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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Paula Hawkins’ The Girl On The Train


Thesis is submitted to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the

Degree of Master of Arts

in English


Madan Malla

Department of English

Butwal Multiple Campus

Butwal, Rupandehi

February, 2019

Faculty of Humanities and social science

Department of English

Butwal Multiple Campus, Butwal

Recommendation Letter

Mr. Madan Malla has completed his thesis entitled "Post-Traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD) in Paula Hawkins’ The Girl On The Train " under my supervision.

He carried out his research work actively. I hereby recommend this thesis to be

submitted for viva voce.


Mr. Narendra Bahadur Chhetri

(Internal Supervisor)

Date: February, 2019


Faculty of Humanities and social science

Department of English

Butwal Multiple Campus, Butwal

Letter of Approval

This thesis entitled "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Paula Hawkins’ The

Girl On The Train " submitted to the Department of English, Butwal Multiple

Campus, Tribhuvan University by Mr. Madan Malla has been approved by the

undersigned members of the research committee.

Members of research committee:

Internal Supervisor

External Supervisor


Department of English

Butwal Multiple Campus


This thesis would not have been possible without the scholarly guidance of my

thesis supervisor Narendra Bahadur Chhetri, lecturer at Department of English,

Butwal Multiple Campus, Butwal, Tribhuvan University. I express my gratitude to

him for his motivation.

Similarly, I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Ram Prasad Ghimire,

Head of English Department, Butwal Multiple Campus for his motivation and

suggestions. I'm obliged to all the faculty members of the Department who have

helped me in different ways to complete my thesis. I am grateful to Central Library of

Tribhuvan University and Library of Butwal Multiple Campus for the valuable

materials for my thesis.

I am equally thankful to my friends who have helped me by providing

necessary materials while preparing my thesis.

Finally, I would be remiss if I do not mention my parents, spouse, brother,

sisters and relatives for their encouragement in my academic pursuit. I want to

remember all my friends who helped me directly or indirectly to complete the present


February, 2019 Madan Malla



Recommendation Letter

Approval Sheet



I. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Paula Hawkins’ The Girl On The

Train 1-32

Works Cited 33

Megan in The Girl on the Train is described to have experienced trauma due

to an accident that killed her brother. The grief of losing him is intensified by the

death of her baby because of her carelessness. Megan’s trauma is analyzed based on

the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The results show that

Megan experiences PTSD symptoms such as insomnia, unbalanced emotion, and

hyper vigilance. Meanwhile, the way Megan deals with her trauma is shown by her

decision to become a babysitter and to overcome her fear of vehicle. On the basis of

this it is proved that Megan is the victim of PTSD in The Girl on the Train.

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