteristics and mechanical
properties, consumers can, after determining the classification best fulfilling their application, linit their
study of available electrodes to those within the classification.

C.2 . 6

Because it is not possible to cover every type of electrode in the marketplace, provision has been made
for a G" (general) classification that can be formulated bj the manufacturer to meet very specific
characteristics. The manufacturer should be consulted before using such general classifications.


For the method of classification, refer to AWS M. 5/5. 5M Figure 1.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

C. 3 Ch r omi u m a nd ch r omi u m-n i ckel steel el ectr odes for S�W

01romum and chromum-nickel steel electrodes for Sfv1AW are described in AWS AS.4/AS.4M.

C.4 f\Jon -al l oy and fi ne-gr a i n steel fi l l er meta l s for G�W


1\bn-alloy and fine-gain steel filler metals for GrvlAW electrodes are termed rlon-alloy" and fine-gain
steel." Their chemcal corrposition requirement does not fall strictly within this termnoi0£Y because of
alloy additions made to achieve deoxidation, strength, and tougmess, and to ii'Y'pl"ove usability.


This Standard uses the classification system of C5A. ISO 14341. This is a C'ohabitation" Standard
encompassing two approaches to classification. The fl!.' side, typically used in Europe, uses a system
based upon yield strength and an average irrpact energy of 47 J. The B" side, typically used in 1\brth
America and Pacific Rim countries, uses a system based upon tensile strength and an average irrpact
energy of 27 J. Examples of the classification system are gven in C5A. ISO 14341.


In C5A. ISO 14341, one wire can be tested and classified with different shielding 93ses. However, in this
Standard, certain classifications on the B" side, corresponding to those of previous editions of
C5A. W48, have been identified for extending the certification of those classifications to include
Ar-O.?-C0.2 corrbinations, within certain restrictions. See Annex Q for more information.


Since filler metals within a classification have simlar operating characteristics and mechanical
properties, consumers can, after determining the classification best fulfilling their application, limt their
study of available filler metals to those within the classification.

C. S Ca r bon steel el ectr odes for FCAW a n d tv"CAW

Carbon steel electrodes for FCAW and MCAW are described in AWS AS. 36/AS. 36M.

C.6 E l ectrode/fl ux combi nati ons a nd ca r bon steel el ectrodes for SAW
C.6.1 General
Electrode/flux corrbinations and carbon steel electrodes for SA.W have been termed C'arbon steel."
Their chemcal corrposition requirement, however, does not fall strictly within those normally termed
carbon steel. The alloy additions to the chemcal corrposition of the electrode/flux corrbinations
classified in this Annex are made to achieve deoxidation and ii'Y'pl"ove usability. Use of the term C'arbon
steel" indicates the chemical corrposition requirements of this Standard do not allow alloy additions for
mechanical property ii'Y'pl"ovement.
The classification system used in this Standard fol lows as closely as possible the pattern used in filler
metal specifications by C5A. and AWS Standards. The inherent nature of the products being classified
has, however, necessitated changes that more suitably classify the product. Cause C 6.2 provides
examples illustrating the operation of the classification system for carbon steel electrodes.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

C.6.2 F49A3 -E L 8 K
I n the classification system for carbon steel electrcx::les, the letter F'' desig1ates a flux and the number
49" shews a minimum tensile strengh of 490 MPa. The letter A" follewingthe strength desig1ator
indicates the weld metal was tested in the as-welded condition. The number 3" shews that irrpact
tests were conducted at -30 oc
Foi l ewing the hyphen, the letter E" indicates an electrcx::le. The letter r· shews a solid electrcx::le with a
maximum of 0.6QO/o Mn. The number 8" i ndicates the nominal carbon content of the electrcx::le is
0.08% The letter K'' shews that the electrcx::le is of silicon killed steel (0. 10-0.25%Si).
Note: See Figure C 1.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

F i gu r e C. l
Cl ass i fi cati on system for ca r bon steel el ectr odes
(See Clause C6.2.)

r------ The fi rst two digts indicate the mnirrum

tensi le streng:h of the weld in increments of
10 MPa (see dause 7.6).

r----- The next letter indicates the heat treatment

condition: the letter A for �s-welded"; the
letter P for the post-weld heat-treated condition.

The fourth digt i ndicates the te�rature at

which the irrpact strengh of the weld metal
meets the requirements of dause 7.7. The letter Z
indicates that irrpact testing is not required. The
letter S indicates that the fluX/electrode is suitable
for singe pass only


D=signates an electrode -------'

For solid electrodes, the letter ---------'

L i ndicates a ION mangmese (Mn)
(0.60"/omaxirrum) content; the letter
M indicates a medium Mn (1.25%
maxi rrum) content; and the letter H
indicates a high Mn (2.25% maxi rrum)
content of the electrode. The letter C
indicates a corrposite electrode.

For solid electrodes, these one or -------'

two digts indicate the nom nal

carbon content of the electrode.
For composite electrodes, they
indicate the chemcal analysis
of the weld metal made with
a specific flux.

For solid electrodes, the letter K -------'

indicates the electrode i s
made of silicon killed steel.

C.6.3 F43 PZ-EC1

The letter r" is for a flux and the nurrber 43" shows a mnirrum tensile strength of 430 MPa. The
letter P" shows testing was performed on weld metal in the post-weld heat-treated condition, while
the letter Z' indicates impact testing was not carried out (i.e., no impact properties are required).

February 2023 © 2023 canadia n Standa rds Associ atioo 40

CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

After the hyphen, the letter E" stands for an electrode, while the letter C' shows a corrposite
electrode that can be flux-cored or metal-cored. The nurrber !" indicates the chemical composition of
the weld metal.
It should also be noted that for a singe-pass flux/wire cotrbination, the letter Z' would become S,"
also denoting no impact properties specified.

C.6.4 F49AS-ECG
The letter r" is for a flux and the nurrber 49" shows a minimum tensile strength of 490 MPa. The
letter fl!.' shows testing was performed on weld metal i n the as-welded condition, while the letter S"
indicates a singe-pass electrode/flux cotrbination. Impact testing was not carried out, as such tests are
meaningess for a singe-pass weld.
After the hyphen, the letter E" stands for an electrode, while the letter C' shows a corrposite
electrode that can be flux-cored or metal-cored. The letter G" indicates an unspecified chemical
corrposition for the weld metal.

C.6.5 tvlethod of classifi cati on for ca r bon and l ow-a l l oy steel el ectrodes for SAW
For the method of classification, refer to AWS /l5.17/5.17M Figure 1M and AWS /lS. 23//lS. 23M
Figure C l.

C.7 rvlethod of cl assi fi cati on for stai n l ess steel el ectr odes for FCAW a nd
For method of classification, refer to AWS /l5.22//l5.22M.

C.8 rvlethod of cl assi fi cati on for sol i d wi r e el ectrodes for GMAW and SAW
For the method of classification, refer to AWS /lS. 9/5. 9M.

C.9 rvlethod of cl assi fi cati on for a l umi n u m el ectr odes for GTAW and
For the method of classification, refer to AWS /l5. 10/5. 10M Figure 1.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Annex D ( i nformative)
Descr i pti on a nd i ntended use of el ectr odes for ca r bon
steel G�W a nd GTAW
f\bte: This Annex is not a rmndatay part of this Standard

D. l OJervi ew
0.1.1 P u r pose
This Annex describes the characteristics of some of the electrode classifications covered by this
Standard and the intended uses of these classifications. The desig1ations and the chenical cor11J05ition
requirements for all such electrodes are specified in CSA ISO 14341.

0.1.2 Gener a l conditions

It should be noted that weld properties vary appreciably depending on electrode size and current used,
plate thickness, welding position, joint geometry, preheat and interpass terrperatures, surface
conditions, base metal cor11J05ition and adnixture with the deposited metal, and shielding g:�s. Use as a
filler metal in GrAW, oxy-fuel g:�s welding or a sinilar process will also g-eatly affect the mechanical
properties of the weld metal.
This Standard requires that welding procedure inforrrntion be recorded. This inforrrntion includes the
electrode diameter, wire feed speed or arrperes, arc voltage, travel speed, and the shielding g:�s used,
as well as the actual nurrber of passes and layers to complete the weld test assembly.
The combination of electrode diameter, electrode feed rate, arc voltage, and tip-to-work distance can
sig1ificantly influence the welding current. Welding parameters utilized for testing are defined in the
applicable AWS and CAN-ISO specifications listed in Cause 1. 1.

0.1.3 T ough ness

The tougmess requirements for classifications in this Standard can be used as a guide in selecting
electrodes for applications where low-terrperature notch toustmess is required. For a gven electrode,
there can be a considerable difference in irrpact test results from one assembly to another, or even
from one irrpact specimen to another, unless particular attention is gven to the welding procedure,
details of specimen preparation (especially the specimen's location within the weld joint), test
terrperature, and operation of the testing rrnchine.
Use of these classifications as filler rod in GrAW or sinilar processes does not necessarily provide the
irrpact strengths indicated by the tests described in this Standard.

0.1.4 Gener a l r adi ogr a phy

Fil ler metals covered by this Standard are capable of producing weld deposits that meet rrost
radiogaphic quality requirements.

0.1.5 T ensi l e strength l i mitati ons

A range has been imposed on the tensile strength of electrode deposits. This action was prorrpted by
reports of lamellar tearing and other failures occurring during fabrication that were attributed to welds

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

having a tensile strength greatly in excess of the base rrnterial. The use of argJn-rich shielding 93ses can
greatly increase the strength of the deposit.
The qualification of any electrode in the as-welded condition provides no guarantee the requirerrents
of this Standard will be rret after stress relief or another form of heat treatrrent.

0.1.6 Oxygen equ ival ency ( OE)

The chemical COII'fX>Sition of the weld rretal will also vary with the shielding 93s used. As specified in
aause, this does not preclude the use of shielding 93s nixtures. For the classifications specified
in aause 7.3. 1, certification is extended, with certain restrictions, to nixtures of argJn with CO<�
with or without helium The use of shielding 93ses that fall outside the restrictions of aause 7.3. 1
requires qualification testing in compliance with CSf:l.. W47. 1.
This Standard introduces and defines an oxyg=n equivalent, CE, for the purpose of limiting lower levels
of 0.2 or CO<, or both, in argJn-based shielding 93ses. Ols0ien et al. (1995) have developed oxyg=n
equivalents to express the effects of shielding 93s COII'fX>Sition on weld rretal chenical composition and
nicrostructure for AWS ER70S-3 and ER70S-6 electrodes. Their regression analysis (for shielding 93ses
with CO< between 2 and 25%and 0.2 between 1 and 8%) provided the following expressions:
ER705-3 OE 02 + 0.14 (% COi54
ER705-6 OE = % 02 + 0.41 (% Coi·0

As shown in Figure D. 1, CE for levels of 0.2 below 5% or CO< below 100/o can be correlated using the
equation specified in aause
OE (%) = (% 02) + 0.5 (% C02}
% 0.2 and % C02 = noninal values of the shielding-g3s nixture
The use of nixtures of argJn with CO< or 02, or both, with or without additions of helium increases
rrnn93nese and silicon levels and decreases oxyg=n levels in the weld deposits as corllJCl red with CO<
shielding Increasing the arrount of alloy elerrents in the weld rretal can result in higher tensile and
yield strengths and correspondingy lower elon93tions. It can also affect irllJClct properties. Tests on a
certified B-G 49A 3 Q S6 wire using the weld rretal test procedures specified in this Standard and a
rang= of argJn..CO< shielding 93ses between 15 and 5% CO< 93ve the tensile strength results shown in
Figure D.2. At the 5% CO< Ievel, the tensile strength exceeds the rrnximum level of 650 MPa allowed in
this Standard.
Users are cautioned that low oxyg=n-equivalent shielding 93ses should be used only after consultation
with the electrode rrnnufacturer and careful evaluation of the welding procedure. Testing of the wire-
93S combination for very low oxyg=n-equivalent shielding 93ses to deternine the all-weld-metal
properties should be perforrred using the g=neral procedures specified in this Standard.

0.2 E l ectr ode types

0.2 . 1 CSA I SO 14341-B -G 49A 3 C1 S2
This classification of electrodes covers multiple deoxidized steel filler rretals that contain noninal
arrounts of zirconium titanium and aluninum in addition to the silicon and rrnn93nese content. These
filler rretals can produce sound welds in seni-killed and rirrrred steels, especially using the short­
circuiti ng mode of rretal transfer, as well as in killed steels of various carbon levels. Because of the

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

added deoxidants, they can be used for welding steels that have a rusty or dirty surface, with a possible
sacrifice of weld quality, depending upon the degee of surface contamination. These filler metals can
be used with C0:1, argon-0.1, or argon-C0:1 shielding 93ses. Although the nominal amounts of titanium
zirconium and aluminum contribute to deoxidation of weld metal during welding of rimming and semi­
killed steels, the amounts remaining in the finished weld are generally too low to affect irrpact levels.

0.2.2 CSA I SO 14341-B -G 49A 2 C1 S3

Fil ler metals of this classification of electrodes are used for singe- and multi-pass welds, especially
when welding killed and semi-killed steel. They can be used for out-of-position welding with smal l­
diameter electrodes using the short-circuiting type transfer with argon-0.1 or argon-C0:1 shielding g3ses.

0.2.3 CSA I S0 14341-B -G 49A 3 C1 S4

Fil ler metals of this classification of electrodes contain slightly more mang3nese and silicon than the
B-G 49A 3 Q S3 classification and produce a weld deposit of higher tensile strength. The primary use
for these electrodes is C0:1-shielded applications where a slightly longer arc or material conditions, or
both, require more deoxidation than is provided by filler metals of the B-G 49A 3 Q S3 classification.
The B-G 49A 3 Q S4 classification of electrodes is intermediate between the B-G 49A 3 Q S3 and
B-G 49A 3 Q S6 types, combining some of the advantages of both classifications.

0.2.4 CSA I SO 14341-B -G 49A 3 C1 S6

Fil ler metals of this classification of electrodes have the highest combination of mang3nese and silicon
and produce welds that meet the highest i rrpact property requirements of this Standard when using
C0:1 shielding g:JS. They can be used with high currents when welding rimmed steels and can also be
used to weld sheet metal where smoot h weld beads are desired. They can be used for out-of-position
welding using the short-circuiting mode of transfer. These filler metals can be used for welding steels
that have a rusty or dirty surface, with a possible sacrifice of weld quality depending on the degee of
surface contamination.
Because of the high levels of mang3nese and silicon in the filler metal, this classification is particularly
liable to gve welds of higher strength and lower ductility when used with shielding g3ses of low
oxidation potential.

0.2 . 5 CSA I SO 14341-B -G 49A 3 C1 S7

These electrodes have a higher mang3nese but a lower silicon content when compared to the
B-G 49A 3 Q S6 classification. This provides slightly better wetting action and improved weld
appearance, and can sometimes permit higher welding speeds. They are generally recommended for
use with argon-oxygen shielding g:JS, but are also usable with argon-C0:1 and C0:1 shielding

0.2.6 CSA I S0 14341-B -G 49A 3 C1 S8

These electrodes contain additions of titanium and zirconium and are generally utilized with C0:1
shielding g:JS or argon shielding g:JS mixtures for welding steel gades such as ASTM A36, A285-C, and
A516-70 for both singe and multi-pass welds. These electrodes are characterized by a stable gobular
arc, low spatter, good resistance to porosity, and smoot h bead shape when using high current with C0:1
shielding g:JS.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

0.2.7 CSA I SO 14341-B-G 5 5A 5 M13 SN2

These filler metals dep:>Sit weld metal sirrilar to E5518-G covered electrodes and are used for welding
atrrospheric-corrosion-resistant structural steels and low-alloy hi9'1-strength steels requiring good
tou9lness at tet'Y'4JE!ratures as low as -50 oc

0.3 GTAW
0.3 . 1 Gener a l
The filler metals described in this Standard l'l\:IY also be used as filler rods for GrAW and allied
processes. The recommended strai!#lt length for rods for GrAW is 900 +15/-o mn With proper
procedures, the composition of the dep:>Sit, after allowance for dilution by the base metal, will be
sirrilar to that of the filler metal itself. Because of variations in the heat input and other factors
mentioned in Oause D. 1.2, the mechanical properties will be greatly affected by welding technique.

0.3.2 Other processes

The tests specified in this Standard are designed for the GMAW process. Filler metals used with the
GrAW, oxy-fuel g:lS welding or PAW processes can gve welds with quite different mechanical
properties. Fabricators should consult the l'l"anufacturer of these products if they are unsure of the
properties to be expected.

0.3 . 3 Additi onal i nfor mation

Fil ler metals that are supplied only in strai!#lt lengths l'l\:IY be certified by the 0/1/B by using test
procedures specified in the applicable AWS specification (see Oause 1. 1).

0.4 Meta l transfer

0.4.1 Categor i es
GMAW can be divided into the following three categories based on the mode of metal transfer:
a) Spray transfer occurs as a stream of fine droplets.
b) In gobular transfer; the drops are much larger and rrore erratic.
c) Short-circuiting transfer; also known as dip transfer, dep:>Sits the weld metal by frequent short­
circuiting of the electrode into the weld puddle.

0.4.2 T r a nsiti on c u r r ent

Axial-spray transfer in argon-rich shielding g:lSes is l'l"ainly related to the l'l"agnitude and p::>l arity of the
arc current and the electrical resistance heating of the electrode. The hig, droplet rate
(i.e., 250 droplets per second or more) develops suddenly above a critical current level, comrronly
referred to as the transition current. Below this current, the metal is transferred in drops generally
larger in diameter than the electrode at a rate of 30 to 70 drops per second (gobular transfer). The
transition current depends to a great extent up::>n current density, electrical stick-out, and electrode
comp:>Sition, as well as the shielding g:lS. For 1.6 mm diameter rrild steel electrodes, with argon plus
oxyg:m shielding a transition current of 270 A (cx:EP) is comrron. Alternating current is not
recornre nded.

0.4. 3 Spray transfer

Spray transfer welding of carbon steel is most common ly done with argon plus oxygen in the range of
2-5%or argon plus C02 in the range of 5-15% A characteristic of spray transfer welding is the smoot h
arc plas!'l\:1 throug, which hundreds of droplets per second are transferred axially from the electrode to

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

the weld puddle. If the current is below the transition fX)int for a gven size of electrode, transfer tends
to be gobular and erratic.

0.4.4 Gl obu l a r transfer

With l()()O/o CC>.1 as the shielding g:�s, the transition level is practically never exceeded and thus spray
transfer is not obtained. At high current values, transfer will occur at the rate of 30 to 70 drops per
second. The gobules are usually larger in diameter than the electrode. With a current near 275 A for a
1.2 rrm diameter electrode, or 350 A for a 1.6 rrm electrode, relatively small welds can be obtained
with deep penetration and high travel speeds. To mnimze spatter, it is corrmon to keep arc voltage
ION, which Buries" the arc below the work surface.

0.4. 5 Short-ci r cu i ti ng transfer Descr i pti on

This mode of GMAW transfer is generally used with smal ler-diameter (0.8--1.2 rrm) electrodes. Arc
voltages and currents are lower than for spray transfer. The electrode feed rate is higher than the burn­
off rate, and the electrode touches the surface of the workpiece. The surge of current resulting from
this short-circuit melts the electrode tip and re-establishes the arc, at which fX)int the process starts
ag:�in. The rate at which these short-circuits occur can vary from 50 to 250 times per second. Metal
transfers from electrode to workpiece during the short-circuit period. Uttle or no transfer occurs across
the arc itself. I nfl uence of s h i el d i ng gas

Short-circuiting GMAW of carbon steels is most corrmonly done with l()()O/o CC>.1 or argon-CC>.1 mxtures.
Penetration is usually geater with the pure CC>.1 than with the argon-CC>.1 mxture. Use of argon
containing 60-80% CC>.1 can result in a higher short-circuiting rate with lower currents and voltages,
which can be an advantage when welding thin sheet.

0.4.6 P u l sed - Spray transfer

In pulsed arc welding the mode of transfer is generally spray, although the average current can be well
below the constant current needed for spray. This is made fX>SSible bj using a relatively low backgound
current with a higher, rapidly pulsing current superimfX>Sed upon it. The backgound current is sufficient
to maintain the arc but cannot gve the spray type transfer on its own. At the peaks of the pulses,
however, transfer of the weld metal is easily accorrplished in spray mode. Typical ly, only one or two
droplets will be S'queezed off" during each pulse of current. This mode permts out-of-fX)Sition welding
simlar to that described in Cause D.4. 5, but with the advantages of the deeper penetration and lower
spatter levels usually associated with spray transfer.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

F i gu r e D. l
Rel ati onshi p between s h i el d i ng gas 02 a n d C02 l evel s for AWS E R70S-3 and
AWS E R70S-6 el ectrodes
(See Clause 0.1.6.)


20 /
,/ %0.2 +0.5(%C0.2)
10 "

5 10 15 20 25 30

C0.2 i n shielding g3s, %

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

F i gu r e D.2
tvleasu r ed tensi l e strength for a B -G 49A 3 Cl 56 el ectrode as a fu ncti on of s h i el di ng
gas CO;z content
(See Clause 0.1.6.)

Rang= ai iOINed in this Standard:

480 to 650 MPa
� 650 � ------ �'
� ------------------------ �

� 600 -

55o ������
0 5 10 15 20
C0.2 in shiel ding g3s, %

1) Electrode carpositioo: Carbon -0.07% Manganese - 1.7% Silicon -o.sgola
2) Base plate: ASTM A 36/A 36M.

February 2023 © 2023 canadia n Standa rds Associ ation 48

CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Annex E ( i nfcr rrntive)

Descr i pti on a nd i ntended use of fl uxes a nd el ectr odes for
ca r bon steel , l ow-a l l oy steel , sta i n l ess steel , a nd
n i ckel -a l l oy SAW
r--.t.b e: This Annex is not a rrnndatay part of this Standard

E . l Choi ce of el ectr odes


In choosing an electrode classification for subrrerged arc welding the rrost irrportant considerations
a) the rrechanical properties expected of the weld metal;
b) the requirements for weld metal COtr'4JOSition;
c) whether the weld is to be singe pass or rn..dtiple pass;
d) the cleanliness and COtr'4JOSition of the steel to be welded; and
e) the type of flux to be used.
It is irrportant to note the rrechanical properties obtained on a one-run or two-run weld are often quite
different than those obtained on m..J i tiple pass welds made with the same flux and electrode.


Cotr'4JOSite electrodes are often designed to be used with a certain flux, which is marked on the
electrode package and certificate of conformance. Before a cotr'4JOSite electrode is used with another
flux, the electrode manufacturer should be contacted for recorrmendations.


The choice of electrode and the choice of flux are fully intertwined. VVhile an electrode can be classified
based only on its cherrical composition, the weld metal classification, COtr'4JOSition, and properties are
highly influenced by both the choice of electrode with a specific flux.


For the welding of stainless, low-alloy steel, and nickel alloys, the cherrical COtr'4JOSition of the weld
metal produced is often a primary consideration for electrode selection. Together with appropriate heat
treatments, each composition can achieve a wide range of corrosion resistance and rrechanical
properties at various service terrperatures. It is usually desirable for weld metal to match the cherrical
COtr'4JOSition and the rrechanical properties of the base metal as closely as possible. It should be noted
that changes in welding variables or heat treatment can affect the rrechanical properties. Except for the
effects of dilution, the cherrical COtr'4JOSition can be expected to remain reasonably unchanged when
using a neutral flux and may change significantly when welding with active or alloy fluxes.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng


The specific mechanical properties of a weld are a function of its chemical corrtJOSition, cooling rate,
and any post-weld heat treatment. Higher-ai11Jerag=, singe-pass welds have a geater depth of fusion,
resulting in geater dilution by the base metal than lower ai11Jerag=, rrultiple pass welds. rvloreover,
larg=, singe-pass welds solidify and cool rrore slowly than the smaller weld beads of rrultiple pass
welds. Furtherrrore, the succeeding passes of a rrultiple-pass weld suqject the weld metal of previous
passes to a variety of terrperature and cooling cycles that alter the metallurgcal structure of different
portions of those beads. For these reasons, the properties of a singe-pass weld may be significantly
different from those of a rrultiple-pass weld made with the same electrode and flux.

E . 1 .6

When welding singe-pass fillet welds, especially on scaly base metal, it is irrp::>rtant that the flux,
electrode, or both provide sufficient deoxidation to avoid unacceptable porosity. Silicon is a rrore
powerful deoxidizer than mangmese. In such applications, use of a silicon-killed electrode, an active
flux, or both might be essential.

E.2 Choi ce of fl uxes

E.2.1 SAW fl uxes
SP..W fluxes are ganular, fusible mineral corrpounds and alloys of various proportions. Fluxes are
sometimes referred to by the method of manufacture (e.g, fused, aggomerated, or crushed slag). Ole
of the most important factors in choosing a flux is the effect of the flux on the chemical composition of
the weld metal, especially with chang=s in welding parameters. Fluxes may be designated as neutral,
active, or alloy when referring to this factor.

E.2.2 Neutra l fl uxes

1\eutral fluxes are those that will not produce a significant chang= in the weld metal chemical
corrtJOSition as a result of chang=s in welding parameters that influence the flux to electrode ratio. The
primary use for neutral fluxes is in rrultiple pass welding especially when the base metal exceeds
25 mn (1 in) in thickness. 1\eutral fluxes are also used when tight control of the weld metal COrrtJOSition
is irrp::>rtant.
1\bte the following considerations concerning neutral fluxes:
a) 1\eutral fluxes contain a relatively low content of deoxidizers. Singe-pass welds with insufficient
deoxidation, especially those made on heavily oxidized base metal, may be prone to defects, such
as porosity and cracking
b) While neutral fluxes maintain the chemical COrrtJOSition of the weld metal even when the welding
parameters are changed, the chemical composition of the weld metal is g=nerally not the same as
the chemical corrtJOSition of the electrode used.
c) Certain nickel-alloy weld metals are adversely affected by small increases in silicon and/or may
benefit from increases in mang:�nese. The effect of the individual contribution from silicon and
mang:�nese should be considered separately in these cases.
d) Even when a neutral flux is used to maintain the weld metal chemical composition through a rang=
of welding parameters, weld properties such as strength level and impact toughness can chang=.
This is due to the effect that welding parameters have on cooling rate, bead size, bead placement,

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

E.2.3 Active fl uxes

Active fluxes are those fluxes where a chang= in the flux to electrode ratio in the welding process will
cause a significant chang= (i.e., increase or decrease) in the ��"anganese and/or silicon levels present in
the weld deposit. Mang:mese and silicon l'l\:IY be part of a welding flux design to provide improved
resistance to surface gas l'l"arks, porosity, and weld cracking caused by contaminants on or in the base
metal. The pril'l"ary use for active fluxes is to l'l"ake singe-pass welds in mild and low-alloy steels. When
depositing stainless steel or nickel alloys, active fluxes can be used to increase the ��"anganese content
of the deposit to reduce cracking tendency in some alloys.
f\.bte the following considerations concerning active fluxes:
a) The arrount of ��"anganese and silicon in the weld deposit will vary with chang=s in flux
consurrption. Chang=s in welding parameters l'l\:IY chang= the arrount of flux consumed; voltag= is
a pril'l"ary variable that controls flux consumption. This chang= in weld deposit composition is
potentially amplified for multiple-pass welds as the chang= will COf11X>U nd with each successive
pass. M increase in ��"anganese or silicon l'l\:IY increase the strength and hardness of the weld
metal and often lowers the impact toughness. For this reason, welding parameters l'l\:IY need to be
more tightly controlled for multiple-pass welding with active fluxes than when using neutral fluxes.
Even with acceptable control of voltag=, the alloy contribution of active fluxes typically limits the
number of layers of weld metal that can be deposited before weld cracking or ductil ity become a
b) Some fluxes are more active than others. This means they offer more resistance to porosity due to
base metal surface oxides in singe-pass welds than a less active flux. A more active flux l'l\:IY
exa�rate the ��"anganese and/or silicon pickup in multiple pass welds. See the description of the
Wall Neutrality NJmber in Gause E.2. 5 for a methcx:l of determining the level of activity in a flux.

E.2.4 Al l oy fl uxes
Alloy fluxes are those fluxes designed to mcx:lify the chemical composition of the weld using metals
other than, or in addition to, ��"anganese and silicon. For example, some alloy fluxes can be used with a
carbon steel electrode to prcx:luce a low-alloy or hard-facing weld deposit by adding elements such as
nickel, molybdenum chromium or copper.
Alloy fluxes are of significant interest to those welding stainless steels, nickel-alloys, or some low-alloy
steels. The addition of chrorrium to the flux and its subsequent recovery during welding can be used to
corrpensate for chrorrium lost from an electrode during the metal transfer across the arc or in the
molten weld puddle. These fluxes are often called cnromium corrpensating" and should be considered
alloy fluxes.
Fluxes designed for joining or cladding can add elements such as nickel, chrorrium or niobium to
prcx:luce a deposit of a different alloy composition from that of the electrode used.
Alloy fluxes can be used i n cladding of mild or low-alloy steels to achieve an alloy deposit in fewer
passes. Chang=s in weld metal composition that can occur with different welding parameters l'l\:IY alter
the alloy designation, ferrite number, corrosion resistance, or mechanical properties of the weld
The recovery of alloying elements from the flux l'l\:IY be significantly affected by the flux to electrode
ratio. With alloy fluxes, the welding procedure should be tightly controlled if desired weld metal
compositions are to be obtained. Ole alloy flux should not be substituted for another without testing or
data to determine that the results will be as desired.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

E.2.5 Wa l l Neutral i ty Nu mber ( N)

The Wall l\eutrality NJniJer (N) is a convenient relative measure of mang:mese and silicon activity. The
Wall l\eutrality NJniJer only deals with the weld metal mang:mese and silicon content. It does not
address alloy fluxes althoug, the methodol� for assessing changes in alloy content may be sirrilar. A
flux-electrode combination is considered active if it has an N above 35; the hi9'ler the number, the more
active is the flux.
Ceterrrination of N can be done in accordance with the follovvi ng
a) A weld pad is welded with the flux-electrode combination being tested.
b) A second weld pad is welded using the same welding parameters and nuni::ler of layers, except that
the arc voltage is increased bj 8 V.
c) Weld metal is analyzed from the top (fourth) layer of the weld pad for silicon and mang:mese.
d) The Wall l\eutrality NJniJer depends on the change in silicon, reg3rdless of whether it increases or
decreases, and on the change in mang3nese, reg3rdless of whether it increases or decreases. It is
calculated as fol lovvs:
N = 100 ( I t. % Si I + I t. % M n I )
b.% Si = the difference in silicon content of the two pads
b.% Mn = the corresponding difference i n mang3nese content

E . 3 Cr us hed sl ags

E.3.1 Defi n i tion

Slag formed during the welding process that is subsequently crushed for use as a welding flux is defined
as a crushed slag This is different from a recycled flux, which was never fused into a slag and can often
be collected from a clean surface and reused without crushing
vushed slags and blends of crushed slag with unused (vi rgn) flux may be classified as a welding flux
under this specification, but should not be considered to be the same as a virgn flux.
Althoug, it is possible to crush and reuse submerged arc slag as a welding flux, the crushed slag
reg3rdless of any addition of virgn flux to it, is a new and cherrically different flux. This is because the
slag formed during submerged arc welding does not have the same chemical composition or welding
characteristics as the virgn flux. Its composition is affected bj the composition of the orignal flux,
cherrical reactions which occur due to the welding arc, the base metal and electrode compositions, and
the welding parameters.

E.3.2 B l ended fl ux
Blends of crushed slag with the orignal brand of virgn flux from which it was generated cannot be
assumed to conform to the classification of either component, even when both the crushed slag and
virgn flux conform to the same classification (except for the S" designator).

E . 3 . 3 Cl osed l oop crushed s l a g

Slag is defined as closed-loop crushed slag when it meets the follovving criteria:
a) it is generated bj a fabricator from a specific brand of flux under controlled welding conditions;
b) it is segreg3ted at all points during collection and processing from other sources of slag or
contarri nants;

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

c) it is crushed by the fabricator or another crushing org:mization, possibly blended with a specific
virgn flux; and
d) it is returned to the same fabricator for use as a welding flux, at which point it is defined as closed-
loop crushed slag
dosed-loop crushed slags, or blends of closed-loop crushed slag with the orignal brand of virgn flux,
ensure better control of i nput rrnterial by virtue of the i nherent partnering of the fabricator with the
crusher. In some instances, these partners rrny be one and the same.

E.3.4 Cl osed l oop crushed s l ag certi fi cati on

Flux generated in a closed-loop system rrny be certified if it can be detemined to the satisfaction of the
ONB that:
a) an adequate quality control program that can provide reasonable reassurance that the raw
rrnterials (slag) are of consistent COfrlX>Sition is i n use; and
b) collection, handling crushing screening blending and packagng produce a flux across multiple
batches that can be reasonably represented by a singe random sample.
Flux generated without one or more of the controls specified above rrny be certified on a batch basis.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Annex F ( i nfcr rnative)

Di ffusi bl e hydr ogen
r'\bte: This llnnex is not a rmndatay part of this Standard

F . l I ntroducti on
The purpose of deternining weld metal diffusible hydrogen content is to enable an assessment of the
potential for hydrogen-induced cold cracking in the weld zone and apply suitable preheat, if necessary.
For exalf'4Jies, water-containing corrpounds in the fluxes, lubricants on electrode wires, and moisture
on the workpieces break dovvn in the welding arc to produce atonic hydrogen that is absorbed by the
weld metal. When critical corrbinations of weld metal hydrogen content, residual stresses, and hard
nicrostructure (high carbon equivalent) are present, cracks are likely to be formed as or after the weld
COOS beiON 200 oc; hence the term C'old cracks".
Austenitic stainless steels have a high solubility and ION diffusivity for hydrogen, and are not prone to
cold cracking 1\b hydrogen tests are specified for electrodes depositing austenitic weld metal because
the hydrogen will not diffuse out of austenite unless temperatures much higher than those for ferritic
steels are used. l-lovvever, hydrogen-induced cracking has been knONn to occur along the bond line
between austenitic filler metals and ferritic or martensitic base metals. Filler metals and fluxes for such
joints should be handled as hydrogen-controlled materials, including drying them before use.

F.2 Hydr ogen l evel s

Users of this Standard should first deternine the diffusible hydrogen in the weld metal deposited by all
basic electrodes and those cored wires that are designated hydrogen-controlled by the manufacturer.
The maximum aiiONed diffusible hydrogen for weld metals deposited with such electrodes and with
490 MPa ninimum specified weld metal tensile strength is usually 16 ml/100 g of weld metal. As the
weld metal tensile strength increases and it becomes more susceptible to cold cracking the maximum
aiiONed diffusible hydrogen linit is also progressively IONered to 8 rri/100 g and then to 4 ml/100 g of
deposited weld metal in order to maintain the same ION likelihood of cold cracking that occurs with
lONer-strength weld metals.
For certain products, significantly lONer diffusible hydrogen levels than the maximums aiiONed by the
electrode classification can frequently be achieved at the point of manufacture. If these lONer hydrogen
values can be consistently achieved, the manufacturer may have the electrode certified to an
appropriate hydrogen designator (e.g, H8 or H4 instead of H16, or H4 instead of H8). Alternatively, if a
fabricator wishes to use another method of calculating preheat in accordance with Annex P of CSA. W59,
the electrode manufacturer should be consulted to ascertain a realistic value of diffusible hydrogen for
use in estimating preheat. It should be noted that hydrogen-controlled electrodes are required to meet
the H16 designator requirement only, and possibly will not meet the H4 and H8 designator

F.3 GrvlAW and GT AW

There are no mandatory diffusible hydrogen I i nits for GMAW and GrAW electrodes gvi ng weld metal
with a ninimum specified tensile strength of 490 MPa. This is primarily because these two welding
processes are considered inherently ION hydrogen types. Electrodes are frequently able to meet the
requirement for an H4 designator. l-lovvever, depending upon the lubricant used on the wires, diffusible
hydrogen values higher than 4 ml/100 g are possible. In the absence of a diffusible hydrogen test, it is
prudent to assume these processes will typically colf'4Jiy with H8 requirements. Conversely, it should be

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

noted that very few welding filler metals and allied materials are able to consistently meet the H2
designator requirements. Filler metals and allied materials designed to consistently meet the H2
designator requirements are under development and wil l be meant for high-strength steels with a yield
strength of 690 MPa or greater.

F .4 Va r i a bl es
Users of this Standard are cautioned that actual fabrication can result in diffusible hydrogen values
different from those indicated by the hydrogen designator. Some fX>SSible reasons for this are:
a) M open welding arc is always imperfectly shielded. Moisture from the air, distinct from that in the
electrode, can enter the arc and then the weld pool, and thereby contribute to the observed
diffusible hydrogen. It is for this reason that the standard diffusible hydrogen test specified in
AWS AA. 3 is conducted under a reference atmospheric condition. This effect can be nininized by
maintai ning as short an arc length as fX>SSible, consistent with a steady arc. Experience has shavvn
that the effect of arc length is ninor at the H16 1evel, but can be very significant at the H4 1evel. M
electrode meeting the H4 requirements under the reference atmospheric conditions will not
necessarily do so under conditions of high hunidity at the time of welding especial ly if a long arc
length is maintained.
b) Electrode extension also affects diffusible hydrogen with flux-cored electrodes. In g=neral, a long=r
electrode extension will preheat the electrode more, which will cause some rerroval of hydro­
bearing COITlJOUnds (moisture and lubricants) before they reach the arc. The result of long=r
electrode extension can be reduced diffusible hydrogen. 1-bvvever, excessive electrode extension
with external g:�s-shielded electrodes can cause some loss of g:�s shielding unless the contact tip is
recessed in the g:�s cup. If the g:�s shielding is disturbed, more air can enter the arc and increase
the diffusible hydrogen. This can also cause porosity due to nitrogen pickup.
c) Users are cautioned that the shielding g:�s can contribute significantly to diffusible hydrogen.
1\brmally, weldinggade shielding g:�ses are intended to have very lavv dew points and very lavv
irrpurity levels. This, havvever, is not always the case. Instances have occurred where a
contaninated g:�s cylinder resulted in a significant i ncrease of diffusible hydrogen in the weld
metal. In cases of doubt, the g:�s dew point should be checked. A dew point of --40 oc or lavver is
considered satisfactory for most applications.
d) A chang= in shielding g:�s can also influence the diffusible hydrogen level in weld metal. With flux­
cored wires, argon-rich shielding g:�ses gve somewhat higher hydrogen levels than shielding g:�ses
containing high levels of C�.
e) Electrodes and fluxes can absorb significant moisture if stored in a hunid environment in damag=d
or open packag=s, especially if left unprotected for any length of time. In worst-case hunidity, an
hour for unprotected covered electrodes or overnight exfX>Sure for flux-cored wire can lead to a
significant increase of diffusible hydrogen. If an electrode has been exfX>Sed, or if there is any
doubt about the condition of the electrodes and fluxes, the manufacturer should be consulted
about probable damag= and fX>SSible reconditioning of the electrodes. Typical storag= and rebake
conditions are specified in Mnex �-

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Annex G ( i nformative)
Certifi cati on
r'\bte: This inforrmtive f'lnnex has been written in rmndatory language to facilitate adoption where users of the
Standard or regulatory authorities wish to adopt it forrmlly as additional requirements to this Standard

G. l General
G. l.l P r oduct certifi cation
\!\then certification of consumables is required, tests in accordance with this Standard shall be witnessed
by the Canadian Welding Bureau (ONB). \!\then compliance with the test and quality system
requirements of this Standard has been established to the satisfaction of the ONB, a document of
certification shall be issued. The ONB may accept sinilar tests and satisfactory results certified by other
authorities. Cleek testing at two-year intervals shall be as required by Oause 4. 5 and shall be witnessed
by the ONB.

G. 1.2 Check testi ng i nterval

All certified consumables shall be subject to check testing at two-year intervals.
At the request of the manufacturer, supplier, or distributor, the check test period shall be extended to
three years for any product that has a record of at least two recent and consecutive successful check

G. 1.3 I nter i m a pproval

Manufacturers may choose to perform an interim product apprCNal for electrode and/or electrode/flux
corrbinations for initial product certification.
The ONB shall issue certifications on the basis of satisfactory test results supplied by the manufacturer.
Such certifications shall be valid for one year and non-renewable.
Should the manufacturer choose to continue with product apprCNal after this one-year period, full
product approval testing shall be cotr4Jieted and witnessed by the ONB.

G. l.4 rv1an ufactu r i ng changes

The manufacturer, supplier, or distributor shall notify the ONB of any change in manufacturing
conditions that affects the deposit characteristics. Based on evidence subrritted to it concerning the
nature and effect of the changes, the ONB night demand partial or cotr4Jiete requalification. Any
change in the point of manufacture, however, shall requi re requalification.

G. l . S T est fa i I u r es
The ONB shall withdraw certification of electrodes or electrode/flux corrbinations that fall below the
requirements of this Standard (as deternined by check testing or other tests). The electrode or
electrode/flux combination may be resubrritted for certification at any time and shall meet all
requirements of this Standard.

G. 1.6 Certifi ed el ectrodes

The ONB shall maintain a list of certified electrodes and electrode/flux corrbinations. The list shall be
made available to all interested parties.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

G. 1.7 De-certifi ed el ectrodes

The ONB shall maintain a current list of decertified electrodes and electrode/flux corrbinations. The list
shall be made available for distribution to all interested parties.
Q-ignal product certifications shall remain in effect for all products produced by manufacturers or those
in stock at distributors for electrodes and electrode/flux corrbinations that are decertified. The
manufacturer or distributor shall provide satisfactory evidence to the ONB that the product was
produced prior to the decertification.

G.2 Check tests of certi fi ed el ectr odes

G.2 .1 Si ze and pol a r i ty
For carbon steel and lavv-alloy steel SfvlAW covered electrodes, the size of the electrode to be tested
shall be selected by the ONB to ensure that all sizes specified in Gause 7.1.4 are tested over a six- to
nine-year period. When both ac and de polarities are specified in the orignal certification, the check
tests shall alternate between ac and de.
For chrooium and chronium-nickel steel covered electrodes, testing shall consist of chenical analysis of
the undiluted weld metal. The current used for EXXX-15 electrodes shall be de electrode positive. For
EXXX-16, EXXX-17, and EXXX-26 electrodes, the current used for check testing shall alternate between
ac and de. The size of the electrode to be used shall be one of the follavvi ng
a) 2.0, 2. 5, or 3.2 nYl1
b) 3.2 or 4.0 nYl1 and
c) 5.0 or 6.0 mn
r--.bte: If the Sj::fif fied size is not manufactured, the nearest available size shruld b= selected

For non-alloy and fine-gain steels, including lavv-alloy Gt>M.W, the size of the wire to be tested shall be
1.2 mm or the nearest manufactured. The welding polarity shall be Drect Current Electrode Positive
(CCEP). The ninimJm diameter manufactured shall be tested for chenical analysis.
For chrooium and chronium-nickel steel Gt>M.W, GrAW, and Sf:...W, the size of the wire to be tested
shall be a singe diameter.
For carbon steel and lavv-alloy MCAW and FCAW electrodes, the size of wire to be tested shall be a
singe diameter. The wire diameter shall differ from the orignal electrode used for the initial product
approval and the same diameter shall not be used for two consecutive check test periods. The welding
polarity shall be as specified in AWS AS. 36/AS. 36M.
For chrooium and chronium-nickel steel FCAW and MCAW, the size of wire to be tested shall be a
singe diameter. The diameters for testing shall alternate between all sizes manufactured.
For carbon and lavv-alloy steel Sf:...W, the size of the electrode to be used shall be 4.0 mn The welding
polarity shall be as specified in AWS AS. 17/AS.17M and AS.23/AS.23M.
For aluninum and aluninum-alloy Gt>M.W and GrAW, the size of electrode to be tested shall be the
smallest and larg!st diameter for Gt>M.W. For GrAW, the larg!st diameter shall only be tested. The
welding polarity shall be as specified in AWS AS. 10/AS. 10M.

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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

G.2.2 Requ i r ed check tests

The tests required for check testing for each electrode type are indicated in the foiiONing table (see
Table G l).

T a bl e G. l
E l ectrode types and requ i r ed check tests
(See Clause G2.2.)

E l ectrode type Check tests requ i red

Carbon and iON-alloy steel covered electrodes All-weld-metal tensile test; irrp3ct test; coating
rroisture test; hydrcg=n test; transverse tensile test;
longtudinal guiCied IJend test; chemical analysis of
the weld deposit
Chromium and chromium-nickel steel covered Chemical analysis of the weld deposit
Wire electrodes and deposits for non-alloy All-weld-metal tensile tests; irrp3ct test; chemical
and fine-gain steels including iON-alloy analysis of the wire.
A sarllJie of the smallest size diameter manufactured
shall be taken for chemical analysis.
Wire rods and deposits for carbon and iON­ All-weld-metal tensile test; irrpact test; chemical
alloy steel GTAW and PAW analysis of the wire or weld deposit
Carbon and iON-alloy steel solid and All-weld-metal tensile test; irrp3ct test; chemical
cot11J05ite electroc:Jes for SA.W analysis; transverse tensile test; longtudinal guided
bena test; hydrc:>g!n test
Wire electrodes and dep<?Sits for carbon and All-weld-metal tensile test; irrpact test; chemical
iON-alloy steel FCAW and MCAW analysis of the weld deposit; hydrc:>g!n test
Drect Current Electrode Positive. Check tests for
diffusible hydrc:>g!n shall be a singe diameter onl y,
closest to t he next larg2st diameter of wire used for
the initial product test.
Wire electrodes and de�its for chromium Chemical analysis of the weld deposit
and chromium-nickel steel FCAW and MCAW
Wire electrodes, rods, and dep<?Sits for Chemical analysis of the wire or rod
chromium and chromium-nickel steel GMAW,
Drect Current Electrode Positive. Aluminum
and aluminum-alloy GMAW and GTAW
Note: The required check tests shall not include those tests that are not a requirerrent of the classification.

G. 3 Retests
If any check test fails to meet the applicable test requirements, two additional tests shall be performed.
The results of both tests shall meet the applicable test requirements (see Gause §1) .
In case of failure of the retest, full initial certification shall be required for the electrode or
electrode/flux combination that is being tested.

February 2023 © 2023 canadia n Standa rds Asscx:i atioo 58

CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Annex H ( i nformative)
SI ( metr i c) a nd non-SI equi va l ents
r'\bte: This llnnex is not a rmndatay part of this Standard

H.l General
This Standard is written in SI (metric) units only. Previous editions of the CSA. W48 series of standards
(CSA. W48. 1 to CSA. W48.6) g:�ve non-SI equivalents where appropriate; however, published sizes and
dimensions in the two systems are not identical, and for this reason conversion from a published size or
dimension in one system does not always coincide with the published size or dimension in the other.
This Annex provides information that enables conversion to lrllJE=r ial equivalents. It should be noted
that in cases of dispute the SI (metric) version is to be reg:�rded as the standard.

H.2 Wi r e d i a meter equ i va l ents

\/\/hen size equivalents are being determned, the actual size ranges should be corrpared (see Tables H.2
and H.3).

H.3 Conversi on factor s

Table H. 1 1ists the conversion factors for various dimensional and physical properties. Further
information can be obtained from CSA. Z234. 1.

Table H . l
Conver s i on factor s
(See Clause H.3.)

rvleasure SI unit Non-51 unit

Dameter, length 1 mcrometre o.o3937 ml
1 mllimetre 0.03937 inches
1 metre 3.2808 feet
1 metre 1.0936 yards
hea 1 square mllimetre 0.00155 square inches
1 square centimetre 0.001076 square feet
1 square metre 1. 1962 square yards
Volume 1 cubic centimetre 0.06102 cubic inches
1 cubic centimetre 0.000258 US g:tllons
1 cubic centimetre 0.0000353 cubic feet
rvlass 1 gam 0. 0022 pounds
Linear density (mass per unit 1 kilogam per metre 0.0559 pounds per inch
1 kilogam per metre 0. 6720 pounds per feet
hea density (mass per unit area) 1 kilogam per square metre 0.00142 pounds per square inch


February 2023 © 2023 canadia n Standa rds Asscx:i atioo 59

CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

T a bl e H . l ( Concl uded)

l\lleasure SI unit 1\bn-SI unit

1 kilogam per square metre 0.2048 pounds per square foot
Mass density (mass per unit 1 kilogam per cubic metre 0.000036 pounds per cubic inch
1 kilogam per cubic metre 0.06243 pounds per cubic foot
Force 1 newton 0.2248 pounds force
1 newton 3. 597 ounces force
Pressure or stress (force per unit 1 kilopascal 0.00987 standard atmosphere
1 pascal 0.02088 pounds force per
square foot
1 pascal 0.000145 pounds force per
square inch
Torque 1 newton-metre 8.849 pounds force inch

1 newton-metre 0. 7376 pounds force foot

Temperature 1 degee Celsius 1.8 degees Fahrenheit
oc = (°F - 32)/1.8 OF = 1.8 oc + 32
Energ; 1 kilqjoule 0.9478 British thermal units

1joule 0.2388 calories

1joule 1 watt-second
1 kilqjoule 0.2m watt-hours

Table H.2
Sol i d w i r e d i a meter equ i val ents
(See Clause H.2.)

1\bmi nal SI size, Converted non - 1\bmi nal non- Tol erance on
mm SI ra nge, mm* SI range, mmt SI si ze, i n non-51 si ze, i n*
0. 5 0.47-0. 53 0.48-0. 53 0.020 ±0.001
0.6 0. 57-0.63 0.61-0.66 0.025 ±0.001
0.8 0.77-0.83 0.74---0.79 0.030 ±0.001
0.9 0.87-0.93 0.86-0.91 0.035 ±0.001
1.0 0.97-1.03 0.99--1.04 0.040 ±0.001
1.2 1. 15-1.25 1. 10-1. 18 0.045 ±0.0015
1.4 1. 35-1.45 1.28-1.36 0.052 ±0.0015
1.6 1. 55-1.65 1. 55-1.63 1/16 ±0.0015


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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

T a bl e H.2 ( Concl uded)

1\Jomi nal Sl size, Converted non - 1\Jomi nal non- Tol erance on
mm Sl ra nge, mm* Sl range, mmt Sl si ze, i n non-51 si ze, i n*
2.0 1.95-2.05 1.93-2.04 5/64 ±0.002
2.4 2. 35-2.45 2.33-2.43 3/32 ±0.002
2. 5 2.45-2. 55 2.33-2.43 3/32 ±0.002
3.2 3. 12-3.28 3. 10-3.25 l/8 ±0.003
4.0 3.90-4.10 3.87-4.07 5/32 ±0.004
5.0 4.90-5. 10 4.66-4.86 3/16 ±0.004
6.0 5.90-6. 10 6.25-6.45 l/4 ±0.004
* Range calculated using tderance SP=Cified in Gause _2.
t Range calculated using norri na l i rrperial sizes ± irrperial tderance and then converted to rrillirretres.
* 1\bn-S! size tderances in accordance with previoos editions of CSA W48.

Table H . 3
SAW composi te wi re d i a meter equ i va l ents
(See Clause H.2.)

1\Jomi nal Sl size, Converted non- 1\Jomi nal non- Tol erance on
mm Sl ra nge, mm* Sl range, mmt Sl si ze, i n non-51 si ze, i n*
1.2 1. 15-1.25
1.27-1.37 0.052 ±0.002
1.4 1. 35-1.45
1.6 1. 55-1.65 1. 54-1. 64 l/16 ±0.002
1.7 1.65-1.75 1.65-1.80 0.068 ±0.003
1.8 1.75-1.85 1.75-1.91 0.072 ±0.003
2.0 1.95-2.05 1.91-2.06 5/64 ±0.003
2.4 2. 35-2.45 2.31-2.46 3/32 ±0.003
2. 5 2.45-2. 55
2.8 2.72-2.88 2.70-2.85 7/64 ±0.003
3.0 2.92-3.08 2.97-3. 12 0. 120 ±0.003
3.2 3. 12-3.28 3. 10-3.25 l/8 ±0.003
4.0 3.99-4. 10 3.89-4.04 5/32 ±0.003
4.69-4.84 3/16 ±0.003
5.0 4.9-5.10


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CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

T a bl e H.3 ( Concl uded)

1\Jomi nal SI size, Converted non- 1\Jomi nal non- Tol erance on
mm SI ra nge, mm* SI range, mmt SI size, i n non-51 si ze, i n*
6.0 5.9-6.10
6.27-6.43 l/4 ±0.003
* Range calculated using tolerance S[E:ified in Gause _2.
t Range calculated using norri na l nm-SI sizes ± nm-SI tolerance and then converted to nillirretres.
* 1\bn-SI size tolerances in accordance with previrus editions of CSA.. W48.

February 2023 © 2023 canadia n Standa rds Asscx:i atioo 62

CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Annex I ( nonna t ive)

E l ectr ode cl a ssi fi cati ons with fi xed r equ i r ements wi thi n
AWS A5 .36/ A5 . 3 6 M
1) This Annex is a mandatory part of this Standard
2) Because it is recognized that the adoption of AWS A5.36/A5.36M as the rrethcx:l for classifying FCAW and
MCAW electrodes rright cause priliem; vis-il-vis acceptance of existing procedure qualification records
(PQ<.), weld procedure data sheets (\tVPC6), and weld procedure specifications 0/1/PSJ, this Annex identifies
equivalents b=tween the new system in AWS A5.36/A5.36M and the old system in CSA. W48-D6.
3) When J" is added to the end of a flux cored and rretal cored classification (e.g., E49Xf-12MJ and E49C-MJ),
this designates that the electrode meets the requirerrents for trughness and will dern;it weld
rretal with Charf:o/ V-f\btch prop=rties meet ing the rrinim.Jm notch tooghness requirerrents to a test
terrp:>rature [10 oc (20 °F)] IONer than specified
4) Cptional diffusible hydrogen designators are not included in the classifications shONn in Table I.l. When
added. the diffusible hydrogen designator will b= specified at the end of the classification with an ' 11X' '
(e.g., E491T1-0.A3-CSH-B).
5) As the !ON-alloy steel FCAW a nd MCAWwere not listed in previous editions of CSA. W48, Table I.1 does not
include the references b=tween AWS A5.36/A5.36M and AWS A5.29/A5.29M and A5.28/A5.28M. Tables B.2
and B.3 of AWS A5.36/A5.36M should b= used for the corresrxrrJence.

I . l FCAW and tv"CAW el ectr ode equ i va l ency of cl assi fi cati ons with fi xed
requi rements
The AWS A5.36/A5.36M fixed and open classification systems specified in Colurrn 1 and 2 shall be
considered equivalent to Colurrn 2 (Q:len classification system) and Colurrn 4 (CSA W48-Q6) of Table 1. 1
for the purpose of using existing procedure qualification records (PQR), weld procedure data sheets
(WPDS), and weld procedure specifications 0/VP'S).

T a bl e 1 . 1
Equival ency of cl assi fi cati ons for F CAW and rv'CAW el ectrode classifi cations with
fi xed requ i r ements
(See Clause I.l.)

AWS Standard CSA Standard

AWS AS. 36/AS. 36M Shielding gas CSA W48-D6
Carbon steel electrodes for FCAW
Fixed classification system Q:len classification system
E490T-1C E490Tl-GA2-(S1 Q E492T-1
E491T-1C E491Tl-GA2-(S1 Q E491T-1
E490T-1M E490Tl-M21A2-(S1 M21 E492T-1M
E491T-1M E491Tl-M21A2-(S1 M21 E491T-1M
E490T-4 E490T4-AZ-(S3 1\bne E492T-4
E490T-SC E490TS-QA3-(S1 Q E492T-S


February 2023 © 2023 canadia n Standa rds Asscx:i atioo 63

CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

T a b l e 1 . 1 ( Concl uded)

E491T-SC E491T5-QA3-{Sl Q E491T-5

E490T-SM E490TS-M21A3-{Sl M21 E492T-SM
E490T-U E490T6-A3-(S3 f\.bne E492T-U
E490T-7 E490T7-AZ-(S3 f\.bne E492T-7
E490T-8 E490T8-A3-(S3 f\.bne E492T-8
E491T-8 E491T8-A3-(S3 f\.bne E491T-8
E490T-9C E490Tl-QA3-{Sl Q E492T-9
E491T-9C E491Tl-QA3-{Sl Q E491T-9
E490T-9M E490Tl-M21A3-{Sl M21 E492T-9M
E491T-9M E491Tl-M21A3-{Sl M21 E491T-9M
E490T-11 E490Tll-AZ-{S3 f\.bne E492T-11
E491T-11 E491Tll-AZ-{S3 f\.bne E491T-11
E490T-12C E490Tl-QA3-{S2 Q E492T-12
E491T-12C E491Tl-QA3-{S2 Q E491T-12
E490T-12M E490Tl-M21A3-{S2 M21 E492T-12M
E491T-12M E491Tl-M21A3-{S2 M21 E491T-12M
E490T-14 E490T14S f\.bne E492T-14
Carbon steel electrodes for MCAW
Fixed classification system Open classification system Shielding gas CSA W48-D6
E49C-UC E490T15-QA3-{Sl Q E492C-U
E49C-UM E490T15-M21A3-{Sl M21 E492C-UM

February 2023 © 2023 canadia n Standa rds Asscx:i atioo 64

CSA W48:23 F i l ler rreta l s and a l l i ed materials for rretal arc wel di ng

Annex J ( i nfa-mative)
B i bl i ogr a phy
r'\bte: This llnnex is not a rmndatay part of this Standard

ASM International
ASM Handbook, Vol. 6: Welding brazing and soldering (1993)

ASTM International
A3-D1 (2012)
Standard Specification for Steel Joint Bars, LCMt, Medium and High Carbon (1\bn-Heat-Treated)

G4-D1 (2014)
Standard Guide for Conducting Corrosion Tests in Field Applications

AWS (American Welding Society)

Standard Procedures for Calibrating Magnetic Instrum:nts to Measure the Delta Ferrite Content of
Austenitic and DJplex Ferritic-Austenitic Stai nless-Steel Weld Metal

Specification for LCMt-AI ICMt Steel Electrodes for Flux Core Arc Welding

\t\IHBl.9, \t\IHB2. 9, \t\IHB3.9, \t\IHB4. 9, \t\IHB5. 9

Welding Handbook, Vols. 1-5, 9th ed.

Welding Metallurgy: Carbon and AI Icy Steels, Vol. 1, Fundam:ntals, 4th ed.

ISO (International Qg:mization for Standardization)

Welding consumables -Technical delivery conditions for filler materials and fluxes -Type of product,
dim:nsions, tolerances and markings

Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Longitudinal tensile test on weld metal in fusion
welded joints

Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials -Irrpact tests -Test specim:n location, notch
orientation and exam nation

Welding consumables -Test m:thods - Part 1: Preparation of all-weld m:tal test pieces and
specim:ns in steel, nickel and nickel allcys

February 2023 © 2023 canadia n Standa rds Asscx:i atioo 65

ISBN 978-1-4883-4437-4

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