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Volume 01, Number 02

April 2023
p-ISSN: 2986-5662
e-ISSN: 2985-959X

Effect of Health Education Using Audiovisual Media on Level of

Knowledge about Leucorrhea (Fluor Albus)

Eka Noviyanti1, Sunanto2, Iis Hanifah1

Bachelor of Midwifery Program, Stikes Hafshawaty Zainul Correspondence should be addressed to:
Hasan, Probolinggo, Indonesia Eka Noviyanti
Diploma of Midwifery Program, Stikes Hafshawaty Zainul
Hasan, Probolinggo, Indonesia

Abstract: Article info:

Health education is an important issue that needs attention from all parties. The problem Submitted:
women often face regarding reproductive health is vaginal discharge. Leucorrhea is 08-01-2023
discharge or discharge from the vagina that is not blood. Leucorrhea is normal and Revised:
abnormal. Normal vaginal discharge is characterized by a clear to whitish color, odorless
and itchy, while abnormal vaginal discharge is characterized by a yellow to greenish color, 27-03-2023
smells, and causes itching. This study aims to analyze the effect of Health Education on the
level of knowledge of young women about vaginal discharge. The research design used the
pre-experimental method with one group pretest and post-test design. The sampling
technique used is total sampling. The number of samples in this study was 40 adolescents.
Data were collected using questionnaires and then analyzed using the Wilcoxon test.
Based on the Wilcoxon test analysis results, the p-value was 0.001. The conclusion of this
study showed that there was an effect of health education on the level of knowledge of
young women about vaginal discharge (fluor albus). Health workers are expected to
evaluate and conduct early education for young women regarding vaginal discharge (fluor
albus) to prevent abnormal vaginal discharge (pathological fluor albus) so that they can
improve the quality of health, especially in reproductive health.

health education; leucorrhea; fluor albus; audiovisual

DOI: This work is licensed under CC BY-SA License.


The health of the reproductive organs is an important issue and is a focus in health
development, especially the health of the reproductive organs in adolescents. Problems with the
reproductive organs are still commonly found in adolescents due to a lack of information about
their reproductive health. Teenagers also often ignore problems with their reproductive organs
(Rakhmilla et al., 2016). Leucorrhea is discharge other than blood from the vaginal canal out of
habit, whether smelly or not, accompanied by local itching that can normally occur (physiologically)
or abnormally (pathologically) (Kusmiran, 2013). Leucorrhea is said to be pathological (abnormal) if
it is followed by a change in smell and color which shows signs of being abnormal (Kurniati et al.,
2022). Stress can affect fluor albus because it can affect changes in hormonal balance in the body
(Afkarina et l., 2022).
According to the World Health Organization, the number of women worldwide who have
experienced vaginal discharge is 75%, while European women who have experienced vaginal
discharge is 25%. The data shows that vaginal discharge in women worldwide is relatively high.
Reproductive health among women must receive serious attention, including the female sexual

Noviyanti et al. 118

Volume 01, Number 02
April 2023
p-ISSN: 2986-5662
e-ISSN: 2985-959X

organs (Juliansyah & Zulfani, 2021). Nearly 75% of Indonesian women experience vaginal
discharge; in this case, young women are no exception. Women have experienced vaginal
discharge at least once, and half have experienced vaginal discharge twice or more. This is related
to the humid weather, which makes it easier for Indonesian women to experience vaginal
discharge, where the humid weather can facilitate the development of fungal infections (Sarmila,
Based on a preliminary study conducted on April 8, 2022, on ten young girls through open
interviews regarding their opinions about fluor albus, 3 out of 10 (30%) girls only knew about the
definition of fluor albus. Whereas 7 out of 10 (70%) of young women who were conducted in open
interviews thought that fluor albus prevention measures needed to be taken, young women needed
to understand the types of actions to prevent fluor albus.
Efforts to prevent problems in the reproductive organs are by paying attention to personal
hygiene. If someone pays less attention to personal hygiene, bacteria will multiply in the body,
which can cause disease. The impact of not doing personal hygiene, especially on the genitalia
correctly, is the occurrence of fluor albus. Fluor albus can disturb the patient's discomfort because
an unpleasant odor or even itching accompanies it. If fluor albus is not treated immediately, this
can result in irritation, infection, and more severe disease (Mancuso & Ryan, 2015).
Health education is an effort made by a person, group, or community to achieve relationships
and abilities toward a good direction in everyday life (Setioputro et al., 2022). Health promotion is
an effort or activity to create community behavior conducive to health (Aisyiah et al., 2021). Health
workers are responsible as educators for conveying information to motivate patients about the
importance of learning (Kurniyawan et al., 2023). Increasing youth knowledge can be done with the
help of promotional media (Nurani et al., 2022).
Audiovisual media is a complete means of collaborating visual forms with audio. This media
is used to help the teacher's explanation as a reinforcement or a means of being explored. This
media is not only developed in the form of films but can be developed through computer facilities
using PowerPoint techniques and flash players. Running this media requires special skills and
tools. Audiovisual learning media can be interpreted as a means or media that combines sound
and moving images to help convey learning material delivered by the teacher so that students can
receive it well and be accepted and understood more easily (Ruanto, 2021). This study aims to
analyze the effect of Health Education on the level of knowledge of young women about vaginal


The research design is quantitative with a correlational design using a cross-sectional study
approach. The independent variable in this study was Health Education with the audiovisual
method, and the dependent variable was the level of knowledge of young women about whiteness
vaginal discharge (Fluor Albus). The population in this study were 40 young women in Randutatah
Village, Probolinggo Regency. The sampling technique used in this research is total sampling. The
samples were young women in Randutatah Village, Probolinggo Regency, with 40 respondents.
The primary data in this study were in the form of answers to a questionnaire about the effect of
health education using the audiovisual method on the level of knowledge of vaginal discharge
(fluor albus). The data collection method that the authors use is a pre-experimental method with
one group pretest post-test design. Data processing techniques are editing, scoring, coding, and
tabulating. The data analysis technique used was univariate analysis with frequency distribution
and bivariate analysis with the Wilcoxon test.

Noviyanti et al. 119

Volume 01, Number 02
April 2023
p-ISSN: 2986-5662
e-ISSN: 2985-959X


Distribution of Respondent Characteristics

Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents (n=40)

Variables Frequency Percentage

Age (years)
10-12 12 30
13-15 18 45
16-18 10 25
Elementary 12 30
Junior high school 18 45
Senior high school 10 25

Based on Table 1. it can be illustrated that the majority are 13-15 years old (45%), namely,
18 respondents. Almost half of the respondents are aged 10-12 years (30%), namely 12
respondents, and at least 16-18 years old (25%), namely ten respondents. It can be illustrated that
most respondents had junior high school education (45%), namely 18 respondents. Almost half
had elementary school education (30%), namely 12 respondents, and the least were high school
educated (25%), namely ten respondents.

Analyzing the Influence of Knowledge Level about Vaginal Discharge (Fluor Albus) On
Young Women through Health Education Using Audiovisual

Table 2. The Effect of Health Education Using the Audiovisual Method on The Knowledge Level of Vaginal
Discharge (Fluor Albus) among Female Adolescents

Pretest Posttest
Knowledge Level p-value
n (%) n (%)
Good 8 (20.0) 20 (50.0) 0.001
Enough 29 (72.5) 20 (50.0
Poor 3 (7.5) 0 (0.0)
Total 40 (100.0) 40 (100.0)

Based on Table 2, it can be described that before being given health education using the
audiovisual method on the level of knowledge of vaginal discharge (fluor albus) in young women, a
small proportion of respondents had good knowledge, namely eight respondents (20%). Almost all
had sufficient knowledge, namely 29 respondents (72.5%). After being given health education
using the audiovisual method, the knowledge level of vaginal discharge (fluor albus) in young
women became 20 respondents (50%), and 20 respondents (50%) had sufficient knowledge.
Based on the research results, it was found that the data analysis showed an influence of
health education using the audiovisual method on the knowledge of vaginal discharge (fluor albus)
in young women in Randutatah Village, Probolinggo Regency. The analysis results with the
Wilcoxon test obtained a significant value of 0.05 and p-values of 0.001. It can be concluded that
health education with the audiovisual method influences the knowledge of vaginal discharge (fluor
albus) in young women in Randutatah Village, Probolinggo Regency.

Noviyanti et al. 120

Volume 01, Number 02
April 2023
p-ISSN: 2986-5662
e-ISSN: 2985-959X


Knowledge level of vaginal discharge (fluor albus) in female adolescents before health
education using the audiovisual method
It can be described before conducting health education using the audiovisual method on the
knowledge level of vaginal discharge (fluor albus) in young women that most respondents had
sufficient knowledge (72.5%) or 29 respondents. Respondents had good knowledge (20%) or eight
respondents, and a small portion of less knowledgeable (7.5%), namely three respondents.
Leucorrhea or fluor albus is a symptom of genital disorders experienced by women in the
form of yellowish-white or grayish-white discharge from the vagina. Typically, women can
experience vaginal discharge. However, you must be aware that vaginal discharge can also occur
due to infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi (Tjitraresmi et al., 2010). Every woman can
experience leucorrhea. Leucorrhea in white liquid usually smells terrible and causes itching around
the vagina.
Leucorrhea is a female reproductive health problem that is often experienced. Normal
vaginal discharge is colorless or clear, odorless, not excessive, and does not cause complaints. In
this condition, secretions increase, especially before ovulation, emotional stress, and when
sexually aroused. Leucorrhea to watch out for is if the secretions are yellow or green-gray, smell
bad, are large in number, and cause complaints such as itching and burning in the intimate area,
sometimes feeling hot and painful after urinating and during intercourse. A fungal infection causes
this, Candida albicans (Widarti, 2010).
The reproductive organs are one of the most sensitive organs in the body and require special
care. Good knowledge and care are determining factors in maintaining reproductive health. One of
the symptoms of abnormalities or diseases of the reproductive organs is vaginal discharge.
Leucorrhea is a symptom that most women often experience. Leucorrhea can be a physiological or
pathological vaginal discharge (Susilawati et al., 2018).
Teenagers have less knowledge about vaginal discharge (fluor albus) due to age and
education, which can affect a person's level of knowledge. Knowledge about vaginal discharge
(fluor albus) is fundamental for respondents to know because, with youth health education, they
can know about the characteristics and classification of vaginal discharge (fluor albus), which are
very important for young women. After all, it is one of the reasons to prevent vaginal discharge
(pathological fluor albus), which can prevent complications caused by the presence of pathological
vaginal discharge (fluor albus). The application can be interpreted as a person's ability to use a
material studied in situations or conditions.
Some factors thought to influence the respondents' knowledge before being given health
education using the audiovisual method about leucorrhea (fluor albus) were illustrated by sufficient
knowledge. Some of the respondents' knowledge needed to be improved. This is because vaginal
discharge (fluor albus) is a new thing, and the respondents lack knowledge about vaginal
discharge (fluor albus) and the lack of interest of respondents in studying and reading articles
related to vaginal discharge (fluor albus).
Most of the respondents had sufficient knowledge (72.5%), namely 29 respondents because
they were influenced by age and education factors, as well as a lack of knowledge about vaginal
discharge (fluor albus). The facts and theories mentioned above are the basis for research to
argue that preventing pathological vaginal discharge (fluor albus) can be done by providing health
education about vaginal discharge (fluor albus).

Noviyanti et al. 121

Volume 01, Number 02
April 2023
p-ISSN: 2986-5662
e-ISSN: 2985-959X

Knowledge level of vaginal discharge (fluor albus) in female adolescents after health
education using the audiovisual method
Before being given health education with the audiovisual method on the knowledge level of
vaginal discharge (fluor albus) in young women, it can be described that half of the respondents
had good knowledge (50%) or 20 respondents. Respondents who had sufficient knowledge (50%),
namely 20 respondents, and none of them knew less (0%).
Audiovisual media is a complete means of collaborating visual forms with audio. This media
is used to help the teacher's explanation as a reinforcement or a means of being explored. This
media is not only developed in the form of films but can be developed through computer facilities
using PowerPoint techniques and flash players. Running this media requires special skills and
tools. Audiovisual learning media can be interpreted as a means or media that combines sound
and moving images to help convey learning material delivered by the teacher so that students can
receive it well and be accepted and understood more easily (Ruanto, 2021).
This study uses the audiovisual method, a complete means, or media for collaborating visual
forms with audio. This media is used to assist the researcher in explanation, confirmation, or as a
means of being explored. This media is beneficial for researchers in researching because using
this method is an excellent method and easy for the eyes to catch. Because they do not only hear
but hear and see so that it is easy to understand and capture by the brain. Animation or videos
make it easier for respondents to understand the explanation and what was conveyed by the
Respondents' knowledge after being given Health Education with the audiovisual method
about leucorrhea (fluor albus) was described as having good knowledge, and a small proportion
had sufficient knowledge. This is because there is influence after the Health Education is given, so
the respondents understand and are interested in learning about leucorrhea (fluor albus).
Health education should be given using the audiovisual method because it is easy to support
health education regarding the examination of vaginal discharge (fluor albus). The audiovisual
method makes it easier for respondents to understand what researchers convey. Because in
addition to hearing, this method uses listening techniques and viewing in the form of video
recordings that contain elements of images and sound so that respondents are energized in seeing
and understanding the material presented by researchers. Moreover, it can be assumed that
respondents who were given health education without using audiovisual methods were quickly
bored. Therefore, based on facts and opinions, the audiovisual method benefits researchers in
providing health education about vaginal discharge (fluor albus) to detect abnormal vaginal
discharge early (pathological fluor albus).

The effect of health education using the audiovisual method on knowledge of vaginal
discharge (fluor albus) on young women
It can be described that before being given health education using the audiovisual method on
the knowledge level of vaginal discharge (fluor albus) in young women, a small proportion of
respondents had good knowledge, namely eight respondents (20%). Almost all had sufficient
knowledge, namely 29 respondents (72.5%). Furthermore, after being given health education
using the audiovisual method, the knowledge level of vaginal discharge (fluor albus) in young
women became 20 respondents (50%) had sufficient knowledge. The analysis results with the
Wilcoxon test obtained a p-value of 0.001. It can be concluded that health education using the
audiovisual method influences young women's knowledge level of vaginal discharge (fluor albus).
Abnormal vaginal discharge caused by abnormalities of the genitals as a result of congenital
defects such as rectovaginal and vesicovaginal fistulas; birth injuries and genital cancer radiation;

Noviyanti et al. 122

Volume 01, Number 02
April 2023
p-ISSN: 2986-5662
e-ISSN: 2985-959X

foreign bodies left in the vagina such as condoms and pessaries left behind for hernia sufferers;
various benign tumors that grow into the lumen; in menopause due to vaginal dryness so itching
and sores often arise; and some venereal diseases caused by certain types of microorganisms
and viruses (Nufus, 2021).
Health workers who function as educators and counselors are expected to continue to
provide information to families and young women about leucorrhea (fluor albus) in order to prevent
abnormal vaginal discharge (pathological fluor albus) from improving the quality of health,
especially in reproductive health (Kurniyawan et al., 2023). Therefore, based on facts and
opinions, health education is beneficial for young women in knowing and understanding the causes
and danger signs of leucorrhea (fluor albus) to detect abnormal vaginal discharge early
(pathological fluor albus).


Health education using audiovisual media affects the knowledge level of vaginal discharge
(flour albus) in young women. Health workers are expected to evaluate and conduct early
education for young women regarding vaginal discharge (flour albus) to prevent abnormal vaginal
discharge (pathological flour albus) so that they can improve the quality of health, especially in
reproductive health.


Thanks to the Midwifery Study Program, Stikes Hafshawaty Zainul Hasan, Probolinggo,
Indonesia, and all respondents.


There is no conflict of interest.


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