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Cellular Networks

T.E. (E&TC) Sem. - II Academic Year-2022-23

PVG's COET & GKPIM, Pune-411009

Accredited by NAAC with Grade “A”

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Link Budget Analysis

Name: Class: T.E. Division: I / II

Roll No: Date of performance: Date of Submission:
Signature of the subject teacher: Marks:

Objective: Perform a Link-Budget analysis for a wireless communication system

Mapped Outcome:
CO4: Describes aspects of wireless system planning.

In the design of wireless communications links between two sites, issues of range, throughput, and received
signal quality are of critical importance to the system engineer. Link budget analysis accounts for all gains
and losses in the communication link. Some factors and design choices, such as propagation path length,
signal polarization, and antenna feed cable, degrade signal quality, while others, such as the power
amplifier and antenna size, can increase transmitted signal strength
A link budget is the calculation of the amount of power received at a given receiver based on the output
power from the transmitter. The link budget considers all of the gains and losses that a radio wave
experiences along the path from transmitter to receiver. We need to perform the calculation in both
directions: from the mobile station to the base station (uplink) and from the base station to the mobile
station (downlink).
We determine the maximum allowable path loss in each direction and use the lesser of the two to calculate
the coverage for the cell .The link budget should include a margin to allow fading of the signal.
Below Shows Uplink budget for speech (outdoor pedestrian) service at 12.2 kbps.
Cellular Networks

T.E. (E&TC) Sem. - II Academic Year-2022-23

Satellite Link budget calculations

There are two types of link budget calculations since there are two links namely, uplink and downlink.

Earth Station Uplink

It is the process in which earth is transmitting the signal to the satellite and satellite is receiving it.
Its mathematical equation can be written as

 [CN0][CN0] is the carrier to noise density ratio

 [GT][GT] is the satellite receiver G/T ratio and units are dB/K
Here, Losses represent the satellite receiver feeder losses. The losses which depend upon the frequency
are all taken into the consideration.
The EIRP value should be as low as possible for effective UPLINK. And this is possible when we get a
clear sky condition.
Here we have used the (subscript) notation “U”, which represents the uplink phenomena.

Satellite Downlink

In this process, satellite sends the signal and the earth station receives it. The equation is same as the
satellite uplink with a difference the earth station receives it. The equation is same as the satellite uplink
with a difference that we use the abbreviation “D” everywhere instead of “U” to denote the downlink
Cellular Networks

T.E. (E&TC) Sem. - II Academic Year-2022-23

Its mathematical equation can be written as;


 [CN0][CN0] is the carrier to noise density ratio

 [GT][GT] is the earth station receiver G/T ratio and units are dB/K
Here, all the losses those are present around earth stations.

1. What are the components of typical wireless link budget?
2. What is the purpose of link budget analysis?
Cellular Networks

T.E. (E&TC) Sem. - II Academic Year-2022-23

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% Boltzman Constant K = -228dBW/K/hz

% Satellite at 40,000Km distance from Earth station
% Satellite Antenna Gain = 31dB
% Receiver System Noise Temp = 500K
% Transponder saturated output Power = 80W
% Earth Station Antenna Diameter = 5m
% Earth Station Aperture Efficiency = 68%
% Uplink Frequency = 14.15Ghz
% Required C/N in transponder = 30dB
% Transponder HPA Output Backoff = 1 dB
% Location: -2dB contour of satellite receiving antenna
% Downlink Frequency = 11.45Ghz
% Receiver IF Noise BW = 43.2Mhz
% Antenna Noise Temp = 30K
% LNA Noise Temp = 110K
% Required Overall (C/N)o in clear air = 17dB

CNup=30:1:60; %C/N required at transponder is 30dB

% Uplink Noise Power Budget
k=-228.6; % Boltzman Constant
Ts1=10*log10(T1); % noise temp 500K in dBK
B1=10*log10(43.2*10^6);; % noise BW 43.2 Mhz in dBhz

N1=k+Ts1+B1; %in dBW % Transponder Noise power N=kTsB

Pr1=N1+CNup; % received power must be 30dB graeter than noise power

% Uplink Power Budget

D=5; % Antenna Diameter
Ae=0.68; % Aperture Efficiency
lmb=0.0212; % operating wavelength
Gt1=10*log10(Ae*(pi*D/lmb)^2); % Earth Satation Antenna gain
Lp1=10*log10((4*pi*R/lmb)^2); % pathlosss in dB
Gr1=31; % Satellite Antenna Gain in dB
Lp1=-Lp1; % pathloss is negative
Lant=-2; % due to 2dB contour
% Pr=Pt+Gt+Gr+Lp+Lant; As all in dB so simply addition
for i=1:ln
xlabel('C/N ratio in dB---->');
ylabel('Transmitted Power Pt in Watt----->');
title('C/N Versus Pt');
grid on;

CNdwn=17.2:1:50; % C/N downlink is 17.2 dB as C/N air is 17dB
Cellular Networks

T.E. (E&TC) Sem. - II Academic Year-2022-23

%Downlink noise Power Budget
T2=30+110; % noise temp
Ts2=10*log10(T2); % Noise Temp in dB
B2=10*log10(43.2*10^6); % Noise BW in dB

Pr2=N2+CNdwn; %power at earthstation receiver input

Pt2=10*log10(80)-1; % Output power is 1dB below saturated power 80W
%Downlink Power Budget
% Pr=(Pt*Gt*Gr)/(Lp*La) in Watt
% Pr=Pt+Gt+Gr-Lp-La in dB
for i=1:lnn
xlabel('C/N ratio in dB---->');
ylabel('Receiving Antenna Gain Gr in Watt----->');
title('C/N Versus Gr');
grid on;
Cellular Networks

T.E. (E&TC) Sem. - II Academic Year-2022-23

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