P1 Discuss Rock Type Formation and Classification

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Unit 29 Geotechnics & Soil Mechanics


LO1: Review the different types of rocks, how they form, and how they
are used in civil engineering.
LO2: Look into and tag soils according to current standards.
LO3: Look at the qualities of the soil that were found using geotechnical
LO4: Make a plan to fix the geotechnical problems and flaws that have
been found.
P1 Explain how different types of rocks are formed and organized, how
weathering can weaken or strengthen them, and how weathering itself

The Nature of Rocks?

To put it simply, rock is an inert element of the earth. Solid rocks are
made up of clumps of minerals that have accumulated over time.

Igneous rocks are the most common, followed by sedimentary rocks,
and finally metamorphic rocks. There is a rocky cycle that each of
these species contributes to. One type of rock can metamorphose into
another depending on the conditions. Or it could be a different rock of
the same sort.

there are mostly Three Types of Rocks

According to their general outline, rocks can be classified into one of
three categories. It is possible to relocate stones whose inscriptions can
be deciphered from manually taken samples. Outcrop, or freestanding,
flat rock formations, provide another opportunity to study rocks in
their native environment.

Magmatic Rocks
Igneous rocks come from colder magma. Exploding magma on the
Earth's surface is referred to as lava.The shape of the rock is
determined by the chemical make-up of the lava and the degree to
which it cools, when the minerals become crystalline and polished.

Detrital Rocks
Compaction and the mixing of debris and fragments of rock such as
sand, mud, and shattered stone form sedimentary rocks (see Figure
below). Those remaining parts can be framed because of the
environment and breakdown of existing rocks. Synthetic releases, or
dense material left behind when a fluid dissipates, are found in
sedimentary rocks.

Transformative, or metamorphic, rocks arise when the minerals in a

preexisting stone are altered by heat and pressure deep inside the
Earth. For an example of a transformative stone, please refer to the
figure provided below.

What is weathering

Environment is crucial for the typical earth's circle around the planet. Fast
transport of rocks is enabled by structural strength or dispersed by
volcanic activity. Openness to the environment, hydrosphere, cryosphere,
biosphere, and atomic radiation causes degradation, changes in
mineralogy, softening, and rock development, making the surface rocks
more grounded (Fig. 1). Wind, streams, and ice sheets can all erode the
soil, transport it, and eventually deposit it in nearby lakes or oceans. The
residue is put through the ringer by being subjected to the following stores
and a massively increasing burden that causes it to be compressed,
compacted, maybe solidified, warmed, softened, thickened, and/or
converted to minerals, and then shaken once more.
Environment components, however, such as shattered minerals, may be
transported by water (low-) and downpour to another location, where they
may become concrete among particles and instability, resulting in
increased static and stale soil strength and maybe strong layers.
alternatively, drapes.

Environmental conditions
Physical persistence leads to the disintegration of landmasses into
progressively smaller pieces without altering their constituents.
Differential growth due to temperature variations, wetting and drying,
freezing and thawing, water and ice tensions in pores between particles in
flawless ground and in discontinuities, (re-) crystallization pressures,
hydration, enlarging and shrinkage of minerals due to water retention, for
example some earth minerals, growth of plant and tree establishes in
ground and discontinuities, and creation of cracks and fissures are the
fundamental cycles in the separation of ground. Loss of components may
also be brought on by lightning strikes to the earth and by (hedge and
subsurface) fires.

Deterioration of Substances:

Disintegration, re-framing, and re-arranging of minerals (Fig. 2) are all

effects of substance enduring, which distributes reactions across minerals
and enduring experts. Water, groundwater, or air containing broken down
or fumes of synthetic specialists is essential because it reacts with the
ground and groundmass material. A few minerals are more powerless to
synthetic reactions with enduring specialists than other reliant upon gem
structures and compound features. For instance, quartz, a silicate mineral
based on the cross sections of a repeating matrix of silicon and oxygen,
experiences slow weathering while olivine, a silicate mineral based on the
cross sections of a repeating matrix of magnesium and iron, experiences
rapid weathering. Minerals vary in their solubility, reactivity with oxygen,
and susceptibility to hydrolysis (a weak carbonic acid). It's important to
consider temperature since chemical reactions speed up at higher
temperatures. Along these lines, synthetic lasting is speedier in tropical
places with a warm and wet climate than in a parched arctic or mountain
climate with low temperatures and little moistness. Synthetic compounds
applied by live organisms and broken down in (ground-) water are
recalled for compound persistence, as are the biotic influences inspired by
living organisms like plants, microorganisms, and worms. Human action
such as contaminated groundwater or supplied acids in mining can also
lead to compound enduring (Fig.

Thirdly, manure decomposed in groundwater and contaminated both air

and precipitation (leading to phenomena like "corrosive downpour").
P 2 Analyze the sporadic concept of rock mass.

Inconsistencies in Rock: When planning projects using rock, it's

important to consider how to depict the formation of rock masses. The
mechanical and hydrological behavior of a stone mass is typically
controlled by the concept of the discontinuities (joints, cracks, bedding
planes, deficiencies, and other breaks in the congruity of the stone) rather
than the idea of the spotless stone. With a few notable exceptions, most
of the stone masses under architects' supervision are affected by

Discontinuities can be broken down into five groups defined by their size
and type: breaks, shears, problems, shear/shortcoming zones, and
shear/shortcoming upset zones. The fissures are divided into several
groups according to the rock's center.

Flods in Rock Mass.

in geology, a crease is a rise or fall in the layers of rocks that make up
the Earth's crust. Although the strata were originally formed from
silt that was preserved in level, even sheets, they are now not flat and
have been deformed in many places. It is possible that the two sides'
layers essentially resemble or lie practically level (as a result of a
supine overlay), or that the warping is so subtle that the inclination of
the layers is barely noticeable. There is a wide range in the size of
folds, from those that span hundreds of kilometers to those that are
barely a few millimeters broad. Large folds' apexes typically dissolve
away near Earth's surface, revealing the tilted strata's cross-
segments. Most folds are organized according to the character of their
tomahawks and the frequency with which they show up in cross
sections perpendicular to the overlapping pattern. The axial plane of
an overlap is the surface that separates the fold as uniformly as
possible. The pivotal plane can be at an upward angle, horizontal, or
at any moderate lean. The hub plane of an overlay folds over and
meets one of the layers at the pivot.


The rocks at or near Earth's surface are powerful, yet they usually
have a limited effect. Fragile rocks may also be destroyed along
deficiencies when subjected to structural powers. Yabe, G. (2018).
To see if there has been any progress made at the joints, we can trace the
stone's hole. Certain cracks in the rock or slope can be located, and the
jointing design can have an effect on the rock's overall shape and bearing
capacity. The joint component includes unmovable divisions and
geometric shapes. However, structural joints that may be traced back to a
specific malformation, blame, or rock position are in a more typical state.
The shear and tension then cause the joints in the structure to separate.
Additionally, the cooling joints are comprised of vertical hexagonal
portions as a result of the stone cooling down and reduction. Joints formed
in rocks near the ground to relieve stress caused by the release of
overburden after the collapse of higher strata. This is, without a doubt, the
most fundamental type of joint. There are different circumstances of
discontinuities in rock. There is a wide range of component and example
types that can be applied to the study of rock discontinuities.

Investigate strategies and approaches employed in ground and site
examination, soil inspecting, soil representations and soil orders to current
codes of instruction..

The collection of data, analysis of information, valuation, and disclosure

are the four stages that make up the broad cycle that is a site
investigation. This information needs to be obtained to the best of one's
capacity, without truly wasting any time, and to a degree that is
sufficient and appropriate to each phase of the plan and improvement.
Hazard and risk are reduced as a result of this method, the potential for a
financially and safely sound plan is increased, and there is an increased
likelihood that the task will be completed on time and within the
budgetary constraints..

Goals of design
Site inspections should be conducted to determine how to ensure that: •
the requirements of the plan are understood

• The part feeder is aware of how important it is to have accurate

information regarding the site and subsurface conditions.

• Well-prepared legal advice is obtained from personnel who possess a

great deal of expertise.

• The goal of actual exams is to collect all relevant data and examples
required for development and planning (such as requirements related to
geotechnical, ecological, and geological issues).

• Both real and fake highlights are accurately captured on camera

• An adequate representation of in-situ soils is given.

site analysis The process of accurately determining the state of both

natural and artificial features on a location is called surveying. Typically,
the overview includes establishing controls (seat markings), documenting
typical surface features, the area's topography, and any significant
artificial elements. Generally speaking, two studies are required before
development can start: a primer study and a development set-out study.
initial research A minimum of one of the accompanying exercises could
be included in a primer study. Cadastral research - A limit study or
cadastral study determines the precise boundary of the rent or property
zone. Additionally, easements for utilities including water, sewage,
powerlines, and media transmission lines will be displayed on a limit
overview. Additionally Determine any violations, such as walls,
roadways, or buildings. A limit overview is essential for both greenfield
and brownfield locations to ensure that development is carried out on the
appropriate amount of land. A land assessor who is legally permitted to
operate in the relevant state and has the necessary qualifications should
conduct a cadastral evaluation. Overview of elements and geography – All
information on the site is nuanced by an element and geological review. It
is used to determine and locate the site's regular and artificial components
and improvements. The creators use this evaluation to collect factors, such

• forms and ground level; current designs; adjacent structures

• wall

• Channels for utility administration

• Arbors

• Waste pathways.

This can be important in feedlot locations that are now in use where
vulnerable records are available, particularly for features like water
pipelines. The information is useful in determining how much "cut and
fill" is required in the feedlot site layout. Regulatory marks For vertical
and level control, survey markers known as seat markings (BM) should be
implemented. These can be super durable overview markings (PSM) or
short (TBM), but they should be placed in an area where they are least
likely to be moved or disturbed while the project is being developed. They
ought to be able to put a standover and accommodate GPS units as well.
These standards might serve as the basis for additional summaries.
Establishing a few benchmarks will take repetition into account in the
event that some are destroyed during development.
Analyses of the soil
The following approaches to site analysis are typically applied for the vast
majority of projects:
• Window Sampling and Dynamic Probe Testing as well as Trial Pitting.
• Rotational Percussive Boreholes • Rotary Cored Boreholes • Rotational
Percussive Boreholes

Trial Pitting: The preliminary pitting can be done in a variety of ways,

from hand burrowed pits to machine exposed channels. Both of these
methods are examples of trial pitting. In most cases, preliminary pitting is
carried out to a greatest profundity of 4.5 meters utilizing typical
excavation plant. This level of depth, reliant upon the circumstances of the
soil, is normally appropriate for the majority of low-level development
projects. All preliminary pit studies are carried out by trained
professionals who have a deep understanding of geography and the
workings of the soil. Additional tests in preliminary pits may include CBR
testing, in-situ strength testing, and soakaway testing back to the top.

Window Sampling:
Pneumatic samplers that are held in the user's hand are used for window
sampling. The method of window sampling is

• The fundamental properties of soils • Where soils come from, how they
form, and what minerals they include • The grading and composition of
soils, particularly as it relates to restricted access areas, tainting tests, and
other situations in which disturbing influences should be limited to a

Holes or Boreholes

The use of boreholes is a common method for conducting site

examinations. Most areas can be surveyed by employing a rig that is
pulled behind a vehicle. For the purpose of providing data for the
geotechnical plan, in-situ testing procedures such as standard penetration
testing, permeability testing, borehole vane testing, and packer testing
might all be carried out in the boreholes. Nonstop upset and undisturbed
instances are recovered from the boreholes for examination and logging
by engineers, as well as testing in our research facilities to determine the
outcomes of these examinations and logs.
Cored Boreholes That Rotate Around

When it is necessary to drill boreholes into exceptionally thick rock or

bedrock, rotating boring technologies are the ones that are used. Bedrock
samples are collected and stored in cylinders made of consistent plastic
for subsequent logging by an architect with an adequate level of
qualification and for examination at research facilities.

Classifications and Descriptions of Different Types of Soil

• Descriptions and classifications of the soil • The current condition of the

soil •system based on the British Standard.
When conducting ground investigations, it is vital to adopt a formal
system of soil description and categorization in order to be able to explain
the many types of materials that are discovered. A system like this one
needs to be comprehensive (covering all deposits except for the rarest of
them), useful in an engineering context (so that engineers would be able to
understand and analyze it), while still being somewhat brief. The
difference between describing something and classifying it is an essential
distinction to make.

A statement that describes the physical nature and state of the soil is
referred to as a description of the soil. It may be a description of a sample
or of the soil as it exists in its natural environment. Visual inspection,
straightforward testing, careful monitoring of site conditions, research into
the area's geological past, and other methods are used to arrive at this

The process of separating different types of soil into distinct classes or

groups, each of which shares similar qualities and may behave in a
comparable manner, is known as soil classification. For the purposes of
engineering, a classification need to be primarily based on the material's
mechanical qualities, such as its permeability, stiffness, and strength. It is
possible to describe a soil by using the classification to which it belongs.
P4 Investigate the criteria that are used to categorize soils, such as the
particle size of the soil, the soil type, the specific gravity, and the
plasticity indices, as well as any applicable codes of practice.

Fundamental properties of soils include:

soil's use as an engineering material; grain sizes and ranges;
grain shapes and compositions;
grain shapes and structures;
grain structures and fabrics.
Grains (such as mineral grains, bits of rock, and so on) are what
make up soil, while water and air are found in the spaces between
the grains. Changes in conditions and location have a significant
impact on the water and air contents. Soils can be completely dry
(have no water content), entirely saturated (have no air content), or
partially saturated (with both air and water present). Although the
size and shape of the solid (granular) material rarely shifts at any
given place, there is a large degree of variation between points.
To begin, think of soil as an engineering material; unlike steel and
concrete, it is not a continuous solid but rather a particle material.
This distinction is important to keep in mind. It is essential to have
an understanding of the significance of the size, shape, and
composition of soil particles, as well as the internal structure or
fabric of the soil.

Size of soil particles

Leveling and make-up:
rough soils
Light soils
Soils that are rough

Tests for particle size

□ Common shapes for grades

□ Things that affect grades

• An example of sieve analysis

Range of grain sizes

▏ Helps find the right size

Lots of different sized particles can be found in dirt, from big rocks
with a controlling

over 200 mm in size down to clay particles smaller than 0.002 mm

(2 mm).

Some types of clay have

Small particles (less than 1 mm) that act like colloids and don't
settle in water because

gravitational pull.
Based on their size, soils are put into Basic Soil Type groups in the
British Soil Classification System. These groups are then split into
coarse, middle, and fine sub-groups:

Helps with figuring out the size

There are a few physical traits of soils that can help you figure out
what size something is in the field. If you rub a handful of dirt
between your fingers, you can get the following: You can see sand
and other coarse bits with your own eyes.
When SILT particles dry out, they turn into dust that is easy to
brush off of boots and hands.
When clay is wet, it's oily and sticky, and when it dries, it's hard.
You have to scrape or wash the clay off of your boots and hands.

Types of soil
A lot of nature things, like plants and animals, are separate things
that can be put into groups and identified using rules. Soils are
much harder to spot and group than these separate objects for two
main reasons: (i) soil covers most of the earth's surface and isn't
really a set of separate things; and (ii) most of the soil is
underground and can't be seen easily. Most of the time, there aren't
clear lines between the different types of dirt that you can find on
the land. To figure out what kind of soil it is, people who make
maps of soils have to be able to read changes in the landscape and
use auger borings to dig into the ground.
The different types of soil can be grouped into simple, complicated,
and more complex groups. A type of soil can be as easy as "a sandy
soil" or "a clayey soil." Many people who use the land, like farmers
and civil engineers, see it as something they have to work with in
order to get something done, like growing wheat or building a road.
Simple categories are usually only useful in a small area. If you're
the other end of the range, you're a soil scientist. They need to
know how soils formed, where different types of soils can be
found, and what they can be used for. Soil scientists want to know
a lot more about this important natural resource so that we can use
it wisely and protect it. This has led to the creation of many
detailed methods for classifying soils around the world.

Basically, the earth can be broken down into four groups:

• Soil with sand and silt.

• Soil made of clay.

• Soil that is sandy.

Sandy ground:

Sand is the first kind of dirt. It's made up of small pieces of worn-down
rock. Sandy soils aren't good for plants because they don't hold water
well and don't have many nutrients. This makes it hard for the roots of
the plants to get water. For drainage, this kind of dirt works great. Most
of the time, rocks like granite, limestone, and quartz break down and
become sandy dirt.

The particles in silty soil are much smaller than those in sandy soil. Silt is
made up of rock and material particles that are smaller than sand but
bigger than clay. That earth holds more water than sand is because it is
smooth and very fine. Moving water currents carry silt easily, and you
can find it near rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. The split soil is
the best of the four types because it has the most nutrients. Because of
this, it is also used in farming to make the land more fertile.

Clay Soil: The particles in clay are the smallest of the three types of soil.
The soil particles are very close to each other and there is little to no
room between them. This dirt is very good at holding water and making it
hard for air and water to get into it. When it's wet, it feels very sticky, but
when it's dry, it feels smooth. Clay is the heaviest and densest type of
dirt. It doesn't drain well and doesn't give plant roots enough room to

Loamy Soil: The fourth type of soil is loam. Yes, even though it has
sand, silt, and clay in it. The gardener loves this type of dirt. Out of these
three types of soil, this loamy soil is the best for gardening. You can also
call this soil a farming soil because it has the right amount of hummus
and all three types of soil materials: sand, clay, and silt. Aside from these,
it also has higher calcium and pH levels because it used to contain more
organic matter. These levels should be based on mechanical qualities like
strength, stiffness, and permeability. You can use the class to which a dirt
belongs to describe it.
The plasticity measure shows that most soils in the ground will be
either semi-solid or plastic. The range of plastic firmness is linked
to how strong and stiff the soil is. What range of water levels in soil
make it flexible? This is called the Plasticity Index (IP or PI). IP =
range of liquids - range of plastics = wL - wP
Choose the Soil's Gravity (Gs)
When you compare the unit weight of a substance to the unit
weight of water, you get its specific gravity. The specific gravity of
soil objects is often needed to do different kinds of math in soil

how things work. The lab is the best place to get a correct answer.
Some common minerals that are found in dirt are shown in Table
2.4. Between 2.6 and 2.9 is where most of the numbers fall. Solids
in light-colored sand, which is mostly made up of quartz, have a
specific gravity of about 2.65. Soils that are clayey or silty have a
specific gravity that can range from 2.6 to 2.9.

P5 How do you find out the following things about soil: its
moisture content, density, specific gravity, shear strength,
compressibility, liquid and plasticity indices, and California bearing

Quantity of moisture
It's the ratio of the weight of the water in a mass of dirt to the
weight of the solids. This is also called the natural water content or
natural moisture content. Most of the time, this number is shown as
a percentage. When all the empty spaces are filled with air, there is
no water left in the soil (dry soil).
w(%) = (MW / MS) * 100 was the formula used.
Size of the box W1 in grams
How much the pot and wet dirt weigh, W2 (gr)
How heavy the pot and dry soil are: W3 gr

How dense dirt is

You can think of density as the mass per unit space. The mass of a certain
amount of dry dirt is called its bulk density. There are both solids and
holes in the volume. It is the mass of solids divided by the space of just
the solids. By measuring these two types of density, you can learn a lot
about the physical makeup of a soil. How dense the soil is is very
important for both plant growth and building. Here are the methods you
need to figure out the bulk density and particle density:
A soil's bulk density, ρb, is equal to its mass divided by its volume.
Number of particles per unit volume, ρp = weight of oven-dried soil / size
of soil solids g cm–3 or Mg m–3 are common ways to measure density.

Specific Gravity of Soil: Specific gravity is the measure of how dense

something is when it is solid to how dense water is at 20°C. Most of the
time, soils have a specific gravity between 2.60 and 2.80. For geotechnical
studies, GC materials have a specific gravity that can be anywhere from
1.96 to 2.54, with most of the times they are between 2.48 and 2.50.
Index of Plasticity (PI)
The Plasticity Index shows the range of water levels where a soil can
change its shape. It shows how easily the dirt can be shaped. PI is the
difference between the thick film limit and the liquid film limit. The
dirt is more flexible when there is a difference. Soils with a high PI
are more likely to be clay-based, while soils with a low PI are more
likely to be silt-based. It is easy to compress soils that have a high
plasticity value. The plasticity index (PI) is also a way to measure how
cohesive something is. A high PI number means that the two things
are very cohesive. Over time, it has been found that soils with high
P.I. are not as good for subgrade or base course as soils with lower
P.I. The standard for the base level is P.I. < 3.

PI = LL - PL is the number that shows the difference between a soil's

Liquid Limit and its Plastic Limit.

Ratio of Liquidity to Water Plasticity

The Atterberg boundaries are found for soil samples that have been
reshaped. These limits don't show what the consistency of dirt that
hasn't been disturbed is. The liquidity measure of the soil, also known
as the water plasticity ratio of the soil, shows how stable soils are
when they haven't been disturbed. The fluidity index (LI) is useful
because it lets you figure out how much water is naturally in a soil
LI=(W-PL)/(LL-PL), where W is the original water amount.

Bearing ratio for California

The California bearing ratio test (CBR) compares the force per unit area
needed to push through a mass of dirt with a standard circular piston at a
speed of 1.25 millimeters per minute to the force per unit area needed to
push through standard material.

Procedure in general:

The piece of dirt is put into a mold. A rammer is used to press it into the
mold. After that, the mold is left to soak in water for a while. After that,
a filling machine is used to put weight on a plunger. This will get
through the mold in the dirt. By slowly adding more weight, the machine
will be able to dig through the ground. The machine comes with one
proof ring and one dial gauge in it. The dial gauge shows how much
depth there is. The testing ring shows how much load the machine is
putting on the surface. There are load numbers that need to be recorded
for certain penetrations. It is possible to draw a later stress vs.
penetration graph with these numbers. The stress number for both a 1 in
(2.54 mm) and a 2 in (5.08 mm) penetration can be found from that
curve. In the above calculation, these numbers are used to find the CBR

P6: Come up with plan ideas to fix geotechnical issues with a site's
fillings, bridges, and road foundations.
Providing the right basis for land transportation infrastructure structures
is a big problem for the people who plan and carry out the work that
involves building new roads, motorways, and bridges and updating old
ones. A lot of tests are done on road and bridge structures to see how
much weight they can hold, how long they last, and how sensitive they
are. These tests are done both during the planning phase and the
performance phase. However, damage and destruction to these structures
often happen after the building is finished, and sometimes even during
it. This is because the road embankments settle and deform too much,
and in the worst cases, they take the shape of a landslide.

The most dangerous part of a road sequence is where the bridge

construction meets the road embankment. Stresses on the ground below
the base of the road barrier
are lower than the ones that happen under the base of the bridgehead.
The depth and method of the bridgehead foundation are also very
different from those of the slope foundation. Large settlement
differences between the exit from the bridge structure and the
embankment are possible. Because of this, planners and contractors need
to come up with technical solutions that keep these bad effects to a

Common ways to keep towns from being too irregular in transition


In most cases, transition slabs are used as the main structural answer in
transition zones of bridges with expansion joints at the ends of spans.
Their job is to lessen the effects of development on embankments. The
length of the transition slab is based on the road class and how much the
slope is expected to settle. Due to the settlement of the embankment, the
slope of slabs on a highway shouldn't be more than 1:300. On other
roads, it should be no more than 1:200. If the bridgehead is directly
buried in load-bearing earth, the best way to fix the problem is to use a
concrete transition slab instead of the threshold exit from the structure.
The slab is mostly held up by the road embankment because the
embankment has settled less than the foot of the bridge. However, the
bridgehead's indirect base is usually used (for example, on reinforced
concrete piles) because of strict rules about how much the bridge
supports can settle. When this happens, the bridgehead settles much
more slowly than the embankment. This is because the rotation of the
transition slab is the opposite of what happens with a direct base. Often,
an extra bottom reinforcement of the embankment is used. This is
dragged into the plan past the outline of the transition slab and helps
keep settling differences to a minimum.
Correctly recognizing the conditions of the foundations of buildings
used for land transport:

Understanding the ground conditions is the most important part of

designing the foundations for bridges and roads in transition zones. It is
very important to find out the real values of the soils' strength and
deformation factors, especially for those that are easily compressed.
Subsoil recognition has gotten a lot better since more advanced in-situ
and lab study methods have been used recently. However, it is still
possible to find documents that don't list the geotechnical factors of
organic soils, and geotechnical test results often have mistakes.

Geotechnical documentations have major flaws that come from mistakes

made during the test program stage and while the test was being carried
out. When tests are programmed wrong, they show results from:

• field work that isn't broad enough, which leads to wrong interpretations
of the data and missing ground details;
Doing a lot of shallow geotechnical tests on the ground below the
planned high berms that lead to the bridgeheads; Doing a lot of shallow
test boreholes to help design the pile foundations;
To make sure that the embankment and the bridgehead work properly in
difficult and complicated soil conditions:

Solutions for structures:

The problem of improving the subsoil under road embankments and the
foundations of engineering structures has been studied a fair amount,
both in the design and implementation phases. There are a lot more
problems with the way these two buildings are connected and how well
they are designed. The issues described in Section 3 were caused by
wrongly identifying the subsoil of the bridge and road structures. These
problems show that the foundation of the engineering structure next to it
and the earth structure in the bridge access zone depend on how
complicated the geological and engineering conditions are.
Too much settlement on access roads to engineering structures like
bridges, viaducts, underpasses, and culverts usually happens in places
with low-strength soils (usually organic) that are easily compressed, and
when the "rigid" foundation of an engineering object is put in place, like
on piles or on deeply improved subsoil, without any soil reinforcement
under the road frame.

Should you use consolidation methods to improve or strengthen the

subsoil under road embankments, it is suggested that you add rigid
elements gradually on the transition parts. Different levels of stiffness
can also be balanced out with the right geosynthetic mattress designs. If
the subsoil under the access roads to the bridgeheads is deeply
improved, there will be no need to put extra pressure on the piles
because all the extra weight will be moved to the deeper, more load-
bearing layers of the soil.

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