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Matoshri Education Society’s


A/P: Dhanore, Tal-Yeola, Dist.-Nasik, 423401

Micro Project Report

Academic year: 2023-24

Tittle of Project

Types of Gas Turbine & Jet Engine

Name of Student: Uday Yashwant Pagar

Class : TYME

Semester : Fifth
Roll No : 04
Enrollment No : 2111710199
Seat No : 446476
Program : Mechanical Engineering
Course : PER
Course code : 22562
Name of Teacher: Mr. Tambe P.P

Matoshri Education Society’s
A/P: Dhanore, Tal-Yeola, Dist.-Nasik, 423401


This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Uday Yashwant Pagar

roll no 04 of Fifth semester of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering has
successfully completed the Micro Project in Types of Gas Turbine
$ Jet Engine for the Academic year 2023 -2024 as prescribed in
MSBTE curriculum under the guidance of subject teacher.

Place: Yeola Enrollment No: 2111710199

Date: Seat No : 446476

Subject Teacher HOD Principal

Mr. Tambe P.P Mr. Khairnar Y.S. Mr. Gujrathi G.S.

Micro Project Report Index
Academic Year- 2023-24 Program: Mechanical Engineering
Class: TYME Corse: PER
Code: 22562 Roll No: 04
Enrollment No: 2111710199
Exam Seat no:446476
Title of Micro Project: Types of Gas Turbine & Jet Engine

Sr. No. Content Page no.

1 Introduction 1
2 Working Principals 2
3 Gas Turbine Engine & Type 3
4 Typesm of Jet Engine 11
5 Applications 17
6 Conclusion 18

Signature of Student Name of Teacher & Sign

Uday Pagar Mr. Tambe P.P.

Rubric for Evaluation of Micro Project

Academic Year: 2023-24 Program: Mechanical Engineering

Class: TYME Course: PER
Course Code: 22562 Roll No: 04
Enrollment No: 2111710199 Exam Seat No : 446476

Title of Micro Project: Types of Gas Turbine & Jet Engine

Group Members:

Sr. No. Roll No. Name of Candidates

1 04 Uday Yashwant Pagar

CO coverage:
 d. Identify Different Components Of Gas Turbines and Jet Engines.

Marks Indicators for different level of Performance (Evaluation

Sr. No Criteria Scale 0 to 2)
(Outof 2) Poor (0) Average (1) Good (2)
Submission of Not Submitted proposal or project Project proposal &
1 Project anything in report submitted in project report
proposal/Report time time submitted ij time
CO/PRO Not attained any Attained some Attained
2 attainment CO/PRO CO/PRO maximum
Content of Not contains Contains
Contains some relevant maximum
3 project/Formatted relevant
information relevant information
ng information
Total Marks
Answers (04)
Total (10):

Additional Comments (if any):

Name of Teacher & Sign

Mr. Tambe P.P
Micro Project Proposal

Academic Year: 2023-24 Program: Mechanical Engineering

Class: - TYME Course: PER
Course Code: 22562 Roll No: 04
Enrollment No: 2111710199 Exam Seat No: 446476

Title of Micro Project: Types of Gas Turbine & Jet Engine

Group Members:

Sr. No. Roll No. Name of Candidates

1 04 Uday Yashwant Pagar

Content / Key Points:

Stationary/ Material Required (if any):



Comments by guide:

Subject Teacher
Mr. Tambe P.P.

Micro Project Log Book

Semester - 2023-24 Program: Mechanical Engineering

Course: PER Class: TYME
Title of Micro Project: Types of Gas Turbine & Jet Engine
Group members:
Sr. No. Roll No. Name of group member

1 04 Uday Yashwant Pagar

Week No. Discussion & Details Teacher’s Comment Teacher’s

1 General discussion about micro project activity.
2 Guidelines for micro project
Discussion on different
Group member are finalized and the topic is
decided, as
Work distribution to collect the
5 informationregarding topic by each
Gathered information through the various
6 sources, such as internet, book, magazine,
journal and newspaper.
Discussed the difficulty faced during the
7 collection of necessary information among
thegroup member.
Discussion with the guide to sort out
difficultyfaced while collecting the information.
9 Prepared a rough draft & shown it to the guide.
Necessary instructions are given by the guide
10 forits better presentation & Finalized project.
Presentation is given on the topic; Report is
11 prepared on the topic & final submission of
microproject and Report

Name & Signature of project Guide Name & Signature of HOD

Mr. Tambe P.P. Mr. Khairnar Y. S

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