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BÀI 1 – THÀNH PHẦN CÂU – ĐỘNG TỪ ....................................................................... 3
A. Grammar .............................................................................................................. 5
B. Reading Comprehension .....................................................................................12
BÀI 2 – DANH TỪ – LƯỢNG TỪ & TỪ HẠN ĐỊNH ...................................................... 23
A. Grammar .............................................................................................................27
B. Reading Comprehension .....................................................................................37
BÀI 3 – ĐẠI TỪ .............................................................................................................. 48
A. Grammar .............................................................................................................48
B. Reading Comprehension .....................................................................................55
BÀI 4 – SỰ HOÀ HỢP GIỮA CHỦ NGỮ & ĐỘNG TỪ ................................................. 68
A. Grammar .............................................................................................................68
B. Reading Comprehension .....................................................................................74
BÀI 5 – THÌ – CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN ..................................................................................... 84
A. Grammar .............................................................................................................84
B. Reading Comprehension .....................................................................................95
BÀI 6 – DẠNG CHỦ ĐỘNG & DẠNG BỊ ĐỘNG .......................................................... 104
A. Grammar ...........................................................................................................106
B. Reading Comprehension ...................................................................................115
BÀI 7 – TÍNH TỪ - TRẠNG TỪ.................................................................................... 120
A. Grammar ...........................................................................................................121
B. Reading Comprehension ...................................................................................135
BÀI 8 – SO SÁNH ........................................................................................................ 149
A. Grammar ...........................................................................................................149
B. Reading Comprehension ...................................................................................153
BÀI 9 – GIỚI TỪ .......................................................................................................... 171
A. Grammar ...........................................................................................................171
B. Reading Comprehension ...................................................................................175
BÀI 10 – MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ .................................................................................... 188
A. Grammar ...........................................................................................................188
B. Reading Comprehension ...................................................................................197

Phạm Hương Liên 1
Hotline: 037.898.2858

BÀI 11 – MỆNH ĐỀ DANH NGỮ ................................................................................. 207

A. Grammar ...........................................................................................................207
B. Reading Comprehension ...................................................................................214
BÀI 12 – LIÊN TỪ & MỆNH ĐỀ TRẠNG NGỮ ............................................................ 225
A. Grammar ...........................................................................................................225
B. Reading Comprehension ...................................................................................237
BÀI 13 – ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN THỂ CÓ TO & DANH ĐỘNG TỪ ................................ 250
BÀI 14 – PHÂN TỪ ...................................................................................................... 264

Phạm Hương Liên 2
Hotline: 037.898.2858


1.1. Ngoại động từ chính hiệu, đừng ghép với giới từ! (Quizlet)

ĐÚNG SAI Ví dụ đúng Lược dịch

I need to access the Internet
1 access access to kết nối Intetnet
accompany His wife accompanied him on the
2 accompany đi cùng anh ta
with trip.
approach As you approach the town, you'll
3 approach đến thị trấn
to see the college on the left.
The boss needs to approve this phê duyệt bản đề xuất ngân
4 approve approve for
budget proposal. sách
Check your work before handing it kiểm tra phần việc đã làm trước
5 check check for
in. khi nộp
The spokesman refused to người phát ngôn từ chối tiết lộ
6 disclose disclose details of the takeover to thông tin của vụ thu mua cho
the press. giới báo chí
discuss Have you discussed the problem
7 discuss thảo luận vấn đề
about with anyone?
8 exceed exceed at The price will not exceed $100. vượt quá 100 đô la
express Teachers have expressed concern
9 express bày tỏ sự lo ngại
about about the changes.
investigate Police are investigating possible điều tra những mối liên hệ khả
10 investigate
into links between the murders. thi giữa các vụ giết người
She joined the company three
11 join join into gia nhập công ty
months ago.
12 marry marry with She married a German. kết hôn với 1 người Đức
mention Nobody mentioned anything to me
13 mention không ai đề cập điều gì
about about it.
overcome She overcame injury to win the
14 overcome vượt qua chấn thương
with Olympic gold medal.
They reached Los Angeles at
15 reach reach to đến Los Angeles
If you don't do it now, you'll only
16 regret regret for tiếc nuối chuyện đó
regret it.
These pet dogs require a lot of đòi hỏi nhiều quan tâm, chăm
17 require require to
care and attention. sóc
18 resemble She closely resembles her sister. cô ấy giống chị gái

Phạm Hương Liên 3
Hotline: 037.898.2858

1.2. Nội động từ + Giới từ = Ngoại động từ! (Quizlet)

Nghĩa Ví dụ Lược dịch

The unusual weather
explain thời tiết bất thường lý giải
1 account for accounts for the declining cho doanh số sụt giảm
lý giải
agree on (with)
2 đồng ý với sth We agree with the analysis. đồng ý với bài phân tích
solve, handle Our department is dealing
3 deal with giải quyết vấn đề
giải quyết with the problem.
I don’t want to interfere with can thiệp vào công việc
4 interfere with can thiệp vào sth
của cô ấy
her work.
respond to
How do you think she would phản ứng với tình huống
5 react to phản ứng, phản này
react to this situation?
I just had a cold last week so I tuần trước tôi bị cảm lạnh
6 sympathize with thương cảm với ai completely sympathize with nên hoàn toàn thông cảm
him. cho anh ấy
When are Trump and Kim khi nào Trump và Kim đến
7 arrive at / in đến chỗ nào
arriving in Hanoi? Hà Nội?
head for
8 đi về chỗ nào We are heading for the West. đi về phía Tây
be headed for
Stop listening to what they
9 listen to nghe sth đừng nghe lời họ nói
10 reply to trả lời sth Please reply to my letter. xin hãy trả lời thư của tôi
11 return to quay lại chỗ nào I will return to Vietnam soon. sắp quay về Việt Nam
speak to (with) sb I will speak to him about my nói với anh ta về những
12 nói với ai về sth
khó khăn của tôi
about sth difficulties.
We looked around the school tham quan trường và nói
13 talk to (with) sb nói với ai
chuyện với hiệu trưởng
and talked with the principal.

Phạm Hương Liên 4
Hotline: 037.898.2858

A. Grammar
Exercise 1: PART 5
1. Management ___ on resource allocation for the coming quarter will have to be set aside until
the director arrives back from his business trip.
(A) decides
(B) decide
(C) decisions
(D) decisive
2. The price of a sketch or an oil painting ___ the frame and the cost of delivering the artwork
to the buyer's address.
(A) include
(B) including
(C) includes
(D) inclusion
3. Commuters arriving at the Logan Square station had no choice but to use the stairway
because the ___ was being repaired.
(A) escalate
(B) escalator
(C) escalation
(D) escalating
4. Copies of medical records ___ not distributed to third parties without prior authorization from
the patients.
(A) was
(B) being
(C) are
(D) will be
5. Director Patterson's ___ was that the institute should move its headquarters to Austin,
(A) conclusion
(B) conclusive
(C) conclude
(D) conclusively
6. Sales revenue ___significantly since the launch of the company's new ad campaign.
(A) to increase
(B) will increase
(C) has increased
(D) increasing
7. If you plan on renovating your apartment, be sure that the changes ___ with the stipulations
in your rental contract.
(A) compliant
(B) complying
(C) compliance
(D) comply

Phạm Hương Liên 5
Hotline: 037.898.2858

8. The training department requires even seasoned employees to attend safety courses
because ___ of accidents is paramount in the workplace.
(A) prevent
(B) prevention
(C) to prevent
(D) preventable
9. Katherine Bryant ___ Purcell Firm forty years ago, making her one of our longest- serving
employees since the firm was first established.
(A) joining
(B) join
(C) joined
(D) joins
10. The Japanese ___ backed out of the World Peace Conference when more than half its
members came down with the flu the day before their flight.
(A) delegate
(B) delegated
(C) delegation
(D) delegating
11. The chef ___ a cooking clinic for housewives to teach them how to make consommé and
other French soups.
(A) to organize
(B) organized
(C) organization
(D) organizing
12. The sudden ___ of Harvey Wyman as executive director has left the corporation in a state
of uncertainty.
(A) resign
(B) resignation
(C) resignedly
(D) resigned
13. The ___ of the agreement forced the lessee to comply with the legal requirements necessary
to obtain a new contract.
(A) cancel
(B) cancellation
(C) cancelling
(D) cancelled
14. The project development director ___ evaluations for all projects administered in the last
quarter to be on her desk by tomorrow morning.
(A) have expected
(B) expects
(C) to expect
(D) expecting

Phạm Hương Liên 6
Hotline: 037.898.2858

15. The Board ___ the proposal made by the marketing division, considering it too complex at
the present stage of expansion.
(A) rejected
(B) rejecting
(C) reject
(D) was rejected
16. The new main office was housed in a bright and modern building, but its ___ was
inconvenient for employees who didn't have a car.
(A) locate
(B) to locate
(C) located
(D) location
17. When having an important document delivered, ___ the receiver that the package is on its
(A) notification
(B) notify
(C) notifies
(D) notifying
18. Speedy Carrier cannot guarantee ___ of packages in cases where natural and unavoidable
calamities occur.
(A) deliver
(B) delivery
(C) delivered
(D) deliverable
19. Starting up the consulting firm is a ___ that Mr. Richards is eager to take up.
(A) venture
(B) venturesome
(C) ventured
(D) venturing
20. New factory workers must have their superintendent's ___ for requisition of any supplies
needed for the assembly line.
(A) approve
(B) approval
(C) approves
(D) approvingly
21. Customer complaints have become much more ___ since we installed the automatic
messaging system that filters calls.
(A) managing
(B) manage
(C) manageable
(D) management

Phạm Hương Liên 7
Hotline: 037.898.2858

22. The ___ of the company's financial officer has left a vacancy that the CEO is trying to quickly
(A) resigned
(B) resignedly
(C) resignation
(D) resign
23. Accounting graduates are required to obtain ___ to establish their credentials as licensed
public accountants.
(A) certify
(B) certified
(C) certifiable
(D) certification
24. Points earned on the purchase of any of the products are not ___ to other customers.
(A) transfers
(B) transfer
(C) transferable
(D) transference
25. The company normally requires each applicant to be interviewed, but they made an ___ for
Mr. Payne because of his outstanding résumé.
(A) exceptional
(B) exception
(C) except
(D) excepting
26. The health club management keeps customers ___ by providing quality service and
discounted memberships on a monthly basis.
(A) satisfaction
(B) satisfy
(C) satisfyingly
(D) satisfied
27. Meat packing plants must be given a week's ___ before an inspector from the Department
of Agriculture visits the plant.
(A) notice
(B) notices
(C) noticed
(D) noticeable
28. Please be ___ and refrain from speaking loudly or causing a disruption during the speaker's
(A) considered
(B) consider
(C) consideration
(D) considerate

Phạm Hương Liên 8
Hotline: 037.898.2858

29. Each year, the reclusive writer ___ 25 percent of his yearly earnings to an orphanage located
just outside of the city.
(A) donates
(B) donating
(C) are donated
(D) to donate
30. Computer game manufacturers are often ___ even in times of economic slowdown because
the games they produce are usually addictive.
(A) profitable
(B) profitably
(C) profit
(D) profiteers
31. Jeff Myers prefers a job that offers the ___ he enjoyed while completing his internship at
Rytech International.
(A) flexible
(B) flexed
(C) flex
(D) flexibility
32. It is ___ that with the glut of digital products coming into the market, the electronics industry
is entering a challenging phase.
(A) cleared
(B) clearly
(C) clearest
(D) clear
33. The firm was granted an ___ to file its corporate tax with no penalty as long as it makes the
necessary tax prepayments.
(A) extend
(B) to extend
(C) extension
(D) extensive
34. The artist, whose paintings are currently on exhibit at the Parkinson Art Center, gets his ___
from the works of Monet and Degas.
(A) inspire
(B) inspiring
(C) inspired
(D) inspiration
35. Most recruiters admit that it is an ___ for candidates to have a strong background in at least
one foreign language.
(A) advantage
(B) advantaged
(C) advantageous
(D) advantageously

Phạm Hương Liên 9
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Exercise 2: PART 6
Questions 01-03 refer to the following memo.

We will begin our week-long training seminar this coming Monday, May 31. The ___ of this
01. (A) intend
(B) intention
(C) intending
(D) intentional
seminar is to improve office efficiency and productivity. We will be holding the seminar in
Conference Room D. As seating is limited to only forty people, employees wishing to attend
the workshop are ___ to register ahead of time. You can sign up at the personnel office, but
02. (A) determined
(B) altered
(C) advised
(D) utilized
please be aware that we ___ written permission from your manager before we can register
03. (A) require
(B) requirement
(C) requiring
(D) to require
you for this event. Thanks for your cooperation, and we hope to see you at the seminar on

Phạm Hương Liên 10
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 04-06 refer to the following information.

For those with frequent changes of address or who wish to maintain privacy in terms of their
mail, acquiring a post-office box ensures ___. Once you have selected the most suitable size
04. (A) secure
(B) secured
(C) security
(D) securely
for your requirements, you will be asked to submit a completed registration form. Due to high
___, applicants should be aware that a wait of up to three months may be required. After
05. (A) demand
(B) technology
(C) elevation
(D) election
approval for ownership of a box is granted, further complications in receiving your mail should
remain ___ as the P.O. box section of the post office is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily,
06. (A) minimal
(B) minimize
(C) minimizing
(D) minimally
including weekends and holidays.
Note: Our policy states that we are not responsible for theft due to lost or stolen keys. Should
such incidents occur, please notify the staff immediately.

Phạm Hương Liên 11
Hotline: 037.898.2858

B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. The ___ of magazine subscribers prefer to look at pictures that are about a great deal of fashion and
(A) majority
(B) most
(C) summary
(D) addition

2. According to the Weather Channel, there is a ___ of rain or even snow in the southwestern region of
the United States.
(A) potential
(B) speculation
(C) chance
(D) plan

3. An accident of this magnitude could easily bring the factory's production to a ___.
(A) block
(B) quit
(C) stay
(D) halt

4. Any defective merchandise returned within thirty days of purchase is considered under ___, so it will
be replaced or repaired free of charge.
(A) certificate
(B) assistance
(C) warranty
(D) service

5. All of the conference ___ will be met at the train station by one of the company's representatives.
(A) participants
(B) tenants
(C) occupants
(D) characters

6. The researcher has just begun a detailed ___ of vaccines for the common cold this month.
(A) work
(B) study
(C) glance
(D) insight

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Hotline: 037.898.2858

7. We are going to implement new standards in the factory to ___ the requirements set by the government.
(A) meet
(B) build
(C) serve
(D) face

8. Firestone Tire Company has ___ all production on standby due to the defects found in their new line of
(A) placed
(B) viewed
(C) emitted
(D) occupied

9. It was said that an increase in long-term loan rates could ___ a national economic recovery.
(A) refer
(B) curb
(C) agree
(D) dismiss

10. The amount of money that Peter spent on his clothes far ___ the amount his mother spent on her
wardrobe this summer.
(A) conducted
(B) exceeded
(C) indicated
(D) founded

Phạm Hương Liên 13
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 11-13 refer to the following memo.

TO: Carey Greer, Head of Personnel

FROM: Frank Seward
RE: ACLA Summer Internship Program
DATE: July 18

Two weeks ago I spoke with Marco Jenkins from the Advertising Club of Los Angeles. The
ACLA offers a yearly volunteer Summer Internship Program where students can gain hands-
on experience working with advertising agencies, clients and production firms for eight to
twelve weeks. Mr. Jenkins has expressed great ___ in having our production firm join the
11. (A) ability
(B) interest
(C) search
(D) reason

program. As of this morning, I have agreed to have our company participate in this year’s

Through the internship program, we can provide intern with hands-on experience while also
creatively addressing the problem of the hiring freeze. I am fully aware that several staff
members have filed ___ about being overworked and not having enough assistance. I realize

12. (A) complain

(B) complaints
(C) complainer
(D) complained

this is a direct consequence of the hiring freeze that began six months ago. The internship
program could provide some much needed temporary help for our staff members. We would
be able to employ interns for a period of three months.

Participating businesses can choose whether to offer paid or unpaid internships. I would like
to set up a meeting with you to discuss our budget. I was hoping ___ a small stipend for any

13. (A) offer

(B) offered
(C) to offer
(D) offering

interns we employ, but I am not sure if this is a realistic possibility. Also, I wanted to form an
outline together with you regarding intern objectives and responsibilities. After we make an
outline regarding compensation and duties, we can meet with Susie in payroll. Her
department will make the final decision about the stipends. Please contact my secretary as
soon as possible to set up a time.

Phạm Hương Liên 14
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 14-17 refer to the following memo.

To: Olivia Paulson

From: Jonathan Hicks
Date: July 19
Subject: Procedural Review

An issue was brought up at the executives meeting last Thursday. Complaints of damaged
goods after being shipped __14__ dramatically in the last month. This may be a result of
more fragile items being added to the products we now ship. __15__ We are reviewing the
packaging procedures for our products and are looking to add more steps to __16__ that the
products are packaged securely and delivered without damage.

Please inform the managers on the manufacturing team to attend an __17__ meeting tonight
at 7:00 P.M. We hope to address this problem and come up with a sound solution as quickly
as possible so that normal business can resume.

14. (A) increasing

(B) have increased
(C) were increased
(D) increases

15. (A) We are thinking of dropping such items from our product list.
(B) We may need to increase the shipping and handling cost.
(C) An added insurance cost for such items has been suggested.
(D) Because of this, we have temporarily suspended the shipping of accessories and other fragile

16. (A) secure

(B) affect
(C) ensure
(D) warrant

17. (A) emergency

(B) necessity
(C) decisive
(D) extensive

Phạm Hương Liên 15
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Part 7
Dạng 1 – Tìm TOPIC (Bối cảnh) + Dạng 2 – Tìm TỪ KHOÁ

Question 1 refers to the following INVOICE.

1. What does Henderson Inc. sell?

(A) Home appliances
(B) Office furniture
(C) Computer equipment
(D) Construction materials

Phạm Hương Liên 16
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Question 2 refers to the following E-MAIL.

2. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To reschedule a meeting
(B) To request a monthly operating report
(C) To introduce a new employee
(D) To propose a new marketing strategy

Phạm Hương Liên 17
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 3-4 refer to the following E-MAIL.

3. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To inform the suppliers of a mistake
(B) To give an employee instructions
(C) To order a shipment of beverages
(D) To keep inventory of products

4. Why is Victor concerned about the shipment?

(A) The products are fragile.
(B) They may arrive late.
(C) They are temperature sensitive.
(D) They are for an important client.

Phạm Hương Liên 18
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 5-6 refer to the following E-MAIL.

5. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To organize a business trip
(B) To request updated information
(C) To offer additional skills training
(D) To promote a community event

6. According to the e-mail, what is Mr. Lewis responsible for?

(A) Raising awareness about food waste
(B) Analyzing customer feedback
(C) Assigning individual’s tasks
(D) Cleaning a community center

Phạm Hương Liên 19
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 7-8 refer to the following ARTICLE.

7. What is the main topic of the article?

(A) Alternative energy sources
(B) Environmentally friendly cities
(C) The opening of a new factory
(D) The future of car companies

8. What will happen to the old car factories?

(A) They will be destroyed and rebuilt.
(B) They will be the new site of the hydrogen fuel car company.
(C) They will be turned into office buildings.
(D) They will house all the old conventional cars.

Phạm Hương Liên 20
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 9-10 refer to the following E-MAIL and WEB PAGE.

Phạm Hương Liên 21
Hotline: 037.898.2858

9. What information does the web page provide?

(A) Bank account statements
(B) Quarterly interest rates
(C) Repayment options
(D) A roster of members

10. What plan is suitable for those with unstable earnings?

(A) Fixed-Rate Mortgage Loan
(B) Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Loan
(C) Interest-Only Mortgage Loan
(D) Home Opportunity Loan

Phạm Hương Liên 22
Hotline: 037.898.2858


2.1. Danh từ đếm được - không đếm được thường gặp (Quizlet)
• source: nguồn • refund: khoản tiền hoàn • standard: tiêu chuẩn
C • discount: chiết khấu • representative: người đại diện • statement: bản kê
• price: giá • result: kết quả • workplace: nơi làm việc

Trang phục gồm 2 phần • jeans (quần bò), pants = trousers (quần dài), shorts (quần sooc)

• pajamas (bộ đồ ngủ)

Dụng cụ gồm 2 phần • headphones, earphones (tai nghe)

• pliers (kìm), scissors (kéo), tongs (kẹp gắp), tweezers (nhíp)

luôn • binoculars (ống nhòm), glasses (kính mắt), goggles (kính bảo hộ),
luôn sunglasses (kính mát)
Khác • earnings (thu nhập), savings (tiền tiết kiệm)

• belongings (đồ đạc, của cải), clothes (quần áo), goods (hàng hoá)

• congratulations (lời chúc mừng), thanks (lời cảm ơn)

• outskirts (vùng ngoại ô), premises (dinh cơ, đất kinh doanh),
surroundings (môi trường xung quanh)

tập hợp chung • work, homework, housework (việc, bài tập về nhà, việc nhà)

• equipment (trang thiết bị), transportation (phương tiện đi lại), traffic (xe
cộ tham gia giao thông)

• jewelry (trang sức), clothing (quần áo)

U • money (tiền), funding (tiền quỹ), spending (tiền chi tiêu)

• luggage = baggage (hành lý)

khái niệm trừu tượng • access (sự tiếp cận, truy cập), consent (sự đồng thuận)

• information (thông tin), advice (lời khuyên), research (sự, cuộc nghiên
cứu), knowledge (kiến thức), evidence (bằng chứng)

Phạm Hương Liên 23
Hotline: 037.898.2858

2.2. Phân biệt danh từ chỉ người và danh từ chỉ vật/việc (Quizlet)

đại lý, cơ quan đại diện - agency agent – người đại diện, người quản lý (diễn viên, ca

sự có mặt, sự tham gia - attendance attendant – người trông coi, chăm sóc
➔ flight attendant

attendee – người tham gia

sự, buổi tư vấn - consultation consultant – chuyên gia tư vấn

sự quyên góp, quyên tặng - donation donor – người quyên góp, quyên tặng

hoạt động, công việc kế toán - accounting accountant – kế toán

sự giám sát - supervision supervisor – người giám sát

sự minh họa - illustration illustrator – họa sĩ minh họa

sự thuê lao động - employment employee - employer – nhân viên - sếp

lời khuyên - advice advisor – chuyên gia tư vấn

sự chỉ đạo / chỉ đường - direction director – giám đốc, người chỉ đạo

việc viết lách - writing writer – nhà văn, người viết

sự trợ giúp - assistance assistant – người trợ lý

đơn, sự đăng ký (xin cái gì) - application applicant – ứng viên xin việc, người làm hồ sơ

ngành học / công việc về máy - engineering engineer – kỹ sư

sự tham gia - participation participant – người tham gia

sự biên dịch - translation translator – người biên dịch

bức ảnh - photograph photographer – nhiếp ảnh gia

môn / nghệ thuật nhiếp ảnh - photography

màn biểu diễn / thành tích làm việc - performance performer – người trình diễn, người thực hiện

sự đặt mua báo, tạp chí dài hạn - subscription subscriber – người đặt báo, tạp chí dài hạn

tư cách thành viên của 1 hội, nhóm - membership member – thành viên

lợi ích - benefit beneficiary – người hưởng lợi

hoạt động sản xuất - manufacturing manufacturer – nhà sản xuất

bài, sự nghiên cứu - research researcher – nhà nghiên cứu

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2.3. Những danh từ trông gần giống nhưng ý nghĩa khác nhau (Quizlet)
1. meaning: ý nghĩa 1. permit: giấy phép
2. means: cách, phương cách 2. permission: sự cho phép
1. percent: ghép sau số = % 1. segment: phần, khúc, đoạn, miếng
2. percentage: tỷ lệ phần trăm 2. segmentation: sự phân đoạn, cắt khúc
1. interest (U): sự hứng thú, quan tâm
1. utility: dịch vụ điện/nước/gas
interest (C): sở thích, thú vui
2. utilization: sự sử dụng, khai thác
2. interest (U): tiền lãi
(từ v: utilize)
3. interest (U, số nhiều): lợi ích
1. product (C) sản phẩm 1. objective: mục tiêu
2. produce (U) nông sản 2. objectivity: sự khách quan (từ (adj) objective)
3. production: sự sản xuất 3. objection: sự phản đối (từ (v) object to sth: phản
4. productivity: năng suất đối điều gì)
1. complexity: sự phức tạp (từ adj: complex) 1. communion: sự đồng cảm, hòa vào
2. complex: tổ hợp tòa nhà (VD: shopping complex, 2. community: cộng đồng
apartment complex) • communication: sự giao tiếp, liên lạc
1. commitment: sự cam kết (từ (v) commit oneself to sth)
2. committee: ủy ban, hội đồng

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2.4. Danh từ ghép NOUN + NOUN (Quizlet)

advertising company: công ty quảng cáo apartment complex: tổ hợp căn hộ

application form: đơn đăng ký application fee: phí đăng ký

assembly line: dây chuyền lắp ráp attendance record: phiếu điểm danh

baggage allowance: khối lượng hành lý cho phép communication skill: kỹ năng giao tiếp

company policy: chính sách của công ty construction site: công trường xây dựng

consumer loan: khoản vay tiêu dùng customer satisfaction: sự hài lòng của KH

dress-code regulation: quy định về trang phục employee participation: sự tham gia của nv

evaluation form: mẫu bản đánh giá expiration date: ngày hết hạn

face value: mệnh giá, giá ghi trên tờ tiền fringe benefits: lợi ích khác ngoài tiền lương

gender discrimination: phân biệt giới tính hotel reservation: đặt chỗ khách sạn

information desk: bàn thông tin job performance: thành tích làm việc

membership fee: phí thành viên office furniture: nội thất văn phòng

performance appraisal: đánh giá thành tích product availability: mức độ sẵn hàng

product recognition: việc nhận diện sản phẩm production schedule: lịch trình sản xuất

profit margin: lợi nhuận biên promissory note: hối phiếu, giấy hẹn trả nợ

safety precautions / measures: các biện pháp bảo service desk: bàn dịch vụ, hỗ trợ giải đáp …
đảm an toàn
staff productivity: năng suất làm việc của nv stationery store: cửa hàng văn phòng phẩm

delivery company: công ty giao hàng work schedule: lịch làm việc

2.5. Danh từ ghép NOUN-s + NOUN (Quizlet)

awards ceremony: lễ trao giải communications satellite: vệ tinh thông tin

customs official: cán bộ hải quan customs regulations: các quy định hải quan

earnings growth: tốc độ tăng trưởng thu nhập economics professor: giáo sư kinh tế

benefits package: gói phúc lợi của nhân viên public relations office / department: bộ phận quan hệ
công chúng
overseas trip: chuyến đi nước ngoài savings account: tài khoản tiết kiệm

sales department: bộ phận kinh doanh sports complex: tổ hợp, trung tâm thể thao

sales manager: giám đốc kinh doanh sales target: mục tiêu bán hàng

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A. Grammar
Exercise 1
1. Investing in company stocks is (a / an) excellent way for employees and employers to reduce
their income taxes.
2. Damage to the (product / production) caused by negligence or misuse will not be repaired
by the manufacturer and is not covered by warranty.
3. Passengers must not unfasten their seat belts while the car is still in (moving / motion).
4. Clearwater features a recreation (complexity / complex) that includes a covered playground,
as well as fishing piers and a camping area.
5. The use of recording equipment and the taking of (photography / photographs) during a
performance are strictly prohibited by law.
6. Prior to working as an (architect / architecture) at LTD Associates, Samuel Fincher had run
his own construction company.
7. In the foreword, the (illustration / illustrator) of the book mentioned that the artworks took
more than six months to complete.
8. The (operation / operator) of the roller coaster should make sure that all of the customers
are fastened in their seats before shifting the ride into motion.
9. (Photographers / Photographs) submitted for the annual photo contest will not be returned.
10. The benefits office has announced an early retirement package available to any full-time
(employee / employment) who meets the requirements.
11. Internal job (announcers / announcements) are posted weekly on the bulletin board outside
the Personnel Office.
12. We should call the box office to find out the duration of the (performers / performance).
13. The latest published market (analyst / analysis) shows increasing consumer interest in
electronics goods throughout the country.
14. The company was able to pay off its loans by transferring the (owner / ownership) of its
property to the bank.
15. The chief operating officer announced at the staff meeting that he was searching for a new
(director / direction) for the media and public relations department.
16. The firm's (legal advising / legal advisor) has warned the marketing director not to sign the
contract because some of the terms are overly vague.
17. During the program, the chef will cook some of his most popular dishes, and then offer
audience (membership / members) samples to taste.
18. Although Mr. Sanders has informally expressed an interest in the new opening, he has not
yet completed (an applicant / an application) for the position.
19. The director of Nyla Hospital says many of the improvements to the children's wing were
financed by charitable (donors / donation) from wealthy businesspeople.
20. Harrison Parker is a talented (photographer / photograph) who has taken pictures of many
of the world's most famous natural wonders.
21. Peter and John's hotel chain, which has hotels throughout Asia, offers a range of excellent
appliances and services for the business (traveling / travelers).

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22. Mr. Bronson will review (to / the) recommendations and determine when the committee will
23. Before the company audit can be carried out, we need to find (team of / a team of)
24. After a review of a television broadcast, journalists discovered that their program was (in an
/ in) error.
25. The old bridge was seriously damaged (as a result of / as result of) the hurricane that
recently hit the coast.
26. The textile company has decided not to move its factory to Mexico (in effort to / in an effort
to) stimulate the local economy.
27. We guarantee our vehicles are to (be most / be the most) fuel efficient you have ever owned,
or we will purchase your gas for the next twelve months.
28. (All of / All of the) parents will receive a progress report for their children at the end of the
29. You wouldn't stand up and leave the room to answer a phone call (in middle of / in the middle
of) a conference, so please keep your cell phone off during the meeting.
30. (In order / In the order) to receive prompt delivery, make sure your address is correct.
31. I think that your company's billing (the procedures/ procedures) are too complicated, so they
need to be changed.

Exercise 2: PART 5
1. We need to get necessary funds from the Office of Management and Budget so that a
complete ___ of the facility can be done.
(A) renovation
(B) renovate
(C) renovated
(D) renovates
2. There are three experienced clerical ___ who are working in our branch office.
(A) works
(B) work
(C) workers
(D) worked
3. Government offices will be closed on July 4, 2005, in ___ of Independence Day.
(A) observably
(B) observatory
(C) observe
(D) observance

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4. Every ___ who has been interviewed for the staff editor position will receive a written
response within the next two weeks.
(A) apply
(B) applied
(C) applicant
(D) application
5. Pressures to reduce costs and increase profits have led managers to search for creative
ways to improve staff ___.
(A) productivity
(B) production
(C) produce
(D) productive
6. The technician instructed all managers in detail concerning the ___ of the new computer
(A) operation
(B) operative
(C) operator
(D) operate
7. The company is seeking an experienced floor manager for long-term ___.
(A) employer
(B) employ
(C) employed
(D) employment
8. All employees are encouraged to take advantage of the physical fitness ___ offered at the
company health club.
(A) actively
(B) activities
(C) active
(D) activeness
9. All employees must remember that the equipment should not be used for non-work-related
(A) purposes
(B) purpose
(C) purposely
(D) purposeful
10. The ___ was temporarily out of order because of a short circuit, so many people had to walk
up the stairs instead.
(A) escalate
(B) escalator
(C) escalation
(D) escalating

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11. All 150 participants in this year's architecture ___ submitted their pieces.
(A) competitive
(B) competition
(C) competitor
(D) competing
12. ___ equipment that we bought yesterday is under manufacturer's warranty for the next three
(A) An
(B) These
(C) A
(D) The
13. ___ recent high court decision dealing with manufacturer liability has set an important
precedent for future class action suits.
(A) It
(B) But
(C) A
(D) These
14. The company will give ___ tour of the manufacturing plant to the visiting government officials
from other countries.
(A) a
(B) these
(C) the
(D) an
15. Mr. Cook of the accounting division is under enormous ___ to submit the financial
statements by this afternoon.
(A) pressing
(B) pressed
(C) press
(D) pressure
16. The administrative supervisor will consider the ___ of his assistant's contract in light of
suspicion regarding his loyalty to the company.
(A) cancel
(B) cancelling
(C) cancelled
(D) cancellation
17. The report indicated that the company's average annual earnings ___ was much higher than
analysts had estimated.
(A) grow
(B) growing
(C) growth
(D) grown

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18. During Henry Ford's time, the ___ of the Model-T was divided into eighty-four distinct steps,
with each step assigned to a single worker.
(A) assemble
(B) assembly
(C) assembler
(D) assembled
19. The manager would like to thank the factory workers for the highest ___ the company has
had in the past twenty years.
(A) product
(B) productivity
(C) productive
(D) produce
20. The project implementation committee is staffed by a ___ group with years of experience in
the formation of financial cooperatives.
(A) dedicated
(B) dedication
(C) dedicating
(D) dedicate
21. Unlike fossil fuels, which are expensive and limited in supply, renewable energy sources
tend to emit fewer ___.
(A) pollutes
(B) polluted
(C) pollution
(D) pollutants
22. The factory supervisor said that there was no ___ but to shut down production until the
technicians could repair the defective machine.
(A) alternate
(B) alternative
(C) alternation
(D) alternatively
23. It is vital to clearly state and define the ___ of the project before planning the first stage.
(A) objective
(B) objection
(C) objectivity
(D) objectionable
24. The ___ for the book cover went through several revisions before it was finally approved by
the publisher.
(A) designed
(B) designing
(C) design
(D) designer

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25. ___ numbers of former customers were maintained in the database for six months as part
of the company's standard procedure.
(A) Account
(B) Accounts
(C) Accounting
(D) Accountable
26. For the ___ of today's seminar, we will focus on the growing need for interpreters in the
global market.
(A) remain
(B) remained
(C) remaining
(D) remainder
27. To the surprise of the visitors, the elevator door in the old building opened suddenly while
the elevator was still in ___.
(A) moving
(B) moved
(C) move
(D) motion
28. In an effort to improve ___, we are installing laser-activated alarms at the front of every
major entrance.
A) secure
(B) securely
(C) secured
(D) security
29. Sales of the book The Hours slowed down following the last few ___ of the movie's run.
(A) day
(B) a day
(C) days
(D) date
30. It is in the best ___ of the company to comply with environmental regulations although this
may cut into its profits.
(A) interests
(B) interesting
(C) interestingly
(D) interested
31. If the ___ submitted do not meet federal requirements, the embassy will be unable to issue
a passport.
(A) photographs
(B) photography
(C) photographers
(D) photographic

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32. Each customer is regrettably limited to one discount coupon per ___ during the sales
(A) purchase
(B) to purchase
(C) purchasing
(D) purchased
33. A personal finance report includes the credit status of an individual and is used by the ___
to determine whether or not to grant a loan.
(A) lend
(B) lent
(C) lender
(D) lending
34. For inquiries on estimated arrival time for your order, please contact the ___ company by
clicking on the following link.
(A) deliver
(B) delivery
(C) delivered
(D) deliverable

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Exercise 3: PART 6
Questions 01-03 refer to the following memo.

TO: Gary Wilson

FROM: Kenneth Madsen
DATE: December 12
SUBJECT: Travel Reimbursement
Please notify your staff of the following changes.
As of January 2, the mileage rate for personal car use has ___ to 32.5 cents/mile for trips
01. (A) increased
(B) announced
(C) requested
(D) invented
up to 125 miles each way. However, all staff members must now ___ a
02. (A) offer
(B) submit
(C) donate
(D) contribute
Proposed Business Travel form which details the purpose of the business trip and lists the
specific routes he or she plans to take. This form should be submitted at least 48 hours before
the trip. Approval of the trip must be granted prior to traveling to be reimbursed for travel
expenses. Also, several staff members have complained about delayed reimbursements.
The most ___ cause of delays is the lack of an original receipt. My staff must contact
03. (A) famished
(B) frenetic
(C) finished
(D) frequent
businesses individually to inquire about expenses if an original receipt is not provided. As of
December 19, if an original receipt is not provided (photocopies and faxes are not
acceptable), no reimbursement will be made. This new policy was proposed to increase
productivity by eliminating unnecessary inquiries.

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Questions 04-06 refer to the following memo.

While You Were Away ...

To: Nancy Owen
Time: 3:30p.m.
Who: Postal Express Services
Message taken by: Sarah Doyle
A courier from Postal Express Services visited the office today with a special ___ from
Hanson Jewelers.
04. (A) deliver
(B) delivery
(C) delivered
(D) deliverable
I was unable to sign for the delivery. Due to the sensitive contents of the package, Hanson
Jewelers specified that only you would be authorized to sign for the receipt of the package.
The closest Postal Express Services Center is on the corner of Brookhurst and Palm Ave.
The center is open until 5p.m. You can either stop by the center before ___ to sign
05. (A) close
(B) closing
(C) closes
(D) to close
for the package, or you can call them tomorrow to ___ delivery.
06. (A) request
(B) requirement
(C) respect
(D) removal
Also, Jonathon Crew from Hanson Jewelers called to inquire about the package. He would
like for you to call him back immediately on his cellular phone.

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Questions 07-09 refer to the following announcement.

I would like to take just a few minutes this morning ___ one of our employees. As most of you
07. (A) congratulate
(B) congratulation
(C) to congratulate
(D) will congratulate
are aware of, the company recently conducted a customer service survey. This survey was
unique in that it is the first time we have used a survey to analyze our customer's needs and
Of all our staff members, Lloyd Robertson received the highest rating from our customers in
terms of service, customer ___, and courtesy.
08. (A) satisfyingly
(B) satisfaction
(C) satisfying
(D) satisfied
In ___ of his efforts, he will be receiving a special reward which includes a one-week paid
09. (A) preference
(B) agreement
(C) appreciation
(D) importance
vacation and a return flight for two to Fiji.
Overall, we received very positive feedback from our customers and are very satisfied with
every one's performance.

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B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. The line-graph ___ not only a further rise in expenses, but also a significant increase in revenue, which
proves the company is on the path of economic growth.
(A) determines
(B) illustrates
(C) considers
(D) accounts
2. They have developed an ___ advertising campaign against their competitors.
(A) eligible
(B) impressed
(C) adhesive
(D) effective
3. To become ___ for company benefits, all employees must work more than 35 hours per week.
(A) eligible
(B) valuable
(C) advisable
(D) compatible
4. Both full-time employees and part-time workers are ___ for the pension.
(A) accessible
(B) capable
(C) eligible
(D) applicable
5. Those who donate more than $2,000 are ___ to obtain a Diamond Membership Card.
(A) eligible
(B) valued
(C) active
(D) estimated
6. In order to be able to respond ___ to your questions, please be sure to enclose your full name and a
self-addressed stamped envelope.
(A) promptly
(B) overtly
(C) severely
(D) intensely
7. If you have any questions or comments about our company policy, please report ___ to our head of
public relations.
(A) directly
(B) exactly
(C) uniquely
(D) straightly

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8. Customers who make cash withdrawals ___ may be interested in the lower fees of a high-volume
(A) totally
(B) hugely
(C) greatly
(D) frequently
9. Management believes that the added incentive policies would help to increase morale and ___ among
(A) abundance
(B) execution
(C) productivity
(D) creation
10. The company's ___ regarding casual dress has been revised in order to create a friendly working
(A) policy
(B) preparation
(C) symbol
(D) customs

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Questions 11-13 refer to the following letter.

Geneva Designer Interiors, San Francisco Division

May 17
Kelly O'Reilly
Managing Director
Geneva Designer Interiors
Los Angeles
Dear Ms. O'Reilly,
As per your ___, I have sent you a detailed copy of the minutes from our yearly planning
11. (A) return
(B) request
(C) reserve
(D) election
meeting with our board members. Below, I have summarized the key points from the meeting:
1. The proposal from headquarters to implement a pay raise for senior staff members was
___ approved.
12. (A) entirely
(B) anonymously
(C) unanimously
(D) unknowingly
2. A minimum 6 months hiring freeze was also unanimously approved to ensure adequate
funds to cover the pay raises.
3. However, the suggestion from headquarters to cut charitable donations by 15% was
rejected by a vote of 6-2.
4. Instead, a proposal was also made to cut the advertising budget by 10% to ___ additional
13. (A) reside
(B) dismount
(C) provide
(D) distract
funds. These additional funds can be used to hire temporary staff members during the hiring
5. A question was raised as to whether the pay raise would also entail additional
responsibilities for senior staff members, Temporary workers could assist with additional
responsibilities during the hiring freeze.
Jennifer Wilson
San Francisco Store Manager

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Questions 14-16 refer to the following fax.

Date: September 19
To: Deco-Tile
From: Davis Harding, Gilmore Contractors
RE: Tile order #3905
I received a confirmation ___ of my order today through email. Thank you for your prompt
14. (A) acceptance
(B) title
(C) notice
(D) decision
service. However, I would like to make a few changes in my order before it is shipped. The
kitchen area is now to feature a design which includes smaller tiles of beige marble
surrounded by white marble. I would like to place a new order for 50 beige artificial marble
tiles. The granite tiles were ___ intended for the foyer, but we will now use the same white
15. (A) original
(B) originally
(C) origin
(D) origins
tiles that will be used in the kitchen. I would like to increase my original order of 100 white
artificial marble tiles to 150 tiles. As for the living room, we have been instructed to switch to
a ___ expensive wood laminate. Please change our order of Wood Deluxe laminate slats
16. (A) least
(B) less
(C) fewer
(D) a few
to Wood Standard laminate slats. We will still need the same quantity. All other items on our
order should be delivered as indicated on the original order. Thank you.

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Questions 17-20 refer to the following advertisement.

Green Clean Services

Call us: 347-281-7834
__17__ 2005, Green Clean has been providing professional and environmentally friendly
cleaning services of consistent high quality to all types of commercial and industrial facilities.
__18__ We understand the contributions a good employee makes toward our _19_ , and we
commit to selecting the best available people to work for you.
Green Clean's mission is to satisfy our customers needs on a daily basis while providing the
best combination of quality, price, and delivery. We accomplish this by continually improving
our systems of __20__ . Our goal is to make your facility extremely clean in the greenest way
possible. Visit our website today at

17. (A) Until

(B) Around
(C) Since
(D) Through

18. (A) Drop in today to schedule a tour of one of our twenty facilities.
(B) We are the biggest manufacture of environmentally cleaning supplies in the Northwest.
(C) As a service company, we consider our employees to be our most important asset.
(D) Allow us to work for you by calling us today to take care of all of your accounting needs.

19. (A) success

(B) drive
(C) support
(D) determination

20. (A) to operate

(B) operates
(C) operated
(D) operation

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Part 7
Dạng 3 – REQUEST + Dạng 4 – SUGGESTION + Dạng 5 - DO NEXT
Question 1 refers to the following E-MAIL.

1. What is Ms. Glenn asked to do?

(A) Develop a new curriculum
(B) Attend a training seminar
(C) Sign a work contract
(D) Distribute some documents

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Question 2 refers to the following WEBSITE POST.

2. What does Ms. Maxwell recommend?

(A) Visiting a nearby store
(B) Canceling a membership
(C) Downloading a new instruction manual
(D) Purchasing replacement parts

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Questions 3-4 refer to the following E-MAIL.

3. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To offer a discounted subscription rate
(B) To advetjise a new online shopping mall
(C) To introduce a digital publication
(D) To remind some subscribers to renew their subscription

4. What can subscribers find in a paper edition in July?

(A) A discount coupon
(B) A special supplement
(C) An exclusive interview
(D) An access code

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Questions 5-7 refer to the following SCHEDULE.

5. What is the focus of the channel?

(A) Food
(B) Sports
(C) Nature
(D) Children
6. According to the schedule, who is a scientist?
(A) Pat Russell
(B) Dan Reed
(C) Kerry Peterson
(D) Ken Ruskin
7. Which program will teach viewers about survival skills?
(A) Anatomy of a Dinosaur
(B) Amazing Sights of Africa
(C) Blue Ocean
(D) Rocky

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Questions 8-9 refer to the following ONLINE CHAT DISCUSSION.

8. What is the discussion mainly about?

(A) Those who can't attend a party
(B) The best caterers
(C) Becoming vegan
(D) Ordering food for a party

9. What will Eva Sanderson most likely do next?

(A) Work on the menu
(B) Contact the caterers
(C) Confirm a meeting
(D) Order some lunch

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Question 10 refers to the following MEMORANDUM.

10. According to the memorandum, what will Carl Ennens be expected to do?
(A) Fluid dynamic research
(B) Cook
(C) Help wherever is needed
(D) Watch and learn

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A. Grammar
Exercise 1
1. We consider (him / his) not only the best analyst in the industry but also the top manager.
2. Labor unions are opposed to the bills, saying (they / it) would worsen conditions for
temporary workers.
3. Although the marketing strategy failed, the CEO has decided to give (it / them) another try.
4. Compact Inc. has decided to recall its laptops and upgrade (themselves / them) at no
additional cost to the consumers.
5. Please finish up the number of tasks I assigned you earlier in the morning and upon
completion, place (themselves / them) in the tray near the copy machine.
6. Ms. Lopez's sales figures exceeded those of her co-workers by a large margin, so Mr. Talbot
gave (herself / her) the employee appreciation award.
7. Cashiers are asked to report to (them / their) division heads if there is any discrepancy in
the bills.
8. In order to process the request, we must have (your / yours) account number and permanent
9. The problem is that construction companies saw all (its / their) profits for last year disappear
into steel costs.
10. By boosting (its / our) production, the company hopes to climb out of bankruptcy.
11. Absent employees must send in a letter explaining the reason for (its / their) absence.
12. We extend (our / its) sincerest appreciation to the National Consumer Committee for a job
well done.
13. The workshop provides a lot of ideas for homemakers to utilize (them / their) available
resources to start a small business at home.
14. Please notify the video librarian at the counter should (your / you) need any audio-visual
equipment to present your reports.
15. Many companies pay millions of dollars every year to establish (they / their) trademarks as
symbols of reliability and value.
16. During the last recession, corporations were able to remain competitive by restricting (its /
their) spending.
17. Shop Wise Mall has just announced the opening of (its / it) newest branch in Manitoba.
18. A lot of state-owned enterprises allocate a relatively low percentage of (its / their) funding
on office improvements.
19. To protect (yours / yourself) from these chemicals, you must wear goggles and cotton gloves
when mixing these chemical substances.

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20. Mrs. Gray was expected to arrive by (her / herself), but she couldn’t find the conference
21. We will teach (that / those) individuals who run their own business how to manage daily
22. Their total monthly sales for April have increased substantially from (these/ those) of the
same month last year.
23. Tycon is a successful corporation because its employees are more skilled than (that / those)
of other companies.
24. If you need (other / another) application form, go to the reception desk and they will assist

Exercise 2: PART 5
1. ___ are many restaurants in the area to choose from that offer take-out services.
(A) It
(B) She
(C) They
(D) There
2. The manufacturers do not expect to release new merchandise until next year, but ___ have
already launched a marketing campaign.
(A) they
(B) their
(C) them
(D) theirs
3. The finance department would like to announce the addition of Jake Pasternak to ___ team
of accountants.
(A) its
(B) it
(C) his
(D) him
4. The company cannot let ___ present problem with organizational restructuring affect its
plans to merge with Macro Technologies.
(A) its
(B) it
(C) itself
(D) them
5. Famous people sometimes make good use of ___ celebrity status by launching their own
product lines.
(A) they
(B) their
(C) them
(D) themselves

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6. At the Svelte Health Club, all patrons should have ___ body fat percentage measured before
they embark on an exercise regimen.
(A) they
(B) them
(C) their
(D) theirs
7. Larger businesses are expected by the government to donate a certain percentage of ___
earnings to charities each year.
(A) its
(B) their
(C) it
(D) them
8. The company requires ___ employees to wear proper headgear at all construction sites as
an important safety procedure.
(A) them
(B) theirs
(C) its
(D) it
9. After the news of ___ product launch appeared in the media, their sales increased
(A) them
(B) their
(C) they
(D) theirs
10. A change-of-address notice should be sent to ___ bank as soon as you move to a different
(A) you
(B) your
(C) yours
(D) yourself
11. I really enjoy working with John because his personality and work style are similar to ___.
(A) me
(B) my
(C) myself
(D) mine
12. We are waiting for Anrom to turn in its annual fiscal report before we calculate ___.
(A) us
(B) our
(C) ourselves
(D) ours

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13. The purpose of the information in this pamphlet is to provide ___ with an overview of the
training programs we offer.
(A) your
(B) yours
(C) yourself
(D) you
14. The director has given ___ a detailed construction schedule for the factory.
(A) we
(B) us
(C) ours
(D) ourselves
15. The secretary must advise ___ of the schedule changes by the end of the month.
(A) themselves
(B) theirs
(C) their
(D) them
16. The finance expert received the proposals and will now sift through ___ before determining
which one will best suit the company's interests.
(A) it
(B) them
(C) theirs
(D) ours
17. When customers are shopping for a new car, the sales associates often help ___ choose
the best vehicle for their lifestyle.
(A) they
(B) them
(C) themselves
(D) their
18. It is the company's policy that the director ___ must abstain from any political involvement
in carrying out his responsibilities.
(A) him
(B) himself
(C) he
(D) his
19. The production head has opted to assign some of her responsibilities to her assistant instead
of doing them ___.
(A) her
(B) herself
(C) she
(D) hers

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20. The bureau is hesitant to cut public sector health costs, but ___ proposal may be applied to
the private sector by the end of the week.
(A) that
(B) those
(C) them
(D) theirs
21. ___ who cannot attend the weekly staff meeting must inform their managers immediately.
(A) Those
(B) That
(C) These
(D) This
22. Employees working on an incentive-based contract are more efficient than ___ who are
salaried and locked into a one-year term.
(A) such
(B) that
(C) those
(D) someone
23. ___ determined to earn their holiday bonus must not miss any days between now and the
Christmas break.
(A) They
(B) That
(C) Those
(D) Someone
24. One employee at the company prefers working during fixed hours, while ___ appreciates
the flex-hour system recently installed by the manager.
(A) any
(B) other
(C) either
(D) another
25. The assistant accounting manager doesn't have ___ authority to release the documents the
client is requesting.
(A) another
(B) one
(C) no
(D) any
26. ___a single missing file has been retrieved from the main computer yet, causing widespread
panic in the office.
(A) No
(B) Any
(C) None
(D) Not

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27. ___ them had two or three years of experience in graphic design before coming to our
(A) Most
(B) Most of
(C) Almost
(D) Any of
28. One associate remained in the main office with the visiting executives while ___ ran out to
gather the prepared reports and documents.
(A) other
(B) the other
(C) each other
(D) one another
29. One of the representatives from your agency quoted us a discounted rate, but ___ indicated
that we would have to pay full price.
(A) any
(B) other
(C) either
(D) another
30. You have illegally passed on confidential financial information to ___ corporation, so the
police will have to be notified.
(A) any
(B) other
(C) others
(D) another
31. The court ordered that both parties present their copies of the original contract to ___.
(A) another
(B) other
(C) other ones
(D) each other

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Exercise 3: PART 6
Questions 01-03 refer to the following letter.

November 4
Eileen Rivera
213 West 35th Street, Suite 1301
New York, NY 10001
Dear Ms. Rivera,
We would like to congratulate you on ___ one of five internships being offered by the
01. (A) obtaining
(B) obtain
(C) obtained
(D) obt0ains
Gables & Gabbert Firm. This year, quite a number of exceptionally talented ___ from all over
02. (A) candidates
(B) nominees
(C) suitors
(D) petitioners
the country applied for this position. A small reception will be held at Conference Room 2 on
November 10 at 3:00 p.m. for all the successful candidates. Please contact my assistant, Ms.
Lisa Foster at 555-2919, if you will be able to attend. Congratulations once again on your
extraordinary achievement. We do hope to see ___ on November 10.
03. (A) them
(B) it
(C) him
(D) you
Sincerely yours,
Bill Patterson

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B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. In general, newly hired college graduates got paid lower ___ than experienced workers.
(A) prices
(B) costs
(C) charges
(D) wages
2. In order to reduce air pollution as well as to improve energy ___, special devices are being
(A) reaction
(B) efficiency
(C) participation
(D) formula
3. Credit cards have become many patrons' preferred ___ of payment because of the risks
involved in handling cash.
(A) samples
(B) means
(C) items
(D) displays
4. The new budget outlines an effective ___ of bringing revenue and expenses together.
(A) technical
(B) manner
(C) means
(D) instrument
5. LGB Systems Ltd. and VDO Systems Ltd. must ___ with one another for a shrinking share of
the market.
(A) contend
(B) replace
(C) reward
(D) group
6. I am writing a letter to ___ receipt of the magazines l ordered from your company a month
(A) remark
(B) understand
(C) acknowledge
(D) suggest

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7. The plans for the city park were slightly ___ to reflect the new information from the survey
(A) widened
(B) qualified
(C) altered
(D) diversified

8. The body shop will try to ___ new customers with its newest location.
(A) compel
(B) appeal
(C) detect
(D) attract

9. Our apartment complex does not ___ dogs or other big pets inside.
(A) commit
(B) permit
(C) submit
(D) transmit

10. A completely ___ advertising agency was established in Odessa, Texas to get a wider range
of clients.
(A) available
(B) increased
(C) independent
(D) composed

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Questions 11-13 refer to the following notice.

Express Courier Service offers overnight delivery service for packages up to ten pounds.
Packages dropped off at one of our service centers by 5 p.m. will be delivered by 8 a.m. the
following day. Payment must be made ___ the package is dropped off (cash, check, or
11. (A) because of
(B) during
(C) owing to
(D) when
major credit cards are acceptable). If you have an Express Account, you can have your
account billed instead. Same day delivery is possible for packages dropped off by 11a.m.
Packages can also be picked up from your home or office for overnight ___.
12. (A) delivery
(B) delivered
(C) deliverance
(D) delivering
Simply call our office by 3p.m. to arrange for a pickup. One of our couriers will pick up your
package within an hour. Payment must be made at the time of pickup.
Express account customers have additional shipping options. Packages can be dropped off
in one of our drop boxes, located ___ the city. Please call our office for drop box locations.
13. (A) about
(B) throughout
(C) through
(D) among
Be sure your account number is written clearly on the shipping form. Our couriers make
drop box pickups at 4 p.m.

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Questions 14-16 refer to the following advertisement.

Data Entry Clerk Needed

Position Type: Temporary, Full-Time

Degree Required: Associates
Pay Rate: $10hourly, not negotiable

Job Description:

This job requires clerks ___ auto loan applications into our computer system.
14. (A) enter
(B) entering
(C) to enter
(D) entered

Previous auto credit experience is required. Applicants must be able to type 7500 or more
key strokes/hour and be proficient with word processing and spreadsheet software.
Interviews will be arranged for candidates who meet the ___ criteria
15. (A) above
(B) within
(C) along
(D) beyond

Applicants to be interviewed will receive a phone call. All others will receive email
notification ___ two weeks.
16. (A) during
(B) within
(C) upon
(D) about

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Questions 17-20 refer to the following notice.

Florist Wanted

Do you love making people smile? Does the idea of __17__ your day being creative and
working with nature appeal to you? If so, we would like to encourage you to apply to join our
team at Wild Flowers Florists. __18__ We are looking for someone who is customer-__19__
first. Creativity is important, but it is secondary to the vision of the client. If you think __20__
have what it takes to make people smile, please fill out our online application form on our

17. (A) spend

(B) to spend
(C) spending
(D) spent

18. (A) You must be good with animals.

(B) Our company is committed to providing the best floral arrangements for our clients, no
matter what their needs.
(C) We use the best fabrics in our designs.
(D) All people love our commitment to safety.

19. (A) oriented

(B) prime
(C) located
(D) sourced

20. (A) you

(B) I
(C) they
(D) we

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Part 7
Dạng 6 – ĐỒNG NGHĨA + Dạng 7 – Ý ĐỒ
Question 1 refers to the following TEXT MESSAGE CHAIN.

1. At 10:13, what does Ms. Berry mean when she writes, "Are you bailing on it?"
(A) She's asking if Mr. Cooper has finished his meeting.
(B) She's inquiring if Mr. Cooper will be missing the appointment.
(C) She wants to know if Mr. Cooper will go to North Point.
(D) She would like Mr. Cooper to notify her when he leaves.

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Questions 2-3 refer to the following ONLINE CHAT DISCUSSION.

2. Where most likely are the participants?

(A) At a restaurant
(B) At a pizza shop
(C) At a company
(D) In an electronics shop

3. At 12:10, what does Martin Lee mean when he says, "Count me in"?
(A) He's doing a presentation.
(B) He's in his office.
(C) He would like to go out for lunch.
(D) He's currently in a meeting.

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Questions 4-5 refer to the following WEB PAGE.

4. The word "carries" in paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to

(A) moves
(B) manufactures
(C) sells
(D) develops

5. What is available to customers until the end of the year?

(A) Discounts on sports cars and vans
(B) An extended warranty at no extra cost
(C) A special payment option
(D) A free oil change with any purchase

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Question 6 refers to the following TEXT MESSAGE CHAIN.

6. At 5:18, what does Mr. Shan mean when he writes, "That's true"?
(A) He is worried about the conditions of the factory.
(B) He agrees that being out of the office is enjoyable.
(C) He has discovered an error.
(D) He is positive he will be back on Monday.

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Questions 7-9 refer to the following ONLINE CHAT DISCUSSION.

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7. What type of business do the participants probably work at?

(A) A fashion company
(B) A clothing shop
(C) A costume company
(D) A coffee shop
8. At 9:39, what does Lisa Hancock mean when she says, "It's on me"?
(A) She'll bring the coffee.
(B) She'll buy the drinks.
(C) She'll remember everyone's orders.
(D) It's her turn to get drinks.

9. What kind of business is Chantelle?

(A) A fabric company
(B) A magazine company
(C) A shipping company
(D) A boutique

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Questions 10-12 refer to the following LETTER.

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10. What is the purpose of the letter?

(A) To inform an employee about a mandatory exam
(B) To encourage employees to donate blood to the hospital
(C) To discuss the changes made to the health insurance coverage
(D) To advertise the services of a new clinic

11. What did Mr. Black send with the letter?

(A) An application form
(B) An insurance document
(C) A contract
(D) Extra information about the changes

12. The term "subject to" at the end of the second paragraph is closest in meaning to:
(A) Dependent on
(B) Responsible for
(C) Withdrawn from
(D) Added to

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A. Grammar
Exercise 1
1. (This / These) positions aren't available to those without a college degree and some
extensive experience in a professional workplace.
2. Each public school (principal / principals) is responsible for preparing students for
3. This year's new GX 300 car is cheaper than last year's model, plus it has several convenient
new (feature / features).
4. The project of installing telephone lines (are now / is now) nearing completion, to the relief
of village residents.
5. The extra newspaper (were / was) recycled according to the new company policy.
6. The information you need to make wise investment decisions and build a balanced portfolio
of stocks (is / are) available on the Internet.
7. Please note that parts of Main Street and Flower Avenue (has been / have been) blocked
for this afternoon's Heritage parade.
8. David and I (am / are) writing this newspaper editorial because of our concern for the safety
of all bus and subway passengers.
9. The new frequent flyer program awarded mileage points and offered a variety of (discount /
discounts) on many travel-related products.
10. Many financial analysts would agree that a drop in demand for factory goods (is / are) seen
as a sign of a weakening economy.
11. Before the monthly depot inspection, employees should set aside all equipment in the
storehouse that (needs / need) repair.
12. (Representative / Representatives) from both groups are still expected to attend the Global
Warming Conference in Germany this week.
13. He reported that the quality of the designs that the production team had prepared (was /
were) rather unsatisfactory.
14. If you experience any difficulties with the merchandise, you can call the support line or stop
in at any one of our (location / locations).
15. Health Roots is introducing a new range of body lotions that moisturize the skin and (blocks
/ block) ultraviolet rays.
16. The freshness of the vegetables at the market (varies / vary) depending on the time of year.
17. Plans to open an office in Asia (was / were) delayed for several months.
18. Employees at this firm that (is / are) currently salaried will be asked to pull overtime this

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19. (Many / Much) fear that small business taxes will rise next year.
20. All computers in the office (was / were) damaged in the fire.
21. The guests brought to the convention (is / are) from the international branch in Germany.
22. Savings (bank / banks) in the western region have begun to increase loan activity.
23. The supervisor, together with investigators, (is / are) going to confront the accountant about
fraud accusations.
24. The number of employees hired by our company on a yearly basis (is / are) relatively small.
25. There (is / are) certainly many people who are looking for a stable job in a large company.
26. The basic (requirement / requirements) for the general manager are outlined on the
company’s website, which is accessible from any computer.
27. The objective of this organization is to uphold women’s rights and analyze ideas that
(reflects / reflect) the patriarchal system of society.
28. Repairs (was made / were made) to our computers the day before yesterday.
29. Our sales of petroleum products continue to increase steadily, although demand (varies /
have varied) throughout the year.

Exercise 2: PART 5
1. All ___ for long-distance phone calls made from the office are the employee's responsibility.
(A) charge
(B) charging
(C) to charge
(D) charges
2. Price-Rite and Herald chain stores are popular with the public, and ___ offer quality goods
at affordable prices.
(A) one
(B) them
(C) both
(D) either
3. Questions ___ the recent changes in employee benefits and eligibility should be addressed
to Mr. Henderson in personnel.
(A) concerning
(B) concern
(C) concerned
(D) concerns
4. The increase in pay is offered only to ___ who have completed the required two-year full-
time employment contract.
(A) employ
(B) employer
(C) employees
(D) employment

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5. The flu epidemic will probably ___ an increased demand for over-the-counter remedies.
(A) stimulates
(B) stimulated
(C) to stimulate
(D) stimulate
6. With corporate ownership increasing in the Eastern hemisphere, many ___ that labor jobs
will triple over the next five years.
(A) predicting
(B) to predict
(C) predict
(D) has predicted
7. The selection committee ___ to review the résumé, portfolio, and reference letters of each
potential candidate.
(A) is wanting
(B) wants
(C) wanting
(D) have wanted
8. Disallowing the use of inappropriate language at the workplace ___ a long-standing rule that
has been enforced since the company's establishment.
(A) have
(B) has
(C) is
(D) being
9. A medication is known to be dose-dependent when its effects ___ as its dosage varies.
(A) change
(B) changing
(C) to change
(D) changes
10. North America's Atlas, featuring articles on individualism and capitalism, ___ in August by
Russell Palmer.
(A) publish
(B) to publish
(C) will be published
(D) have been published
11. A customer has called to complain that the product he ordered last month ___ not yet arrived.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) has
(D) have

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12. The cheap cost of labor in developing countries ___ as a motive for companies to move
production overseas.
(A) is seen
(B) has seen
(C) see
(D) seeing
13. The shipment of construction tools ___ scheduled to be delivered last week, but a
transportation problem caused a short delay.
(A) was
(B) are
(C) were
(D) is
14. Work on such infrastructure facilities as power and water supply, as well as roads and
telecommunications, ___ shape in the small town of Loleta.
(A) to take
(B) taking
(C) has taken
(D) take
15. We would like to inform the participants that the fees for the two-day educational event ___
reference materials, lodging, and meals.
(A) cover
(B) to cover
(C) is covered
(D) has covered
16. The tips listed on the first page of every issue ___ buyers determine what computer
accessories they really need and where to buy them.
(A) help
(B) helping
(C) is helping
(D) to be helped
17. The number of individuals being recruited by the company this summer for temporary jobs
___ to exceed fifty.
(A) is expected
(B) are expecting
(C) expects
(D) expecting
18. Approximately half of the employees at Sabian & Randolf, Ltd. ___ to work by subway.
(A) commute
(B) commutes
(C) is commuting
(D) has commuted

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19. Salespeople who ___ their interactions with customers on a case-to-case basis are more
effective than those who stick to the same approach with everyone.
(A) handle
(B) handles
(C) are handled
(D) handling
20. A full two-year warranty is provided to anyone who ___ an Eaton laptop computer during the
month of May.
(A) purchasing
(B) purchase
(C) purchaser
(D) purchases
21. After completing his degree in business administration, Jett Damon began working for a
research organization that ___ in marketing strategies.
(A) to specialize
(B) specializes
(C) was specialized
(D) have specialized

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Exercise 3: PART 6
Questions 01-03 refer to the following letter.

Noel Velasquez
1015 Meriwether Drive
Birmingham, MI 48009
Dear Mr. Velasquez,
Thank you for contacting Blue-Ray Distributors about the problem with your plasma
television. We ___ for your inconvenience and will do everything possible to provide you with
01. (A) apologize
(B) apologizing
(C) to apologize
(D) apology
a solution. You mentioned that your television screen ___ only black and white images. This
02. (A) would display
(B) display
(C) displays
(D) was displayed
occurs when the television set is not used correctly or has a manufacturing defect. Our
company primarily deals with damage related to shipping, handling and delivery. In view of
this, we think it is best to inform the manufacturer of your problem. We therefore advise you
to contact your nearest Xavier Manufacturers ___ center. Please do not hesitate to call us at
03. (A) security
(B) repair
(C) marketing
(D) technology
555-1836 if there is anything else we can do, or if you require any further assistance.
Sincerely yours,
Pierre Leon
Customer Representative

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B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. Steven, the manager, was very good at handling ___ issues concerning employees and making sure
they didn't interfere with work.
(A) unintentional
(B) vacant
(C) delicate
(D) adequate

2. The newly appointed committee's purpose is to devise ___ solutions to complex problems.
(A) excessive
(B) innovative
(C) immovable
(D) occupied

3. The owner of the company chose this web developer because her concepts were simple and ___.
(A) innate
(B) inoperative
(C) innovative
(D) inordinate

4. Mountain climbing is an ___ dangerous activity yet it is exciting to those seeking the beauty of nature.
(A) insincerely
(B) inherently
(C) inflexibly
(D) innocently

5. We need to process all the incoming orders ___ in order to satisfy customers.
(A) lively
(B) timely
(C) greatly
(D) promptly

6. Should any problem occur with the order we placed, you should ___ report to your immediate supervisor
for a swift solution.
(A) directly
(B) right
(C) sooner
(D) soon

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7. Although the company's sales have dropped significantly, their workplace safety policy remains very
high by national ___.
(A) means
(B) lengths
(C) standards
(D) degrees

8. All managers have informed their employees about the ___ imposed by next year's budget.
(A) confirmations
(B) findings
(C) restrictions
(D) manners
9. As of next week, two ___ of identification will be required if a client wishes to open a savings account.
(A) prints
(B) terms
(C) marks
(D) forms
10. Taking ___ of the wholesale discount, DigiPal Corp. purchased hundreds of desktop and laptop
(A) benefit
(B) advantage
(C) count
(D) credit

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Questions 11-13 refer to the following article.

According to the Automobile Association, the average commuter spends ___ $7,500 per year,
11. (A) approximate
(B) approximated
(C) approximation
(D) approximately

or $15 per day, to operate their car. These figures are based on a mid-size car driven
18,000 km annually (a 30 km daily round trip) and include operation (fuel, maintenance, etc.)
and ownership (financing, insurance, depreciation). Sport utility vehicle and mini-van owners
can expect to spend over $9,000 annually.

Ridesharing can ___ reduce these costs and in some cases can eliminate the need for that
12. (A) approximately
(B) dramatically
(C) theatrically
(D) consciously
costly second family vehicle.

There is another, more tragic, cost related to automobile use: degradation of our
environment. Every day, millions of vehicles pump pollutants into our atmosphere. Some of
these fall to earth, fouling streams and contaminating crops. Others rise into the
stratosphere, damaging the ozone layer and causing global climate warming – the
'greenhouse effect.'

Still more of these pollutants cling close to earth, inhaled with every breath we take. Air
pollution is a proven cause of several lung ailments from asthma to emphysema.

Ridesharing reduces the ___ of automobiles on our roadways and our environment very
13. (A) stress
(B) impact
(C) expression
(D) maneuver

simply - by traveling in groups rather than alone, ridesharing decreases the number of
vehicles on our roads. It can also relieve stress by sharing the responsibility of driving.

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Questions 14-16 refer to the following review.

In The Pauper’s Guide to Internet Trading, Peter Jones and Tara Lanson have produced a
guide which provides sound ‘do-it-yourself-on-a-budget’ tips from people ___ really have
14. (A) when
(B) who
(C) which
(D) whose

done it themselves. They kick off with a few remarks on Internet trading, pointing to the
opportunities, the pitfalls, and the need for realism and hard work. Only after this do they go
through the technical requirements for creating a good Web presence.

The ‘Pauper’s’ approach means that a lot of the programs they recommend are shareware,
cheap, or even free. It’s all very practical and ___ at the average reader with answers to
15. (A) taken
(B) aimed
(C) manufactured
(D) designed

basic questions such as ‘Where do I get this” How much does it cost? How does it work?’
And, when something doesn’t work or isn’t worth the trouble or expense, they’ll ___ you
quite frankly.
16. (A) tell
(B) speak
(C) give
(D) after

Unlike many of the other books on Net commerce available, theirs is based on the results of
practical experience. They tell you what’s worked for them; they’re prepared to reveal their
mistakes; and at every stage they will say, ‘This worked for me, but here are some
alternatives – and here’s a free option.’ Even better!

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Questions 17-20 refer to the following letter.

October 21
Larry Mills
226 Highland Rivers
Fairbank, WA 20037

Dear Mr. Mills,

I am writing in reply to your complaint pbout the noise levels coming from the surrounding
businesses around the apartment complex. __17__ , a few people living on the west wing of
the building __18__ concern over the noise levels. The building committee has conducted
meetings over this issue and we have talked to the businesses. __19__ Because of this, we
are also looking to fortify the windows with noise-proof glass for residences living on the
west wing. Once we have agreed upon the proposals, we will post the announcement on our
bulletin board and you may receive a call. Until then, we ask for your __20__ patience.

17. (A) As a result

(B) Moreover
(C) On the other hand
(D) Unfortunately

18. (A) is expressing

(B) have expressed
(C) expression
(D) be expressive

19. (A) However, some of the noises are inevitable due to the nature of the businesses.
(B) They will fully cooperate with our committee.
(C) They have responded to our concerns and will work to keep noise levels low.
(D) However, they are losing money over this matter.

20. (A) continue

(B) continues
(C) continued
(D) be continuing

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Part 7
Dạng 8 – CHÈN CÂU
Question 1 refers to the following E-MAIL.

1. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3] and [4] does the following sentence belong? "I'm
worried about the weather."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

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Questions 2-4 refer to the following MEMO.

2. Where do the recipients of the memo most likely work?

(A) At a department store
(B) At a hair salon
(C) At a movie studio
(D) At a photography studio

3. By when should employees contact Ms. Jones with urgent business?

(A) Before she leaves
(B) After she leaves
(C) Anytime
(D) When she gets back

4. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3] and [4] does the following sentence belong?
"During this time, we have hired a temporary replacement, Judith Blanche."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

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Questions 5-6 refer to the following ARTICLE.

5. What is the purpose of the article?

(A) To report changes in public transportation
(B) To describe the city during the holidays
(C) To inform the public about traffic delays
(D) To advertise new shopping centers

6. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3] and [4] does the following sentence belong?
"Overall, the city seems prepared for the influx of tourists and holiday shoppers as Christmas
draws near."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

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Questions 7-8 refer to the folloing ARTICLE from a COMPANY NEWS LETTER.

7. Why does the man wish to stop working with CC Wheel Delivery?
(A) To protect his company from financial damage
(B) To cut production costs over the next four months
(C) To lower the price of an individual product
(D) To avoid legal trouble in the future

8. In which of the marked positions [1], [2], [3], or [4] does this sentence best belong? "Yes,
we've worked with them for a long time."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

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Questions 9-10 refer to the following ARTICLE.

9. What is suggested about Korden?

(A) It will become one of the greenest cities.
(B) Its economy will stay stagnant.
(C) It will attract new car companies.
(D) It will grow economically.

10. In which of the marked positions [1], [2], [3] or [4] does the following sentence belong?
"This is welcome news for a town that has suffered economically after the closure of its car
manufacturing plants in the 1990's and after its stagnant growth since then."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

Phạm Hương Liên 83
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A. Grammar
Exercise 1
1. Ms. Brown's career as an art dealer (begin / began) when she bought some beautiful
paintings from the local art gallery.
2. The manager became concerned after he learned that the company's ten ships still had not
(gaining / gained) clearance to enter the Panama Canal.
3. The president of the company reported that production has declined for the past six months,
which suggests that the economy (continue / will continue) to struggle next year as well.
4. James Patterson was pleasantly surprised when the Limo service driver (appeared /
appears) at the airport to meet him and drive him to his hotel.
5. As of today, the workers (painted / have painted) fifteen light posts and benches in Jefferson
6. Charles Fredrik retired from his government position last month and (now working / is now
working) as a consultant.
7. Mr. Carson (was / will have been) with our firm for twenty years as of this August.
8. The price of raw materials for paper goods (risen / has risen) steadily over the years, which
resulted in a corresponding increase in the price of finished products.
9. Daniel Brown (has been / will be) on a business trip until next Friday, but you may leave a
message on his voice mail if the matter is urgent.
10. New employees have been trained at the company headquarters (over / until) the past six
11. Joseph Kerr (had served / will have served) as the museum’s curator for over three decades
by the time he retires in July.
12. The advertising campaign (has had / have) a noticeable effect on product sales during the
past fiscal year.
13. If you (have liked / would like) to reserve a banquet room, please see Ms. Fein at the front
14. If employers (ask / asked) employees about their health and then fire them based on that
information, they may face a lawsuit.
15. If steps had not been taken to break up the monopoly, the competition would certainly (have
been eliminated / had been eliminated).
16. If interest rates had been lowered, technology companies (have recovered / would have
recovered) more quickly.
17. If its proposal (had been / were) more detailed, the Cosco company would be designing our
campaign posters.

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18. (Have / Had) the computer malfunction not been reported quickly, we would not have
received the technical support we needed today.
19. The legal department requests that workers traveling on corporate business (to make /
make) certain that they have their passports all the time.
20. The head librarian demands that people who return overdue books (be / are) given higher
fees, regardless of the excuse given for the delay.
21. It is very important that all visitors to the production plant (wear / wore) protective glasses
and helmets in the assembly area.
22. (It / That) was important to finish discussing the recent deal before moving on to other
23. During peak season, it is (necessity / necessary) to hire additional workers for the weekend

Exercise 2: PART 5
1. An excellent manager ___ an atmosphere in which efficient employees feel encouraged to
work at their fastest.
(A) creates
(B) create
(C) is created
(D) creating
2. Although online brokers usually ___ the least in commissions, they require you to do your
own research instead of giving you advice.
(A) charging
(B) charges
(C) charge
(D) are charging
3. A competent manager ___ opportunities for his employees to improve themselves
(A) created
(B) create
(C) creates
(D) creating
4. Our professor ___ the final research papers to be submitted before May 16.
(A) expecting
(B) have expected
(C) expects
(D) to expect
5. When Mr. Arellano and his team ___ the write-up, please have them send it to my desk
(A) will finish
(B) would finish

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(C) finish
(D) will have finished
6. After a variety of members of the committee ___ several points of view, a final vote will be
taken on the referendum.
(A) presented
(B) will be presenting
(C) is presenting
(D) present
7. Commercial establishments whose business ___ on telecommunications are just as worried
about economic deflation as those that depend on information technology.
(A) rely
(B) relies
(C) to rely
(D) relying
8. Analysts predict that agricultural biotechnology ___ little interest for investors because of the
opposition to genetically modified products.
(A) hold
(B) held
(C) will hold
(D) have held
9. Next month, Mr. Smith will ___ at Johnson Publishing Company for twenty five years.
(A) work
(B) working
(C) has worked
(D) have been working
10. Effective next month, Ms. Garcia ___ responsible for handling all the disciplinary cases that
are sent to the principal's office.
(A) was
(B) to be
(C) had been
(D) will be
11. Because of the weakening economy this year, any purchases in new assets and properties
___ carefully studied over the next several months.
(A) have
(B) have been
(C) will have to be
(D) will have been
12. The cleaning services company ___ over 8,000 customers since it was rated number one
by the Better Business Bureau.
(A) attracts
(B) was attracted
(C) attract
(D) has attracted

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13. Ever since Mr. Smith ___ head of the town's community center, he has been holding at least
two meetings per week.
(A) was elected
(B) will elect
(C) is electing
(D) had elected
14. To create a more healthy work atmosphere, Graydon Finance ___ a sports center in the
office facilities two months ago.
(A) building
(B) built
(C) has built
(D) builds
15. After careful consideration, the Board ___ Mr. Brown's idea and chose Ms. Bower's instead.
(A) rejected
(B) rejecting
(C) rejects
(D) were rejected
16. Sci-fi fanatics have been looking forward to the screening of Spacecraft the Movie ever since
its final revisions were completed two weeks ___.
(A) already
(B) only
(C) soon
(D) ago
17. Although several verbal warnings ___ to the child, he continues to misbehave in class.
(A) has given
(B) have been given
(C) to have
(D) having
18. The two law firms ___ more clients now that they have joined forces on their goal to provide
affordable legal advice.
(A) receives
(B) receiving
(C) are receiving
(D) were received
19. Although there ___ a concerted effort by the company to increase its market share, the
results have been disappointing.
(A) has been
(B) are
(C) were
(D) will be

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20. Mr. Benson said that the maid never ___ to clean his quarters the whole time he stayed at
the hotel.
(A) comes
(B) came
(C) come
(D) coming
21. Our research results ____ recently published in one of the most famous science magazines.
(A) was
(B) were
(C) have
(D) has
22. Recently, those in managerial positions ___ in more seminars and lectures on positive
leadership and motivation for employees.
(A) were participated
(B) are to be participating
(C) have been participating
(D) will have been participating
23. Mr. Keating ___ Rick Chang as officer-in-charge for the duration of his European business
trip last Wednesday.
(A) designate
(B) is designating
(C) has designated
(D) designated
24. Until the beginning of this year, the amusement park ___ not attracting many visitors.
(A) has
(B) was
(C) is
(D) being
25. A new printer for the faculty room ___ purchased as soon as the requisition slip is signed.
(A) will be
(B) would be
(C) had been
(D) has been
26. In the past ten years, the number of Americans using 90 percent of their disposable income
to pay off credit card debts ___ by 30 percent.
(A) had risen
(B) will have risen
(C) was rising
(D) has risen

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27. Participants ___ to complete an evaluation at the conclusion of the photography workshop.
(A) is asked
(B) were asked
(C) have asked
(D) were asking
28. The employees in the accounting division were stunned to learn that three of their
co-workers ___ that very morning.
(A) had fired
(B) will have been fired
(C) had been fired
(D) fired
29. By the end of her fifth month with Lamarcke Corp., Ms. Armstrong ___ her annual sales
(A) was exceeded
(B) exceeding
(C) had exceeded
(D) to exceed
30. By the time the two new large printers are installed, demand for the popular publication ___
(A) has increased
(B) had increased
(C) been increased
(D) will have increased
31. By the end of the first quarter, the company ___ estimated profit by over 10 percent.
(A) exceeding
(B) had exceeded
(C) was exceeded
(D) to exceed
32. The supervisor thinks that the factory's production capacity ___ by the end of the year,
provided a new group of full-time workers is hired.
(A) will double
(B) has doubled
(C) had doubled
(D) been doubled
33. If you ___ any technical problems, please contact our main office at 02-251-2253.
(A) experience
(B) experiences
(C) had experienced
(D) experiencing

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34. If you ___ any problems with your new word processing software, check the handbook first
before consulting our technical support.
(A) had experienced
(B) experience
(C) were experienced
(D) experiencing
35. The final analysis ___ available if the test data is entered into the computer in time.
(A) would be
(B) be
(C) will soon be
(D) has had
36. If we had known that the company was in financial trouble, we would ___ an appointment to
obtain their contracts.
(A) had arranged
(B) arranged
(C) have arranged
(D) be arranged
37. Paradise Resort requests that guests ___ reservations at least a month in advance.
(A) making
(B) made
(C) make
(D) makes
38. It is important that no person ___ to the station after office hours unless he or she has a
(A) admits
(B) be admitted
(C) is admitting
(D) admitted

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Exercise 3: PART 6
Questions 01-03 refer to the following e-mail.

To: John Alderson

From: Cathy Fortuna
Subject: I need the list of supplies.
Have you ___the list of supplies that I need to order yet? I was under the impression that you
01. (A) compiled
(B) obtained
(C) procured
(D) written
were going to provide me with that list last week, but I am still waiting for it. Please remember
that anything you order will take at least six ___ days to arrive, so you had better let me know
02. (A) working
(B) business
(C) week
(D) operating
your needs quickly. Additionally, your requisition cannot be processed until every item on the
list has been approved for purchase by the Accounting Department. This typically takes at
least one day but usually two. I believe that your project is due for completion in the next
couple of weeks. ___ you get me that order form soon, you're still going to be lacking all
03. (A) Unless
(B) When
(C) Until
(D) Because
your supplies by that time.

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Questions 04-06 refer to the following facsimile.

Date: June 28
To: Walter Fremont
From: Gary Chandler
RE: Your June 24 book order
Dear Mr. Fremont,
___ June 24, you placed an order for fifteen books, and specified that you only wanted to
04. (A) In
(B) On
(C) To
(D) Of
receive one shipment to reduce shipping costs. Twelve of the books were in stock, and two
were special-ordered from the publisher. However, I am sorry to inform you that we do not
have any copies of Family Business Basics in stock. This title is also no longer available from
the publisher. At Noble Books, we pride ourselves on having the widest ___ of books
05. (A) selection
(B) identification
(C) perception
(D) recognition
available for our customers, and apologize deeply for being unable to fulfill your request.
Please contact me immediately if there is another title you would like to substitute, free of
charge. We are prepared to ship your current order, minus Family Business Basics,
immediately and are awaiting your response. We are ___ to have you as a customer, and
06. (A) accustomed
(B) improved
(C) observed
(D) pleased
hope that you will continue to shop with us.
Gary Chandler

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Questions 07-09 refer to the following letter.

Pamela Bailey
1001 Briggs Road, Suite 280
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
Dear Ms. Bailey,
I am pleased to inform you that your application for the position of managerial assistant has
been accepted. On behalf of Bio-Meds Pharmaceutical Company, I would like to congratulate
you. As mentioned in the ___ description, you will be providing support to management,
07. (A) operating
(B) promise
(C) career
(D) job
supervisory and professional staff. Your main duties will be scheduling appointments and
events, transmitting information and following up on projects conducted by the staff. During
your three-month trial period, you will be trained by Nelson Meade, whom you ___ during
08. (A) meet
(B) met
(C) would have met
(D) will meet
your interview. Should you ___ the position, you will start on February 20. We hope to hear
09. (A) accepted
(B) accepting
(C) acceptance
(D) accept
from you before February 17 and look forward to working with you.
Sincerely yours,
Rita Carson
Human Resources Department

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B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. The job listing stated that programming knowledge and experience would be a definite ___ when
applying for the position.
(A) advice
(B) admission
(C) advantage
(D) adaptation
2. One of the great ___ of telecommuting is the ability to work from home in a relaxed and comfortable
(A) interests
(B) profits
(C) advantages
(D) courtesies
3. The company ___ sales to increase due to the new marketing campaign.
(A) deems
(B) believes
(C) hopes
(D) anticipates
4. ___ carefully to both speakers to make sure the sound system has been adjusted properly before
starting the national convention.
(A) Pay
(B) Listen
(C) Address
(D) Assist
5. The print shop will ___ the customer when the print order is ready.
(A) notify
(B) assign
(C) issue
(D) require
6. Employees are being asked to carpool in an effort to ___ congestion caused by morning rush hour
(A) deteriorate
(B) raise
(C) alleviate
(D) assist
7. The latest studies ___ that students learn more effectively when information is presented in an
interactive format.
(A) indulge
(B) interpret
(C) induce
(D) indicate

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8. Satisfied with its prompt service, Mr. Stryeltsin decided to ___ Axis Shipping Company for multiple
shipments for another year.
(A) hurry
(B) offer
(C) send
(D) use

9. Out of 150 entries in the contest, the judges gave Mr. Makimoto's car design the award for being the
most ___.
(A) respective
(B) interested
(C) innovative
(D) attracted

10. When you buy the new software, be sure to get the one which is ___ with the current operating system.
(A) compatible
(B) undeniable
(C) favorable
(D) amenable

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Questions 11-13 refer to the following memorandum.

MEMO TO: Francis Holden

FROM: Kelly Gainsberg
DATE: July 3
SUBJECT: Paper Reduction Challenge

The state has recently created a Paper Reduction Challenge program to increase
conservation and ___ prevention techniques at the work place. The goal is a five-percent
11. (A) pollute
(B) pollution
(C) pollutants
(D) polluting

reduction in paper use over a three-month period and an additional five-percent reduction for
a second three-month period. The following incentives are offered to participating
departments to encourage each state employee to become involved in this effort:

• The work unit decreasing paper consumption the most will receive the cost savings
to be used at the group's discretion, including distribution to employees as bonuses,
for an office outing, or to acquire something for the office.

• At the end of the second three-month period, the Department of Forest, Parks, and
Recreation will give each employee unit that achieves the six-month paper use
reduction goal a state park day use pass.

The board members have decided to have our company ___ in the program.
12. (A) expect
(B) participate
(C) anticipate
(D) appreciate

A copy of the Paper Reduction Challenge Manual, which details various methods to reduce
paper consumption, will be sent to you later today. On Wednesday, we will have a meeting
with the networking staff to see how we can reduce paperwork by ___ communication
13. (A) increasing
(B) increasingly
(C) increase
(D) increases

through our computer system. Thanks for your cooperation.


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Questions 14-16 refer to the following letter.

October 2

Mr. Donald Chang

Sales Manager
Aura Instruments

Dear Mr. Chang:

I regret to inform you that as of November 20, Cost Cutters Electronics will no longer be
placing orders with your company. I want to assure you that this decision does not reflect any
dissatisfaction with your ___ or services. Since the doors to Cost Cutters opened six years
14. (A) products
(B) productive
(C) productivity
(D) producible

ago, we have been happy to distribute your electronic products at our store. Indeed, I am
saddened to end this business relationship, but I have no choice in the matter.

As you may be aware, our business was recently bought by Goliath Electronics, and will
become a Goliath franchise by the end of this year. Goliath executives have ___ to use
15. (A) assured
(B) decided
(C) dedicated
(D) indicated

other distribution channels, despite my high recommendation of your company.

I will remain with Cost Cutters until the end of November. At that time, a newly appointed
Goliath staff member will take ___ my duties. I have submitted a letter of resignation
16. (A) over
(B) when
(C) between
(D) always

because I do not agree with the business practices of Goliath Electronics. I have decided to
pursue other business opportunities instead. Should there be an opportunity to use your
services again, I shall be glad to contact you. I appreciate the many years of business we
have had together. If you have any questions for me, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Patricia Cornell

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Questions 17-20 refer to the following notice.

From: Vice President Donna Johnson

To: Helio Tech Employees
Date: July 5th
Subject: Lobby Renovation

Receiving the federal grant money last month __(17)__ us to invest in upgrading a few
areas of our building. __(18)__ We will be remodeling the lobby starting July 12th. It should
take approximately two weeks. __(19)__ that time, if you have a meeting with anyone from
outside of the company, please schedule to have it at the Rose Street Cafe on the corner.
We have set up a special account that anyone from the company can use over those two

Please, just sign and date your check and return it to your server. We are __(20)__ that this
is a bit of an inconvenience, and we thank you for your cooperation.

17. (A) did allow

(B) has allowed
(C) allows
(D) are allowing

18. (A) Construction will begin when the building permits are received.
(B) This celebration will last for most of the month of July.
(C) Considering the cost, the renovation might be postponed.
(D) The first area that will benefit from this is t he lobby.

19. (A) Upon

(B) During
(C) Around
(D) Until

20. (A) aware

(B) disciplined
(C) reluctant
(D) content

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Part 7
Dạng 9 – TÌM SỰ THẬT + Dạng 10 – SUY LUẬN
Questions 1-2 refer to the following FLYER.

1. What is indicated about Superbox Theaters?

(A) It will screen fewer films this December.
(B) It is hiring part-timers.
(C) It will be adding a new theater location.
(D) It is providing lower prices on certain screenings.

2. What are customers able to do on the website?

(A) Demand a refund
(B) Select a seat location
(C) Sign up for a newsletter
(D) Renew their membership

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Questions 3-5 refer to the following ADVERTISEMENT.

3. What is mentioned about Marigold Bakery?

(A) It is internationally known.
(B) It employs local students.
(C) It offers options for those with dietary restrictions.
(D) Its store space can be rented for various events.
4. According to the advertisement, what will happen in September?
(A) The store will shut down for renovations.
(B) A classroom will be constructed.
(C) The menu will be expanded.
(D) The shop will cater a community event.

5. What is indicated about the cooking class?

(A) It will be held at a community center this year.
(B) It has been going on for over 30 years.
(C) It is taught by an experienced baker.
(D) It is designed for local teenagers.

Phạm Hương Liên 101
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Questions 6-10 refer to the following ARTICLE and E-MAIL.

Phạm Hương Liên 102
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6. According to Ms. Piers, what is true about consumer electronics?

(A) Their demand is constantly increasing.
(B) They are becoming more and more expensive.
(C) They will be produced only in a few countries.
(D) They can affect users' health.

7. What is Sun Microchips planning to do?

(A) Launch the latest model of smartphone
(B) Build a new factory overseas
(C) Give preference to local job candidates
(D) Hire a new chief executive officer

8. Who most likely is Ms. Zimmerman?

(A) A computer technician
(B) A human resources manager
(C) A factory worker
(D) An accountant

9. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To quit a job
(B) To postpone an appointment
(C) To ask for an interview
(D) To accept a job offer

10. What can be inferred about Mr. Henry?

(A) He is a local resident of Madison.
(B) He has a degree in computer science.
(C) He currently works at Sun Microchips.
(D) He wants an office position.

Phạm Hương Liên 103
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6.1. Cụm bị động đi kèm ‘at’

She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone.

be alarmed at/by sth lo ngại, lo lắng về sth
Cô ấy rất lo lắng về viễn cảnh phải đi một mình.

Many people were shocked at/by their

Rất nhiều người đã bị sốc trước thông báo đó của
o be surprised at/by sth
ngạc nhiên  sốc  họ.
o be shocked at/by sth
kinh ngạc bởi sth
o be amazed at/by sb/sth
We were amazed at his generosity.
Chúng tôi thực sự kinh ngạc bởi sự hào phóng của
ông ta.

We were all amused at his stories.

thấy buồn cười, thú
be amused at/by sth Chúng tôi thấy buồn cười với những câu chuyện
vị với sth
của anh ta.

be annoyed (with sb) at sth I was annoyed at his remarks.

cáu, khó chịu với sth
= be irritated at sth Tôi khó chịu với những lời nhận xét của hắn.

They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the

o be disappointed at/by sth thất vọng về điều gì
o be disappointed in/with sb thất vọng với ai
Họ vô cùng thất vọng về kết quả trấn đấu đó.

We were gratified at the number of people who

= be pleased with sth
supported us.
be gratified at sth = be satisfied with sth
Chúng tôi rất hài lòng với số lượng người ủng hộ
= be content with sth

We were greatly relieved at the news of their safe

be relieved at sth nhẹ nhõm vì sth
Chúng tôi thấy vô cùng nhẹ nhõm khi biết tin họ đã
trở về an toàn.

Phạm Hương Liên 104
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6.2. Cụm bị động đi kèm ‘in’ (not ‘by’)

đắm chìm trong sth, ko She seemed totally absorbed in her book.
be absorbed in sth để ý đến những thứ Cô ấy dường như đã hoàn toàn đắm chìm vào cuốn
khác sách.

We need to examine all the costs involved in the project

tham gia vào, là một
be involved in sth phần, liên quan đến
Trước hết chúng ta cần nghiên cứu kỹ về tất cả chi phí
hoạt động gì
liên quan đến dự án.

He used to be interested in psychology.

hứng thú, quan tâm
be interested in sth Trước đây anh ta từng quan tâm đến bộ môn tâm lý

They were engaged in conversation.

be engaged in sth = be busy doing sth
Chúng tôi hoàn toàn tập trung vào cuộc hội thoại.

6.3. Cụm bị động đi kèm ‘with’ (not ‘by’)

= be tired of sth The children quickly got bored with staying indoors.
be bored with sth
chán ngấy cái gì Lũ trẻ nhanh chóng thấy chán việc ở trong nhà.

The mountain is covered with snow.

be covered with sth bị che phủ bởi sth
Ngọn núi bị bao phủ bởi tuyết.

o be crowded with sb/sth đông, nhiều, đầy The store was crowded with shoppers.
o be packed with sb/sth sb/sth Cửa hàng đông đúc khách mua sắm.

o be pleased with sb/sth She was very pleased with her exam results.
hài lòng vì, vui vì
o be satisfied with sb/sth Cô ấy rất hài lòng với kết quả bài kiểm tra.

The room is equipped with basic furniture.

be equipped with sth được trang bị
Căn phòng được trang bị nội thất cơ bản.

Phạm Hương Liên 105
Hotline: 037.898.2858

A. Grammar
Exercise 1
1. We are (pleasing / pleased) to hear that your application has been accepted.
2. Jason was (exciting / excited) to learn that he was being considered for a promotion.
3. The business owner was (frustrating / frustrated) by the lack of adequate capital to make
4. The company rules state that no employment shall be finalized until a background
investigation has been (conducting / conducted).
5. The best actor awardee, who won the title for the first time in twenty years, (will honored /
will be honored) at a banquet on Friday.
6. Vacationists arriving here at the Bayview Hotel (shown / are shown) to their rooms by that
smartly dressed bellboy.
7. He has not seen all of the products that are (listing / listed) on the order sheet.
8. The company picnic is (planning / planned) for the spring with the hopes that we can see
the Mystic Falls of the Grand Canyon in full flow.
9. Make sure that all of the signed letters (have been put / have been putting) into envelopes
before being sent to the personnel department.
10. Judy (implied / was implied) that she was treated unfairly by management recently.
11. The budget director (rejected / was rejected) the plan to cut back on spending.
12. Artists (have painted / have been painted) a large mural on a wall in the conference hall.
13. The plans for the merger (will take / will be taken) at least a month to evaluate.
14. Mr. Barlow said that the budget report (will be sending / will be sent) to the accounting
department sometime this afternoon.
15. All assignments should (send / be sent) to the director's mailbox by the Saturday deadline.
16. Mr. Smith (has designated / has been designated) as vice-president in a prestigious
marketing company.
17. To stay hydrated and energized during exercise, people are (advising / advised) to drink
water frequently.
18. All of the participants in the seminar are kindly (request / requested) to arrive no later than
Wednesday to attend Thursday's session.
19. Sales (expect / are expected) to decrease as a result of the recession.
20. Please take note that a social event (will be taken place / will take place) Wednesday
afternoon in our spacious activity room on the second floor.

Phạm Hương Liên 106
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Exercise 2: PART 5
1. The manager is ___ to announce that Morgan & Co. will be giving stock options to all
interested employees.
(A) please
(B) pleased
(C) pleasant
(D) pleasing
2. The lipstick samples ___ back to the manufacturer when it was discovered that a number of
the lipstick cases were defective.
(A) were sent
(B) were sending
(C) sent
(D) being sent
3. His project proposal ___ to the Chairman for approval.
(A) to sent
(B) being sent
(C) was sending
(D) was sent
4. To meet the special needs of our branches in Asia, a total of twenty-four trained staff will
___ to Japan, Hong Kong, and Thailand.
(A) send
(B) be sent
(C) be sending
(D) have sent
5. Please ___ the enclosed survey, sign and date it, and mail it to us as soon as possible in
the envelope provided.
(A) to complete
(B) complete
(C) completing
(D) completed
6. While no one can __ the future, it seems obvious that Europeans will soon confront a greatly
different economic landscape.
(A) predicts
(B) predict
(C) predicted
(D) predicting
7. Prices of all school supplies have been ___ to sixty percent for the back-to-school blowout
(A) reduces
(B) reducing
(C) reduce
(D) reduced

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8. Information should be ___ carefully when you fill out your order form to avoid delays with
the processing of your order.
(A) writing
(B) written
(C) wrote
(D) write
9. If it is strictly ___, the diet plan should start showing signs of success in just a few weeks.
(A) follow
(B) follows
(C) followed
(D) following
10. The new shopping mall construction project will not be finished on schedule if time is not
___ effectively.
(A) managing
(B) managed
(C) manage
(D) manager
11. A replacement for the outgoing advertising manager has not yet been ___, but the
possibilities have been narrowed down to five applicants.
(A) chose
(B) choice
(C) chosen
(D) choose
12. Each year, Gibbins Foods, a local food manufacturer, ___ five thousand cans of vegetables
to the city's homeless shelters.
(A) donates
(B) to donate
(C) donating
(D) are donated
13. The campaigns that ___ assigned to the broadcasting division have been scrapped due to
lack of support.
(A) having
(B) were
(C) be
(D) had
14. The announcement in the newsletter is meant to ___ Mr. Meyer's remarks on the merger
between the two communications firms.
(A) clarified
(B) be clarified
(C) clarification
(D) clarify

Phạm Hương Liên 108
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15. No matter what the brand, computers purchased at this shop will be ___ free of charge for
a full year from the date of purchase.
(A) service
(B) servicing
(C) to service
(D) serviced
16. First-class seats are ___ with Internet hook-ups, global telephones and faxing capabilities
for all of your airborne professional needs.
(A) equip
(B) equipment
(C) equipped
(D) equipping
17. After today's planning session is completed, the members of each group will be ___ a report
of their team's objectives for the next three years.
(A) generation
(B) generate
(C) generated
(D) generating
18. We would like you ___ by our assistant manager who will give you a tour of the company's
offices and facilities.
(A) escorting
(B) to escort
(C) to be escorted
(D) escort
19. Harwood Department Store will be ___ later this weekend to allow our shoppers to take
advantage of our end-of-season clearance sale.
(A) close
(B) closes
(C) to close
(D) closing
20. Membership at the exclusive sports club ___ benefits ranging from the use of all sports
equipment to discounted rates at the club's restaurant and bar.
(A) includes
(B) to include
(C) have included
(D) including
21. If the director ___ that the top candidate was still a consultant for Master Lines, Inc., he
could have given others greater priority.
(A) tell
(B) telling
(C) had told
(D) had been told

Phạm Hương Liên 109
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22. ___ the machine's continued operation, a thorough check by maintenance personnel should
take place bimonthly.
(A) To be ensure
(B) To ensure
(C) Will ensure
(D) Ensured
23. The winners of the logo contest are ___ to be at the dinner this evening, which will begin at
8:00 p.m. at the International Plaza Hotel's Blue Room.
(A) plan
(B) plans
(C) planning
(D) planned
24. Before structural renovations take place, all businesses must ___ the building as indicated
in the official notice issued last month.
(A) vacant
(B) vacancy
(C) vacate
(D) be vacate
25. Access to the computer terminals ___ during evening hours, so it is necessary for us to
finish the work during the day.
(A) restrict
(B) to restrict
(C) is restricted
(D) has restricted
26. The president has decided not to let the recent problems with foreign sales ___ the
company's long-term export plans.
(A) have affected
(B) to affect
(C) affect
(D) affecting
27. The manager will have his assistant ___ the minutes of the annual meeting before making
them available to the press.
(A) transcribe
(B) transcribed
(C) be transcribing
(D) to be transcribed
28. The result of the new marketing and promotional campaign remains ___ seen, but the sales
figures are encouraging.
(A) being
(B) have been
(C) been
(D) to be

Phạm Hương Liên 110
Hotline: 037.898.2858

29. Due to the heavy traffic on Lombard Street, motorists are ___ to follow detour signs.
(A) advising
(B) advised
(C) advisable
(D) advisory
30. Participants in the seminar were ___ to make hotel reservations by the date indicated on
the list of hotels.
(A) advisable
(B) advisory
(C) advising
(D) advised
31. The contract stipulates that an employee is ___ to do overtime during weeks that
presentations or special reports are being prepared.
(A) requirement
(B) requires
(C) required
(D) requisition
32. The introduction of the specially trained conflict resolution advisors ___ to reduce tension
between management and frustrated employees.
(A) expected
(B) is expected
(C) has been expecting
(D) will have been expecting

Phạm Hương Liên 111
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Exercise 3: PART 6
Questions 01-03 refer to the following letter.

Gala Home Décor

2842 Sunrise Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024
April 28

Mr. Harry Hopkins

China Blue Flatware
284 Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015

Dear Mr. Hopkins,

My staff and I were quite pleased to receive your invitation. I am happy to report that we
will be able to attend the Open House event at Gala Home Décor. We are looking forward
to the ___ to tour your production facilities and see your new product lines for next year.
01. (A) promptness
(B) overview
(C) action
(D) opportunity
Your products have long been a ___ among our customers, who value not only the beauty
02. (A) favorite
(B) likeable
(C) preferred
(D) popular
of your flatware, but also its strength and affordability. My customers often set their tables
with China Blue Flatware when they want to impress their dinner guests.
I will be ___ the event with my Sales Manager, Oscar Hylton, and my intern, George
03. (A) attend
(B) attended
(C) attending
(D) to attend
My partner, Sandra Damon, will join us on the second day of the event. We look forward to
the Open House, and are eager to meet you and your excellent staff in person.
Yvonne Freeman

Phạm Hương Liên 112
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 04-06 refer to the following letter.

Ameri Tel Incorporated

832 Summit Drive, Houston, TX 73023
Date: January 5
Kenneth Santos
58 North Bay Drive
San Diego, CA 94812
Dear Mr. Santos:
We will be having our ___ company conference at the Summit House Hotel in Dallas from
04. (A) recent
(B) happening
(C) annual
(D) appearing
March 4-6. The theme of our conference this year is 'Employee Morale as a Higher Priority.'
Nearly 250 employees from 15 branches throughout the nation are expected to attend.
Given the great ___ and popularity of your speech at our conference last year, we would like
05. (A) success
(B) successful
(C) succession
(D) successfully
to extend another invitation to you to speak at our event this year. We would like for you to
speak on the subject of 'Office Politics.' Thanks to some successful fundraising efforts this
past year, we are prepared to offer you $650 for your services. Please let me know if you
have any issues with this offer.
For your information, I have enclosed a draft of the program, which is still subject to change.
Your speech is scheduled for March 6. You are, of course, welcome to attend the entire event.
Please notify me of your plans so I can arrange for your accommodations, which will be free
of charge. Also, let me know if you require any visual aids equipment so I can ___ it with the
hotel conference services.
06. (A) dividend
(B) consensus
(C) reserve
(D) agenda
We look forward to hearing from you, and hope that you will accept the invitation.
Linda Beverly
Senior Managing Director

Phạm Hương Liên 113
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 07-09 refer to the following memo.

Date: March 3
To: All Personnel
From: Matthew Sparks, Administrative Office
Subject: Vehicle Maintenance
Now that the winter season is nearly over, all company cars must ___ in for necessary
07. (A) be turned
(B) to turn
(C) turn
(D) turning
maintenance and repairs. Icy road conditions and freezing temperatures result in greater
wear on the cars' tires, engines, cooling systems and transmissions. Although sales
personnel use their cars more often, other staff are also required to check their ___.
08. (A) vehicles
(B) receipts
(C) projects
(D) purchases
This week, all employees ___ to bring their automobiles in to any of the automotive centers
09. (A) encouraging
(B) is encouraging
(C) encouraged
(D) are encouraged
that the company recommends. Thank you.

Phạm Hương Liên 114
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B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. If you experience any ___ problems with your computer, contact the customer service representative
for help at your earliest convenience.
(A) confident
(B) accustomed
(C) technical
(D) featured
2. Our company is looking for an individual who is innovative and ___ for the manager position.
(A) restrictive
(B) qualified
(C) designed
(D) intricate
3. Because of the tendency of this fabric to wrinkle, it is important to remove it ___ from the clothes dryer.
(A) recently
(B) lately
(C) promptly
(D) newly
4. Because it is situated next to a major transportation hub, Delta Center is the most ___ located site in
the country.
(A) conveniently
(B) certainly
(C) absolutely
(D) willingly
5. The restaurant has added new items on the ___ popular breakfast menu.
(A) before
(B) already
(C) intended
(D) fascinated
6. The new regional coordinator for pharmaceutical sales has ___ decided to introduce Ampli in selected
cities in South America.
(A) already
(B) yet
(C) ever
(D) shortly
7. ___ are being conducted to determine which city will host the upcoming National Table Tennis League.
(A) Reasons
(B) Policies
(C) Requirements
(D) Negotiations

Phạm Hương Liên 115
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8. The initial draft should be ready a day before the presentation so that the account manager can make
necessary ___.
(A) processions
(B) revisions
(C) violations
(D) proficiencies
9. The researcher was unable to find enough information because the volumes she needed were out of
(A) mind
(B) print
(C) type
(D) condition
10. All ___ for funding must be made in writing on the company's official letterhead.
(A) regards
(B) resignations
(C) retirements
(D) requests
11. The manager wanted to ___ to each employee about the new direction the company was taking.
(A) say
(B) tell
(C) speak
(D) express

Phạm Hương Liên 116
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 12-14 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Peter Saks

From: Steven Marrone
Subject: Order Number 672LKM

Mr. Saks:

l am writing this e-mail ___ regard to my recent purchase, which is order number 672LKM.
12. (A) for
(B) by
(C) on
(D) with

I purchased four different books from your website and spent a total of $98.90. According to
your website, the books should have been delivered within three days since l ___ for free
express shipping.
13. (A) qualified
(B) requested
(C) signed
(D) demanded

However, it has been over five days, and there Is no sign of my order. I have tried calling
your toll free number, but the receptionist with whom I spoke was ___ than helpful.
14. (A) more
(B) particularly
(C) less
(D) fewer

Therefore, I decided to write this e-mail to you. I require these books immediately; I need
them for a research project that must be completed as soon as possible. I would appreciate
it if you would look into my problem and let me know when to expect my books.


Steven Marrone

Phạm Hương Liên 117
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 15-17 refer to the following memo.

To: Janine Chen

From: Harry Dalton
Date: January 19

Subject: Las Vegas Conference

I have just been informed by my Senior Sales Agent, Jim Hawn, that he will be unable to
attend the conference ___ a family emergency. I am proposing that we send Nancy Moore
15. (A) because
(B) since
(C) due to
(D) despite

instead as our company representative. Nancy has been with the company for ___ three
16. (A) utmost
(B) almost
(C) innermost
(D) mostly

years and has had a remarkable sales record. I believe she will continue to be a great asset
to this company and that it would be to our benefit to send her to this informational
conference. Please ___ me by the end of today if you approve of my recommendation
17. (A) notify
(B) offer
(C) present
(D) suggest

so I may tell Ms. Moore about her assignment during my staff meeting tomorrow morning.

Phạm Hương Liên 118
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 18-21 refer to the following notice.

Part-time Cook Needed

Paradise Cafe is looking __18__ a part-time line cook. Applicants must be able to work in a
fast-paced environment and be familiar with all standard breakfast fare. __19__ This
weekend schedule could change in the future. Ideally we are looking for an applicant that
has __20__ one year of experience working as a short-order cook. Paradise Cafe is located
right next to the post office in downtown Millstown. Please apply in person with a resume
and be prepared to cook an egg dish to order. We __21__ forward to welcoming you to our

18. (A) hiring

(B) hire
(C) to hire
(D) to hiring

19. (A) Applicants should know how to make scrambled eggs.

(B) People applying should know how to wash dishes.
(C) Anyone applying should be able to work nights.
(D) Currently, we can only offer weekday shifts but the applicant must be willing to work
weekends if required.

20. (A) at most

(B) below
(C) at least
(D) the least

21. (A) look

(B) looking
(C) looked
(D) looks

Part 7 – Full Part Test

Phạm Hương Liên 119
Hotline: 037.898.2858


BẢNG “BE + ADJ + GIỚI TỪ” (Quizlet)

• be available for sth: rảnh để tham dự cái gì • be confident of sb/sth: tin chắc vào

• be capable of sth/Ving: có khả năng làm sth • be consistent with sth: đồng nhất, khớp

• be comparable to/with = be similar to sb/sth: • be eligible for = be qualified for sth: đủ

tương tự với tiêu chuẩn, trình độ cho việc gì

• be conscious of = be aware of sth: nhận • be necessary for sb to V: cần thiết để ai

thức, biết về điều gì làm gì

• be preferable to sth: phù hợp hơn, tốt hơn

• be different from sb/sth: khác với E.g. This technique is far preferable to any
• be familiar with sb/sth: quen thuộc, biết rõ • be responsible for sth: chịu trách nhiệm về

• be made of sth: làm từ thành phần chính là gì

• be made from sth: làm từ cái gì (khi thành sản
phẩm thì cái đó không còn giữ nguyên hình thái) • be surprised at/by sth: ngạc nhiên về sth

E.g. The necklace is made of silver.

Plastic is made from oil.
• be perfect for = be suitable for = be ideal for • be satisfied with = be pleased with sth:
sb/sth: hợp, lý tưởng, hoàn hảo dành cho hài lòng, mãn nguyện với

• be superior to sb/sth: cao cấp hơn, tốt hơn

• be related to sb/sth: liên quan, dính dáng tới
>< be inferior to sb/sth: thấp cấp, kém hơn

Phạm Hương Liên 120
Hotline: 037.898.2858

A. Grammar
Exercise 1
1. Mrs. Bijon has presented a proposal to the governor's office to construct a (permanently /
permanent) waste repository.
2. The management planned to organize a dinner party to honor the (exceptionally /
exceptional) work performance of Sheryl Blanca.
3. Fill out this (quickly / quick) and simple raffle coupon to qualify for our special Christmas
4. The manufacture of (largely / large) cellular phone models has stopped because of the
tremendous increase in the demand for compact digital phones.
5. Leatherworld Inc. is planning to manufacture around 10 million pairs of (leisurely / leisure)
and athletic shoes starting this year.
6. The club arranged a dinner party to honor the (exceptionally / exceptional) achievements of
Mrs. Vanessa Canto.
7. In order to prevent crimes, there must be a good relationship between the police and the
(locally / local) people.
8. An (annually / annual) growth of four percent has been promised to all the stockholders by
the company CEO.
9. We are (delight / delighted) to welcome Dr. Fran Sears as the director of our editorial staff.
10. E-mail messages are usually more (informal / informality) and more concise than any other
11. David Moore has traveled (extensively / extensive) to gain some experience and knowledge
about the world.
12. The local factory produces enough wheat-related products such as flour, noodles, and cake
mixes for the (entirely / entire) city.
13. Thanks to advances in video technology, people can communicate (easy / easily) with
colleagues all around the world in real time.
14. Onnet Electronics manages to surpass every expectation by (constant / constantly)
introducing technological innovations in Data Collection.
15. The restaurant introduced a new line of mild foods since some patrons dislike food that is
(extremely spicy / extreme spicy).
16. The company plans to continue operating their branch offices even in regions where the
profits are (relative / relatively) low.
17. Our time was spent (productive / productively) while we were developing new technology
due to the newly implemented procedures.
18. If you don't abide by the terms and conditions (original / originally) agreed upon, your
dealership agreement can be terminated at any time.

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19. Fashion experts at 'Fits You Well' shop will help you decide (exactly / exact) which fabric,
color, and design of clothes suit your lifestyle and personality.
20. Attendance sheets are (convenient / conveniently) posted at the main door so that people
may sign their names as they enter.
21. Because of improving (economically / economic) conditions, home ownership is expected
to increase throughout the country.
22. Our company offers a (three-week / three-weeks) vacation to all employees after their first
year of employment.

Exercise 2: PART 5
1. Mr. Jefferson is a good leader because he is able to provide ___ criticism in a way that
people are receptive to.
(A) constructs
(B) constructor
(C) constructive
(D) construction
2. Erickson & Co. has called in a number of professional ___ advisors to give their opinions
about the company's potential merger.
(A) finance
(B) financial
(C) financed
(D) financing
3. To avoid giving clients misleading advice on investments, brokers must have access to
information that is completely ___.
(A) reliance
(B) reliable
(C) reliant
(D) relying
4. If there are any changes in the schedule and activities for next week's open house, your ___
supervisor will fill you in.
(A) directing
(B) directly
(C) directed
(D) direct
5. Visitors to the United States often see signs in public places that state, "Management is not
___ for any loss or damage of personal belongings left unattended."

(A) responsibly
(B) responsible
(C) responsibility
(D) responsive

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6. Many injuries at the construction site can be prevented or minimized with the use of ___
(A) protect
(B) protects
(C) protective
(D) protecting
7. We think that the community center is the ___ venue for our annual company barbecue.
(A) ideal
(B) idealize
(C) ideally
(D) idealistically
8. All of the employees have been quite ___ with the police during the rigorous investigation of
the company.
(A) cooperate
(B) cooperative
(C) cooperating
(D) cooperation
9. The company now requires all newly hired accountants to undergo two months of intensive
___ training before taking on any work responsibilities.
(A) formal
(B) formed
(C) forming
(D) formally
10. The sponsoring company has prepared a ___ online exhibit of the artist's paintings for
individuals who do not have time to visit the art center.
(A) special
(B) specially
(C) specialist
(D) specialize
11. Larger discount stores that sell products in bulk are ___ to middle-class families that lead
busy lives.
(A) attracted
(B) attractive
(C) attraction
(D) attractively
12. The bank is offering a new service that will allow patrons to examine personal transactions
listed in a ___ weekly statement.
(A) consolidate
(B) consolidator
(C) consolidated
(D) consolidation

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13. The ___ interests of the corporation make it difficult for management to form definite
(A) diverse
(B) diversification
(C) diversifying
(D) diversity
14. The ___ size of the memory card in mobile phones which feature a built-in camera will allow
users to save hundreds of images.
(A) reduce
(B) reducing
(C) reduced
(D) reduction
15. This folder contains important and ___ documents and should be placed inside Mr. Berr's
safe when he doesn't need it.
(A) confidential
(B) confiding
(C) confidentially
(D) confident
16. At his retirement party, a number of Jack's colleagues congratulated him on a highly ___
career in the journalism field.
(A) succeed
(B) successive
(C) succeeded
(D) successful
17. Mrs. Dorsey is ___ being considered for a promotion to the position of head manager for the
company's technology division.
(A) present
(B) presently
(C) presenter
(D) presentation
18. The new PowerPoint software is the most ___ advanced presentation program on the
market today.
(A) high
(B) higher
(C) highly
(D) highest
19. The drafting programs available at our firm are ___ too advanced for the trainees to use.
(A) well
(B) quite
(C) far
(D) pretty

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20. Two multimillion-dollar corporations are ___ attempting to reach an agreement over the sale
of one of the country's biggest banks.
(A) still
(B) once
(C) besides
(D) any more
21. Mr. Richards is such a dedicated supervisor that he works night and day and ___ ever takes
time to relax.
(A) quite
(B) just
(C) nearly
(D) hardly
22. Although the restaurant is ___ new, it has already been praised by Food Review and most
of other restaurant rating services.
(A) relatively
(B) related
(C) relative
(D) relatedly
23. Consumer views are becoming an ___ important factor in determining the way a product is
presented and packaged.
(A) increase
(B) increased
(C) increasing
(D) increasingly
24. We cannot always guarantee that everything in our catalog is in stock at our outlets, so
please call ___ to make sure.
(A) ahead
(B) before
(C) if
(D) advance
25. A number of large investment projects have ___ sprung up in rural areas where agriculture
is the main industry.
(A) lateness
(B) late
(C) later
(D) lately
26. To register for your online account, ___ proceed to the website and click on the 'sign up'
(A) simply
(B) simple
(C) simplify
(D) simplicity

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27. Sales of the new vacuum cleaner have gone beyond our initial estimate and we have ___
decided to increase production.
(A) therefore
(B) however
(C) although
(D) in contrast
28. All purchases made on the company credit card should be listed ___ on the monthly
(A) direct
(B) directly
(C) directed
(D) directing
29. Copies of the popular children's book had been placed on bookstore shelves for not ___
several hours when they sold out.
(A) quite
(B) many
(C) still
(D) only
30. Had the profits been shared ___ among the leading salesmen, there wouldn't be the fuss
that there is now.
(A) equal
(B) equally
(C) equality
(D) equalize
31. ___ serving as president of the Board of the Gillmore Corporation, Mr. Bennett also works
as a consultant to a few medium-size companies.
(A) Else
(B) Because
(C) As long as
(D) Besides
32. The fat content of food products sold in super-markets should be labeled much more ___ to
allow people to make informed decisions.
(A) clear
(B) clearly
(C) clearing
(D) clearness
33. Attorney Dobson presented ___ evidence to prove to the jury the innocence of her client.
(A) persuade
(B) persuasion
(C) persuasive
(D) persuadable

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34. It is ___ to develop a variety of communication skills to communicate with clients all over
the world.
(A) advice
(B) advisable
(C) advise
(D) advisor
35. Exercise instructors must ensure that ___ participants have signed a liability waiver.
(A) all
(B) every
(C) each
(D) whole
36. He is ___ employed in the accounts division as Mr. Henderson's executive assistant.
(A) present
(B) presently
(C) presenter
(D) presentation
37. By the time the participants arrived, the keynote speech had ___ started so they had to be
seated in the reception area until the first break.
(A) already
(B) still
(C) before
(D) nearly
38. Jonathan Smith works ___, his leadership skills are exceptional in our community service
classes, and I highly recommend him to your company.
(A) hardly
(B) hard
(C) harden
(D) hardened
39. The financial incentive plans to raise the base pay have been ___ lucrative and enticing for
the employees who have showed greater enthusiasm toward their work.
(A) well
(B) enough
(C) too much
(D) very
40. When writing an editorial, use precise terms and be sure to express your opinion ___.
(A) clear
(B) clearing
(C) clears
(D) clearly

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41. When riding a motorbike, people should wear a helmet and other ___ gear.
(A) protect
(B) protective
(C) protected
(D) protection
42. Ms. Sandler refused to explain ___ what the boxes on the table were.
(A) by detailing
(B) detailed
(C) in detail
(D) details
43. They explained that they do not have ___ of the products she ordered as of now.
(A) one
(B) any
(C) many
(D) another
44. Most of the hallways on the ground floor of the old municipal building are ___ lit.
(A) poorly
(B) poorest
(C) poorer
(D) poor
45. The revised mission statement of Benson Inc. focuses ___ on customer satisfaction.
(A) exclusively
(B) exclusive
(C) exclusion
(D) exclude
46. When callers leave a message on an answering machine, they should speak ___.
(A) clearly
(B) clear
(C) clearness
(D) clarity
47. Our board meeting ended with all the members ___ supporting the call for higher funding.
(A) complete
(B) completeness
(C) completely
(D) completed
48. A rental car may be added to the tourist package for a ___ fee.
(A) nominated
(B) nominal
(C) nomination
(D) nominally
49. An informal celebration featuring ___ refreshments will be held at the Florence Hall.

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(A) lights
(B) light
(C) lighted
(D) lighting
50. ___ equipment taken out of the storage room must be accompanied by written permission
from the custodian.
(A) An
(B) Any
(C) There is
(D) In that
51. The administration prohibits employees from leaving the stock room without going through
a ___ inspection.
(A) require
(B) required
(C) requiring
(D) requirement
52. To have a ___ impression on their clients, business persons put great effort into making
their sales pitch as lively as possible.
(A) last
(B) lasts
(C) lasting
(D) lasted
53. The new and more ___ computer models have enabled faster processing of data at two
(A) power
(B) powerful
(C) powers
(D) powering
54. Defective items must be brought back to the store before the ___ warranty expires.
(A) limits
(C) limitation
(B) limited
(D) limit
55. The munitions industry has expanded at a ___ rate over the past two years.
(A) rapidness
(B) rapidly
(C) rapidity
(D) rapid
56. The analyses of the action plans of the committees have to be submitted ___.
(A) individualism
(B) individual
(C) individually

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(D) individualist
57. Taking a short break every hour on the hour can help minimize personal stress, ___
increasing long-term productivity.
(A) slightly
(B) slight
(C) slightness
(D) slighting
58. Mr. Black ___ informed the software company about the system error and apologetically
told the client that he would have to wait.
(A) prompt
(B) prompting
(C) promptly
(D) prompted
59. The way ___ unimportant details and complaints are handled will affect the overall
evaluation of the company's customer service team.
(A) see
(B) seemingly
(C) seems
(D) seemed

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Exercise 3: PART 6
Questions 01-03 refer to the following e-mail.

Dear Ms. Goldman,

I am writing to ___ the receipt of your application for our First Time Home Owner Mortgage
01. (A) remark
(B) understand
(C) suggest
(D) confirm
I am pleased to inform you that your loan has been approved and we will be able to lend you
the amount ___. As indicated in your chosen plan, once the initial transaction is performed,
02. (A) requests
(B) requesting
(C) requested
(D) is requested
you will be required to deposit monthly installments covering the principal payment and
interest into the bank account which will be opened for this purpose. The option to transfer
into a closed interest rate package will remain ___ for a period of three years, after
03. (A) effect
(B) effected
(C) effective
(D) effectively
which time it will be mandatory for you to continue with the current plan. Please contact the
bank to set up an appointment to begin the mortgage process.
Thank you.

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Questions 04-06 refer to the following letter.

Marsha Berger
Medical Supplies Division
Tyrrell Manufacturing
Dear Ms. Berger,
I am writing to inform you that I will be unable to attend the conference in New Jersey, as our
company is currently undergoing restructuring, making it impossible for me to leave Portland.
I am eager ___ your proposals for incorporating your products into our own line of
04. (A) discussing
(B) discuss
(C) to discuss
(D) discussion
___, you will be attending the next conference in July in Austin, allowing us to get together
05. (A) Almost
(B) Already
(C) Mostly
(D) Presumably
and discuss our prospects ___. I believe both companies are headed in the same direction
06. (A) soon
(B) nearly
(C) usually
(D) often
and a joint venture would be highly beneficial. Therefore, I look forward to the opportunity to
meet with you at the next conference, unless otherwise informed.
Justin White
Garnet Distribution

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Questions 07-09 refer to the following advertisement.

Impact Incorporated is searching ___ motivated individuals with strong communication

07. (A) for
(B) to
(C) at
(D) in
and promotional event marketing skills to lead an 18-week summer national tour for a top
brand. Individuals must be able to start in early June and will travel through early October. All
travel expenses and vehicles will be covered by the company. As Public Relations Manager,
you must travel with others throughout the tour. We are looking for applicants who match the
following criteria:
• Minimum 6 years of solid public relations experience
• ___ driver's license and clean driving record
08. (A) Fair
(B) Level
(C) Valid
(D) ate

• Expertise in working with national and local radio, TV, and print media
• Bachelor's ___ in Marketing, Communications, or Public Relations (MBA preferred)
09. (A) imitation
(B) degree
(C) version
(D) report
Interested persons should send their résumé and photograph to Marcus Glick, Senior PR
Email: or fax to attention Marcus Glick at 1-888-837-0810.
Subject line: PR Manager opening.
No phone calls please.

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Questions 10-12 refer to the following advertisement.

Circuit Tech Electronics is the first name you should think of when you want top-quality
electronic products! From calculators to computers, our knowledgeable and ___ trained staff
10. (A) extensive
(B) extensively
(C) extensiveness
(D) extension
can help assess which products best suit your needs and your budget. Each of our sales
representatives receives over 100 hours of training in a ___ of electronic products.
11. (A) various
(B) variety
(C) varied
(D) variously
In fact, if a product you are interested in is advertised at a lesser price, we'll not only match
that price, we'll beat it by 5%. And more savings are in store for our customers!
For a ___ time, home delivery is provided on all of our products for free! We'll ship your
12. (A) caused
(B) restricted
(C) encouraged
(D) limited
purchases from our store right to your door (or the door of someone special), free of charge
via standard ground shipping.
Note: Free home delivery is available until 4/31. Offer excludes shipments to Alaska and
Hawaii and excludes home delivery of TVs over 31”. Oversized televisions will be sent via
standard ground shipping instead. Contact a sales representative to receive a shipping

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B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. International ___ between the two neighboring countries has decreased over the past decade.
(A) committee
(B) commencement
(C) command
(D) commerce
2. Candidates for the internship program are asked to ___ their research interest by checking the box next
to the appropriate category.
(A) refer
(B) appoint
(C) grant
(D) indicate
3. The designated conference room for the annual meeting is large enough to ___ only two
representatives from each company.
(A) appreciate
(B) accommodate
(C) articulate
(D) alienate
4. The company will ___ revised ordering procedures so that all the incoming orders can be processed in
a timely manner.
(A) install
(B) notify
(C) implement
(D) fulfill
5. Electra is one of the many toy manufacturers to ___ customers' suggestions at the design stage.
(A) bind
(B) place
(C) adopt
(D) subject
6. Because they have overcome many obstacles in the past, Smith Foods will not ___ much importance
to negative reports on the economy.
(A) attach
(B) use
(C) describe
(D) improve
7. Although multinational companies usually pay higher salaries, they may also ___ in hiring practices that
are unfamiliar to local work forces.
(A) engage
(B) encompass
(C) endanger
(D) enforce

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8. One of the many hiring requirements stipulated by our company is that the ___ employee must be able
to speak both English and Spanish fluently.
(A) deliberate
(B) evident
(C) intermittent
(D) prospective
9. If you have any problems with this washing machine, take it to any ___ service center for repairs.
(A) limited
(B) authorized
(C) permissive
(D) sufficient

10. According to the recent survey, one of the ___ problems facing businesses is recovering from financial
(A) energetic
(B) major
(C) furious
(D) convenient

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Questions 11-13 refer to the following advertisement.

Online Geo Inc. is a Seattle website design firm that provides professional website design and
website ___ services to small businesses and non-profits in the Washington state area.

11. (A) environment

(B) component
(C) incident
(D) development

We offer the following services:


We can design the right website for your organization, from concept development to graphic
design to programming.


We can register your own custom “domain name” (, so visitors can
easily remember your Internet address.


Once your new website is up and running, we can add new content, make periodic changes to
your site, and provide any ___ maintenance to keep your site running smoothly.
12. (A) eventual
(B) necessary
(C) absolute
(D) compulsory

Contact our offices to find out how you can take advantage ___ our competitive rates and
exciting website designs!
13. (A) in
(B) on
(C) of
(D) to

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Questions 14-16 refer to the following article.

Widespread Opposition to Electricity Price Hike

More than two-thirds of Montana voters ___ Montana Power Co.'s projected 20 percent
14. (A) says
(B) say
(C) to say
(D) saying

increase in electricity rates is unacceptable, but they are divided over whether more coal
and gas-fired power plants should be built in the state, a new poll shows.

The proposed 20 percent increase is not a certainty. The state Public Service Commission
must ___ Montana Powers electricity supply portfolio and has the power
15. (A) remind
(B) react
(C) reply
(D) review

to lower or ___ the suggested rate. The proposed increase would affect only Montana
16. (A) climb
(B) lift
(C) increase
(D) raise

Power customers, not those served by Montana-Dakota utilities or rural electric


The survey also asked voters whether they support construction of new coal-fired or
gas-fired generators in Montana. Montanans were divided, with 45 percent supporting
construction of new power plants, 40 percent opposing them, and 15 percent undecided.

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Questions 17-20 refer to the following advertisement.

City Realty

City Realty is Washington's number one real estate company, serving the state for over 50
years. We __17__ recognized as the state's leading experts in the industry and many of our
agents have been awarded for their excellence in service by Forbes Property Magazine.

Our agents are __18__ to bringing their best knowledge and expertise to the table, and they
have extensive know-how about the housing market dos and don'ts. Our agents specialize
in different areas of the industry including corporate real estate, residential real estate, and
rental properties. __19__

Our headquarters is located in the central downtown area where you can meet with one of
our agents __20__ a free consultation. You can also visit our website
for property listings and further information.

17. (A) been

(B) had been
(C) are being
(D) have been

18. (A) attached

(B) faithful
(C) committed
(D) loyal

19. (A) You can be confident that they serve your specific needs.
(B) You can rent hundreds of properties from our listings.
(C) The agents in corporate real estate make the most earnings.
(D) The residential agents are very busy with the rising housing market.

20. (A) with

(B) for
(C) to
(D) from

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Questions 1-3 refer to the following memo.

1. What does the memo discuss?

(A) Plans to open a branch office
(B) The hiring of a new staff member
(C) Suggestions about a project
(D) An architect's achievements

2. What does Mr. Wentworth indicate about Ms. Pavlovich?

(A) She will do design work for one of his firm's projects.
(B) She plans to open her own firm.
(C) She is a former colleague of his.
(D) She is in the process of moving to a new city.

3. Where is Garston Architects Ltd. located?

(A) In Edinburgh
(B) In New York City
(C) In Stockholm
(D) In Copenhagen

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Questions 4-5 refer to the following memo.

4. What is the purpose of the memo?

(A) To remind employees of a project deadline
(B) To suggest revisions to an annual report
(C) To provide a schedule for an event
(D) To report to shareholders on annual profits

5. At what time will David Koch speak?

(A) 1:00 P.M.
(B) 2:00 P.M.
(C) 4:00 P.M.
(D) 6:00 P.M.

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Questions 6-8 refer to the following memo.

6. What is the purpose of the memo?

(A) To suggest a budget proposal
(B) To solicit feedback
(C) To revise incorrect information
(D) To announce survey results

7. Who most likely is Mr. Nugent?

(A) A medical doctor
(B) A product developer
(C) An investment analyst
(D) A personnel employee

8. According to the memo, what will Ms. Paine probably do soon after February 24?
(A) Announce a merger
(B) Hire a medical specialist
(C) Participate in a tour
(D) Schedule a meeting

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Questions 9-12 refer to the following memo.

9. Where do the recipients of the e-mail work?

(A) At a marketing firm
(B) At a law office
(C) At a department store
(D) At a travel agency
10. What is indicated about Sheila Roberts?
(A) She is getting a new job.
(B) She has been promoted.
(C) She is going on vacation.
(D) She is going on a business trip.
11. When should employees with nearly completed projects contact Sheila by?
(A) October 15
(B) October 20
(C) October 21
(D) November 5
12. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3] and [4] does the following sentence belong?
"Michael will arrange separate meetings with different departments during Sheila's absence to
ensure a smooth transition and communication during his temporary tenure."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

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Questions 13-15 refer to the following memo.

13. What is the reason for the change?

(A) The company owners want to save money on labor.
(B) A new recycling center opened near the business.
(C) The local government changed its regulations.
(D) Environmentalists in the area requested it.

14. What can be inferred about Unsworthy Manufacturing?

(A) It has good relations with local authorities.
(B) It already recycles its plastic industrial waste.
(C) It recently increased its workforce.
(D) It updates its environmental policy regularly.

15. What should supervisors do next week?

(A) Attend a workshop on new procedures
(B) Update the company's website
(C) Make room for new waste receptacles
(D) Inform their teams of the changes

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Questions 16-20 refer to the following e-mails and memo.

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16. What is indicated about Carl Ennens?

(A) He is a senior in high school.
(B) He is a junior in college.
(C) He will graduate in two years.
(D) He is a senior in college.

17. What is indicated about Dr. Alcobar?

(A) Nobody knows who he is.
(B) People do not appreciate his opinion.
(C) He is respected by John Masterson.
(D) He has done a lot of prominent research.

18. In the second e-mail , the term "headquarters" in the fourth line is closest in meaning to
(A) base
(B) main office
(C) warehouse
(D) distribution center

19. According to the memorandum, what will Carl Ennens be expected to do?
(A) Fluid dynamic research
(B) Cook
(C) Help wherever is needed
(D) Watch and learn

20. What position does John Masterson have in the company?

(A) Chief Executive Officer
(B) Chief Financial Officer
(C) Sales Executive
(D) Owner

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Questions 21-25 refer to the following form, memo, and notice.

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21. Why was the inspection conducted?

(A) To monitor compliance with food industry regulations
(B) To rate the taste and quality of the cuisine
(C) To inspect the structural safety of the building
(D) To evaluate the effectiveness of new policies

22. Why has Polito's Pizza been charged a fine?

(A) Because fire extinguishers were not in place.
(B) Because containers of food were not marked appropriately.
(C) Because raw meats and vegetables were handled incorrectly.
(D) Because the facilities were not cleaned according to standards.

23. What does Mr. Kluck ask his employees to do?

(A) Apologize to customers
(B) Wear a name tag at all times
(C) File a complaint with Ms. Tenner
(D) Fill out a required form

24. What will happen if an employee fails to sign the work checklist?
(A) They will have a violation on their record.
(B) They will have to pay a fine.
(C) They will have to come in on the weekends.
(D) They will be fired.

25. Based on Polito's Checklist, what can we infer about K.P.?

(A) He works at night.
(B) He did not work on Thursday and Friday.
(C) He will be fired for violations.
(D) He is slow at work.

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A. Grammar
Exercise 1
1. Mr. Simons will announce the new regulations (as soon as they / as soon they) are approved
by the administrative board.
2. The recording contract with Jennifer Lopez has recently been modified to make some of the
clauses (better / more) accurate.
3. It is requested that the pieces of furniture be delivered to our main office no later (as / than)
the fifteenth of November.
4. Although the renovated living room in our vacation house has better ventilation, it
accommodates (lesser / fewer) people than the old one.
5. The Cheetah is much (fastest / faster) than any other species of cats known to man.
6. It has been proven that the rate of acceleration of even the (so powerful / most powerful)
automobile cannot compete with that of the newest Velectra racing car.
7. Students interested in joining the Junior Marketing Association should contact Ms. Namer
(the soonest / as soon as) possible.
8. Due to the relocation of our headquarters, the sales division will now be in New York rather
(than / as) in Washington.
9. The organizers expected good attendance at the opening ceremony, but the crowd was
even larger (than / when) anticipated.

Exercise 2: PART 5 (SO SÁNH)

1. Anonymous Writers is less expensive than the Writers' Consortium, and its work is ___ as
(A) as well
(B) very
(C) just
(D) while
2. Electric service will be restored as ___ as possible after the power outage problem on the
second floor has been resolved.
(A) quick
(B) quickly
(C) quicken
(D) quickness

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3. Drivers are constantly reminded by the head office to pull over as ___ as necessary to rest
during long shifts.
(A) almost
(B) often
(C) well
(D) always
4. The task force spent an entire day selecting applications that most ___ matched the
requirements of the positions being offered.
(A) closer
(B) closest
(C) closely
(D) close
5. When the analyst provides me with ___ details, I will write up the final report and send it to
your office.
(A) almost
(B) a lot
(C) quite
(D) more
6. The report indicated that ___ independent broker agents in the European continent were
being put out of business by larger corporations.
(A) the most
(B) almost
(C) most of
(D) most
7. If inventory is well planned and done in an orderly fashion, it will be ___ trouble than it was
last year.
(A) fewer
(B) least
(C) a few
(D) less
8. Most of Del Monte's abstract paintings are ___ more popular abroad than they are locally.
(A) soon
(B) now
(C) finally
(D) just
9. Aluminum is ___ more durable construction material than plastic, but can be damaged by
bending it out of shape.
(A) so
(B) much
(C) very
(D) really

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10. Power Shot's new digital camera has enhanced photo effects and has higher image
resolution than earlier models but actually costs ___.
(A) lesser
(B) lessen
(C) less
(D) least
11. This study shows that some adolescents as young ___ 15 years old are already learning to
smoke cigarettes.
(A) of
(B) at
(C) as
(D) than
12. Of these two applicants, Mr. Smith is the ___ qualified to work on the company restructuring
(A) better
(B) much
(C) too
(D) well
13. San Antonio Hospital uses the ___ advanced surgical equipment in the country.
(A) better
(B) favorable
(C) high
(D) most
14. The annual report stated that new employees are making five times ___ mistakes as their
colleagues in the first three weeks.
(A) as many
(B) much more
(C) more than
(D) too much
15. Freesia Ltd. has realized that it is much ___ to sell beauty products than it is to market
(A) hardest
(B) harder
(C) hardness
(D) hard
16. The Voltra handheld computer is the ___ powerful learning tool DGI Corp. has ever created.
(A) more
(B) most
(C) very
(D) well

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17. In some cases, it would be ___ to travel in the U.S. by subway than by plane.
(A) quick
(B) more quickly
(C) quicker
(D) quickest
18. The newly renovated offices are ___ and a more convenient place to work than the old ones.
(A) health
(B) healthier
(C) healthily
(D) healthiest
19. The price of the software plunged ___ faster than most experts had expected.
(A) more
(B) most
(C) much
(D) many
20. Because the manager is strict in monitoring attendance, all staff members must be at work
by 8 o'clock in the morning at the ___.
(A) late
(B) latest
(C) later
(D) lateness

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B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. Almost all telecommunications corporations have encountered ___ market pressure to make their
services available at lower prices.
(A) inflicting
(B) resisting
(C) conducting
(D) increasing
2. Since we introduced it to the public four months ago, our personal music player has ___ become the
best-selling player in its price range.
(A) once
(B) over
(C) already
(D) rather
3. The government has ___ taken measures to ensure such a security lapse does not occur again in the
(A) shortly
(B) already
(C) ever
(D) since
4. The robbers had ___ been caught by the martial arts expert by the time the police officers arrived.
(A) besides
(B) over
(C) already
(D) yet
5. New computer games had ___ been on the store shelves for ten minutes before they sold out.
(A) shortly
(B) hardly
(C) minutely
(D) rapidly
6. We are sorry for the ___ while we renovate the building's ground floor.
(A) inconvenience
(B) increment
(C) inclination
(D) incentive
7. The dinner party in ___ of Capt. Sullivan will be held on Friday evening in the lavish garden of
Strathmore Hotel.
(A) respect
(B) request
(C) honor
(D) award

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8. Some employees say they would choose to have less office hours than a salary ___.
(A) increase
(B) growth
(C) lift
(D) climb

9. Performance ___ are conducted once a year and are used as basis for the extension or termination of
your contract.
(A) demands
(B) resources
(C) appraisals
(D) abilities

10. Mr. Copperfield appreciated the ___ extended to him when he stayed at our house last week.
(A) fondness
(B) hospitality
(C) cultivation
(D) altruism

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Questions 11-13 refer to the following instructions.

Unpacking the Giga Internet Router

The shipping package for the Giga 1020 Internet outer is engineered to reduce potential
product ___ caused by routine handling during shipment. Always transport or store the
11. (A) damage
(B) penalty
(C) hurt
(D) charge

router in an upright position. To reduce the ___ of damage, do not remove the Giga 1020
12. (A) possible
(B) possibility
(C) possibly
(D) possibilist

Internet Router from its shipping container until you are ready to install it.

1. Carefully open the box, and remove the packing braces and the unit together very

2. Be sure to save all packing materials. If you should need to send in your unit for any
repairs or ___, the original packaging will best protect the unit.
13. (A) analysis
(B) promotion
(C) service
(D) treatment

3. Check the contents of the box with the enclosed product list.

4. Follow the simple instructions on the ‘Getting Started’ handout to set up your Giga
Internet Router.

Note: Use an antistatic mat and strip to avoid possible damage to the router unit during

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Questions 14-16 refer to the following memorandum.

To: Hilary Shellar, Payroll

From: Jacob Lee, Personnel
Re: Janet Defoe and Craig Patterson; summer interns
Date: May 17

Dear Hilary,

I just spoke with Kelly, and there have been a few changes regarding our new internship
program. The board has decided to allocate less money this year to the summer internship
program. Although we have ___ compensated our summer interns through an hourly wage,
14. (A) presently
(B) previously
(C) precisely
(D) preventively

we will have to switch to a different form of compensation.

To better plan our reduced budget, we have decided to offer the interns a one-time stipend
at the end of the program. The fixed amount of the stipend will ___ us to
15. (A) enable
(B) expect
(C) accept
(D) acquire

plan our ___ better. We will still require that our interns clock in and out each work day for
16. (A) demands
(B) abilities
(C) resources
(D) appraisals

accountability purposes, but please note that they will not be part of the regular payroll list. I
will speak with Mickey Graves in Accounting, who will determine the amount of the stipend
and will then notify you of the result. Thanks for your cooperation.


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Questions 17-20 refer to the following posting on a website.

Employee Message Board

Holiday Office Party's Success and Appreciation

Posted by Julie Norton

I want to thank everyone who __17__ make this party a success. __18__ We had some
ups and downs as we started preparing for this but the final result has been extraordinary.
In fact, the __19__ consensus seems to be that this year's party was the best yet. We had
the highest turnout ever and many seem to agree that this year's activities contributed to
the party's success. It was a joy to see everyone get along so well and participate in all the
events. We even __20__ our children's charity fund raising goals by over $1000. Once
again, I would like to thank everyone.

17. (A) helps

(B) helped
(C) helping
(D) had help

18. (A) I really enjoyed all the food and chatting with everyone.
(B) I worked really hard to plan this event.
(C) Special thanks to Keith, Grant, Vanessa, and Melissa, who spent many hours outside of
work to help plan everything.
(D) I'm glad to see that everyone made it to work today.

19. (A) regular

(B) familiar
(C) different
(D) general

20. (A) overstepped

(B) surrendered
(C) exceeded
(D) overwhelmed

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Questions 1-3 refer to the following e-mail.

1. Why did Mr. Cowden most likely send the e-mail?

(A) To invite Ms. Salinas to an event
(B) To acknowledge Ms. Salinas' acceptance of an offer
(C) To ask Ms. Salinas for a recommendation
(D) To propose that a session be rescheduled

2. What is suggested about Ms. Branston?

(A) She spoke at the conference last year.
(B) She wrote a popular book about nutrition.
(C) She is a colleague of Ms. Salinas.
(D) She is studying to be a dietitian.

3. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
"It is no trouble at all to have visual equipment available."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

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Questions 4-8 refer to the following e-mails.

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4. Why did Ms. Bartosz e-mail Mr. Wickler?

(A) To announce the launch of a publication
(B) To advertise a new agricultural product
(C) To inform him of a special promotion
(D) To offer him a discount on a subscription

5. What is suggested about Asher's Farming Digest?

(A) It recently expanded its readership.
(B) It will be releasing a special issue.
(C) It has increased its advertising rates.
(D) It publishes a full-color magazine.

6. What is mentioned about Ms. Bartosz?

(A) She is a graphic designer.
(B) She has worked with Mr. Wickler before.
(C) She can provide additional assistance.
(D) She will be out of the office in October.

7. In the second e-mail, the word "placing" in paragraph 1, line 1, is closest in meaning to
(A) hiring
(B) putting
(C) assigning
(D) calculating

8. What package does Mr. Wickler most likely want?

(A) Package 1
(B) Package 2
(C) Package 3
(D) Package 4

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Questions 9-13 refer to the following e-mails.

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9. Why did Ms. Akpan write to Ms. Bonsky?

(A) To offer her a position
(B) To provide technical assistance
(C) To promote a writing workshop
(D) To negotiate a salary

10. What information is Ms. Bonsky asked to provide?

(A) Her educational background
(B) Her availability for training
(C) A list of her current clients
(D) A summary of her work experience

11. What is indicated about the technical writing team members?

(A) They are paid at variable rates.
(B) They have all worked together before.
(C) They work from the same location.
(D) They pay their own travel expenses.

12. Why will Mr. Chalmers contact Ms. Bonsky?

(A) To clarify a company policy
(B) To make travel arrangements
(C) To issue employment paperwork
(D) To explain software requirements

13. What will Ms. Bonsky most likely do on August 15?

(A) Submit a writing assignment
(B) Travel to Albany
(C) Participate in a training session
(D) Meet Mr. Chalmers

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Questions 14-18 refer to the following schedule, e-mail, and review.

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14. What industry is the focus of the conference?

(A) Recycling
(B) Food
(C) Automotive
(D) Clothing

15. According to the schedule, what are presenters expected to do?

(A) Confirm on their registration that they are presenting
(B) Indicate where they would like their materials sent
(C) Reserve hotel accommodations by July 10
(D) Request a discount code from Vertin Suites

16. What has Ms. Haasbroek been asked to do?

(A) Arrange a meeting with Mr. Molawa
(B) Submit a draft of her presentation
(C) Discuss ways of preparing goods for transport
(D) Cancel travel arrangements made for Mr. Kekana

17. In the review, the word "capacity" in paragraph 1, line 5, is closest in meaning to
(A) role
(B) time
(C) ability
(D) experience

18. What is probably true about Mr. Gupta?

(A) He opened a manufacturing plant recently.
(B) He filled out an Employer Application when registering.
(C) He preferred the recent ACIC conference over previous ones.
(D) He believed his topic would be easy to understand.

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Questions 19-21 refer to the following letter.

19. What is true about the Calmont Art Museum building?

(A) It has a restaurant.
(B) It will be closing for one month.
(C) It will have photographs on display.
(D) It has a studio for art classes.
20. According to the letter, what will be different on Fridays?
(A) Museum admission will be free.
(B) Additional galleries will be open.
(C) Hours at the gift shop will be extended.
(D) Bermudian artwork will be on sale.
21. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best
belong? "January is a wonderful time to visit the museum for another reason."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

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Questions 22-23 refer to the following e-mail.

22. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To inquire about discounted products
(B) To confirm a hotel reservation
(C) To agree to attend a dinner
(D) To report on promotional plans

23. What does Ms. Ahn promise to send later?

(A) A revised invitation
(B) A list of upcoming events
(C) A travel itinerary
(D) A report of recent sales

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Questions 24-28 refer to the following e-mail and business plan.

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24. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To acknowledge a recent job promotion
(B) To give instructions on getting a permit
(C) To offer advice to a new business owner
(D) To respond to a specific suggestion

25. In the e-mail, the word "secure" in paragraph 1, line 1, is closest in meaning to
(A) guard
(B) obtain
(C) save
(D) fasten

26. What section of the business plan was added?

(A) Section 1
(B) Section 2
(C) Section 3
(D) Section 4

27. What type of business does Ms. Floros plan to start?

(A) A gourmet restaurant
(B) An employment agency
(C) A beauty salon
(D) A shoe shop

28. According to the business plan, what information was submitted separately?
(A) Letters of recommendation
(B) Names of contracted suppliers
(C) Details about estimated costs
(D) A list of inventory items

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Questions 29-33 refer to the following e-mail, menu, and comment card.

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29. What is the purpose of the menu tasting?

(A) To prepare for a visit from a restaurant critic
(B) To select dishes to enter in a cooking contest
(C) To evaluate a chef who is applying for a job
(D) To decide on items to add to the daily menu

30. In the e-mail, the word "hearty" in paragraph 2, line 2, is closest in meaning to
(A) sincere
(B) abundant
(C) satisfying
(D) original

31. What is true about the tasting menu?

(A) It lists dishes that were offered for free.
(B) It includes a dessert suggested by Mr. Li.
(C) It was served to customers in the restaurant's kitchen.
(D) It is available every weekend.

32. Which menu item was most likely Ms. Aude's favorite?
(A) The halibut
(B) The cake
(C) The eggplant
(D) The chicken

33. What is suggested about the brick oven?

(A) It is too large for the kitchen.
(B) It needs to be repaired.
(C) It failed a safety inspection.
(D) It is still being built.

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A. Grammar
Exercise 1
1. The owners (on / of) the shopping center will have to spend millions of dollars for its
2. (Among / Between) consumers gaining more discretionary income, sales of sparkling wine
are on the rapid increase.
3. No ads should be placed on the bulletin board (but for / without) the permission of the
committee head.
4. Please call our office to schedule your interview (with / within) six business days of receiving
this notice.
5. The flight scheduled to arrive in New York at 4:00 p.m. has been delayed (for / to) an hour
due to the inclement weather.
6. Several local universities will hold a career fair (on / at) which many students will have the
chance to meet recruiters.
7. Application forms may be obtained from the Human Resources Office (among / between) 8
a.m. and 4 p.m. daily.
8. Our company has been buying from that supplier (since / for) years without ever being
9. (Despite / In spite) lower-than-expected sales, the company was able to accomplish their
sales target established at the beginning of the year.
10. If they are not following the rules that are outlined in the contract, there is absolutely no way
to make a deal (to / with) them.

Exercise 2: PART 5
1. The meeting with a management consultant, John Smith, will take place ___ 3:00 p.m.
(A) on
(B) for
(C) at
(D) to
2. Since our building is still ___ construction, all the offices will be temporarily relocated to the
Tycoon Complex on Pearl Avenue.
(A) in
(B) on
(C) below
(D) under
3. There are several condenser microphones ___ each recording booth.
(A) in
(B) by
(C) on
(D) at

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4. The competent investment company has decided to buy the building in this city's largest
property sale ___ ten years.
(A) by
(B) from
(C) in
(D) since
5. To avoid overdue fines, items borrowed should be returned ___ 72 hours after the checkout
(A) within
(B) by
(C) for
(D) with
6. Santa Barbara Hotel consists ___ 90 spacious bedrooms, 20 meeting rooms, and a luxurious
open-air lounge.
(A) by
(B) at
(C) of
(D) on
7. Companies can expect commitment and loyalty from their customers ___ reliable service
and high-quality customer care.
(A) in exchange for
(B) exchanging of
(C) with exchange
(D) exchanges
8. Frederick Allison has resigned from his job as editor of the magazine in order to concentrate
___ finishing his doctorate degree.
(A) their
(B) to
(C) in
(D) on
9. Employees need to be ___ the consequences of tardiness and irregular attendance at work.
(A) spoken with
(B) conscious of
(C) examined by
(D) capable of
10. Formal complaints should be made ___ and submitted to the main office if you want to solve
the problems immediately.
(A) on the basis
(B) in writing
(C) on file
(D) out of order

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11. Please wait ___ the CD to load before clicking the OK button.
(A) of
(B) until
(C) since
(D) for
12. The shipment ___ the furniture we ordered will be delayed due to the terrible weather
(A) of
(B) from
(C) by
(D) on
13. ___ very few exceptions, most automobile companies are going through a period of
tremendous growth.
(A) On
(B) At
(C) For
(D) With
14. Mr. Collins agrees ___ the suggestions of the graphic artist and will redesign the website
(A) along
(B) from
(C) for
(D) with
15. Visitors to the National Science Museum are prohibited ___ taking photographs or making
video recordings of its exhibits.
(A) by
(B) away
(C) under
(D) from
16. Parking meters are in effect ___ the holiday season as well as on weekends and every Friday
(A) upon
(B) during
(C) inside
(D) along
17. Waiters should clear all used plates, bowls, and glasses ___ the dining table right after the
guests leave.
(A) among
(B) for
(C) from
(D) of

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18. The management attributes the company's huge gains ___ its devoted and hardworking
(A) to
(B) in
(C) of
(D) on
19. I have great confidence ___ Mr. Genki's ability to negotiate with demanding clients.
(A) in
(B) by
(C) with
(D) on
20. Thank you for taking the time ___ your busy schedule to talk with me concerning our venture
to expand our local businesses throughout the country.
(A) onto
(B) aboard
(C) except
(D) during
21. Because the problem is too technical, it cannot be resolved ___ the phone.
(A) about
(B) in
(C) over
(D) of
22. Even though both parties didn't agree at first, ___ several rounds of negotiation, they decided
to keep their partnership.
(A) around
(B) following
(C) between
(D) toward

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B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. To ensure the prompt delivery of your order, please make sure that you ___ the address label firmly to
the package.
(A) allow
(B) adapt
(C) attach
(D) align
2. Interested individuals should ___ a résumé and cover letter to the Human Resources Department by
designated deadline.
(A) omit
(B) permit
(C) submit
(D) admit
3. The company spokesperson stated that 20 percent of the annual budget would be ___ to the marketing
(A) divided
(B) allocated
(C) measured
(D) implemented
4. The government should ___ a social security system that provides substantial benefits for our senior
(A) achieve
(B) demonstrate
(C) establish
(D) agree
5. Management has just announced plans to ___ the company's headquarters from New York to
Washington in November.
(A) refer
(B) transmit
(C) deliver
(D) relocate
6. The director must personally ___ any use of the printing equipment outside of the usual business hours.
(A) authorize
(B) capitalize
(C) jeopardize
(D) randomize
7. The management team analyzed the ___ amounts of information to serve the customers more
(A) calculating
(B) increasing
(C) investing
(D) expanding

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8. The debate between the two candidates in the ___ presidential election will be broadcast this coming
(A) perspective
(B) forward
(C) prepared
(D) upcoming
9. As a result of recent problems, the network is no longer ___ to provide people with Internet access.
(A) able
(B) capable
(C) probable
(D) possible
10. From the appearance of the suit, it was obvious that it had ___ been worn.
(A) vaguely
(B) faintly
(C) hardly
(D) dimly

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Questions 11-13 refer to the following letter.

Ms. Jennifer Lynton

Building Division, Yorba City Council
15832 Flower Road
Yorba Rosa, CA 92821
February 27
Sid Chavez
389 Skylar Ave.
Yorba Rosa, CA 92821

Dear Mr. Chavez,

First of all, I would like to commend you for contacting your city council. I certainly
appreciate the initiative you took to ensure that you will be abiding by our local laws.
I can understand your family’s desire to provide a safe and fun enclosure for your children
to play in. Many families opt for pre-made playhouses, but I understand your desire to build
one because of your background in construction. Although a building permit is ___ not
11. (A) timely
(B) usually
(C) early
(D) singularly
required for one-story detached accessory buildings like a playhouse or shed, the floor
space may not exceed a total of 100 square feet. Pre-made playhouses and sheds are all
less than 100 square feet.
The blueprints you submitted were ___ impressive and ambitious. However, they indicate
12. (A) even
(B) quite
(C) enough
(D) still
that your enclosure will exceed 100 square feet, which requires a permit. Please stop by the
Building Division Office at your earliest ___. My assistant, Howard Chang, will assist you
13. (A) convenient
(B) convenience
(C) conveniently
(D) convenant
with the application. It will take at least a week and a half to process. I do not foresee any
problems with processing your application and am sure that you will be able to begin
construction by the end of this month. Please give me a call if you have any further

Jennifer Lynton

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Questions 14-16 refer to the following statement.

Starting a small business is not as simple ___ as many people imagine it to be.
14. (A) a wish
(B) an endeadvor
(C) a promotion
(D) an agenda

Acquiring the funds to start the business is the most crucial step, but before any bank will
loan money to a customer, that person must have a business plan that shows
moneymaking ___. Once the person receives funding, he needs to complete all the paper
15. (A) potential
(B) plans
(C) possibility
(D) power

work and forms required to start a business. While it is possible for a person to do this by
himself, most people hire lawyers to guide them through the legal issues. After this is
accomplished and the person is ready to open his business, the problem of finding
customers remains. It is no ___ that more than fifty percent of all small businesses fall
16. (A) chance
(B) danger
(C) decision
(D) surprise

within a year of opening.

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Questions 17-20 refer to the following advertisement.

International Goods Fair

If you want __17__ your packaged goods to an international audience, join the 8th annual
International Goods Fair. The fair runs from March 5 to March 7 at the Galaxy Convention
in downtown New York. With over 200 booths __18__ by companies from all over the
world, you can make business connections while promoting your own products to interested
customers and businesses. The products should be mainly packaged foods ranging __19__
desserts and snacks to canned meats and dried jerky. __20__ Spots are limited and going

17. (A) promotion

(B) promoting
(C) to promote
(D) have promoted

18. (A) represented

(B) expressed
(C) delivered
(D) revealed

19. (A) to
(B) for
(C) from
(D) with

20. (A) Ice creams will not be allowed on the premises.

(B) You can sample items as you browse.
(C) You'll have a chance to promote your food of choice.
(D) Apply for a booth now before they're all taken.

Phạm Hương Liên 179
Hotline: 037.898.2858


Questions 1-2 refer to the following notice.

We are pleased to announce that Teresa Park has joined the Severin Law Firm as
an associate attorney. Ms. Park graduated with high honors from Naridell University
Law School, where she specialized in copyright and trademark law. While attending
school, she worked as a clerk in the legal aid office at the university. This past
summer, she completed an internship at Delmar and Associates, a legal firm whose
client base includes writers, musicians, and other professionals in the publishing
industry. Ms. Park has an exceptional record of service and will be a valuable asset
to our team. Please join us this Thursday at 3:00 P.M. in the main conference room
to welcome her to our office.

1. Where is the notice most likely posted?

(A) In a law office
(B) In a talent agency
(C) In a recording studio
(D) In a publishing company

2. What are employees invited to do on Thursday?

(A) Watch a musical performance
(B) Join a community service group
(C) Attend a professional conference
(D) Meet a new staff member

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Questions 3-4 refer to the following notice.

3. What change will be made to the business directory?

(A) It will have shortened listings.
(B) It will be available only online.
(C) It will be distributed on a different date.
(D) It will cover more than one neighborhood.

4. According to the notice, why might readers contact Ms. Lanster?

(A) To request a correction
(B) To obtain an access code
(C) To subscribe to a newsletter
(D) To suggest changes in deadlines

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Questions 5-8 refer to the following notice.

5. What is announced in the notice?

(A) An added service
(B) A new tourist facility
(C) A recent policy change
(D) An updated fee structure

6. What is indicated about visiting Prendis Island?

(A) Visitors are warned not to disturb the wildlife.
(B) To tour on foot, visitors must be accompanied by a guide.
(C) Visitors are not permitted to swim near the island.
(D) To view the island from a boat, visitors must join an official tour.

7. What is NOT mentioned about the PNPA's tours?

(A) The capacity is limited.
(B) Advance payment may be required.
(C) Tour times vary by season.
(D) Overnight tours can be scheduled.

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8. According to the notice, what may happen if a group arrives late for a scheduled tour?
(A) It may be canceled.
(B) It may last less than two hours.
(C) It may cost more.
(D) It may be moved to another day.

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Questions 9-13 refer to the following Web page and customer review.

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9. According to the Web page, what does the free software allow users to do?
(A) Customize designs
(B) Confirm attendees
(C) Update a Web site
(D) Check customer information

10. What is mentioned on the Web page about Ticket Stack?

(A) It offers a variety of ticket sizes.
(B) It offers an optional security feature.
(C) It uses a unique numbering system.
(D) It has several store locations.

11. What is indicated about Mr. Collier?

(A) He paid ten cents per ticket.
(B) He requested a rush order.
(C) He chose a standard template.
(D) He received more tickets than he requested.

12. What is suggested about the Dewley Theater?

(A) It is located in Albany.
(B) It is planning to change its logo.
(C) It recently reduced its ticket prices.
(D) It mails tickets directly to patrons.

13. According to the review, why does Mr. Collier prefer Ticket Stack over another
(A) It has lower prices.
(B) It delivers internationally.
(C) It uses higher-quality equipment.
(D) It processes orders more quickly.

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Questions 14-18 refer to the following Web page, e-mail, and form.

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14. What is indicated about Central Craft Office Furnishings?

(A) It provides complimentary interior design services.
(B) It offers special deals to educational institutions.
(C) It has recently expanded its product inventory.
(D) It has just opened a branch location.
15. What is probably true about Market Street Legal's furniture order?
(A) It will be delivered at no charge.
(B) It includes an item that has been discontinued.
(C) It was placed too late for delivery in June.
(D) It includes a style selected by interns.

16. Why does Mr. Louw probably prefer to schedule a delivery during a particular period of time?
(A) He will receive an additional discount.
(B) He needs some furnishings for an important meeting.
(C) He needs extra time to discard old office furniture.
(D) He wants to minimize inconvenience to colleagues.

17. What furniture product will most likely be placed upstairs at Market Street Legal?
(A) Hamilton Business Desks
(B) Tuck Away File Cabinets
(C) Bookworm Bookshelves
(D) Flexible Desks

18. According to the form, where is the furniture made?

(A) Uitenhage
(B) Cape Town
(C) Bloemfontein
(D) Port Elizabeth

Phạm Hương Liên 187
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A. Grammar

Exercise 1
1. Most computers have software (that / who) enables users to create professional-looking
posters and flyers.
2. The journalists (which / who) offered a free writing seminar for elementary students received
a plaque of appreciation from Nevada Elementary School.
3. I would like to recommend some good businesspeople (whose / who) would be good for the
management positions in your new business.
4. The new shopping mall construction project (who / that) is being financed both by the
government and the local community is near completion.
5. Not all (what / that) is said during the course of our meeting is written in the minutes, but we
all seem to recall who said what.
6. It is still to be determined (whom / who) in the department will be responsible for the
company restructuring project.
7. The important details were omitted from the memo (what / that) was distributed to
employees last week.
8. The exhibit was held at the town's exposition hall, (which / that) was renovated just last
9. The symposium about business management has taught workers to analyze problems
(those / that) were normally encountered in the office.
10. Jeffrey Richards spent a large amount of money starting a personal fossil collection (what /
which) later became the foundation of our national geological museum.
11. The hall (in where/ in which) the conference about retirement policies will be held is located
in the office across from the shopping center.
12. This harbor, which docks seven yachts every day, has a (gate can/ gate that can) be opened
automatically in case of fire.
13. Employees (are involved in / involved in) multiple projects are reminded to indicate the
number of the hours dedicated to each project.
14. If you want more information about our company, you can contact us by telephone or email,
(whoever / whichever) you prefer.

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Exercise 2: PART 5
1. Twenty percent of the people ___ were surveyed said that they were very satisfied with the
product and would buy it again.
(A) which
(B) whom
(C) what
(D) who
2. Conference attendees ___ confirm their attendance early will be eligible for pre-assigned
(A) whose
(B) what
(C) who
(D) whom
3. Changes in our organizational structure have created ways for employees to explore
opportunities ___ were previously not available.
(A) what
(B) those
(C) that
(D) there
4. People entering business administration need a broad knowledge of the culture in ___ they
will eventually put their professional training to work.
(A) which
(B) that
(C) whom
(D) whose
5. Mr. Thompson collected a list of employees ___ were unable to attend the official company
(A) whose
(B) who
(C) whom
(D) whoever
6. The company is requesting that high-level executives complete a survey ___ details what
their main tasks consist of.
(A) who
(B) why
(C) which
(D) where
7. The package ___ was sent to Mr. Jones was returned to us when the mail carrier could not
locate the address on the shipping label.
(A) when
(B) who
(C) what
(D) that

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8. Please tell the person in charge to let us know ___ the assessment forms have been
completed by the participants.
(A) when
(B) that
(C) what
(D) whatever
9. Mr. McKenzie ___ has been working on the campaign longer than anyone else will take
charge of the project.
(A) whom
(B) whose
(C) who
(D) which
10. Only Speedy Shipping offers a variety of delivery options ___ utilize both air and sea
(A) why
(B) that
(C) where
(D) what
11. Most of the findings and testimonies ___ are written on these documents were tampered
with by the police.
(A) these
(B) that
(C) those
(D) they
12. All media personnel ___ would like to ask for an exclusive interview must obtain formal
permission in advance from Mr. Jackson's manager.
(A) when
(B) whose
(C) which
(D) who
13. The tailor shop is requesting the customer to return the expensive suits ___ were mistakenly
packed with his purchase.
(A) what
(B) whoever
(C) this
(D) that
14. The director developed a list of criteria for development, ___ he feels will boost the
company's prestige.
(A) which
(B) that
(C) what
(D) who

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15. At a meeting yesterday, we studied the most recent budget proposal, ___ the board thinks
will help pull the corporation out of debt.
(A) whether
(B) where
(C) which
(D) that
16. A dinner will take place next Friday to honor Richard Perkins, ___ has been a great asset
to this bank for over thirty years.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) whose
(D) of which
17. The Mother Nature Garden Show, ___ annually demonstrates the newest technology in
horticulture, draws over 5,000 attendees during its week-long run.
(A) when
(B) which
(C) where
(D) whose
18. More than half of the work base of Georgetown is employed by Vector Corporation, ___ will
close its doors at the end of the month.
(A) where
(B) that
(C) but
(D) which
19. lnterpid Travel employed eight certified agents, all of ___ were trained at the same institute
in Manhattan.
(A) what
(B) whom
(C) who
(D) that
20. Gasco sells more than 8 million gallons of oil a year, half of ___ is consumed in the United
States alone.
(A) many
(B) which
(C) each
(D) whose
21. When the director asked ___ responsibility the project was, he was told that it was the
(A) who
(B) which
(C) whose
(D) that

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22. We are currently seeking a partner firm ___ marketing principles are similar to our own.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) whose
(D) where
23. An employee ___ performance during a specified period is satisfactory is entitled to a wage
increase based on current pay standards.
(A) who
(B) whom
(C) whose
(D) in which
24. They're looking for a new school administrator ___ job will involve coordinating all the
school-related events and recruiting students.
(A) what
(B) whom
(C) when
(D) whose
25. Studies have shown that elderly people who own pets are more cheerful and healthier than
___ who do not.
(A) those
(B) such
(C) this
(D) someone
26. Cellular phones make it possible to receive important calls ___ you are, whether you are at
home, on the road, or even while in a business meeting.
(A) wherever
(B) whomever
(C) whatever
(D) whenever
27. If the necessary documents arrive on time, ___ in the department should receive their
paychecks by Friday.
(A) whoever
(B) everyone
(C) whomever
(D) everywhere
28. There will be no substantial increase in our market share unless there is a dramatic change
in the way this organization and its divisions ___.
(A) manages
(B) are managed
(C) managing
(D) manager

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29. Enclosed with this letter is a pre-addressed, stamped envelope ___ to mail your application
for membership to our club.
(A) which
(B) in which
(C) what
(D) whenever
30. Prospective buyers ___ in purchasing a Montalvo home must pre-qualify with one of our
designated lenders to secure a slot on the waiting list.
(A) interesting
(B) interested
(C) interest
(D) who interested
31. Every means ___ will be used to ensure that your valuables are delivered quickly and safely.
(A) possibility
(B) possible
(C) possibilities
(D) possibly
32. A conference to discuss the terms of the settlement will be held at a time and place ___ to
both parties involved.
(A) acceptance
(B) acceptingly
(C) accept
(D) acceptable

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Exercise 3: PART 6
Questions 01-03 refer to the following e-mail.

Date: December 8
Re: Press conference
The correct date for the press conference is on December 16. In my last communication,
I ___told you that it would be on December 12. I got the date mixed up with an appointment
01. (A) consequently
(B) properly
(C) mistakenly
(D) substantially
I have with a reporter from Business Week. You probably already know that Alan and I ___
02. (A) have
(B) to have
(C) having had
(D) would have
arranged for special bus service between the hotel where the conference will be held and our
offices. This is to facilitate the transport of staff, guests and equipment to the hotel. I'm trying
to verify the names of the delegates ___ will be using the service to make certain that
03. (A) whose
(B) whom
(C) which
(D) who
we have a sufficient number of seats. Could you send me this list as soon as possible?

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Questions 04-06 refer to the following article.

The National Health Board is currently monitoring outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness in

cruise ship travel. Since October, there have been five outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness
on cruise ships sailing out of, or sailing to, the state of Florida, USA. ___ outbreaks have
04. (A) Every
(B) Each
(C) All
(D) Much
been confirmed as caused by Norwalk virus. It is spread through fecal/oral exposure.
Transmission may occur through contaminated water supplies or food (e.g., contaminated
shellfish, such as clams and oysters), and through food handled by someone who is ill with
Norwalk or has been exposed to Norwalk ___ exercising proper hand-washing procedures.
05. (A) unless
(B) even
(C) without
(D) although
Transmission can also occur person to person if there has been exposure to contaminated
feces, or to any contaminated surface, followed by contact with one's mouth. The National
Health Board would like to urge cruise ship travelers to wash their hands after using the
bathroom and before handling food, as hand-washing breaks the chain of transmission of the
virus. There is no vaccine or specific treatment for Norwalk virus. Generally, the virus causes
___ minor illness, such as diarrhea and vomiting lasting from 1 to 4 days.
06. (A) only
(B) scarcely
(C) evenly
(D) singly
Dehydration may be a serious health risk though, especially for the young and the elderly.

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Questions 07-09 refer to the following article.

Proposed Expansion and Renovation for the Central Convention Center

The new plan will provide a new ballroom of 40,000 square feet by reducing the existing
ballroom to 17,000 square feet, which will be capable of functioning as a large meeting
room/junior ballroom space. ___ the ballroom and the large meeting rooms are in an ideal
07. (A) Either
(B) Plus
(C) Both
(D) So
location next to the central kitchen. The restrooms will also be ___ reconfigured to increase
08. (A) extremely
(B) modestly
(C) eventually
(D) relatively
the total fixture count.
An ___ restroom will more fully comply with code requirements.
09. (A) expanded
(B) performed
(C) supplied
(D) accomplished
The extra space will be taken from a small meeting room adjacent to the restroom, which is
not frequently used. The plans will reduce the total support space, which is not ideal, but it
will significantly improve the overall marketability of the convention center. The project is
estimated to cost approximately $600,000.

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B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. Ever since Ms. Keller was appointed as Officer-in-Charge, she has always worked overtime and ___
ever spent time with her family.
(A) just
(B) nearly
(C) quite
(D) hardly
2. We have been working ___ on highway construction project so that we can finish the job on time.
(A) soon
(B) hard
(C) forward
(D) up
3. Because of the increasing number of the customers, all employees will have to work ___ every evening
during the month of December.
(A) far
(B) well
(C) much
(D) late
4. Recent findings show that there is a wide ___ between the financial success of graduates from private
universities and those from public colleges.
(A) width
(B) hole
(C) gap
(D) opening
5. We have already made an ___ into Florida & Co. and have found them to be quite undependable.
(A) introduction
(B) exploration
(C) investigation
(D) exhibition
6. It is my pleasure to write this letter of ___ for Mr. Christian Doe, who has been a secretary in my
company for the past two years.
(A) reference
(B) observance
(C) compensation
(D) information
7. Because of their durability and affordability, these products are therefore a good ___ for the money.
(A) price
(B) cost
(C) value
(D) discount

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8. Tickets sold at this station carry no ___ of seats on any particular train.
(A) acceptance
(B) assurance
(C) location
(D) confidence

9. Our company's commitment is to ___ our customers' problems regarding warranty repair service.
(A) retain
(B) resume
(C) resolve
(D) remain

10. In order to comply with strict state regulations, Johnson Co. ___ its engine parts to both mechanical
and computer-simulation tests.
(A) subjects
(B) prohibits
(C) supports
(D) discards

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Questions 11-13 refer to the following article.

Online Auction Craze Waning

A new web survey suggests that ___ there is plenty of traffic on auction sites, a high
11. (A) despite
(B) nevertheless
(C) although
(D) however

percentage of visitors are first-timers just taking a look around. The survey concluded that,
“the auction fad may not have staying power if it remains in its present state.”

Although forty-two percent of all Internet users over 18 years old (53 million) have visited an
auction site, only 14 percent (18.4 million) have actually bid on anything.

___ to the survey, during the second quarter of this year, 26 percent of site visitors were
12. (A) According
(B) Despite
(C) Whenever
(D) Unless

first-timers, compared to only eight percent in the first quarter. These percentages reflect
the fact that auction sites are having problems converting browser to buyers.

The study shows that while ___ was the leading defection driver in the first quarter of this
13. (A) dissatisfy
(B) dissatisfied
(C) dissatisfaction
(D) dissatisfactory

year, a lack of any real intent to use auction sites was the main defection driver in the
second quarter.

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Questions 14-16 refer to the following comment on predictions.

It is difficult to predict future events, particularly those that will happen more than a month in
the future. While predictions based on economic factors tend to be ___ to a point, experts
14. (A) genuine
(B) accurate
(C) realistic
(D) possible

may only be assured of being correct for a week or two at the most. After that, predictions
begin breaking down because of the number of random factors involved. For example,
although low unemployment numbers and rising exports ___ to an improving economy,
15. (A) result
(B) insist
(C) confirm
(D) point

events beyond one’s control, like war, weather, or terrorist acts, may occur at any time and
cause the economy to reverse ___.
16. (A) this
(B) itself
(C) speed
(D) numbers

So be leery of trusting so-called experts who claim the ability to predict future events. A
quick check of their track records should prove their guesses are no better than anyone

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Questions 17-20 refer to the following notice.

From: Vice President Jordan Smith

To: K Group Employees
Subject: Company Renovations
Date: February 26

To all employees,

This weekend the renovations to our second-floor offices __17__ .We ask that you take
home all important documents and file away any loose materials on your desks. All
electronic devices should be turned off and unplugged. __18__ , all cabinets and drawers
should be locked.

The renovations will take approximately 5 days. __19__ If you have any meetings
scheduled with clients next week, please schedule to meet them outside the company
premises due to the noise. We apologize for the inconvenience but we ask for your __20__.
Thank you.

17. (A) has began

(B) will begin
(C) beginning
(D) begun

18. (A) Furthermore

(B) As a consequence
(C) Because
(D) Therefore

19. (A) If it takes longer, we will notify you.

(B) All business will be suspended until the renovations end.
(C) During this time, your temporary workspace will be the first-floor conference room.
(D) Your office space will look new and improved after the renovations.

20. (A) service

(B) association
(C) connection
(D) cooperation

Phạm Hương Liên 201
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Questions 1-2 refer to the following brochure page.

1. What is one of the services offered by Venture Solutions?

(A) Legal advice
(B) Office accounting
(C) Building maintenance
(D) Software development

2. What is mentioned about ongoing care of computer equipment?

(A) It must be purchased for a minimum of one year.
(B) It is recommended for older computer systems.
(C) It is performed by external consultants.
(D) It is not available to new customers.

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Questions 3-5 refer to the following job advertisement.

3. What duty is mentioned as part of the job?

(A) Meeting sales commission targets
(B) Receiving calls from potential customers
(C) Working only during unconventional hours
(D) Calling people who are unfamiliar with the company

4. According to the advertisement, what is required for a salaried position?

(A) Sales experience
(B) A university degree
(C) Employer references
(D) An insurance license

5. According to the advertisement, why should applicants visit the AJQ Web site?
(A) To learn about AJQ Insurance
(B) To apply for the insurance sales job
(C) To ask questions about the process
(D) To find out about their application status

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Questions 6-10 refer to the following advertisement, e-mail, and Web site feedback.

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6. What is suggested about Janney's Star Tours?

(A) It has recently opened new offices.
(B) It is celebrating a company expansion.
(C) It has created new tours to meet demand.
(D) It schedules its tours several times a month.

7. According to the advertisement, what can Janney's Star Tours offer clients?
(A) Discussions with artists and actors
(B) Reduced rates for repeat customers
(C) A guaranteed maximum tour group size
(D) Travel arrangements based on a group's preferences

8. What is suggested about Mr. Bryant's tour?

(A) It will take five days to complete.
(B) It was purchased at a reduced price.
(C) It will not include gallery entrance fees.
(D) It has been especially designed for historians.

9. In the Web site feedback, the word "treat" in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to
(A) serve
(B) pay for
(C) develop
(D) improve

10. What is indicated about Ms. Murray?

(A) She is from Aberdeen.
(B) She is a newly trained guide.
(C) She speaks several languages.
(D) She studies at a local university.

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Questions 11-13 refer to the following advertisement.

11. How would a company most likely use Nimblearn?

(A) To perform market research
(B) To create software programs
(C) To design colorful advertisements
(D) To produce end-of-year financial reports

12. What is suggested about the company that developed Nimblearn?

(A) It was founded by a computer engineer.
(B) It posts customer reviews on its Web site.
(C) It has a reputation for producing high-quality goods.
(D) It used customer feedback in developing the product.

13. What is NOT mentioned as a feature of Nimblearn?

(A) Step-by-step instructions
(B) Sample survey questions
(C) Easy-to-read charts and graphs
(D) Suggestions for simple distribution

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A. Grammar
Exercise 1
1. It is definite (that / what) she will commence with the presentation tomorrow.
2. Investors are afraid (that / what) the war on terror will cause stock shares to plummet.
3. It is not certain (whose / which) of the representatives will be sent to one of our important
4. It is difficult to know (that / what) to expect on the first day of a job.
5. He was of the opinion (that / which) the marketing team needed a new leader.
6. The company was founded on the idea (why / that) quality service should be provided to
7. They stated the fact (that / what) some exports will have to be cut back because of inventory
8. Suppliers will have to decide (when / where) the time is right to make a change.
9. They questioned her regarding her skills instead of (if / whether) she had the appropriate
10. (How / What) the company manages to stay afloat with all its debt is a mystery.
11. The motorists were concerned about (who / what) roads had been blocked due to the
12. New office chairs are (what / that) the receptionists have requested numerous times.
13. The accountant doesn't understand (which / why) 10 percent of profit must go to pension
14. (Who / Whoever) has an interest in the position of field manager should send a résumé to
the main office.

Exercise 2: PART 5
1. ___ Alice Diaz was willing to work over the weekends to ensure the success of the ceremony
is evidence of her devotion to her work.
(A) That
(B) But
(C) Since
(D) After
2. ___ the holiday is only going to last three days is a disappointment to the entire staff.
(A) What
(B) That
(C) Although
(D) So

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3. The company’s press relations officer confirmed ___ Selectric, Inc. would no longer be
manufacturing pagers.
(A) about
(B) of
(C) that
(D) it
4. The banking industry reported ___ the past year saw a 10 percent increase in international
wire transfers.
(A) about
(B) this
(C) on
(D) that
5. Please remember ___ the vacation policy has been changed this year.
(A) that
(B) when
(C) if
(D) what
6. A key to closing a deal is to realize ___ knowing how to negotiate means having a sense of
how people think and feel.
(A) so that
(B) in that
(C) and that
(D) that
7. Employees are reminded ___ they should limit their use of office supplies, as budget cuts
will be taking effect immediately.
(A) if
(B) that
(C) still
(D) yet
8. Mr. Foster was convinced ___ his decision to sell his shares had been the right one when
the value of the stock plunged the next day.
(A) which
(B) that
(C) about
(D) of
9. We want all staff to be aware ___ security codes will be changed on the following Monday.
(A) concerning
(B) of
(C) that
(D) which

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10. Implementers understand ___ they cannot use company funds earmarked for project
expenses on rest and recreation.
(A) about
(B) it
(C) what
(D) that
11. As an advertiser, it is absolutely vital to understand ___ most customers expect and want
from manufacturers.
(A) how
(B) that
(C) what
(D) whether
12. Please submit your picks for employee of the month so that our manager can decide ___
will be given the award.
(A) those
(B) them
(C) who
(D) while
13. During the meeting, the manager referred to the rumor ___ the business was losing money.
(A) then
(B) that
(C) which
(D) how
14. The major issue we face is the fact ___ within the next month our spending will exceed the
(A) that
(B) coming from
(C) rather than
(D) what
15. The chairman of Rochelle Petrochemicals is of the opinion ___ the new manufacturing plant
will not significantly affect the environment.
(A) then
(B) that
(C) how
(D) when
16. The committee is still deciding about ___ to allocate funds for monthly training sessions for
(A) if
(B) that
(C) whether
(D) which

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17. When questioned as to ___ he was planning to work for the competition, Mr. Graham said
he would always be loyal to Sanford and Sons.
(A) whenever
(B) while
(C) whether
(D) whereas
18. Next week's workshop will focus on ___ to be an effective and trustworthy leader in the
corporate world.
(A) which
(B) how
(C) what
(D) that
19. She is still thinking about whether ___ to boost the office’s computer systems with the latest
software programs.
(A) or
(B) or not
(C) and
(D) and not
20. Ms. Owen still isn’t sure ___ she will open a production plant in South America to cut down
the cost of labor.
(A) if
(B) though
(C) however
(D) while
21. The new employees wondered ___ they would be given health care and some benefits.
(A) whom
(B) if
(C) that
(D) what
22. The manager wants to know ___ prepared the employee profiles for the company website,
as he finds them unprofessional and inappropriate.
(A) how
(B) that
(C) which
(D) who
23. Our supervisor wants to know ___ the final revisions will be made to the contract.
(A) on
(B) about
(C) which
(D) when

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24. The company's lawyer will know ___ to do in this situation, so let's make an appointment to
see him.
(A) what
(B) that
(C) which
(D) where
25. To make preparations for the event, the caterer asked ___ many people would be present
at the dinner.
(A) about
(B) concerning
(C) how
(D) what
26. We will be holding a meeting this afternoon to decide ___ needs to be revised before the
report goes to print.
(A) what
(B) those
(C) whether
(D) there
27. ___ Doctor William will give a speech at the Remand Hotel remains undecided.
(A) About
(B) Before
(C) Whether
(D) It
28. AIthough staff members have some leeway when it comes to daily activities, the supervisor
determines ___ tasks get done by whom.
(A) when
(B) whoever
(C) what
(D) whose
29. ___ team of sales representatives has sold the highest number of units will receive the Team
of the Month award.
(A) Which
(B) Some
(C) Whichever
(D) These
30. For those who have made an investment, ___ happens during the first year is an important
indicator of how successful the company will be.
(A) that
(B) as
(C) what
(D) how

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31. As the manager of the hotel, I can assure you that ___ room you choose will be of the
highest standards.
(A) these
(B) some
(C) whose
(D) whichever
32. ___ leaves the office last will be required to make sure all the lights are off and lock all doors
behind them.
(A) Who
(B) Whom
(C) Whose
(D) Whoever
33. ___ is said at this very private meeting is confidential and should not leave the room for any
(A) Whichever
(B) Whatever
(C) Whenever
(D) However
34. The supervisor reminded us that ___ needed a certificate of employment for personal
reasons should ask for Ms. Simon's assistance.
(A) who
(B) whenever
(C) whoever
(D) whomever
35. At 6:00, ___ club members joining the special clambake at the beach should be at the
entrance of the Lakeside Center.
(A) all
(B) somewhat
(C) when
(D) whichever

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Exercise 3: PART 6
Questions 01-03 refer to the following letter.

This is in reply to your letter of complaint dated September. We credited your account for the
amount which you disputed in your communication. However, one of our employees later
gave you another credit for the same situation. Could you check ___ you have the correct
01. (A) where
(B) though
(C) whereas
(D) whether
amount in your account? To remedy the problem, we have ___ the extra amount. The
02. (A) withdrawn
(B) retreated
(C) abolished
(D) foregone
adjustment should be reflected in your October account statement, which was sent out
We ___ apologize for our mistake and any difficulty it may have caused.
03. (A) sincerity
(B) most sincere
(C) sincere
(D) sincerely
Senior Accountant

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B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. We cannot ___ the service contract due to the lack of information provided by your company and
wish that you would please submit the missing information.
(A) renew
(B) revolve
(C) remodel
(D) reappear
2. The staff has agreed to work ___ hours this week so that they can finish the project on time.
(A) fortified
(B) previous
(C) potential
(D) extended
3. It is important to make international salespeople ___ that manners and etiquettes can differ greatly
from country to country.
(A) aware
(B) serious
(C) careful
(D) thoughtful
4. This coupon will be ___ as of June 1, and you may use it for making purchases at our designated
(A) effective
(B) approximately
(C) acute
(D) exacting
5. Cristel Industries has to increase its manufacture of stainless steel cookware because its product
campaign has been very ___.
(A) satisfied
(B) dependant
(C) effective
(D) reluctant
6. Analysts project that the economy will suffer only ___ in the next quarter.
(A) easily
(B) firmly
(C) nervously
(D) minimally
7. We have ___ reminded you of the outstanding balance, but have received no reply or payment
from you.
(A) totally
(B) hugely
(C) greatly
(D) frequently

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8. Because the banquet will begin ___ at 6:00, all the guests are expected to arrive early.
(A) promptly
(B) occasionally
(C) recently
(D) especially
9. Business people ___ watch news programs and read business magazines in order to keep up with
current events that could impact the financial markets.
(A) shortly
(B) often
(C) soon
(D) hardly
10. A ___ published by the Lake Ozark Visitor's Bureau contains photographs and descriptions about all
guest accommodations in the area.
(A) textbook
(B) biography
(C) guideline
(D) brochure

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Questions 11-13 refer to the following article.

According to a recent research survey, approximately 42.3 million Americans have been
diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure). Although many people tend to think of
medication when they think of treatment, dealing with hypertension actually involves several
lifestyle changes. First of all, it is important to manage one's ___. Losing even a few extra
11. (A) allowance
(B) permission
(C) estimation
(D) weight

pounds can reduce the risks associated with hypertension significantly, especially if the
excess weight is around one's midsection. Weight management involves both healthy
eating and ___ exercise. It is also important to quit smoking.
12. (A) terminal
(B) normal
(C) regular
(D) practical

Nicotine restricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure. Thus, although smokers think
smoking relaxes them, it actually makes their hearts work harder to pump blood to all parts
of their bodies.

Alcohol intake should also be restricted ___ it raises blood pressure.

13. (A) due
(B) owing to
(C) since
(D) because of

If your high blood pressure still does not respond to lifestyle changes, at that point, your
doctor may prescribe medication to help lower it.

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Questions 14-16 refer to the following letter.


Elaine Park Student number 183-950-128

1839 Country Lane
Cerritos, CA 93719

In response to your 2001-2002 financial aid application, these awards are being offered to
you, subject to the following ___:
14. (A) beginnings
(B) progress
(C) conditions
(D) effects

a. You have ___ satisfactory academic progress (at least a 2.0 grade point average).
15. (A) made
(B) paid
(C) realized
(D) gone

b. We’ve assumed you will be enrolled full-time (12 units or more). If not, your financial aid
award will be automatically adjusted as follows:

9 – 11.5 units = 75% of the full-time, semester award

6 – 8.5 units = 50% of the full-time, semester award
less than 6 units = 20% of the full-time, semester award

c. To be ___ for a direct loan, you must stay enrolled in at least 6 units.
16. (A) contrary
(B) reliable
(C) eligible
(D) voluntary

Your financial aid award for the 2001-2002 fall quarter is $2,570.

You must reapply for the spring semester. The aid amount in the spring may be a different
amount. If you have further questions, contact the Financial Aid Office.

Phạm Hương Liên 217
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Questions 17-20 refer to the following notice.

Attorney Opening

Johnson, Johnson, and Kindness PLC have an immediate position available for a contract
attorney. The ideal candidate would have at least three years of experience __17__ with
complex business transactions. __18__ The types of contract work that we __19__ at
Johnson, Johnson, and Kindness deal exclusively with business relationships between
private companies and the government. If __20__ feel that you would be qualified to join
our team, please e-mail our HR manager at

17. (A) working

(B) work
(C) to work
(D) worked

18. (A) Government experience would also be a plus.

(B) Working with children would help your resume.
(C) Experience with animals is essential.
(D) Working with disabled people is a bonus.

19. (A) perform

(B) achieve
(C) allow
(D) transform

20. (A) you

(B) I
(C) us
(D) they

Phạm Hương Liên 218
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Questions 1-4 refer to the following article.

1. What is suggested about the Cloud Theater?

(A) It will show mainly classic films.
(B) It will soon have new equipment installed.
(C) Its ticket prices will increase.
(D) Its customers are not happy about changes that are planned.
2. According to the article, what was difficult for Mr. Sattler?
(A) Securing suitable equipment
(B) Selecting a location for retirement
(C) Deciding to sell the theater
(D) Finding buyers for the theater
3. What was renamed?
(A) A movie theater
(B) An executive position
(C) A film festival
(D) A Lakehurst street
4. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
"The concession stand has also been eliminated."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
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Questions 5-8 refer to the following article.

5. Why most likely was the article written?

(A) To attract members to a new book club
(B) To highlight the benefits of selling items that are unique
(C) To celebrate the achievements of a local business personality
(D) To announce the relocation of an established business
6. What is NOT suggested about Mr. Carlson?
(A) He will soon be ending his career as an instructor.
(B) He studies works written by Russian authors.
(C) He has lived in Pine Hill for almost ten years.
(D) He enjoys talking about baseball with others.
7. The word "retains" in paragraph 2, line 9, is closest in meaning to
(A) contributes to
(B) agrees with
(C) remembers
(D) keeps
8. What is stated about The Treasure Box?
(A) It will be adding a section devoted to children's books.
(B) It will maintain its current hours of operation.
(C) Its sales are expected to increase this year.
(D) Its sign will be replaced later in the month.
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Questions 9-13 refer to the following article, newspaper editorial, and e-mail.

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9. In the article, what is indicated about the city of Cordova?

(A) It plans to start offering tours.
(B) It is going to increase its budget.
(C) It will soon start a road expansion project.
(D) It is enforcing new traffic regulations.
10. What is NOT implied about Ms. Cantu?
(A) She values a city landmark.
(B) She worked with Mr. Pachenco.
(C) She disagrees with Mr. Barnwell.
(D) She read the May 6 newspaper article.
11. In the e-mail, the word "countless" in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to
(A) numerous
(B) unrecorded
(C) insignificant
(D) registered
12. Why does Mr. Contreras congratulate CPS members?
(A) They have elected new leadership.
(B) They have been featured in a newspaper article.
(C) They have helped influence a city decision.
(D) They have secured additional funding from the city.
13. What is suggested about CPS members?
(A) They helped repair a structure.
(B) They meet regularly every Thursday.
(C) Some of them spoke at Helman Square.
(D) Some of them live in the Eastside cultural district.

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Questions 14-15 refer to the following article.

14. What is the purpose of the article?

(A) To profile a successful property sales agent
(B) To discuss the opening of a new business
(C) To report on a restaurant's relocation
(D) To announce a change in ownership

15. What is indicated about Tierra Bistro?

(A) It is scheduled to begin serving lunch on June 5.
(B) It is located near a public transportation route.
(C) It is Ms. Padilla's first restaurant.
(D) It is expected to receive business from theater patrons.

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Questions 16-19 refer to the following article.

16. What is indicated about Chien Motors?

(A) It owns the Long Ride motorcycle brand.
(B) It plans to sell a model at a reduced price.
(C) It is moving its headquarters.
(D) It will introduce a new motorcycle in March.

17. What is NOT mentioned as a problem with the power system?

(A) It is too heavy.
(B) It is too expensive.
(C) It is too weak.
(D) It is too large.

18. Why will the factory be renovated?

(A) It does not comply with a new regulation.
(B) It has not been updated in over a decade.
(C) It had been set up to make older models.
(D) It is too small to produce two models at once.

19. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best
"Now they will need to win back the goodwill of these potential customers."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

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A. Grammar
Exercise 1
1. Please understand that we will not be in a position to release patients' medical records
(except / unless) they give us their written permission.
2. Gross income from rentals increased by more than fifteen percent (during / while) Ms. Au
was serving as branch supervisor.
3. The board meeting was postponed (because / because of) the chairperson had to leave for
an emergency.
4. Rosewood Inc. has planned to manufacture more handicrafts this year (because / because
of) the increasing demand for their products.
5. The secretary was absent from the office yesterday (because / that) she had a fever due to
a throat infection.
6. (Despite / Although) San Francisco's largest performing arts institutions are hardly in danger
of going out of business, an analysis of their finances shows significant financial pain.
7. The Hanson Freight Service was able to make a huge profit during the last fiscal year
(despite / although) the rising cost of shipping.
8. The company was reluctant to expand its production facilities, (even though / in spite of) the
rise in demand.
9. (In spite of / Although) engineers usually employ computer-aided drawing· systems to draw
technical drawings, sometimes they need to rely on their manual drawing skills instead.
10. This year, due to certain complications, our payment slips will be sent out every month, (or
/ even though) it seemed to work out quarterly last year.
11. Not only would the proposed location increase production costs, (and / but) it would also
decrease profit margins.
12. The Fitness Club policy states (what / that) all children under the age of fourteen should not
be in the swimming pool alone without adult supervision.
13. Project proposals will not be accepted for funding or implementation (unless / without)
approved by the company supervisor.

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Exercise 2: PART 5
1. The Maxwell Byrd Company prides itself on having established modern ___ efficient
procedures unmatched in the industry.
(A) either
(B) so
(C) and
(D) too
2. All examinees should bring ___ a driver's license or passport and a pencil to the testing
(A) or
(B) and
(C) both
(D) either
3. To prevent electricity outages in areas where service is not readily available, use major
appliances before noon ___ after 7 p.m.
(A) neither
(B) nor
(C) either
(D) or
4. If you placed an order, ___ have not received your package, please wait two months from
the day it was shipped before making an inquiry.
(A) but
(B) also
(C) then
(D) even
5. The training staff was instructed neither to give handouts before the sessions ___ to
distribute the manuals until after the seminar had ended.
(A) also
(B) nor
(C) or
(D) and
6. All of the workers were warned about wearing masks in the laboratory, ___ half of them
ignored the advisory and got sick.
(A) yet
(B) by
(C) so
(D) both
7. Your participation in ___ support of our charity benefit will help feed the thousands of
starving children our company sponsors.
(A) and
(B) so
(C) because
(D) however

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8. The severance request has been processed by the head office, ___ not by the accounting
department as of yet.
(A) also
(B) or
(C) but
(D) unless
9. This project began almost five months ago ___ is expected to be finished in December.
(A) or
(B) so
(C) and
(D) but
10. The company will have performance reviews over the next few weeks, ___ the manager is
going to inform all employees of the review process.
(A) since
(B) but
(C) or
(D) so
11. All new computer technicians should receive ___ and up-to-date training in the use and
maintenance of state-of-the-art equipment.
(A) adequacy
(B) adequate
(C) adequateness
(D) adequately
12. Interest in the marketing seminar was very encouraging, ___ the company has arranged for
it to be presented again next month.
(A) or
(B) so
(C) that
(D) in case
13. The customer decided to get a refund because the purchased merchandise was good
neither in quality ___ in price.
(A) or
(B) nor
(C) for
(D) but
14. Candidates will be considered on the basis of their prior experience ___ on their level of
dedication and loyalty.
(A) although
(B) based on
(C) as well as
(D) in addition

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15. The new interior design of the office has both increased employee productivity ___ drawn
many positive remarks from the clients.
(A) or
(B) yet
(C) like
(D) and
16. At the end of Sarah's first month of employment, the company evaluated ___ her daily
performance and her total month's production.
(A) either
(B) both
(C) plus
(D) so
17. Our store will be refinanced, ___ to save on long-term interest rates and to ensure a solid
credit rating.
(A) either
(B) both
(C) neither
(D) not only
18. The chief executive is trying to decide whether to assign an individual ___ an entire team to
evaluate last week's event.
(A) so
(B) but
(C) or
(D) nor
19. Better product advertising is needed that not only grabs the viewer's attention ___ stimulates
consumer desire to spend money.
(A) or
(B) but
(C) and
(D) therefore
20. The restaurant critic advised patronizing ___ the newly opened Greek restaurant nor the 20-
year-old grilled food eatery.
(A) and
(B) either
(C) with
(D) neither
21. Make sure that not only the agenda ___ the annual report has been put into the envelopes
for each of the directors as well.
(A) and
(B) or
(C) but
(D) so

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22. You can either submit your application by e-mail ___ send the needed information by post.
(A) or
(B) and
(C) nor
(D) also

23. The telephone information service is available round the clock ___ it is a special holiday.
(A) regardless
(B) whether
(C) despite
(D) even if
24. The new work schedule cuts back on extra hours ___ improving employee efficiency with
longer lunch breaks.
(A) while
(B) but
(C) after
(D) since
25. At this company, quarterly bonuses are awarded, ___ all of the sales goals are met.
(A) so as
(B) depending on
(C) rather than
(D) provided that
26. The loan agency has been closed for investigation ___ claims were made that the owner
dipped into overhead funds.
(A) when
(B) due to
(C) in spite of
(D) since
27. We will hold a workshop ___ more than ten employees register.
(A) while
(B) before
(C) if
(D) because
28. The club is so exclusive that visitors are not permitted to use its services ___ accompanied
by a member.
(A) without
(B) otherwise
(C) but
(D) unless

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29. Some of the suggestions proposed by the assistant manager had to be declined ___ they
did not reflect the company's approach to employee relations.
(A) unless
(B) rather than
(C) because
(D) anyway
30. The company decided to change its policy regarding holiday breaks ___ the labor union
initiated a strike.
(A) while
(B) where
(C) when
(D) whether
31. ___ Frank prefers having a quick meal at his desk, Carl would rather have a leisurely lunch
at a good restaurant.
(A) As soon as
(B) While
(C) Because of
(D) However
32. Mr. Gonzales should inform his assistant about his schedule ___ he is planning a business
trip to Tokyo with the rest of the marketing team.
(A) so
(B) if
(C) that
(D) due to
33. ___ deciding whether or not to purchase an investment property, it is important to consider
the terms of investment and the ongoing costs.
(A) Whatever
(B) However
(C) Whichever
(D) Whenever
34. Harold Grist became the company's top senior manager ___ successfully leading the firm
through a period of near bankruptcy.
(A) with
(B) in
(C) after
(D) like
35. Employees are being asked to pull overtime ___ the current project has been completed.
(A) while
(B) until
(C) during
(D) upon

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36. ___ you sign the document, you should carefully review the details of the contract.
(A) Because
(B) Since
(C) Before
(D) While
37. This color copier will last beyond its warranty ___ the machine is periodically maintained
and worn-out parts are replaced.
(A) whereas
(B) in case
(C) unless
(D) as long as
38. ___ accompanied by an adult, children under the age of twelve are admitted free into the
(A) With
(B) When
(C) Only
(D) By
39. An additional 78,000 job openings is available for entry-level workers ___ increasing foreign
investments have spurred companies to establish new factories.
(A) that
(B) if
(C) as
(D) which
40. ___ the bank approves his application for a small business loan, Gary intends to open his
shop by the end of the year.
(A) Providing
(B) Nevertheless
(C) The fact what
(D) Until
41. Included in this month's subscription is a coupon for a discounted year membership ___ you
can introduce our magazine to your friends.
(A) in order
(B) so that
(C) in addition to
(D) such as
42. ___ the raw material needs of the company, we have had to explore other means to obtain
the supplies we require.
(A) Consider
(B) Considered
(C) Considering
(D) Consideration

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43. It is illegal to drive on public roads ___ a driver's license.

(A) without
(B) even
(C) unless
(D) although
44. ___ the government's efforts to inform people about the adverse effects of smoking, the
country still sees no decrease in the number of smokers.
(A) Although
(B) Nevertheless
(C) Despite
(D) Otherwise
45. Most of the people ___ like dining at a buffet restaurant because they can eat as much as
they want.
(A) to each other
(B) on special
(C) in particular
(D) in the event
46. ___ a few flaws, Ms. Shawa's proposal for the local shopping mall construction project will
probably be adopted.
(A) Beside
(B) Despite
(C) Unless
(D) Toward
47. Complaints may be filed in person at the Violations Bureau ___ office hours from Tuesday
to Friday.
(A) while
(B) except
(C) during
(D) since
48. ___ the decreasing number of trains running today, transit authorities do not expect any
substantial delay in service.
(A) Although
(B) Despite
(C) During
(D) Throughout
49. Ms. Smith will leave her position as a professor in May ___ the board offers her a permanent
(A) either
(B) and
(C) even
(D) unless

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50. We have enclosed extra copies of the brochure you requested ___ you can share them with
your customers.
(A) in order
(B) such as
(C) in addition to
(D) so that
51. Martin's job is so demanding ___ he takes occasional three-day leave to get away from the
pressures of office work.
(A) that
(B) there
(C) what
(D) where
52. New computer programs have made it so much easier to store information in databases
___ even a novice can compile one from a given set of data.
(A) that
(B) there
(C) what
(D) when

Exercise 3: PART 6
Questions 01-03 refer to the following announcement.

The Asia-Market Builders Association, Asia's oldest construction worker sourcing agency, is
happy to announce that it is ___. With foreign investments in China and other Asian countries
01. (A) closing
(B) exceeding
(C) expanding
(D) lifting
increasing, the agency is actively seeking permanent carpenters, ironworkers, and
electricians. The workers being sought, according to Mr. Hwang Wei, would be of the highest
competence, ___ professionally and personally. Mr. Wei also said that the likelihood that
02. (A) not only
(B) with
(C) as well as
(D) both
these workers may be placed in other countries once the present projects are completed is
very high. In fact, construction demand over the next five years in Asia will require as many
as 10,000 well-trained builders. As such, it is preferred that the workers who apply be very
___ in their particular trade.
03. (A) skills
(B) skillfully
(C) skilled
(D) skill

Phạm Hương Liên 233
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Questions 04-06 refer to the following e-mail.

Date: August 9
Re: Policy change
Hi Frank,
Please note that beginning August 15, Pantheon Furniture ___ a policy change ensuring our
04. (A) implements
(B) have implemented
(C) will implement
(D) implemented
customers that any item they buy from our warehouse is of excellent quality. From that date,
most merchandise can be returned within three months. A full refund will be guaranteed,
___ the item being returned does not show any sign of damage or overuse. We have written
05. (A) provided
(B) once
(C) while
(D) though
up specific guidelines as to what merchandise is covered by the policy adjustment. We
request all supervisors to inform their staff of the ___ policy and take steps to ensure that it
will be complied with.
06. (A) close
(B) modern
(C) new
(D) nearest

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Questions 07-09 refer to the following information.

Virtually everyone can benefit ___ from better time management skills. We cannot control
07. (A) hardly
(B) greatly
(C) briefly
(D) rapidly
time, but we can control how we use our time. First, don't waste waiting time. If you are waiting
in line, for other people, or on the telephone, you can complete many small but necessary
tasks. For example, you can make lists, sort mail, go over your schedule, or catch up on
some reading. Also, it is important to minimize distractions and interruptions. If you are
working on an important task, ___ off the telephone and close your door until the task is done.
08. (A) stir
(B) remove
(C) revolve
(D) turn
If you need to schedule meetings or appointments that have the potential to drag on
indefinitely, try scheduling them right before lunch or near the end of the business day. This
should also encourage others to manage their time well during the meeting so they can ___
move on to lunch or their commute home.
09. (A) conveniently
(B) marginally
(C) quickly
(D) gradually

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Questions 10-12 refer to the following product label.


DO NOT REMOVE! Removal of this label before consumer purchase violates the Federal
Trade Commission's Appliance Labeling Rule (16 C.F.R. Part 305).
Cool Max Corporation Refrigerator, Model E829
Capacity: 23 Cubic Feet
With Automatic Defrost, Side-Mounted Freezer, Through-the-Door-Ice Service
Available colors: White, Bone, Gray
This Model Uses: 800 kWh/year*

* kWh/year (kilowatt-hour(s) per year) is a measure ___ energy (electricity) use.

10. (A) in
(B) on
(C) of
(D) at
Refrigerators ___ more energy cost more to operate.
11. (A) use
(B) using
(C) to use
(D) used to
This model's estimated yearly operating cost is: $65 year*
* Based on a 2000 U.S. Government national average cost of 8.034 per kWh for electricity.
Your actual operating cost will vary ___ on your local utility rates and your use of the product.
12. (A) expecting
(B) negotiating
(C) purchasing
(D) depending

Energy use (kWh/year) range of all similar models:

Uses Least Energy ($685) -- Uses Most Energy ($1000)

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B. Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary training
1. Until further ___, all third-floor bathrooms will be closed for repairs by order of the Board of Health.
(A) mark
(B) notice
(C) ability
(D) attention
2. The recent ___ have shown that getting enough sleep improves the ability to function well in the
(A) studies
(B) questions
(C) applications
(D) assignments
3. A ___ of healthy eating habits and moderate exercise increases strength and energy.
(A) combination
(B) condition
(C) coalition
(D) contribution
4. For the next three kilometers, please expect traffic ___ due to the bridge construction.
(A) places
(B) inclusions
(C) opposition
(D) delays
5. The president has every ___ on communicating with team leaders to keep them informed about
recent financial difficulties.
(A) motive
(B) objective
(C) purpose
(D) intention
6. There are large setbacks and other difficult obstacles that are ___ the company from growing further.
(A) preventing
(B) withholding
(C) interfering
(D) decreasing
7. The keynote speaker was temporarily ___ by a buzzing noise from a loudspeaker while he was giving
his speech.
(A) disinterested
(B) disengaged
(C) dispersed
(D) distracted

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8. Since the production of the merchandise increased a lot last year, salaries of the employees will
increase four percent, a large gain when ___ to just two percent last year.
(A) included
(B) related
(C) compared
(D) resolved

9. Recently, high-technology products that were once regarded as highly advanced are becoming ___
and obsolete.
(A) realistic
(B) purposeful
(C) existent
(D) unpopular

10. The eagerly ___ opening of the new airport in Augusta will be celebrated on Thursday with a formal
dinner given at the Country Club.
(A) instructed
(B) awaited
(C) supposed
(D) informed

Phạm Hương Liên 238
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Questions 11-13 refer to the following memo.

Date: April 25
To: Roxanne Beale
From: Cody Neilson
RE: Computer surveillance

Productivity has been lagging for the past year. It has been suggested that increased
personal computer use may be one factor. As you know, earlier this year all computers
were upgraded to have Internet access.

I have spoken with our network administrators to address this problem. They have
organized a plan to help restrict unnecessary personal computer use. ___ May 5,
11. (A) At
(B) In
(C) On
(D) To

computer staff members will work on each computer to install certain software and make
adjustments to the settings. Please note that we will now be ___ web-browsing and
12. (A) monitored
(B) monitoring
(C) monitor
(D) to monitor

e-mail use. A log of visited websites and time spent there will be created. Also, employees
will no longer be able to download software programs for personal use, such as games or
messenger services. We will evaluate the first set of logs one week later to establish a

Please notify your staff of these important changes. Also, if employees have any concerns
regarding these new policies (such as privacy issues), have them address their concerns
___ to me.
13. (A) widely
(B) sharply
(C) remotely
(D) directly

Phạm Hương Liên 239
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 14-16 refer to the following report.

School Lunch Report Card

It’s time for the nation’s children to head back to school and back to school lunches.
Because parents and health professionals are ___ in the nutrition quality of the meals
14. (A) interest
(B) interested
(C) interesting
(D) to interest

being offered in school cafeterias, the lunch menus of ten of the largest U.S. school districts
were recently graded. Unfortunately, the results were not good: most schools earned an
average (‘C’) or below average (‘D’ or ‘F’) rating.

On average, children in the United States consume too much total fat and saturated fat and
far too few fruits and vegetables. These dietary ___ contribute to the rising problem of
15. (A) patterns
(B) ingredients
(C) pieces
(D) materials

childhood obesity. To reverse these trends, children should be served low-fat, plant-based
meals, encouraging them to follow healthy, vegetarian eating habits right from the start.
Diets built from grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans are easy to prepare, low-cost, and
satisfying to hungry children while offering the most disease-fighting protection of any
dietary pattern.

___ schools received a grade and then a suggested program to improve their lunch menus.
16. (A) Participate
(B) To participate
(C) Participating
(D) Participation

Schools that abide by these recommendations withing the next school year will receive
cash subsidies and donated commodities.

Phạm Hương Liên 240
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Questions 17-20 refer to the following e-mail.

To: bobsaget@Bob'sJob'
Date: September 20
Subject: Business Proposal

Dear Mr. Saget,

My name is Harrison Good body. I am __17__ in response to the advertisement you placed
in the Times about a new human resources manager. I have five year's __18__ working in
a fast-paced corporate environment. I understand that your firm employs upwards of 300
employees and many of them are Spanish speaking. __19__ I have attached my resume
and would be happy __20__ provide excellent references should you request them. Thank
you for your time.

Harrison Goodbody

17. (A) message

(B) to write
(C) writing
(D) looking

18. (A) experience

(B) knowledge
(C) working
(D) knowing

19. (A) I am a certified level-5 speaker of Spanish.

(B) Spanish people can be hard to work with.
(C) I don't know any Spanish, but I could study.
(D) Spanish speakers are good workers.

20. (A) in
(B) to
(C) for
(D) will

Phạm Hương Liên 241
Hotline: 037.898.2858


Questions 1-2 refer to the following text-message chain.

1. At 11:07 A.M., what does Mr. Volkov mean when he writes, "Of course"?
(A) He already knew that an e-mail had been received.
(B) He has received a signed contract.
(C) He thinks the solution to a problem is obvious.
(D) He was happy to fulfill a request.

2. Who most likely is Ms. Medrano?

(A) A writer
(B) A lawyer
(C) A financial adviser
(D) A human resources manager

Phạm Hương Liên 242
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Questions 3-6 refer to the following text-message chain.

3. What type of products does the store sell?

(A) Books
(B) Jewelry
(C) Flowers
(D) Appliances

4. What does the customer want to do?

(A) Change an order
(B) Update a delivery address
(C) Receive a refund
(D) Choose a different shipping method

5. Why does Mr. Hollis contact Ms. O'Dell?

(A) To ask if some work can be completed faster than usual
(B) To find out when an order will be shipped
(C) To find out when a meeting will be held
(D) To alert her to an error in a previous message

Phạm Hương Liên 243
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6. At 10:35, what does Ms. Ulrich most likely mean when she writes, "that works"?
(A) She plans to interview someone for a job.
(B) She is pleased that the equipment is functioning properly.
(C) The customer will be satisfied if the item is engraved tomorrow.
(D) Some new items will be chosen for a catalog by the end of the day.

Questions 7-8 refer to the following text message.

7. Why did Mr. Hadi send the text message to Ms. Sorenson?
(A) To ask if she found his power cord
(B) To request that she contact a customer
(C) To remind her to recharge a device
(D) To confirm the location of a sales appointment

8. What will Mr. Hadi probably do next?

(A) Look for his computer
(B) Return to his office
(C) Buy a power cord
(D) Call technical support

Phạm Hương Liên 244
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Questions 9-10 refer to the following text-message chain.

9. At 5:50 P.M., what does Mr. Montes most likely mean when he writes, "I'm not at my desk"?
(A) He has left for the day.
(B) He will miss an appointment.
(C) He is visiting Mr. Chen's office.
(D) He cannot respond to Eleanor.

10. What task is Mr. Chen asked to do?

(A) Review documents
(B) Schedule a meeting
(C) Confirm travel plans
(D) Repair some equipment

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Questions 11-14 refer to the following text-message chain.

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11. What does Mr. Fowles suggest will interrupt work tomorrow?
(A) Broken equipment
(B) A delayed delivery
(C) Poor weather
(D) A lack of workers

12. At 4:31 P.M., what does Mr. Ulman most likely mean when he writes, "We'll be
working late the next few days"?
(A) His crew has not been reporting to work on time.
(B) His crew's plan is to leave early on Friday.
(C) His crew is needed at two different work sites.
(D) His crew's project was made more difficult.

13. Who most likely is Ms. Kang?

(A) A landscape designer
(B) A hotel manager
(C) A transportation coordinator
(D) A roofing supplier

14. What is one topic Mr. Fowles asks about?

(A) The best building entrance for their use
(B) Directions to the old building
(C) Plans for the new wing
(D) The availability of parking

Phạm Hương Liên 247
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Questions 15-19 refer to the following e-mail, flyer, and text message.

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15. What is suggested about the Trosdal Room?

(A) It is not located in the business building.
(B) It is the site for all of the events in the Speaker Series.
(C) It is smaller than McAneny Auditorium.
(D) It is available on March 27.

16. In the e-mail, the word "issues" in paragraph 2, line 3, is closest in meaning to
(A) conflicts
(B) periodicals
(C) distributions
(D) announcements

17. What is Mr. Nomura's presentation about?

(A) A new trend in banking
(B) A job opportunity in finance
(C) Unusual methods of data collection
(D) Characteristics of skilled entrepreneurs

18. What problem does Mr. Carter mention?

(A) A name has been misspelled.
(B) The flyer is missing information.
(C) The flyer will not be posted on time.
(D) The room reserved for the presentation is closed.

19. Who most likely is Ms. Reyes?

(A) A technician in the media room
(B) An executive assistant to Mr. Nomura
(C) A presenter from the Speaker Series
(D) A student at Dunn School of Business

Phạm Hương Liên 249
Hotline: 037.898.2858


13.1.a. BẢNG V + TO V

1 ask đề nghị làm gì He asked to come with us.

2 agree đồng ý làm gì They agreed to help us.

3 consent đồng ý làm gì She finally consented to marry him.

4 care muốn, thèm làm gì I don’t care to see that movie.

5 hope hi vọng làm gì I hope to see you.

6 learn học làm gì He learned to play the piano.

7 prepare chuẩn bị để làm gì We prepared to welcome them.

xoay sở làm được việc gì
8 manage She managed to finish her work early.
rất khó
9 decide quyết định làm gì I have decided to leave on Monday.

10 plan dự định làm gì I am planning to have a party.

11 deserve xứng đáng làm gì She deserves to win the prize.

12 promise hứa làm gì I promised not to be late.

13 expect mong đợi làm gì I expect to enter graduate school in the fall.

14 refuse từ chối làm gì I refuse to believe his story.

không làm được gì She failed to return the book to the library on
15 fail
16 struggle chật vật làm gì I struggled to stay awake.

17 hesitate e dè làm gì Don’t hesitate to ask for my help.

18 want muốn làm gì I want to tell you something.

19 arrange sắp xếp làm gì I’ll arrange to meet you at the airport.

Phạm Hương Liên 250
Hotline: 037.898.2858

13.1.b. BẢNG V + Ving

1 avoid tránh làm gì He avoided answering my question.

2 consider cân nhắc làm gì I will consider going with you.

3 enjoy thích làm gì I enjoyed visiting them.

4 dislike không thích làm gì I dislike driving long distances.

5 hate ghét làm gì I hate making silly mistakes.

6 keep duy trì làm gì I keep hoping he will come.

7 discontinue ngừng làm gì I discontinued speaking.

8 finish kết thúc She finished studying about tense.

9 postpone trì hoãn làm gì Let’s postpone leaving until tomorrow.

10 recommend gợi ý nên làm gì She recommended seeing the show.

11 suggest gợi ý nên làm gì The suggested going to movie.

12 practice thực hành The athlete practiced throwing the ball.

bận tâm, không muốn làm

13 mind Would you mind taking a picture with me?

go camping/ jogging/ shopping/ sightseeing/

14 go hoạt động
skiing/ hiking

15 can’t help không thể nhịn I can’t help laughing.

Phạm Hương Liên 251
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13.2.a. BẢNG V + O + TO V

1 advise sb to V khuyên ai làm gì He advised me to wait until tomorrow.

2 allow sb to V cho phép ai làm gì He allowed me to use his bicycle.

3 ask sb to V nhờ ai làm gì I asked Kimberly to help John.

4 encourage sb to V khuyến khích ai làm gì He encouraged me to try again.

5 expect sb to V mong đợi ai làm gì I expect you to be here on time.

6 force sb to V bắt ai làm gì He forced me to tell the truth.

7 instruct sb to V chỉ dẫn ai làm gì He instructed them to be careful.

8 invite sb to v mời ai làm gì John invited me to come to his party.

9 order sb to V ra lệnh ai làm gì The judge ordered him to pay a fine.

persuade sb to V
10 thuyết phục ai làm gì She persuaded him to go to the party.
convince sb to V

11 remind sb to V nhắc ai làm gì He reminded me to lock the door.

The company requires all employees to

12 require sb to V yêu cầu ai làm gì
wear helmets.

13 tell sb to V bảo ai làm gì The doctor told me to take these pills.

14 warn sb to V cảnh báo ai làm gì I warn you not to drive too fast.

13.2.b. BẢNG V + O + Ving

spend + John spends most of his time studying

dành tiền, t/g làm gì
sth (time/money) + Ving TOEIC.
waste + I wasted a lot of time surfing Facebook.
tốn tiền, t/g làm gì
sth (time/money) + Ving

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13.3.a. BẢNG ADJ + TO V

I will be able to overcome my present

1 be able to V có thể làm gì
He is still unable to express himself in
2 be unable to V không thể làm gì

3 be glad to V vui khi làm gì I was glad to learn about mathematics.

4 be willing to V sẵn sàng làm gì He was willing to take the responsibility.

be liable to V nhiều khả năng sẽ làm Children are more liable to get an infection.
= be likely to V gì It’s likely to rain.

6 be eager to V háo hức làm gì I am eager to learn how to drive a car.

7 be easy to V dễ dàng làm gì It is not easy to forecast the weather.

8 be reluctant to V miễn cưỡng làm gì I am reluctant to help him.

9 be sorry to V rất tiếc khi phải làm gì We were sorry to hear the bad news.

13.3.b. BẢNG ADJ + Ving

They were busy enjoying themselves at

1 be busy Ving bận làm gì
the party.

2 be worth Ving đáng làm gì This book is worth reading.

làm gì cũng không có
3 It’s no good Ving It’s no good trying to change his beliefs.
nghĩa lý

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13.4.a. BẢNG N + TO V

1 time to V đến lúc làm gì It’s time to eat dinner.

2 right to V quyền làm gì You have no right to stop me from going in there.

3 decision to V quyết định làm gì They made a decision to wait.

4 permission to V được phép làm gì She has permission to carry pepper spray.

5 cơ hội làm gì He waited for an opportunity to speak.
chance to V

6 ability to V khả năng làm gì I envy your ability to work so fast.

13.4b. BẢNG N + Ving

1 difficulty Ving khó khăn khi làm gì I had difficulty (in) getting on the train.

2 trouble Ving rắc rối khi làm gì I had trouble turning on the projector.

3 point Ving làm gì cũng vô ích There’s no point (in) persuading him.

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13.5. BẢNG V + TO V / Ving với ý nghĩa không đổi

start/begin continue

hate/dislike can’t bear/can’t stand: không thể chịu được việc gì


13.6. BẢNG V + TO V / Ving với ý nghĩa khác nhau

V + TO V* V + Ving*
hành động * chưa diễn ra hành động * diễn ra rồi

stop to smoke stop smoking

dừng việc đang làm để hút thuốc dừng hút thuốc

remember to call her remember calling her

nhớ phải gọi điện nhớ là đã gọi điện rồi

forget to call her forget calling her

quên mất việc gọi điện quên là đã gọi điện rồi

regret to say the bad news regret telling the secret

cảm thấy tiếc khi phải nói ra tin xấu cảm thấy hối hận vì đã nói ra bí mật

try to succeed try jumping

cố gắng thành công thử nhảy lên

13.7. BẢNG V + TO + Ving

be/become accustomed to Ving She was accustomed to having eight

1 quen với việc gì
be/become used to Ving hours’ sleep a night.
be dedicated to Ving
ABC Inc. is committed to providing the
2 be devoted to Ving tận tâm với việc gì
best quality service for customers.
be committed to Ving
be opposed to Ving I really object to being charged for
3 phản đối việc gì
object to Ving parking.

4 look forward to Ving mong chờ được I look forward to seeing you.
làm gì
He's painting the house with a view to
5 with a view to Ving với hi vọng làm
được gì selling it.

Phạm Hương Liên 255
Hotline: 037.898.2858

Exercise 1
1. While they are in Thailand on business, they should allot time to (go to shop / go shopping)
in one of the city's open-air shops.
2. To thank you for purchasing our products, we wish (offering / to offer) you a 10% discount
on your next order.
3. Mr. Vermilion, who is the head of the research department, suggests the team members
meet (for discuss / to discuss) the results of the latest survey.
4. Reports in consumer buying guides help shoppers (chosen / choose) products that fit their
needs and budget.
5. Mr. Finnegan was not only interested in the clouds and the sun; he also used parabolic
mirrors to make his own telescope (for observe / to observe) stars and planets.
6. Pursuant to your request for written confirmation, this will serve (to verifying / to verify) your
order of 20 barrels of red wine to be delivered on Monday.
7. Incandescent bulbs that provide energy savings of up to 70 percent are being sold by
Solatronix as its way of encouraging people (for conserving / to conserve) electricity.
8. Because of the economic depression, Jumbo Travel and other major travel agencies
decided (start / to start) selling discounted travel packages.
9. An intelligent way to boost the organization's profitability is to (optimize / optimization) its
10. The first time our French delegates went to Spain (for attend / to attend) a conference, they
stayed in a five-star hotel and received VIP service.
11. Most offices are purchasing specialized computer software (to handling / to handle) their
business transactions more efficiently.
12. Now that the contract has been signed, the company can already use the website (for / to)
advertise its services.
13. (To continuing / To continue) as active members of the organization, everyone should attend
the club meetings every Monday afternoon.
14. Owing to another successful show last night, the rock band is (able grant / able to grant) the
request of fans for a repeat performance next month.
15. I would like to receive some information on (attending / to attend) the International
Conference on Medical Technology next year.
16. National policies aimed at (reduce / reducing) population growth have not had much impact
on the people.
17. For further help in (install / installing) the Kazam anti-virus software, call us or send your
queries to our 24-hour customer service website.
18. Systems analysts from PCTech Incorporated have been looking at the possibility of
(upgrade / upgrading) our computer software.

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19. Most companies have been cutting costs by (reduction / reducing) electricity bills.
20. Airline passengers must place all metal items in the tray before (to enter / entering) the
21. Members of the airline industry have recently begun (expanded into / expanding into)
markets formerly closed to them by government regulations.
22. Staff members attending the meeting should refrain from (to use / using) their cellular
phones during the presentations.
23. When you start a company, it is important (to establish / establishing) a positive public

Exercise 2: PART 5
1. We wish ___ for the delay in mailing out the newsletters for March.
(A) apologized
(B) apologize
(C) to apologize
(D) apologizing
2. The new rock band Revolver is scheduled ___ at the Red Rock amphitheater in Gallup, New
Mexico, this weekend.
(A) performance
(B) to perform
(C) will perform
(D) is performing
3. The main objectives of the American Federation of Teachers are ___ professionalism in
teaching as well as to secure better working conditions and job security for its members.
(A) promote
(B) promoted
(C) promotes
(D) to promote
4. How the scandal will affect the image of the banking industry still remains ___ seen.
(A) being
(B) have been
(C) to be
(D) been
5. This glossary is included to ___ terms used in the plan.
(A) clarified
(B) clarification
(C) clarify
(D) be clarified

Phạm Hương Liên 257
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6. Because one of the passengers asked ___ reseated, several of the other passengers
became frustrated and impatient.
(A) to be
(B) being
(C) been
(D) will be
7. We wish to ___ our concern about building a gambling casino within 3 blocks of the
elementary school.
(A) express
(B) expressed
(C) expressing
(D) expression
8. Please include your account number on any correspondence in order ___ your requests.
(A) to expedite
(B) for expediting
(C) expedite
(D) expedited
9. You are cordially invited ___ the second general conference for computer technicians at in
Wilson Hotel downtown Salt Lake City.
(A) attending
(B) to attend
(C) attend
(D) attended
10. The technology team began ___ flaws of the new software program that was developed last
(A) investigating
(B) investigated
(C) investigate
(D) investigates
11. We are considering ___ the company's web site so that we can provide more reliable
information for customers.
(A) redesigned
(B) redesigning
(C) redesign
(D) redesigns
12. We need to consider ___ their supply contracts before making a final decision.
(A) renegotiate
(B) to renegotiate
(C) renegotiated
(D) renegotiating

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13. The old town hall will eventually be renovated ___ a public library because the existing
library is not big enough to accommodate regular patrons.
(A) for inclusion
(B) to include
(C) with included
(D) in including
14. ___ product features and prices carefully, consumers can make a smart buying decision
despite the overwhelming variety of products.
(A) By comparing
(B) By comparison
(C) To compare
(D) As compared
15. The skin thermometer is capable ___ body temperature in seconds, enabling doctors to
detect a fever instantly.
(A) measure of
(B) to measure
(C) of measuring
(D) measures
16. PE instructors advise their students to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day ___ three
times a week.
(A) exercise
(B) exercised
(C) exerciser
(D) exercising
17. By ___ the amount of white paint added to the mixture, we were able to produce a variety
of colors.
(A) varies
(B) varying
(C) varied
(D) variations
18. l am looking forward to seeing you soon and to ___ any concerns that you might have on
this project.
(A) discuss
(B) discussed
(C) discussing
(D) discusses
19. Prior to the current uniform guidelines for ___ quality control, managers at each facility were
free to establish their own criteria.
(A) ensure
(B) to ensure
(C) ensuring
(D) ensured

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20. Take the time ___ these details, and call your agent if you have questions about the
insurance package.
(A) to review
(B) reviewing
(C) review
(D) reviewed
21. Staff members were advised that it was important ___ all projects before the end of the fiscal
(A) complete
(B) completed
(C) completing
(D) to complete
22. Mrs. Wilkinson is very helpful in ___ books in the library that encompass the period of the
(A) locating
(B) located
(C) to locate
(D) will locate
23. They look forward to ___ out more about the architectural plan of the building.
(A) find
(B) finding
(C) found
(D) be found
24. The president has already instructed our branch manager in New York ___ annual sales
figures by the end of December.
(A) reporting
(B) to report
(C) reported
(D) reports
25. Hewlett-Packard has declared that it is planning to discontinue ___ its handheld computers.
(A) made
(B) to make
(C) make
(D) making
26. I don't consider it helpful ___ the manager for advice, as he seems to know less than anyone
(A) ask
(B) to ask
(C) by asking
(D) asked

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Exercise 3: PART 6
Questions 01-03 refer to the following notice.

Notice to Residents
Weekly garbage pickups will no longer take place on Mondays and Thursdays. Instead, they
will happen on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please make a note of that. Furthermore, remember
that you must ___ your trash and separate the recyclables from the non-recyclables.
01. (A) pack
(B) dispose of
(C) collect
(D) sort
Recyclable items go in the orange trash bags. These include, but are not ___ to, glass,
02. (A) limited
(B) excluded
(C) excepted
(D) imposed
and paper items. Glass items are to be placed in one bag, plastic in another, and paper in
yet another. The city provides these bags for a small fee. You may purchase them at any
local supermarket or gas station. Also, please remember that the city will not dispose of any
items that do not fit in these trash bags. For bigger items, you must call the city and arrange
for pick-up at a ___ acceptable time.
03. (A) mutually
(B) common
(C) standard
(D) regularly

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Questions 04-06 refer to the following notice.

Notice to visitors:
All visitors to the construction site are required to wear hard hats at all times. Those who
remove their hats for any reason will be immediately removed from the ___
04. (A) house
(B) scenery
(C) premises
(D) visitation
and will not be allowed back in until they complete a safety course. Visitors must follow their
guide's instructions to the letter. Areas marked off limits are not to be ___ upon,
05. (A) trespassed
(B) violated
(C) visited
(D) stood
and those who do will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
We are proud of our safety record, and we intend to keep both our employees and our guests
as safe as possible. Full ___ with our rules will ensure that your visit here
06. (A) respect
(B) command
(C) compliance
(D) regard
will be safe and that no harm will come to you.

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Questions 07-09 refer to the following letter.

Alex Colby
705 Penndel Boulevard
Mills WY 82644
Dear Mr. Colby,
Thank you for choosing Jaipur Travel Package Tours, your doorway into the fascinating
country of India. The package you have selected is an eight-day, seven-night tour ___
07. (A) to cover
(B) covered
(C) cover
(D) covering
five Indian cities and several of the country's top tourist attractions. We will make all the
necessary reservations for your tour. Your flight to New Delhi is scheduled to ___ at
08. (A) keep
(B) depart
(C) reach
(D) postpone
3:20 p.m. on May 31. We ask that you ___ our office in Evanston at least one week before
09. (A) visited
(B) visit
(C) will visit
(D) to visit
your flight so that you can finish any remaining paperwork before we finalize the reservations
and timetable. Thank you and I look forward to meeting with you.
Sincerely yours,
Marilou Eaglin
Travel Representative
Jaipur TPT

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Exercise 1
1. The organization's new business leadership is (exciting / excited) about its future expansion
into computer graphics.
2. Even if the acting workshop was (tired / tiring), the participants felt that they learned a lot
from it.
3. The (suggested / suggesting) revisions to the proposal should be completed before getting
approval from the project manager.
4. The poor performance of the newly (purchasing / purchased) copying machine was simply
due to improper installation of the toner cartridge.
5. Because of the large amount (is needed / needed) for the factory renovation project, it is
unadvisable to have the reconstruction done at this point in time.
6. The CEO of the company received a letter (inviting / invited) him to the inauguration
ceremony of the president in late July.
7. Anyone (interesting / interested) in attending the annual conference should register at the
reception desk.
8. After carefully (review / reviewing) submissions for the January edition, the magazine
editors decided that Dr. Kim's article was the most appropriate choice.
9. When (using / use) a map provided on the Internet, make sure to check whether the
information is outdated or not.
10. (Application / Applying) for a student loan, you must provide detailed information about your
income level and school tuition fees.
11. (Have to / Having to) come in on a Saturday to complete work that could have been done
during the week left Margaret steaming mad.

Exercise 2: PART 5
1. Job candidates applying for entry-level positions often complain that they found the long
waiting time for confirmation of employment ___.
(A) exhaustion
(B) exhausted
(C) exhausting
(D) exhaustingly
2. At the monthly meeting, the executives discussed new ways to keep employees ___ to be
productive in the workplace and to do their best.
(A) have inspiration
(B) be inspired
(C) inspiring

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(D) inspired
3. The editor spoke to his assistant about how to keep the writers ___ to write lively and
interesting articles.
(A) have inspiration
(B) be inspired
(C) inspired
(D) inspiring
4. The grocery store gave out several samples of frozen foods to keep customers ___.
(A) satisfaction
(B) satisfy
(C) satisfyingly
(D) satisfied
5. An outstanding tenor and a captivating plot made last night's opera at the Carnegie Hall very
(A) exciting
(B) excitable
(C) excitedly
(D) excitement
6. Readers find the young writer's first novel ___ despite the fact that the initial reviews of the
book were so dismal.
(A) fascinate
(B) fascination
(C) fascinating
(D) fascinated
7. The stockbrokers on Wall Street are still predicting a ___ rise in stock prices over the next
few hours.
(A) continues
(B) continue
(C) continuing
(D) continuation
8. The Big Holiday department stores said they have a ___ array of holiday packages to
choose from in the next few months.
(A) bewildering
(B) bewildered
(C) bewilderment
(D) bewilders
9. You need to fill in the animal's markings and other ___ details so that each animal can be
distinguished from other animals.
(A) identify
(B) identifiers
(C) identifying
(D) identifies

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10. ___ harvesting techniques have helped farmers earn more profits.
(A) Improving
(B) Improved
(C) Improvement
(D) Improves
11. Net Connect furnishes its clients with ___ networking solutions, ranging from file and printer
sharing to group calendar and scheduling.
(A) customize
(B) customizes
(C) customized
(D) customizing
12. From the moment he comes up with a concept, it usually takes Mr. Barnes a week to
produce the ___ product.
(A) finished
(B) finishing
(C) finish
(D) finishes
13. Even though the business trip was ___, a lot of headway was made with our future Swiss
(A) tire
(B) tired
(C) tiring
(D) tiredness
14. The symposium's ___ event is the Peace Ball, where delegates can meet members of the
(A) culminate
(B) culmination
(C) culminating
(D) culminated
15. Due to a significant change in the nation's tax laws, we are likely to see ___ investments by
foreign individuals.
(A) decrease
(B) to decrease
(C) decreases
(D) decreased
16. Employees are expected to use the newly ___ reference materials to expand their
knowledge of computer software and their applications.
(A) purchased
(B) purchasing
(C) purchases
(D) purchase

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17. Make sure the contract is clear to all before ___ the client's signature.
(A) to obtain
(B) obtained
(C) obtaining
(D) will obtain
18. When ___ the payment, be sure to include the top portion of your invoice.
(A) mail
(B) mailing
(C) mails
(D) mailed
19. Mr. Pitt has demonstrated his ability to handle many difficult problems when ___ with a
(A) faces
(B) face
(C) facing
(D) faced
20. In his ten years at Sortel Networks, Mr. Gutierrez has shown that he performs admirably
when ___ with tight deadlines.
(A) face
(B) facing
(C) faces
(D) faced
21. If the front door is locked, punch in your access code while ___ down the green button on
the door handle.
(A) hold
(B) holds
(C) held
(D) holding
22. Once ___, the firms will build an international restaurant chain with annual profits of $900
(A) merged
(B) are merged
(C) merge
(D) have merged
23. ___ in 2010, the gallery continues to add new exhibition rooms.
(A) Renovate
(B) Renovated
(C) Having renovated
(D) Renovating

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24. ___ with other businesses, the service sector showed the largest increase in advertising
(A) Compared
(B) Compare
(C) Comparative
(D) Comparison


25. The CEO approved the resolution ___ all employees to report unauthorized use of recording
equipment to the division head.
(A) require
(B) which require
(C) requiring
(D) will be required
26. Anyone ___ extra supplies must first consult with the finance officer.
(A) would order
(B) ordering
(C) orders
(D) ordered
27. Fit For Life is a publication ___ bi-monthly by the National Commission on Sports.
(A) are distributed
(B) will distribute
(C) distributes
(D) distributed
28. The attached receipt indicates the partial amount ___ for the factory construction project.
(A) pay
(B) paid
(C) pays
(D) paying
29. The hotel provides personal service and careful attention to detail, ___ that you have a
relaxing and comfortable stay.
(A) be ensured
(B) ensure
(C) ensures
(D) ensuring
30. An invoice will be generated and included with the order being ___ to the address you
indicated on the form.
(A) send
(B) sent
(C) sending
(D) sends

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31. The corporation head, who ___ a large city orphanage, will establish a non-profit computer
learning center for the underprivileged.
(A) foundation
(B) founded
(C) found
(D) founding
32. The number of employees ___ to work at foreign branches in Asia and Europe will probably
continue to increase.
(A) agree
(B) agreeing
(C) agreed
(D) agreement
33. Facilities have been established to facilitate pick-ups and drop-offs for passengers ___ the
train and subway stations.
(A) used
(B) using
(C) use
(D) will use
34. Misuse or neglect can result in the equipment ___ damaged, requiring parts replacement or
extensive repair.
(A) was
(B) been
(C) having
(D) being
35. Mr. Morris and I are excluding the section ___ by Ms. Wood because her conclusion was
based on outdated information.
(A) be written
(B) writing
(C) was written
(D) written
36. The stadium was packed with thousands of people waiting to see the two soccer teams ___.
(A) playing
(B) played
(D) are playing
(C) to play
37. The state government has decided to introduce a program targeting unemployed men and
women ___ to re-enter a highly competitive job market.
(A) are trying
(B) try
(C) trying
(D) will try

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