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T he A utomaton The letter was signed “An Arbiter of the

Council of Oddities.” To be honest, the

V ariation Second Compact doesn’t have much information
on the Council of Oddities. We know they’re
a secret society dedicated to providing
Of all the Variations in this book, this
sanctuary and shelter to sentient beings who
one came to me through the strangest
don’t fit neatly into other categories like
circumstances. Just like the protagonist of
human, Dwarf, Faerie, or Dragon, but not too
“The Raven”, I was busy reading in a library
much beyond that.
when there was a tap tap taping on the
door. I went to open it, and there stood a
After reading the letter and the rules and
clockwork stork with a letter wedged firmly
thinking long and hard about it, though, I
in its beak. All the weirdness I’ve experienced
think I’ve figured out one more thing about
since being spellnapped has taught me to go
the Council of Oddities. Specifically, who the
with the flow, so I took the letter and
“arbiter” who sent me the letter is.
watched in bemusement as the stork whirred
to life and flapped away, out a window.
Mike, I swear to God, I think Frankenstein’s
Monster wrote a supplement for my game.
The letter turned out to be a lengthy one,
written in a shaking hand.
From the earliest days of civilization, humans and
Dwarfs have sought to duplicate the majesty of life through
“Captain Olam,” it began, “In playing your invention and through Magick. The lyric poet Pindar wrote
Great Game, I found something lacking. While of “animated figures” standing upon the street corners
one can play a human or a Dwarf or a Faerie of Rhodes. The Book of Ingenious Devices, published in
or a Dragon, I saw nothing of myself in your Baghdad during the 9th century, described an automated
words. Where, I ask, are the oft-forgotten flute player. The Golem, a being sculpted from mud and
children of the world, crafted by human given life through Magick, has long been a part of Jewish
hands and yet treated at best as curiosities lore. And, of course, one Doctor Victor Frankenstein defied
to be gawked at or, at worst, monsters to the laws of nature to bring life to unliving matter and
be destroyed? As I believe your oversight created a Creature many in New Europa fear to this day.
to be one of ignorance rather than malice, I
have taken upon myself the task of designing Players and Hosts can use the following rules to create
rules for playing beings of this nature, called Automaton Characters for play in the Great Game. Players,
Automatons for the sake of expediency, and especially, will find the process for creating an Automaton
enclosing them in this letter. Please see that Dramatic Character to be somewhat different from the
they are published.” original method presented in Castle Falkenstein. Any Player
seeking to play an Automaton should answer their Diary
And, sure enough, enclosed were the rules for questions as usual to create their Dramatic Character’s
what I’m calling The Automaton Variation. motivations and history, but when it comes time to sort
out the more mechanical aspects, they should answer the
following additional questions.

W hat T ype of A utomaton A re Y ou ? Christina decides Anna recently escaped from her inventors
and smuggled herself out of Russia. Anna knows no one in
First, determine the type of Automaton you will
New Europa outside of her native land and, so she assigns her
be portraying. There are four: Automatons of Flesh,
additional Poor Rank to Connections.
Clockwork Automatons, Mystical Automatons, and Steam-
powered Automatons. Additional details on each can be
found in their entries below.
W hat P owers Y ou ?
All Automatons operate due to some sort of power
As an example, Christina wishes to play an Automaton source, be it steam, clockwork, electricity, or something
designed to entertain the masses by a Russian scientist loyal to more exotic. Consult the listing for your Automaton type
the Czar. Looking over options, she finds inspiration in the idea of and select the power source for your Dramatic Character
an Automaton who is as much the slowly twirling ballet dancer from the available options. Note, the listing for power
on an antique music box as a sentient being. However, Christina source not only explains what fuels your Automaton but
also wants an additional spark to the Character’s creation. She under what conditions they enter Dormancy.
confers with the Host, who suggests the Automaton gained
sentience due to Spells cast upon her by a Sorcerer. Bearing this in
mind, Christina decides her Dramatic Character, Anna, will be a The mystical Automaton listing gives two options for Anna’s
Mystical Automaton. power source: Magickal and mechanical. Christina considers and
then chooses mechanical and, specifically, clockwork. Anna must
be wound each day, or she risks entering Dormancy. While Anna
W hat A re Y our A bilities ? is a Mystical Automaton, Christina likes the idea of the Character
still being that dancer atop a music box, deep inside.
Next, Abilities should be chosen and assigned Ranks.
Each type of Automaton has a starting Template, with
Abilities and Ranks already assigned. These Abilities
and Ranks are inherent to the kind of Automaton and
cannot be changed during creation, although they can be
improved through play just as with any other Dramatic
Character. Beneath the base Abilities list for each type of
Automaton are unassigned Ability Ranks. The Ranks listed
there can and should be assigned to any Ability not already
part of the Template. Abilities unique to a type of Dramatic
Character, such as Faerie Etherealness, cannot be chosen.

To continue our example, Christina’s clockwork dancer, Anna,

automatically has a Good Courage, Perception, and a Great
Physique. Looking further, under Additional Abilities, Christina
notes her Dramatic Character must have one additional Poor
and two additional Good Abilities.
Christina selects the obvious choice, Performance, for Anna’s
first Good Ranked Ability and, keeping in mind she was made for
the stage, Comeliness for the second.

selects the one which turns Anna into a gadgetech container and,
D ormancy as the Automaton is human-sized, gains 8 spaces. Not only does
Much like a human being, most Automatons require she believe it to be thematically appropriate, she thinks it quite
some sort of fuel to continue operating. However, splendid as well. With this Circumstance, Anna can install a
unlike a human being, Automatons risk shutting down phonautograph inside herself and always have a tune to which
completely when their power source stops functioning. she can dance!
This is known as entering Dormancy. While in Christina also notes Anna’s Unfortunate Circumstance as a
Dormancy, an Automaton cannot move, think, speak, mystical Automaton. Specifically, Anna’s vulnerability to iron.
observe, or perform any sort of action.

An Automaton’s power source determines the

F inishing your A utomaton
Once the Automaton’s health has been calculated by
conditions under which they enter Dormancy. If those
cross-referencing their Courage Ability and Physique
conditions are met, or if their power source is removed,
Ability as indicated on page 188 of Castle Falkenstein, the
the Player must immediately draw a card from the
mechanical portion of creating your artificial Dramatic
Fortune Deck. If the card is a Spade, the Automaton
Character has ended.
immediately falls Dormant. If the card is any other suit,
they can continue to function for one hour, after which
time they enter Dormancy.
N ew A bility
Unless destroyed, the Automaton can exit Dormancy
by merely having an outside force restart, replace, or
S eeming [♥]
refuel their power source. The Automaton returns to life This Ability, unique to Automatons, measures their skill
fully aware and intact with no memory of what occurred at convincing others that they are an organic being, should
while Dormant. They retain any damage to their Health they wish to do so. An Automaton with a Poor Seeming will
suffered before or after entering Dormancy. only be mistaken for an organic being in the most extreme
of circumstances. With an Average Seeming, others may
W hat are Y our F ortunate and well believe the Automaton to be an organic being under
the proper conditions, such as if it were disguised or
U nfortunate C ircumstances ? wearing heavy clothing. A Good Seeming means the
Automaton appears organic enough to pass a casual
Automatons are not the same as organic beings and,
inspection. With a Great Seeming, the Automaton would
thus, have unusual qualities not available to other
be mistaken as organic by most observers. An Automaton
Characters. The Fortunate and Unfortunate Circumstances
with an Exceptional Seeming will fool even observers
of each type of Automaton are noted in their listings. All
explicitly looking for signs of life or artificiality, and one
Automatons receive three Fortunate Circumstances and
with an Extraordinary Seeming will appear organic to all
a single Unfortunate Circumstance. Some Fortunate
but the most invasive and thorough of examinations.
Circumstances are multiple-choice, allowing you to choose
from several different options.
If the Automaton type’s Base Abilities do not include
Christina reads the Mystical Automaton listing and notes Seeming, it begins as Average and can be raised or lowered
Anna possesses Arcane Armor and Immortal Fortitude as when additional Abilities are assigned. Non-Automaton
Fortunate Circumstances. Also, she can choose one custom Characters cannot select the Seeming Ability.
Fortunate Circumstance. Looking over the options, Christina

A utomaton of F lesh Y our A dditional A bilities are
While the zombi of legend rises from the grave through Choose one additional Poor Ability, two additional Good
curses and spells, Automatons of Flesh are either semi- Abilities, and one additional Great Ability.
organic beings grown through alchemy and chemistry or
otherwise corpses restored to a semblance of life through
the power of Science! An Automaton of Flesh might come Y ou are P owered by
to life from a single mass, perhaps via a formulation or Biology: You are powered much like any living being and
mechanical augmentation, or might be the fused as a require regular intake of food, water, and oxygen. If they
patchwork whole from multiple corpses with the help encounter circumstances that would typically cause
of chemistry and the mysterious potency of electricity! a human to pass out or die due to lack of oxygen or
Powered by scientific genius, these beings are physically sustenance, you enter Dormancy.
powerful and the type of Automaton most innately capable or
of appearing fully organic. No matter how they entered
the world, each is tortured by it or by their previous lives. Electricity: You require an infusion of at least one large
To most, Automatons of Flesh are monsters. For the rare battery’s worth of electricity once per week or risk
few willing to look past the horror, these creations are sad entering Dormancy.
souls in need of acceptance and love.

Y our F ortunate C ircumstances are

Y our B ase A bilities are Armor: You are resistant to physical harm. Your unique
Athletics [GD] • Charisma [PR] • Seeming [GD] • Physique physique stops 1 point of damage (Light Armor). This
[EXC] • Social Graces [PR] armor does not stack with worn armor. Use whichever is
higher when injured.
Living Undeath: While you simulate life well, you are not
truly organic. As a result, you possess an immunity to
disease and poison. However, your body does mimic life
well enough to allow you to heal naturally and gain the
benefits of medicine and healing Magick.
You possess one additional Fortunate Circumstance, chosen from
the following:
• Flash of Insight: Whispers of memories from a
previous life remain in your brain, providing you
with occasional inspiration about matters you
otherwise have no training in. Once per session, you
can convert any card in your hand into a Diamond
before playing it on an Education Feat.
• Magick Resistance: Perhaps because of the
strangeness of your creation, Magick has trouble
touching you. Targeting you with a spell costs 6 TER.
• That Which Cannot Die: Your undying body is
particularly hardy and gains 2 extra Health Points.

• Strength of the Dead: You possess tremendous Y our A dditional A bilities are
physical power. While you use Physique as normal
Choose one additional Good Ability.
to determine Health Points, you can lift a maximum
of 800 pounds and bend steel bars with effort.
Y ou are P owered by
Y our U nfortunate C ircumstance is Clockwork: You are powered by a series of coiled springs
that must be wound daily or risk entering Dormancy.
Phobia: You entered this world with an irrational fear,
Your winding requires a properly fitted key. Should the
perhaps related to either the death of the person
key be misplaced or lost, you cannot be wound until it is
whose brain you possess or to the circumstances of
found or a replacement fashioned.
your creation. Choose something to fear, such as fire,
darkness, confined spaces, electricity, or firearms. When
confronted by the source of your fear, you must succeed
at a Great Courage Feat to move within 10 feet of it or an
Exceptional Courage Feat to remain near it each round
if within 10 feet.

C lockwork A utomaton
Automatons powered by complex clockwork
mechanisms have existed for centuries, and examples have
drawn crowds throughout New Europa. More recently, the
work of Master Elrich Clocktinker has elevated Clockwork
Automatons from mere spectacle to productive tools
capable of bettering society. Master Clocktinker has
not only perfected the delicate balance of mechanisms
needed to allow these fantastic Automatons to perform
strenuous labor, he has developed a miniature “Babbage
Brain,” which enables owners to program each Automaton
with instructions for specific tasks depending upon the
needs of their owner! Of course, as is always the case with
engineering and science, other inventors throughout the
world have seen Master Clocktinker’s work and now seek
to improve upon it. Rumors have begun spreading of
Clockwork Automatons that can not only perform labors
but who can even think for themselves!

Y our B ase A bilities are

Athletics [GD] • Courage [GR] • Perception [GD] • Sorcery

Y our F ortunate C ircumstances are based on your size for the purposes of installing
gadgetech. If you are small, perhaps in the form of a
Babbage Brain: Your Babbage Engine mind can be
clockwork Pixie, you possess 4 spaces. If you so choose,
programmed to perform specific feats using specialized
you can use 2 of them to fit clockwork wings, allowing
punch cards. In addition to the Abilities noted above,
you to fly. If you are larger, in the form of a Dwarf
you begin play with one additional Good Ability which
or human, for example, you possess 8 spaces but
remains unassigned, known as your Babbage Engine
cannot benefit from clockwork wings. Your gadgetech
Ability. By spending ten minutes to reprogram the
spaces can also be used to reinforce your chassis by
punch cards, you or an ally can switch out the current
sacrificing half the spaces to install 1 point of Armor
Babbage Engine Ability for any Ability governed by Clubs
(Light Armor). This armor does not stack with worn
or Diamonds so long as it is one in which you currently
armor. You should use whichever is higher when
possess an Average Rank. The newly chosen Ability rises
in Rank to Good and is now designated as the Babbage
Engine Ability while the former Babbage Engine Ability, • Precise Timing: As a being of clockwork, you always
if there is one, descends to Average. A Good Sorcery know the current time. Moreover, your aptitude for
achieved using this Circumstance gives you knowledge precision timing gives you an advantage when it
of Magick but not the aptitude to cast Spells. comes to matters of finesse. Once per session, you
can convert any card in your hand into a Club before
Clockwork Fortitude: As a mechanical entity, you possess
playing it on an Athletics Feat.
immunity to disease and poison and cannot die due to a
lack of oxygen or sustenance. You do not heal naturally,
nor do you gain benefit from medicine or restorative
Magick. Instead, you require repair. Doing so requires
Y our U nfortunate C ircumstance is
one hour’s time and access to appropriate tools and Delicate: You are particularly delicate as your complex
materials. The Character performing the repairs must assembly of inner gears can easily be knocked out of
succeed at a Tinkering Feat with a Requirement of Great. alignment. As a result, a High Success on an attack
Success means you heal a number of Health Points equal against you not only causes damage but creates a
to the value of the Tinkering Ability being used. malfunction. Reduce the Rank of all your Abilities by
one. Further reductions are cumulative, although no
You possess one additional Fortunate Circumstance, chosen from
Ability can be reduced below the Rank of Poor. These
the following:
penalties remain in place until your clockwork is
• Clockwork Heart: Perhaps due to your internal realigned, which is a Tinkering Feat with a Requirement
workings, you possess an intuitive understanding of of Great and requires one hour’s work.
mechanical devices. Once per session, you can convert
any card in your hand into a Diamond before playing
it on a Tinkering Feat. M ystical A utomaton
• Excellent Engineering: Clever constructions allows The Hebrew Golem. The Bronze Horseman. Pinocchio.
you to continue functioning no matter the conditions. Stories have been told throughout the ages of simulacrums
Consider your Physique to be Ranked at Extraordinary brought to life through the power of Glamour or Magick.
when withstanding the effects of extreme temperature, These are Mystical Automatons, which are usually crafted
pressure as one might find deep underwater, or other through human of Dwarfen hands and then given the gift
intense environmental conditions. of animation through Sorcery or Faerie power or due to
their possession by spirits or other supernatural beings. In
• Gadgetech: Your body can be further modified.
ancient times, such Automatons were most often statues
Consider it to be a container with a number of spaces

or sculptures, but in the modern-day they may well be your power source. If you are mechanically powered
clockwork or steam-powered Automatons granted the gift Automatons, you must be repaired with the Tinkering
of life through Magick! Ability, while if you are Magickally powered you must
be repaired with the Sorcery Ability. If the Feat to repair
the Automaton is successful, you recover a number
Y our B ase A bilities are of Health Points equal to the value of the mechanic/
Courage [GD] • Perception [GD] • Physique [GR] Sorcerer’s relevant Ability.
You possess one additional Fortunate Circumstance, chosen from
the following:
Y our A dditional A bilities are
• Enhanced Senses: Your senses are particularly acute.
Choose one additional Poor Ability and two additional Once per session, you can convert any card in your
Good Abilities. hand into a Diamond before playing it on a Perception

Y ou are P owered B y • Durable: Your body is particularly hardy and gains 2

extra Health Points.
Mechanical: Despite its mystical nature, are still powered
by a mechanism such as clockwork or a steam engine. • Gadgetech: Your body can be further modified.
Choose the power source listed for either the Clockwork Consider it to be a container with a number of spaces
Automaton or the Steam-powered Automaton. based on your size for the purposes of installing
gadgetech. If you are small, perhaps in the form of a
Pixie, you possess 4 spaces. If you so choose, you can
Magickal: You are powered entirely by Magick and do use 2 of them to fit wings, allowing you to fly. If you are
not need to refuel, but a specific action will render you larger, in the form of a Dwarf or human, for example,
Dormant. Examples include removing an item from you possess 8 spaces but cannot benefit from wings.
your body, hearing a particular command phrase, or Your gadgetech spaces can also be used to reinforce
having a specific substance thrust through your heart. your chassis by sacrificing half the spaces to install 1
Likewise, you require an action to exit from Dormancy, point of Armor (Light Armor). This armor does not
such as having an item returned to your body, hearing a stack with worn armor. You should use whichever is
specific command phrase, or having the spike removed higher when injured.
from your heart.
• Intense Strength: You possess tremendous physical
power. While Physique is used as usual to determine
Y our F ortunate C ircumstances are Health Points, you can lift a maximum of 800 pounds
and bend steel bars with effort.
Arcane Armor: As a creature of Magick, you are
exceptionally resistant to Magick. Targeting you with a
spell costs 6 TER. Y our U nfortunate C ircumstances is
Immortal Fortitude: You are not mortal in a traditional Born of Magick: As a creature of Magick, you possess a
sense. As a result, you possess immunity to disease vulnerability to iron not an inherent part of your own
and poison and cannot die due to a lack of oxygen or body. Iron does not repel you, but weapons made of the
sustenance. You do not heal naturally and instead must substance, but not steel, deal one extra point of damage
be repaired. To do so requires appropriate materials, to you upon a successful attack.
tools, at least one hour, and an Ability Feat against a
Great Requirement. The Ability needed depends upon

S team -P owered A utomaton Y ou are P owered B y
Recent advancements in technology have allowed Radium Steam Engine: A steam engine powers you, but
inventors to create small yet powerful steam engines. your heat source is not coal or wood but radium or a
Proclaiming such innovations to represent the future, some similarly mysterious element. The engine’s water must
engineers have chosen to forgo the interweaving of brass be restocked once per day, or you risk Dormancy. Should
and copper gears used to build Clockwork Automatons the heating element be removed or lost, it can be quite
and, instead, are creating artificial beings using boilers challenging to replace.
and burners. With internal mechanisms that feature fewer or
but less delicate moving parts, the modern Steam-powered
Traditional Steam Engine: You are powered by a basic
Automaton works well in rugged conditions and is well
steam engine which includes a boiler and burner. The
armored against external dangers.
engine’s water and fuel must be restocked once per
day, and your burner must be kept aflame or you risk
Y our B ase A bilities are Dormancy.

Athletics [GR] • Courage [EXC] • Fisticuffs [GD] • Seeming

[PR] • Physique [GD] • Sorcery [PR]
Y our F ortunate C ircumstances are
Fortified Chassis: By necessity, your thick-walled design
Y our A dditional A bilities are enables you to withstand extreme conditions. You gain 2
extra Health Points.
Choose one additional Poor Ability and two additional
Good Abilities.

Steam-powered Fortitude: As a mechanical entity, you Y our U nfortunate C ircumstance is
possess immunity to disease and poison and cannot
Susceptible to Rust: Born of iron and steel, you rust
die due to a lack of oxygen or sustenance. You do not
quite easily. Should you be doused in enough water to
heal naturally, nor do you gain benefit from medicine or
cover your entire body, be it from falling into a lake or
restorative Magick. Instead, you require repair. Doing so
being out in a severe rainstorm, you must draw a card
requires one hour’s time and access to appropriate tools
from the Fortune Deck. If you draw a Spade, your joints
and materials. The Character performing the repairs
quickly rust, reducing the Rank of all Club-based Abilities
must succeed at a Tinkering Feat with a Requirement
of Great. Success means you heal a number of Health by two, to a minimum of Poor. Removing this condition
Points equal to the value of the Tinkering Ability being requires drying off and then oiling your joints, a process
used. that requires ten minutes’ time and a lubricant.

You possess one additional Fortunate Circumstance, chosen from

I know. I know. No technology available in
the following:
New Europa is technically powerful enough
• Gadgetech: Your body can be further modified. to allow for logic processing and memory
Consider it to be a container with a number of spaces
retention on the level of the human brain.
based on your size for the purposes of installing
gadgetech. If you are small, perhaps in the form of a
Unless they’ve got the aid of Magick, how
Pixie, you possess 4 spaces. If you so choose, you can can any Automaton be smart enough to be an
use 2 of them to fit wings, allowing you to fly. If you are interesting Dramatic Character?
larger, in the form of a Dwarf or human, for example,
you possess 8 spaces but cannot benefit from wings. I honestly don’t know. By this point, I’ve
Your gadgetech spaces can also be used to reinforce met several self-aware Automatons created by
your chassis by sacrificing half the spaces to install 1 SCIENCE! and I’ll be damned if I can explain
point of Armor (Light Armor). This armor does not how any of them actually work. Just like
stack with worn armor. You should use whichever is
I can’t really explain how the Albatross can
higher when injured.
fly or the Nautilus runs on a nuclear engine
• Horsepower: You can run faster than a horse, even in the 1870s. Maybe the laws of physics
when pulling a wagon or carriage. Your top running
just work differently here, or perhaps either
speed is 45 miles per hour when unencumbered and
30 miles per hour when used as a beast of burden.
the creator or the creation itself has some
sort of innate Magickal Ability. Either way,
• Heat Blast: You can divert heat and fire from your
intelligent, anachronistic artificial lifeforms are
steam-engine to belch out a great burst of flame
or superheated steam that you aim using the
just another odd fact of life here in New
Marksmanship Ability. You use half your water in Europa.
doing so, and so the blast can only be utilized twice
between refilling before you risk Dormancy. Use the Isn’t it great?
following to represent this blast: Steam/Fire Belch
[Range 20/40 • Load Special • 3 (P) • 4 (F) • 5 (H) • Harm
Rank C]. The Automaton Variation is
compatible with the original rules as
• Frame of Steel: You possess tremendous physical
presented in Castle Falkenstein and the
power. While Physique is used as usual to determine
Fearful Harm & Great Danger rules from
Health Points, you can lift a maximum of 800 pounds
Comme il Faut.
and bend steel bars with effort.


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