First Conditional Intermediate

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We use the first conditional to talk about possible situations!

If clause main clause

IF + subject + present simple Subject + will/won’t + infinitive

If you do your homework now, you will have some free time.

You will have some free time if you do your homework now.

Mind the comma!


1) If I order my worksheets before the exams, I

7) You __________________ (not/receive) 10£
________________ (save) time during the exam
unless your score is better than 15 out of 20.
8) You can go to the party if you
2) I will score better if I ________________ (pay)
______________ (do) your best.
attention during the lessons.
9) We will go to Disneyworld if my brother and
3) If I ___________________ (not/understand)
I __________________ (graduate).
something, I ________________ (ask) for help.
10) The teacher _______________ (treat) with
4) I won’t pass the exam unless I __________ (do)
candy if we all pass our exams.
some extra exercises.
11) We ______________________ (become)
5) I _________________ (succeed) if I do my best.
professionals if we _________________
(study) hard now.

12) We __________________ (enjoy) the

summer holidays if we ___________ (do) our
best at school.
Complete with: as soon as/ before/ unless/ until/ when
13) She __________________(not/fail) unless
15) I will revise the summary _______ I go to bed.
she ________________ (not/study).
16) ______________________ I leave school, I will call
14) They _________________ (go) to a concert
if they ________________ (get) good grades.
17) I won’t study __________ I study at school.

18) I’ll hand in the exam ________ I hear the school bell.

19) I won’t hand in the exam _______ I hear the bell


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