Aptitude - Blood Relation

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1. Ravi introduces Yash by saying, "He is the husband of the granddaughter of my grandmother's
husband". How is Yash related to Ravi?
a. Nephew b. Father c. Brother d. Brother-in-law
2. Pointing to a Women, Arun says, "She is the sister of my brother's mother". How is the women
related to Arun?
a. Mother-in-law b. Niece c. Aunt d. Sister
3. Amith has a brother named Banu. Amith is the son of Raju. Dev is Raju's father. In terms of
relationship, what is Banu of Dev?
a. Cousin b. Brother c. Father d. Grandson
4. A family consisted of a man, his wife, his three sons, their wives, and three children for each
son. How many members are there in the family?
a. 13 b. 15 c. 17 d. 19
5. Sanjay’s grandfather's brother is the father of Hari's father. How is Sanjay related to Hari?
a. Brother b. Sister c. Cousin d. Uncle
6. X is the father of Y. X has only two children. Y is the brother of R. R is the daughter of P. A is the
granddaughter of P. S is the father of A. How is S related to Y?
a. Son b. Son-In-law c. Brother-in-law d. Brother

7. Study the following and answer the question.

A × B means A is sister of B
A + B means A is mother of B
A ÷ B means A is father of B
A – B means A is brother of B
Which of the following is P is Aunt of T?
a. P + Q – R × S ÷ T b. P – Q + R ÷ S × T c. P * Q ÷ R × S – T d. P ÷ Q × R + S – T
8. Study the following and answer the question.
A × B means A is sister of B
A + B means A is mother of B
A ÷ B means A is father of B
A – B means A is brother of B
If P × Q ÷ R – S + T Then P is T’s _______
a. Brother b. Mothe c. Uncle d. Grand aunt e. cousin
9. In a family are six members A/B/C/D/E and F. A & B are married couple, A being a male member.
D is the only son of C, who is the brother of A. E is the sister of D. B is the daughter-in-law of F,
whose husband has died. How many male members are there?
a. 3 b. 4 c. None of the above
10. There are 7 family members P, Q, R, S, T, U & V in which they are two married couples. P is sister
of Q, who is maternal grandson of T. the father of S has two maternal grandchildren. R is Sister-
in-law of V, who is father of P. U is a female. Who is the husband of U______
a. S b. T c. R d. V
Direction (11-13): Study the following information and answer the questions given.
B is the mother of T.
T is the sister of J.
J is married to L.
L is the only son of K.
K is the daughter of P
11. If K is the mother of X, then how is X related to P?
a. Son b. Daughter c. Granddaughter d. Grandson
12. How is B related to L?
a. Mother b. Mother-in-law c. Sister-in-law d. Grandmother
Direction (13-14): Study the following information and answer the questions given.
If P × Q means P is son of Q

If P + Q means P is daughter of Q
If P ÷ Q means P is wife of Q
If P – Q means P is father of Q
13. What will come in the place of ? to establish that A is mother of D.
a. + b. - c. ÷ d. ×
14. Which of the following is true based on the given expression S ÷ T × V – W + Y
a. S is daughter-in-law of Y c. Y is daughter of V
b. S is daughter-in-law of W d. T is brother of V

1. One day Raghu left home and cycled 10 km southwards, turned right and cycled 5 km and turned
right and cycled 10 km and turned left and cycled 10 km. how many kilometers will he have to
cycle to reach his home straight?
a. 10 km b. 15 km c. 22 km d. 24 km
2. A man is facing west. He turns 45° in the clockwise direction and then another 180° in the same
direction and then 270° in the anti-clockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?
a. North-west b. West c. South-west d. None of these
3. Town D is towards East of town F. Town B is towards North of town D. Town H is towards South
of town B. Towards which direction is town H from town F?
a. East b. South-East c. North-East d. Data inadequate

Direction (4-5): Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:
Some boys are sitting in three rows and the distance between each row is 4 m. All of them are
facing north such that Damu is in the middle row, Kanu is 6 m to the right of Damu but in the same
row. Neer is just behind Kanu while Golu is in the North of Damu.
4. What is the shortest distance between Neer and Golu?
a. 6√3m b. 8√7 m c. 10 m d. 2 m
5. Kanu is in which direction with respect to Golu?
a. North b. East c. West d. Northwest
6. One fine morning on his morning walk, Krishna noticed Swetha who was doing Soorya namaskar
facing the rising sun. He went to her, greeted her Good Morning and took a left turn. In which
direction, is he walking now?
a. North b. South c. East d. West
7. Ranjan walked 7 km from his home in north direction, then he took a left and walked 4 km. Then
he took a right and walked 5 km. After taking another right he walked 4 km and reached at his
friend's home.
Find how far and in which direction is his home from his friend's home?
a. 15 km, North b. 8 km, South-east C. 12 km, South d. 6 km, North-west

Directions: (8-12) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given
A$B means A is to the north of B.
A&B means A is to the east of B.
A*B means B is to the west of A.
A%B means B is to the south of A.
A@BC means A stands exactly in the middle of horizontal line BC.
A!BC means A stands exactly in the middle of vertical line BC.
Answer the questions on the basis of given expression – D12m$T5m*H3m&K6m%L!KU
8. With respect to the given expression, four of the following five are alike in a certain way and
thus form a group. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. KT b. LU c. UK d. KH
9. If V is situated towards the north-east of L such that it lies exactly in the middle of LT, then H is
in which direction from V?
a. North b. North-west c. North-east d. South-west
10. In the given expression, find the shortest distance between H and D?

a. 13m b. 12m c. 10m d. 15m
Directions: (11-14) Study the following questions and answer the questions given below.
Virat goes to Supermarket store to buy fruits. He enters the market, turns to his right, walks 7m
and takes oranges. Then, he turns to his left, walks 3m and takes Peach. Again, he turns to his left,
which is towards west, walks 7m and takes Papayas. Again, he turns to his right and looks at
guavas, which 8m away from him. He takes guavas and moves to his right, walks 7m and stops at
the counter for billing.
11. How far is the Papaya stall from the starting point?
a. 3 m b. 7m c. 8 m d. 6 m
12. What is the shortest distance between the Orange stall and the Billing Counter?
a. 11 m b. 10 m c. 12 m d. 7 m
13. In which direction is the Papaya stall located with respect to the Orange stall?
a. North b. South c. Northwest d. Southeast
14. In which direction does Virat move for billing?
a. North b. East c. West d. Data inadequate

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