Yr9 MSC MA Revision Worksheet - 2023

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Apple International School Dubai


Q-1) Definitions:
▪ Community - A community is a group of people who live and interact
with one another in a specific place and in accordance with specific
▪ Belonging – to be part of.
▪ Societies – A group of communities
▪ People of Determination - Individuals who suffer from physical, motor,
or mental disability.
▪ Social identity - The sense of belonging to a human group with social,
cultural, psychological, and historical characteristics, which distinguish
this group from others and form an entity embracing all its members.
▪ Sub-groups - This term refers to the groups of individuals with emotional
connections, common interests, or practical objectives.
▪ Prejudice - an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds
or before sufficient knowledge.
▪ an instance of such judgment or opinion.
▪ an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group,
a race, or their supposed characteristics.
▪ Tolerance - We define tolerance as the acceptance of another person,
another viewpoint, or another behavior that is different from our own.
Tolerance expands our ability to be open to new ideas, to people who
have different viewpoints, or to people who are different from ourselves.
▪ Inclusion -Inclusion strives to make all people feel valued and respected.
Examples of this include placing disabled students in regular classrooms,
creating mentorship programs for underrepresented employee groups,
and working to eliminate bias in hiring processes.
▪ Knowledge - Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of
someone or something, such as facts, information, descriptions, or skills,
which is acquired through experience or education by perceiving,
discovering, or learning.


1. Choose a group that you belong to. Describe to your classmates the benefits
you get from belonging to this group.
Belonging to the primary group of the community, which includes school,
family, and friends, is a fundamental aspect of human life. Each of these groups
plays a unique and crucial role in shaping an individual's identity, providing
support, and fostering a sense of belonging. Let's explore each of these primary
Unconditional Support: Families typically offer unconditional love and
support. They are the foundational support system that helps individuals
navigate life's challenges.
Cultural and Moral Values: Families are instrumental in transmitting cultural
values, traditions, and moral principles from one generation to the next. They
contribute significantly to an individual's sense of identity and belonging.
Emotional Security: The family is often a source of emotional security. It's a
place where individuals can express their true selves, share their emotions, and
find comfort in times of distress.
Education and Skill Development: Schools are essential for academic learning
and skill development. They provide the knowledge and skills needed for
personal and professional growth.
Socialization: School is a key environment for socialization. It's where
individuals learn to interact with peers, form friendships, and navigate social
Diversity and Inclusion: Schools expose individuals to a diverse range of
people and ideas, fostering an understanding and appreciation for different
perspectives and cultures.
Companionship and Support: Friends provide companionship and emotional
support. They are often the ones individuals turn to for advice, encouragement,
and a sense of camaraderie.
Shared Experiences: Friends share experiences, creating memories that
contribute to a sense of belonging. Whether it's triumphs, challenges, or
everyday moments, these shared experiences strengthen the bond between
Social Identity: Friends play a crucial role in shaping an individual's social
identity. They influence preferences, interests, and lifestyle choices.
Together, these primary groups form the foundation of an individual's social
structure. They offer a multifaceted network of support, education, and social
interaction. The relationships within these groups contribute to personal
development, resilience, and the overall well-being of individuals. Balancing
and nurturing connections within the family, school, and friend groups is key to
fostering a strong sense of community and belonging throughout one's life.
2. Can individuals react to a crisis they are going through in their primary
group in the same way that they would react to a crisis within a secondary
group? Discuss and support your opinion with explanatory examples.
The way individuals react to a crisis within their primary group versus a crisis
within a secondary group can vary based on the nature of the relationships, and
the emotional investment in each group. Here, we'll explore some potential
differences in reactions with illustrative examples:
Emotional Intensity:
Primary Group (Family/Friends): Individuals often have strong emotional
ties with members of their primary group. Crises within this group may elicit
intense emotional responses, including fear, anxiety, and a deep sense of
Example: A family facing a financial crisis may experience heightened
emotional stress as each member feels personally invested in the well-being of
Secondary Group (School/Community): While there can be emotional
connections in secondary groups, the intensity is generally lower than in
primary groups.
Example: As a student facing a crisis at school such as a major examination he
or she may fail in exams. He/she feels stress and pressure, but the emotional
impact might not be as profound as a crisis within their family.

3. Identify the educational means provided by the Emirati community to

help promote community belonging.
Cultural Education Programs:
Emirati communities may offer cultural education programs to residents,
including expatriates, to help them understand and appreciate the local
traditions, customs, and values. This can foster a sense of belonging by creating
a shared cultural understanding.
Language Education:
Learning the Arabic language, particularly the local dialect, can be a means of
promoting community belonging. Language is a key aspect of culture, and
understanding and communicating in the local language can enhance integration
and connection.
Community Events and Workshops:
Hosting educational events, workshops, and seminars on various topics, such as
history, traditions, and social norms, can contribute to community bonding.
These events provide opportunities for individuals to learn more about each
other and their shared values.
School Curriculum
Within the educational system, curricula may include components that focus on
local culture, history, and values. This helps in instilling a sense of pride and
belonging among students.
Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue:
Promoting dialogue between different cultural and religious groups within the
community can foster understanding and unity. Educational programs that
encourage interfaith and intercultural dialogue contribute to a harmonious
community atmosphere.
Community Centers and Hubs:
Establishing community centers or hubs where people can gather for
educational activities, discussions, and social events can be instrumental in
building a sense of belonging. These centers can host language classes, cultural
programs, and other educational initiatives.
Social Integration Programs:
Programs aimed at integrating newcomers into the community, whether they are
local or expatriates, can include educational components. This may involve
orientation sessions, mentorship programs, or buddy systems to help individuals
acclimate to the community.
Digital Platforms:
Utilizing digital platforms, such as websites or apps, to provide educational
resources and information about the community can enhance accessibility. This
can include online courses, virtual events, and interactive content.
4. Write some examples of human values that govern the relationships
between group members and contribute to the continuity of the group.
Members value trust and reliability in their interactions.
Trust fosters a sense of security within the group, promoting cooperation and
Respect for each other's opinions, perspectives, and differences.
Valuing each member's contributions, regardless of their role or status.
A commitment to working together toward common goals.
Willingness to collaborate and share responsibilities for the greater good of the

Open and honest communication to ensure transparency.
Active listening and the ability to express thoughts and feelings constructively.
Understanding and sharing the feelings of fellow group members.
Empathy creates a supportive environment and strengthens social bonds.
Fairness and Justice:
A commitment to fair treatment and justice in decision-making.
Avoidance of favoritism and bias, ensuring equal opportunities for all.
Devotion to the group and its objectives.
Loyalty creates a sense of unity and commitment among members.
Taking ownership of one's actions and their impact on the group.
Fulfilling roles and duties with a sense of accountability.
Acknowledging and appreciating the efforts and contributions of others.
Expressing gratitude fosters positive feelings and reinforces positive behavior.

Embracing diversity and ensuring that everyone feels included.
Recognizing and valuing the unique qualities each member brings to the group.

These values collectively contribute to a positive group dynamic, fostering a

sense of community, resilience, and continuity. They provide a foundation for
building and sustaining healthy relationships within the group.
5. Write about three UAE athletes who participated in the Special Olympics.

Nada Al Bedwawi:
She is a prominent Emirati swimmer who has not only made a mark in
the Paralympics but has also been involved in Special Olympics events.
Her dedication to swimming and her achievements have inspired many,
breaking down barriers for individuals with disabilities in sports.

Mohammed Khamis Khalaf:

He is an Emirati powerlifter who has represented the UAE in both the
Paralympics and the Special Olympics. His strength and determination in
powerlifting have earned him accolades, and he serves as an inspirational
figure for athletes with intellectual disabilities.

Latifa Al Hosani:
She is a talented Emirati athlete who has participated in various Special
Olympics events. Her commitment to her sport, along with her positive
attitude, showcases the importance of inclusivity and the potential of
individuals with intellectual disabilities to excel in sports.

6. Research volunteering fields in the UAE and identify the field that
you feel fits your interests. Design and outline a voluntary campaign
that addresses a problem in this field.

Volunteering Field: Environmental Conservation

Reasons for Choosing Environmental Conservation:
Global Significance: Environmental issues affect the entire planet, and
contributing to conservation efforts aligns with global sustainability
Local Impact: The UAE is making significant strides in environmental
sustainability, and volunteering in this field allows one to contribute to
the country's green initiatives.
Voluntary Campaign: "Green UAE - Sustain Our Oasis"
Raise Environmental Awareness: Educate the community about the
importance of environmental conservation and the impact of individual
Community Engagement: Mobilize volunteers to actively participate in
hands-on conservation activities.
Promote Sustainable Practices: Encourage the adoption of sustainable
habits and behaviors within the community.
Awareness and Education
Event: Organize workshops and seminars in schools, community centers,
and workplaces to educate people about environmental issues.
Topics: Climate change, biodiversity, waste reduction, and the
importance of conservation.
Materials: Create informational pamphlets and digital content for

• Number of Volunteers Engaged

• Trees Planted
• Waste Collected and Recycled
• Social Media Reach and Engagement
This voluntary campaign aims to make a positive impact on the environment
while fostering a sense of community involvement and responsibility. By
addressing the problem of environmental degradation through education, hands-
on activities, and sustainable habit promotion, the campaign seeks to contribute
to a greener and more sustainable UAE.
7. Analyse and compare the values and the motives that led the residents of
Al Ain to help Sheikh Zayed, (may God have mercy upon him), to start
digging in the city; and those that prompted the people to participate in a
cleaning campaign.
Respect for Leadership and Tradition:
Residents likely saw helping Sheikh Zayed to show their respect and loyalty to
the leadership. Sheikh Zayed was a highly respected figure, and his vision was
seen as beneficial for the community. Traditional values of loyalty to leaders
and cooperation with government initiatives played a significant role.
Community Well-being
Cleaning Campaign: A clean environment is essential for the health and well-
being of the community. The motivation for a cleaning campaign may have
been the desire to create a healthier and more pleasant living environment for
Preservation of Natural Resources:
Digging in the City: In the case of digging for water resources, residents may
have been motivated by the need to preserve and manage scarce natural
resources like water, especially in arid regions like Al Ain. Sustainability and
responsible resource management may have been guiding values.
Cleaning Campaign: The motive here could be related to preserving the natural
beauty of the city. Residents may have had a strong connection to the
environment and believed in the importance of maintaining a clean and
beautiful city for future generations.
The values, and motives for helping Sheikh Zayed with city development and
participating in a cleaning campaign in Al Ain are rooted in a combination of
respect for leadership, community well-being, resource management, a sense of
ownership and belonging, and a commitment to civic duty and unity. Both
efforts reflect the strong sense of community and cultural values that have
traditionally been important in Al Ain and the wider UAE.
8. Find community service Opportunities in your area at
http://www.communityservice.org/ Mention it.
Volunteer Match (www.volunteermatch.org): This platform connects volunteers
with organizations in need of help. You can search for opportunities based on
your location and interests.
United Way (www.unitedway.org): The United Way often collaborates with
local organizations to address community needs. Check with your local United
Way chapter for volunteer opportunities.
Local Nonprofit Organizations: Reach out to local nonprofit organizations
directly. Many have volunteer programs and can use your help.
Community Centres and Places of Worship: These places often have
information about local volunteer opportunities.
Social Media and Online Forums: Join local community groups on platforms
like Twitter or Nextdoor. Residents often share information about volunteer
opportunities in these forums.
Schools and Universities: Check with local educational institutions, as they may
have community service programs or be aware of local opportunities.
9. Make brief research about the assigned place found in Africa.
The Sahara Desert covers approximately 9.2 million square kilometers (3.6
million square miles), making it the third-largest desert globally, after
Antarctica and the Arctic.
It spans across several countries, including Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali,
Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan, and Tunisia.
The Sahara is rich in various mineral resources. For example, significant
deposits of oil and natural gas are found in parts of the desert, contributing to
the economies of some countries in the region. Additionally, there are deposits
of phosphates, iron ore, uranium, and other minerals that hold economic value.
The Kalahari Desert spans parts of Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa,
covering an area of approximately 900,000 square kilometers (350,000 square
miles). Unlike many other deserts, the Kalahari is considered semi-arid, as it
receives more precipitation than typical deserts.
The Suez Canal is strategically located in Egypt and serves as a shortcut for
ships traveling between Europe and Asia, allowing them to avoid the lengthy
and dangerous trip around the southern tip of Africa. This strategic location
makes it one of the most important waterways in the world.
The canal is a major artery for international trade, facilitating the transportation
of goods between Europe, Africa, and Asia. It is estimated that a significant
percentage of the world's trade volume, including oil and other commodities,
passes through the Suez Canal.
Capital: Dakar
Other major cities: Thiès, Touba, Saint-Louis, Kaolack.
Senegal is known for its diverse geography, including the Sahara Desert in the
north, savannahs in the center, and a tropical climate in the south.
It is bordered by Mauritania, Mali, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and the Atlantic
The capital city of Nigeria is Abuja, which officially became the capital in
1991, replacing Lagos.
Other major cities include Lagos (the former capital and economic hub), Kano,
Ibadan, and Port Harcourt.
Nigeria has one of the largest economies in Africa, driven primarily by oil
exports. However, the country has been working to diversify its economy, with
sectors such as agriculture, telecommunications, and services playing an
increasingly important role.

10. What are the major deserts located in Africa?

a. Sahara Desert
b. Kalahari Desert
c. Namibia desert
d. Libyan Desert (Eastern Sahara)
e. Nubian Desert

11. How do the physical features of Africa, such as mountains and rivers,
influence the climate of different regions on the continent?
Mountains, especially the East African Rift System and the Atlas Mountains in
the north, influence rainfall patterns. When moist air from the ocean encounters
these mountain ranges, it is forced to rise.
Altitude and Temperature: Higher altitudes generally have cooler temperatures.
Mountainous regions like the Ethiopian Highlands experience cooler
temperatures than lowland areas. The temperature decreases with altitude at a
rate known as the lapse rate.
Rivers, such as the Nile, Congo, Niger, and Zambezi, have a significant impact
on the climate of the surrounding areas. They provide a source of moisture,
promoting vegetation and influencing local climates.
The Sahara Desert in the north has a significant impact on the climate of
surrounding regions.
The Atlantic and Indian Ocean currents influence the climate along the coast.
For instance, the Benguela Current along the southwestern coast of Africa
contributes to the arid conditions in the Namib Desert.
12. Given a map of Africa, can you identify and explain the significance of
key geographical features like the Great Rift Valley and the Sahara
The Great Rift Valley is a massive geographical trench that runs through East
Africa. It stretches from Lebanon in Southwest Asia to Mozambique in
Southeast Africa, covering several countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia,
and others.
The Rift Valley is known for its rich biodiversity. It hosts a variety of
ecosystems, including lakes, savannas, and mountains, which support diverse
flora and fauna.
The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world, spanning North Africa.
It covers parts of Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco,
Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan, and Tunisia.
The Sahara is characterized by extreme aridity, high temperatures, and low
precipitation. Its harsh climate has a significant impact on the region and
surrounding areas.
The Sahara has been home to various nomadic and semi-nomadic communities,
such as the Tuareg people. Their traditional way of life is adapted to the
challenges posed by the desert environment.
Despite its arid nature, the Sahara features isolated oases, where water is
present. These oases have been crucial for human habitation and travel across
the desert.
13. Compare and contrast the physical geography of North Africa with that
of Sub-Saharan Africa, highlighting key differences and their potential
impacts on human populations and activities.
Climate and Vegetation:
Dominated by the Sahara Desert, North Africa experiences arid and semi-arid
climates. The region is characterized by hot temperatures, low rainfall, and
sparse vegetation.
Water Resources:
Limited freshwater resources, with the Nile River being a significant exception.
Countries like Egypt heavily depend on the Nile for agriculture and other water-
dependent activities.
Characterized by the Atlas Mountains in the northwest and the Sahara Desert
covering much of the region. These physical features influence settlement
patterns and economic activities.
Natural Resources:
Rich in oil and natural gas resources, especially in countries like Algeria, Libya,
and Egypt. This has significant implications for the region's economy and
geopolitical dynamics.
Human Settlements:
Concentrated along the coastal areas and river valleys, where water is more
Settlements are more dispersed due to a variety of ecological and climatic
Relies heavily on irrigation and oasis farming in the Nile Valley and other
oases. Some areas practice nomadic herding in the desert.
Impact on Human Populations:
Challenges include issues related to water availability, the impact of tropical
diseases, and the need for sustainable land management. The diverse physical
geography also contributes to cultural diversity.
14. Reflect on the opportunities and challenges that come with Africa's
diverse land and resource base. How can sustainable development be
promoted while addressing these challenges?
Abundant Natural Resources: Africa is rich in natural resources, including
minerals, oil, gas, and arable land. These resources can be leveraged for
economic development and poverty reduction.
Biodiversity: The continent hosts a wide variety of ecosystems and wildlife.
Renewable Energy Potential: Africa has vast untapped potential for renewable
energy, including solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.
Agricultural Potential: With a large portion of its population engaged in
agriculture, Africa has the potential to boost food security and economic
development through sustainable farming practices and improved agricultural
International Collaboration: Collaborative efforts with international
organizations, governments, and NGOs can provide financial and technical
support for sustainable development initiatives in Africa.
The diverse land and resource base in Africa presents a wealth of development
opportunities, but realizing these benefits requires addressing the associated
challenges through a combination of effective policies, community engagement,
and international collaboration. Sustainable development in Africa necessitates
a holistic and integrated approach that balances economic growth with
environmental and social considerations.
15. What are the 4 types of tolerance?
Cultural tolerance
Religious tolerance
Social tolerance
Ideological tolerance or Behavioral tolerance
Behavioral tolerance:
Respectful Communication: Encouraging students to communicate with each
other respectfully, even when expressing differing opinions. Teaching effective
communication skills helps create an atmosphere where diverse viewpoints are

16. Can you explain why tolerance is important in a diverse society?

Tolerance is essential for building a harmonious, innovative, and just society. It
enables people to appreciate diversity, reduces conflict, and contributes to the
overall well-being and progress of communities. Embracing tolerance is a key
aspect of creating a world where individuals from different backgrounds can
coexist and thrive together.
17. Provide an example of a situation where you had to demonstrate
tolerance and describe how you applied it.
Listen Actively: Ensure that you actively listen to each team member's
perspective without interrupting. This shows respect for their opinions and
allows you to understand their point of view.
Acknowledge Differences: Recognize and acknowledge the diversity within
the team. Understand that different cultural backgrounds may lead to varied
approaches and solutions.
Find Common Ground: Identify common goals and objectives that
everyone can agree upon. Highlighting shared interests can help unite the
team and create a more collaborative atmosphere.
Encourage Open Communication: Foster an environment where team
members feel comfortable expressing their ideas and concerns. This can help
in preventing misunderstandings and promoting a more inclusive dialogue.
Compromise: If possible, find a middle ground that incorporates elements
from various perspectives. This demonstrates flexibility and a willingness to
work together for the benefit of the overall project.
Respect Differences: Emphasize the importance of respecting and valuing
differences within the team. Tolerance involves understanding that diversity
can be a strength and that varied perspectives can contribute to a more robust
17. Assess the impact of tolerance on promoting social harmony and
cultural diversity in a community. What are the potential benefits and
challenges associated with fostering tolerance?
Social Harmony:
Tolerance fosters understanding and acceptance, reducing the likelihood of
conflicts and promoting a sense of unity within the community.
It encourages open communication and dialogue, allowing for the peaceful
resolution of differences.
Cultural Diversity:
Tolerance facilitates the celebration of cultural diversity by recognizing and
respecting the uniqueness of various cultural practices, traditions, and
A diverse community can benefit from a rich tapestry of ideas, creativity, and
Social Cohesion:
Tolerance contributes to the development of a cohesive society where
individuals feel connected despite their differences.
It promotes a sense of belonging and inclusivity, creating a positive social
Reduced Prejudice and Discrimination:
Tolerance helps combat prejudice and discrimination, as people learn to
appreciate the value of diversity.
It can lead to the creation of laws and policies that protect the rights of
individuals from marginalized groups.
Global Understanding:
Tolerance is essential for fostering positive international relations, as it
encourages nations to appreciate and learn from each other's cultural, social, and
political differences.
18. Can you list the key principles associated with this value?
Treat others with courtesy and consideration.
Value the opinions and perspectives of others.
Be mindful of personal boundaries.
Embrace diversity and appreciate differences.
Practice open-mindedness and acceptance.
Recognize and uphold the inherent worth of every individual.
Ensure fair and just treatment for all.
Demonstrate commitment and support to individuals and groups.
Uphold promises and obligations.
Remain steadfast in relationships and partnerships.
Act with integrity and avoid betraying trust.

19. Can you provide examples of situations where this value is crucial?
School place: When a student discovers a mistake that could have significant
consequences, choose to be honest about it rather than covering it up.
Personal Relationships: Being truthful about one's feelings or actions to
maintain trust in relationships.
Education: Avoiding plagiarism and maintaining academic integrity.
Healthcare: Healthcare professionals show empathy and compassion towards
patients, even in difficult situations.
Community Service: Volunteering to help those in need, driven by a genuine
desire to make a positive impact.
Education: Continuing to pursue education despite obstacles, demonstrating
determination to succeed.
Diversity and Inclusion: Respecting and valuing individuals from different
backgrounds, fostering a more inclusive environment.
Teamwork with friends: Acknowledging and appreciating the contributions of
each team member, promoting a collaborative atmosphere.
Social Justice: Speaking out against injustice, even when it may be unpopular or
Innovation: Taking calculated risks and pushing boundaries to achieve
breakthroughs in various fields.
Environment: Taking responsibility for one's ecological footprint and adopting
sustainable practices.
Responsible son/daughter: The first and most important responsibility of a child
is to respect their parents, teachers, and elders.
I/We should obey the elders and must listen to their parents and teachers.
Children must speak in polite language with everyone.
These examples illustrate how values play a crucial role in guiding behavior and
decision-making across various aspects of life. Depending on the specific
context, different values may take precedence.
19. What are the consequences of not upholding this value?
The consequences of not upholding values such as loyalty, honesty, tolerance,
and dignity can vary depending on the context and the relationships involved.
Here are some general consequences for each of these values:
Trust issues: Failure to uphold loyalty can lead to a lack of trust among
individuals or within groups. This can result in strained relationships, both
personally and professionally.
Isolation: People may feel isolated or abandoned if they perceive a lack of
loyalty. This can harm group dynamics and lead to a breakdown in
Loss of credibility: Being dishonest can erode trust and credibility. Others may
be less likely to believe or rely on someone who is not truthful.
Conflict and division: Intolerance can lead to conflicts and divisions within
communities, organizations, or societies. It may foster an atmosphere of
hostility and hinder cooperation.
Social alienation: Individuals who experience intolerance may feel marginalized
or excluded, leading to social alienation.
Erosion of self-respect: Failure to uphold dignity can lead to a decline in self-
respect and self-esteem for individuals involved. It may contribute to a negative
Disregard for others: Ignoring or violating the dignity of others can lead to
resentment, anger, or a breakdown in interpersonal relationships.
If we are not upholding these values can have far-reaching consequences,
affecting relationships, trust, collaboration, and the overall well-being of
individuals and communities. Upholding these values is important for fostering
positive interactions, building strong connections, and maintaining a healthy
social and ethical environment.
20. How have you personally demonstrated this value in your life?
Treating others with courtesy and kindness.
Listening actively to others' opinions and perspectives, even if they differ from
your own.
Valuing diversity and being open-minded.
Being considerate of others' time and feelings.
Being honest and truthful in all situations.
Taking responsibility for your actions and decisions.
Adhering to a strong moral and ethical code.
Being consistent in your values and actions.

20. Can you describe a real-life scenario where this value played a
significant role?
Students will write their own real-life experiences.

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