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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus: Boac/ Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr., Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

Name: Rizza S. Sarmiento Date Submitted: September 02, 2023

Course/Year/Major: BSEd III-Social Studies Ratings: ______________



Make a wise decision. Show me that you understood the lesson. Know the different between
YESS or NO answer to each of the question.

Yes 1. Does curriculum mapping help a teacher understand what to accomplish within the
period of time?
No 2. Is a curriculum map a permanent document?
Yes 3. Can a cuririculum map may help explain to parents what their children are learning in
No 4. Is curriculum mapping a task of only one teacher?
Yes 5. Can a curriculum map as a tool be used in instructional supervision?
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac/ Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr., Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

Name: Rizza S. Sarmiento Date Submitted: September 02, 2023

Course/Year/Major: BSEd III-Social Studies Ratings: ______________


Reflect on the process of curriculum mapping and the sample curriculum map in this
lesson. As a future teacher how will the process of mapping and the map as tool may help
you in your profession?

Curriculum mapping is an essential process in education that involves the systematic

planning and organization of the content, skills, and assessments to be covered in a particular
course or educational program. It serves as a valuable tool for both educators and students by
providing a clear roadmap for learning objectives and outcomes. Reflecting on the process of
curriculum mapping and examining a sample curriculum map, I can see several ways in which
this practice will benefit me as a future teacher.
Firstly, curriculum mapping promotes thoughtful and intentional planning. As a teacher, I
will need to ensure that my lessons align with the desired learning goals and standards. Mapping
allows me to break down these objectives into manageable units, ensuring that I cover all
essential topics over the course of the academic year. It helps prevent the haphazard or
incomplete coverage of content, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education.
Secondly, curriculum mapping supports differentiation and adaptation. Each student is
unique, and their learning needs may vary. With a well-structured curriculum map, I can identify
areas where students might struggle or need additional support. This enables me to tailor my
teaching methods, materials, and assessments to meet the diverse needs of my students,
promoting inclusivity and equitable learning opportunities.
Additionally, curriculum mapping encourages collaboration among educators. In the
teaching profession, it's crucial to work together with colleagues to share ideas, resources, and
best practices. By having a standardized curriculum map, it becomes easier to collaborate with
other teachers, align instructional strategies, and ensure consistency in the curriculum across
grade levels or departments. This collaborative aspect can foster a sense of community and
collective responsibility for student success.
Furthermore, a curriculum map serves as a valuable tool for ongoing assessment and
reflection. It allows me to track student progress and identify areas where adjustments are
needed. This data-driven approach helps me make informed decisions about instructional
strategies and areas of improvement in my teaching practice. Regularly revisiting the curriculum
map and assessing its effectiveness enables me to continuously refine and enhance my teaching
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac/ Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr., Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

Name: Rizza S. Sarmiento Date Submitted: September 02, 2023

Course/Year/Major: BSEd III-Social Studies Ratings: ______________


1. Study the beginning teacher indicators in the PPST. As a pre- service teacher, list the
beginning indicators that you have already acquired as a resut of your teacher education
training. Share your answers with your seatmate

• Understanding of Content Knowledge: Pre-service teachers should demonstrate a solid

understanding of the subject matter they will be teaching. This includes knowledge of key
concepts, theories, and principles related to their field of study.
• Pedagogical Knowledge: Pre-service teachers should be familiar with various teaching
strategies, instructional methods, and classroom management techniques. They should
understand how to plan and deliver effective lessons.
• Assessment and Evaluation: Pre-service teachers should know how to create and use
assessment tools to measure student learning effectively. This includes designing quizzes,
tests, and formative assessments.
• Differentiation: Pre-service teachers should understand the importance of catering to
diverse learning styles and needs in the classroom. They should know how to
differentiate instruction to meet the individual needs of students.
• Classroom Management: Pre-service teachers should have strategies for maintaining a
positive and productive classroom environment. This includes establishing rules and
routines, addressing behavioral issues, and promoting a respectful and inclusive
• Cultural Competence: Pre-service teachers should be aware of and respectful of cultural
diversity in the classroom. They should know how to create an inclusive and culturally
responsive learning environment.
• Communication Skills: Effective communication with students, parents, and colleagues
is crucial. Pre-service teachers should be able to convey ideas clearly, listen actively, and
collaborate effectively with others.
• Reflective Practice: Pre-service teachers should engage in self-reflection and self-
assessment to continuously improve their teaching. They should be open to feedback and
willing to adapt their strategies based on student needs.
• Ethical and Professional Conduct: Pre-service teachers should demonstrate
professionalism, including ethical behavior and maintaining confidentiality. They should
adhere to codes of conduct and professional standards.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac/ Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr., Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

Name: Rizza S. Sarmiento Date Submitted: September 02, 2023

Course/Year/Major: BSEd III-Social Studies Ratings: ______________


1. What happens when a graduate from teacher education program lacks the
competencies/ standards of a beginning teacher?

When a graduate from a teacher education program lacks the competencies and standards
of a beginning teacher, it can have significant repercussions for both the individual and the
education system as a whole. Firstly, the students under the instruction of such a teacher may
suffer from subpar educational experiences, potentially leading to gaps in their knowledge and
skills. This lack of competence can hinder the overall academic progress and development of
students, which is contrary to the fundamental goal of education. Moreover, it can erode the trust
and confidence that parents, students, and the community have in the education system.
From the teacher's perspective, a deficiency in the essential competencies and standards
may lead to professional frustration and burnout. Inadequate classroom management, the
inability to adapt to diverse student needs, and ineffective teaching strategies can create a
stressful and challenging work environment. The teacher may struggle to engage students and
fail to achieve the desired learning outcomes, which can be demoralizing.
For the education system, the presence of teachers who do not meet the standards can
result in negative outcomes such as low student achievement, decreased retention rates, and a
tarnished reputation. It may also lead to increased teacher turnover as educators face the
challenges of the profession without adequate preparation.
To address this issue, it is crucial for teacher education programs to ensure that graduates
are well-equipped with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required of beginning teachers.
Continuous assessment and support during the teacher preparation process, including mentorship
and professional development opportunities, can help bridge the gap between program
completion and the readiness to excel in the classroom. Ultimately, the education system must
prioritize the competence and readiness of its teachers to provide high-quality education to all
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac/ Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr., Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

2. How can CQA as a process help the teacher education institutions and teacher
educators achieve compliance to standards?

Continuous Quality Assurance (CQA) processes can play a pivotal role in helping teacher
education institutions and teacher educators achieve compliance with standards. By
implementing a structured CQA framework, institutions can regularly assess and monitor their
teacher preparation programs, ensuring that they align with established standards and
benchmarks. This ongoing self-assessment allows for the identification of areas of improvement
and the development of targeted action plans to address deficiencies. Moreover, CQA
encourages a culture of reflection and accountability among teacher educators, motivating them
to stay up-to-date with best practices and adjust their instruction to meet evolving standards.
Through regular data collection, analysis, and feedback loops, CQA enables institutions to
maintain a dynamic and responsive approach to teacher education, ultimately enhancing the
quality of teacher preparation programs and ensuring that they consistently meet or exceed
compliance with established standards.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac/ Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr., Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

Name: Rizza S. Sarmiento Date Submitted: September 02, 2023

Course/Year/Major: BSEd III-Social Studies Ratings: ______________




Perfect Match

In column A are concepts about curriculum implementation. Connect a line from the box
on the left (A) to the arrow on the right (B) of the correct match.

Column A Column B
Concepts Meaning/Description
⚫ Implementing ➢ Minor curriculum change like the use of e-portfolio instead of
portfolio as an artifact.
⚫ Restructuring ➢ Progressive steps from orientation to reflection about the
curriculum that is a characteristic of a curriculum implementation.
⚫ Developmental ➢ Major curriculum change like shifting from face-to- face to online
in the delivery of an academic program.
⚫ Alteration ➢ Curriculum process of putting into action what has been planned
and designed.
⚫ Change Process ➢ Process that ensures that the curriculum brings about something
different and better than before in the desired learning outcomes.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac/ Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr., Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

Name: Rizza S. Sarmiento Date Submitted: September 02, 2023

Course/Year/Major: BSEd III-Social Studies Ratings: ______________


1. As a future teacher, what would be your response to curriculum implementation as part

of curriculum change? Are you willing to take part in the implementation? Why? Why
not? Write your answer in the box.

My Response to Curriculum Implementation

As a future teacher, I view curriculum implementation as a crucial and dynamic aspect

of the educational process. Curriculum change is essential to adapt to evolving educational
needs, societal developments, and pedagogical advancements. I am more than willing to
actively participate in curriculum implementation for several reasons.

Firstly, as an educator, my primary goal is to provide the best possible learning

experience for my students. This involves staying current with educational research and best
practices. Engaging in curriculum implementation allows me to align my teaching strategies
with the most up-to-date content and methodologies, ensuring that my students receive a
relevant and high-quality education.

Secondly, curriculum change often reflects a collective effort to improve education on a

broader scale. It takes into account input from various stakeholders, including educators,
administrators, parents, and experts. By participating in curriculum implementation, I can
contribute my insights and experiences, helping to shape the curriculum in a way that benefits
my students and the wider educational community.

Additionally, curriculum change promotes professional growth. It challenges educators

to adapt, innovate, and refine their teaching methods. This process encourages continuous
learning and self-improvement, which are essential for effective teaching. Being actively
involved in curriculum implementation allows me to develop my teaching skills and remain
adaptable in an ever-changing educational landscape.

However, it is important to approach curriculum implementation with an open mind and

a willingness to collaborate. Resistance to change can hinder progress, so I am committed to
embracing new ideas and approaches while also considering the needs and perspectives of my
students. I believe that by actively participating in curriculum implementation, I can contribute
to the betterment of education and provide a more enriching learning experience for my
students, making it a worthwhile endeavor in my role as a future teacher.

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