Worksheet 5. Paraphrasing, Summarizing and Quotation

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Worksheet 5.

Paraphrasing, Summarizing and Quotation

Name of Student: Group’s Working Research Title:

Note: Please copy-paste below a few sentences of information from a related literature (RL) that you
may want to include and cite in the Introduction of your paper. Should you need a highlighter for easy
recognition of the texts to paraphrase. Write down below the reference details of that information.

RL 3 (Original text) Paraphrase RL 3:

Reference (Use APA 7th Ed format)

RL 4 (Original text) Summarize RL 4:

Reference (Use APA 7th Ed format):

RL 5 (Original Text) Quote RL 5

Please see sample paraphrasing, summarizing, and quotation in the grid below.

Writing Strategies Writing Tips Sample Texts

Paraphrasing A paraphrase is a restatement Original text Correct Paraphrasing
or rewording of a paragraph or Incorrect Paraphrasing
text, in order to borrow, Homeless individuals
clarify, or expand on commonly come from Many homeless experience isolation
information without families who are riddled The homeless come from in part due to suffering from abuse or
plagiarizing. Paraphrasing is an with problems and families with problems. neglect during their childhood
important tool to use when marital disharmony, and Frequently, they have been (Rokach, 2005).
writing research papers, essays, are alienated from their physically or sexually
and pieces of journalism. parents. They have often abused, or have lived in Note: The example keeps the idea of
been physically and even group homes. Usually no the original writing but phrases it in a
sexually abused, have one cares for them or knows new way.
relocated frequently, and them intimately (Rokach,
many of them may be 2005).
asked to leave home or
are actually thrown out,
or alternatively are Note: In this incorrect
placed in group homes or example the writing is too
in foster care. They often similar to the original
have no one to care for source. The student only
them and no one knows changed or removed a few
them intimately. words and has not phrased
the ideas in a new way.

Source from:
Rokach, A. (2005). The
causes of loneliness in
homeless youth. The
Journal of Psychology,
139, 469-480.

Summarizing Use your own words

Despite decades of Despite decades of research Polivy and Herman (2004) noted that
 Include the key research into the into the sociocultural model we still do not know how or why
relevant elements of sociocultural model of of eating disorders, we still sociocultural influences like the media
the original and keep eating disorders, we still do not understand how such contribute to some individuals
it brief - you're just do not understand how sociocultural influences developing eating disorders while
going for the original's such sociocultural produce disordered eating in others do not. In some cases, the
essence influences produce any given individual (or why ubiquitous message of thinness and
 Do not include your disordered eating in any a similar person in the same ideal beauty broadcast by the media
interpretation/analysis given individual (or why a cultural milieu does not can challenge a woman's self-image,
within the summary - similar person in the become disordered). The disrupting her sense of self-esteem.
make a clear same cultural milieu does sociocultural model argues However, not all women are
distinction between not become disordered). that exposure to idealized influenced by the same media
your thoughts and Clearly, though, one media images (a) makes messages in the same way. The
someone else's source of vulnerability women feel bad about sociocultural model explores the ways
 Vary how you lies in a woman's body themselves and (b) impels women internalize the media's ideal
introduce or attribute image. To the extent that women to undertake the of unattainable thinness and beauty,
your sources, like a woman's self-image is sort of "remedial" eating and how that internalization in turn
"according to..." or challenged or threatened patterns that easily and can result in disordered eating and a
"so-and-so concludes by an unattainable ideal often deteriorate into eating distorted sense of body image (pp. 1-
that..." so your of an impossibly thin disorders. 2).
readers don't get female physique, she may
bored well become susceptible
 Always include a to disruption of her self-
citation regard, and may be more
likely to develop an
eating disorder. In short,
the sociocultural model
argues that exposure to
idealized media images
(a) makes women feel

bad about themselves
and (b) impels women to
undertake the sort of
"remedial" eating
patterns that easily and
often deteriorate into
eating disorders.

Quotation There are 4 rules that apply to

long quotations that are There are two basic formats that can
different from regular be used:
Parenthetical Style:
The line before your long
quotation, when you're The homeless were typically The homeless were typically
introducing the quote, usually neglected growing up since neglected growing up since they
ends with a colon. they "commonly come from "commonly come from families who
families who are riddled are riddled with problems and marital
The long quotation is indented with problems and marital disharmony" (Rokach, 2005, p. 477).
half an inch from the rest of disharmony"
the text, so it looks like a block
of text.
There are no quotation marks Narrative Style:
around the quotation.
Rokach (2005) notes, the As Rokach (2005) notes, the homeless
The period at the end of the homeless "often have no "often have no one to care for them
quotation comes before your one to care for them and no and no one knows them intimately"
in-text citation as opposed to one knows them intimately" (p. 477).
after, as it does with regular

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