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|| !वा$याया&मा (मदः|| declares ‘Shikshavalli’ in Taittiriya Upanishad, which essentially means one should strive
to learn one’s scriptures. Further in the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna talks about four kinds of Yagna or
Sacri@ice of which ”!वा$याय-य+” or Study of Scriptures and cultivate knowledge as a form sacri@ice is critical
for the well-being of the humankind (SBG 4.28).

Established in the year 1967 by "Swaadhyaaya-Seva-Ratnam" Acharya Padmanabha Sharma, Sadvidya

Pratishtanam has impacted thousands of people across various walks of life, genders and geographies by
initiating, nurturing, and inspiring them to engage in Swaadhyaya, the study of their own scriptures.

The Pratishtanam introduced the Swaadhyaya Mandalam in November 2022, aiming to aid individuals in
comprehending their own scriptures, particularly those in Sanskrit. A basic understanding of Sanskrit is
essential, and to facilitate this, we incorporate innovative teaching methods during our weekly
Wednesday class from 7 pm to 8 pm. Enthusiasts with basic Sanskrit knowledge from the Pratishtanam's
previous Sanskrit SambhaashanaShaala editions or other institutes are encouraged to join the Mandalam.
Moreover, the Sanskrit Swaadhyaya Mandalam is committed to supporting Sanskrit learners and
maintaining their interest on a sustainable basis.

Swaadhyaya Mandalam, a dedicated one hour weekly session (every Wednesday) conducted online by
Sanskrit Scholar/s or Expert/s will offer the following activities/assistance for Students :

• Group readings viz excerpts from classical Sanskrit texts, enhancing comprehension and
appreciation of the language's depth;
• Interactive exercises, quizzes, assignments, storytelling, subhashitams, short skits, and
conversations are employed to strengthen and reinforce the learning process.
• Guest Lectures and workshops by eminent scholars, teachers, and experts in the @ield of Sanskrit.
• A dedicated online forum where participants can discuss, share resources, and engage in
discussions relating to Sanskrit.

The Sanskrit Swaadhyaya Mandalam endeavors to serve as an enduring wellspring of inspiration,

education, and community for Sanskrit enthusiasts, persisting year after year.



Welcome to the Sanskrit Swaadhyaya Mandalam, a vibrant community dedicated to the preservation and
promotion of the beautiful Sanskrit language. As we embark on this enriching journey together, it's
important to establish a collective framework that fosters a conducive learning environment for all
participants. These guidelines are crafted to ensure that our sessions are engaging, respectful, and
bene@icial for everyone involved. They serve as a roadmap, outlining our shared commitment to learning,
cultural exchange, and mutual respect within our community. We encourage you to embrace these
guidelines as a means to facilitate an atmosphere that supports our collective passion for Sanskrit and
contributes to our individual growth.

Let's now explore these guidelines together to make our Swaadhyaya Mandalam experience enriching and
ful@illing for each one of us."

Regular Attendance : Participants are encouraged to attend weekly sessions consistently. Regular
practice is essential for maintaining and improving proficiency in Sanskrit.

Respect and Courtesy: Maintain a respectful and courteous environment within the Mandalam. Respect
differing opinions and encourage open dialogue.

Active participation : Active Participation is key to the learning process. Engage in discussions, ask
questions, and contribute to the activities and conversations.

Preparation : Come prepared for the sessions. Review previous materials, complete assignments, and be
ready to participate in group activities.

Use of Sanskrit in Conversation : Strive to use/speak in Sanskrit as much as possible during the sessions.
Practice speaking, listening, and reading in Sanskrit.

Feedback : Provide constructive feedback to facilitators and fellow participants. This helps improve the
quality of the sessions and the overall experience.

Respect for Diversity : The Mandalam welcomes participants from diverse backgrounds. Be respectful
of different cultural perspectives and experiences.

Resource Sharing : Share relevant resources, books, articles, or websites that can benefit other
participants. Collaboratively build a repository of helpful materials.

Guest Lecturers: Respect guest lecturers and experts. Prepare questions in advance and actively engage
in the discussions they lead.

Inclusiveness : Encourage and support participants of all proficiency levels. Help the new comers while
also challenging yourself to grow.

Confidentiality : Respect the privacy and confidentiality of fellow participants and their personal
Gratitude / Acknowledgement : Express appreciation for the efforts of facilitators, and contributors to
the Mandalam.

Commitment to Continuity : The Sanskrit Swaadhyaya Mandalam is a year-round commitment.

Continuity is essential for reaping the benefits of sustained learning.


The categorizations are based on experience and pro@iciency viz Comrades - सहचराः (based on experience
and pro@iciency) and Explorers- अ&वेषकाः (new comers from Pratishtanam’s Sanskrit Sambhashanashala)


The Mandalam has established groups named after revered poets or scholars from Sanskrit literature.
At present, the Mandalam comprises three groups: the पािणिन वग(ः, the का+यायन वग(ः, and the पत.जिल वग(ः, each
consisting of four members. These groups, referred to as SAHACHARAAS, are intended to cater to
participants with varying levels of pro@iciency, including newcomers. This approach facilitates diverse
discussions, challenges, and goals for each group.

Newcomers from Pratishtanam’s Sanskrit Sambhashanashala will be integrated into separate groups
classi@ied as अ2वेषकाः (Explorers). The formation of these groups will be based on their entry from the
Sambhashanashala program, signifying their fresh journey into in-depth Sanskrit learning (spoken

These guidelines have been meticulously crafted to ensure a positive, respectful, and productive learning
environment within the Sanskrit Swaadhyaya Mandalam.

PS: Any New Entry directly into SANSKRIT SWAADHYAYA MANDALAM are advised to click the following
link and submit the duly @illed in application form.

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