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Republic of the Philippines


Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 loc. 107 Email Address:

Name: Rizza S. Sarmiento Date: September 25, 2023

BSEd III – Social Studies

Activity No. 1
Location and Movement as Concept of Urban Geography


1. Select any city around of the world, from any country or continent.
2. Watch any video via which presents the physical aspects of the city.
3. Research any relevant article about the city you have selected.

➢ Seoul is the capital and largest city of South Korea, located in the northwest part of the
country. It is one of the most populous cities in the world and serves as the political,
economic, cultural, and transportation hub of South Korea. Here is some relevant
information about Seoul:

a. Geography and Location:

• Seoul is situated in the northwestern part of South Korea, along the Han River.
• It is surrounded by mountains, including the Bukhansan National Park to the north.

• As of September 2021, Seoul had a population of over 9 million people.

b. Economy:

• Seoul is a major economic powerhouse not only in South Korea but also in the global
• It is home to numerous multinational corporations and conglomerates, including
Samsung, Hyundai, and LG.
• The city is known for its thriving technology and entertainment industries.

c. Culture and Heritage:

• Seoul has a rich cultural heritage dating back over two thousand years.
• The city is famous for its palaces, temples, and traditional architecture, including
landmarks like Gyeongbokgung Palace and Changdeokgung Palace.
• Traditional Korean performing arts, such as dance and music, are also celebrated in

d. Modern Attractions:

• Seoul is a vibrant and modern city with a bustling nightlife, shopping districts, and
entertainment options.
• Popular modern attractions include the Gangnam District, Myeongdong shopping
street, and the Namsan Seoul Tower.

Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive
research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.
Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies WISDOM in leadership through Total
Quality Management System responsive to the challenges of the 21st century education.
Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!
Republic of the Philippines
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 loc. 107 Email Address:

4. Look for the city via Google Earth, screen shot the location of the city and paste it in the space

5. Provide the absolute and relative locations of the city.

A. Absolute Location:

Latitude: 37.5665 degrees North

Longitude: 126.9780 degrees East

B. Relative Location:

Relative to its location within South Korea, Seoul is situated in the northwest part of the
country, relatively close to the western coast and the border with North Korea. It is roughly
centered in the northern region of South Korea.

6. Based on its location, what are the characteristics of the city based on climate, topography,

➢ Seoul's location in South Korea influences several of its characteristics, including

climate, topography, and more. Here are some key characteristics based on its

a. Climate:
• Seoul experiences a humid continental climate with four distinct seasons.

Spring: Spring in Seoul is mild and relatively short, with cherry blossoms (sakura) attracting
tourists in April.
Summer: Summers are hot and humid, with temperatures often exceeding 30°C (86°F).
Monsoon rains occur in July and August, bringing heavy rainfall.
Autumn: Autumn is a popular season in Seoul, with mild temperatures and beautiful foliage,
especially in the surrounding mountains.
Winter: Winters are cold and dry, with temperatures frequently dropping below freezing.
Snowfall is common, and the city becomes a winter wonderland.

Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive
research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.
Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies WISDOM in leadership through Total
Quality Management System responsive to the challenges of the 21st century education.
Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!
Republic of the Philippines
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 loc. 107 Email Address:

b. Topography:

• Seoul is surrounded by mountains, including the Bukhansan National Park to the north
and the Gwanaksan and Namsan mountains within the city itself.
• The Han River flows through the city, dividing it into northern and southern halves.

c. Urban Landscape:
• Due to its location in a basin surrounded by mountains, Seoul's urban development is
characterized by a mix of flat areas and hilly terrain.
• The city's topography has led to the creation of numerous parks and green spaces,
offering residents and visitors a chance to escape the urban hustle and enjoy nature.

d. Transportation:
• The city's topography has influenced its transportation infrastructure, with the Han River
requiring the construction of numerous bridges and tunnels.
• Seoul's extensive subway system helps navigate the hilly terrain, making it relatively
easy to get around the city.

e. Economy:
• Seoul's location in the northwestern part of South Korea places it at the center of the
country's economic activity, making it a natural hub for commerce, industry, and

f. Cultural Heritage:
• The surrounding mountains and the Han River have played a role in shaping Seoul's
historical and cultural identity. Palaces and temples are often strategically located to
take advantage of natural beauty and favorable terrain.

g. Tourism:
• Seoul's varying topography and changing seasons offer diverse recreational and
tourism opportunities, from hiking in the mountains during the warm months to enjoying
winter sports in nearby areas during the winter.

h. Food and Agriculture:

• The surrounding region's agricultural activity contributes to Seoul's food culture, with
fresh produce from nearby farms available in the city's markets and restaurants.

➢ In summary, Seoul's location in a basin surrounded by mountains and its proximity to

the Han River contribute to its climate, topography, and urban development. These
geographical features, along with the city's central position in South Korea, have
shaped its culture, economy, and lifestyle.

7. Applying the concept of centrality, which areas within the city are considered as Central
Business Districts or convergence areas? Why do people converge in these areas? For what

➢ In Seoul, there are several areas considered as Central Business Districts (CBDs) or
convergence areas where people gather for various purposes, primarily related to
business, commerce, and culture. Here are some of the main CBDs and convergence
areas in Seoul and why people converge there:

a. Jongno District (Jongno-gu):

• Jongno is often considered the historic and traditional CBD of Seoul. It houses
government buildings, including the presidential residence, and is home to many
financial institutions.

Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive
research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.
Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies WISDOM in leadership through Total
Quality Management System responsive to the challenges of the 21st century education.
Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!
Republic of the Philippines
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 loc. 107 Email Address:

• People converge in Jongno for government-related activities, legal services, and to visit
historical sites such as Gyeongbokgung Palace and Bukchon Hanok Village.

b. Yeouido District (Yeongdeungpo-gu):

• Yeouido is Seoul's modern financial and business district, often compared to Manhattan in
New York City. It's home to the headquarters of major Korean conglomerates.
• People converge in Yeouido for business meetings, financial transactions, and to attend
conferences and events at the large convention centers in the area.

c. Gangnam District (Gangnam-gu):

• Gangnam is one of Seoul's most affluent and vibrant districts, known for its upscale shopping,
entertainment, and nightlife.
• People converge in Gangnam for shopping, dining at trendy restaurants, entertainment, and to
experience the luxurious lifestyle associated with the area.

d. Myeongdong District (Jung-gu):

• Myeongdong is a bustling shopping and entertainment district, famous for its fashion
boutiques, street food, and cosmetics shops.
• People converge in Myeongdong for shopping, dining, and exploring the vibrant street culture
of Seoul.

e. Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP):

• DDP is a futuristic architectural marvel and a hub for fashion, design, and cultural events.
• People converge at DDP for fashion shows, exhibitions, cultural events, and to experience
cutting-edge design and architecture.

f. Hongdae (Hongik University Area):

• Hongdae is a lively neighborhood known for its artistic and creative atmosphere, street
performances, and nightlife.
• People converge in Hongdae for live music, art exhibitions, shopping for indie fashion, and
enjoying the youthful and vibrant culture.

g. Itaewon District (Yongsan-gu):

• Itaewon is a diverse and international district with a thriving expatriate community. It's known
for its international cuisine and nightlife.
• People converge in Itaewon for international dining, shopping for imported goods, and to
experience a multicultural environment.

➢ People converge in these areas primarily for business, commerce, cultural experiences,
and entertainment. Each CBD or convergence area has its unique characteristics and
attractions, catering to a wide range of interests and needs, making Seoul a dynamic
and diverse city.
➢ People converge in these central areas of London for a wide range of purposes,
including work, business meetings, government affairs, cultural experiences, shopping,
dining, entertainment, and tourism. These areas are not only economically significant
but also contribute to the city's cultural diversity and global appeal.

8. With respect to mobility, characterize the movement of people and transportation in the
selected city based on article you have read and video/s you have watched?

Public Transportation: Seoul boasts one of the most extensive and efficient public
transportation systems in the world. The city's transportation network includes:
Subway: Seoul's subway system is highly developed, with multiple lines covering the entire city
and its suburbs. It's the preferred mode of transportation for many residents and visitors due to
its speed and reliability.

Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive
research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.
Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies WISDOM in leadership through Total
Quality Management System responsive to the challenges of the 21st century education.
Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!
Republic of the Philippines
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 loc. 107 Email Address:

Buses: A comprehensive bus network complements the subway system, making it easy to
reach destinations not directly accessible by subway. Buses range from standard city buses to
express and intercity buses.

Taxis: Taxis are widely available and are a convenient mode of transportation, especially for
late-night travel or reaching destinations not well-connected by public transit.

Airport Express: Incheon International Airport is connected to the city by the Airport Railroad
Express (AREX) and airport buses, providing efficient transportation to and from the airport.

Mobility Trends: Seoul has been at the forefront of adopting new mobility trends and

Cycling: The city has implemented bike-sharing systems and designated bike lanes to
encourage cycling as an eco-friendly and healthy means of transportation.

Ride-Sharing: Ride-sharing services like Uber and local alternatives are available, providing
additional options for getting around the city.

Electric Scooters: Electric scooters have gained popularity, offering a convenient way to
cover short distances within the city.

Electric Buses: Seoul has been transitioning to electric buses as part of its efforts to reduce
air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Contactless Payments: Public transportation and many taxis in Seoul accept contactless
payment methods, including T-money cards and mobile apps, making it convenient for
passengers to pay their fares.

Traffic and Congestion: While Seoul's public transportation system is highly efficient, the city
can still experience traffic congestion, especially during rush hours. The government has
implemented congestion pricing and other measures to alleviate traffic issues.

Smart Transportation Initiatives: Seoul has been actively investing in smart transportation
initiatives, including the use of technology for traffic management, real-time information for
commuters, and the development of autonomous vehicles for public transportation.

9. Which areas within the city you have selected is considered as global city based on its

➢ Seoul is considered a global city based on various aspects of its economic, cultural,
and political influence. However, specific neighborhoods or areas within Seoul have
contributed to its status as a global city. Here are a few key areas within Seoul that
have played a significant role in this regard:

a. Yeouido Financial District (Yeongdeungpo-gu): Yeouido is often regarded as Seoul's

financial center and plays a vital role in the global economy. It is home to the headquarters of
many major Korean banks, financial institutions, and multinational corporations. This
concentration of financial power and influence contributes to Seoul's status as a global city.

b. Gangnam District (Gangnam-gu): Gangnam is known for its affluence, upscale shopping,
and entertainment options. The area has a robust real estate market and is home to numerous
international businesses, embassies, and diplomatic missions. Gangnam's global recognition,
particularly through popular culture and the "Gangnam Style" phenomenon, has also
contributed to Seoul's global profile.

Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive
research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.
Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies WISDOM in leadership through Total
Quality Management System responsive to the challenges of the 21st century education.
Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!
Republic of the Philippines
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 loc. 107 Email Address:

c. Itaewon District (Yongsan-gu): Itaewon is a diverse and international neighborhood known

for its expatriate community, international cuisine, and unique shopping experiences. It serves
as a cultural melting pot and a hub for global influences, making it a significant contributor to
Seoul's global city status.

d. Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP): DDP, designed by the renowned architect Zaha Hadid,
has become an iconic symbol of Seoul's commitment to design and innovation. It hosts
international exhibitions, fashion shows, and cultural events, drawing attention from around the
world and reinforcing Seoul's status as a global city for design and culture.

e. International Airports: Incheon International Airport and Gimpo International Airport are
major international gateways, connecting Seoul to cities across the globe. These airports
facilitate international travel and contribute to Seoul's role as a global transportation and
business hub.

f. Business and Technology Parks: Areas like Digital Media City and Pangyo Techno Valley
are hubs for technology and innovation, hosting numerous tech companies and startups.
These areas showcase Seoul's commitment to staying at the forefront of global technological

10. After reading the article/s and watching the video/s, were you able to identify similarities with
cities in the Philippines? If yes, explain these similarities.

➢ Seoul and Manila, while located in different countries, do share some similarities,
especially in terms of urban characteristics and challenges common to many Asian
cities. Here are some similarities between Seoul and Manila:

a. Traffic Congestion:
➢ Both Seoul and Manila experience significant traffic congestion, especially
during rush hours. This is due to rapid urbanization, a high density of vehicles,
and limited road infrastructure in some areas.

b. Public Transportation:
➢ Both cities have extensive public transportation systems, including subways,
buses, and taxis. In Seoul, the subway system is highly developed, while in
Manila, the LRT (Light Rail Transit) and MRT (Metro Rail Transit) systems serve
as important modes of public transit.

c. Economic Centers:
➢ Seoul and Manila are the economic hubs of their respective countries. They are
home to numerous businesses, financial institutions, and corporate

d. Cultural Attractions:
➢ Both cities offer a mix of modern and traditional cultural attractions. Seoul, for
example, has historic palaces and temples alongside modern skyscrapers,
while Manila features historical sites like Intramuros and the Rizal Park.

e. Shopping and Entertainment:

➢ Both cities have vibrant shopping and entertainment districts. Seoul's areas like
Myeongdong and Gangnam are known for shopping and nightlife, while
Manila's Makati and Bonifacio Global City (BGC) are popular for similar

Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive
research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.
Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies WISDOM in leadership through Total
Quality Management System responsive to the challenges of the 21st century education.
Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!
Republic of the Philippines
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-0662 loc. 107 Email Address:

f. Rapid Urban Development:

➢ Both cities have seen rapid urban development and expansion in recent
decades, resulting in the construction of modern infrastructure and high-rise

g. Cultural Diversity:
➢ Both Seoul and Manila are culturally diverse cities with a mix of local and
international residents, reflecting their roles as major economic and cultural

h. Environmental Challenges:
➢ Both cities face environmental challenges such as air pollution and flooding,
which are common issues in densely populated urban areas.

i. Tourism:
➢ Both cities are popular tourist destinations. Seoul attracts visitors interested in
Korean culture, K-pop, and technology, while Manila is a gateway to the
Philippines' beautiful beaches and islands.

➢ Despite these similarities, it's essential to acknowledge that Seoul and Manila
also have significant differences, including their respective political systems,
languages, cultural heritages, and levels of economic development.
Understanding both the commonalities and differences between these cities can
provide valuable insights into urban development and challenges in Asia.

Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive
research-based community programs and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.
Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies WISDOM in leadership through Total
Quality Management System responsive to the challenges of the 21st century education.
Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!

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