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EXPLORE YOUR MARKET especially true.

In order to remain successful, all

businesses need to anticipate and react to change in
order to stay relevant. By researching the evolving
needs of consumers, and analyzing your
What is Market research?
competition’s reactions, you are securing longevity
- Market research is an organized effort to
and relevancy in the market. Market research allows
gather information about target markets and
business owners to stay innovative and successful—
customers: know about them, starting with who they
and change with the times.
are. It is an important component of business
5) It Grows Your Business
strategy and a major factor in maintaining
All small business owners want to grow their
company—but many are unsure where to begin.
Research is your best tool for any type of product
What is the purpose of market research?
development, launch, or business expansion.
- Market research is the process of determining
the viability of a new service or product through
research conducted directly with potential
 Efficient .
customers. Market research allows a company to
 Cost-effective
discover the target market and get opinions and
 Competitive
other feedback from consumers about their interest
in the product or service.
There are lots of different ways you could conduct
market research and collect customer data, but you
How does market research lead to success?
don’t have to limit yourself to just one research
- Market research can help by providing
method. Four common types of market research
information on the effectiveness of your marketing
techniques include surveys, interviews, focus groups,
efforts. Market research provides critical
and customer observation.
information about your market and your business
Surveys: the most commonly used the data is
landscape. It can tell you how your company is
pretty straightforward to analyze, even when you
perceived by the target customers and clients you
have to analyze open-ended questions whose
want to reach. It can help you understand how to
answers might initially appear difficult to
connect with them, show how you stack up against
the competition, and inform how you plan your next
Interviews: the most insightful one-on-one
conversations with members of your target market.
Nothing beats a face-to-face interview for diving
deep (and reading non-verbal cues), but if an in-
1) Market Research Centers Business on the
person meeting isn’t possible, video conferencing is
a solid second choice.
- Simply put, market research is the process of
Focus groups: the most dangerous
analyzing data about a market, product, or service.
Focus groups bring together a carefully selected
And the most obvious benefit is its ability to help you
group of people who fit a company’s target
understand your customer. Who are they? What do
market. A trained moderator leads a conversation
they want? What do they expect? Through efficient
surrounding the product, user experience, and/or
research, businesses are able to establish an open-
marketing message to gain deeper insights.
ended line of communication with their customers.
Observation: the most powerful
Once you understand your customer’s needs, you will
During a customer observation session, someone
be able to tailor your business to meet them.
from the company takes notes while they watch an
ideal user engage with their product (or a similar
2) It Helps Understand Your Competition
product from a competitor).
- Knowing your competitors and what they offer
Why is market research so valuable?
can help make your products, services, and
Here’s why research matters…
marketing stand out. Sure, research enables you to
 Obsessing over your users is the only way to
set your prices competitively, but it also helps you
learn from your competition—and do things better.
 Analytics gives you the ’what,’ but research
gives the ‘why.’
3) It Enables You to Test for Success
 Research beats assumptions, trends, and so-
- Need help judging whether a new product or
called best practices.
service will connect with your customer? Research is
the most effective way to test out ideas before you
What is Market Segmentation?
decide to go full-throttle with them. Through metrics,
small business owners are able to see which  Group of people who share one or more
concepts, campaigns and messaging are resonating common characteristics, lumped together for
best with target customers. Market research saves marketing purposes.
money and ensures success. 4 MARKET SEGMENTATION TYPES
 Geographic – Location
4) It Ensures Your Relevancy  Demographic – population
- As the old adage goes, change is the only true  Psychographic – attitude and aspirations;
constant. And in the marketing world, this is Social Class and Personality
 Behavioral – habits and customs 3. Direct Marketing - Reaching customers
CRITERIA FOR MARKET SEGMENTATION directly person-to-person or using digital
 Measurable tools such as email.
 Accessible 4. Social Media Marketing - Direct marketing
conducted using social media.
 Substantial 5. Content Marketing - Developing content
 Unique in its response and media such as promotional videos to
 Stable in behavior attract customer attention.
 View a market from the customer's point of
 Exploit its strengths better by selecting
compatible market segments
 Develop more sharply focused strategies
aimed at market requirements
 Identify gaps in the market that offer new
product opportunities
What are the Difference Between Market and
What is Market?
 A market is a place where potential buyers
and sellers meet to exchange the goods  NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
and services. Today, with the invention of E-
commerce the definition of the market has ENTREPRENEURIAL MIND
changed drastically. Customers can buy - refers to a specific state of mind which
things from various online portals anytime orientates human conduct towards entrepreneurial
and anywhere using their e-wallets. activities and outcomes. Individuals with
Some examples of Market: entrepreneurial mindsets are often drawn to
opportunities, innovation and new value creation.
1. Financial Markets -Large scale platforms
of financial exchange such as stock, bond, 3 KINDS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL MIND
derivatives, commodity, and money markets. 1. Creative Mind
2. Over the Counter - A market that is 2. Technical Mind
conducted by a dealer network. Typically 3. Business Mind
involves some level of human negotiation.
Many financial markets are over the- Creative Mind
counter including major bond markets.  conceptualizes and designs a product
3. Reinsurance - A market for insurance that consumers find some use
companies to buy insurance. A method of  pleasing to see, touch, smell hear and
transferring risk. taste
4. Crowdfunding - Platforms that allow  creates emotional attachment and
people to pitch projects, ventures, and becomes personal expression of the
causes to a community to raise funds. A consumer.
potential challenge to traditional methods
of finance. Technical Mind
5. Auctions - A market based on competitive  is the technology originator. The
bidding. entrepreneur may not necessarily
possess the technical mind but this is
What is Marketing? what drives the entrepreneur to
 Marketing is a comprehensive term that convert new knowledge into something
involves all the activities, research, highly functional and operational.
designing, pricing, promotion,  is a technology renderer. He or she
transportation, and distribution. The main resolves to make a new product work
aim of marketing is to create, build and for the product creator by configuring
maintain a relationship with the customers. and reconfiguring the technical design
These 4P's helps the marketer to determine of the new product.
a customers' requirement, according to  is a technological adaptor. He or she
which they will fulfil their demand. use sold knowledge for new
Examples of Marketing: applications in various fields of human
1. Branding - Developing a valuable identity endeavor.
that customers can recognize in a crowded
2. Advertising - Paying to reach your target Business Mind
audience with a message.  it harnesses the potentials of new
products by creating the market space
for them. It also organizes sufficient
forces and resources to develop, PLANS AND STRATEGIES
launch and commercialize the new Implement a marketing plan
product in order to maximize its Marketing is more likely to succeed if there is
market value. adequate resources and expertise to implement it.
These can help to:
 Product Conceptualization and the  Identify your target market and how
Creative Mind your product or service can benefit
Example: Lampturn  Identify how you might attract new
 to create mood and ambiance customers.
 to delight and fascinate viewers  Encourage your existing customers to
 to serve as a center piece for rooms continue purchasing your product or
with its theatrical display of image service.
 Set goals and time frames for your
marketing activities.
Sensorial-Emotional Appeal
 Map out a strategy to reach your
 use of light amidst darkness
target audience, including the
 highly colorful and moving shapes messages, channels and tools you’ll
 images and mood evoking scenery use.
Aesthetic Appeal
 Evaluate your marketing activities.
 how the lamp could be elevated to
self-actualization would largely  Provide a marketing budget and
depend on the meaning of the lamp see your return on investment.
 it would also on the desired state of Communicate with staff
the self Involving staff in a marketing plan will help them to
invest themselves in a more concrete plan as they
 Product Development and the Technical share and contribute their insights and have total
Mind confidence in the information and actions outlined
in its marketing plan.
Communicate the plan to your team as much as
 In order to convert the product concept into
possible, make sure they have an opportunity to
a viable product, the technical mind must
contribute to it and assign them roles and
intervene to provide the quality and
responsibilities in delivering the plan. In particular:
performance specifications through
technology  Make sure they understand how the
marketing plan fits within your
 The entrepreneurs had to tap the technical business's goals, objectives, priorities
minds of electricians, engineers, artisans, and policies
and artists to develop the Lampturn.  Discuss whether your staff have the
Prototypes were fashioned, critiqued and skills and aptitude to implement your
discarded the entrepreneurs became marketing plan
satisfied with a final prototype.  Give them opportunities to develop
their marketing skills and mentor your
 In the case of Lampturn, the product simply staff if they are enthusiastic
required the application of existing  Consider whether you need to recruit
technology (or technology rendering). What marketing staff.
the entrepreneurs needed to do was to fit
that existing technology to their product
concept. This is the point where the Know your end goal
entrepreneurs encountered several Don't lose sight of what the business wants to
challenges while they were searching for achieve. It is what sets it apart from competitors,
the appropriate technology for their and helps keep the business in marketing focused
product concept. First, the product must and effective.
resemble the lantern in the movies. Second, Monitor your progress
the lantern must be sturdy and safe for You should treat your marketing plan as a living
placing in a child’s bedroom. Third, the document that you continually revise. Revisit your
lamp must be easily transportable and marketing plan at least once every quarter.
displayable. Fourth, the lantern must be Develop a set of questions that help the review
relatively easy to make for replication and process such as:
mass production purposes. Fifth, the lamp
must be made of materials that do not cost  Are you on target?
much.  Have your tactics been too ambitious?
 Is your budget on track?
 Are any of your tactics not working on your CXO Advisory Group writes “The other problem
customers? that companies have is they focus on too big of a
 Make adjustments market. They focus on the whole universe. Business
 Make adjustments to your marketing plan schools simply will say you might want to pick best
wherever and whenever they are necessary. market with the biggest market segment that you can
Stay aware of changes in technology, go after. In many cases, that’s wrong – the bigger
market, competition, customers, suppliers market segments typically have the most competitors
and any other external factors. in it. What you want to do is take that big market and
segment it.
Develop contingency plans So, don’t directly aim for big, use this sales strategy
Recognize that not all of the plans will work. and take baby steps by concentrating on a specific
Marketing is a creative process that grows and market and business size. Study this market
changes. It will need to develop contingency plans, audience and understand the problems they are
extend the time frames, add a new step into facing. Try to relate how your product will help
actions, or refine marketing objectives. them in resolving their issues.
4. Research, understand and help your
Seek expert advice customers
Developing and measuring marketing activities is a As Joanna Moretti, senior vice president and
specialist field. It is a good idea to seek advice sales enablement at Jabil says in her
from professional marketing consultants if conversation with Corporate Visions “If I get a
concerned that they have enough skills or call and a salesperson tells me that they have the best
experience. marketing tool on the planet, I hang up. But if a
salesperson calls and says they understand that “Jabil
Selling Strategies of Entrepreneurs is looking to improve share of wallet, and that we can
Here are few of the sales strategies implemented help you transform an organization from a reactive
by successful entrepreneurs and sales experts that organization to proactively positioning value
can even help you in achieving your desired sales propositions to improve share of wallet,” then they
numbers: have my full attention.
1. Set specific goals You see? They are speaking my language at that
In sales, you need to have a bullseye to target, or point and will get a meeting with me. I expect
else you will wander in the wilderness. Just saying salespeople to do their homework and have the
my objective is to “increase sales” is not enough. willingness to spend the time sitting down with my
You need to define this goal more clearly. It is not team and fleshing out the details. If someone can
possible to track the progress of such vague goals. quantify the value and clarify how it will help my
Without evaluating the progress, you won’t know if business, that’s how they can earn my support.” –
the effort you are putting, is reaping fruitful results “you sell more when you stop selling”– David
or not. Meerman Scott, marketing and sales strategist and
As John Doerr, president at RAIN a bestselling author
Group writes” Salespeople who live by goals- Know Only when you know about them, you will be able
where they’re headed” to strike a meaningful conversation. Personalizing
When you have a specific goal, you will know the conversation helps in earning their trust. Be
where exactly you want to go and what you need client-centric and try to ensure that you are here to
to. This is one of the most effective sales strategies genuinely help them in finding a solution to their
that can increase your sales. Don’t be hasty with business issue.
your goals; think, strategize and then create a 5. Listen to your prospects
goal. Such clear goals give you a direction and Master the art of listening if you wish to succeed in
help you in staying focused. They are measurable, sales. Keep your ears open to your prospect needs
so you can evaluate its progress to understand how to understand what they want. Active listening
far are you from your goals and what more do you introduces you to a wealth of information that can
need to do to reach there. help you in closing the deal. You have two ears and
2. Analyzing past sales one mouth, so use it in the correct proportion.
Your historical sales records are a useful source of Spend more time in listening to the prospect rather
vital information that you shouldn’t ignore while than just going on with your product’s tale. Ask
setting your goals. Using various reporting tools, open-ended questions and be attentive to the
you can easily analyze your past sales and answers instead of thinking what to ask next.
determine the areas of improvement. The goal of any business is to make money, but that
Examining last year’s goals and results is equally objective is easier to reach when we listen to
important for setting realistic and achievable goals. customers and understand their needs. The best way
Evaluate the previous year’s goals and understand to do this is by listening to what they tell
if you had achieved them or not. If not, then dig us.” – Says Alan Hall, founder of Grow America.
into reasons and find out what went wrong. This Respect your prospects and their time by being
will help in building strategies for performing patient and attentive. Listening can not only help in
better in the future. understanding the prospects but also aid in
3. Commence by targeting small markets building a good rapport with them.
As Steve Davis, Principal and Founder of The However, with sales target hovering over the mind,
most of the sales professionals focus on pitching
their product to maximum companies. Prospects process where a deal can end. This is the point
tend to feel ignored when you concentrate on where you need to be extra careful while
selling a product, and thus they lose interest in your communicating with the client. Being patient while
offerings. negotiating is a sales strategy that can help you in
“It’s very easy in sales to want to pitch your saving a deal.
product offering and explain your solution right DR Karrass, Founder of Karrass
away to your prospects. Don’t let this be the case, Limited believes ‘Patience is one the most powerful
and ask questions first to uncover THEIR business negotiation tactics”
and THEIR needs. You will get more customers and The prospect might get aggressive but you need to
referrals when you take the time to understand stay calm as you might end up losing a deal.
their landscape and make the selling process as Moreover, there are chances that in the heat of the
easy as possible for them to do business with moment you might give discounts or agree to terms
you.” Says Brooke Botros, Dir. of Sales, Spanning. that could get you in trouble. So, think and take
6. Differentiate your company from your your step. Prospects might seem reluctant initially
competitors but you need to convert the no into a yes smartly.
How are you better from your competitors? The 9. Use the free trial
answer to this question can help you in expanding ‘Free Trial’ is one of the most common sales
your customer base. Raise your standards and focus strategies used to attract new customers. Renowned
on being different to outshine your competitors. This names like Skype, Dropbox, Netflix and Buffer app
is one of the sales strategies that most of the big offer free trials to allow customers experience the
brands also use to excel. benefits of using their service.
For example, Nike offers customer-tailored Free Trial is the best way to show your prospects
solutions to be different from its competitors. NikeiD the true value of the product as companies don’t
allows the customers to customize some of the easily invest in an unknown product. However, you
product they buy. It even carries the name of need to ensure that your free trial period isn’t
professional athletes to capture the attention of stretched for too long. Moreover, you need to make
youngsters like Nike Air Jordan Retro XI sneakers the most of the time when the prospect is using your
were modeled after the 1996 originals designed product or service. As everything is fresh in their
for Michael Jordan. head, it is the best time to call and share a little
Companies always prefer to work with the best. more information to get a positive response once
They compare the products to find out what’s better the trial period ends.
and what will be beneficial for their business. So, it Customers who don’t choose to buy from you after
is essential to find out and display your competitive the free trial can still be valuable resources for
advantages impactfully. feedback. Learning why your trial offer wasn’t
“Doing what everyone else does is comfortable and convincing to them may help you craft a future offer
“safe,” but stir some controversy and do something that will be convincing to them, or it may make you
drastically different! It takes courage, but focus on aware of changes you need to make to your product
one thing you think others are doing incorrectly, or to make it more appealing to customers. — by J.B.
not doing at all, and consistently demonstrate how Maverick on
you’re bucking the trend. Then, shout it from the Steps in Selling a Product or Service
rooftops in all of your marketing and 7-step sales process
communication.” Says Dan Pickett co-founder of 1. Prospecting
Launch Academy. The first of the seven steps in the sales process
1. Embrace storytelling to sell is prospecting. In this stage, you find potential
Storytelling is an impactful sales strategy if used customers and determine whether they have a need
wisely. Prospects can easily digest the complex for your product or service—and whether they can
details of a product when it comes through this afford what you offer. Evaluating whether the
creative medium. Stories give meaning to your customers need your product or service and can
product and sets you apart from the competitors. afford it is known as qualifying.
“Top salespeople tell stories because it engages 2. Preparation
customers and puts the sales message in a context The second stage has you in preparation for initial
that captures the prospect’s attention, perhaps even contact with a potential customer, researching the
tugs at the prospect’s emotions. A story provides a market and collecting all relevant information
structure that makes it easier to understand your regarding your product or service. At this point, you
pitch, and to remember it, so your prospect can develop your sales presentation and tailor it to
recommend and defend your property when you are your potential client’s particular needs.
not in the room” – says Daniel Ambrose, sales 3. Approach
consultant for strategy, tactics and training. In the approach stage, you make first contact with
Storytelling is sales strategy that can be used in your client. Sometimes this is a face-to-face
each part of your sales process. Like while giving a meeting, sometimes it’s over the phone. There are
product demo you can tell your prospects the story three common approach methods.
of how one of your uncertain prospect turned into  Premium approach: Presenting your
your satisfied customer and show their testimonial potential client with a gift at the beginning
to add credibility. of your interaction
8. Be patient and negotiate  Question approach: Asking a question to
Negotiation is the most crucial stage of a sales get the prospect interested
 Product approach: Giving the prospect a  a marketing plan are two different
sample or a free trial to review and disciplines.
evaluate your service Preparing a Marketing plan
4. Presentation  Is a research based, very technical and
In the presentation phase, you actively demonstrate focused on coming up with a methodical
how your product or service meets the needs of marketing plan
your potential customer. The word presentation Implementing a Marketing plan
implies using PowerPoint and giving a salesy spiel,  Is strategy and tactics-based, needs
but it doesn’t always have to be that way—you manpower to execute and is result-
should actively listen to your customer’s needs and oriented. Is an interactive process and does
then act and react accordingly. not end after one round, it changes and
5. Handling objections adapts to the internal and external factors
Perhaps the most underrated of the seven steps of affecting the product or service
a sales process is handling objections. This is where STEPS OF MARKETING PLAN IMPLEMENTATION
you listen to your prospect’s concerns and address 1. Divide the marketing plan into small
them. It’s also where many unsuccessful salespeople manageable pieces and manageable time
drop out of the process—44% of salespeople lines.
abandoning pursuit after one rejection, 22% after 2. Explain and delegate the marketing tasks
two rejections, 14% after three, and 12% after to assigned individuals
four, even though 80% of sales require at least five 3. Keep the communication line open
follow-ups to convert. Successfully handling 4. Monitor accomplishments and progress
objections and alleviating concerns separates good 5. Open yourself to relevant ideas of your
salespeople from bad and great from good. marketing team
6. Closing 6. Adapt to the internal and external factors
In the closing stage, you get the decision from the that affect the marketing function
client to move forward. Depending on your 7. Incorporate incentives and penalties for
business, you might try one of these three closing motivation
techniques. 8. Analyze and interpret the results
 Alternative choice close: Assuming the sale
and offering the prospect a choice, where The first objective of a marketing strategy is
both options close the sale—for example, usually to create awareness. But the ultimate
“Will you be paying the whole fee up front objective of any marketing strategy is for the
or in installments?” or “Will that be cash or product or service to be sold because this is where
charge?” the revenue comes in. Awareness cannot be
 Extra inducement close: Offering
translated to peso value but sales can be.
something extra to get the prospect to VARIOUS SELLING STRATEGIES THAT
close, such as a free month of service or a ENTREPRENEURS USE WHEN YOU SELL YOUR
 Standing room only close: Creating
1. Cold calls - this is a selling strategy
urgency by expressing that time is of the whereby the seller calls a random person
essence—for example, “The price will be who has no relationship with the business
going up after this month” or “We only yet but is considered as a potential
have six spots left” customer.
7. Follow-up 2. Consultative selling - is a dialog process
Once you have closed the sale, your job is not between the buyer and the seller as to how
done. The follow-up stage keeps you in contact with the buyer’s problems or pain points can be
customers you have closed, not only for potential addressed by the product or service of the
repeat business but for referrals as well. And since seller.
retaining current customers is six to seven times less 3. Direct selling - this is a selling strategy that
costly than acquiring new ones, maintaining is common in the Philippines. It is where an
relationships is key. independent direct seller goes directly to
the customer’s house or office and presents
ADD INFORMATION FROM SIR BRYAN his or her products for sale.
At the end of this module the student should be 4. Persuasive selling - this is often associated
able to: with being pushy, but persuasive selling is
1. Implement marketing plans and strategies. different in such a way that it is selling with
2. Sell the product or service to the primary and subtlety. This is positioning the product or
the secondary target market. 3. Manifest an service as rare, limited or recommended by
understanding of starting and operating a simple experts
Marketing Implementation - is the process of 1. Find prospects
executing the marketing strategy by creating and 2. Sell credibly to your primary target market
performing specific actions that will ensure the (sales presentation)
achievement of the firm’s marketing objectives. 4 TYPES OF SALES PRESENTATION
Preparing a marketing plan and Implementing 1. Stimulus response - offering the customer
a compelling proposition that triggers them Implementation
to initiate purchase. 1. Employee Selection and Training
2. Formula selling - follows a standardized 2. Employee Evaluation and Compensation
selling approach or based on a formula 3. Employee Motivation, Satisfaction and
3. Canned presentation - is a sales Commitment
presentation memorized by the presenter ● Leadership
4. Need presentation - is a question and  called the art of managing people-
answer presentation with the aim of includes how managers communicate with
understanding the exact needs and wants employees, as well as how they motivate
of the customers. their people to implement the marketing
3. Manage customers’ inquiries and objections strategy.
4. Close the sale Internal Marketing
5. Develop a long-lasting relationship with  refers to the use of a marketing- like
customers approach to motivate, coordinate and
ELEMENTS OF MARKETING IMPLEMENTATION integrate employees toward the
1. Shared goals & values implementation of the firm’s marketing
2. Marketing structure strategy. - is the process of motivating and
3. Systems & processes empowering the employees of a company
4. Resources to work as a team for the overall
5. People wellbeing of the customers and thereby the
6. Leadership company itself.
● Shared Goals and Values The goal of internal marketing is to align every
 all employees within the firm are the aspect of a company’s internal operation to ensure
“glue” of successful implementation they are as capable as possible of providing value
because they bind the entire organization to customers. If a company can operate in a
together as a single functioning unit. coordinated and standardized way, that company
● Marketing Structure can provide a more consistent experience to their
 refers to the methods of organizing a customers.
firm’s marketing activities. It establishes GOALS OF INTERNAL MARKETING
formal lines of authority, as well as the 1. Help all employees understand and accept
division of labor within the marketing their roles in implementing the marketing
function. strategy. 2. Create motivated and
STRUCTURES OF MARKETING customer-oriented employees
1. Centralized Marketing Structures - very 2. Deliver external customer satisfaction
cost efficient and effective in ensuring PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TARGET MARKETS
standardization within the marketing Target market
program. - is defined in simple terms as a group comprising
2. Decentralized Marketing Structures - the customers that a company, organization or
means that frontline marketing managers business aims its products and marketing efforts
have the responsibility of making day-to- towards.
day marketing decisions. The frontline CLASSIFICATION OF TARGET MARKET
managers can be creative and flexible, 1. Primary Target Market - is defined as a
allowing them to adapt to changing segment of the marketplace that it believes can let
market conditions. it sell its products and services. Quite often primary
● Systems and Processes target markets include the group of customers who
 are collections of work activities that are capable of buying a product from the business
absorb a variety of inputs to create directly
information and communication outputs that 2. Secondary Target Market -This refers to the
ensure the consistent day-to-day operation segment of the market that a company would wish
of the firm to target after the primary target market.
● Resources In other words, these segments of the marketplace
come in second after the primary target market.
 a firm’s resources can include a wide
Secondary target markets are normally very small
variety of assets that can be brought
that if the business puts too much hope in it then the
together during marketing implementation.
business can get dented. Several strategies are
Tangible Resources it includes financial resources,
used to identify a viable secondary target market
manufacturing capacity, facilities and equipment
(Hiebing et al, 2012). For example, the marketing
Intangible Resources it includes marketing
department can conduct a marketing research or
expertise, customer loyalty, brand equity, corporate
determine the relationship with the primary target
goodwill, and external relationships.
market. Again, for General Motors the range of
● People (Human Resources) products that the company offers defines its big
 the quality, diversity and skill of a firm’s array of secondary target markets. Most often the
human resources can also make or break secondary target for the company include the
the implementation of the marketing upcoming auto-industries such as the Honda,
strategy. potential customers
Importance of Human Resources to Marketing
● Dealing with objections
SMART SELLING & EFFECTIVE ● Closing the sale
● Follow up
CUSTOMER SERVICE ● Asking for referrals
Multiple Methods for Communicating with sales
Principles of selling prospects
- These are foundational concepts that 1. Electronic Mail
influence your sales perspective and point- 2. Blogs
of-view. You can think of them as ground 3. Social Networks
rules to adapt in order to improve your SPAM - is electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup
results and habits. postings. Some people define spam even more
- Sales principles are foundational concepts generally as any unsolicited email. ... Real spam is
that influence your sales perspective and generally email advertising for some product sent
point-of-view. to a mailing list or newsgroup.
- It is a constant source of valuable market  Unwanted internet advertisements or e-
research. mails.
LURK - reading messages and getting a feel for
There are 11 steps on Principle of selling discussions on a Web site, newsgroup without
● Make a good personal impression participating in the online conversation.
● Know your product or service Prequalify Your Sales Calls
● Believe in your product or service Prospect - a person or organization that may be
● Know your field receptive to a sales pitch. Before calling to make
● Know your customers an appointment for any sales call, identify and list
● Prepare your sales presentation your prospects, the people and/or organizations
● Think positively that may be receptive to your sales pitch.
● Make no truly “cold calls” THEN GO THROUGH IT CAREFULLY AND ASK:
● Make an appointment ● Is this individual in my market?
● Treat everyone you sell like gold
● Does he or she need it in my market?
● Will my product remove a problem or improve
Sales Calls the individual’s life?
-is an appointment with a potential to explain or ● Can he or she afford it?
demonstrate your product or service. Focus on the Customer
- A sales call is a conversation between a  during each call, focus on one thought;
salesperson and a prospect about the purchase of What does this customer need? Visualize
a product or service. These calls — most often your product or service fulfilling that need.
conducted either in-person or via video — involve Customer service - is the direct one-on-one
multiple parts, including initial agenda-setting by interaction between a consumer making a purchase
the rep, the product pitch, a demo, prospect and a representative of the company that is selling
objections and rep responses, negotiation, and it.
outlining of next steps.  everything a business does to keep the
customer happy.
During the sales calls, you will want to do the ff:
● Make the customer aware of the product or Sales person
service - a person whose job is to sell a product or
● Make the customer want to buy of the service in a given territory, in a store, or by
product or service telephone.
● Make customer want to buy it from you - The salesperson is responsible for greeting
customers, helping them find items in the
E-mail, blogs & Social Networks store, and ringing up purchases. To be
- Sending email or posting messages to social successful as a salesperson you must have
networks or blogs can help contact sales excellent communication skills. A good
prospects and keep in touch with customers salesperson meets sales objectives while
you already have. remaining polite and helpful to customers.
- But most users do not appreciate receiving
unwanted advertisements, called spam, and 3 BEHAVIORS OF SUCCESSFUL SALESPERSON
respondents may respond angrily. ● Let the customer talk more than you do
- Make an appointment for any sales calls ● Ask the right questions
through social networks. ● Wait to offer products and solutions until
later in the call
● Preparation YOUR BUSINESS
● Greeting 1. Know your customers by name
● Showing the product or service 2. Deliver the product or service on time,
● Listening to the customer
every time Web site
3. Help customers carry their purchases to  use of sophisticated software systems.
their vehicles ● Create a database on your computer to collect
4. Suggest a less expensive product. any information you obtain from customers.
5. Provide a full refund to any customer who is
● Your database should include every customer
you have ever had, as well potential ones.
6. Take time to listen politely and with
empathy to complaints ● The database should include contact information
7. Provide a toll-free customer assistance  name, email add, phone and fax numbers
phone line that is easy to use. and mailing address
8. Offer product or service information of  pertinent personal information (b-days,
interest to customers in a nonthreatening family hobbies and membership) - purchase
manner. and payment history
There will be times when a customer may get angry Customer complaints
at you, complain or make demands that you  are pieces of feedback that point out
believe are unreasonable. problems with your company's product or
4 MAIN COSTS OF LOSING A CUSTOMER services. These are opportunities for your
1. Loss of current sales business to improve its internal processes
2. Loss of jobs and create a better customer experience.
3. Loss of reputation  Customer complaints can be defined as the
4. Loss of future business expression of customer expectations that
CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS ARE VALUABLE have not been met in what business
● Always acknowledge complaints and criticism promises in terms of the product or services.
and deal with them
● Do not overreact to negative comments and 8 TYPES OF CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS
above all, do not take them personally. ● Long wait on hold
● Always tell the truth about any negative aspect - If your team works in a call center,
of your product or service. Average Time on Hold (ATH) is one
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) of your most important call center
 is a company wide policy, practices and metrics. Customers want fast answers
processes a business uses with its customers and can't afford to spend their
to generate maximum customer satisfaction afternoon with a phone glued to
their ear.
and optimal profitability.
● Unavailable or Out of Stock Product
 CRM affirms that customer service is an - It's usually a good sign when a
aspect of marketing. product goes out of stock, but if it
GOLDEN RULES FOR SMALL BUSINESSES WITH stays out of stock, customers can
RESPECT TO CRM become impatient for its return.
1. Put the customer first ● Repeating the Customer's Problem
2. Stay close to your customers - Customers hate repeating their
3. Pay attention to the details problems to your reps. This happens
COMPONENTS OF CRM FOR THE SMALL when they're either transferred to
BUSINESS new reps or dealing with an agent
1. Conduct your own survey who isn't paying close attention.
2. Check employees telephone manners ● Uninterested Service Rep
periodically - Whether it's their tone, personality,
3. Emphasize the importance of rules such as or even just the time of day, some
prompt answering and a cheerful attitude customers simply won't get along
of helpfulness with your customer service reps
4. Make customer service a team effort ● Poor Product or Service
5. Extend your efforts after hours - When your product breaks, you can
HOW TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTS CRM? expect the customer to complain. In
Database - a collection of information that is some cases, the product isn't broken,
generally stored on a computer and organized for rather, the customer doesn't
sorting and searching. understand how to use it.
● The general conception of CRM is that ● No first Call Resolution
technology can be used to build and maintain - When customers call your service
customer relationships. team, they expect their issue to be
● Certainly, as noted, the use of computer resolved after the first call.
technology can have a significant role in CRM, but ● Lack of Follow up
the system should be inclusive of all forms of - When you do have to follow up on
relationship management from: - greeting a a case, customers will often have
customer on the phone different expectations for follow-up
 in person, or even on the homepage of your communication. Some customers will
expect an ongoing chain of updates
while others will be more patient.
● New Product Or Feature Request
- this one isn't necessarily a complaint
but is something that customer
service teams encounter on a daily

Loss of customer
- A lost customer means lost feedback and no
opportunity to improve.
It can Cost of losing a customer:
● Loss of money
● Loss of jobs
● Loss of reputation
● Lost of future business

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