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Target Who Date of Age Gender Medical Resources/ Methods

No. Birth Alert

1. James Llana June 24, 17 Male ADHD Requires an individualized,
Cembrano 2005 and/or small group for
instruction in math.
2. Charlie Aguda September 18 Male Dyspraxia Requires more attention on
10, 2004 social and writing
3. Vino Deloyola February 20 Male Dyslexia Requires handle with care
2, 2002 to teach them of their
academic and social skills

Present Levels of Performance and Individual Needs

James Llana Cembrano
Academic/Educational Achievement and
Academic Development
Learning Characteristics
Present Levels James is currently functioning below his chronological
area of academic ability
age on the

Cognitive ability
Present Levels James is currently functioning at his chronological age in the area of
cognitive ability
Language ability
James is currently functioning below his chronological age on the
Present Levels area of language development. He is currently functioning below his
chronological age on the area of receptive development. And also
currently functioning below his chronological age on the area of
pragmatic/social speech development.
Abilities James understand muti-step directions
Needs None
Learning Style
Present Levels James has a multi-sensory learning style
Given James functional level, James disability affects his involvement
Present Levels and progress in the general education program. James models
math/goal skills only with teacher support James is able to
independently perform Language Arts goals/skills with minimal
Rate of Progress
Present Levels James Rate of Progress is below average James reads on or above
grade level James computational skills impact the ability to perform
general education at his grade level.
Abilities James is able to read and follow written directions.
Social Development
Needs James requires an individualized, and/or small group for instruction in
math. James needs to develop self-monitoring skills as a means of
avoiding carelessness and focusing attention to detail (copying
homework, completing classwork)
Social Interaction with Peers
Present Levels James is presently functioning below his chronological age in the area
of social development.
Abilities James has developed some friendships.
James needs to relate appropriately to peers in the classroom James
needs to relate appropriately to adults in the classroom James needs
Needs to relate appropriately to adults outside the classroom Julian needs to
learn how to communicate effectively in social Situations
Julian’s Feelings about Self
Present Levels James is currently functioning below his chronological age level in
regard to feelings about self
Abilities James identifies himself as an individual
Needs James needs to develop positive self-concept
Present Levels James is currently functioning below his chronological age level in
regard to school and community
Abilities James initiates social interactions with adults
Needs James needs to respond to adult intervention. He also needs to
respond to adult praise
Adjustment to School/Community
Present Levels James does not display appropriate social adjustment to school,
family, and/or community environment skills.
Abilities James cam adapt to changes in routine
Julian needs guidance to participate in small groups Julian needs to
Needs take initiative in social situations

Present Levels James has ADHD medical diagnosis which impacts learning-see
health file

Abilities James may participate in all school activities

Needs James needs to develop skills required to sit independently. He needs
to improve attending skills when visual distractions are present

James has moderate management needs to address academic goals

Management Needs
Present Levels he has moderate needs to address social goals James has also no
management needs to address physical goals

Abilities James is able to perform effectively/complete tasks in the classroom

environment with additional personnel

Needs James needs full time general education placement with moderate support
through special education

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