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Module Code Module Element Assessment Type Question No.

BSNH03 50% Group Presentation 2
Module Leader Marking Team

Assessment Title
Revo International, a business startup in the UK, is interested in understanding how national
and global Policies on Trade Agreements and International Regulations affect the success of
business start-ups and business growth.

Develop a 15-minute group presentation, using an infographic Poster, in which you address
how national and global Policies on Trade Agreements and International Regulations
impact business startup rates in the UK.

Explore the subject area using theories discussed in your lectures and read in your
independent study time, importantly making references to key academic texts. You need to
include a reference list on the Poster. This assessment addresses the module learning
outcomes 2 and 4.

- Evaluate the role and impact of policy at different levels upon business start-up rates.
- Use an Infographic Poster as your presentation tool incorporating visual elements
alongside worded explanations. This is an infographic poster, not a picture poster.
- The poster should be completed on canva or an equivalent programme and must be
A1 sized so you can fit all the information.
- Reference all sources using the Harvard referencing system.
- Each individual must upload a copy of the group presentation Poster used for the
presentation to the Turnitin site by the deadline.

Word count: NA

Total group presentation time: 15-minute pitch to present your infographic poster.

Submission Deadline:

Please upload a copy of your individual Poster through the Turnitin link on Canvas.
Knowledge &  Comprehensive and detailed knowledge and understanding of the global and national
Understanding policies that may influence business start-up rates in the UK.
 Analysis of how policy may have impacted upon the growth of a business located in the
Weighting Southwest of England.
30  Detailed understanding shown about the theoretical concepts associated with
contemporary business issues.

 The ability to review, synthesise and critically evaluate relevant and appropriate
Intellectual Skills literature.
 Critical engagement with a range of data related to business.

 Provide evidence of wider reading.

Weighting  The ability to analyse facts and circumstances to determine the impact of policy upon
30 business start-up and growth.

Transferable Skills  Demonstrate an ability to select appropriate literature to support the answer.
 Demonstrate the ability to present key ideas and arguments.


Practical Skills  The ability to articulate and explain information through verbal formats appropriate to a
business environment.
 Effective use of visual aids.
 Clear logical structure, content clearly sequenced and flowing from introduction.
 Effective use of the Harvard system of referencing
Weighting  Effective and appropriate use of reliable academic (journal articles/ textbooks) sources
(%)  Effective communication through the spoken word, coherently, in a style which suits the
 Conforms to time limit.

‘This assessment and marking framework match the requirements for the module as stated in the validated
programme documentation.’
Signature Date Grade

CREDIT LEVEL 6 Students awarded a qualification at this level will have demonstrated:
Knowledge and - comprehensive/detailed knowledge of a major discipline(s), with areas of
understanding specialisation in depth.
- an awareness of the provisional nature of knowledge.
- an awareness of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct
and can incorporate a critical ethical dimension into a major piece of work.
Intellectual skills - the ability to analyse new and/or abstract data and situations without
guidance, using a range of techniques appropriate to the subject.
- the ability to transform abstract data and concepts towards a given
purpose and design novel solutions, with minimum supervision.
- the ability to critically evaluate evidence to support
conclusions/recommendations, reviewing its reliability, validity, and
- the ability to investigate contradictory information/identify reasons for
- confidence and flexibility in identifying and defining complex problems and
can apply appropriate knowledge and skills to their solution.
Practical skills - the ability to operate in complex and unpredictable contexts, requiring
selection and application from a wide range of innovative or standard
- the ability to act autonomously, with minimal direction or supervision,
within agreed guidelines.
Transferable / - the ability to interact effectively within a team, recognising, supporting and
key skills being proactive in leadership, negotiating in a professional context and
managing conflict.
- the ability to manage own learning using full range of resources relevant to
the discipline.
- the ability to work professionally within the discipline.
- confidence in the application of own criteria of judgement and the ability
to challenge received opinion and reflect on action.
- the ability to seek and make use of feedback.
- the ability to select and manage information, competently undertaking
reasonably straight-forward research tasks with minimum guidance.
- the ability to take responsibility for own work and be self-critical.
- the ability to engage effectively in debate in a professional manner and
produce detailed and coherent project reports.
- confidence and flexibility in identifying and defining complex problems and
applying appropriate knowledge, tools/methods for their solution.

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