Gerund or Infinitive

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Gerund or Infinitive

One of the difficulties of the English language is that some verbs are followed by the gerund (ex : doing) and others are followed by the infinitive (ex :
to do). Other verbs, however, can be followed by both.
Generally speaking we can use the following rules:
Examples Rules Explanations
Verb + 1. I enjoy playing Often we use the gerund for an action that 1. I enjoy myself at the time of playing.
gerund 2. I denied stealing happens before or at the same time as the 2. I deny having stolen anything before.
action of the main verb.
Verb + 1. I decided to visit my uncle Often we use the infinitive for actions 1. Visiting my uncle was an action of my decision. It
infinitive 2. I want to go out that follow the action of the main verb. comes after.
2. What I want (now) is to go out (after/later)
These rules are helpful but DO NOT always explain all uses of gerunds and infinitives.

A. Verbs that can be followed by a gerund (ex: doing)

1- After verbs that express likes/dislikes : like love enjoy dislike hate don't mind can't stand can't bear
Example: " I like playing soccer but I hate boxing."
2- After certain other verbs, such as :
admit advise understand go (in go mention waste keep (on) permit reject
appreciate consider finish swimming) mind time/money mention practice risk
allow deny fancy involve stop imagine miss suggest can't help
avoid delay keep involve postpone resist can't stand
Example: " I suggest going to the theater."
3- After prepositions : interested in ... instead of ... good at ... before ... after ...
Example: "I am interested in collecting stamps." "After playing football I drank an orange juice".
4- After certain expressions :
it's no use ... it's no good ... there's no point in ... I can't help... I don't mind... I can't stand/bear...
Example: " It's no use convincing him to revise his lessons. He's so stubborn."

B. Verbs that can be followed by an infinitive ( ex : to do)

1- After verbs that refer to a future event:
want arrange plan deserve offer swear would hate
hope attempt consent determine proceed volunteer would love
aim promise decide endeavor promise want
intend be determined demand expect threaten would like
Example: " I want to finish my work early.
2- After certain other verbs, such as:
afford agree help choose fail happen refuse manage need seem learn choose pretend
Example: "She refused to forgive him."
3- After adjectives : glad pleased disappointed
Example: "I'm glad to know that you passed the exam." "I'm pleased to meet you." "I'm disappointed to hear that you flunked maths."
4- After "too" & "enough":
too difficult easy enough
Example: "It's too difficult to convince him to be helpful." " But it's easy enough to fool him to get what you want."

C. Verbs that can be followed by both an infinitive and a gerund:

Some verbs can be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive. Here are some examples:
start begin stop remember...
Example: "I started smoking when I was young." "I started to smoke when I left the office."

Part 1
1. Dan enjoys ...................... (read) science fiction. their heads.
2. Cheryl suggested ...................... (see) a movie after work. 13. Mandy has promised ...................... ( take) care of our dog while we
3. I miss ................. (work) in the travel industry. Maybe I can get my old are on vacation.
job back. 14. Mr. Edwards chose ...................... (accept) the management position
4. Where did you learn ...................... (speak) Spanish? Was it in Spain or in Chicago rather than the position in Miami.
in Latin America? 15. I don't know what she wants ...... (do) tonight. Why don't you ask her?
5. Do you mind ...................... (help) me translate this letter? 16. Frank offered ...................... (help) us paint the house.
6. He asked ...................... (talk) to the store manager. 17. Sandra decided ...................... (study) economics in London.
7. You've never mentioned ...................... (live) in Japan before. How long 18. Witnesses reported ...................... (see) the bank robber as he was
did you live there? climbing out of the second-storey window.
8. If he keeps .................. (come) to work late, he's going to get fired! 19. Stephanie dislikes ................... (work) in front of a computer all day.
9. Debbie plans ...................... (study) abroad next year. 20. Mrs. Naidoo appears ................. (be) the most qualified person for the
10. I agreed ...................... (help) Jack wash his car. job.
11. I hope ...................... (graduate) from college next June. 21. Eliza recommended ...................... (eat) in a dim sum restaurant while
12. The models practiced .................... (walk) with a book balanced on we're in Hong Kong.
22. I demand .............. (talk) to the manager of the hotel immediately. possible. He hates cleaning!
23. My grandmother recalled ...................... ( see) a plane for the very first 60. How can you defend .................. (say) such terrible things to him?
time when she was six. 6
24. She claims...................... (be) related to George Washington, but I 1. Bill agreed ...................... (meet) us at the restaurant at 8:30, but he
don't believe her. never showed up.
25. This broken bicycle needs ........... (fix) before someone can ride it. 62. Jennifer practiced ...................... (pronounce) the word until she
26. I can't understand ...................... (drive) such a big car when gas sounded just like a native speaker.
prices are so high, not to mention what it does to the environment. 63. Our art teacher encouraged ......... (experiment) with different colors.
27. She refused ...................... (speak) to me after our fight. 64. Dana hopes ...................... (save) enough money to travel around
28. The wilderness adventure course lasts ten days and involves ......... Europe for three months. It's her dream.
(hike) more than fifty miles through rugged mountainous terrain. 65. ...................... (Dance) is her life. That is why Susan moved to New
29. Don't hesitate ................. (ask) for help if you don't understand the York to study dancing professionally.
directions. 66. Constance plans .............. (take) part in the marathon next spring.
30. She managed ...................... (communicate) with them, even though 67. I can't help ...................... (wonder) how my grandmother's life would
she didn't speak their language. have been different if she had been able to go to college.
31. She pretended ......... (be) a student in order to get a student discount. 68. The doctor advised .............. (see) a specialist about the problem.
32. She waited ................... (see) what would happen next. 69. ...................... (Swim) helped me strengthen my injured leg.
33. The child denied ...................... (steal) the piece of candy. 70. After the tsunami, Bette chose ...................... (stay) in Indonesia and
34. We fully intend ........ ( pay) you for all the work you have done for us. work with a relief organization.
35. You seem ................. (be) a little distracted. Is everything alright? 7
36. Laura and Ed discussed ...................... (move) to the city to find work; 1. ............ (Read) is a great way to relax. I love to sit back and enjoy a
however, in the end, they decided against relocating. good book.
37. She refused .................... (admit) that she had made a mistake. 72. Why do you always get ........... (be) first? I want to go first this time!
38. After his accident last year, he would never consider .................... 73. When you're in Prague, I recommend ...................... (walk) from the
(buy) another motorcycle. Charles Bridge to the castle at night.
39. Margaret just happened ...................... (find) the lost car keys while 74. Susanne just happened ...................... (be) in the restaurant when
she was looking for something else. Julia Roberts walked in! Can you believe that?
40. He never admitted ...................... (have) the wild party while his 75. Eye specialists urge ...................... (take) frequent breaks while using
parents were out of town. the computer for extended periods of time.
41. Jackie tends ...................... (arrive) late on Mondays, but our boss 76. I thought you knew nothing about cars. Where did you
doesn't seem to care about that very much. learn ...................... (change) a flat tire?
42. She imagined ............. (lie) on a tropical beach under a palm tree. 77. My favorite thing is ...................... (float) on my back in the sea.
43. The winner of the local competition gets ...................... (participate) in 78. The Egyptology course requires ...................... (participate) in six
a national competition in Washington D.C. months of field studies near Luxor, Egypt.
44. We don't anticipate ...................... (have) any more technical 79. The nurse risked ...................... (get) the disease from her patient, but
problems during the concert tour. she continued to treat him until he had fully recovered.
45. Debbie failed ........... (notice) her credit card lying on the ground. 80. Dad, you promised ...................... (take) us to the beach today. When
46. The politician swore ........ (serve) the people honestly and with pride, are we going to go to the beach?
but the scandal revealed that the promise was little more than a lie. 8
47. Mr. Shinohara recollected ...................... (work) with his father on his 1. He expects ...................... (finish) his studies next summer.
family's fishing boat when he was a young child. 82. National park officials do not permit ...................... (enter) the park
48. The medical team deserves ...................... (receive) the award for their without an official guide. You can hire one at the park office.
volunteer work in sub-Saharan Africa. 83. He offered ...................... (carry) her books on the way home.
49. I really appreciate ...................... (have) the opportunity to take part in 84. The archaeologist reported ...................... (find) a large, previously
this project and to work with such an excellent team. unknown pyramid deep in the jungle.
50. She delayed ...................... (submit) her application until just one 85. Samantha keeps ...................... (forget) to send us the documents.
week before the deadline. We need to have them by next week!
51. Everybody arranged ...................... ( meet) at the train station 30 86. Felix decided not ...................... (accept) the position in Miami
minutes before the train departed. because he wanted to stay in New York.
52. Simona resisted ...................... (speak) Italian during her English 87. ............................... (Exercise) and (eat) right can help you live a long
training program in London. She wanted to take advantage of the and healthy life.
opportunity to improve her English. 88. The refugees risked ...................... (be captured) as they tried to
53. Do you care ...................... to join us later for dinner? We are meeting escape through the mountains.
at Tony's Italian Restaurant downtown. 89. You have to wait forever at the doctor's office. I suggest ......................
54. We waited .... (see) what would happen next, but nothing happened. (take) a good book to help kill time.
55. Julius vowed ...................... (return) to his home country once again 90. Mr. Miller asked ...................... (be included) in the meeting with the
to see the village where he and his family had lived before the war. new clients.
56. Diana yearns ...................... (travel) to far off, exotic destinations. 9
57. When she got through ...................... (read) her book, she laid it on 1. After his insulting comments, I thought Jack deserved ......................
the table next to the bed and went to sleep. (be fired).
58. They expected ...................... (arrive) much earlier, but their plane 92. Max avoided ...................... ( use) his cell phone when other people
was delayed in Paris. were in the room.
59. Michael postponed ...................... (clean) the bathroom as long as 93. We arranged .......... (have) a taxi pick us up and take us to the airport.
94. I resent .................... (be treated) like a servant in my own home! 98. Karen and Neil would like ......... (try) that new dance club
95. Frank completed ...................... (build) the new barn last week. Next, downtown. It's supposed to have one of the largest dance floors in the
he is going to paint it red. world.
96. Don't worry, I don't mind ...................... (make) dinner. I think I'll 99. I can't see ...................... (buy) a car when you don't even have a
make fish with steamed vegetables, and a big salad on the side! driver's license. That doesn't make any sense!
97. Crying, the mother looked into the television camera and said, 100. When do you wish ...................... (begin) now or later?
"Society will no longer tolerate ...................... (drink) and (drive)."

Part 2
1. I can't stand ............ all the time. a. investing b. to invest c. not to invest
a. she complaining b. she to complain c. her complaining 27. Mr. Johnson won't tolerate ...... late to class.
2. Our teacher won't allow ........... dictionaries during the test. a. us being b. us to be c. our being
a. us using b. us to use c. using 28. Do you prefer .......... ?
3. We advised ............ a taxi instead of walking to the restaurant. a. Ester to help you or me help you
a. him taking b. him to take c. taking b. Ester helping you or me helping you
4. The city doesn't allow ........... along curbs painted red. c. Ester’s helping you or my helping you
a. parking b. to park c. you parking 29. I go .............. every year. I love winter sports.
5. She prefers ............. dinner because she doesn't like to cook. a. snowboarding b. snow boarding c. to snowboard
a. making b. to make c. my making 30. Frederick and I discussed the .............. more than we can afford.
6. I hope you don't mind ............ while you eat. a. computer costing b. cost of computer c. computer’s costing
a. smoking b. me to smoke c. my smoking 31. She promised .......... to the doctor as soon as she returned home.
7. John is never on time to work! I hate .......... late every day. a. to go b. him going c. to go / him to go
a. him arriving b. his arriving c. he arrives 32. Franne encouraged ............ for the job.
8. Sarah urged ............. in the next election. a. me to apply b. to apply c. to apply / me to apply
a. me voting b. to vote c. me to vote 33. She wants ............ more.
9. He needs to get a visa extension immediately. The authorities won't a. to study b. her daughter to study c. to study / her daughter to study
permit ........... in the country without a visa. 34. She neglected ............ some important details of the accident.
a. him staying b. him to stay c. he stays a. mentioning b. to mention c. not to mention
10. Travel agents usually advise ............ flight bookings three days before 35. The food caused ........... sick.
departure. a. getting b. her getting c. her to get
a. reconfirming b. to reconfirm c. you reconfirming 36. We expect ............ soon.
11. I enjoy ....... to get up so early in the morning. Sleeping in is great! a. to startb. her to start c. to start / her to start
a. not having b. not to have c. having not 37. Sam chose ............... the meeting.
12. Nancy proposed ........... a picnic at the beach. a. beginning b. to begin / me to begin c. beginning / me beginning
a. us having b. our having c. us to have 38. I tried ............ the picture, but it didn't work.
13. Do you wish .........., or would you like to stop now? a. emailing b. me to email c. to email
a. continuing b. continue c. to continue 39. Laurelle reminded ............ the door.
14. His car needs ....... . It looks like it hasn't been washed in years. a. to lock b. me to lock c. to lock / me to lock
a. washing b. to wash c. be washed 40. I would like .............. the train.
15. Smokers risk ........... several smoking related illnesses. a. to take b. the group to take c. to take / the group to take
a. getting b. to get c. they getting 41. Debbie urged ........... the Eiffel Tower while they were in Paris.
16. The astronomer told us ........ into the sun during the eclipse. a. visiting b. them to visit c. visiting / them to visit
a. not looking b. not to look c. to not look 42. I remember ........... up at 4:30 AM to make it to work on time.
17. I wish she would just quit .......... all the time. a. getting b. us to get c. getting / us to get
a. complaining b. to complain c. his complaining 43. The math teacher doesn't allow ........... calculators.
18. The astronomer told us .......... into the sun during the eclipse. a. us using b. us to use c. using / us to use
a. not looking b. not to look c. to not look 44. Sallie wanted ....... longer, but I was so tired that we had to leave.
19. She resisted ............. advice from her coworkers. a. us staying b. us to stay c. to stay / us to saty
a. taking b. to take c. take 45. The Japanese teacher encouraged ......... in class.
20. Linda regretted ............ to her high school reunion. a. the students speaking b. speaking / the students to speak
a. not going b. not to go c. not go c. not speaking / the students not to speak
21. They urged ............ out for bears. 46. The consultant advised ............. costs.
a. the hikers watching b. the hikers to watch c. the hikers watch a. them reduce b. them to reduce c. reducing / them to reduce
22. Denise resented ........ the opportunity to work and advance her 47. I need ............... me move the table.
career. a. to help b. you to help c. to help / you help
a. having b. not having c. not to have 48. The zoo keeper permitted ............... the snake.
23. The policeman ordered ............ his car. a. we touching b. us to touch / touching c. touching / us touching
a. the driver stopping b. the driver not stopping c. the driver to stop 49. Do you mind ....... a few more minutes?
24. He threatened ........... forever. a. waitingb. me to wait c. waiting / me waiting
a. leaving b. to leave c. his leaving 50. The hiking course requires ......... in the snow.
25. After he finished ...... the show, he turned off the TV and went to bed. a. camping / us to camp b. camping / us camping
a. watching b. to watch c. not to watch c. we camp / us to camp
26. The banker advised his clients .......... for retirement. 51. Carrie Ann goes ......... every day.
a. surfing b. to surf c. surfing / her surfing a. fish b. to fish c. fishing
52. Delores goes .......... when she has time. 77. Sally loves to go ........... in her free time. She doesn't usually buy
a. hiking in mountains b. to hike in the mountains anything, she just likes to look.
c. hiking in the mountains a. to window shop b. window shopping c. shop windowing
53. Sam went .......... in Paris. 78. What do you think about ......... married just one week after they met?
a. sightseeing b. sight seeing c. seeing sight Isn't that crazy?
54. Lisa and Kurt are going to go ........ tonight. a. Sarah and Doug to get b. Sarah and Doug getting
a. dancing / to dance b. dancing c. his or her dancing c. Sarah’s and Doug’s getting
55. Jamie has never gone ......... in that mall. 79. I urge you ...................... your decision.
a. to shopping b. to shop c. shopping a. reconsider b. reconsidering c. to reconsider
56. Patrick wanted to go ..... with his friends, but he had to work late. 80. His reasons for ............ to study Latin were always unclear to me.
a. bowling b. with bowling c. to bowls a. chosing b. choosing c. choose
57. He likes to go ............ . 81. Michael's talent for ............ the right investments made him rich.
a. fishes b. fish c. fishing a. choice b. choose c. choosing
58. Stephanie loves to go ............. . 82. Katie's talking caused me ...................... a mistake.
a. to sail b. sailing c. sailling a. making b. to do c. to make
59. Mina wants to go ............ on the weekend. 83. I'm bored of ...................... the same old thing every weekend.
a. to camp b. going camp c. camping a. doing b. making c. working
60. Sarah often goes ............. . 84. Neil Armstrong is famous for ...................... the first man to walk on
a. mountain climbing b. mountains climbing the Moon.
c. to mountain climbing a. be b. to be c. being
61. Simone was talking about ........ up in Tanzania. She has had such an 85. The zoo keeper allowed us ...................... the cheetah.
interesting life! a. pet b. to pet c. petting
a. to grow b. growing c. growwing 86. I went ...................... in Hawaii. It was spectacular!
62. I need him ............. me lift this heavy box. a. to snorkel b. snorkeling c. to a snorkel
a. help b. to help c. helping 87. Carrie reminded me ...................... Dave and Stacey and invite them
63. Thank you for .............. to the meeting on such short notice. over for dinner.
a. comingb. camingc. comming a. call b. calling c. to call
64. I suggest ............. Japan when the cherry trees are in bloom. 88. The little girl pretended ................. sick, so that she didn't have to go
a. visiting b. them to visit c. visiting / them to visit to school.
65. We hired professional translators ............. the documents into Arabic a. to be b. being c. to being
and Chinese. 89. She took up ...................... the piano at the age of six.
a. translating b. to translate c. for translation a. to play b. play c. playing
66. After work, I always go ............. . 90. Constance denied ...................... related to the royal family.
a. joking b. joging c. jogging a. to be b. being c. to being
67. His interest in ........... languages is very impressive. 91. The certification program requires ...................... several tests.
a. learning b. for learning c. with learning a. me take b. me to take c. me taking
68. I don't mind your friend ............ along with us. Why don't you invite 92. The certification program requires ...................... several tests.
her and her husband? a. me take b. me taking c. my taking
a. Sally comes b. Sally coming c. Sally’s coming 93. I told the others ...................... me at the beach after work. Why don't
69. Roberta is getting tired of ............. the same old job day in and day you come along?
out. I think she is going to quit! a. meet b. to meet c. their meeting
a. doing b. making c. working 94. Robin talked me into .................. in the 24-hour dance marathon.
70. Health professionals encourage people ........... less red meat. a. participate b. participating c. my participating
a. to drink b. to eat c. to sleep 95. He appreciated ...................... prepare for the Halloween party.
71. Agatha invited me ..... the summer at her family's home in Costa Rica. a. we help him b. us helping him c. our helping him
a. to rest b. to spend c. to stay 96. Going ...................... tomorrow will test how brave you are.
72. I didn't believe Camille's story about ....... a rattlesnake in her bed. a. sky diving b. to skydiving c. skydiving
a. finding b. talking c. telling 97. Don't you need ...................... a break? You've been working non-stop
73. The terrible weather forced us ............. our plans. for over 8 hours!
a. change b. to change c. changing a. take b. to take c. taking
74. Diane has been scared of ............. in the ocean ever since she saw the 98. ................. late would be an insult to our dinner hosts.
movie "Jaws." a. We arrive b. Us arriving c. Our arriving
a. swim b. swiming c. swimming 99. Beth was excited about .................. the world famous photographer.
75. I don't know how you got my son ........... his broccoli. He hates a. meeting b. to meet c. the meeting
vegetables! 100. How did you manage .................. tickets for that concert? It has been
a. eat b. to eat c. eating sold out for months.
76. I went ......... when I was in New Zealand. It was awesome! a. getting b. to get c. your getting

Answers : Part 1 (1-6)

1. Dan enjoys reading science fiction. national competition in Washington D.C.
2. Cheryl suggested seeing a movie after work. 44. We don't anticipate having any more technical problems during
3. I miss working in the travel industry. Maybe I can get my old job the concert tour.
back. 45. Debbie failed to notice her credit card lying on the ground.
4. Where did you learn to speak Spanish? Was it in Spain or in Latin 46. The politician swore to serve the people honestly and with pride,
America? but the scandal revealed that the promise was little more than a lie.
5. Do you mind helping me translate this letter? 47. Mr. Shinohara recollected working with his father on his family's
6. He asked to talk to the store manager. fishing boat when he was a young child.
7. You've never mentioned living in Japan before. How long did you 48. The medical team deserves to receive the award for their
live there? volunteer work in sub-Saharan Africa.
8. If he keeps coming to work late, he's going to get fired! 49. I really appreciate having the opportunity to take part in this
9. Debbie plans to study abroad next year. project and to work with such an excellent team.
10. I agreed to help Jack wash his car. 50. She delayed submitting her application until just one week before
11. I hope to graduate from college next June. the deadline.
12. The models practiced walking with a book balanced on their 51. Everybody arranged to meet at the train station 30 minutes before
heads. the train departed.
13. Mandy has promised to take care of our dog while we are on 52. Simona resisted speaking Italian during her English training
vacation. program in London. She wanted to take advantage of the opportunity
14. Mr. Edwards chose to accept the management position in to improve her English.
Chicago rather than the position in Miami.
53. Do you care to join us later for dinner? We are meeting at Tony's
15. I don't know what she wants to do tonight. Why don't you ask
Italian Restaurant downtown.
54. We waited to see what would happen next, but nothing happened.
16. Frank offered to help us paint the house.
55. Julius vowed to return to his home country once again to see the
17. Sandra decided to study economics in London.
18. Witnesses reported seeing the bank robber as he was village where he and his family had lived before the war.
climbing out of the second-story window. 56. Diana yearns to travel to far off, exotic destinations.
19. Stephanie dislikes working in front of a computer all day. 57. When she got through reading her book, she laid it on the table
20. Mrs. Naidoo appears to be the most qualified person for the job. next to the bed and went to sleep.
21. Eliza recommended eating in a dim sum restaurant while we're in 58. They expected to arrive much earlier, but their plane was delayed
Hong Kong. in Paris.
22. I demand to talk to the manager of the hotel immediately. 59. Michael postponed cleaning the bathroom as long as possible. He
23. My grandmother recalled seeing a plane for the very first time hates cleaning!
when she was six. 60. How can you defend saying such terrible things to him?
24. She claims to be related to George Washington, but I don't believe 6
her. 1. Bill agreed to meet us at the restaurant at 8:30, but he never
25. This broken bicycle needs fixing before someone can ride it. showed up.
26. I can't understand driving such a big car when gas prices are so 62. Jennifer practiced pronouncing the word until she sounded just
high, not to mention what it does to the environment. like a native speaker.
27. She refused to speak to me after our fight. 63. Our art teacher encouraged experimenting with different colors.
28. The wilderness adventure course lasts ten days and involves hiking 64. Dana hopes to save enough money to travel around Europe for
more than fifty miles through rugged mountainous terrain. three months. It's her dream.
29. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you don't understand the 65. Dancing is her life. That is why Susan moved to New York to study
directions. dancing professionally.
30. She managed to communicate with them, even though she didn't 66. Constance plans to take part in the marathon next spring.
speak their language. 67. I can't help wondering how my grandmother's life would have
31. She pretended to be a student in order to get a student discount. been different if she had been able to go to college.
32. She waited to see what would happen next. 68. The doctor advised seeing a specialist about the problem.
33. The child denied stealing the piece of candy. 69. Swimming helped me strengthen my injured leg.
34. We fully intend to pay you for all the work you have done for us. 70. After the tsunami, Bette chose to stay in Indonesia and work with a
35. You seem to be a little distracted. Is everything alright? relief organization.
36. Laura and Ed discussed moving to the city to find work; however, 7
in the end, they decided against relocating. 1. Reading is a great way to relax. I love to sit back and enjoy a good
37. She refused to admit that she had made a mistake. book.
38. After his accident last year, he would never consider buying 72. Why do you always get to be first? I want to go first this time!
another motorcycle. 73. When you're in Prague, I recommend walking from the Charles
39. Margaret just happened to find the lost car keys while she was Bridge to the castle at night.
looking for something else. 74. Susanne just happened to be in the restaurant when Julia Roberts
40. He never admitted having the wild party while his parents were walked in! Can you believe that?
out of town. 75. Eye specialists urge taking frequent breaks while using the
41. Jackie tends to arrive late on Mondays, but our boss doesn't seem computer for extended periods of time.
to care about that very much. 76. I thought you knew nothing about cars. Where did you learn to
42. She imagined lying on a tropical beach under a palm tree. change a flat tire?
43. The winner of the local competition gets to participate in a 77. My favorite thing is floating on my back in the sea.
78. The Egyptology course requires participating in six months of field
studies near Luxor, Egypt. good book to help kill time.
79. The nurse risked getting the disease from her patient, but she 90. Mr. Miller asked to be included in the meeting with the new
continued to treat him until he had fully recovered. clients.
80. Dad, you promised to take us to the beach today. When are we 9
going to go to the beach? 1. After his insulting comments, I thought Jack deserved to be fired.
8 92. Max avoided using his cell phone when other people were in the
1. He expects to finish his studies next summer. room.
82. National park officials do not permit entering the park without an 93. We arranged to have a taxi pick us up and take us to the airport.
official guide. You can hire one at the park office. 94. I resent being treated like a servant in my own home!
83. He offered to carry her books on the way home. 95. Frank completed building the new barn last week. Next, he is going
84. The archaeologist reported finding a large, previously unknown to paint it red.
pyramid deep in the jungle. 96. Don't worry, I don't mind making dinner. I think I'll make fish with
85. Samantha keeps forgetting to send us the documents. We need to steamed vegetables, and a big salad on the side!
have them by next week! 97. Crying, the mother looked into the television camera and said,
86. Felix decided not to accept the position in Miami because he "Society will no longer tolerate drinking and driving."
wanted to stay in New York. 98. Karen and Neil would like to try that new dance club downtown.
87. Exercising and eating right can help you live a long and healthy life. It's supposed to have one of the largest dance floors in the world.
88. The refugees risked being captured as they tried to escape through 99. I can't see buying a car when you don't even have a driver's
the mountains. license. That doesn't make any sense!
89. You have to wait forever at the doctor's office. I suggest taking a 100. When do you wish to begin, now or later?

Part 2 (7-12)
1. I can't stand her complaining all the time. (she complaining, she to 34. She neglected to mention all the facts.
complain, her complaining) 35. The food caused her to get sick.
2. Our teacher won't allow us to use dictionaries during the test. 36. We expect to start / her to start soon.
3. We advised him to take a taxi instead of walking to the restaurant. 37. Sam chose to begin / me to begin the meeting.
4. The city doesn't allow parking along curbs painted red. 38. I tried to email the picture, but it didn't work.
5. She prefers my making dinner because she doesn't like to cook. 39. Laurelle reminded me to lock the door.
6. I hope you don't mind my smoking while you eat. 40. I would like to take / the group to take the train.
7. John is never on time to work! I hate his arriving late every day. 41. Debbie urged visiting / them to visit the Eiffel Tower while they were
8. Sarah urged me to vote in the next election. in Paris.
9. He needs to get a visa extension immediately. The authorities won't 42. I remember getting up at 4:30 AM to make it to work on time.
permit him to stay in the country without a visa. 43. The math teacher doesn't allow using / us to use calculators.
10. Travel agents usually advise reconfirming flight bookings three days 44. Sallie wanted us to stay longer, but I was so tired that we had to
before departure. leave.
11. I enjoy not having to get up so early in the morning. Sleeping in is 45. The Japanese teacher encouraged speaking / the students to speak in
great! class.
12. Nancy proposed our having a picnic at the beach. 46. The consultant advised reducing / them to reduce costs.
13. Do you wish to continue, or would you like to stop now? 47. I need you to help me move the table.
14. His car needs washing. It looks like it hasn't been washed in years. 48. The zoo keeper permitted touching / us to touch the snake.
15. Smokers risk getting several smoking related illnesses. 49. Do you mind waiting a few more minutes?
16. The astronomer told us not to look into the sun during the eclipse. 50. The hiking course requires camping / us to camp in the snow.
17. I wish she would just quit complaining all the time. 51. Carrie Ann goes surfing every day.
18. Leslie hired someone to repair her fence. 52. Delores goes hiking in the mountains when she has time.
19. She resisted taking advice from her coworkers. 53. Sam went sightseeing in Paris.
20. Linda regretted not going to her high school reunion. 54. Lisa and Kurt are going to go dancing tonight.
21. They urged the hikers to watch out for bears. 55. Jamie has never gone shopping in that mall.
22. Denise resented not having the opportunity to work and advance her 56. Patrick wanted to go bowling with his friends, but he had to work
career. late.
23. The policeman ordered the driver to stop his car. 57. He likes to go fishing.
24. He threatened to leave forever. 58. Stephanie loves to go sailing.
25. After he finished watching the show, he turned off the TV and went to 59. Mina wants to go camping on the weekend.
bed. 60. Sarah often goes mountain climbing.
26. The banker advised his clients to invest for retirement. 61. Simone was talking about growing up in Tanzania. She has had such
27. Mr. Johnson won't tolerate our being late to class. an interesting life!
28. Do you prefer Ester's helping you or my helping you? 62. I need him to help me lift this heavy box.
29. I go snowboarding every year. I love winter sports. 63. Thank you for coming to the meeting on such short notice.
30. Frederick and I discussed the computer's costing more than we can 64. I suggest visiting Japan when the cherry trees are in bloom.
afford. 65. We hired professional translators to translate the documents into
31. She promised to go / him to go to the doctor as soon as she returned Arabic and Chinese.
home. 66. After work, I always go jogging. I'm a fitness freak!
32. Franne encouraged me to apply for the job. 67. His interest in learning languages is very impressive.
33. She wants to study / her daughter to study more. 68. I don't mind your friend Sally's coming along with us. Why don't you
invite her and her husband? Moon.
69. Roberta is getting tired of doing the same old job day in and day out. I 85. The zoo keeper allowed us to pet the cheetah.
think she is going to quit! 86. I went snorkeling in Hawaii. It was spectacular!
70. Health professionals encourage people to eat less red meat. 87. Carrie reminded me to call Dave and Stacey and invite them over for
71. Agatha invited me to spend the summer at her family's home in Costa dinner.
Rica. 88. The little girl pretended to be sick, so that she didn't have to go to
72. I didn't believe Camille's story about finding a rattlesnake in her bed. school.
73. The terrible weather forced us to change our plans. 89. She took up playing the piano at the age of six.
74. Diane has been scared of swimming in the ocean ever since she saw 90. Constance denied being related to the royal family.
the movie "Jaws." 91. The certification program requires me to take several tests.
75. I don't know how you got my son to eat his broccoli. He hates 92. The certification program requires my taking several tests.
vegetables! 93. I told the others to meet me at the beach after work. Why don't you
76. I went bungee jumping when I was in New Zealand. It was awesome! come along?
77. Sally loves to go window shopping in her free time. She doesn't 94. Robin talked me into participating in the 24-hour dance marathon.
usually buy anything, she just likes to look. 95. He appreciated our helping him prepare for the Halloween party.
78. What do you think about Sarah's and Doug's getting married just one 96. Going skydiving tomorrow will test how brave you are.
week after they met? Isn't that crazy? 97. Don't you need to take a break? You've been working non-stop for
79. I urge you to reconsider your decision. over 8 hours!
80. His reasons for choosing to study Latin were always unclear to me. 98. Our arriving late would be an insult to our dinner hosts.
81. Michael's talent for choosing the right investments made him rich. 99. Beth was excited about meeting the world famous photographer.
82. Katie's talking caused me to make a mistake. 100. How did you manage to get tickets for that concert? It has been sold
83. I'm bored of doing the same old thing every weekend. out for months.
84. Neil Armstrong is famous for being the first man to walk on the

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