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Synonyms & Composed by,
Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra
Antonyms, Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer
Training & Placement Cell,
Spellings, Madanapalle Institute of Technology
& Science (UGC Autonomous),
One Word Madanapalle- 517325
Idioms & Phrases
Sl. Root Word Synonym Antonym

Synonyms No.

33 Ambiguous Uncertain Certain
34 Ameliorate Improve Spoil
35 Amiable Loveable Unattractive
36 Analogy Resemblance Difference
37 Antique Ancient Modern

Root Word Synonym Antonym
41 Ardent Heated Cool
No. 42 Arrogant Haughty/ Humble
1 Abandon Leave Retain Imperious
2 Abase Humiliate Honour 43 Baffle Puzzle Clarify
3 Abate Reduce Increase 44 Barbarous Uncivilized Civilized
4 Abhor Dislike/ Like/ 45 Beguile Cheat Honesty
Dislike Approve 46 Benevolent Kind Egoistic
5 Abjure Disclaim Accept 47 Belittle Minimize Exaggerate
6 Aboriginal Irregular/ Regular/ 48 Bewilder Puzzle Enlighten
Unusual Usual
49 Biased Partial Unbiased
7 Abortive Futile/ Successful
50 Bigotry Bias Impartiality
51 Blasphemy Vulgarity Polite
8 Abridge Summarize Expand
52 Boisterous Noisy Calm
9 Abrupt Sudden Gentle
53 Brandish Flourish Suspend
10 Abscond Decamp/ Remain
54 Candid Impartial Partial
Run away
55 Canvas Investigate Refuse
11 Absolve Release Condemn
56 Ceremonious Formal Informal
12 Abstain Refrain Continue
57 Cessation Ending Beginning
13 Abundant Rich Poor
58 Chivalrous Heroic Cowardly
14 Abuse Injure Praise
59 Circumlocutio Euphemism/ Brevity/
15 Accelerate Quicken Retard
n Indirectness Directness
16 Accommodat Reconcile Refuse
60 Clamour Uproar Silence
61 Coalition Alliance Disunion
17 Accomplish Fulfil Fail
62 Coarse Rough Refined
18 Accord Agreement Disagreement
63 Collateral Indirect Direct
19 Accredited Authorized Unauthorized
64 Colossal Gigantic Small
20 Accumulate Collect Distribute
65 Commensurat Equivalent Unequal
21 Acquaintance Knowledge Unfamiliar
22 Acute Sharp Dull
66 Comprehend Understand Exclude/ Fail
23 Addicted Devoted Free
to perceive
24 Adhere Stick Undone
67 Comprehensi Inclusive/ Exclusive/
25 Adjacent Near Distant/
ve Extensive Narrow
68 Conceal Hide Reveal
26 Adjourn Postpone Advance
69 Conceal Allow Deny
27 Adoration Beautify/ Disfiguring
70 Concord Agreement Disagreement
71 Condemn Blame Praise
28 Affinity Alliance Dislike
72 Conjure Implore Command
29 Aggravate Intensify Diminish
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 1
Sl. Root Word Synonym Antonym Sl. Root Word Synonym Antonym
No. No.
73 Conspicuous Noticeable Insignificant 118 Felicity Bliss Sorrow
74 Contemptuou Disdainful Humble 119 Fervent Glowing Cool
s 120 Fictitious False Genuine
75 Contradictory Conflicting Harmonious 121 Figurative Typical Actual
76 Corroborate Strengthen Disapprove 122 Finite Limited Unlimited
77 Culmination Zenith Nadir 123 Forgo Sacrifice Demand
78 Dainty Delicious Inelegant 124 Fluctuate Vibrate Constant
79 Debase Humiliate Respect 125 Fragile Weak Strong
80 Debility Weakness Strength 126 Frivolous Foolish Serious
81 Deface Damage Improve 127 Frown Grimace Smile
82 Deformity Blemish Beautify 128 Futility Useless Useful
83 Demur Pause Agree 129 Gaiety Joyousness Sadness
84 Descend Decline Climb 130 Gallantry Courage Cowardice
85 Desecration Violation Sanctification 131 Gauche Unpolished Polite
/ Purification 132 Glutinous Sticky Liquid
86 Destitute Needy Well-to-do 133 Grandeur Greatness Sordidness
87 Desultory Random Orderly 134 Gratification Delight Disappointme
88 Deteriorate Decline Improve nt
89 Devoid Empty Full 135 Gullible Trusting Doubtful
90 Dexterity Skill Clumsiness 136 Harbour Shelter Banish/
91 Despotic Autocratic Lawful Remove
92 Diligence Care Laziness 137 Hapless Unfortunate Lucky
93 Discern Perceive Confuse 138 Harmony Agreement Disagreement
94 Disown Deny Accept 139 Hazardous Dangerous Safe
95 Disseminate Scatter Unite 140 Heed Attention Neglect
96 Dogmatic Authoritative Vague 141 Herculean Colossal Ease
97 Dwindle Reduce Expand 142 Homogeneous Uniform Mixed/
98 Earnest Eager Slack Heterogeneou
99 Eccentricity Oddity Commonness s
100 Eclipse Dim Illumine 143 Humane Gentle Cruel
101 Ecstasy Rapture Displeasure 144 Hostile Bellicose/ Friendly
102 Efficacy Competency Impotence Unfriendly
103 Embarrassme Humiliation Confidence 145 Humility Humbleness Arrogance
nt 146 Hypocrisy Deceit Honesty
104 Endorse Approve Oppose 147 Imbibe Absorb Discharge/
105 Endurance Sustain Relinquish Eject
106 Enormous Colossal Small 148 Immerse Submerge Draw out
107 Envy Jealous Goodwill 149 Immunity Freedom Liability
108 Escalate Increase Decrease 150 Impeach Accuse Forgive
109 Eternal Endless Temporary 151 Impediment Hindrance Liberty
110 Evasive Shuffling Honest 152 Impel Motivate Prevent
111 Exaggerate Amplify Minimize 153 Imposter Cheater Honest
112 Exalt Elevate Lower 154 Imprudence Thoughtlessn Carefulness
113 Exhale Evaporate Intake ess
114 Exile Banish Welcome 155 Imitate Copy Create
115 Exquisite Graceful Common 156 Inaccessible Remote Approachable
116 Fallacy Illusion Real 157 Incumbent Compulsory Unnecessary
117 Fastidious Particular Indifferent 158 Incite Arouse Discourage

© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 2
Sl. Root Word Synonym Antonym Sl. Root Word Synonym Antonym
No. No.
159 Industrious Laborious Lazy 205 Plague Harass Comfort
160 Inevitable Unavoidable Avoidable 206 Preamble Preface Conclusion
161 Induce Persuade Discourage 207 Precarious Risky Safe
162 Insanity Madness Sensibility/ 208 Predicate Affirm Deny
Sanity 209 Precipitate Expedite Delay
163 Intermission Stoppage Resume 210 Prejudiced Biased Unbiased
164 Intricate Complicated Simple 211 Prey Victim Hunter
165 Intuition Insight Calculation 212 Prodigal Extravagant Economic
166 Irksome Tiresome Pleasant 213 Profound Excess Shallow
167 Jeopardize Hazard Secure 214 Progeny Descendent Ancestors
168 Jubilant Rejoicing Despairing 215 Prolific Productive Barren
169 Kindle Ignite Darken 216 Prohibit Ban Allow/
170 Lament Mourn Rejoice Endorse
171 Lavish Excessive Restricted 217 Prone Inclined Upright
172 Legend Myth Fact 218 Propel Push Pull
173 Lethal Deadly Harmless 219 Prosecute Pursue Abandon
174 Luminous Bright Dark 220 Prototype Original Copy
175 Magnanimous Noble Mean 221 Provident Foreseeing Improvident
176 Melancholy Sad/ Gloomy Gay/ Joyous 222 Provisional Conditional Definite
177 Mercenary Hired Voluntary 223 Pungent Sharp Mild
178 Migrate Move Remain 224 Quell Calm Noisy
179 Miscellaneous Mixed Separate 225 Quench Extinguish Ignite
180 Monotonous Boring Cheerful 226 Radical Fundamental Superficial
181 Monstrous Horrible Ordinary 227 Rancid Sour Sweet
182 Mutable Changeable Settled 228 Raid Invasion Descend
183 Mutiny Revolt Loyalty 229 Rational Intelligent Irrational
184 Myth Legend Fact 230 Rebuff Rebuke Encourage
185 Nebulous Cloudy Clear 231 Reciprocal Mutual Selfish
186 Notorious Disreputable Reputable 232 Reckless Regardless Cautious
187 Nugatory Insignificant Important 233 Redundant Excessive Scanty
188 Oblivion Forgetfulness Memory 234 Relinquish Abandon Retain
189 Obnoxious Hateful Cheerful 235 Repulsive Disgusting Charming
190 Obsessed Addicted Natural 236 Resolute Determined Undecided
191 Officious Mischievous Harmless 237 Restraint Hindrance Freedom
192 Optimistic Hopeful Pessimistic/ 238 Retrospect Review Prospect
Cynical 239 Reveal Disclose Hide
193 Orifice Opening Ending 240 Revive Renew Depress
194 Outrageous Daring Timid 241 Ridiculous Absurd Serious
195 Pacific Peaceful Hostile 242 Righteousness Goodness Dishonesty
196 Palatable Tasty Tasteless 243 Robust Strong Thin
197 Palpable Tangible Intangible 244 Rupture Break Attachment
198 Paltry Little Sufficient 245 Sacrilegious Impious Pious
199 Paramount Supreme Subordinate 246 Sacred Blessed Temporal
200 Paucity Scarcity Abundance 247 Saucy Rude Polite
201 Pensive Sorrowful Happy 248 Sarcastic Biting Complimenta
202 Perennial Everlasting Temporary ry
203 Perseverance Steadiness Inconsistency 249 Scanty Insufficient Abundant
204 Petition Request Command 250 Sceptic Unbeliever Believer

© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 3
Sl. Root Word Synonym Antonym Sl. Root Word Synonym Antonym
No. No.
251 Sedate Calm Agitated 296 Uphold Defend Destroy
252 Semblance Likeness/ Unlikeness 297 Utopian Imaginary Real
Resemblance 298 Vacillation Hesitation Decision
253 Sensual Fleshy Spiritual 299 Vague Uncertain Certain
254 Servile Slavish Masterly 300 Vain Worthless Useful
255 Slender Slim Fat 301 Valiant Brave Cowardly
256 Sloth Laziness Active 302 Vehement Violent/ Weak/ Cold/
257 Sober Moderate Rough Boisterous Lean
258 Solace Console Irritation 303 Veil Screen Uncover
259 Solemn Formal Informal 304 Velocity Rapidity Slowness
260 Solicitude Anxiety Careless 305 Venerable Grave Light
261 Solitary Lone Sociable 306 Verbose Wordy Silent
262 Sovereign Royal/ Regal Ineffectual 307 Vicious Faulty Perfect
263 Splendid Gorgeous Shabby 308 Viable Fruitful Aborted
264 Spontaneous Voluntary Involuntary 309 Vigour Strength Weakness
265 Spurious Illegitimate Genuine 310 Vindictive Revengeful Benevolent
266 Stake Risk Avoid 311 Vivid Lively/ Clear Dull
267 Staunch Firm/ Unsteady 312 Vogue Trend Outdated
Resolute 313 Voracious Greedy Satisfied
268 Steadfast Fixed Unfixed 314 Vulnerable Exposed Guarded
269 Stimulate Arouse Calm 315 Wander Roam Rest
270 Stout Strong Weak 316 Warrant Authorize Forbid
271 Stringent Tight Relaxing 317 Wearisome Tiring Restful
272 Stubborn Inflexible Adaptable 318 Whimsical Freakish Steady
273 Sublime High Low 319 Wistful Thoughtful Cheerful
274 Subtle Nice Rough 320 Wretched Unfortunate Fortunate
275 Sumptuous Costly Cheap 321 Wrinkle Fold Smooth
276 Susceptible Sensitive Insensitive 322 Yearn Long Satisfied
277 Tacit Implicit Explicit 323 Yield Surrender Resist
278 Tangible Substantial Unreal 324 Yoke Bondage Liberty
279 Tantamount Equivalent Non- 325 Zeal Passion Weakness
Equivalent 326 Zenith Climax Nadir
280 Tedious Irksome Delightful 327 Zest Energy Exhaustion
281 Terrestrial Worldly Heavenly
282 Testimony Witness Denial
283 Theatrical Dramatically Real
284 Thrifty Economical Uneconomic
285 Thwart Oppose Allow
286 Tipsy Intoxicated Sober
287 Torment Pain Tranquil
288 Tranquil Peaceful Agitated
289 Treachery Disloyalty Loyalty
290 Trivial Petty Significant
291 Triumph Victory Fail
292 Turbulent Violent Peaceful
293 Turmoil Hurry Quiet
294 Tyrant Autocrat Sovereign
295 Unanimous Harmonious Disagreeing

© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 4
Sl. Correct Spelling (S)
30 Carefully
Spelling 31

Correction 34
Sl. Correct Spelling (S) 37 Column
No. 38 Collectible
1 Acceptable 39 Committed
2 Accommodate 40 Committee
3 Accordance 41 Conscience
4 Acknowledge 42 Conscientious
5 Acquire 43 Competent
6 Adjournment 44 Competition
7 Adequately 45 Complementary
8 Adolescent 46 Concealment
9 Advertisement 47 Conciliation
10 Aggregable 48 Condemn
11 Alleviate 49 Controversial
12 Amateur Convenient
13 Amelioration 50 Consignment
14 Anticipated 51 Consistent
15 Apparent 52 Courtesy
16 Apparatus 53 Correspondence
17 Achieve 54 Criticized
18 Argument 55 Curiosity
19 Ascertain 56 Daiquiri
20 Assassination 57 Defendant
21 Atheist 58 Definitely
22 Attendance 59 Definition
23 Awkward 60 Discipline
24 Bargain 61 Demurrage
25 Believe 62 Denoting
26 Beginning 63 Depreciation
27 Beneficial 64 Depression
28 Bellwether 65 Diarrhea
29 Bureaucracy 66 Dinner
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 5
Sl. Correct Spelling (S) Sl. Correct Spelling (S)
No. No.
67 Dining 105 Government
68 Disease 106 Grammar
69 Discrepancy 107 Grateful
70 Dumbbell 108 Guarantee
71 Efficiency 109 Handkerchief
72 Eligible 110 Harass
73 Embarrassed 111 Height
74 Entanglement 112 Heighten
75 Enumeration 113 Harmony
76 Envelope 114 Hierarchy
77 Equipment 115 Honour
78 Equipped 116 Humorous
79 Erroneously 117 Ignorance
80 Exaggerate 118 Illogical
81 Exhilarate 119 Immediate
82 Exceed 120 Immense
83 Excellent 121 Inadvertently
84 Existence 122 Inadaptable
85 Expense 123 Inadmissible
86 Explanation 124 Inalienable
87 Excel 125 Inappeasable
88 Familiar 126 Independent
89 Famine 127 Indispensable
90 Fascinate 128 Inoculate
91 Fascist 129 Intelligence
92 February 130 Interruption
93 Fiery 131 Install
94 Financial 132 Installed
95 Financially 133 Instalment
96 Foreseen 134 Increment
97 Foreign 135 Invariably
98 Forfeit 136 Irritation
99 Fulfil 137 Irritant
100 Fulfilled 138 Irrevocable
101 Gauge 139 Itinerant
102 Gazette 140 Itinerary
103 Genuine 141 Jealous
104 Governor 142 Jeopardy
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 6
Sl. Correct Spelling (S) Sl. Correct Spelling (S)
No. No.
143 Jewelry 181 Neighbor
144 Jubilee 182 Nuisance
145 Judicious 183 Notified
146 Jurisdiction 184 Noticeable
147 Juvenile 185 Nullified
148 Juxtaposition 186 Occasion
149 Kernel 187 Occasional
150 Kindergarten 188 Occurrence
151 Knock 189 Occurring
152 Leisurely 190 Occurred
153 Liaison 191 Omission
154 Liberate 192 Omitted
155 License 193 Opportunity
156 Literacy 194 Oppressed
157 Lounge 195 Optimistic
158 Lousiness 196 Parallel
159 Luster 197 Parliament
160 Luxury 198 Paroled
161 Luxuriously 199 Passenger
162 Lymph 200 Peculiarity
163 Manageable 201 Permanent
164 Machinery 202 Permissible
165 Maintain 203 Personnel
166 Maintenance 204 Pharaoh
167 Magnificent 205 Pleasant
168 Manoeuvre 206 Possession
169 Medieval 207 Plaintiff
170 Mileage 208 Playwright
171 Millennium 209 Politeness
172 Miniature 210 Possession
173 Miniscule 211 Precede
174 Mischievous 212 Privilege
175 Missile 213 Procedure
176 Misspell 214 Proceed
177 Mortgage 215 Pronunciation
178 Mysterious 216 Propaganda
179 Necessary 217 Psychology
180 Nuclear 218 Publically
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 7
Sl. Correct Spelling (S) Sl. Correct Spelling (S)
No. No.
219 Questionnaire 257 Sergeant
220 Quantum 258 Session
221 Quarantine 259 Souvenir
222 Quotient 260 Summon
223 Receive 261 Stubbornness
224 Receipt 262 Suburban
225 Recommendation 263 Supersede
226 Rehearsal 264 Superintendent
227 Repeat 265 Summarized
228 Repetition 266 Skill
229 Reference 267 Skillful
230 Referring 268 Skilled
231 Recuperate 269 Technique
232 Regenerate 270 Tendency
233 Relevant 271 Threshold
234 Relinquish 272 Tariff
235 Remnant 273 Truly
236 Remedy 274 Twelfth
237 Repair 275 Tyranny
238 Reparable 276 Tuition
239 Repercussive 277 Tutor
240 Replenish 278 Unanimous
241 Reprieve 279 Unanimously
242 Requisite 280 Unprecedented
243 Reservoir 281 Unsolicited
244 Resigned 282 Undoubtedly
245 Rehabilitate 283 Until
246 Reinstate 284 Usually
247 Reinforced 285 Vacancy
248 Reiterate 286 Vacant
249 Rhyme 287 Vacuum
250 Rhythm 288 Visibility
251 Rudiment 289 Vicissitude
252 Rupture 290 Verbatim
253 Sandwich 291 Versatile
254 Satellite 292 Virtue
255 Scarcity 293 Vocation
256 Schedule 294 Vacation
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 8
Sl. Correct Spelling (S)
295 Vociferate
296 Voyage
One Word
297 Weather
298 Whether
299 Welcome
300 Warrant
Sl. Description (S) One Word
301 Width
No. Substitution
302 Wrapped
303 Wrestle An act of Abdication
304 Wretchedness abdicating or
305 Xylem renouncing the
306 Xenon throne
307 Xenophobic 2
An annual Almanac
308 Xerophytes calendar
309 Yeastiness
310 Youthful
important dates
311 Youthfully
and statistical
312 Yogurt
313 Zillionaire
such as
data and tide
A cold- Amphibian
animal that
is born in
water and
with gills
A story, Allegory
poem, or
picture that
can be
to reveal a
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 9
hidden ly about
meaning, God or
typically a sacred
moral or things;
political one profane talk
5 9
A statement Axiom The Chronology
or arrangement
proposition of events or
on which an dates in the
abstractly order of
defined their
structure is occurrence
based 10
A vigorous Crusade
A nation or Belligerent campaign for
person engaged political,
in war or social, or
conflict, as religious
recognized by change
international 11
Lasting for a Ephemeral
law very short time
7 12
An Biopsy Spoken or done Extempore
examination without
of tissue preparation
removed 13
Release Exonerate
from a someone from
living body a duty or
to discover obligation
the 14
Fond of Gregarious
cause, or
extent of a Making marks Indelible
disease that cannot be
8 removed
The action Blasphemy 16
or offence Incapable of Infallible
of speaking making
sacrilegious mistakes or
being wrong
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 10
17 sacred
Certain to Inevitable
happen A position Sinecure
18 requiring
A sentimental Nostalgia
longing or little or no
wistful work but
affection for a giving the
period in the holder
past status or
19 financial
A solution or Panacea
remedy for all
difficulties or A thing that is Souvenir
diseases kept as a
20 reminder of a
A doctrine Pantheism
person, place,
or event
identifies God
with the An imaginary Utopia
universe ideal society
21 free of poverty
Excessively Pedantic
and suffering
concerned with
minor details or Denoting a sin Venial
rules that is not
22 regarded as
The practice of Plagiarism
taking someone depriving the
else's work or soul of divine
ideas and grace
passing them 30
In exactly the Verbatim
off as one's same words as
own were used
23 originally
Safe to drink Potable
24 A state of Anarchy
The emblems Regalia
disorder due
or insignia of
royalty to absence
25 or non-
Violation or Sacrilege recognition
misuse of what ofauthority
is regarded as or other
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 11
controlling a state,
systems typically
32 through
A form of Aristocracy
government in
which power is representati
held by the ves
nobility 37
A state, Gerontocracy
33 society, or
A system of Autocracy
government by group governed
one person by old people
with absolute 38
A state or Kakistocracy
power country run by
34 the worst, least
A self- Autonomy
governing qualified, or
country or most
region unscrupulous
35 citizens
A system of Bureaucracy
government 39
Government by Neocracy
in which new or
most of the inexperienced
important hands
decisions 40
Government by Ochlocracy
are taken by the populace
state 41
officials A small Oligarchy
rather than group of
by elected people
representati having
ves control of a
36 country or
A system of Democracy organization
government 42
by the Government by Plutocracy
whole the wealthy
population 43
Government Secular
or all the not connected
eligible with religious
members of or spiritual
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 12
matters species
44 51
A form of Monarchy A place or Arena
government scene of
with a monarch activity,
at the head debate, or
45 conflict
A political Thearchy
system based A collection of Arsenal
on government weapons and
of men by God military
46 equipment
A collection Archives
of historical An institution Asylum
documents for the care of
or records people who are
providing mentally ill
information 54
A hole or Burrow
about a tunnel dug by a
place, small animal,
institution, especially a
or group of rabbit, as a
people dwelling
47 55
A large cage, Aviary A collection of Cache
building, or items of the
enclosure for same type
keeping birds
stored in a
hidden or
A building Abattoir inaccessible
where animals place
are butchered 56
49 A public room Casino
A place where Apiary or building
bees are kept; a where
collection of gambling
beehives games are
50 played
A building Aquarium
containing 57
A large burial Cemetery
tanks of live ground,
fish of different especially one
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 13
not in a bedroom for a
churchyard number of
58 people in a
A room in a Cloakroom
school or
public institution
building 64
where The nest of a Drey
outdoor squirrel,
clothes or typically in the
luggage may form of a mass
be left of twigs in a
59 tree
A place where Crematorium 65
a dead person's A room or Gymnasium
body is building
cremated equipped for
60 gymnastics,
a Christian Convent
games, and
other physical
of nuns
together A storehouse Granary
under for threshed
monastic grain
vows 67
A large Hangar
61 building with
Nursery Creche
where an extensive
babies and floor area,
young typically for
children are housing
cared for aircraft.
during the 68
A box or Hutch
working day
62 typically
A stoppered Decanter
glass container with a wire
into which mesh front,
wine or spirit is for keeping
decanted rabbits or
63 other small
A large Dormitory
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 14
domesticate 77
A large natural Reservoir
d animals
or artificial
69 lake used as a
A place in a Infirmary
large institution source of water
for the care of supply
those who are 78
A small kitchen Scullery
or room at the
A small shelter Kennel back of a house
for a dog used for
71 washing dishes
A place where Lair
wild animal and another
live dirty household
72 work
A place where Mint 79
coins, medals, A close-fitting Sheath
or tokens are cover for the
made blade of a knife
73 or sword
A collection of Menagerie 80
wild animals A room or Sanatorium
kept in building for
captivity for sick children in
exhibition a boarding
74 school
A building or Monastery 81
buildings A place where Tannery
occupied by a animal hides
community of are tanned
monks living 82
A large, tall Wardrobe
under religious cupboard in
vows which clothes
75 may be hung or
A place where Morgue stored
bodies are kept 83
for A group of Battery
identification guns or
76 missile
A piece of Orchard
enclosed land
planted with operated
fruit trees together at
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 15
one place 92
A group of Claque
84 followers hired
A large bundle Bale
bound for to applaud at a
storage or performance
transport 93
A series of Constellation
85 stars
A large Bevy
gathering of 94
A funeral Cortege
people of a
particular type
86 A group of Congregation
An Bouquet
arrangement of
flowers that is A herd or flock Drove
usually given of animals
as a present being driven in
87 a body
A family of Brood
young animals A small fleet of Flotilla
88 ships or boats
A group of Cache
things that A small growth Grove
have been of trees without
hidden in a underbrush
secret place 99
A community Hamlet
A group of Caravan of people
people, smaller than a
typically village
with 100
A group of Herd
vehicles or cattle or sheep
animals or other
travelling domestic
together mammals
90 101
A closed Caucus A large group Horde
political of people
meeting 102
A temporary Posse
An exclusive Clique police force
circle of people 103
with a common A large number Shoal
purpose of fish
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 16
swimming the existence of
together God
104 113
A strong and Torrent A person Arbitrator
fast-moving appointed by
stream of water two parties to
or other liquid solve a dispute
105 114
One who is not Agnostic One who leads Ascetic
sure about an austere life
God's existence 115
One who does Amateur
A person who Arsonist a thing for
deliberately pleasure and
sets fire to a not as a
building profession
107 116
One who does Amateur One who can Ambidextrous
a thing for either hand
pleasure and with ease
not as a 117
An Bohemian
One who can Ambidextrous style of living
use either hand 118
One who is bad Cacographer
with ease
in spellings
One who Auditor 119
One who feeds Cannibal
makes an
on human flesh
examination of 120
A person who Chauvinist
accounts is blindly
110 devoted to an
A person who Anarchist
believes in or idea/ A person
tries to bring displaying
about a state of aggressive or
lawlessness exaggerated
111 patriotism
A person who Apostate 121
has changed his A critical judge Connoisseur
faith of any art and
112 craft
One who does Atheist 122
not believe in Persons living Contemporari
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 17
at the same es serious) in art,
time science and
123 literature
One who is Convalescent
recovering One who is for Epicure
health after pleasure of
illness eating and
124 drinking
A girl/woman Coquette
who flirts with One who often Egotist
man talks of his
125 achievements
A person who Cosmopolitan
regards the Someone who Emigrant
whole world as leaves one
his country country to
126 settle in
One who is a Cynosure
centre of
attraction A man who is Effeminate
127 womanish in
One who Cynic
his habits
sneers at the
beliefs of One hard to Fastidious
others please (very
128 selective in his
A leader or Demagogue
orator who 137
espoused One who runs Fugitive
the cause of away from
the common justice
people 138
One who is Fanatic
129 filled with
A person Debonair
having a excessive
sophisticated enthusiasm in
charm religious
A leader who Demagogue 139
sways his One who Fatalist
followers by believes in fate
his oratory 140
A lover of Gourmand
131 good food
A dabbler (not Dilettante

© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 18
141 being tampered
Conferred as an Honorary
142 One who is Insolvent
A person who Heretic
unable to pay
acts against
his debts
143 A person who Lunatic
A person of Highbrow
is mentally ill
intellectual or
erudite tastes A person who Misanthrope
144 dislikes
A patient with Hypochondria
humankind and
imaginary c
avoids human
symptoms and
145 A person who Mercenary
A person who Henpeck
is controlled by
wife concerned with
146 making money
One who Indefatigable at the expense
shows of ethics
sustained 155
enthusiastic Someone in Narcissist
action with love with
vitality One who Numismatist
147 collect coins as
Someone who Iconoclast hobby
cherished ideas A person who Philogynist
or traditional likes or
institutions admires
148 women
One who does Introvert
not express A lover of Philanthropist
himself freely mankind
149 159
Who behaves Immoral A person who Polyglot
without moral speaks more
principles than one
150 language
A person who Impregnable
is incapable of One who lives Recluse
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 19
in solitude words
161 written in
Someone who Somnambulist
walks in sleep memory of
162 a person
A person who Stoic who has
is indifferent to died
the pains and 169
pleasures of Killing of one's Filicide
life son or daughter
163 170
A scolding Termagant Destruction or Foeticide
nagging bad- abortion of a
tempered fetus
woman 171
Killing of one's Fratricide
164 brother or sister
A person who Uxorious
shows a great 172
Killing of a Genocide
or excessive large group of
fondness for people
one's wife 173
165 Killing of one Homicide
One who Virtuoso person by
possesses another
outstanding 174
technical Killing of Infanticide
ability in a infants
particular art 175
Burial of a Interment
or field corpse in a
166 grave or tomb
A solemn Cortege
procession, Killing of one's Matricide
especially for a mother
funeral 177
A room or Mortuary
A poem of Elegy building in
serious which dead
reflection, bodies are kept
typically a 178
lament for the A news article Obituary
dead that reports the
recent death of
A phrase or Epitaph a person
form of
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 20
179 190
Killing of a Parricide The Botany
parent or other scientific
near relative study of the
180 physiology,
Killing of one's Patricide
father structure,
181 genetics,
An Postmortem ecology,
examination of distribution,
a dead body to classificatio
determine the
n, and
cause of death
Action of Regicide importance
killing a king of plants
183 191
Killing of one's Sororicide A person who Cartographer
sister draws or
184 produces maps
Act of Suicide
intentionally 192
A person who Calligrapher
causing one's writes beautiful
own death writing
185 193
Killing of one's Uxoricide A person Choreographe
wife who r
186 composes
The medieval Alchemy
forerunner of the sequence
chemistry of steps and
187 moves for a
A person who Anchor
presents a
radio/television of dance
programme 194
A person Chauffeur
188 employed to
One who Anthropologis
studies the t drive a private
evolution of or hired car
mankind 195
A person Compere
189 who
A person who Astronaut
is trained to introduces
travel in a the
spacecraft performers
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 21
or use of sunlight
contestants 204
The art or Horticulture
in a variety practice of
show garden
196 cultivation and
A keeper or Curator
custodian of a management
museum or 205
One who Invigilator
other collection supervises in
197 the
The branch of Chronobiolog
biology y examination
concerned with hall
cyclical The theory or Jurisprudence
physiological philosophy of
phenomena law
198 207
A secret or Cypher A person who Lexicographer
disguised way compiles
of writing dictionaries
199 208
The study of Demography The scientific Odontology
statistics study of the
200 structure and
The use of the Dactylology diseases of
fingers and teeth
hands to 209
communicate One who Radio Jockey
and convey presents a radio
201 The art of Rhetoric
A person who Florist
effective or
sells and
arranges cut
speaking or
A line of Genealogy 211
The branch of Petrology
descent traced
from an concerned with
ancestor the origin,
203 structure, and
The therapeutic Heliotherapy composition of
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 22
rocks Frogs
212 223
One who study Psephologist The sound of Creak
the elections Crickets
and trends in 224
The sound of Gibber
An artist who Sculptor 225
The sound of Grunt
214 The sound of Hoot
The scientific Zoology
study of the
behaviour, The sound of Honk
structure, Penguins
physiology, 228
The sound of Moo
classification, Cattle
and distribution 229
of animals The sound of Neigh
215 Horses
The branch of Acoustics 230
physics The sound of Pipe
concerned with Nightingales
the properties 231
The sound of Quack
of sound Ducks
216 232
The sound of Bellow The sound of Screech
Alligators Parrots
217 233
The sound of Bell The sound of Squeak
Deers Rats
218 234
The sound of Caw The sound of Twitter
Crows Birds
219 235
The sound of Cackle The sound of Trumpet
Geese Elephants
220 236
The sound of Cluck The sound of Whine
Hens Mosquitoes
The sound of Click
Remember there is no SUCCESS
222 without HARDWORK
The sound of Croak
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 23
Example - It was really difficult to find the i

Idioms & nformation even after applying the whole ba

g of tricks.

Phrases 5. Deliver the goods -

Meaning - Do what is expected or promised.
Example - I have given my car to a new
1. Acid Test-
mechanic for repair, hope he delivers the
Meaning - Acid test proves the effectiveness
of something.
Example - I practiced hard at the dance
sessions but the acid test will come when the
6. Fine-tooth comb -
master will assess our solo performances.
Meaning - Examining something carefully
to not miss out any details.
2. Cut the ground from under feet-
Meaning - When you cut the ground from
under someone's feet, you do something whi
Example - The boss examined my report
ch weakens their position.
with a fine tooth comb before submitting it to
Example - When team India hit more than
the senior management.
350 runs in the ODI, they cut the ground fro
m under the opponent's feet.

7. Explore all avenues-

3. Chase your tail-
Meaning - Trying out every possibility to get
Meaning - Spending a lot of time and energy
a result.
doing a lot of things but actually achieving
Example - It is a difficult thing to do but if
too little.
we really want it done, we must explore all a
Example - He's been chasing his tail all
week collecting data but the report is still not
8. Fast track something -
Meaning - Rating something higher on your
priority list to achieve the desired result. Ex
4. Whole bag of tricks -
ample - In view of the seriousness of the
Meaning - Means trying all the clever means
crime, the civil society is pressing up on a
to achieve something.
fast track decision from the court.

9 . Get ducks in a row -

© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 24
Meaning - Getting your things well Example - A good sales man must be able to
organized. think on his feet to close the deal.
Example - To ensure a successful product
launch, we must get our ducks in a row.
14. Sail through something -
Meaning - Being successful in doing
10. Get the show on the road - something without difficulty.
Meaning - Putting up a plan or idea into Example - The presentation at the national
action. conference was extremely important for the
Example - Now that we have completed all company. We sailed through it.
the legal formalities, let's get the show on the
road. 15. Tricks of the trade:
Meaning - Clever or expert way of doing
11. Keep your fingers on the pulse - Example - Being into the construction
Meaning - Being constantly aware of the business for last 10 years, I know all tricks of
most recent developments. the trade.
Example - An entrepreneur must keep his
fingers on the pulse of the market to be succe
ssful. 16. Not let grass grow under feet -
Meaning - Don't delay in getting something
12. Mean business - Example - As soon as he finished all the
Meaning - Being serious about what you ann registration formalities, he put the house on
ounce. sale. He doesn't let the grass grow under his
Example - Now that all our policies about feet.
work are put up on intranet, we mean
business. 17. Work like a charm -
Meaning - Works very well or has the
desired effect.
13. Think on your feet - Example - I had cloves from my sore throat
Meaning - Adjusting quickly to changes and and they worked like a charm.
making fast decisions.

18. Back-room boys -

© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 25
Meaning - People who perform important w Meaning - Big sum of money given to a pers
ork but have no contact with the public. on when they leave a company or retire.
Example - Our back room boys deserve Example - The management of various PSU
applause for the success of this s wanted to cut down on the man power. The
advertisement. y offered a golden hand shake to many of
their aged employees.
19. Dead wood -
Meaning - People or things which are no 24. Separate sheep from goats -
longer useful or necessary. Meaning - Examining a group of people and
Example - The Company bought in a lot of deciding their suitability
new computers. They no longer want the Example - Audition test was conducted by
dead woods. the director to separate sheep from goats.

20. Get the axe -

Meaning - lose the job. 25. Waiting in the wings -
Example - The projects team was undergoin Meaning - Waiting for an opportunity to
g a major restructuring, recruitment executiv take action, mostly to replace someone else
es were the first to get the axe. in their job.
Example - The senior manager is going to
21. Plum job - retire in next 2 months. Two of his juniors
Meaning - Desirable position which is well- who are waiting
paid and considered relatively easy. in the wings will have a fierce competition.
Example - This looks like a plum job but it
has its own bunch of complications. 26. Eat, sleep and breathe something -
Meaning - Being so enthusiastic and passion
22. Shape up or ship out - ate about something that you think about it
Meaning - This expression is used to warn s all the time.
omeone that if they do not improve their Example - My son has recently learnt cyclin
ways, they will have to leave their job. g. He eats, sleeps and breathes it now.
Example - When Tom started neglecting the
customers, he was told to shape up or ship
out. 27. With bells on -
Meaning - When you are delighted and
eager to go somewhere, you are said to go
23. Golden handshake - with bells on.

© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 26
Example - The New Year party at the beach Meaning - Being very eager and enthusiastic
is most awaited. I will be there - with bells about the idea of doing something.
on. Example - My kids wish to see the animals.
They are raring to go to zoo.

28. Fever pitch - 33. Xerox subsidy -

Meaning - When a feeling is very intense an Meaning - Using the office photocopier for
d exciting, it is said to be at a fever pitch. personal use. Example - The office now has
Example - His love for music had reached a a strict policy about Xerox subsidy.
fever pitch before he became a world known
musician. 34. Get a grip on yourself -
Meaning - Controlling your feelings to deal
29. Blood, sweat and tears - with a situation.
Meaning - Something that requires a lot of Example - Reema saw her jewelry and cash
effort and hard work. missing from the almirah. After the initial
Example - Being the team of Indian cricket shock, she got a grip on herself and called
team is not just a matter of luck for him, it is up the police.
his blood, sweat and tears which has
got him here. 35. Hang on by fingernails -
Meaning - Continuing to do something in a
30. Have on the brain - very difficult situation.
Meaning - Thinking or talking about it all da Example - The market of watches has suffer
y long. ed a big loss after the arrival of mobile
Example - He has just got engaged. Now, he phones. The survivors
has his fiance on his brain all the time. are just hanging on by their fingernails.

36. Pull out all the stops -

31. Fling yourself into - Meaning - Doing everything you can to
Meaning - Doing something with a lot of make something successful.
energy and enthusiasm. Example - The deadline for the project is
Example - Flinging himself into the exercise fast arriving; we have pulled out all the stops
routine is the reason for his good physique. for timely completion.

37. Buckle down -

32. Raring to go - Meaning - Doing some hard work with deter
mination and full attention.
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 27
Example - Getting through the exam for Meaning - Performing beyond your ability.
civil services is possible when you have Example - He was not the best swimmer
buckled down yourself. around but he could win the gold medal at
the state swimming competition by working
38. First out of the gate - hard and punching
Meaning - Being the first one to make a start above his weight in the finals.
at something.
43. Sink your teeth into -
Example - John and his friends had decided Meaning - doing something with a lot of
to voice their opinion against the new energy and enthusiasm.
economic policy. John was the first Example - Marie joined the badminton
one to be out of the gate. coaching classes. She sank her teeth into the
practice sessions.
39. Going places -
Meaning - Exhibiting talent and ability that 44. Stand one's ground -
will lead to a successful future. Meaning - Maintaining your position.
Example - Rakesh was a performer at the
school sports club. It was obvious that he Example - He stood his ground in support of
was going places. his friend in spite of several family
40. Have one's heart set on -
Meaning - Possessing a determination to
obtain something. 45. Close to home -
Example - He has not become a renowned Meaning - A comment which is true and ma
cardiologist just by chance. He has his heart kes you uncomfortable is close to home.
set on it after his father passed away Example - Tom's comment about his friend's
with a cardiac arrest. unethical activities was quite close to home.
He looked quite embarrassed.
41. Make headway -
Meaning - Progress in what you are trying to 46. Carry the torch for -
achieve. Meaning - Having strong feelings for
Example - The police have made headway someone who cannot be yours.
with their investigation in the terror attack on Example - He has been carrying a torch for
the city last Friday. Mamta, who is now married to Nitin, since
they studied together in college.
42. Punch above one's weight- 47. Cork up something -
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 28
Meaning - Failing to express your emotions. Meaning - Refers to a person with good
Example - She did not let her grief pour out intentions; even though the results are not
when her father passed away. It’s not good that impressive.
for her to cork up his feelings. Example - The dinner she had cooked wasn't
the best but she had her heart in the right
48. Cut to the quick - place.
Meaning - Hurting someone deeply or offen
ding them. 53. Groan inwardly -
Example - Joe had worked for 10 years with Meaning - Refers to a feeling where you
all his loyalty for his company. He was cut to want to express despair, disapproval or distre
the quick ss, but you keep quite.
when his boss held him responsible for the Example - She was quite disappointed at the
theft. sarcastic remark by her friend but looking at
the situation sh groaned inwardly.
49. Fish out of water -
Meaning - Feeling uncomfortable in 54. Beard the lion in his den -
unfamiliar surroundings. Meaning - Challenge someone in his own
Example - Being French, I felt like a fish out area.
of water in the group of Japanese. Example - If he doesn't come to see me
today, I'll have to beard the lion in his den.

50. Bee in one's bonnet -

Meaning - Carrying an idea which 55. Keep a stiff upper lip -
constantly occupies your thoughts. Meaning - Refers to a person who doesn't
Example - She is not happy in Africa. She show off his emotions.
has a bee in Example - He heard the news about his fathe
the bonnet about moving to Dubai. r's demise but kept a stiff upper lip.

51. Deep down -

Meaning - Describing what a person really 56. Go bananas -
feels deep inside or what is he like. Meaning - Refers to someone who behaves
Example - He appears to be indifferent to in a crazy way out of emotions. Example -
the success or failure of his children but deep Your decision to go abroad for a year will ma
down he is highly concerned. ke your family go bananas.

52. Have your heart in the right place - 57. Lump in your throat -
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 29
Meaning - View an unpleasant situation in a
positive light.
Meaning - Refers to a tight feeling in your Example - You met with an accident but
throat because of an emotion like sadness or look on the bright side - you managed to get
gratitude. away just with some bruises.
Example - After all the hardships, I saw my
son winning a gold medal today - I had a 63. Swallow one's pride -
lump in my throat. Meaning - Accepting something humiliating
or embarrassing.
58. Hard as nails -
Meaning - Refers to a person without sentim
ents and sympathy for anyone. Example - Example - When his son was caught
He has become as hard as a nail after his cheating in the exam. He had to swallow his
brother was brutally murdered. pride and meet the principal.

59. Lick one's wounds - 64. Makes your flesh crawl -

Meaning - Something that makes you feel
Meaning - Trying to regain their confidence disgusting or nervous. Example - The sight
or boost up the spirits after a defeat. of the accident made my flesh crawl.
Example - Raja is licking his wounds after
being dropped from the Indian Cricket Team. 65. Speak volumes -
Meaning - Expresses a reaction without
60. Proud as a peacock - words.
Meaning - Refers to an extremely proud Example - She came to pick me at the
person. station at an odd hour. Her actions spoke vol
Example - His son is has finally become a umes about her brevity.
doctor. He is as proud as a peacock.
66. Not turn a hair -
Meaning - Refers to not exhibiting any
61. Tongue-tied - emotion where it is expected. Example - He
Meaning - Difficulty in expressing yourself didn't turn a hair even after his office was
because of nervousness or embarrassment. raided by the CBI.
Example - As her prospective in laws came
to see her, she was completely tongue tied. 67. Reduce to tears -
Meaning - Getting into tears because of
62. Look on the bright side - some one's behavior.
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 30
Example - Her best friend stopped talking to Meaning - Deciding to do something even
her. This reduced her to tears. though the chances of success are very little.
Example - She knew there was little chance
of getting through the audition test but she
68. In the bag - decided to chance her arm.
Meaning - Refers to a situation when you ar
e sure that success is sure. 73. Come up roses -
Example - The wickets of opponent team Meaning - Successful end results even thoug
fell down very fast, h there may be some initial hiccups.
victory seemed to be in the bag at the end of Example - After initial hiccups, the project
25 over. seems to be coming up roses.
74. Cook someone's goose -
69. Blow up in face - Meaning - Spoil other person's chances of
Meaning - Refers to a situation when a plan success.
or project suddenly fails. Example - When the opponent team saw
Example - It was difficult to get a place in Indian batsmen taking wicket after wicket,
the train to Mumbai. It blew up in the face they realized that their goose was cooked.
when a train de-railed and
blocked the track. 75. Cut one's own throat -
Meaning - Doing something that will cause
70. Bottom fell out - your own failure.
Meaning - Refers to a situation when a plan Example - Raghav is not sincere in the class
or project fails. since the beginning. He is cutting his own
Example - When the police announced a red throat.
alert in the city, the bottom fell out of their
plan to hold a rally.
76. Foot in the door -
71.Cake not worth the candle - Meaning - Small but good start with a
Meaning - Refers to something in which possibility for a bright future.
result vs. efforts are too less.
Example - He worked very hard to organize
the party but very few guests walked in. The Example - With customers coming in, his
cake wasn't worth the candle. new venture has got a foot in the door.

72. Chance one's arm -

77. Go great guns -
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 31
Meaning - Being successful. Meaning - Something that ends before
Example - Ram's preparation for the final getting a result.
exams is going great guns. He scored 90% Example - With a vigilant police force
marks in the practice test. around the town, the plan of antisocial
elements to cause chaos went up in smoke.
78. Dead in the water -
Meaning - Plan or project that has ceased to
function and is not expected to be re-
activated in future. 82. Live on the breadline -
Example - Because of the revolt from the Meaning - Having very little income.
civil society, the plan to get the FDI in Example - The partition of the country has
various sectors is now dead in the water. left many people on the breadline.

79. Flying start -

Meaning - Something that is immediately 83. Make or break -
successful. Meaning - Circumstances causing total
Example - The film hit the box office with a success or total ruin.
flying start and collected the highest revenue Example - The huge investments in this big
on day 1. project with make or break him.

80. Make a go of -
Meaning - Succeeding in your enterprise. 84. Landslide victory -
Example - With his hard work and Meaning - Overwhelming victory received
dedication, he has made a go of his new by a candidate of political party at an
venture. election. Example - With a win of more of
than 40% seats in the first two hours of
counting, they are expecting a landslide
81. Go to the dogs - victory.
Meaning - Getting comparably less
successful than before. 85. Let slip through fingers -
Example - With new corruption scams un- Meaning - Failing to obtain or keep up a goo
veiling every day, the country is going to d opportunity.
dogs. Example - This opportunity can be your
break through in the industry.
Don't let it slip through your fingers.
81. Go up in smoke -
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 32
86. Rags to riches - Meaning - Finding a place in the sun refers
Meaning - Becoming very rich while starting to a position which provides you all the
very poor. success and happiness you want in your life.
Example - His innovative ideas in business Example - Getting married into the
got him from rags to riches. renowned business family in the town, she
found a place in the sun.

87. On the pig's back - 92. Sink or swim -

Meaning - Refers to a person in successful Meaning - fails or succeed.
and well situation. Example - The test will decide if he sinks or
Example - The tourism in the state was on swims.
the pig's back before the terror attacks hit the
93. Champagne on a beer budget -
88. Miss the boat - Meaning - Wanting expensive things that
you cannot afford.
Meaning - Failing to take advantage of an Example - She always buys things out of her
opportunity because of slow actions. budget. She has developed a taste for
Example - I managed to get a discount of 10 champagne on beer budget.
% but could not get an early bird offer.
Reaching late made me miss the boat. 94. Top dog -
Meaning - Very successful group, company,
89. Smash hit - person, country etc.
Meaning - Refers to music, films which are Example - The economic survey proved that
very successful. Example - His music they are the top dogs of the IT industry.
became a smash hit in a week's time.

90. Murphy's law - 95. Keep up appearances -

Meaning - Means that if anything can go Meaning - Maintaining an outward show of
wrong, it will. prosperity or well-
Example - Let's be prepared for the worst being while hiding your difficulties
but don't forget the Murphy's law. Example - Keeping up the appearances was
important for him to secure the new big
91. Place in the sun -
96. Wooden spoon -
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 33
Meaning - Imaginary prize for the last
person in a race.
Example - We won a wooden spoon at the
Fashion show.

97. Have the world by its tail -

Meaning - Very successful person who can
choose from a lot of opportunities.
Example - Being the pioneers in the pharma
ceutical industry, they are now having the
world by its tail.

98. Live beyond means -

Meaning - Spending more money than you
can afford.
Example - He has a habit of living beyond
his means. Most of the times, you will find
him borrowing the money from his friends.

99. Live in an ivory tower -

Meaning - Living a lifestyle that saves you
from the real world problems.
Example - Her inexperience in dealing with
tough situations is because she has lived in
an ivory tower

100. Hit the road running -

Meaning - Start performing immediately.
Example - She was our old employee. She
hit the road running when she joined us back.

“Success is dependent on
Effort .”
------ Sophocles
© Mr. Ramkrishna Mitra Verbal Ability & Soft Skills Trainer, MITS (UGC Autonomous) 34

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