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Appendix 1: Profile of Ram Badrinathan

KarmYog Education Network Pvt. Ltd: Co-Founder 2011- Present

Ram Badrinathan is the Co-founder of KarmYog Education Network and Founder of KarmYog Travel and
Hospitality Education Network. The company’s mission is to execute large scale culture and behavior change
in travel tourism and hospitality industry using an award winning 360 degree engagement framework
OmniDEL. Key initiative was:

● Save Drive Safe Live Road Safety Initiative for the city of Kolkata in Partnership with Kolkata Police
which reduced road fatalities by 36%.
● Engaged and enrolled 250,000 members into the Behtar Life Club on Road Sector
● Informal Sectors Workers Initiative Mobilizations - Counseling using the OmniDEL Tabmaster platform
for 80,000 migrant youth across 4 states in partnership with Tata Trusts
● Driver training product awarded the best learning methodology by NSDC in 2015

PhoCusWright Inc - General Manager & VP Learning Solutions APAC 2001-2011

Mr. Ram Badrinathan served as Vice President of Learning Solutions and General Manager of Asia Pacific at
PhoCusWright Inc in his last position. Mr. Badrinathan’s focus was on PhoCusWright’s custom research
projects as well as being focused on the rapidly changing travel distribution markets across Asia Pacific in
conjunction with the team of analysts based in India, China and Japan. He also developed regular market
updates on key markets (e.g. New Zealand, China, Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore) in addition to India &
China. He has authored several PhoCusWright reports:

● Asia Pacific Online Travel Marketplace: Tapping a Complex Market and Asia Pacific Online Travel
Marketplace Second Edition (two reports on travel distribution trends in the APAC region)
● European Online Travel Marketplace: Focus on the United Kingdom,
● The Emerging Online Travel Marketplace in India ( two editions)
● The Emerging Online Travel Marketplace in China
● India Offshoring and the Virtual Business Offering and co-authored Corporate Travel Distribution:
Key Markets.

He has participated in strategic consulting engagements for global travel management companies, GDS
market leaders and transaction services companies in Europe, North America and Asia and has moderated
the APAC panel at The PhoCusWright Conference for three years. He holds a BS in Civil Engineering from
the National Institute of Technology, Surat, India and an MBA from Hong Kong University of Science and

The strategy and consulting engagements which Ram Badrinathan led are the following

1. Abacus (Now part of Sabre Inc): Abacus is an APAC Global Distribution System based out of
Singapore. Abacus engaged PhoCusWright and I led the project to analyze corporate travel
distribution trends across seven key APAC markets. The study involved B2B interviews and analysis
with a spectrum of stakeholders of corporate travel including Travel Management Companies,
Procurement and Travel Managers in companies and travel technology providers.
2. Amadeus: Is a global travel technology provider that engaged PhoCusWright to analyze the Low
Cost Carrier Market in APAC. Led by me, the project particularly looked at booking trends towards
leveraging Amadeus like GDS systems. The study involved B2B analysis with corporate travel
management companies and Low Cost Carriers in APAC.
Amadeus also engaged us to analyze the adoption of travel technology tools in the China Corporate
Travel Market which involved research across 350 companies across SME, Mid-Size and Large
MNCs and local Chinese companies.
3. Carlson Wagonlit Travel: CWT is one of the largest global corporate travel companies. We were
engaged to look at the positioning of CWT and advice on appropriate offerings across corporate
segment. I led the APAC portion of the global engagement which covered North America, Europe
and APAC.

Ram Badrinathan 903 Sevilla, Raheja ExoticaMalad West , Mumbai 400061,, +91 9167719898

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