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won't you stay?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong
Relationship: Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk, Kim Dokja & Yoo Joonghyuk
Character: Kim Dokja, Kim Dokja's Company, Yoo Joonghyuk
Additional Tags: soft, dokja keeps dying until jonghyuk believes an intervention is in
order, they fuck, Feelings, Cock Warming, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering,
Top Yoo Joonghyuk, Bottom Kim Dokja, Cum Inflation, Dry Humping,
Frottage, Public Sex, Marathon Sex, Confessional Sex, Cum Eating,
Biting, Dumbification, Overstimulation, Edging, Plot What Plot/Porn
Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Gratuitous Smut, Cock Worship, Blow
Jobs, Deepthroating, Rough Sex, Boys Kissing
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-01-17 Words: 4678

won't you stay?

by orphan_account


Jonghyuk wishes he could fuck the self sacrificial idiot in dokja out of him if he tried hard
enough. He succeeds.


ho ho ho

Jonghyuk enters him softly, his arms around his neck. They’re lying on the plush bed. The mattress
against the board does not make so much noise.


Dokja is gasping softly, the air around them is too cold. High up in the mountains, they’ve come
for clearing a sub-scenario. It isn’t too late when Jonghyuk tells him he is tired. “You keep dying..”
The man states with thin lips sat in a straight line. He holds Dokja close to him, arms tense as they
embrace. Jonghyuk trembles. As if Dokja will vanish out of sight if he doesn’t embrace him
anymore. “Why can’t you just-” Dokja senses two thick fingers propping his jaw, honey irises
observe him carefully. He gulps. The man shifts him impossibly closer, until their foreheads touch
and warm breaths mingle. “-Stay?” Jonghyuk demands, his hand slipping lower to capture Dokja’s
throat in a vice like grip.

Dokja doesn’t struggle. He is accustomed to the light pressure against his windpipe, Jonghyuk
always tries to choke him to death whenever he is being insolent. It’s ridiculous, if anything. He is
used to the lightheadedness that accompanies the situation, to those turbulent eyes calling him a
fool in 20 different shades of gold.

He isn’t used to Jonghyuk’s lips crashing down on his own. That’s only ever happened in some
amorous dreams that are better left to the care of dark nights.

It’s too sudden of an action, not too gentle, not too forceful. He registers that Jonghyuk is giving
him a choice. To back out or to continue and see where this goes. This Jonghyuk who hums when
Dokja opens his mouth in invitation, who ravages the wet cavern with unprecedented care. This
Jonghyuk whose digits dig heavily on Dokja’s sides, who causes Dokja to moan, who trembles at
his sounds.

The decision is made in a split of a second, Dokja’s eyelids flutter shut as he allows the man to
unbutton his shirt.

Hours later, icy drafts strike his nipples, urging the pink buds to harden. Jonghyuk glances,
mesmerized. He pulls the blanket around them tighter, pushes in easily — into the warmth of
Dokja’s body beneath him.

“Dokja,” He murmurs against his skin, drags his mouth across his neck, feels the pulse of Dokja’s

Now that he’s alive again, his body thrums with blood. He has new scars, from his last bout of
death. But he is alive, safe, warm. Since he is warmer to touch, Jonghyuk has greedily taken in his
body and his pleasures. Sucks marks and bruises right onto his skin, maps him with his hands.
Dokja had generously given Jonghyuk the liberty to touch, stayed still — only minutely twitching
his hips as Jonghyuk’s roughened hands grazed over them, thighs, torso and back. Jonghyuk had
made quick work of opening him up, entrance twitching and clenching around his fingers— before
he slipped himself inside.

And now—

“Stop thinking,” Dokja’s face is flushed, his eyes slightly dazed as he looks back at Jonghyuk’s
concerned gaze.

They’re underneath the blanket, Jonghyuk’s body on top of Dokja. His cock warmed in Dokja’s
heat, his hole clenched, dragging him back in. Dokja’s legs are sprayed open, held back by his
hands as Jonghyuk thrusts deeper, slower into him.

It’s sensuous, their sex. Their first night together away from the prying eyes of the Company and
the Constellations. Although this noon—

(“Nn— Ah—” Dokja gasps, muffles his sound against his own arms as he’s taken from behind.
Knees spread and digging into the sheets, torso dragging against the pillow he’s clutching. It’s
useless to keep quiet, not when the sound of Jonghyuk’s hips snapping against Dokja’s cheeks is so
loud inside this room.

Not when Dokja’s hole keeps squelching, the wet sucking noise every time Jonghyuk’s cock pulls
away from his hole makes him sound desperate for Jonghyuk to put it back in him again.

“Shhh" He hushes him gently,

"One of the room service staff is outside the door,” Jonghyuk fucks him into their mattress. It’s
hard to keep quiet when the slap of their hips are so loud, the bed creaks and shifts on the floor. He
doesn’t leave even when his own cum drips out from Dokja’s hole— when the room service
comes to call them for lunch outside the bedroom door.)

— But now, once they’re alone. Darkness surrounds the small inn they had rented, Jonghyuk takes
his time unravelling Dokja slowly. Savoring each garment as it pools onto the floor, like an
unexpected present — being given to him by his partner in life and death.

It’s reverence, Jonghyuk thinks. Feels Dokja trying to muffle his moan despite the clear sound of
his hips snapping into his body. Even underneath the blanket, underneath Jonghyuk’s touch, Dokja
is to be worshipped.

“Mine,” He’d whisper, thrusts harder into the pliant body beneath him. Dokja’s hole is so wet,
squelching with lube and cum. He’d already fucked a load into him earlier this evening, next to the
window. And then they had taken it to the bed, where he’s been pressing into Dokja for hours,
reveling in him slowly. Taking his time until his cock’s shape and weight is indented inside
Dokja’s hole.

“Can’t get enough,” Dokja fits his lips against his, swallows down his words as he wraps his legs
around Jonghyuk. He bounces back onto his thrusts, cock leaking onto their stomach, smear of it
wet against Jonghyuk’s skin.


He grinds deeper, presses in closer. Underneath the blanket, Dokja’s body is warm and heated.
Their fluids smearing, not enough space to fuck him properly.

The drag of his cock against Dokja’s walls, the press of his heels against the small of his back.
Each grind brings him to rub against Dokja’s body, gasps falling from his lips and his head tilts
back —


He cums on his cock, walls pulsing. Jonghyuk can feel his greedy hole clenching on his girth,
trying to keep it in, keep him still inside him. He kisses Dokja to muffle his moans, presses in

“Want to be in you all the time,”

Dokja clenches harder at the words, his passage tight, snug around Jonghyuk’s cock. He’s grinding
deeper now, presses meticulously slow. Careful to record the expressions flittering across Dokja’s

He looks— so good. Handsome. Dazed with his mouth red and plump, lips sore from kissing for
too long. His cheeks have a dusting with blush, so pretty, high on his face. Dokja’s lashes flutter as
he tries to blink, onyx liquid swirling as he tries to come back from his high.

Jonghyuk fucks into him deeper, harder. Dokja covered underneath his body, away from the world.
The scenarios. The blanket covering his back kept them warm against each other, kept them
together. He pumps his hips in deeper, cock twitches— he could feel himself about to cum—

“More, please—” Dokja breathes, stuttering arms coming to wrap around his neck as he kisses the
corner of Jonghyuk’s lips with need.

“Please, I want more—”

Jonghyuk kisses him down, swallows his moans as he pumps his hips. It’s faster now, hotter
underneath the blanket. His cock pushes deeper into Dokja’s body, shoving harder. His cum
presses up against his own length, creamy around Dokja’s hole.

It dribbles onto the mattress below them, drips down from Dokja’s ass. He could feel it against his
thighs as he pushed in once more, cums, with Dokja’s name on his mouth, pressed against Dokja’s

“Ah, ah—”

Dokja gasps, kisses him more. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears as he thoroughly kissed him
back. Dokja tastes like them, together. Like Jonghyuk and Dokja’s scent had mixed into his own.
His skin marred with Jonghyuk’s touch. Dokja tastes like his new favourite, his love condensed
into one man’s body. He tastes like Jonghyuk pressing his love onto him, onto his skin and tries to
etch it onto his bones. Makes his muscles remember, makes his hole want him.

More and more, Jonghyuk thinks, kisses Dokja desperately.

He wants him more and more,

(He stays inside him, later into the night. When the cicada calls out beside their bedroom window,
he fucks him again. Pushes his cum deeper, calls him his love inside his mind.)

Dokja’s body is meant to be loved, Jonghyuk isn’t sure how he’d come to love such a person.


His torso and hips fit so perfectly in Jonghyuk’s hands. They’re at an abandoned temple. Dokja and
him had ended up here while clearing the sub scenario—

Jonghyuk definitely doesn’t like the sight of the silver haired, sparkling eyes boy talking to Dokja

He’d been there when Dokja saved the boy yesterday. The boy had been following them like a lost
puppy ever since, standing much too close to his partner. It was infuriating, more so because
Jonghyuck knew for a fact that the guy’s party was setting up camp in the not-far eastern areas of
the mountain range. He’d seen the way his gaze had drifted to Dokja’s body— looking
appreciatively at how fit his partner is.

Jonghyuk’s hands tightened around Dokja’s waist. He had been watching from afar for a while.
His scowl is sharp, he knows it. Dokja calls out to him as he wraps himself around his partner.

“Maybe it’s time we take a break, right?”

He dips his eyes, gaze pointed at the smaller man standing besides them. His lips curl as the boy
flinches, steps back as he tries to distance himself. Dokja nods his assent, body relaxing. He
subconsciously tilts away from the minimal crowd, folds himself into Jonghyuk’s hold as he leans
against him—

Jonghyuk had to remember to breathe through his nose, to stop himself from relishing in the rush
of warmth and love that surges through him. His body had reacted automatically, exhaling hard
when he thought about whether Dokja had done it consciously or not. Yoo Jonghyuk's own brain
had taken his compliance, his subconscious condition to Jonghyuk’s presence as him reciprocating
Jonghyuk’s feelings. He has to tell himself to remember that Dokja—

“This is my partner, Yoo Jonghyuk” Dokja waves his hand, introduces him in one breath and pulls
him away as they depart from the crowd.

Jonghyuk has to remember— remind himself—

“Dokja-,” He breathes, any other words stuck in his throat. Feels himself falling—

Once they rounded a corner from where they were before. Jonghyuk pulls him behind a pillar,
where shadows seemed dark enough to cover them both. Lifts Dokja’s coat and pulls down his
pants. Dokja’s eyebrows raise in surprise, tries to look back at him—

“Do you love me, Dokja?” — It comes out like a sudden plea, rushes under his breath. Jonghyuk
presses himself against Dokja. Rubs his fingers against his hole. It’s still loose. Still sticky with
cum from their morning together. He pulls his pants down and frees his cock, presses up, rubs his
tip against Dokja’s hole—

“Wait—” Dokja’s breath hitches as his hand scrambles to clutch at thepillar. They’re out in public,
but Jonghyuk can’t wait. He’s desperate as he thrusts his cock into Dokja’s body— warm, pliant—
molds him to his shape. He wraps around him tighter, drags his lips across Dokja’s nape.

“I love you,” Kisses him on his neck, again and again. Revenant, feverish with the need to let him
know “I love you so much, please say you love me too”

Dokja tries to stay upright, but Jonghyuk wouldn’t let him fall. He’d follow him down, anyways.
Press his love onto Dokja’s skin. Whether he crawls or lies down on the floor. Jonghyuk would
follow him anywhere.

“Tell me you love me too,” The words get stuck in his throat. He could barely get them out.
Choked on them, fucking frantically into Dokja as he claws his waist and hips.
This body that’s made to be loved, one that’s reciprocating his own. The only way he knows how
to love him is to etch himself onto Dokja’s skin.


Dokja trying to keep quiet. Clenches, his thighs are quivering as he presses himself against the wall
to be as inconspicuous as possible. Jonghyuk cages him in, the sound of people close by deafening
as he feels Dokja squeezing around him, feels him cum untouched into his pants. Hears his muffled
relief, Jonghyuk groans as he fucks him faster—

“You’re so wet,” He rubs his cock through his pants, feeling it dampened the fabric already. Thank
the archons Dokja likes to wear black, Jonghyuk would offer any clothes on his back to cover him

“Dokja, Dokja—”

He groans into his ears. Grinds, deep inside of his husband’s body. Feels the throb of Dokja’s
walls clenching around him as he feels heat stirring in his stomach, rushing up his body. Pushes
harder into his husband and—


Jonghyuk cums, Dokja gasping in surprise and his body remains shaking in his hold. The girth of
his cock plugging Dokja up, cum pouring into him as deep as possible. Jonghyuk knows, Dokja
could feel it flooding into him. Heavy and thick as he caged, pressed up against the wall.

The boy’s voice behind them couldn’t see Dokja like this, could only see Jonghyuk holding Dokja.


He hears Dokja answer. Jonghyuk quickly pulls his cock out, and hears him make a soft noise as
Dokja’s rim clenches the fluids in. The heat between their body is sweltering, Jonghyuk finds it
hard to peel himself away. His scent cloying his nose, wants to kiss and mouth the sweat away
from his neck.

But he pulls himself together. Dokja’s legs are shaking as Jonghyuk pulls up their pants, hands
working to drape his coat to cover the wet spot in the front of Dokja’s crotch as well.

“How can we help you?” He’s reeling from adrenaline and something else, but he doesn’t let it slip
onto his face. From the other's perspective, he’s simply been hugging his ‘partner’ from behind -
desperate for some physical affection, away from the public, just for a moment.

Jonghyuk holds Dokja in his arms. Cradles him against him. Feels Dokja rest his forehead against
his cheeks, and thinks: truthfully he wouldn’t want anyone to see his partner like this: Mused up
and dazed.

Freshly fucked.

In such a vulnerable state, his partner is putty in his hold. Tucks himself against him, and Jonghyuk
feels a thrum underneath his skin that burns through his body—

But that’s a thought for later, something to muse over. Think about —

For now—
His teeth are sharp enough to bite at anyone who doesn’t know their boundaries. So he grins. Sun
eyes narrowing at the boy who had followed them out, shifting nervously on his feet.

He didn’t get to hear Dokja’s answer to whatever he asked him in the end.

Even after the scenarios, and all the preparations they’ve done to get here. Jonghyuk doesn’t really
know how Dokja loves him.

He’d gotten called into work, an emergency. Although he didn't mind it, it’s frustrating that it’s just
paper work and not a field project. Han Sooyung can go die in a hole.

“Don’t worry about me,” Dokja said, sinking to his knees between Jonghyuk’s thighs. “Work takes
priority, I will occupy myself while you’re busy”

Dokja’s lips wrapped around his cock feel like heaven (and an apology). Jonghyuk would groan but
he’s supposed to be finishing his papers right now. The best he could do is dig his fingers into
Dokja’s hair. Tugs the midnight strands up, scratch at his scalp as he takes him in deeper.


There’s a knock on the door. Jonghyuk retracts his hand from Dokja’s head, tries not to react as he

“Sorry to interrupt you, Sir. There’s an urgent missive sent from the ’The Dokja Compa—”

He tries to listen to the hotel staff, stopping his writing to concentrate on the feeling of Dokja’s
tongue dragging across his slit. His lips snug around the cock, he swallows him steadily into his
mouth —

“If that’s all,” He breathes, makes sure his voice sounds steady enough “I’ll get it done by tonight”

Once the messenger has left, Jonghyuk sinks both of his hands into Dokja’s hair, drags him back
onto his cock. He can hear him choke as he thrusts down his throat. Dokja’s muffled sounds as he
grips on Jonghyuk’s thighs

“Is this an apology, Dokja?” He gasps, asked. The question is too vulnerable, so he feels Dokja’s
tongue trying to work on the underside of his cock, see tears on the fans of his lashes. Feels his
mouth pillowing his shaft, red and sore as he does his best to suck and swallow.

“Is this your apology for not being able to say you love me?”

It’scruel, he knows. But he can’t help the fluttering in his chest as he grips Dokja harder and fucks
down his throat. The cavern is sensitive, clenching, it’s a tight fit to push his tip down and sink into
Dokja’s mouth like this.

If Dokja answers— If he says he loves him, Jonghyuk can’t hear it—

Dokja’s lips are wet, spit slickened. Swollen. His eyes are tearing up a little, dew drops against his
lashes. The rosy blush fans across his cheeks, Jonghyuk slides a hand down to thumb his face.
Caress it gently, thrusts into Dokja’s mouth.

“So good, so good to me,” He whisper praises, looking down adoringly at his partner. Savior. How
hard it’s been to get here, how much he had to work— “Even if you don’t love me, I can love you
enough for the both of us,”

Dokja is protesting, from the way he’s making that sound. Jonghyuk breathes out a laugh as he
feels himself close to coming, Dokja’s mouth working too well against him.

“Even if it takes time,” He pushes, cum pouring down Dokja’s throat. He can feel himself pulsing,
Dokja’s moaning against the cock in his mouth. His jaws must be sore, Jonghyuk rubs it soothingly
“Even if it takes years,”

“I can love you enough for the both of us.”

(Dokja had pinched him later, swallowed his cum but there’s still some dripping from his lips.
Jonghyuk had wiped it away for him, pushed his cum covered finger tip into his mouth. “I don’t
need to hear it,” He shakes his head “You can tell me when you’re ready instead,”)

It takes a while, the whole week passes by with the time they spent together.

This time, Jonghyuk is wrapped around Dokja in a back hug. It’s early morning, Dokja is watching
the sunrise over mountains from the balcony.

“It feels peaceful here,” He turns, kisses Jonghyuk’s cheekbones “Thank you. You know I-”

It’s nice, the warmth of Dokja’s body against his. The domesticity they have between them.

Without marking Dokja’s body with his cum, Jonghyuk sinks deeper into the comfort of his
partner;s presence. He’ll take all that he can get, pulled into it. Still a little unsure on where they

“-You never need to rush,” He breathes against Dokja’s neck, takes in his scent. Dokja smells like
sandal, musk. Sometimes Murim silk.

Now he smells like the cloudburst. Honey with a slight hint of petrichor.

Like him. Them.

Jonghyuk couldn’t help taking a deeper breath,

“Maybe it’s all in my head” He mutters,

They’d gotten together because Dokja had banded the characters closest to him, trained them,
helped them. Helped his family. But did that really translate to him being in love with Jonghyuk?

In Jonghyuk’s own way, his love is different from his family’s. Jonghyuk wants to make sure
Dokja is pleasured and adored. Wants to make him realize he’s treasured in a completely different
way from how his family loves him. So he can’t ever doubt how Jonghyuk feels—

He knows he's been in love with Dokja much longer than Dokja has been with him. And it’s a little
sad to think about. But he’s also realized through experience that Dokja loves security and warmth,
the affection his family provides.

He’d also told him once, that he’s learning how to love him too.
It’s a slow progress, and Jonghyuk’s still uneasy thinking about how much Dokja actually
understands ‘love’. Even with the reassurance, Dokja’sfamily ad life had messed up the concept of
love very early one for him. Jonghyuck understands. He waits. He is patient, enough to regress a
1000 times, he can surely be patient enough with his partner of life and death. He knows the words
‘I love you’ don’t always have to be spoken. Jonghyuk knows that when he himself kisses Dokja’s
skin, every touch is a mark of his devotion to him. It’s his promise to him. With or without an

Jonghyuk hopes Dokja realizes Jonghyuk’s using their time to monopolize Dokja’s love for his
family onto him. Funnel all that affection, what he’d grown to have with his family—just on
Jonghyuk alone.

He’s greedy for it, but also unsure. Whether or not Dokja loves him or if he’s just complying with
Jonghyuk's lead. Maybe Dokja is taking pity on him, letting Jonghyuk show him how to love.
He might be using sex as one of the methods. A way to make Dokja feel so good, he won’t be able
to leave.

Through his confessions, through the way he kisses him. The way he marks his body, the way he
takes in Dokja’s pleasure. Jonghyuk’s arms squeeze him tighter, doesn’t want to say but he needs
to tell him.

Jonghyuk had confessed his love for Dokja many times, verbally expressing them or by making
love to him again and again. He’d breathed him in, let Dokja pour into his body. He’d let the very
essence of himself fill him whole. Dokja knows he’s one with him, fills himself until he’s full of
him. Till he can’t escape, can’t get enough.

But it’s enough.

Tells himself: all he needs is right here. In their days together. All he sees in his eyes, sparkling
onyx burned into his mind. His brain can’t run, there’s no other thoughts besides Dokja in the glow
of their temporary hideaway. Of him in this inn, of him accepting Jonghyuk’s touch (so easily).

Of Dokja at night, casted in the moonlight. Gasping into the sheets. Of Dokja in the morning, a
smile softening his face. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to work out a recipe, cooking for them
on the stove. Dokja wrapped up in his thoughts —

“What are you thinking about?”

Dokja knows he’s thinking about him. Turns towards him since Jonghyuk’s been quiet for a while

He breathes in his scent, taking in honey and petrichor. Breathes out, as he thinks about how much
longer they have to spend together —

“Nothing,” He kisses his neck, “Just happy, to have you with me. To have you stay.” Alive.

He smiles as he feels Dokja sigh, laugh into his skin. Feels his partner pull him away from the
balcony and turn around to kiss him—

“I’m glad I stayed,”

— his smile blooms across his face. Feeling tender, he kisses him back. Their lips brush, languidly.
There’s no rush after all.

Dokja mouths against his lips, pulls him closer by the waist
“I’m glad you let me stay,”

Jonghyuk intertwines their fingers together, sighing fondly as Dokja grips him back. He watches
his partner rise, sink down onto his cock. Takes in hispartner’s flushed face, his pink lips open as
he pants. There’s sweat clinging onto his hair but he doesn’t stop riding him.

The blanket had pooled around their laps, covering Jonghyuk and part of Dokja’s thighs.
Jonghyuk’s hands are behind him, leaning back on his arms as he watches Dokja arch his back,
fucks himself onto his cock. Dokja’s hands are on his chest, stabilizing himself as he grinds. His
eyes are closed, lips sore as he bites down on them. He sinks himself on Jonghyuk’s cock to feel
full again.


“Whatever you need,” He leans up, kisses him. Soothes his tongue over Dokja’s lips and feels him
open up for him. Dokja makes a muffled moan, arms coming to wrap around his neck. He slides
his tongue against him, kisses his slowly. The slick of their mouth parting and coming together.
Takes his time unravelling him, licks into his mouth. Maps him out carefully as his hands caresses
Dokja’s thighs.

“Love you,” Jonghyuk breathes against his mouth, kisses him again. Shushes him with his tongue,
mouth and lips. He feels Dokja’s moans reverberating against his lips, feels his arms tightened
around his neck.

“Love you so much, Dokja”

It’s hushed, whispered against his lips. Jonghyuk grips his waist and fucks back into him. Dokja
nearly sobs, but he’s still trying to kiss Jonghyuk. Messy and sloppy, there’s tears around his eyes
and he’s bouncing as Jonghyuk fucks into him.


Jonghyuk slips, pauses as he feels the beat of his heart thrums against his veins. Everything slows.
Dokja whines into his mouth, tries harder to kiss him as his hand moves away to grip Jonghyuk’s
cock, tries to push it back into him.

“Jonghyuk, put it back—”

He flips them over, Dokja with his back on the mattress. Lifts his leg, places his heels against his

Pushes his cock back into him, in a mating press.

“Say that again,”

He fucks in harsher, wilder. Thrusts into Dokja so hard his toes curl as he tries to squirm away. It’s
animalistic, the way he takes his pleasures. But Dokja saying his name always drives him wild—

“Do you get it?” Dokja has half his mind with him, but his eyes are full of love. “Do you get it

Jonghyuk gets it.

Dokja’s body takes him, everytime he clenches around him. His walls dragging across his cock,
the way he opens up to take his seeds. Dokja’s eyes— fond and stable, calm against any storm.
Dokja’s fingers, their scents—

“I’m already yours,”

He cums deep inside of Dokja, still thrusting as he moans. Muffles himself against his shoulders as
he grinds his cock deeper. Feels Dokja gasps, feels him curling around him as he spreads his legs

“Jonghyuk,” Jonghyuk slips his hands down, rubs at Dokja’s cock. Feels him squeezing his length,
milks him for more cum. Dokja jerks into his hands. “Make me cum,” He breathes, tilts his head
back and Jonghyuk kisses his exposed throat, the thin delicate skin there, marks them up.


He feels him cum against his own hand, oozes onto his fingers as he spurts between them.
Jonghyuk’s stomach is sticky with how close they are to each other. But he leans down to kiss him,
press their bodies together.

“I love you,” Jonghyuk breathes,

Dokja smiles,

“I know,”

(He thwarts him, after they’d cleaned up. “Why can’t you just say you love me?” Jonghyuk looks
at his partner, “Like a normal person.”

Dokja reaches up to comb through Jonghyuk’s hair “I like you too.”

He pulls the blanket around him. Give Dokja the pillow and heads off to bed.)

“Will you leave again?”

Jonghyuk asks before they board on the train. They’re at the station, the sub scenario has been
dealt with. With so many people around, Dokja leans against his arms.

“I’ll try not to die as much, Jonghyuk-ah,”

He tangles their fingers together,

“I believe your intervention worked.”

He looks at Dokja, “You haven’t told me you loved me this entire trip,”

His tone is petulant, just slightly. But it makes a smile appear on Dokja’s face, he raises his brows
“Do I have to say it for you to believe that I do?”

He doesn’t, Jonghyuk already knows.

“When you say my name,” Jonghyuk breathes, “It feels like you’re saying I love you,”

“You’re my home, now,” Dokja looked at him, gaze soft. “Jonghyuck, perhaps I’ll stay longer.”
(He throws Dokja off, walks away while he hears his laugh ringing from behind him. They
boarded the train separately, but it only took a few minutes for him to find himself gravitating
towards his partner again.)

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