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Renaissance - Francisco Petrarch was religious man

known for his sonnets and his critique

- Rebirth
of the Church
- Arts flourished
- He was a historian
- Artistic movement
o Nostalgic for the roman empire
- Coined by jules Michelet (historire de
- Rejected scholasticism and dogma
- Well-known for recovering lost
- Florence was the center
manuscripts in obsure monastic libraries
Medicis - He revisited non-religious subjects with
the humanities at its center
- Family of bankers who ruled Florence
- He never wrote literature that is why he
for generations
wasn’t included.
- Patron for the arts
Boccaccio (1313 – 1375)
Renaissance and Religion
- Wrote the Decameron
- Initially emerged from a lorenzo
o One of the first novels of the
ghiberti’s bronze door sculpture
time to discuss everyday human
- Divinity was modeled after the human
- Also wrote the On the genealogy of the
gods of the genities presents a
mythography or encyclopedic
Tre Corone of Italian Literature compilation of the complicated family
- Leafs – experts of the field. relationships of the classical pantheons
of Ancient Greece and rome

Commonalities among the tre corona

Dante (1265 – 1321)
- Use of Tuscan vernacular
- Wrote in Italian instead of latin - Invented the nature of their prose and
- Known for the divine comedy, poetry
monarchia, the vulgaria eloquentia o Dante
o Tragedy and comedy are
defined by its ending What values did humanism espouse?
- First author to write in the vernacular - Humanism
that we know as modern Italian o Concept of humanity
- Divine Comedy – was a work that
religious but at the same time Renaissance Humanism
rebellious, creative and mythological
- Studia humanitas
o Revolutionary
o Coined by cicero (105-42 CE)
o Self-insert of fan fiction
o Revived by Calucio Salutati
o Greatest sin: betrayal
(1331 – 1406 CE)
Petrarch (1304 – 1374) - Characterized by education in classical
literature and civic virtues
o Intends to realize a person’s full - Copernicus
potential both for their own o Sun is the center of the
good and the good of society. Universe
o Galileo Galilei
The Renaissance as an intellectual rebirth
 defended
- Characteristics  Ex-communicated
o Critical analysis of texts
“Knowledge is Power”
- Rebirth and Replanting
- Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon ()

- Provided the foundation for the modern

scientific inquiry
- Known for The Novum Organon
- Idols of the mind
o Idols of the Tribe
o Idols of the Cave
o Idols of the Marketplace
o Idols of the Theater

“Cogito Ergo Sum” – I doubt therefore I am

- Descartes

Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650 CE)

- Father of modern Philosophy

o He began the pursuit of the
Archimedean point of
philosophy through methodic
- Known for the mediations and his works
in mathematics
o The Mediations - Thought dump
- Dues Ex Machina
o How do we know we are not
o How do we know that a evil is
within us.
o There is god

The Scientific Revolution

- Religion

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